New trendy salads. For cod liver salad

06.08.2019 Egg dishes

We offer you the simplest and most delicious salads for the New Year 2017 (recipes with photo video)! The modern rhythm for many families simply does not give time to communicate with loved ones, especially if they live in other cities or even countries. People call each other, try to keep in touch, but rarely see each other. Therefore, when there are several holidays for the New Year, they spend that time with their family. They meet guests or go somewhere themselves.

New Year's Eve is a heap of pleasant troubles, these are important holiday questions: what to serve, where to meet, who will come? What salads for the New Year 2017 are simple and delicious you can cook? Why simple? It hardly makes sense to mess around with snacks for a long time, it is better to do several so that everyone can choose the options they like than to focus on one.

Rooster is waiting for us!

However, in 2017 the Rooster will reign, to please which is extremely important if you want protection from the symbol in future affairs.

Fortunately, a proud and beautiful bird is surprisingly unpretentious in food, although it still has its own rules and it is worth familiarizing yourself with them. The part deals specifically with the festive table. On January 1, the Rooster will see you for the first time, visit the house, get acquainted with the household. Better to please him with attention to detail.

Each guest is pleased that the host remembers his preferences:

  • First, no bird. Forget stuffed chicken, grilled chicken or aromatic chicken legs! Let the New Year's table be fish or meat, but not bird's in terms of a hot dish. Fortunately, there are hundreds of delicious fish or meat recipes. True, there are exceptions for salads - finely chopped chicken or eggs are permissible, the main thing is that they are not so visible. Forget stuffed eggs, no matter how delicious the salad may seem.
  • The second rule will delight many housewives, who else chooses which salads for the New Year 2017, recipes with photos, beautiful and tasty can be made. The rooster loves simplicity and elegance. Don't choose complex recipes with a multi-step process. And this applies to the entire menu. This is good news, because many housewives cannot boast of a rich culinary experience, they are looking for recipes available to everyone with a step-by-step explanation of how and what to do.
  • Third - do not limit yourself to vegetable snacks, feel free to use grains: rice, buckwheat and of course beans. A rooster is a bird and any bird will be pleased to see tasty and healthy food for itself. Let there be more bright colors on the table, be smart, expand the boundaries, try new things. Even venerable chefs from different culinary shows never tire of repeating this. They constantly come up with new recipes and believe that this is within the power of any housewife.

These are the rules to arm yourself for planning serving, decoration and, of course, the menu itself. After all, the table in any home event takes the central place, so they celebrate here. Perhaps someday European buffets will be popular, when guests are often offered juices with a plate of snacks, but here they are used to eating a lot, thoroughly and tasty! Especially when celebrating the New Year. What to say about the East, where hospitality - a rich table has long been synonymous.

What simple and delicious salads can you choose for the New Year 2017 according to recipes with photos?

You can also cook:

Are the savings possible?

When thinking about a rich and varied table, of course you need to remember about finances. After all, prices are constantly growing and some products can be unpleasantly surprising, especially on New Year's Eve, when everyone sweeps away the counters.

First, write down in a column all the planned meals with drinks, everything you need for the table. These are napkins and candles. The following is a complete list of foods for all meals. And for hot, and for salads and appetizers, dessert. Often, one product is needed in several places at once, so calculate the amount needed. For example, mayonnaise will go into two salads, one appetizer, you will need it separately for the table, you need beets only in one, and so on.

This will be a great hint so as not to get confused in a supermarket packed with people. Of course, the counters are bursting with various delicacies, but buy strictly according to the compiled list so far, then avoid unnecessary expenses. After all, these are the main products required for the menu. The rest, if necessary, take already separately in the nearest store.

Make your list better in advance and keep it as soon as possible so that you can enter or cross out items.

Choosing salads for the New Year 2017 (recipes with photos) are simple and tasty, look at the ingredients that can be purchased in advance. Different cans of pickled cucumbers, a bag of flour that will not deteriorate after standing for at least a week. But you will have time before the prices soar and you will be less running around the packed supermarket. So you will kill several birds with one stone. This is especially true for drinks for a festive table.

Any neat housewife wants to see off the year in clean housing. However, when planning a general cleaning, do not leave it for the last of the December weeks, when there are a lot of things to do. Better to start from December in general, cleaning up a little every day. Then by the holidays you will not be tired of fatigue.

Vegetables necessary for appetizers with salads, it is better to boil meat in advance. For example, the day before. After a few hours in the refrigerator, nothing will happen to them. Some housewives still cut a number of ingredients for salads, but when mixing, they do not add mayonnaise to leave the freshness of the dish intact. Also a good way will not save money, but time.

New Year's Mushroom Salad

Mushroom salads for the New Year 2017 (see the recipe with a photo below) are simple and tasty, and the fact that mushrooms are loved by 80% of the population is indisputable. They love everywhere: hot, cold. They like fried or boiled. Moreover, the type of mushrooms is basically unimportant. Therefore, choosing one of the mushroom salads, you will definitely not go wrong. Of course, winter is not the season for mushrooms, take pickled champignons or find oyster mushrooms.

What you need:

  • mushrooms (what you find - oyster mushrooms or champignons, porcini mushrooms) - 300g (jar);
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • oil, fry on it;
  • homemade crackers, dry white bread, they will also be required in the broth, if the first dish on the menu is planned - 150g;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • lettuce leaf.

For dressing, sour cream of medium fat is tastier, do not forget the spices.


