How to bake a parchment cake. Paper forms for Easter cakes

03.08.2019 The drinks

Dear friends! The Bright Holiday of Easter is approaching. Traditionally, in Russia, the Easter table is served in a special way. It is decorated with festive Easter cakes, colored eggs, willow twigs, fresh flowers.

Easter is always celebrated in spring, so we associate its arrival with the onset of warm sunny days, the chirping of birds, and the renewal of nature. A renewal is also taking place in our souls, hope for new successes and a happy future awakens, a surge of strength and health appears. We seem to be born again.

Our ancestors baked Easter cakes in advance. As a rule, on Maundy Thursday during Holy Week. On this day, general cleaning was done in the house and cooking began.

Today is such a day. And we are ready to tell you how to bake an Easter cake in paper form using the express baking method. Why are we suddenly considering such a method? Because it is especially relevant for working women. After all, they have neither the strength nor the time to engage in numerous kneads of dough, put it on at night and from time to time monitor how it fits.

Special molds for Easter cakes are also far from every home. For this purpose, you can use paper ones. They keep their shape perfectly. Baked Easter cakes can be left in paper forms for several days, they stay fresh longer in them, and do not dry out so quickly.

So, the express baking method includes making yeast dough with all the goodies and immediately laying it out on paper forms, proving for 2-3 hours and, in fact,. All preparations, taking into account the decoration of the cakes, take 4 hours. How is it? Have we convinced you? Shall we start?


  • Milk (warm) - 1.5 cups;
  • Yeast (dry active) - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Sugar -1.5 cups;
  • Butter - 150 grams;
  • Vegetable oil -2 tablespoons;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (20 grams);
  • Wheat flour - 5 glasses (approximately);
  • Raisins (optional).

We heat the milk, add 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and yeast. Stir and leave in a warm place for 15 minutes to "wake up" the yeast. If your yeast is not dry, but fresh, then you need to take 50-70 grams of it.

Meanwhile, beat the eggs with sugar. Who loves sweet pastries and is not going to add candied fruits or raisins to the dough, sugar can be taken not 1.5 cups, but more. For example, 2 glasses for this amount of dough.

Melt the butter, add vegetable oil, vanilla sugar and raisins to it. Raisins by that time should be washed, small twigs and debris removed. You can add nuts, previously peeled and chopped.

We pour our "awakened yeast" into the oil solution. Sift the flour and gradually introduce it here. Stir, make a not too thick dough. And immediately we lay it out on paper molds. The inside of the molds can be greased with vegetable oil, but if there is no time for this, then this is not necessary.

The dough in molds will stand at room temperature for about 3 hours, it will rise and will increase in volume by 2-3 times... In this regard, the dough should be spread in the form a little, only 1/3 of the volume.

When the dough came up (it took us exactly 2 hours), the cakes can be planted in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes, depending on your oven. You can use a dry toothpick to check the readiness of the cakes.

We prepare fondant for cakes in any way that is most affordable. Now in social networks there are a great variety of them. And by the way, not all recipes are successful.

I am proud to announce that I am keeper of an old family recipe Easter cake :-). This is how great-great-grandmothers baked, and I have been baking this way for 20 years. Everything is verified to the smallest detail, along the way I will tell small and very important secrets, we read carefully. I must say right away that I publish here only half of the inherited recipe (in the sense that grandmothers-great-grandmothers took 2 times more products :-)), but it's still VERY MUCH. I distribute to relatives, friends and acquaintances! (in the photo below - my Vovka with the next baked goods).

First, I will list all the products, because they need not only be bought, but also warmed up to room temperature in advance.



I must warn you that making Easter cake is a long process. Only one dough ripens for about 2.5-3 hours! Here is a detailed instruction, a novice hostess can handle.

Crumble the yeast in a glass dish, add 3 tablespoons of sugar, 3 tablespoons. tablespoons of flour, 200 grams of warm milk. All this needs to be slightly stirred and put in a warm place for 15 minutes. In the picture on the right, you can see how the mixture turned into "living" foam.

Now we take another bowl. Beat 3 eggs well with two glasses of sugar, 0.5 cups of sunflower oil and 0.5 liters of sour cream.

Combine the first and second parts of the dough, heat the rest of the milk (300 g) to about 50 degrees and pour into the mixture.

Sift the heated flour (I always put a bowl of flour on a stool next to a preheated oven) and pour into the mixture until the consistency of sour cream is obtained. I spend about 600-700 g of flour at this stage.

Put the dough in a warm place for 2.5 or even 3 hours. Dip and stir every 30 minutes.


After 2.5 - 3 hours, add 250 grams of softened butter, the remaining 7 eggs and 1 glass of sugar (you need to beat separately until the sugar dissolves, and then combine with the dough). Throw in a teaspoon of salt (I use a large one). At this point, I move the whole thing into a 10 liter plastic bucket, otherwise it will run away :-).

