How to get rid of a tea stain. How to remove fresh and stubborn tea stains from clothes

08.08.2019 Egg dishes

Almost no day passes without a cup of tea. This invigorating drink, with all its advantages, has one significant drawback - it is not easy to remove tea stains, especially from white clothes.

Despite these difficulties, there are many household and folk remedies that will cope with these dark traces at home. Some of these cleaning methods even deal with stubborn stains.

The coloring properties of tea are due to the tannin content in this drink. Moreover, green tea contains much more of this substance than black. Therefore, ugly stains remain from any of these drinks. The peculiarity of tannin is that these properties do not appear immediately; it is much more difficult to remove old stains than fresh ones.

If a trace of tea leaves appears on your clothes, you need to wash the thing in the washing machine immediately. The temperature regime is selected depending on the type of material; it is advisable to add a gentle bleach, for example, Vanish. For white cotton items, use chlorine bleach.

If it is not possible to wash your favorite clothes in a machine, you can do it manually, but you should adhere to certain principles:

  • To avoid streaks, process the stain from edge to middle.
  • Before using a cleanser, you must first try its effect on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe fabric.
  • For delicate fabrics, dilute the bleach slightly with water.
  • The tea stain should not be rubbed hard to avoid damaging the fabric.

Important! Use only gentle bleach and other household products for children's clothing.

To clean tea marks from clothes, try one of the popular remedies:

Means Mode of application
Acid (citric or oxalic) The acid can wipe away tea stains from white items, towels, bedding, or tablecloths.

For clothes made of cotton or linen, both citric and oxalic acid are suitable. Lemon is good for new stains.

In a solution of citric acid, moisten a cloth and blot the problem area, after 15 minutes you can wash it off with water.

If the first time it was not possible to get rid of the dark trace, you need to moisten it with ammonia, then again with acid.

Oxalic acid will cope better with old stains (dilute a teaspoon in 200 grams of water).

It can quickly remove tea stains on white, this solution is destructive for colored items.

Glycerol Tannin stains will help to clean the alcohol glycerin heated to 60 degrees.

They need to treat the contaminated area, wash after 20 minutes. For pile fabric or carpet, glycerin paste is suitable.

It is prepared as follows: mix four tablespoons of glycerin with two teaspoons of salt.

We treat the problem area with this composition and wash it off after 20 minutes.

Bleach solution The product is contraindicated for items made of silk, wool and synthetics. But tea is perfectly washed from cotton fabrics.

In a solution of bleach, soak the thing for five minutes, then wash.

Vinegar The vinegar must be stirred in water to form a weakly concentrated solution.

They need to fill in a dark spot, then rinse.

Bura This substance will remove tea stains from your favorite sweater, jacket, coat or jeans.

You will need a 10% tetraborate solution and a cotton pad.

We treat the dirty stain with a solution with a disc, then erase in the usual way.

Chlorine bleach Bleach containing chlorine, such as the already familiar "Whiteness", will help remove the traces of tannin from natural fabrics.

This remedy is not applicable for thin fabrics.

Hyposulfate This substance is sold in any pharmacy.

We dilute a teaspoon of hyposulfate in a glass of water, treat the contaminated area, then rinse with a solution of two spoons of ammonia and a liter of water.

Ammonia Dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia in a liter of water, use a cotton pad to treat the stain with a solution to perfect cleanliness.
Chlorox Chlorox is a modern cleaning agent for white clothes. It must be added along with the detergent to the compartment of the machine and washed.
Domestos A couple of drops of liquid Domestos should be applied to the fabric and washed, the trace will disappear literally before our eyes.
Soda ash The problem area must be moistened with water, then covered with a layer of soda ash.

How do I remove tea stains from other surfaces?

Often times, drinking tea can stain your sofa or carpet. A fresh stain should be instantly blotted with a small napkin or towel.

Important! Do not rub the stain, otherwise it will spread over the surface of the carpet or furniture.

Now we prepare a simple solution: we dilute a tablespoon of dishwashing liquid in half a liter of cold water. We process the tea trail with this solution, after that we blot it with table vinegar and leave it for a short period.