  1. Finely chop the onion and fry until it turns golden.
  2. Remove the mushrooms, wash and cut into small pieces too. Raw mushrooms will also go for salad, because they will need to be fried along with ready-made onions.
  3. Peel and chop the carrots, only through a grater. Fry separately.
  4. If there are no ready-made croutons, take a couple of slices of white bread and chop into cubes for croutons. It will dry faster through the oven.
  5. The cucumbers also need to be chopped into cubes, then added to the fried ingredients (only drain the oil). Add sour cream in the same place, mix everything well with spices. Crackers with carrots are added last, already in the finished dish. This will prevent the crackers from getting wet, and the carrots will add color. You need a leaf of lettuce to put it on a dish under the salad itself.

Apple salad for New Year 2017

Apples are extremely healthy and delicious and can be used in different dishes, like many fruits. Homemade juice is made from apples, fruit drinks and jam are made. Apples are also added to cakes, pies and pies, and jam is made from apples. Of course, they are often added to various desserts, but so are salads. Fortunately, apples are available in the market all year round. If not in season for one variety, there are always others.

Salads for the New Year 2017, simple and tasty, have a dozen recipes with photos with apples, far from always these are sweet salads for dessert. However, when choosing fruits, see that the fruits have wounds or worms, specks. This speaks to the real taste of the apple. That it really grew first on a tree, then fell, and was not artificially bred using various chemicals. Such apples can be beautiful, large and bright, perfect in appearance. However, they taste "wooden", simply tasteless, well, few people want to eat chemicals.

You will need:

  • 3 pickles;
  • 2 apples;
  • 1 lemon.
  • For refueling:
  • 2 cloves of garlic, already peeled;
  • mayonnaise;
  • greens already chopped finely (any).


Apples and cucumbers need to be cut, only in the form of oblong pieces. Sprinkle them with squeezed lemon juice, then season with chopped garlic sauce with mayonnaise and herbs. All. A quick, bright and tasty salad. Mayonnaise can be easily replaced with sour cream. The sweetness of the apples will be interesting to harmonize with the salty accent of the cucumbers against the background of garlic.

Royal salad

Why not have a feast at the level of the castles of kings? When choosing a salad for the New Year 2017, do not forget meat, like Royal.

What you need:

  • a piece of already boiled beef - 200g;
  • bay leaf, roots - they are sold from different plants in the greenery department;
  • 2 beets;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • 1 onion;
  • vinegar with vegetable oil;
  • greenery (decoration);
  • mayonnaise (dressing).


  1. If the beef is still raw, boil it in regular salted water for 1.5 hours. You can add bay leaf roots to the meat to give it new flavors.
  2. Boil the beets until they have the softness of a cooked vegetable. Brew for at least an hour.
  3. Cook the potatoes separately, knowing how actively the beets are dyed, it will take about 20 minutes until they also acquire softness. Check vegetables with the tip of a knife or fork.
  4. To fight off the pungent odor, soak the onion in a prepared oil and vinegar mixture, then chop it. Choose a dish to serve your salad. If you need to put in several places, it is better to put it in several selected dishes at once. The salad is put in layers and should not be mixed.

First comes the onion, then the pieces of beef. Then a layer of mayonnaise (don't forget the spices). The third is grated potatoes. A layer of mayonnaise. Next beets, also grated. Press down so it doesn't come out too high, especially if the sides of the dish don't allow it. Otherwise the salad will fall apart. After the beets, again mayonnaise. The top layer is greens chopped for decoration or the remains of potatoes, also chopped with a grater. Ready meals should stand in the cold for a couple of hours.

Salad for the New Year 2017 "Amazing"

Ingredients for New Year's salad:

  • carrot;
  • hard cheese;
  • corn;
  • a piece of smoked sausage - per dish;
  • mayonnaise;
  • greens.


  1. Chop large carrots precisely through a Korean grater. It makes the pieces as long and thin as required.
  2. Next, you need to grind the semi-smoked sausage with similar strips. If the piece is rather hard, pass it through a grater too.
  3. On the contrary, the Dutch cheese is cut into cubes.
  4. Open a jar of corn and mix the contents with the ingredients you have already chopped. Then add mayonnaise to taste. Spices are not required, salt is already in the sausage itself, and in mayonnaise. But the taste will be softer.

Really amazing, simple and delicious New Year's salad, although extremely easy to prepare! Requires a flat dish to lay out.

"Lamur tuzhur"

What you need:

  • Bell pepper - preferably red. Winter is certainly not the season, but many housewives store chopped peppers in the freezer. So the product retains all its properties for a long time and is always ready for use.
  • Tomatoes - 2.
  • Packing of sticks (usually there are 8-10 pieces, just for salad).
  • A small jar of corn - better to use one so that you can use everything in the salad if the corn no longer needs to be added elsewhere.
  • Dutch cheese - grind through a coarse grater 200g.
  • sauce (from mayonnaise and sour cream, so you reduce the calorie content of the salad).
  • Chopped garlic, pepper.


  1. Cut the pepper, and with it the tomatoes, into medium strips.
  2. Chop the sticks too, grate the cheese and mix all the ingredients.
  3. Add the sauce.
  4. See the parsley with spices to taste. For laying out, you need a flat dish.

Despite the abundance of ingredients, choosing salads for the New Year 2017 according to recipes with photos, simple and tasty, be sure to consider it. In preparation, "Tujur" is simple, bright in color and will surely please the guests.

Salad "Sea"

Why not try some seafood? They are healthy, tasty and perfectly diversify the menu. Instead of squid, you can use boiled oysters or replace with something else that you can get hold of.

What you need:

Cooking procedure:

  1. You need to boil squid correctly: throw the pieces into already boiling water and keep for about 5 minutes. Then cool, then chop into cubes.
  2. Chop the green onions finely.
  3. Eggs in medium cubes.
  4. Take a glass salad bowl and mix everything there, seasoning with mayonnaise and spices.
  5. You can decorate with tomatoes, roses or an exquisite spoon of red caviar.
  6. The salad is delicious, looks great and tastes more than enough!

