Recipe for dough for manti with butter. Manti dough - revealing cooking secrets

05.09.2019 The drinks

Not every housewife knows how to knead dough for cops. And in general, little is known about this dish in our country, since it refers more to Asian cuisine. Also about this dish as a national one is mentioned in the cooking of some Siberian peoples. But no matter which of the peoples ascribes the appearance of such a tasty and original dish to itself, the first mentions of it are noted by the Uzbek people. Manti is often confused with khinkali or dumplings. And this is no coincidence, since there are still some similarities between these three dishes, but, nevertheless, they are prepared in a slightly different way.

In the article, we will consider how to knead the dough for manti, what fillings go with them and what sauces are best served with. We will also try to figure out how manti differ from dumplings and khinkali.

It would seem that it could be easier than kneading the dough, but, unfortunately, many novice chefs, preparing such a simple dish, make many mistakes precisely in the process of kneading the dough. Therefore, before starting to prepare the dish, it is best to learn more about how to knead the dough for manti.

What is the difference between manti and dumplings

Before kneading the dough for manti, we will try to figure out what are their main differences from dumplings. Then you will be able to avoid the most common mistakes and resemble the original as much as possible.

The meat filling for manti is not passed through a meat grinder, but is chopped with a knife. This allows her to remain more juicy.

Unlike dumplings, manti are steamed and in no case dipped into boiling water. It is better to cook them in a double boiler. But if it is not there, then a special grate or sieve must be placed on the bottom of the pan with water. And already on it are laid out bags of dough with filling. After all, manti in their shape resemble exactly the bags. Thanks to this dish, the device at the bottom of the pan in the form of a lattice acquired the name "mantis".

Eating manti is taken by hand, so that the juice does not flow out of them when pierced with a fork, but falls directly into the mouth.

The difference between manti and khinkali

The main difference between the two dishes is noticeable to the naked eye - the shape. Manty is wrapped in an open-top envelope. Khinkali, in turn, resemble small tight bags in shape.

Another difference is minced meat. Lamb or beef is often used for manti. Pork or beef is put in khinkali. Also, in some cases, chicken fat can be added. As already noted above, minced meat for manti is chopped with a knife. For khinkali, it is ground in a meat grinder. If in the first case, only coarsely chopped onions and salt are added to the filling, so as not to interrupt the taste of the meat, then in the second they put a large amount of spices and herbs.

When answering the question of how to knead the dough for manti, it must be remembered that it must be tight and bland. It is also customary to add an egg to it. In some regions, yeast is added to the dough. kneaded fresh, but not tight. And no egg is added to it.

The preparation process for both dishes is also different. As already noted, it is customary to steam manti. Khinkali is boiled in a saucepan or in a deep frying pan.

Another difference is that khinkali is a Caucasian dish, manti is an Asian one. Do not eat the tail from the dough from khinkali. It is necessary in order to make it easier to take them with your hands. Manti are eaten completely.

As we have already found out, manti is prepared from unleavened dough. Many housewives add an egg to the dough to make it stick better. But the classic recipe contains only flour, salt and water. It is also important to remember that the water must be cold. Then the dough will be tight.

Cooking the dough

When answering the question of how to properly knead the dough for manti, remember that proportions are of great importance. Rather, it is the basis of success in making a good dough. In our case, the winning proportion is the ratio of water to flour 1: 2.

So, we need:

  • two glasses of sifted wheat flour;
  • one glass of purified cold water;
  • one chicken egg;
  • half a teaspoon of salt.

The dough for manti is rolled up to 2 mm thick.

How to knead the dough for manti with a photo

To make the manti dough airy, it must be sifted through a fine sieve, thus saturating it with oxygen.

Pour flour onto the prepared surface. To prevent excess debris from getting into the dough, cover the surface with parchment paper. In flour, make a funnel with your palm and drive an egg into it and pour water, but not all.

In order for all the contents of the hole not to spread, you need to knead the dough from the edges to the middle, gradually adding the remaining water. If necessary (if the dough turns out to be liquid), add more flour.

The dough should be tight, but elastic. Make a kind of ball out of the dough and cover it with a towel, leave it for a while. This is done so that the dough "rests" a little.

Often half an hour is enough for the proteins that make up the dough to swell, and it, in turn, becomes more elastic and does not tear during cooking.

So, having considered how to knead the dough for manti ("classic" recipe), we can say that it is not so difficult to do this, the main thing is to adhere to the kneading technology. If it is fully observed, the dough for manti will turn out to be elastic, and when rolled it will not tear.

Having rolled out the dough thinly, it remains to cut it into squares of the same shape or familiar circles.

Cooking manti

After the dough is "rested", roll it out thinly to the shape we need. Let's start cooking minced meat. For this, it is best to use lamb, but if you cannot find it, then feel free to replace it with beef. In no case use pork, otherwise it will no longer be manti, but rather khinkali or dumplings.

Ingredients for minced meat:

  • one kilogram of meat;
  • half a kilo of onions;
  • a couple of teaspoons of salt.