Another effective method is to treat the stain with a mixture of ammonia and glycerin. After processing, it is necessary to keep this mixture on the surface for 15 minutes, then wipe with a damp cloth.

A soapy solution will help clean the leather sofa from tea residues. Rub with laundry soap and stir in hot water and gently process the tea trail.

No less frustration is caused by a tea trace on important papers or an expensive book. Removing the leftover tea from the paper is also quite realistic. This will require 3% hydrogen peroxide and slaked lime (one teaspoon per 200 grams of water). Soak a cotton swab in peroxide and process the tea trail. If a dark trace remains, moisten it with a sponge with lime. Then you need to dry the sheet of paper well.

The second method of surface treatment is based on the use of chlorine bleach mixed with water. We treat the stain with a solution and iron the sheet with an iron.

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Everything in a person should be clean and beautiful, if, of course, a person respects himself and takes care of himself and his appearance. And to maintain cleanliness, you need some knowledge that will help and help out at the most inopportune moment.

How can you remove (remove, wipe off) a tea stain?

  1. We use a regular tampon. We put hydrogen peroxide on it. We "touch" the spot with a swab. We wait twenty minutes. We rinse, and three, without stopping.
  2. Soak an ordinary tampon with warm glycerin. We rinse with water after fifteen minutes.
  3. We throw the thing into the washer. Pour in bleach. We erase as much as necessary (according to the instructions).
  4. Mix two tablespoons of ammonia with a teaspoon of glycerin. We wash the thing with this mixture.
  5. We take citric acid. We pour on the stain from tea and three. We rinse.
  6. We are preparing (or buying) the Udalix product. We use it for "stain removal".
  7. We take the stain remover "Mister Dez". We apply it to the stain. We rinse.
  8. Wipe the speck with a lemon slice. Rinse in cold water. Wipe the stain again with a slice of lemon. We put the thing in the sun. We leave for a couple of hours.
  9. We mix glycerin and salt. Apply the mixture to the spot. We are waiting for the tea stain to fade. We wash with water.
  10. We immerse the thing under a stream of boiling water. Three thoroughly (under boiling water). Rinse in water. Three again. And so on until the victory over the stain!
  11. We mix distilled water and lactic acid (ratio - one to one). We wet the pollution. We leave for twenty minutes. We rinse in ice water.
  12. Wet the sponge with 2% ammonia. Apply an ammonia solution to the stain. We do the same with a solution of citric acid food (solution - ten percent). We wait fifteen minutes. Rinse in cold water. We dry it. We fall asleep with talc. We are waiting for the talcum powder to dry. We brush off the talcum powder.
  13. We take bleach from the Amway company. We use it as described in the instructions.
  14. We buy a soap called "Anti-stain" and use it to wash the stain from the tea.
  15. We take "Domestos" - spray. Spray on the stain. We are waiting for ten minutes. We spray again. We wash it off after half an hour.
  16. We take out a piece of laundry soap. Try it as a tea stain remover.
  17. We take "Vanish". We process the thing with it as indicated in the instructions.

How else can you get rid of tea stains?

Reviews of women who removed tea stains:

  • Larisa, Volgograd: Citric acid helped me. "Vanish" tried it - did not get any effect. I don't see any sense in buying it again. But I am not discouraging you if you want to double-check.
  • Tatiana, Moscow: "Amveevskoe" remedy is the coolest remedy in the world! It removes all stains. Not just the ones that tea leaves behind.
  • Olga, Yaroslavl: Tried the last resort in the article (at random). It helped! I myself am shocked by the result. I think the others are also effective.
  • Polina, Kursk: Antipyatnin soap! And it is not difficult to find it, and it is inexpensive. So that…. I only use it.
  • Polina, Smolensk: The glycerin solution helped (there is information about it in this article). The rest is not. I tried a lot of things.
  • Olga, Moscow: All my girlfriends praise Vanish very much. And many people write that the remedy is good. And I tried - "zero - effect".
  • Klavdia, Ryazan: I rubbed thoroughly with lemon - it helped. Well, not without the help of some water, of course! I will not advise. It would be more correct if I just recommend!
  • Glafira, Vladivostok: How to withdraw? - Ordinary salt helps! Soak in salt and wait thirty minutes. Do a good wash. See what the effect will be.
  • Galina, Obninsk: "Vanish" helped me. And only "Vanish"! I only take out all the stains with them.