"Instant" salad

The name is quite consistent - it is prepared quickly, the initial preparation takes time (cooking the necessary ingredients, infusion), therefore it is recommended to keep all vegetables for cooking separately and boil in advance. Many do it the evening before, December 30th. After all, day 31 will be devoted to cooking and cleaning. Fortunately, it falls on Saturday.

After purchasing for salads for the New Year 2017 according to recipes with photos, immediately put the necessary ingredients to cook such things as potatoes, beets, meat. They cook for a long time, at the same time save time. After all, the lion's share is occupied by the process of waiting while the ingredients are being cooked.

What you need:

  • Red Beans - Better get canned, 1 can.
  • The jar of chopped champignons is small.
  • A tomato, one but large.
  • Corn is a small can.
  • A pack of croutons - but spicy.
  • Mayonnaise.

Procedure - take a dish for cooking, chop a tomato, just collect the rest there, shaking it out of the jars. Add mayonnaise. Spices are most likely not required; many salad ingredients contain salt. It remains only to mix and choose a dish for display.

All. Delicious salad that does not require a lot of preparatory work.

These are the simplest and most delicious salad recipes for the New Year 2017!


New Year is rushing towards us, as they say, already at full steam. And now is the time to pick up delicious salads for the New Year 2017. Recipes with photos, new, interesting and easy to prepare. I will tell you how best to select them in the menu, so that cooking does not take a lot of time, and for the money the table turned out to be budgetary, and New Year's salads 2017 looked spectacular.

I advise you to draw up the menu now, until the pre-holiday week with New Year's bustle, the purchase of gifts, the painful choice of outfits, the obligatory general cleaning with scraping and ripping out of the apartment from floor to ceiling, does not start. By December 31, the obstacle course reaches its climax and, it would seem, it would be logical to want only one thing - to hide somewhere behind the plinth or curl up under the New Year tree, where to spend calmly in a sweet slumber New Year 2017. But no matter how it is ! Straightening its fragile shoulders, the country proudly marches into the kitchen to indulge in the most important pre-New Year's activity - the construction of salads. And in that matter, the main thing is not at all strong hands, ready for five hours in a row to plan, grind, chop, cut into cubes, circles, rings or thin straws, but a light head not clouded by doubts. All meal choices of delicious salads for the new year 2016 must be completed by December 31st! Without fail! The menu with New Year's salads must be fully prepared, the products must be purchased. Impromptu runs into the supermarket a couple of hours before the chimes are an activity for real extreme lovers. Not only will you hardly buy anything from the list (there was a case when all the eggs were sold out by 10 pm on December 31st in a large chain supermarket!), But you will still stand in line for 40 minutes at the checkout in the company of fellow minds ... This I tell you a local historian. For several years in a row, she practiced a similar method of preparing for the New Year's feast. Although, in fairness, I will clarify that I usually ran out for something insignificant, such as bread, which for some reason was not found in the house, where all the New Year's salads had long been sliced \u200b\u200band were waiting in the wings in the refrigerator in all the splendor of the festive decoration.

Now is the time to move on to the practical part. Let's see what we have with you on the menu. I believe that there should be no more than four basins of salads on the table, one from each category

Revised chicken salad with pineapple

I doubt you have ever tasted a salad like this. Improvisation on the theme of the already familiar festive combination of chicken and pineapple with the addition of fresh celery, raisins in an unusual light dressing - mayonnaise is mixed with pineapple syrup and mustard. ...

Portioned salad for the New Year from chicken "teriyaki" with pineapple and baked pepper

Salad with bacon, blue cheese and fried pears

A dizzying combination of ingredients, a sweet and sour spicy filling - a delicacy salad, one of the products readily available to everyone (including blue cheese, which I now see on most grocery counters). And most importantly, the taste is balanced. This is not surprising, because the recipe was created by a good chef. I shot it in detail, step by step. So you can cook it without any preliminary preparation, the first time. Bacon can be substituted with thinly sliced \u200b\u200bbrisket.

Nicoise salad

If you are trying to keep up (or rather, run) in step with modern culinary trends, you will not be surprised by nicoise. But if you want to legitimately amaze your guests, prepare this simple fish salad. Traditionally it is made with tuna, but the grilled red fish option is even tastier. Look, you will see that everything is easy. And the taste is very unusual.

New Year's salads from inexpensive products

The cheapness and fury of the festive menu - for many, alas, such a requirement for the New Year's feast has become the main one. But cheap doesn't mean bad at all. Or tasteless. We present you with several recipes to choose from.

Budget New Year's Saury Salad with Egg and Rice

New Year's dish, as they say, "for three kopecks." And speaking less figuratively, then a can of saury - 47 rubles and a handful of rice, three eggs, two tablespoons of mayonnaise and onions. A little cheese for decoration and half a cucumber for freshness - it makes a great New Year's salad. It is also very tasty. Details -.

Tuna and Cucumber Salad in New Year's Eve

Such a salad can be safely served in portions - make a bunch of cucumber cups and in each - a spoonful of salad, which tastes like Olivier, only the expensive meat is replaced with canned tuna (80 rubles a can). In such a festive serving, there will be enough salad to treat residents of a couple of floors of a student dormitory. ...

Red Sea salad

Another wonderfully cheap salad that you probably haven't tried before. The recipe is relatively, is a combination of crab sticks with tomatoes, eggs and cheese.

