Cooking pea puree. How to make pea puree and how to serve it

22.09.2019 Egg dishes

Most of us remember pea puree from childhood, because there was nothing tastier in the kindergarten or in the school cafeteria. This is a unique dish that is loved by adults and fondly remembered to this day. Dishes from childhood always carry some kind of mystery, and little boys and girls always think that they have some kind of magic, a secret ingredient or an unusual secret that they want to know. How to cook delicious pea puree and what subtleties of cooking this seemingly unpretentious dish, you can learn from this article.

And although pea puree is very tasty, most housewives simply do not get their hands on it. However, mashed peas will not take long if you approach the cooking process correctly. And having studied the proposed recipes and familiarized yourself with the tips, you can please your family and friends with a delicious, nutritious and healthy dish for no reason.

As you know, legumes are widely used by vegetarians, since no other plant-based product contains so much protein. Protein and carbohydrates are essential elements for the full development of the body, which is why this dish is so popular in schools and gardens. Pea puree is a simple and inexpensive dish, as the products for its preparation are cheap, and the cooking process will not be difficult even for a beginner in cooking.

Preparing dishes and products for mashed peas

As mentioned above, before you start cooking the peas, you will need to soak them in water for a certain time, from two to four hours, but it will still be better overnight. The more it settles in the water, the less time it will take to cook. If you don't want to soak it, then prepare yourself to spend a few hours at the stove, adding water and stirring the still raw peas.

It is imperative to add oil to the finished mashed potatoes, you can also vegetable and sunflower, as well as vegetables and meat. Ideally, mashed potatoes from ready-made peas are best done using a blender with a special attachment or a regular crush.

Smoked meats, chops or pork ribs will be combined with such mashed potatoes in a special way. However, if we take into account such an important fact that there is a lot of protein in pea puree, then it can be freely used as an independent dish, for example, with a salad.

Classic version of pea puree

The most common and simple recipe for classic pea puree without additives. If you follow all the tips and recommendations, you can get a tasty and healthy dish. After the peas are boiled, they need to be cooled a little and chopped in a blender.

Required Ingredients:

  • peas - 1 glass;
  • water - 5 glasses;
  • seasonings to taste;
  • vegetable oil or butter, if desired.

Cooking method:

First of all, you need to pour the peas with water and leave to infuse for several hours. Then you need to drain the water and fill it with water again. After that, place the peas in a saucepan, put on fire, wait until the water boils and turn the heat to medium. Peas are cooked under a closed lid within 40 minutes until fully cooked. Depending on the amount of water added to the puree, the end result may be thin or thick. At the end of the procedure, add oil to the dish and can be served to the table.

Baby pea puree

Such mashed potatoes with carrots, aroma and taste of garlic are often served in kindergartens. It is easy to prepare such a delicious dish at home. To do this, you only need to have a blender available. If desired, vegetables can be added during the cooking of peas, then the finished puree will be a beautiful yellow color.


  • peas - 1 glass;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • water - 5 glasses;
  • butter to taste;
  • parsley and salt if desired.

Cooking method:

Before preparing such a dish, pour the peas with 2 glasses of water and leave to infuse for several hours. Then you need to drain the water, pour the peas with 3 glasses of water and put on the stove to cook. When the water boils, you need to salt and cook under a closed lid for about half an hour over medium heat.

After that, you can remove the lid and cool the boiled peas. Then you need to peel the carrots and wash the vegetables, and remove the husks from the garlic. In a blender, combine vegetables and herbs and add a little oil to them. At the end, you will need to add peas to the vegetable mixture and chop everything. The finished dish can be served to children.

Pea and lentil puree

Such a dish is extremely simple to prepare. Plus, it will be very beneficial due to its high fiber content. The peas and lentils in this recipe are soaked overnight.

Required Ingredients:

  • peas - half a glass;
  • lentils - half a cup;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • bacon - 50 grams.