It would seem that there is nothing worse than putting a freshly brewed coffee stain on a new shirt. But no! It turns out that it is more difficult to remove tea stains from your favorite thing. Moreover, pollution appears at the most inopportune moment, forcing to blush in front of colleagues, guests or passers-by on the street.

Among the various methods of removing tea stains, there are the most effective ones that restore the original appearance of clothes.

Despite the fact that tea is a common product for most people around the world, it has one secret. Tea leaves contain special tannins - tannins, without which tea would have neither aroma nor inherent astringency. It is they who allow the stain to firmly settle on clothes, and it is because of them that tea stains are so difficult to remove.

Tannins are found in both green and black tea, the only difference is in the amount of tannins. Therefore, you have to look for effective methods to remove both fresh and old tea stains.

Household chemicals

The fastest way to remove tea stains is to soak the stain with a variety of store products specifically designed for this. Among the variety of manufactured products of household chemicals, they have proven themselves excellently:

  1. Bleaches.

Manufacturers Amway and Vanish made sure that not only tea stains on the fabric were removed. Bleach is available for both white and colored laundry. There are chlorine bleaches on the market for cheap products. They are no less effective, but they emit a specific odor and, often, damage the fabric.

  1. Antipyatin anti-stain soap.

An inexpensive representative of this group of agents in the fight against tea marks. It is enough to wash the spot with soap, and the result will not be long in coming.

  1. Cleaning products.

Instead of using expensive bleach to clean white clothes, you can use regular bathroom and plumbing cleaner. Domestos copes with this task with a bang. However, before using the product, you should check whether the cleaning liquid will damage the item.

  1. Stain removers.

The most versatile way to remove stubborn tea stains is to use a stain remover. The contaminated item must be soaked in the product, and then washed in the machine.

Traditional methods of removing tea stains used at home

Store-bought products are, of course, good, but what if you don't have a stain remover on hand?

You shouldn't immediately run to the nearest supermarket - look into the bins in the kitchen or get your home first aid kit. There will be funds that are in no way inferior in efficiency to the purchased ones.

  1. Salt with glycerin.

Prepare a gruel from table salt and glycerin, and apply it to the tea stain. For complete discoloration of dirt, it is necessary to hold the mixture for several minutes. Once the stain is gone, wash the clothes in any way you want.

  1. Glycerin and ammonia.

The cleansing mixture is made with one tablespoon of glycerin and ¼ teaspoon of ammonia. The mass is applied to the stain and rubbed gently. After the disappearance of tea stains, clothes are thoroughly washed.

  1. Citric or oxalic acid.

Dissolve two teaspoons of lemon in one glass of water. A clean sponge is moistened in the prepared solution. The "tool" with an acid mixture should be gently wiped off the dirt. Oxalic acid has a similar effect, but it must be diluted in the amount of one teaspoon per 250 ml of cold water. The cleaned thing is washed in the usual way.

  1. Lemon juice.

Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice directly onto the tea stain. The dyed area of \u200b\u200bthe garment should be discolored, after which the garment is washed.

  1. Ammonia.

You can use ordinary ammonia to remove the tea mark from a white item. A light towel or napkin is placed under the contamination, and the stains are moistened with ammonia on top. White clothes can be washed in an hour.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide.

Sensitive fabrics can be easily cleaned with peroxide. Tea stains on delicate materials are wiped off with a cotton swab dipped in peroxide. Next, the clothes should be washed in cold water.

  1. Ammonium and peroxide.

The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The tea stain is wiped with the mixture, and then the clothes are thoroughly rinsed in water until the specific smell of ammonia is completely eliminated.