New Year's salads in a spectacular presentation

Bunch of grapes

One of the easiest New Year's salads to make. It is not flaky. Everything is mixed in a salad bowl, laid out with a slide on a dish and closed on top with a thick layer of wine radin halves. In addition to grapes and chicken, the salad contains pistachios and fresh salad leaves. Recipe.

Crab rafeallo

Another well-known salad of crab sticks with cheese and mayonnaise. You will not surprise anyone with this, unless you roll it into balls and roll it in finely grated surimi. It turns out to be an excellent decoration for the New Year's table! ...

Puff chicken salad with walnuts

Puff salads are good because there is no need to decorate them in any special way. They look like snack cakes due to the fact that their sides are already such a picturesque picture that it remains only to decorate the top with grated yolk, as we used to do when we serve the traditional "Mimosa" or "Fur coat" with herring, only in That salad, in addition to its impressive appearance, also amazes the contents - inside there are crispy walnuts, completely not soaked from the sauce. How to make such a salad? But simply, there are tricks that you can reproduce by going to.

"Christmas tree" salad

For those who like to tinker with the organization of a beautiful serving of salads, the decor is very easy to prepare - I took it all off. And how to cut and how to "dress up". Everybody's favorite layered salad with chicken, mushrooms, prunes and fresh cucumber was hidden under the vegetable outfit. A combination that everyone usually likes very much. Prunes are not at all perceived as a dried fruit in this salad, but rather as something sweet and sour and smoked. It is usually rare who can guess what exactly is included in the salad.

Cornucopia New Year's salad

The most common, without exception, the familiar salad of crab sticks with corn and fresh cucumber is perceived completely differently in puff pastry tubes, which are quite easy to bake. And just fill them with salad (instead of the usual cream). ...

Light New Year's salads without mayonnaise

Shrimp cocktail salad without mayonnaise

A simple shrimp salad with cucumber and egg in an exquisite and spicy sauce without mayonnaise. Delicious sauce, impossible to come off. You absolutely have never tried this before. Read the continuation.

Greek salad

The salad is quite simple to prepare, if you know how to properly prepare the sauce for it - in fact, thanks to the sauce, the salad turns out to be so recognizable in taste. ...

Chicken with pineapple in mustard sauce

Chicken breast fried in a dry frying pan, pineapple, from which not only do you not get fat, but even vice versa - you lose weight, sweet pepper and delicious mustard-honey-lemon sauce. ...

Soft cheese salad with pears and walnuts

An original recipe for a light holiday salad without mayonnaise with fried walnuts, soft cheese and fresh juicy pears, which are now quite possible to buy in stores. Mustard sauce with lemon and some honey. ...

New Year's shrimp salad with mango and avocado

A combination of products traditional for Western countries, which gives an excellent taste result. Personally, it is impossible to tear me away from such a salad by the ears. And most likely everything on New Year's Eve 2016 I will put it on the table. ...

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There is very little time left, and many housewives are racking their brains over drawing up a festive menu. Here you will find rules and recipes for decorating the New Year's table.

New 2017 according to the Eastern calendar is considered the year that is considered the most sociable, and fire symbolizes vital energy that strives for growth and success. That is why, when preparing for the New Year's celebration, you need to approach with enthusiasm and bright ideas.

When setting the table, use red and gold colors, and white and silver are perfect for diluting the bright colors. And of course, we mustn't forget about the candles!

How to make a New Year's menu

Believing in omens is a purely personal matter, but you must definitely know how to attract the luck of the Fire Rooster and be able to appease him, because New Year's Eve is the night of magic. To do this, one must take into account the preferences and tastes of a wonderful and bright bird.

The rooster is an economical but not greedy animal. The festive table should show your wealth, but at the same time not burst with an abundance of food and dishes. Dishes can be as simple as possible, not overly complex or exotic.

Fried chicken, duck or other poultry can often be seen on the festive table. But not on the upcoming New Year's Eve. You need to give up such dishes. The presence of poultry meat can only be found in salads and in small quantities. Therefore, you should give preference to pork, veal, beef and fish dishes. Also, do not put stuffed eggs on the table.

On the table in the year of the Fire Rooster, there should be vegetables and fruits, both in salads and in slices. Don't forget about the dessert. It is best to make a pie or cake.

Second course recipes for the New 2017

For this dish you will need the following products: 1 kg of salmon fillet, 300 ml of cream no more than 10% fat, 150 g of cheese, 1 onion, salt and seasonings to your taste.

The first step is to make the sauce. Pour the cream into a small bowl. Add salt and seasonings to them. Condiments can be anything you like. If you add a little lemon juice to the cream, then the sauce will thicken and will resemble liquid sour cream in consistency.

Cut the salmon fillet into small pieces and put on a baking sheet, previously greased with vegetable oil. Pour the fillet with the sauce and let stand for about 20 minutes. Then sprinkle the slices of salmon with grated cheese. Now you need to send the baking sheet to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. The fish should be baked for 30-35 minutes.

For the side dish you will need:10 large or 15 medium potatoes, 2 egg whites, spices, and olive oil.

First you need to make a light batter in which the potatoes will be cooked. To do this, beat the egg whites well. The potatoes must be cut into slices and mixed in the whipped egg whites. Then add all the seasonings to your liking. Not added to the baking sheet a large number of olive oil, and lay out the potato wedges. Sprinkle with herbs on top if desired. You need to bake potatoes at 220 degrees for about 40 minutes. while stirring the potatoes every 10-15 minutes.

Pork rolls with prunes and feta cheese

Ingredients: 1 kg of pork neck, 200 g of feta cheese, 200 g of prunes, 250 g of sour cream no more than 25% fat, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 4 tablespoons of mustard with grains, 2 teaspoons of dried basil, salt and pepper to taste.