Cooking method:

This puree must be served with fried onions and fried bacon pieces. If you like the taste of smoked meats, add more bacon and onions to the dish directly in the puree. Alternatively, lentil puree can be served with a variety of fresh vegetables.

First you need to soak lentils and peas in water. After the peas swell and increase in size, they must be transferred to a saucepan along with lentils and filled with water. Cook until the peas are tender, then add the grated carrots to the pan. Cook until fully cooked. After that, add the onion and bacon and chop everything in a blender until smooth.

Pea puree with soda

How to make delicious pea puree very quickly and without a blender? The answer is simple - baking soda will help us. In this case, peas do not have to be soaked in water.

Ingredients Used:

  • a glass - 2 peas;
  • water - 3.5 cups;
  • salt if desired;
  • soda - 0.4 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method:

First of all, you need to carefully sort out the peas. Wash it, while you need to change the water until the water becomes crystal clear and transparent. The washed peas must be transferred to a saucepan and covered with cold water. Then pour in vegetable oil and add soda. Put on the stove to cook. When the peas boil, you need to reduce the gas and continue to cook with a slight boil, while constantly removing the foam. You do not need to interfere with it. After the amount of foam has decreased, you can leave it unattended until it swells in a saucepan.

Thus, the peas will gradually absorb water, begin to crumble and eventually turn into mashed potatoes. At this stage of cooking, the mashed potatoes can be stirred several times so that the mass does not burn. As a result, the mixture will become thick and the bubbles will come out to the top. Here you need to turn off the gas and complete the entire cooking process. It is better to cover the pan with a lid and leave to infuse for a while. Mashed potatoes are put on a plate only hot and poured with vegetable oil or served with frying from fat and onions. This pea puree is perfect as a side dish for any dish.

Pea puree with brisket

Most people, especially men, love mashed peas with meat or as it is a very tasty and satisfying dish with a wonderful aroma.


  • peas - 1 glass;
  • water - 5 glasses;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • smoked brisket - 200 grams;
  • meat broth - 4 tablespoons;
  • sunflower oil to taste;
  • onions - 1 piece;
  • seasonings as desired.

Cooking technology:

You need to prepare the peas and pour 2 cups of water over it. Leave to infuse for several hours. Drain the ox and pour 3 cups of water over the peas again and cook on the stove. After the water boils, you need to salt it and reduce the heat to medium, cover the pan with a lid and continue cooking for another 30 minutes. Remove the lid and cool the mixture. Then peel and finely chop the onion, and chop the garlic into small pieces. Fry the garlic and onion until golden brown. Cut the brisket into small cubes. Add the brisket and frying to the puree and mix everything. The dish is ready.

Creamy cheese puree

This recipe also doesn't require pre-soaking the peas. Of course, in this case, the peas will cook for a longer time, within 2.5 hours, but it will turn out to be unusually tasty and aromatic.

Ingredients used:

  • peas - 1 glass;
  • chicken or meat broth;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • processed cheese "Druzhba" - 1 piece;
  • parsley and salt optional.

Cooking method:

You will need to pre-wash the peas and fill it with 3 glasses of water. Bring to a boil, salt and cook for one hour. Then add 2 more cups of water, stir and cover. After 30 minutes, pour the broth into the peas and mix. After another 30 minutes, you need to remove the pan from the heat and mash the contents with a crush or grind with a blender. Then you need to grate the cheese, wash and cut the greens. Add all this with butter to the warm puree, stir and serve.

Hungarian pea puree

This recipe is rooted in Hungarian cuisine and will appeal to many because of its bright vegetable taste. Pea puree with the addition of bell pepper is a hearty and aromatic dish.


  • water - 3 glasses;
  • peas - 1 glass;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • bell pepper - 1 piece;
  • butter;
  • seasonings.