  1. Chlorine.

The method is quite aggressive, but effective for white cotton material. Other natural fabrics will definitely lose their appearance due to exposure to bleach. Chlorine bleach is applied to ginger stains and left for a few minutes. After the stain disappears, the clothes are washed.

  1. Borax, salt and lemon juice.

Hellish mixture will easily remove old tea stains on clothes. To do this, borax is diluted in one container, and gruel is prepared from fine salt and lemon juice in another. First, borax is applied to the stain for a few minutes, and then the pollution is wiped with salted gruel.

You can repeat the cleansing procedure several times until tea stains are completely eliminated. After the item regains its appearance, it is washed in the usual way.

  1. Borax and lactic acid.

The cleaning method is similar to the previous one, only after soaking the tea stains, the remaining stains are wiped with lactic acid.

  1. Glycerol.

If the stain appears on a silk blouse or woolen garment, then warm glycerin is applied to the stain. After 15 minutes, rinse the place where there were tea stains with clean warm water and blot with a napkin.

  1. Lactic acid.

Another way to combat tea pollution is a solution made from purified water and lactic acid. The stain soaked with liquid is left for 20 minutes, after which the clothes are rinsed in cool water.

  1. Contrast rinses.

Baby clothes or clothes worn by allergy sufferers can be cleaned with contrast rinses. The soiled item is immersed in hot water and then rinsed in cold water. It is allowed to gently rub the stain with a brush or sponge. This is how tannin is removed from the fibers.

  1. Boiling water.

Clothes with a tea stain are placed in a basin so that the dirt is on top. Boiling water is poured over tea stains. After that, the thing is washed with the addition of soap.

Method for removing fresh tea stain

Fresh stains from spilled tea are much easier to remove than old stains. The main thing here is speed and accuracy. A soft sponge, clean cotton cloth and prepared soapy water are used.

The algorithm is effective for stains left on any fabric.

First, the excess liquid is removed, then the stain itself is “trowelled”. Cleaning things from tea pollution is carried out using a mixture of water and any detergent: shampoo, dishwashing liquid, liquid soap.

Ways to remove old tea pollution

Do not despair if the tea stain is noticed quite late. Using some effective folk recipes, you can easily return your favorite thing to its original beauty.

Among the existing methods, the most effective are shown:

  • A mixture of one tablespoon of vinegar and laundry detergent.

The gruel is applied to the stain on the front and back sides and left for a few minutes to actively affect the pollution. After that, the item is washed in water with washing powder and a little soda. If the desired effect has not been achieved, the fabric should be re-washed.

  • A mixture of salt and glycerin.

The recipe is described above. It is suitable for delicate handling of soiled garments, but it is necessary to control the holding time of the mixture on the fabric.

Several ways to remove tea stains from different fabrics are described in the video.

Cleaning a non-washable item

Any clothes, as a rule, are cleaned of dirt by soaking and further washing. But under certain circumstances, it is necessary to eliminate tea stains not from fabric, but from paper.

Cleaning documents from traces of spilled tea begins with gently blotting the dirty sheet. In no case should you rub the paper!

Then, in a separate container, dilute the peroxide and water in equal proportions and moisten the sheet with the solution. Remove the remaining liquid with a damp sponge, and add a little slaked lime to the water. After "washing" the tea stains, the leaf is dried with a paper napkin or towel.

Removing stains from delicate fabrics

To remove traces of spilled tea from silk clothing, you should carefully consider the choice of detergent. For cleaning, less aggressive substances are used that preserve the structure of the fibers of the fabric and the color of the clothes. Tea marks on silk and wool products can be easily dealt with:

  • lactic acid;
  • heated glycerin.

However, don't start scrubbing the stain right away. The prepared product must be tested on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bclothing so that the cleaning result does not come as a surprise.

Cleaning of clothes made of colored fabrics

Removing stains from colored clothing has always had its own challenges. The bleach was immediately pushed aside due to the possible “washout” of color and loss of brightness of the garment. Any aggressive product can completely ruin your favorite thing, so to remove tea stains from colored fabric, you should use the following substances:

  1. Bura.

This miracle remedy is available in any pharmacy in the form of a one hundred percent solution of borax in glycerin. After active wiping, the dirt disappears. If the stains still remain, then you need to get rid of them by rubbing the red border with a mixture of diluted citric acid and salt.