Add flour gradually. The dough should not stick to hands and dishes, but also not be too heavy. You need to knead for a long time and very intensively, then put in a warm place and let it rise TWICE. Each time wait for the dough to double in size, carefully lower and knead again. After the second mixing, add 1 cup of washed and dried raisins.

I used to bake in empty canned peas and fruit cans. Lined the sides and bottom with oiled paper. Now in every supermarket you can buy ready-made paper molds of different sizes. The bottom of these molds is with holes, so even after baking the cakes can not be pulled out, they will not get wet. A wonderful invention! Easy to store and give away :-).

We bake!

Attention! Our butter dough rises very well, so we fill the mold only 1/3. We are waiting for 30-40 minutes. During this time, Easter cakes grow more than 2 times even without an oven. We put it in the oven very carefully ...

We preheat the oven, bake at 180 degrees. How much to bake? Small (the size of a standard can of green peas) - 25 minutes. Larger forms - 35 minutes. In any case, we pierce with a long wooden stick, evaluate the readiness.

I spread the finished cakes sideways on a soft bed (cover with two layers of kitchen towels). My grandmothers taught me that. Apparently, this way our Easter cake has a better chance of maintaining its height. If baked in tin cans with paper, carefully release the cakes from the "shackles". I remind you that we do not touch paper molds.

Decorating ...

While the handsome men are cooling, beat the protein of one cooled egg with 1/2 cup of powdered sugar. Don't repeat my mistakes! With a blender, strong foam does not work, beat only with an ordinary mixer. Now you need to spread the top of the cakes, sprinkle with colored balls.

I got 12 cakes of different sizes (but the same taste :-))!

Dear readers of the site "Holiday Again"! If someone asks you how to bake an Easter cake, feel free to send it to my website, you will not be ashamed. Everyone I gave this old family recipe was happy with the result.

How to bake cakes in paper forms - this important aspect of the hostess is often overlooked, but the final stage of the preparation of Easter baking and, without exaggeration, the success of the whole process depends on it. And now let's start with the moment how to process the cake before putting it in the oven, and, finally, we will figure out at what temperature and what types of dough in paper forms it is better to cook.

Correctly cover the cake with yolk

Before baking Easter pastries, dough products are greased with various finishing semi-finished products. For this purpose, lightly beaten egg yolk (usually mixed with a little warm water), finishing crumbs and cream can be used.

It is convenient to cover the surface of Easter cakes and other Easter baked goods with egg grease with a soft culinary brush that does not deform the surface. If you hit too hard on the surface of the cake with a brush, the dough, especially some of its types, easily falls off. Grease the cakes on the work surface of the table and place them on a baking sheet, ready-made.

If you grease the surface of the cakes directly on the baking sheet, there is a risk that you will sprinkle the yolk mass on its surface. As a result, you will get extra carbon deposits. Before baking, the surface of the cake with egg grease should be covered densely, evenly, but without excess flowing down the edges. It is this lubricant that will provide a thin, dense and shiny crust.

Some types of muffins, after smearing with an egg mass, are sprinkled with chopped nuts and / or powder on top. But in the case of Easter cakes, it is better to decorate them in this way after baking. Note that the yolk-smeared cakes are baked in an unmoistened oven, as the steam neutralizes the sheen of the egg-based grease and dissolves the powdered sugar if prescribed.

If you did not grease the surface of the cakes with yolk before baking, then usually according to the recipe it is provided that the required amount of eggs is added to the dough. More about how to bake cakes in paper formsvideobelow.

Baking temperature

Now let's dwell on one more important point - how long it takes to bake cakes in paper forms. Traditionally, paper cakes are baked in a well-heated oven at a temperature of 180 to 200 degrees. It's important to navigate the optimum temperature for other Easter baked goods. Be guided by the fact that mini-cakes or pastry buns weighing 100 g or more are baked at a temperature of 200-220 degrees for 14-16 minutes.

If using puff pastry, bake it at a temperature of 230-270 degrees. This is necessary in order to prevent oil leakage and ensure good baking. For biscuit dough, you need a temperature of 200-220 degrees and about 40 minutes.

Depending on the size of the product, it may take one hour to bake them in some cases. If you bake thin cakes from biscuit dough, it will take about 10 minutes. Shortbread dough will require a higher temperature - 220-250 degrees and 15 minutes in time. For choux pastry, from which Easter cakes are sometimes prepared, it will take at least 30 minutes of baking at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

A very important point is to avoid shaking and other sharp movements of the cakes, which have already come in paper forms. As soon as you put the dough in the mold, leave it to come up, do not let the cakes fall off. Place the molds carefully on the baking sheet and place them in the oven just as smoothly. How to bake cake in paper form (recipe), see below.


