Signature oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker. Milk oat porridge in a multicooker-pressure cooker

27.06.2020 Egg dishes

Oatmeal recipes

10 minutes

90 kcal

5/5 (1)

One of the perfect breakfast options for the whole family is oatmeal porridge. Hercules is very useful for the body, it perfectly satisfies hunger and well prepares the body for an active working day. Someone prefers oatmeal cooked in milk, while others like porridge on water.

How to cook oatmeal porridge so that it turns out nutritious, aromatic, does not burn and does not require your constant attention during cooking? It's simple, use a multicooker. With just a little effort and time on your part, the whole family will benefit.

Recipe for oatmeal porridge in milk in a slow cooker

Kitchen appliances: multicooker.


How to choose the right ingredients

Everyone knows that oat flakes need to be eaten to be healthy and strong. For your breakfast to be exactly like that, you need to consider the following factors when choosing rolled oats:

Did you know? Hercules envelops the gastric mucosa, gently cleanses the intestines. It is widely used in dietary nutrition.

We will cook porridge in milk. It is perishable, so choose fresh milk. The optimal fat content is 2.5% or 3.2%.

You can season the porridge with butter. The most beneficial is the 82% fat. It will add flavor to the dish and contain mostly animal fats.

Recipe step by step

Hercules porridge on the water in a slow cooker

Season this diet porridge with a teaspoon of olive oil (per serving). Chopped nut mixture will add additional piquancy to the porridge. It is very simple to make: chop and mix walnuts, cashews and almonds.

  • Time for preparing: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 2.
  • Kitchen appliances: multicooker.


Recipe step by step

What is such porridge served with

Sweet rolled oats are seasoned with butter and served with jam, jam or condensed milk. Herculean porridge goes well with fruits and berries. Most often, apples, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries are added to it. Dried fruits complement it perfectly: raisins, prunes, dried apricots.

Porridge is delicious with cookies or fresh baked goods as a snack. For breakfast, you can serve tea, coffee, compote or herbal decoction.

Video recipe for cooking oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker

Watch in a short video how easy it is to cook oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker. Just 7 minutes and a healthy breakfast for the whole family is ready!

  • Do not open the multicooker while cooking rolled oats... This will make the porridge taste more intense.
  • If porridge with milk seems too fat for you, milk can be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio.
  • You can fill porridge with both butter and vegetable oil... Often, rolled oats, boiled in water without added sugar, are seasoned with vegetable oil.
  • Brown cane sugar contains fiber, which makes brown sugar lower than white sugar. Adding brown sugar to rolled oats will have a beneficial effect on the work of the pancreas and will make breakfast not only hearty, but also healthy.
  • If rolled oats cooked in milk is an independent dish, then water-cooked rolled oats can be a side dish option... It can be served with meat and fish dishes, salads, pickles.
  • If you don't have a multicooker, this is no reason to leave your family without a healthy, nutritious breakfast. Learn how to make milk hercules for breakfast or as a side dish.
  • Hercules - the "closest relative" of oatmeal... Oatmeal, which is a less processed grain of oats, is extremely beneficial for digestion, but takes longer to cook than oatmeal. Since oatmeal is less processed, it is a more natural product and can be consumed at least daily! Check out the recipe.
  • An excellent dietary dish is oatmeal on the water. Busy housewives will appreciate the preparation.

Cooking oatmeal porridge in a wonderful slow cooker is very quick and easy. This is an excellent everyday dish, which can be varied by adding fruits, berries, dried fruits, honey, nuts to it. Hercules goes well with main dishes. It can be served as a side dish for meat or fish. In the comments, tell us: does your family prefer salty or sweet oatmeal porridge cooked in a slow cooker?

Herculean porridge is a tasty and healthy dish. If children are constantly fed with cereals, then with age, many forget about the benefits of oatmeal, and in vain. Our grandmothers also cooked porridge with milk in cast iron in a Russian stove. Today, modern appliances make life much easier for housewives. Russian porridge in a slow cooker turns out fragrant, it cooks quickly and is ideal for breakfast. If you add berries, dried fruits, chocolate, syrup to the porridge - it will become your children's favorite delicacy!