  1. Vinegar.

The easiest way to discolor a tea stain is to wet the stain with a vinegar solution.

Removing tea stains on white fabric

Most often, tea stains can be found on a white festive tablecloth. It may not be possible to remove them immediately, so heavy artillery enters the battle for purity. Now tulles, towels and bed linen will sparkle with whiteness without red streaks.

To do this, you can rub the stain:

  • A solution of citric or oxalic acid.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Bleach with chlorine.

Hyposulfite can be successfully used instead of oxalic acid. The substance is diluted in the amount of one teaspoon in a glass of water. After cleansing the dirt, the cloth is rinsed not in ordinary water, but in a weak solution of ammonia.

Jeans cleaning

Inaccuracy during tea drinking leads to the fact that tea gets on the jeans and spoils their appearance. The same borax recommended for processing colored fabrics will help get rid of red streaks.

It is easy to use the product: rub the stain vigorously with a cotton swab dipped in the solution.

Borax, or sodium tetraborate, is also suitable for removing tea plaque from knitted items. If there is a feeling that the clothes have become faded after such treatment, it is necessary to rinse the clothes in water with the addition of vinegar.

Tea stains on furniture or carpet - what to do?

A feature of cleaning upholstered furniture from tea stains is the initial removal of excess moisture from the upholstery. Only after that is it worth taking up all sorts of remedies to discolor tea stains.

You should not apply force to scrubbing the tea trail, as you will simply "rub" the dirt deep into the fibers of the upholstery and make further cleaning more difficult.

The following actions are performed:

  1. Lightly moisten the sponge in a solution containing 0.5 liters of water and 1 tablespoon of dishwashing detergent and gently wipe off the dirt.
  2. After cleansing, the stain is washed with clean water and then blotted with a dry cloth.
  3. Apply a vinegar solution to the upholstery in a 1: 1 ratio. After 10 minutes, the treatment site is washed again with water and allowed to dry.

This cleaning method is great for carpets with tea marks on them.

Washing machine help

To save time, traces of tea can be washed off in the washing machine. Instead of the usual powder, a pre-prepared agent is poured into the compartment of the device. The most effective "powder" for colored clothes made from natural and artificial fabrics is a mixture consisting of:

  • 2 tsp borax;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemons;
  • 3 tbsp. l. table vinegar.

Borax is not used for washing delicate fabrics, and half as much citric acid is added. Traces of tea left on white clothes are removed with chlorine bleach. The product is poured into the compartment for washing powder, and 2 tablespoons of oxalic acid are added.

Using some simple tips, you can easily get rid of ugly tea marks on the fabric. If the risk of spoiling the thing is great, then it is worth contacting a professional dry cleaner. In this case, the result will be guaranteed, and tea drinking will no longer cause excitement for possible damage to clothes or tablecloths.

How nice it is to sit on a winter evening in a cozy home atmosphere over a cup of strong hot tea, relax and forget about all your worries. But the idyll can easily be broken if tea spills unexpectedly on a sweater or skirt, furniture or carpet and leaves stains. In case of such a problem, don't panic, you just need to follow these tips on how to remove tea stains.

In this article:

But first, let's ask why it is so difficult to remove tea stains? The thing is that tea contains the tannin substance, tannin, it eats into the fabric very quickly and firmly.

This makes tea stains very difficult to remove, especially after a few days or even hours.

So the removal of these spots from clothes must be dealt with urgently.

How to remove a fresh tea stain

  • Freshly placed tea stain can be removed by simply washing it with powder or soap and warm water.
  • If it is not possible to immediately remove the contamination (for example, you are not at home, but away), then a cotton wool disc soaked in alcohol diluted with water (one part of alcohol and two parts of water) will help. Wipe the speck with it, and it will not be difficult to remove it.

Folk remedies for dealing with old spots

But what if the pollution is quite old? Here are some ways to get rid of them.