Cooking method:

Soak the peas and let them steep for several hours. Then drain the water and again pour the peas with three stalls of water, put on the stove. After the water has boiled, reduce heat, season with salt and cover the saucepan. Cook for an hour. You need to peel and chop the onion, grate the carrots, and cut the pepper into strips. You need to fry vegetables for 10 minutes. Finally, grind the peas with butter in a blender and add the vegetables.

When preparing puree without additives, you can season it with fried onions in butter - it will be much tastier. Pea puree is best made from crushed peas rather than whole peas.

To make the dish thicker, you need to open the lid and let the excess liquid evaporate. After the peas have been soaked, they must be thoroughly rinsed with running water.

Calorie content: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

Today we will share with you a photo recipe for a delicious pea puree. Pea dishes in our country are not as popular and varied as in Germany, England, Belgium, Holland, etc. If we only cook from peas, then in European countries they make porridge, jelly, cheese, pies, stuffing, puddings and much more from it. But the most popular is a simple uncomplicated dish - pea puree. It is not difficult to prepare, the set of ingredients is minimal, it turns out tasty and satisfying.

Such an unpretentious dish, in addition to its amazing taste, has great benefits for the body. Peas contain exactly as much protein as beef, while plant-based protein is absorbed by the body much faster and easier than animal. Also, the legume is rich in a wide range of vitamins: A, PP, C, E, H, group B and beta-carotene. It contains valuable micro and macro elements such as calcium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, potassium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus. The grains also contain fiber, which allows the product to cleanse the intestines from toxins and toxins accumulated in it. And it reduces the risk of oncological formations and normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood - nicotinic acid, which is also part of the herbal product.
In general, this dish is not only tasty, but also healthy. Therefore, every housewife should be able to cook it so that the health of her and her family is always in good condition.
You can cook, or you can boil it in the traditional way. Our recipe describes the second option.

- peas - 1 glass,
- egg - 1 pc.,
- butter - 50 gr.,
- salt to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Wash the peas, cover with drinking water and leave for 6-8 hours. If possible, change the water 2-3 times so that it does not ferment. This is especially true for the summer period. The steeping process does not affect the cooking speed, it is necessary to eliminate bloating and flatulence after eating a dish. Pour water for soaking 2-2.5 times more than peas, i.e. 2-2.5 cups.

After this time, put the peas in a saucepan and cook on the stove. The liquid, again, should be 2 times more than the beans.

When the peas boil, foam forms on the surface. Remove all of it with a spoon, reduce the temperature, close the pan with a lid and continue cooking for about 1.5-2 hours. The cooking time depends on the variety of peas and their grains. Crushed balls will be ready faster, whole balls will take longer to cook.

Then do the same as with mashed potatoes. Pour the remaining liquid into a glass, and use a blender or pusher to chop the peas until smooth.

Add the egg and butter to the puree. If desired, you can pour in a little milk, cream or sour cream. This is basically a matter of taste, you can put those products that you are used to using for mashed potatoes.

Mix the food well and serve the dish. In addition, this dish can then be used to prepare various dishes: casseroles, pudding, pancakes, fillings, etc.

Many in their Soviet childhood ate such a simple dish as mashed peas in kindergarten or school. Someone liked it, some did not, but the fact that peas contain many useful vitamins and minerals always remains. Pea puree is a very easy to prepare and delicious dish that can be used as a side dish for meat, for example, or simply as a separate dish. For adherents of vegetarianism, this is generally a godsend. If you turn on your imagination, then you can come up with many options for how to diversify the pea puree.

However, not many people know how to cook mashed peas correctly so that the peas cook well and are crumbly, tasty and tender.

Cooking pea puree does not require a great culinary talent and vast cooking experience, the main thing is to know some of the features of this product. First, you need to choose the correct pea variety. For your mashed potatoes, yellow waxy pea halves work well. Since such peas are grown on dry soils, they absorb a large amount of vitamins and nutrients that are necessary for the human body. Brain pea varieties (wrinkled or smooth) can also be used.

How to cook pea puree?