Chop the meat with a knife into pieces of at least one centimeter. Finely chop the onion. Mix the ingredients well and add salt to them. To make the minced meat as juicy as possible, you can add one glass of cooked broth to it.

After the minced meat is ready, we proceed to the formation of manti. Put about one tablespoon of minced meat on the prepared dough. Now it is important to properly hold the dough so that it does not stick out during cooking. First you need to fasten the edges so that you get envelopes. Further, the edges of the open segments must be leaned against each other. All meat envelopes are ready.

How to knead dough for manti in a bread maker

Making dough for manti is not so easy. Despite the fact that its preparation requires a minimum set of products, not every housewife can knead it, since this is a rather laborious process.

But in the age of technology, the task can be made easier by baking. The dough prepared with it will turn out to be moderately firm and sufficiently elastic. To knead it, we need three glasses of sifted flour, one chicken egg, a glass of kefir, salt, vegetable oil.

Method for preparing dough in a bread maker

In this case, the main thing is to observe the proportions, and the machine will already do everything on its own. Drive an egg into a separate container and add kefir to it. Mix well. This can be done with a whisk. Then pour the mixture into the bowl of the bread maker. Add salt, vegetable oil and flour.

Set the program you need and wait for the dough to knead. When the machine copes with the task, take out the finished dough and leave it covered for half an hour to "rest". After that, you can start cooking manti.

Features of the preparation of filling for manti

Having figured out how to properly knead the dough for manti, we will consider the features of cooking minced meat. In the homeland of this dish, it is customary to cook minced meat from lamb, goat meat or horse meat, and in some cases camel meat. But since it is quite difficult to get such meat in our latitudes, you can use beef.

To make the minced meat juicy, fat tail fat or fat is added to it. In the absence of both, you can put a small piece of butter in each mant. Here's how to knead the dough for manti, the recipe contains butter and several ingredients that add juiciness to the filling.

Onions must be put into minced meat for manti. It gives it a juiciness and also makes it more savory. Most often it is mixed with meat in a 1: 2 ratio.

Manti sauces

If it is not recommended to put a large amount of spices in the minced meat for manti, then there are no restrictions on the issue of sauces. It can be classic sauces based on mayonnaise, sour cream with garlic, it can also be ketchup or adjika. In addition to the famous sauces, you can add lesser known, but very tasty sauces.

Sauce Almaty Satan

It is prepared on the basis of vegetable oil, which is heated in a pan until smoke appears. After that, add one tablespoon of tomato paste to it. Turn off the stove and add a little red pepper and garlic squeezed through a garlic press. Mix all the contents, pour into a glass container and let the sauce brew for 15 minutes.

Sour cream and garlic sauce

To prepare it, finely chop five cloves of garlic. This is important, you cannot pass the garlic through the garlic press. The chunks of garlic should be felt. Chop the dill and green onions separately. Sprinkle herbs with your favorite spices. In this case, suneli hops are good.

After that, mix all the ingredients and pour a glass of sour cream. The sauce should be infused for at least 15 minutes.

How to eat manti correctly

Having studied how to knead the dough for manti according to the classic recipe, the features of the preparation of minced meat and sauces, we will figure out how to eat this Asian dish correctly.

If, in the case of dumplings, it is enough to prick each one on a fork, dip the sauce and eat, and you can take khinkali with your hands and also dip it into the sauce, then the case with manti looks a little different.

So that the juice from the manti does not flow out, and the sauce is felt inside each manta ray. They must first be bitten, then put the sauce in the mantle with a spoon and then finish eating it, enjoying the fullness of the dish's taste.

What is this dish?

Once you have tasted a steamed product made of the finest dough, comfortably but tightly holding the delicate filling in the aromatic juice, flavored with crispy onions, you will no longer be able to confuse it with any other externally similar treat.

The meticulous hostess has a question - whose dish is manti?

Culinary experts from many countries of Central and Southeast Asia never argue on this topic - they just cook manti a little differently, believing that their national recipe is the most delicious.

The Chinese mainly stuff manti with pork, the Mongols prefer goat meat, camel meat, beef and horse meat.

In the regions of China and Korea, located by the sea, shrimp, crab meat, and squid are often added to minced meat.

Manty: how to cook

A dish is prepared with a variety of fillings, including lean ones, so the calorie content of manti can be very different. The most satisfying are pork and lamb manti, the least high-calorie filling is mushroom and vegetable.

A distinctive feature of this dish is that do not use a meat grinder and blender to create minced meat.

Meat and fat should be chopped with a knife into cubes (0.5 cm).

The same rule applies to other ingredients, if you cook multicomponent minced meat (meat with vegetables) or lean manti (with vegetables, cottage cheese, cheese, fruits - apples, quince, grapes).

Cool the minced meat before wrapping the manti.

An expertly prepared dish can be judged by the thickness of the dough. The perfect dough for manti should be the thinnest - so that the filling is visible.