If a white linen or cotton fabric is stained (for example, a tablecloth), take one teaspoon of ammonia and dilute in a liter of clean water. Soak a sponge in it and blot well the tea stains. Under the area of \u200b\u200bcontamination, you need to put paper or napkins folded several times, the removed stain will go to them. Then treat the surface with 10% citric acid and set aside for 15 minutes. Then the item should be rinsed and washed in warm soapy water.

Citric and oxalic acid

This method will help remove tea stains from white clothes, but it is not suitable for colored clothes, as the thing will shed. In a glass of water, dilute one teaspoon of oxalic acid and two teaspoons of citric acid. Dampen a cloth and leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse the product with clean water. You can add a teaspoon of ammonia to it. This method effectively removes the most corrosive tea stains.

Hydrogen peroxide

This substance is suitable for removing stains from delicate white clothes. Soak a cotton pad well with hydrogen peroxide, carefully treat the stained area and wait 15 minutes. Then wash the wardrobe item in cold water.


  • A 4: 1 mixture of glycerin and ammonia is a good remedy for tea stains. It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in this solution and wipe the contaminated area well, then wash in soapy water.
  • To remove tea stains from silk or woolen clothes, warm up some glycerin and rub the stain with it. Let the fabric soak for 15 minutes, then blot with a tissue and wash the garment in warm, soapy water.
  • You can also mix glycerin and table salt, apply the mixture to the stained area of \u200b\u200byour clothing, and wait for the tea stains to dissolve and fade. Then the product can be washed in the washing machine.


You can remove stains from colored items with a cotton swab well moistened with a 10% borax solution. Wipe the stain and remove the remaining streaks with a mixture of 5% citric acid and sodium chloride. Then rinse the item with cold water, and then with warm water.

Lactic acid

An excellent remedy for removing tea stains from natural silk. Mix equal parts lactic acid with distilled water, apply to the stained area and set aside for 20 minutes. After that, you need to rinse the item of clothing well in cool water.

Lemon juice

Freshly squeezed lemon juice will help remove tea stains. You need to wet a cotton pad with it and wipe the stain well, and then wash the product in warm water.

We clean carpet and furniture from stains

The nuisance in the form of accidentally spilled tea can happen not only with your favorite blouse or tablecloth, but also with your favorite sofa, other furniture or carpet. How to remove dirt from carpet or furniture upholstery?

Here again glycerin comes to the rescue. Prepare a solution of 1 tablespoon of glycerin and 1 liter of cold water. We moisten a sponge in it and wipe the contaminated area.

Note to the hostess

Finally, a couple of helpful tips for more effective stain removal.

  • Begin to apply the solution to the stain from the edges to the middle. Then it will not spread and smudge.
  • Before you start removing stains, it is worth checking how the cleaning agent will work on the fabric. Apply a small amount to the underside of the garment to avoid any unpleasant surprises such as discoloration or damage to the garment. This can happen if you mix the solution in the wrong proportions, so be careful!

We hope our tips will quickly get rid of minor contaminants. Do not let annoying troubles darken your tea drinking and do not interfere with enjoying a delicious aromatic drink.

Reading time: 1 minute

Tea is a favorite drink of many of us. Moreover, someone can no longer imagine life without a fragrant cup! But if you accidentally spill this drink on clothes, furniture or carpet, you will immediately recognize its insidious property. Tea marks are very difficult to remove, especially if they are old or on a light surface. How to be here? We offer you a number of useful life hacks - how to remove tea stains.

Drink « sins»The fact that it contains tannins - phenolic compounds with tanning properties. It is they who give it that tart taste and fabulous aftertaste. And it is the tannins that do not want to be easily washed off the clothes.

However, a fresh stain from tea, as well as from almost any " pollutant», It will not be difficult to remove. But it will be much more difficult to fight with dried, and even more ancient.

Generic methods

These methods will help you, and if you just spilled a drink, and if the pollution is stale. Let's figure out how to remove tea stains.

Water and soap

The easiest method is to rinse the soiled area under running water, then thoroughly lather it with laundry soap and “ shake". That's all - after drying, in most cases, there will be no traces.