The first rule to follow if you want to cook quickly is to pour water over the peas the day before cooking. It must be soaked in water for at least eight hours. It is better to do it this way: pour the peas in the evening and leave overnight, it will absorb water and it will be easier to boil. It can be easily prepared the next day.

Drain the evening water and pour boiling water so that the water covers the peas in the saucepan two fingers higher. Place on high heat and bring to a boil. When the peas boil, you need to reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for another hour after that. At the very end, before removing, you need to add a pinch of salt to the peas (if you add earlier, the peas will cook longer, since the salt holds them together) to taste and a piece of butter. Some people prefer to add a little milk to the puree, but I never do that (maybe I just don't like milk?), But you can try it in different ways if you like it. Then remove the pan from the heat and leave the peas under the lid at room temperature so that they are steamed and boiled. Then it will practically not need to be pounded. After half an hour, you can rub it through a sieve or crush it until it becomes a homogeneous puree (I always compare it with baby food). If you have a blender, then there are no problems at all: put it in a blender, stir it, here you have ready-made pea puree - tasty and healthy!

Now you know how to make pea puree for a side dish. It goes well with any meat.

But you can make pea puree as a separate dish. To do this, you need a piece of bacon, cut into thin slices and finely chopped onions. Fry all this in a pan until golden brown and add to our puree. It turns out very tasty and satisfying.

There is another way to make pea puree, a more modern one. Nowadays, pressure cookers are very common, they cook dishes very quickly and retain their useful properties. And, if you are the lucky owner of such a magical device, then for you it is not at all a question of how to cook pea puree.

In this case, cooking will take you only 15 minutes and a minimum of effort. But, nevertheless, you need to remember that peas also need to be soaked before cooking so that they are crumbly and tender.

No matter how you cook this dish, which came to us from Soviet times, pea puree remains tasty and healthy for a person at any age.

Many of us are familiar with the taste of pea puree since childhood. After all, it was this dish that was often fed in kindergartens and school canteens. And our men also ate it in the army. And not without reason, because peas are very useful for everyone: for a growing body, and for people with high physical activity.

Pea puree: beneficial properties

Among vegetables, peas -richest source of protein , in its properties and nutritional value is in no way inferior to meat, but unlike meat proteins, peas are much easier for the body to absorb. It contains a lot of ascorbic acid, amino acids, B vitamins, starch, fiber and carotene. Peas in the form of mashed potatoes can even be eaten by people with diseases of the duodenum and stomach ulcers. For athletes pea puree is simply irreplaceable for gaining muscle mass.

Pea fiber removes toxins and excess fluid from the body... In addition, 100 g of peas contains a daily dose of niacin, which is a very important element for the prevention of cancer, asthma and atherosclerosis. Doctors recommend include mashed peas in the daily diet for the treatment of tuberculosis, diabetes, vitiligo and forlowering blood sugar.

How to cook delicious and tender pea puree?

The secret to delicious and crumbly pea puree lies in the pea variety. Chopped yellow waxy peas are ideal. Puree from it is tender and airy.


  1. Peas - 400 g
  2. Butter - 80 g
  3. Milk - 100 ml
  4. Salt, pepper - to taste


  • Peas must be thoroughly rinsed, changing the water several times until it is completely transparent. For the dish to cook faster, the peas must be soaked, preferably for a long time - about eight hours.
  • After the soaking stage, drain the water and pour boiling water over the peas so that the water covers the peas by 2 fingers. It is necessary to put on high heat before boiling, then reduce the heat and cook for an hour.
  • 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, salt the peas and add a piece of butter. You can add a little boiled milk. If you are vegan or eat a healthy diet, add olive oil instead of butter and do not use milk.
  • At the end of cooking, remove the pan from the stove, cover with a lid and leave for half an hour at room temperature to steam the peas even more.
  • After using a crush or blender, turn the cooked peas into a puree.
  • The best dressings for mashed peas are fried onions and carrots or smoked meat products.