Herculean porridge in a slow cooker

To cook delicious porridge in a slow cooker, you should use a few helpful tips:

  • Despite the fact that few people wash the rolled oats before cooking, it is better to rinse the flakes. Hercules will become cleaner and the porridge will taste better. In kindergartens, oat flakes are always washed before cooking.
  • Salt and sugar any porridge is advised ready-made. This approach allows you to save more nutrients in the porridge.

Hercules porridge in a slow cooker Raymond

To prepare classic porridge you will need:

  • Oatmeal - 1 glass;
  • Whole milk - 2 glasses;
  • Butter - 45 gr.;
  • Salt, sugar to taste.

This amount of food will be enough for 2 servings of oatmeal porridge.


  • Place the rolled oats into the container of the Raymond multicooker, pour the cereal with milk. When preparing porridge, you can use one glass of water and one glass of milk.
  • Close the multicooker and set the "Milk porridge" mode.
  • In half an hour, the aromatic oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker will be ready.
  • After cooking, salt the porridge, add sugar and butter.
  • For the correct preparation of other types of porridge in a multicooker, the proportions between liquid and cereal must be observed. When cooking rice porridge, you need to take one glass of cereal and two glasses of milk. And when cooking buckwheat, pearl barley, millet porridge, you need to take one glass of cereal and three glasses of liquid, since the porridge is very soft.

    Milk porridge in a multicooker for children

    If your child doesn't like porridge, try introducing him to the cooking process. And when the porridge is ready, pour it with sweet syrup. You can draw a funny figure or muzzle with syrup.


    • Cream 10% fat - 0.5 glass;
    • Milk - 0.5 glass;
    • Oatmeal - 0.5 cups;
    • Butter - 10 gr.;
    • Salt to taste;
    • Jam or jam - 1 tablespoon;
    • Chocolate - 20 gr.

    This porridge is suitable for those with a sweet tooth.


  • Pour cereal into a multicooker, pour milk and cream;
  • Close the lid and leave to cook in the "Milk porridge" mode for 25 minutes;
  • When the porridge is ready, add a little salt, add butter, stir
  • Top with jam berries and sprinkle with chocolate.
  • Lean oatmeal porridge recipe in a slow cooker

    In a slow cooker, you can cook lean oatmeal porridge with dried fruits.


    • Oatmeal - 1 glass;
    • Water - 2 glasses;
    • Salt, sugar to taste;
    • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
    • Raisins, dried apricots - 20 gr.;
    • Apple - 1 piece;
    • Banana - 1 pc.


  • Pour flakes into a multicooker, fill with water.
  • Cook in the "Porridge" mode for 20 minutes.
  • Salt the finished rolled oats, add the first cold-pressed vegetable oil. It is the safest and most useful.
  • While the porridge is cooking, wash and steam the dried fruit, wash and cut the fruit.
  • Add dried fruits and fruits to the prepared porridge.
  • Lean oatmeal porridge is not only a healthy, but also a hearty dish that is recommended for breakfast. This porridge is suitable for a healthy and dietary diet. If you're on a diet, just make your portions a little smaller. Honey porridge will give additional benefits. But do not put honey in hot porridge, otherwise boiling water will kill all the beneficial properties of honey.

    Doctors advise against eating rolled oats every day. For health, it is enough to eat porridge from rolled oats 3-4 days a week.

    Why is oatmeal porridge useful?

    • B vitamins strengthen the heart;
    • Calms the nerves;
    • Cleans the blood;
    • Hercules porridge without additives on the water is suitable for fasting days;
    • Improves skin condition;
    • Normalizes the liver and pancreas;
    • Improves the absorption of fatty and carbohydrate foods;
    • Infusion of oats helps with insomnia, calms the nerves;
    • Strengthens the body;
    • Suitable for diabetics.

    Herculean porridge recipe for fasting day

    In a multicooker, it is easy to cook porridge for a fasting day. Pour a glass of rolled oats into the multicooker bowl and pour 2.5 glasses of water. Porridge for fasting day and diet should be liquid. Cook in the "Porridge" mode - 25 minutes.