If we talk about modeling methods, then manti in this regard can be very different: the dough is rolled out into squares, balls, stripes, stuffed with minced meat and figuratively sealed, giving cute shapes. Before cooking, they are allowed to "rest" for 10 minutes, covered with cloth.

Manti should not be boiled in water like dumplings. They are only steamed.

In the East, a long time ago, they came up with a special unit - a mantool. The people also call her mantis. If you do not have these dishes, cook the manti in a double boiler or a multicooker for a couple. Sometimes the products are fried until golden brown before cooking, or, conversely, they are first boiled, then an appetizing "shell" is created in hot fat. Many people like baked manti in the oven. It is very tasty, but it violates the basic principle of cooking - steam.

Classic recipe for manti with meat

Traditional Asian manti with meat is a recipe for a dish that is steamed pouches of unleavened dough stuffed with meat with lots of onions and spices.

Made in accordance with all the rules, they are very tasty and juicy.

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine: Asian
  • Type of dish: second courses
  • Cooking method: steamed
  • Servings: 4
  • 45 mins


for the test:
  • flour - 2.75 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
  • salt - 1 tsp
for filling:
  • beef - 300 g
  • onions - 300 g
  • zira - 1 pinch
  • salt to taste
  • ground coriander - 1 pinch
  • ground black pepper - 1 pinch
  • ground red pepper - 1 pinch.

Cooking step by step:

The recipe for manti with meat is simple, and we start the preparation by kneading the dough. Pour 1 cup of warm water into a deep cup, add salt and vegetable oil.

Add flour gradually. To make a tough dough, a maximum of 3 cups of premium wheat flour will be used. In this case, 2.75 cups were used.

Knead everything, wrap in plastic wrap and set aside for 15-20 minutes. This dough for manti is a classic recipe that goes well with products with any filling. You can also add 1 egg. To do this, break an egg into a measuring glass and add water to the brim. And then add flour.

While the dough is infused, you need to prepare the filling. Cut the onion into half rings, add a pinch of salt, pepper, coriander and cumin. Massage the whole mass with your hands. The onion should let the juice go

Peel the beef of films and tendons. Cut into small cubes, then chop with a knife, as in the photo. If you are pressed for time, you can use a meat grinder with a nozzle for a large shredder, but the real minced meat for manti is chopped with a knife.

Mix onion with meat, salt to taste. If the meat is without streaks of fat, add 2 tablespoons of softened butter to the filling.

The finished dough needs to be rolled out with a rolling pin. If it sticks to the surface, you can lightly dust it with flour. You need to roll out the dough onto the manti rather thinly, several millimeters thick. If you can see the letters on the silicone mat, then it is already quite thinly stretched... It is necessary to try to ensure that the layer over the entire surface is of the same thickness.

Cut the dough with a knife into equal squares with sides 10 * 10 cm.

Put one tablespoon of the filling on each square.

Connect the opposite ends of the square in such a way as to form an envelope. You only need to connect the ends, the edges remain free.

Now the manti with meat must be greased on all sides with vegetable oil and put on a double boiler. The steaming bowl should also be greased with oil.

Manty should be folded tightly enough, but at the same time make sure that they do not flatten or lose their shape.

When the water in a steamer or multicooker boils, set a bowl with manti. Steam the dish for exactly 45 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, put the manti on a plate and pour over the melted butter.

Choux pastry recipe for manti

The choux dough wonderfully holds even the liquid inside the product during the cooking process, it can be rolled very thinly - it does not break.

That is, the minced meat for manti can be anything at all.

You will need:

  • 2-2.5 tbsp. flour
  • 1 tbsp. water
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • a pinch of salt.

How to cook

  1. Boil water, salt, add oil.
  2. Add a glass of flour, stir.
  3. Gradually add the remaining flour, kneading into a soft, elastic dough.
  4. Wrap the bun with cling film. Let it rest in the refrigerator while you cook the minced meat.
  5. It is appropriate to replace the water with milk - the dough will be even softer. You can add an egg (1 piece per pound of flour).

Filling options

Do not forget: the dish has Asian roots, and the correct selection of spices when preparing fillings is just as important for it as the base itself. Choose the most fragrant: cumin, marjoram, coriander, basil ... Season with salt and pepper to taste. But if you cook, for example, manti with mushrooms, do not put a lot of spices and spices, mushrooms themselves have a rich taste and aroma.

Chopped meat

Manti are supportive of any meat - lamb, pork, beef, poultry, many people like assorted.

Minced meat "loves" onions very much - the more it is in the filling, the juicier it will turn out,some recipes use a 1: 1 ratio.

The dominant spice in minced meat is zira (cumin).

In Asian, Mediterranean, African and Latin American cuisines, she has long earned the title of Queen of Spices.

Actually, this is caraway, but special, characterized by a sharper, stronger and more pleasant aroma than the usual spice of the same name.