Pea puree with smoked ribs

If you want to make an unusual puree, use the following recipe.


  1. Peas - 500 g
  2. Smoked ribs - 500 g
  3. Smoked bacon - 500 g
  4. Sour cream - 200 g
  5. Salt, pepper, lemon juice - to taste
  6. Parmesan, grated - 150 g
  7. Basil - 5-10 branches


  • Soak peas in cold water overnight.
  • Fill the swollen peas with water 5 cm and set to simmer over high heat.
  • Once the peas have boiled, reduce heat and cook until tender, about 1 hour. Do not forget to stir and skim.
  • Separate the smoked ribs from each other and put them in the oven to simmer for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 150 - 180 degrees.
  • Finely chop the smoked bacon and put it in a dry frying pan, fry until a large amount of fat is obtained.
  • Add basil, a little salt and pepper to the sour cream, beat with a blender.
  • We turn the boiled peas into mashed potatoes and add the melted fat from the bacon.
  • Serve with smoked ribs, grated Parmesan and chilled sour cream and basil sauce.

The dish turns out to be hearty, tasty, and healthy,therefore it is perfect for people with an active lifestyle.

How to cook pea puree in a slow cooker?

With the advent of multicooker, our life has become much easier, now you can cook pea puree without much effort, and spend the time that you would have to spend at the stove on something more pleasant.


  1. Peas - 1 tbsp.
  2. Water - 2 tbsp.
  3. Salt to taste
  4. Butter - 40 g


  • Wash peas, put in a slow cooker and pour water in a ratio of 1 to 2.
  • Set the "extinguishing" mode for 2.5 hours.
  • 10 minutes before being ready, add salt and butter.
  • Ready mashed potatoes can be seasoned with onions fried in butter.

Pea puree is a dish that we sometimes undeservedly forget. And completely in vain, because peas are a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients... Feel free to introduce hearty and tasty pea puree into your diet.

Lean pea puree will perfectly satisfy hunger, diversify the menu and fill the body with useful microelements. To enrich the taste, in addition to split peas, potatoes, onions, and carrots are added to the dish. Vegetables are boiled until soft, then mashed with a blender. Season with your favorite spices and decorate with red paprika powder and herbs. It turns out very tasty and colorful.

Features: recipe for lean pea puree

Peas are taken whole or split. In the first case, the time of its stay in cold water increases. It takes 4-6 hours for the seeds to swell. Half an hour is enough for split peas.

An interesting taste is obtained from the lean pea puree soup made from green peas. And mashed soups are made from dry peas.

For a change, a bouquet of your favorite spices is added to the dish:

  • turmeric;
  • paprika;
  • ground black pepper;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • ginger;
  • garlic.

On a note

Peas are boiled for 40 minutes. Then add fried onion half rings and chopped garlic.

In which they put fresh onions or fried onions and carrots after puréing.

Regulate the thickness of the dish with boiled water or broth. If, after working with a blender, the mashed potatoes become too thick, add water or broth to it and cook until boiling. This same trick can be used to tweak the consistency of a tried and tested lean pea puree soup.

Garlic and fresh or frozen herbs add a spicy pungent flavor to the dish.

To make it even more satisfying, you can put potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage in the dish during the cooking process. In the summer, the zucchini will do. A vegetable story comes out for a good fasting lunch. And the technology is simple: put everything in a saucepan and cook for 30-40 minutes under a lid.

Vegetable oil is taken odorless and put it at the end with fried onions or at the beginning with fried carrots. You can simply pour oil into a saucepan while boiling the porridge.

How to Make Delicious Lean Pea Puree - Photo Checked Recipe

The variant with vegetables is very rich in taste. The combination of potatoes, carrots, onions and peas is classic. The dish is prepared for two times: peel, put in a saucepan and fill with water. After half an hour, puree and season with spices. It couldn't be easier. Even an inexperienced hostess can handle it.

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