You can first soak the product in warm ( but not hot!) water. After that, clean it with soap and water. For natural fabric ( cotton and linen) is suitable for household, and for capricious silk and wool it is better to use glycerin.

Dishwashing liquid

How to remove tea stains this way? Apply the product to the stained part of your clothing. Rub lightly and wash off after five minutes. If traces remain, then repeat the procedure again.


Stir one teaspoon of ammonia solution in 1 liter of water. Dip a sponge in this solution and treat the stain with it. Be sure to place unnecessary cloth or paper towels under the garment to help absorb any loose dirt.

Advice! If, after alcohol, there are stains on the product, then we proceed as follows: treat them with a 10% citric acid solution, then wait 15 minutes. Then the thing needs to be thoroughly rinsed, and finally, it should be washed in warm ( exactly warm, but not hot) water.

Water and vinegar

An excellent answer to the question "How to remove a tea stain?" Dilute these components 1: 1. Then soak the tea-drenched section of clothing in the solution. Once the stain has dissolved, it will be enough to simply rinse the item under running water.

The method helps to fight light pollution from black or green tea.


You need a miracle vial "Borax in Glycerin". Dissolve some of the liquid from there in half with water. Then soak it ( water) the tea stain itself. After that, treat it with the prepared solution.

If the stain still remains, then you can "finish off" it with an aqueous solution of citric acid and sodium chloride of low concentration. And then send the thing to the typewriter. How often should clothes be washed afterwards? One time is enough - borax does not have a corrosive odor.

Glycerin and table salt

From these two ingredients, a composition is prepared with a gruel-like consistency. It should be applied to the stain. Keep the composition for a while, then wash the thing - in a typewriter or by hand. And it is important - do not abuse the temperature.

Advice! The Glycerin + Table Salt method can also easily remove ballpoint and wine stains.

Lemon juice

A simple remedy to help you get rid of your tea stain. Lemon juice breaks down tannin very well.

Bleach solution

We will warn you right away: bleach is a very aggressive agent! It is used only for white and completely natural fabrics - cotton or linen. But bleach will not clean synthetics, silk, wool and all types of combined fabrics, but will simply spoil.

To get rid of the pesky unpleasant odor, remember to place the rinse product in the machine with pre-added conditioner. But how often can you machine wash a thing after that? As long as you like, bleach does not spoil linen and cotton.

Lactic acid and distilled water

A little known, but quite effective method, which is perfect even for delicate fabrics. How to wash tea from clothes with it? Dilute a small amount of lactic acid in distilled water. Soak a cloth in it and treat the stain generously with it. Matter can be left on it. Wait 15-20 minutes, then wash the item in the washing machine.

For white things

The best remedy for light matter is hydrogen peroxide. After using it, be sure to wash the product in cold water!

Another great method is regular baking soda. Put some powder on a damp cloth, cloth, or cotton ball. Now rub the stain. You can make a slurry out of baking soda and a few drops of water, which you then rub into the dirt. Then it remains only to thoroughly rinse the thing.

The videos in this article will show you a visual use of home methods.

Advice! We will only remove the stain from the wrong side of the product! Be sure to also place a rag, rag, or several layers of paper towels under the item. This lining will absorb dirt.

Special cases

Now we will analyze the methods that will help us in the case when a specific fabric or object has been poured with tea.

Cotton, linen

Proven methods from hostesses are in the table. How to wash black tea, you will find out later.

A fresh stain.

Salt, ammonia ( can be medical) alcohol

Get wet ( but don't rub!) stain with a cloth or napkin. Then cover the contamination with a layer of table salt. Once it has absorbed the remaining liquid, wipe the stain with a cotton pad or tissue soaked in ammonia solution or rubbing alcohol.
For colored fabrics on which the dirt has dried out.

Borax, citric acid and salt

Here's a little instruction:

1. Wipe the stain with a 10% borax solution.

2. Prepare the composition: dissolve a pinch of salt and 5 g of citric acid in one glass of water. Stir.

3. Treat the contamination with the prepared solution.

4. Now it remains only to thoroughly rinse the thing after the stains have completely disappeared.

White thing.