Lamb with fat tail

If you are interested to know why this hearty dish is so revered by the inhabitants of Central Asia, cook Uzbek manti. The classic cooking recipe involves the use of lamb, onion, fat tail and cumin for the filling.

Do not replace fat with lard - this is not the case in Asian cooking.

Bars of fat give the dish tenderness and juiciness, but know when to stop: for 1 kg of meat, 150 g of fat are usually taken. You can add a piece to the minced meat directly when sculpting products.


Manty with meat and potatoes are tasty, satisfying, and also practical: potatoes miraculously absorb excess moisture from meat.

And about manti with potatoes without meat accompaniment, it is true to say: "original, tasty, satisfying and economical."

The main components of this dish (potatoes and dough) are not at all a reason to compare them with dumplings, pies, or even.

Juicy, spicy minced meat, combined with the flavor of the steamed dough, make this a very special treat.

For 2 parts potatoes, prepare 1 part onion. Relatively speaking, for the preparation of 20 manti, you will need 4 medium potatoes and 2 onions of a similar size. Add salt to chopped vegetables, spices to taste (do not forget about cumin), 100 g of fatty component (your choice: fat tail or internal fat, melted lard or butter), mix well and cool.


Manti with pumpkin is prepared in all regions of endless Asia: among the vegetable fruits added to meat fillings for manti, it is a traditional and most common component. You can cook lean manti with pumpkin, delicately forgetting that the "essence" of manti is by no means vegetarian.

Choose a ripe, sweet pumpkin, peel and seeds, chop finely, add salt. Squeeze out after a couple of minutes. Add chopped onion and melted butter, stir. For 1 kg of pumpkin pulp, you will need 150 g of butter and at least 200 g of onions.

This option is also good because until spring, that is, a thrifty summer resident can always prepare a tasty and inexpensive dish.


Cabbage filling is prepared in two main ways. You can simply pour boiling water over the cabbage, leave for half an hour, letting the leaves swell, then cook the minced meat. The second option is to stew the vegetable with onions.

You will need at least two large onions per kilogram of cabbage. Chop the cabbage finely, then cut across into squares (0.5 cm). Chop the onion finely. Salt the onion in vegetable oil (it should turn clear). Put the cabbage on the onion and simmer, covered with a lid, over low heat, until the cabbage runs out the juice. Season with spices, stir. Squeeze out excess juice and cool.

How to sculpt manti

Each experienced housewife has her own way of how to properly sculpt manti. Many people prefer the traditional option described in the recipe above - roll out the dough, cut into squares, put minced meat in the middle, pin the opposite protruding corners of the rolled dough. The formed side corners should also be connected.

Manty roses are spectacular.

You can be sure: cut the thinly rolled dough into strips (length - 40 cm, width - 7 cm).

Along, in the middle, receding from the edges, lay the filling, fold the strips in half and lightly press down.

Tuck a corner on one side - this will be the middle of the future flower.

From it, twist the product into a loose roll.

Close its end and tuck it down.

You can roll out a pancake with a diameter of 10 cm, put minced meat in the center (1 tablespoon), lift a circle of dough by the edges from opposite sides, connect, then connect the other edges of the cake in the same way.

Another option is to stick the edges of the cake crosswise, giving the product the appearance of a pie with a pigtail.

Here is a great video with visual tips on how to sculpt manti beautifully:

And the easiest way is to cook lazy manti. It will be enough to roll out the dough, lay out all the minced meat, stepping back from the edges, roll the product into a roll and put it in a cooking bowl. Divide into portions before serving. Please note that the minced meat for such a product should not be too juicy.

How and how much to cook

Most preferred utensils for cooking manti at home - mantle. This is a capacious container in which lattice trays are placed in several tiers. Products are laid out on them. A steam generator is located at the bottom of the device. The mantle pot is hermetically sealed and the treat is steamed, which is served through a central tube that permeates the entire structure.

The steam generator can be filled with more than just water. Delicious manti are steamed with a broth saturated with spices. Gourmets pour tea and even wine into the steam generator.

The peculiarity of the cooker is that steam is supplied to all tiers at the same time, and, for example, in a double boiler, a hot stream of steam rises from the bottom.

This means that when the products on the lower tier of the steamer are ready, they are still damp on the upper tier.

However, manti in a double boiler is also tender and juicy.

Many housewives prefer to cook manti in a slow cooker, setting the mode to "steam" - this is the easiest way to cook manti. There is one minus - not to cook a lot at a time, compared to a mantover.

Cooking time in the described units is approximately 40 minutes. Of course, it is easier and faster (about 15 minutes) to cook the products, but this is force majeure, after all, these are not dumplings. And before you cook the manti in a saucepan, be sure to put spices and herbs in the boiled water.

Serving delicious

Season the treat with melted butter, season with black pepper and decorate with herbs.

Accompany it traditionally: sour cream, sour milk, yogurt, meat broth, or, discarding dogma, - mayonnaise, mustard, horseradish gravy.