The first step is to prepare the prunes. To do this, it must be soaked in warm water to swell. Rinse the pork well and cut into longitudinal strips 2 centimeters thick (the meat should be cut across the grain) and beat well.

Stir the sour cream with butter, mustard, basil and spices. With this sauce, you need to grease each piece of meat on both sides. Let the meat brew for 10-15 minutes. Now you need to dry the prunes well and cut them into small pieces, also cut the feta cheese.

Now put feta cheese and prunes on ¼ part of the pork and gently twist the roll. Rolls are laid out in a baking sheet and baked at 180 degrees for about an hour.

And here are a few more recipes for second courses for the New Year's table.

Salad recipes for the New Year 2017

For the salad you need: 1 can of canned salmon, 250 grams of cheese, 1 small tomato, 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice, greens - dill and parsley, 1 pack of crackers.

This salad is very easy to prepare. Put the fish in a bowl and chop well with a fork, then add grated cheese and lemon juice. From the resulting mixture, mold a cone. Now let's start decorating the Christmas tree. To create the effect of fluffy paws, you need to use greenery. Cut out a star and toys from a tomato. Toys can also be made from pomegranate and olives.

Crackers are needed to make it convenient to eat salad.

Note that you can not sculpt a cone, but put the mixture on a plate and shape it, as in the photo below.

Required products: 200 grams of chicken fillets, 3 medium-sized potatoes, ½ can of corn, 150 grams of Korean carrots, 1 bunch of parsley, 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 1 bunch of lettuce leaves, salt to taste.

Boil chicken fillet and chop finely. Add corn, carrots, finely chopped parsley, salt and mayonnaise to the chicken. To stir thoroughly.

Cut the potatoes into thin strips and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown and add to a bowl of chicken. Stir again. Now you need to find a dish, put lettuce leaves on it and put salad on top. If desired, you can decorate the top with herbs, tomatoes or radishes.

New Year's table snacks

Herringbone snack

For a snack you need: 1 thin pita bread, 250 g of curd cheese, 100 g of Parmesan cheese, 2 pieces of red bell pepper, 20 pieces of olives, 1 bunch of lettuce leaves. If desired, it is fashionable to take fresh basil.

First you need to prepare the filling.

Put the curd cheese in a deep bowl and add finely grated Parmesan, finely chopped olives and peppers.

Lay cling film on the table and put lettuce leaves, and put pita bread on top. Cut carefully into 4 even pieces. Put the filling on each part and carefully roll the rolls. Make a triangular shape with your fingers. Now the rolls must be refrigerated for 2 hours. Then take it out, remove the cling film and cut into small pieces. Chop each piece on a skewer. Place half an olive in the base of the tree.

Products: 300 g of cod (you can fresh, or you can take canned), 7 potatoes, 3 eggs, 2 cucumbers, 1 bunch of green onions, 400 g of cheese, 1 red and 1 yellow pepper, 1 pack of mayonnaise and seasonings to taste.

Boil the cod, separate from the bones and chop finely. If you took cod in a jar or other fish, then just knead it. Mashed potatoes. Finely chop the eggs or grate them on a fine grater. Now you need to mix all the ingredients, seasonings and add mayonnaise so that you can roll up small balls.

Now you need to color the balls. To do this, chop the pepper, cucumber, green onion very finely into different plates. Each ball must be well rolled in one of the plates and put on a dish.

You can use any product to paint the balls, it all depends on your taste preferences.

Ideas for cutting on the New Year's table

Mandatory on the festive table should be vegetable, meat and fruit cuts. Sliced \u200b\u200bfood can be simply laid out on a dish, but you can also show creativity and imagination.

Video: "Menu for the New Year 2017"

Happy New Year!

Have you already put together a New Year's menu or are you still flipping through culinary magazines to no avail? Then meet a selection of new trendy holiday salads!

Bright, fresh and unexpected ideas and solutions - this is what the hostess will like and will definitely please you and your dear guests! What is important: we did not use exotic, expensive or problematic ingredients and chose those salads that you can prepare quickly and easily.

Beetroot trees

Light snack and original decoration of the New Year's table. Beetroot trees will take their rightful place next to rolls, rolls, canapes and sandwiches. Filling of delicate feta cheese with an unusual lemon shade and the healthiest avocado - in a word, a win-win option. And, mind you, no mayonnaise!


What do you need:
(for 6 servings)
6 small beets
150 g soft cheese
1 tsp lemon peel
2 cloves of garlic
1 avocado
1 tsp thick sour cream
1 tsp lemon juice
salt, freshly ground pepper - to taste
greens - for decoration

6 wooden skewers

How to cook beetroot trees:

1. Boil beets in their skins or bake in foil until tender. Peel and cut into slices 3-5 mm thick. Add salt and pepper to taste.

2. Mix feta cheese with lemon zest, chopped garlic and ground pepper.

3. Take out the avocado pulp with a spoon, add sour cream, ground pepper and mash thoroughly with a fork.

If you bought a hard avocado, place it on a warm radiator overnight with a napkin. By morning, the fruit will become softer.

4. Put a little filling on each beet circle, using the widest one as a basis, so that the Christmas trees are stable.

5. Fasten the resulting Christmas tree with a skewer. The photo shows the process itself, but the skewer must be shortened in advance.

6. Also, the cream for the filling can be deposited with a pastry bag.

7. Season the finished Christmas trees with ground pepper and garnish with fresh herbs.

Rice salad with liver

This recipe is for those who absolutely cannot imagine their festive feast without all kinds of puff salads with mayonnaise. But this is the New Year, which means that any wishes should be fulfilled immediately! If you cook with mayonnaise, then only with homemade. Serving salad in portions will keep you from eating too much.