    Good appetite!

    2015-11-06T03: 20: 04 + 00: 00 adminmulti-cook

    Herculean porridge is a tasty and healthy dish. If children are constantly fed with porridge, then with age, many forget about the benefits of oatmeal, and in vain. Our grandmothers also cooked porridge with milk in cast iron in a Russian stove. Today, modern appliances make life much easier for housewives. Russian porridge in a slow cooker turns out fragrant, it is cooked ...

    [email protected] Administrator Feast-Online

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    In kindergartens, oatmeal is included in the compulsory menu for kids. And rightly so! After all, it is difficult to find a more tasty and healthy cereal. When properly cooked, it gets the viscous consistency it needs to feed a baby. The number of "utilities" in it is simply off scale! There are B vitamins, calcium and phosphorus, which are useful for bones, and potassium and magnesium necessary for the heart. In general, all the best is for children!

    The subtleties of choice and preparation

    And not only for children. Nutritionists confidently include oatmeal in a healthy diet for losing weight. Coarse fiber in its composition perfectly cleanses the intestines, and long carbohydrates keep you feeling full for up to 4 hours. There is no hunger, there is no desire to suddenly eat a cookie. Convenient for maintaining a healthy weight.

    Herculean porridge is a type of oatmeal, the coarsest grind. This suggests that it has undergone minimal processing and retained a maximum of useful substances. When cooking in a saucepan, this is reflected in the cooking time (up to 20 minutes). But herculean milk porridge cooks much faster in a slow cooker! And it turns out amazingly tasty.

    • Use classic hercules... Choose clear plastic packaging that allows you to see the cereal well. Light, no dark inclusions, large size - suits you. In polyethylene, the flakes are protected from moisture during storage, therefore they retain useful properties for a year. And they do not go rancid, which happens when stored improperly in cardboard boxes.
    • Observe proportions... During the cooking period, the liquid evaporates in a saucepan, therefore, to obtain a more viscous consistency of porridge, it is recommended to take 3 glasses of liquid per glass of flakes. This does not happen in a multicooker, so the proportion is clear - 2: 1. Pour in more liquid, the porridge will turn out to be too liquid.
    • Use boiled or pasteurized milk and filtered water... Herculean milk porridge in a multicooker is prepared in the "Milk porridge" mode or simply "Porridge". They do not provide for boiling, heating at 90 °. If you are not sure about the quality of milk or water, prepare them first, and then pour them into a saucepan. By the way, you can boil them here by turning on the "Rice / Pilaf" or "Fast heating" mode. Their heating temperature is more than 100 °.
    • Do not open the lid during cooking... This rule applies to all dishes in the multicooker. By violating the temperature regime, you increase the period for bringing them to readiness.
    • Grease a saucepan with oil... Oatmeal actively foams and splashes. To prevent her from "running away", you can smear the middle of the saucepan with a piece of butter.
    • Cooking time depends on the type of your multicooker.... On average, it is 20 minutes, but it can vary from model to model. So in the models Redmont, Panasonic, Phillips the cooking period is 15 minutes in the "Porridge" mode. Multicooker Polaris, Mulinex will cook rolled oats in 10 minutes in the "Multipovar" mode.

    It is convenient to cook porridge in a multicooker made of rolled oats in the delayed start mode. Add all the ingredients in the evening, set the hour for which the porridge should be ready. In the morning you do not have to waste time on this, and for breakfast you can offer your family a tender and nutritious dish.

    A simple and quick recipe

    We offer you the simplest recipe for cooking rolled oats in a multicooker. Set the time according to the device model. In order not to be mistaken, you can use the standard "Porridge" mode. But, as a rule, the duration of the program is 50-65 minutes. It takes a very long time, the dish is cooked 2 times faster.

    You will need:

    • rolled oats - 1 glass;
    • water and milk - 1 glass each;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
    • salt - a pinch.


    1. Pour milk and water into a bowl.
    2. Pour in cereal, add sugar and salt.
    3. Stir the ingredients.
    4. Turn on the "Milk Porridge" or "Porridge" mode. Cook for 15-20 minutes.
    5. Place butter on serving bowls.