Homemade tomato sauce harmoniously combines with this dish, but the classic sauce for manti is still white, based on sour milk products.

Combine, for example, sour cream with chopped garlic and herbs, add a little salt.

The delightful taste and stunning aroma of properly prepared manti will fully manifest itself if you serve them in a blistering heat.

It is convenient to make a large batch of manti and send it to the freezer for storage. Within 2-3 months, you will be able to treat your household and guests to an excellent dish that will not differ in taste from the freshly made one.

Manti must not only be properly cooked, molded, boiled and served, but also eaten right! Carefully bite off the edge, drink the aromatic broth, now add the sauce and, taking a bite, finish off the deliciousness... It is believed that real manti are eaten by hand.

The dough for manti is prepared in an elementary way, but it requires some skill, patience and adherence to the recipe, which can be both classic and performed with some deviations from the authentic version using other basic components.

Manti dough - recipe

If for the first time you make out the dough for manti, the classic recipe is perfect for acquaintance. In addition, it is based on the main basic points that accompany all the other variations that need to be remembered:

  1. Loose components must be sieved through a fine sieve.
  2. The liquid base used can be of any temperature, in the classic version at room temperature, always salted.
  3. If you measure the constituents in glasses, then about four parts of a flour bulk mass and one egg are taken for one part of the liquid.
  4. The resulting lump should be dense, elastic, not sticky, kneaded for at least a quarter of an hour and kept for some time under a film or in a bag.

Those who are tired of long kneading should try the recipe outlined below and make a dough on mineral water for manti. Gas bubbles contribute to the speedy dissolution of the salt crystals and the rapid ideal mixing of the constituents with each other. In a shorter period of time, you can get the same plastic and uniform result. Already in an hour, taking into account the time for proofing, you can start sculpting eight portions of an Asian dish, filling the prepared blanks.


  • wheat flour - 700 g;
  • highly carbonated mineral water - 250 ml;
  • salt - 10 g.


  1. The sifted bulk products are placed in a bowl.
  2. Water is poured into the recess and kneading is carried out, which is completed on a dusty table, achieving the desired coma texture.
  3. Place the dough on the manti in a bag and let it stand for forty minutes.

Dough for manti on boiling water

The dough for manti on boiling water is easily and naturally kneaded and rolled out, perfectly sealed when decorating products and, thanks to its dense structure, perfectly preserves all the juices of finished products inside. When cutting, a minimum of flour powder is required, since it does not stick at all to hands, a table and a rolling pin. Eight servings base will be ready in one hour.


  • sifted flour - 600 g;
  • boiling water - 250 ml;
  • medium-sized egg - 1 pc .;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • salt - 10 g.


  1. Beat the salted egg and butter.
  2. Pour in the sifted flour mass, mix.
  3. Boiling water is poured in and a dense elastic ball is kneaded, which should turn out to be completely non-sticky.
  4. Withstand it for forty minutes under the film and proceed to.

Dough for manti without eggs - recipe

To make the dough, you can realize it without adding eggs. At least two-thirds of all possible product variations are prepared from such a basis. Many housewives revere her more than others, believing that the products thus turn out to be more delicate and do not have a rubbery consistency. From the specified amount, you get a ball for decorating eight servings of an Asian dish.


  • wheat flour - 600 g;
  • filtered water - 250 ml;
  • salt - 10 g.


  1. Sift flour, pour in salted water and knead a dense and non-sticky dough on manti without eggs.
  2. The ball is kept in a bag or under a damp towel for forty minutes and, after the time has elapsed, it is proceeded to its further processing.

Choux pastry for manti - recipe

To get a softer and more plastic base, which will be easier to roll out without additional efforts on the part of the cook, you can make choux pastry on manti. In this version, the base for the products does not stick to your hands at all, and the dish itself turns out to be softer and more tender and is steamed for ten minutes less than usual. Eight servings base will be ready in one hour.


  • sifted flour - 600 g;
  • boiling water - 250 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • salt - 10 g.


  1. The boiling water is salted, oil is added and poured into a bowl with sifted flour mass.
  2. First knead the contents with a spoon.
  3. Transfer the thick substance to a dusty table and complete the process until the desired density and density of the ball is obtained.
  4. Withstand the dough for manti for forty minutes under the film and start sculpting the products.

Dough for manti on kefir

Next, how to make dough for manti in a not quite traditional way, using kefir as a liquid base. In a similar way, the mass turns out to be more magnificent, and the finished dish acquires special taste characteristics and turns out to be more tender. Kefir must be fresh. The product is at the end of the expiration date or is peroxidized. The finished ball is enough for eight servings, and it takes one hour to create it.


  • wheat flour - 600 g;
  • medium fat kefir - 250 ml;
  • medium-sized egg - 1 pc .;
  • coarse salt - 10 g.


  1. Kefir at room temperature, add some salt, mix with beaten egg mass and sifted flour.
  2. Knead a dense tight dough for manti on kefir, let it lie down for a short time.