Ammonia and citric acid.

Use a cotton pad moistened with ammonia solution to treat the stained area. Leave it like this for a while.

Dissolve a tablespoon of citric acid powder in a glass of water. Apply the solution to the treated " ammonia" a place. After dissolving the stains, rinse the product.

Advice! To prevent tea traces from spreading around their circumference, when you start to fight with them, be sure to moisten the material around the contamination with water before processing.

Silk, wool

And in this table we will show you how to deal with the most capricious fabrics.

Glycerol Apply the product to a cotton pad and treat the stain with it. Leave the glycerin on for 10 minutes. Then rinse with water and pat dry with a clean towel.

Housewives also advise using pre-warmed glycerin to remove tea stains.

Oxalic and citric acid Prepare the solution: add a tablespoon of lemon and ½ tablespoon of oxalic acid to a glass of water. Treat the stain. As soon as the acids remove the contamination, rinse the item.
Old stains.

Ammonia, glycerin + washing

Mix glycerin with ammonia solution in the proportion “ one to one". Some time after processing the product with a solution, wash the item in the washing machine, choosing one of the long-term modes.
Stain removers For white fabrics, chlorine-containing ones are also suitable, for colored fabrics, only oxygen ones ( as in the photo)! Our advice to you is to use harsh cleaning agents with care. Be sure to test such a substance on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bmatter. You can use the product if negative reactions do not appear.

Carpet, upholstered furniture

If tea is spilled on these household items, then we do this:

  • Dissolve one tablespoon of glycerin in a liter of cool water. With this solution, use a brush, sponge to treat the tea stain.
  • If the stain is fresh, then you can use dishwashing liquid or a composition of shavings of laundry soap diluted in water. The product is quickly applied with a brush or sponge to dirt, rubbed into foam. Then her ( foam) are removed with a paper towel.
  • Prepare a solution of oxalic, citric or lactic acid and try to work with it. However, before doing this, check its safety in an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe product.

Important papers

It is not uncommon for tea to end up on important documents. What to do in this case, when the cost of inaccuracy is high? The algorithm for your actions is as follows:

  1. Prepare the composition: water and hydrogen peroxide - one to one.
  2. Place the papers in this solution for a period that would allow them to soak in the liquid.
  3. Now we need distilled water with calcium hydroxide mixed in it.
  4. Soak the paper in this solution.
  5. Dry the documents with paper towels.
  6. If that doesn't work, dilute the solution: two parts water to one part chlorine bleach. Dip documents in this composition.
  7. Iron the documents through waxed paper.

You can and cannot

Not all home remedies are created equal for all fabrics. Some can spoil the appearance of the matter. Therefore, we offer you this table, which will help you figure out what is suitable for a particular soiled thing.

Soap Harmless to any type of fabric. But only effective against fresh stains.
Glycerol Light-colored fabrics or fabric dyed with a permanent dye.
Oxalic acid Strong product suitable only for white cotton.
Vinegar or citric acid Suitable for cotton, wool and silk fabrics.
Bura A universal product for any material in a wide variety of colors.
Bleaching powder For white cottons or linen only.

The most harmless For white cotton and linen only! Not for synthetics
Glycerin will be good too Among the safe means and borax

Rules for successful cleaning

So that the home struggle with the tea stain leads to a good result and does not add new problems to you, take note of these simple rules:

  • Do not forget about the fabric backing before cleaning.
  • Before rehabilitating a thing with a pattern or colored fabric, be sure to make sure that the product you choose will not spoil it. So test it in an inconspicuous area. For example, at a seam or at a fold.
  • The cleaning solution is first applied around the stain. Only then do you smoothly move to its center. This will help keep the liquid from spreading over the unstained fabric.
  • Use the smallest strength solution first. Only in the case when it turned out to be ineffective, it can be gradually increased.

Make a paper towel pad

We have figured out how to remove a stain from tea. Choose any of the methods suitable for the stained product, not forgetting to look at the information table and recommendations for safe cleaning at the end of the article.