    If you are not in a hurry, try making the most delicate monastic oatmeal. To do this, use 1 multi-glass of cereal and 4 multi-glasses of milk (or milk with water). Mix with sugar, salt, cinnamon, butter. And leave to cook in porridge mode for the entire period. The flakes will literally dissolve in milk, turning into a delicate creamy mass.

    Original recipes step by step

    It would seem, how can you change the recipe for oatmeal porridge in a pressure cooker? But a little imagination, and on your table there is an even more delicious dish! For example, ideal for a diet breakfast. Or fantastically useful for beloved children. Especially if this dish is prepared with pumpkin.

    Diet, with nuts

    Almonds, cashews, walnuts can be used to saturate the dish with tastes and decoration. They are rich in healthy fats that the body needs during the diet. And we will cook porridge in water, so it will turn out to be less high-calorie.

    You will need:

    • rolled oats - 1 glass;
    • water - 2 glasses;
    • sugar - ½ tbsp. spoons;
    • salt;
    • nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews) - 50 g.


    1. Pour water into a bowl.
    2. Pour in sugar, salt, cereals.
    3. Turn on the "Porridge" mode.
    4. Turn off after 20 minutes. Do not open for 5 minutes.
    5. Put in plates, sprinkle with nuts.

    In the diet, porridge is not flavored with butter, but you can use lean, vegetable. Pour a teaspoon into a bowl, stir. This will make the meal tastier and saturate your diet with valuable fatty acids.

    Children's, with honey

    We try to use only healthy foods in the diet of babies. There is no benefit from sugar, but a lot of honey! We offer to cook porridge from the most useful ingredients (as in the photo).

    You will need:

    • rolled oats - 1 glass;
    • milk - 2 glasses;
    • honey - 3 tsp;
    • salt - a whisper;
    • raisins and dried apricots - 50 g each


    1. Soak raisins and dried apricots in a bowl of hot water.
    2. Pour milk into a multicooker pan, mix with cereal and salt.
    3. Cook in the "Porridge" mode for 20 minutes.
    4. Drain the dried fruit and pat dry with a paper towel.
    5. Open the lid, add dried fruits to the rolled oats, mix, cook for another 5 minutes.
    6. Turn off the multicooker, put the porridge on the plates.
    7. Add a teaspoon of honey to each bowl.

    Instead of honey, any homemade jam is also suitable. Children love rolled oats with strawberry jam, apple and peach jam.

    Do not add honey to the bowl during the boiling period, as its beneficial substances are destroyed in hot water. The normal temperature for this product is no more than 40 °. To saturate the dish with both taste and benefit, cool the porridge slightly by spreading it on plates. Then pour the precious and sweet ingredient over it.

    This is how simple oatmeal porridge is prepared in a slow cooker: the recipe for each dish, of course, can be adjusted by adding fresh fruits and berries to it. In winter, you can use frozen, as well as candied fruits (pieces of dates, pineapples).

    Herculean porridge is well known to everyone who looks after their figure and nutrition. It is one of the most healthy and hearty breakfasts, it allows you to get the maximum amount of vitamins and a boost of vivacity for the whole day. For fans of this tasty and balanced dish, the multicooker will make it as easy as possible and save time spent in the kitchen.

    Hercules porridge in a multicooker is most often cooked in milk, adding a little salt and sugar. You can also diversify the dish with fresh or dried fruits, berries, etc. To lubricate the multicooker, use butter or vegetable oil, the cooking temperature is set automatically. The operating mode is selected depending on the model. It can be "Stew", "Porridge", "Milk porridge", "Krupa", etc.

    Herculean porridge on water in a slow cooker turns out to be as crumbly and healthy as in milk. Moreover, its calorie content allows you to use the dish for a diet or fasting day and offer it to children from a very early age. For babies, they often make liquid porridge by adding more water. The amount of salt and sugar can also be adjusted to your liking.

    Ready oatmeal porridge is served with butter, honey, jam, chocolate or yogurt. If you make the porridge savory, you can use it as a side dish for meat dishes.