Dough for manti with milk

If any of the tried and tested recipes did not satisfy your needs, try kneading the dough for manti with milk. It turns out to be much softer than the other base and at the same time perfectly holds its shape, does not break during the steam heat treatment of finished products and retains the juices of the filling inside. It takes an hour to make the base for eight servings of the deliciously juicy treat.


  • sifted flour - 600 g;
  • whole milk - 250 ml;
  • medium-sized egg - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 80 g;
  • salt - 10 g.


  1. The salted egg mass is mixed with melted and cooled butter and milk.
  2. Pour the mixture into a bowl with sifted flour, knead thoroughly at first with a spoon, and then put it on the table and complete the kneading with your hands.
  3. After a lump of manti dough has stood for forty minutes, it can be used to decorate products.

Dough for manti in a bread maker - recipe

Having the opportunity to knead the dough for manti in a bread maker, you must definitely use it. The smart device will cope with the task perfectly, providing a homogeneous, dense and plastic lump at the output, from which the most with any filling will be obtained. The proportions of the components may vary depending on the model of the device, each of which, as a rule, is accompanied by the recommended recipes in the instructions, which should be used. The amount received in an hour is enough to make six servings of a treat.

Manty cooks for a relatively long time, so be prepared to constantly drive away relatives who suddenly come into the kitchen from the steamer. But it's worth it".


What do you need:

4.5 tbsp. flour
250-300 ml of water
1 egg
1 tsp salt

900 g of lamb or beef (you can take half lamb, half beef, or you can take pork altogether, this is a matter of personal preference, coercion is inappropriate here)
200 g of fat tail fat (in the absence of fat, you can choose more fatty parts of meat and take a little more of it)
600 g onions
1 tsp cumin with a slide (it is advisable not to use already ground spices)
1 tsp coriander
0.5 tsp black pepper (spicy lovers can take a little more pepper)
1 tsp salt

How to cook manti:

1. For the dough, sift the flour into a large bowl.

2. Dissolve salt in cold water (you can put it in the refrigerator for a short time).

3. Make a well in the flour, add a raw egg and cold water with salt.

Knead a tough homogeneous dough.

It should be elastic and should not stick to your hands. You can add a little flour if necessary. Roll the dough into a ball and leave under a towel for 2 hours.

4. For the filling, the meat should be, armed with a sharp knife and a fair amount of patience, cut into as small, equal cubes as possible. Do the same with the fat tail.

5. Cut the onion into thin small strips. I have a wonderful sharp shredder for these purposes, so if you have something similar, use it. This is a great time saver. Lightly salt the onion and knead it well with your hands.

6. Mix meat, fat with onions and spices, previously ground in a mortar. Mix thoroughly again. Alternatively, you can add a little fresh cilantro to the meat. But first, you can try without it. I advise you to experiment a second time.

7. Roll out the dough until translucent and cut into circles.

Place the filling in the center.

8. Now you can sculpt: first pinch the middle.

Then pinch the edges like an envelope.

Then unfold the workpiece with the other side and make two pints again. It remains only to connect the pins to each other and carefully clamp.

9. Time to cook. Many sources suggest lubricating the mantle or steamer levels with oil. I'm used to doing the opposite. I pour in a small bowl of oil and, taking the manti by the top seam, I just dip the bottom in the oil. Never stuck.

10. Manti are prepared for about 45-55 minutes. Much depends on the thickness of the dough that you got and on the size of the manti themselves.

11. After 50 minutes, you can open and take a sample. Manti is easy to get. If the mantas just rise, just lift, if not, you can pick them up with a silicone spatula. Checked - it works. Or shake each level slightly.

Serve manti only with the right sauce. The colorful host of the program, Lara Katsova, shared her favorite recipes with us.


Manty must be served with sauce. Photo:

Lara Katsova: “The mother of my close friend from Tbilisi taught me this sauce”.

What do you need:
500 g canned tomatoes in their own juice
2 cloves of garlic
50 g cilantro
50 greens of dill
1 tbsp hops-suneli
1 tbsp coriander
half chili
ground red pepper - optional
1 tsp Sahara
1 tsp salt

How to make a hot herb sauce:

Rub the tomatoes through a sieve, finely chop the garlic. Mix the garlic and tomatoes, add salt and sugar, put the mixture on low heat, bring to a boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Add suneli hops, coriander, finely chopped chili and simmer for another 3 minutes. If you want more spiciness, add red ground pepper. Remove from heat, put in finely chopped cilantro and dill, cover and let cool.


Lara Katsova: “I understand that I will not open America, everyone knows about the classic sour cream sauce for khinkali. But my recipe is still different - saturated with herbs and spiciness. "

What do you need:
1 tbsp. sour cream 20%
2-3 cloves of garlic
small chili pepper
a sufficient amount of cilantro and dill

How to make sour cream sauce:

Chop the garlic and chilli finely, removing the seeds. Chop the herbs, mix everything. Salt. The whole trick is that there should be a lot of greens, it is rather greens with sour cream, and not sour cream with herbs.