What do you need:
(for 5-6 servings)
1 tbsp. parboiled rice
500 g beef liver (for a more delicate taste, beef liver can be replaced with veal or chicken)
4 boiled eggs
200 g hard cheese
200 g canned corn
flour - for breading

Homemade mayonnaise:
3 yolks
150 ml vegetable oil
30 ml lemon juice (1/4 lemon)
1 tsp Russian mustard
1 tsp Sahara
a pinch of salt

How to Make Liver Rice Salad:

1. There are several secrets in cooking the liver that will help make it soft and juicy.

Always choose fresh liver, not frozen.

Pour boiling water over the liver and immediately immerse in cold water. Remove the outer film with a knife, soak in milk for 1 hour. Cut the liver into 1 cm thick pieces, do not salt, roll in flour.

2. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, put the pieces of liver, fry for about 30 seconds and turn over. Then fry the liver again for about 1.5–2 minutes on each side.

It is important that the oil is hot. In this case, a crust immediately forms on the liver, which keeps all the juice inside. The liver is cooked over medium heat until, when pierced, the juice turns not red, but transparent.

3. Put the finished liver on a paper towel and blot with a napkin to absorb excess oil.

4. Grate the cooled liver on a fine grater.

5. Simultaneously with cooking the liver, boil the rice until tender and rinse in cold water.

6. Drain the liquid from the corn.

7. Divide eggs into white and yolk, grate separately on a fine grater.

8. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

9. For the mayonnaise, put the yolks in a bowl, add salt, sugar and mustard. Whisk vigorously for 1 minute.

10. Add lemon juice to whipped yolks and beat lightly.

11. Continuing to beat the egg-lemon mixture, add vegetable oil in a thin stream and beat the mixture to the consistency you need.

Traditional homemade mayonnaise is usually added with lemon juice at the end of cooking to produce a denser, smoother texture. If you first introduce the juice, the mayonnaise turns out to be lush and airy. It is especially good to keep this sauce in the cold for at least 1-2 hours.

12. Lay out the salad in layers: beef liver, rice, corn, cheese, egg white and yolk. Lightly grease liver, rice and cheese with mayonnaise.

Leave in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours and garnish with herbs before serving.

Shrimp on a Snow Cushion Salad

If you think that during the New Year's holidays you can give up on a figure, and are already mentally preparing to go on a diet after the winter holidays, then this shrimp salad is exactly what will save you from the need for hungry fasting days. It has such a high dose of protein that, even by combining salad with sauce, you can safely afford a portion of gastronomic pleasure without thinking about the consequences. Dream salad from the "what to eat to lose weight" series.


What do you need:
(for 4 servings)
200 g hard cheese
4 boiled eggs
400 g shrimp
1 pot of lettuce

7 quail eggs
150 ml vegetable oil
1 tsp mustard
1 tsp Sahara
a pinch of salt
juice of 1 lime
cilantro and dill - to taste
freshly ground pepper
lime zest

How to make Shrimp on a Snow Cushion Salad:

1. Grate cheese or cut into noodles with a special fruit knife.

2. Divide eggs into white and yolk, grate.

3. Mix cheese with egg yolk.

4. Boil the shrimps in salted water for 3-5 minutes, cool and peel.

5. For the sauce, combine quail eggs, sugar, salt and mustard, beat with a mixer for 1 minute.

6. Without stopping whisking, add vegetable oil in a thin stream.

7. Beat until firm and soft.

8. Add lime juice, chopped herbs and ground pepper.

9. Put the salad on a serving plate, make a "snow pillow" from the egg white.

Top with some cheese with yolk and garnish with shrimps. Drizzle with lime juice, sprinkle with zest. Serve the sauce separately.

10. Shrimp on a Snow Cushion salad is ready!

Warm chicken salad

How do you like the idea of \u200b\u200bserving a hot salad? Yes, a hearty salad with the usual potatoes and chicken, but in combination with fresh herbs and a light non-nutritive sauce. And the most important thing for the hostess of the house on New Year's Eve: in order not to stand at the stove when everyone is having fun, food can be prepared in advance, all that remains is to warm up the salad in a couple of minutes! By the way, men really like warm salad with chicken, they will not even notice the absence of harmful and fatty mayonnaise.


What do you need:
(for 4 servings)
400 g chicken breast fillet
1 onion
4 boiled jacket potatoes
2 green apples
2-3 cloves of garlic
lettuce mix
vegetable oil - for frying
salt to taste

300 g thick natural yoghurt
1 bunch of cilantro
1 bunch of dill
2 tsp honey
2 tbsp lemon juice
salt to taste
freshly ground pepper mixture - to taste

It is better to use deep bowls for this dish to keep the salad warm longer. Before serving the salad, the plates can be slightly warmed up in the microwave.

How to make a warm chicken salad:

1. Cut the chicken fillet lengthwise into thin slices and then cut into long strips. Do not salt.

2. Heat oil in a frying pan, put each strip, giving it different shapes. Fry on each side until golden brown. Place the chicken on a paper towel to absorb the excess fat. Salt lightly.

3. Finely chop the onion, fry until golden brown and mix with the chicken.

4. Cored apples and cut into cubes. Sprinkle the apples with lemon juice to keep them from darkening.

5. Cut the potatoes into cubes.

6. Mix chicken, potatoes, apples and add chopped garlic.

7. For the sauce, combine yogurt, lemon juice, chopped herbs, ground pepper and honey.

8. Put a handful of lettuce leaves in a serving plate.

9. Before serving, heat the chicken mixture in a skillet without oil over medium heat and place on a plate.

Serve the sauce separately.