    The multicooker is ideal for preparing oatmeal. They turn out to be very soft and tasty, perfect for a hearty family breakfast. If you want to get just a liquid porridge, you will have to periodically look into the multicooker and, if necessary, add some milk, since the flakes absorb a lot of liquid.


    • 1 glass of rolled oats;
    • 4 glasses of milk;
    • 3 tsp Sahara;
    • 1 tbsp. l. butter;
    • ¼ h. L. salt.

    Cooking method:

    1. Lubricate the sides and bottom of the multicooker with a little butter or vegetable oil.
    2. Pour a glass of cereal and pour milk over them.
    3. Set the "Milk porridge" mode and cook the dish for 25 minutes under the closed lid.
    4. Add salt and sugar to the finished porridge to taste, season with butter.

    Interesting from the network

    Delayed start is a very handy multicooker function, especially for those who live on a strict schedule. It is enough to program your kitchen assistant, and she will prepare a delicious porridge exactly at the time that you appoint. In this case, you need to set the time when you want to get the finished dish, and not when it needs to start cooking.


    • 1 ½ cups rolled oats;
    • 3 ½ cups of water;
    • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • 1 pinch of salt;
    • Butter.

    Cooking method:

    1. Lightly grease the multicooker bowl with butter.
    2. Load all ingredients listed except oil.
    3. Mix everything well, set the "Porridge" mode.
    4. On the timer, set a cooking time of 1 hour.
    5. Define the "Delayed start" function for the required time, close the lid.
    6. When the porridge is ready, add a piece of butter to it and mix well again.

    Now you know how to cook oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker according to a recipe with a photo. Enjoy your meal!

    Cooking oatmeal porridge in a multicooker is much easier than on the stove. She will not run away, will not stick together and will not burn. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to control the cooking process; you can even use a delayed start so that the multicooker will prepare breakfast by itself at a certain time. A few secrets will help beginners on how to cook oatmeal porridge in multicooker Philips, Redmond, Polaris, Panasonic, etc.:
    • The ideal mode for cooking oatmeal porridge is "Milk Porridge". If it is absent in your model, use the "Cooking" or "Stewing" mode;
    • Hercules porridge in a multicooker can be made in the "Steam" mode. To do this, you need to install heat-resistant dishes with cereals in the multicooker bowl and pour water to the bottom line;
    • During cooking, the rolled oats may try to "escape" and the porridge will burn to the lid and walls. To prevent this from happening, before boiling the flakes, grease the entire saucepan with butter;
    • For crumbly porridge, you need to take 2-2.5 times more liquid than flakes. For a thin porridge, you will have to add about 2 more glasses of water or milk.

    Cooking herculean porridge in a slow cooker is as easy as all other cereals. This simple, tasty and very healthy dish is a wonderful breakfast. Hercules porridge can be cooked in milk. If the milk is very fatty homemade, and the porridge is prepared for children, then it is advisable to dilute the milk with water. The main thing is to keep the proportions. For 1 glass of rolled oats, there should be 2 glasses of liquid. If you want to get the porridge more liquid than in the photo, then you can slightly increase the amount of liquid.

    Prepare the food you need.

    Pour oatmeal into the multicooker bowl and cover them with milk and water.

    Add sugar. The amount of sugar depends on what you will serve the porridge with, and also depends on your taste.

    Set the "Porridge" mode on the multicooker and cook the porridge with the lid closed.

    Since cooking in this mode is at a temperature of 90 ° C, I use already boiled or pasteurized milk and boiled water. If your milk and water are not boiled, then you can first boil the water and milk, and then add the oatmeal. In order to boil milk and water, you need to pour milk and water into the multicooker bowl and turn on any mode in the multicooker at which the cooking temperature is more than 100 ° C. For example, it can be the "Rice / Pilaf" mode, which maintains a temperature of 105 ° C. When the milk and water boil, add the oatmeal. Continue cooking in the Porridge setting.

    By default, the "Porridge" mode in a slow cooker prepares porridge for 1 hour. If you have a multicooker time adjustment, you can reduce the time to 30-40 minutes. This is enough to get a delicious oatmeal porridge.

    Serve the porridge with honey, berries, raisins, or dried fruit.