Many housewives seriously consider Uzbek manti to be the closest relatives of the Russian dish "dumplings", and they cook them in the same way, making them only slightly larger in size. If you want to treat your family or friends with a real dish "with the smell of the East", then you should know that dumplings and manti are hardly similar in their method of preparation.

Prepare them in at least one of the ways that we will give in this article, and you will be convinced of this. In Central Asia, manti are extremely popular on the tables of the local population. So what prevents us from trying Asian cuisine without leaving home?

The main thing in the article

Cooking manti: selection of products

Although it is believed that manti is an Asian dish that is popular in Uzbek, Turkish and Pakistani cuisine, it comes from China. It is from the Chinese "mantiou", that is, "steamed bread" that the name of this original and insanely tasty dish comes from.

Traditional classic manti is made from two main ingredients:

  • elastic, resilient dough;
  • minced meat, which is most often lamb with the addition of onions, spices and fat tail fat.

Concerning test, the most delicious recipe of which we will present below, then for its preparation you will traditionally need:

  • water,
  • salt,
  • flour,
  • some housewives add eggs and milk to give it special tenderness and elasticity.

In Turkestan, the recipe for manti from choux pastry is also widespread.

We are not as accustomed to eating lamb as Asian peoples, therefore we often replace the standard meat ingredient this dish into a more classic one:

  • pork,
  • beef,
  • chicken,
  • a mixture of several types of minced meat.

Instead fat tail fits perfectly a piece salted bacon... For 1 kg of meat, you need to take 150-200 g of lard - so the filling will turn out to be juicy and tender.

The addition of onions: do not feel sorry for him, let his amount exceed 50% of minced meat - this will be the key to the juiciness of the whole dish.

In the homeland of manti, in sunny Asia, spices are very popular, so try to keep your manti not too bland. Season the minced meat for a rich taste and characteristic aroma cumin, black pepper, caraway seeds, marjoram, coriander, dried basil,garlic.

Lovers of greens can add finely chopped meat to the minced meat cilantro, fresh basil or dill.

If you want to make manti according to the original recipe, stock up on products that best fit into the format of this dish:

  • pumpkin;
  • mushrooms;
  • cheese - processed, hard or feta cheese;
  • potatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • fish;
  • favorite spices.

Dishes and kitchen utensils for making manti

Manty is a dish, for the preparation of which you need to arm yourself with certain kitchen props. An ordinary pan, as for cooking dumplings, will not work here, especially if you are cooking open manti or have chosen some other original modeling option for them. Manti are steamed, from this they not only keep their ideal shape, but also become even healthier.

Traditionally, for the preparation of manti in Asian countries, a special device is used - the mantle. Her Russian relative, called a mantle cooker, is as close as possible to her in her functions, and allows her to cook manty no worse than in the countries of the East.

The principle of its device is simple: the cooker consists of 2 or 3 pots, placed on top of each other, separated in the middle by a lid with holes like a colander, for free steam penetration.

If you do not cook manti too often, it is not necessary to purchase a manti cooker: ordinary double boiler will cope with the preparation of manti no worse. If you have in your kitchen multicooker - use it by selecting the "Steam cooking" mode.

These kitchen helpers allow you to cook delicious manti in just 40-50 minutes.

Features and principles of making manti

You can get acquainted with the main rules and the most beautiful ways of sculpting manti from our article:

The recipe for the most delicious dough for manti

In order for the dough to become softer and more pliable when rolling, cover it with a bag or wrap it with cling film and leave to rest on the table for about 20 minutes.

The universal dough for manti is ready, in the meantime you can start preparing the filling. You can mold manti of a classic form, or you can give free rein to imagination and create an elegant, intricate, festive dish if you use our advice from the article about.

And how to properly roll out the dough onto manti and pinch them beautifully, look at the video.

Do not forget to look at our article about the most delicious, in it you will definitely find an option to your taste.

Classic manti with meat: a step-by-step recipe with a photo

This is the recipe that we are all used to, and which is absolutely adapted to the cuisine of our country. Let's take the following products for him.

We knead the dough according to the recipe presented above, or choose the appropriate one from the presented ones. And if everything is clear with the dough, and the main thing is to knead it properly, then it is the filling that makes the manti real manti.

We put it on a dish, fill it with melted butter, decorate with herbs and enjoy a delicious hot meal.

Manty with meat in Uzbek

The technology for preparing manti in Uzbek is not too different from the classical one. The main difference is in the ingredients of the dish. If you still intend to try this variant of manti, stock up on such products.

  1. We make dough for manti according to an already mastered recipe, as in the classic version.
  2. Grind all minced meat ingredients into cubes and mix.
  3. Generously season the minced meat with spices, salt and mix thoroughly.
  4. Put 1 tablespoon of filling on prepared identical layers of dough.
  5. We pinch the manti, give them a traditional shape.