10. Warm chicken salad is ready!

New Year's spicy salad with a twist

An appetizer salad or even a dessert salad - this dish is radically different from many familiar salads. Spicy blue cheese is incredibly combined with fried walnuts in caramel, subtle pear notes and balsamic. Gourmets, your choice!


What do you need:
(for 4 servings)
2 packs of fresh spinach (can be substituted with any lettuce or salad mix)
150 g blue cheese (we used the most democratic, inexpensive option)
2 pears
1 tbsp. walnuts
2 tbsp honey
0.5 tsp vegetable oil

200 g natural yoghurt
3 tsp grain mustard
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar

It is better to choose pears for this snack firm enough, but ripe and moderately sweet.

But nuts in caramel should not be replaced with raw chopped ones, since they are the second most important component after blue cheese.

How to make a New Year's spicy salad with a twist:

1. Put the nuts in a hot frying pan and, stirring quickly, fry over medium heat until a pleasant characteristic aroma appears. Make sure the nuts do not burn.

2. Pour honey into a frying pan and mix the nuts thoroughly. Continue to fry until the nuts have a beautiful caramel color and gloss. The whole process will take you 1-2 minutes.

3. Put the toasted nuts on a plate greased with vegetable oil. Try to arrange the nuts so that they do not touch each other and do not stick together when they cool.

4. Cut the pear into thin slices, break the cheese into small pieces.

5. For dressing, mix together yoghurt, balsamic and mustard.

6. Sort the spinach and place on a plate. Arrange the pears, cheese and nuts, and serve the sauce separately.

7. New Year's spicy salad with a twist is ready!

Happy Holidays, Peace, Goodness and Prosperity!

Salad recipes for the New 2017 - this is the first thing that hostesses begin to look for in preparation for the holiday. We have also selected several options for you.

Salads for the New 2017 - recipes

Option with pineapple, mushrooms and chicken.

You will need:

Boiled egg - 3 pcs.
- a jar of pineapples
- champignons, chicken fillet - 290 g each
- onion
- kiwi
- mayonnaise sauce
- sour cream - 145 g

Cooking steps:

Chop the onion with mushrooms, fry with the addition of sour cream, let cool. Boil the chicken fillet in salted water, chop into pieces. Boil eggs, rub. Chop canned pineapples into small cubes, grate cheese. Prepare a flat dish, put a dish in it (grease it with butter), put the fried mushrooms with the addition of onions, chicken fillet in the first layer, brush with mayonnaise. Add eggs, pineapple and cheese, garnish with kiwi, serve.

How do you like it?

New salads for 2017 - recipes with photos

Chicken High.

You will need:

- large tomato
- chicken breast
- pack of crackers - 0.5 pack
- boiled egg
- poppy

Cooking steps:

Cook the chicken breast, chop into strips. Chop the tomatoes with boiled eggs into thin strips. Place a greased dish on a flat dish to make it easier to remove later. Lay the chicken breast in the first layer, brush with mayonnaise, add tomatoes, salt, lay eggs, brush with mayonnaise, add croutons, sprinkle with poppy seeds. Decorate with ready-made herbs.

Prepare and.

Salad recipes for the New Year 2017 - photo:

Hot vinaigrette "Winter".

Required products:

Beets, potato tuber - 2 pcs.
- onion
- sauerkraut - 320 g
- mushroom broth - 125 ml
- greens - 20 g
- pickled mushrooms - 145 g


Wash the beets, dry, bake until tender, let cool, peel, chop into thin circles or slices. Boil potatoes in their uniforms, let cool, cut into thin slices. Chop the onion. Place the potatoes, sauerkraut, onion and mushrooms in layers in a saucepan. Top with mushroom broth. Heat in the oven, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Do the same.

Vinaigrette "Pokrovsky".

You will need:

- Apple
- prunes - 90 g
- potato tuber
- pickled or salted mushrooms - 100 g
- garlic clove - 2 pcs.
- mayonnaise sauce - 145 g
- egg


Wash the apple, cut the skin, cut the core, chop into strips. Steam the prunes, remove the seeds, chop into strips. Wash the potatoes and beets, cook together with the skin (separately). Let cool, peel. Cut the beets into strips and the potatoes into slices. Chop up the mushrooms. Mix all the ingredients, add the cabbage, chop the garlic, season with mayonnaise, stir thoroughly. Boil the testicles, after cooling, cut them into slices, use them as decoration.

Cook and these are.

Simple salad recipes for the New Year 2017


Required products:

Mayonnaise dressing
- small Chinese cabbage
- a jar of canned squid
- boiled egg
- cucumber - 2 pcs.
- sweet corn
- salt

For decoration:

Shrimps - 190 g
- any greens
- cherry - 5 pcs.

Cooking steps:

Chop the Chinese cabbage into strips. Chop eggs with cucumbers and squids into small strips. Mix all the chopped ingredients, add corn, salt, season with dressing, mix thoroughly. Prepare a flat dish, put salad on it, garnish with peeled shrimp, cherry halves, sprinkle with green tea.

You will like it and.

Recipe with sesame seeds, chicken meat and chicken.

You will need:

Fresh cucumber
- large tomato
- smoked chicken meat - 245 g
- French mustard - 1.5 tablespoons
- pitted olives - 145 g
- hard cheese - 145 g
- sesame seeds - small spoon


Chop the smoked meat into small square cubes. Cut the cucumber, tomato and cheese into medium cubes. Cut the olives into rings. Combine prepared ingredients, season with French mustard, stir. Lay the salad on a platter, sprinkle with sesame seeds.