Secret: the stitched seams of the manti should be similar in configuration to a horizontally elongated letter "H". Then we pull the corners, which are the lower part of the "legs" of the letter H, to each other and connect.

We generously grease the lattices of the cascan of the mantle cooker with vegetable oil, place the manti on them and cook the dish for 40-50 minutes. By the way, you should definitely eat manti in Uzbek with your hands.

Manty with meat and pumpkin: an original Asian photo recipe

In this recipe, pumpkin is added to the traditional onion and meat filling - a rather unusual element of a meat dish for us. But, for example, in Almaty, manti is prepared exclusively with the addition of pumpkin. They turn out to be very delicate, sweet, original.

You can do two things with vegetables.

  1. Cut into small cubes.
  2. Grate the pumpkin, cut the onion into half rings. The second option will be easier to work with in the process.

Test preparation

Preparing the filling

Manti molding

Steaming manti
Do not forget to moisten each mantle in sunflower or butter before putting it on the cascan.

Manti recipe from Stalik Khankishiev

Manti recipe with meat and cheese

Cooking manti with the addition of cheese does not differ much from the recipe for classic manti with meat. Only at the stage of preparation of minced meat, it is necessary to add cheese grated on a coarse grater to it, and choose which one yourself:

  • hard varieties;
  • fused;
  • feta cheese;
  • suluguni.

Ideal filling proportions:

  • 0.5 kg of meat
  • 0.3 kg onion
  • 0.2 kg cheese
  • spices to taste.

Manti are steamed for 45 minutes, after which they are seasoned with butter and sprinkled with your favorite herbs.

Manty with potatoes and mushrooms: a recipe for choux pastry

Do you think manti is only with meat? Not at all, let's adapt this dish to our cuisine and cook Asian manti in Russian style - with potatoes and mushrooms.

Tip: For a more delicate filling, add a small cube of butter to each mantle before pinching.

Manti recipe with meat, potatoes and cabbage

We offer a video recipe for the most juicy manti with meat and vegetables: potatoes, cabbage, onions and carrots with aromatic vegetable gravy.

Manty with fish and spices: a step by step recipe

Manty with fish is a special nutritional delight with the original "sound" of a familiar dish. Be sure to delight your loved ones with this delicacy, and here's a festive recipe for your arms.


  • 4 cups flour
  • 2 tbsp cold water
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • salt and sugar - 1 tsp each.

We knead the stiff elastic dough, gradually introducing flour. We wrap it in plastic wrap and let it rest for 20 minutes.


  • fresh salmon or other sea fish - 0.8 kg
  • chinese cabbage (for a more delicate taste) - 200 g
  • 1 onion
  • 0.5 cups cream
  • 0.5 tsp each spices - saffron, ground red and black peppers, salt.

Chop the salmon into cubes, cut the cabbage into strips, chop the onion finely and fry in melted butter, adding 1 tsp of sugar.
We mix all the minced meat ingredients, add spices and cream to it.

Divide the dough into small portions, roll each properly. Put 1 tbsp of filling on the center of each layer of dough.

We pinch the manti.

Cooking manti in a double boiler, adding spices to boiling water for flavoring: peppercorns, Provencal herbs, rosemary and basil. Cook manti for 25-30 minutes.

This delicious delicate dish "asks" for a special sauce. Let's take for him:

  • 1 tbsp fat sour cream
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • salt pepper.

Squeeze the garlic into sour cream, finely chop the dill and send it there. Season with a little pepper and salt.

This sauce will further highlight the delicate and extraordinary taste of fish manti, which your family will surely appreciate and love.

Cooking manti in a multicooker

How to make truly juicy and tasty manti: our tips

  1. As already mentioned - the more onion in the filling, the juicier the manti.
  2. After cutting the meat, beat it off a little more by chopping it with a knife or a chop ax.
  3. Be sure to use the fatty component in minced meat - if you haven't found fat tail fat, add fat without meat layers.
  4. Before spreading the minced meat on the dough, remember it carefully so that the onion gives maximum juice.
  5. To add juiciness, chopped pumpkin is added to the minced meat.
  6. If the filling still seems a little dry to you, add a little boiled water to the minced meat and mix it well.
  7. When the minced meat is already laid out on a layer of dough, place a cube of butter on top of it and pinch the mantas in the chosen way.
  8. Be sure to lubricate the cascans of a double boiler or mantle with vegetable or butter so that the manty does not stick together and break.

The most delicious options for manti toppings

In addition to the delicious fillings for manti presented above, we advise you to try the following combinations that will not leave you and your family and friends indifferent.

  • lamb + greens + feta cheese;
  • meat + mushrooms + cheese;
  • hard cheese + spinach + dill;
  • cottage cheese + greens;
  • pumpkin + pink salmon fillet;
  • pumpkin + feta cheese;
  • chicken + garlic + zucchini;
  • minced fish + rice;
  • onions + boiled eggs + greens.

Such a variety of filling options will give you the opportunity to serve a new culinary masterpiece every time.

Video recipes for delicious manti