You will need:

Olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
- tomato - 2 pcs.
- greens
- a pineapple
- cucumber
- mussels - 95 g
- shrimps - 290 g
- olives - 140 g


Boil shrimps with mussels, peel. Chop the tomatoes and cucumber into small wedges. Cut the olives in half, cut out the pulp, grate with medium cubes. Mix all the chopped ingredients, season with olive oil, sprinkle with spices. Serve in pineapple platters. Decorate with chopped green tea and boiled shrimp.

Rate and.

Step-by-step salad recipes for the New Year 2017

Chicken salad in orange.


Hard cheese - 70 g
- orange - 3 pcs.
- chicken breast - 245 g
- natural yoghurt
- boiled egg - 2 pcs.
- large potatoes
- raspberries - 90 g
- other greens, lettuce leaves


3 oranges will make 6 salad servings. Boil the chicken breast, chop into large square pieces. Cut the peeled testicles into small wedges. Wash oranges, cut in half. Use a spoon to gently scoop out the orange pulp. Divide oranges into wedges, cut into medium cubes. Combine all prepared ingredients, add salt, season with yogurt, stir. Fill the orange salad bowls with salad, sprinkle with chopped cheese.

How do you like it.

Easy salads for the New 2017 recipes.

"Black Pearl".


Mayonnaise dressing
- lightly salted salmon - 290 g
- boiled egg - 6 pieces
- olives - 95 g
- large orange

For decor:

Large shrimp - 9 pcs.
- quail egg
- olives - 10 pieces

Cooking steps:


Cut the salmon into square pieces. Separate the egg whites, slice the yolks with a knife, rub the whites. Peel the orange, separate from the fibers, crumble the pulp. Grind the cheese. Separate the pitted olives and chop them into strips. Assemble the salad on a flat platter.

Salad with apple and herring.

Required products:

Apple - 2 pieces
- herring - 290 g
- pickled cucumber - 4 pcs.
- testicles - 3 pcs.
- onion head - 2 pieces
- mayonnaise dressing - 175 g
- citric acid with sugar


Peel the lightly salted herring from the bones and skin, chop finely. Wash the apples and cucumbers, cut the peel, remove the apples and core, chop finely, stir with the herring, onion, chopped eggs. Season with salt, pepper, place the herring, sprinkle with lemon juice, season.

"A princess".

Required products:

Red fish - 245 g
- lightly salted salmon - 145 g
- Dutch cheese - 190 g
- white or red onion - half root vegetable
- chicken egg - 7 pieces
- large apple
- half a lemon
- salmon fillet (lightly salted) - 145 g
- canned corn - ½ a whole can
- pomegranate seeds
- spices

How to cook:

Boil 245 g of slightly salted salmon in salted water, mash with a fork to get a homogeneous mass. Chop the onions, pour boiling water in a minute, drain the water. Boil the eggs, remove the shell, divide into whites and yolks. Mash the yolks with a fork, rub the white on the finest grater, place on different plates. Chop the cheese. Peel off the apple, remove the core, and grate as well. Pour in lemon juice to keep the apples color. Form a salad in layers: first, lay the mashed fish, onions, coat with mayonnaise dressing, sprinkle with egg yolks, brush with dressing, add grated apple, put cheese, brush with mayonnaise, sprinkle with canned corn, finish with grated egg whites (they need to be slightly salted). Flavor the last layer with dressing and spread it well. Decorate with slices of salmon, pomegranate seeds. Make stars out of cream cheese.

Coral bracelet.


- medium beets
- onion
- small pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.
- mackerel - 255 g
- red caviar - 3 tablespoons (tablespoons)

Cooking steps:

Boil the beets, rub. Finely chop or grate boiled eggs. Peel the cucumbers and avocado, chop into small square pieces. Separate the fish from the bones, break it in small pieces. Gather the salad in layers: avocado, beetroot, mayonnaise dressing, fish, dressing, cucumbers and mayonnaise mixed with eggs. Decorate the finished dish with red caviar.

Cockerel salads for the new year 2017.

Recipe with tomatoes and chicken breast.

Required products:

- mayonnaise sauce
- tomatoes - 2 pcs.
- chicken breast - 90 g
- cheese - 45 g


Boil hard boiled eggs, let cool. After cooling, remove the shell, chop into a small cube. Boil the chicken breast in salted water, tear into fibers. Wash the tomatoes, cut into slices, chop the curd. After preparing all the necessary components, lay them in layers in a separate salad bowl.

Cockerel salad for New Year 2017.

You will need:

- yolk and olives for decoration
- a jar of olives
- a pod of sweet pepper
- smoked chicken breast

Cooking steps:

Cut the olives into pieces, leave the peppercorns for decoration. Chop the chicken into cubes. Mix the prepared ingredients in a salad bowl, season with sauce and stir. Lay out the salad in the shape of a cockerel, rub the yolk on top. Make a tail, paws and a scallop from pepper strips, and eyes and a beak from olives.

Salad with cheese and smoked squid.


Boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.
- smoked squid - 75 g
- boiled egg - 2 pcs.
- hard cheese - 50 g
- ground black pepper
- green onion - 2 pcs.
- hard cheese - 40 g
- half a bunch of fresh dill
- purple onion - ½ pc.
- canned corn - 3 tbsp. l.


Chop the eggs and boiled potatoes. Add corn to the bowl (first drain the liquid from it). Cut the smoked squid into slices, chop the green and purple onions. Season salad with pepper, season with dressing, stir. There is no need to add salt to the dish, since the squid itself is quite salty. Place the dish on a plate, garnish with green onion rings and corn.