  • White flour of the highest grade - 900 g
  • Milk - 300 ml
  • Fresh yeast - 30 g
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 250 g
  • Butter - 150 g
  • Raisins - 150 g
  • Lemon juice - ½ tsp.
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil for lubricating hands
  • Powder for Easter cake

How to cook:

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of sugar, yeast and 100 ml of warm milk. Stir and leave in a warm place for 10 minutes.
  2. Sift the flour twice through a sieve.
  3. Pour a glass of flour into a kneading container, pour the remaining warm milk, mix.
  4. Combine yeast mixture and milk mixture. Mix well, cover the container with cling film and put in a warm place for half an hour.
  5. Take two eggs, separate the whites from the yolks. Put the squirrels in the refrigerator. We use them for making glaze.
  6. Combine the yolks with sugar. Mash well with a mixer until white. Add melted butter. Continue whisking.
  7. Add the matched brew to the egg and sugar mixture.
  8. Pour flour into a large container, add dough. Knead the dough first with a spoon, gradually adding the remaining flour. Then stir with your hands, smearing them with vegetable oil.
  9. Stir in cinnamon and raisins into the dough. Transfer the dough to a bowl, cover with cling film and leave in a warm place to rise for about 1.5 hours.
  10. Knead the finished dough, knead it again and distribute it into the molds.

Lubricate paper molds from the inside with vegetable oil and fill them no more than half. Leave to come up in a warm place, then bake in a well-heated oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Check readiness with a skewer.

The golden rule for baking cakes

When baking cakes, it is important to ensure convection, in this case, they will bake evenly from all sides. If there is enough steam during baking, the crust will not form prematurely on the dough, which will then burst. You have seen how when baking some types of Easter cakes, tears and breaks form on top of them.

It is especially important to provide sufficient steam when baking large cakes in paper tins. To do this, at the beginning of baking, you need to spray the product with a small amount of warm water and put it in the oven at a temperature at least one third lower than the main one.

After 5-10 minutes, depending on the size of the product, it is sprayed again and the full temperature is turned on. Spray the dough again until the end of baking. Thus, the dough will expand during baking and will not be covered with a tightening crust. Slow heating ensures that the entire amount of dough is baked.

As for small and medium-sized cakes, a small amount of hot water is usually poured onto the bottom baking sheet so that they do not burn and become covered with a hard crust. In this case, the cakes are immediately put to bake at a given temperature. In this case, light and dense paper forms are ideal for baking cakes. Thus, the question of whether it is possible to bake cakes in paper forms disappears.

And a few more important recommendations when baking cakes in paper forms. Use only fresh, live yeast and only premium flour. Be sure to sift it before use. The same goes for butter. It should be fresh, and before kneading the dough, soften it at room temperature or melt it.

The final stage - we take out the cakes from paper forms

Remove ready-made cakes from paper cakes after they have cooled slightly. Small Easter cakes can be left completely in the forms, decorated, and then presented to relatives and friends for the Bright Resurrection of Christ. The surface of such cakes is decorated without taking them out of the mold. Just gently cover the top with a cooking brush with icing and dusting powder. You can use finely chopped nuts, candied fruits and raisins.

If we are talking about a high kulich, then so that it does not fall off, lay it out on a towel laid on a tight pillow or other soft surface. Cover the cake with another towel. When cooling down, the dough will "get stronger" a little more. After that, you can transfer the cake to a dish covered with a decorative or ordinary white large napkin.

So, is it convenient to bake cakes in paper forms? You will find that it is not only convenient, but also very practical and aesthetically pleasing.

Each holiday has traditional dishes. It is difficult to imagine the New Year's menu without Olivier, and on March 8 - without the Mimosa salad. Likewise, the Easter table is traditionally decorated with colored eggs, Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter. A good housewife will never ask where to buy Easter cake. She herself will be happy to tell you how to bake an Easter cake, but in more than one way.

A bit of history

Easter, like any other holiday, has its own story, which tells about the origin of its symbols and explains their meaning. Kulich is a round shaped fancy bread that decorates the Easter table. It was baked exactly round, because the shroud of Jesus Christ had a similar shape. The cake must certainly be rich, because according to legend, before the death of Jesus, he and his disciples ate unleavened bread, and after the miraculous resurrection they began to eat yeast bread (leavened). Since then, it has been the custom to make the dough for the cake rich.

If you are going to cook Easter cake with your own hands, take note of a few tips:

  • butter should not be hard, then the cake will be soft and tender;
  • butter should soften itself at room temperature, and not when heated;
  • you can use paper molds made specifically for baking cakes;
  • you can use a tin can as a form. But in this case, it must be lined with oiled baking paper;
  • baking paper can be replaced with regular paper that is used in offices. But it must be properly lubricated with oil;
  • so that the dough does not stick to your hands, moisten them with water or vegetable oil;
  • the readiness of the cake is checked with a splinter or a thin skewer, which is stuck into the cake. If it is dry, the cake is ready;

Easter cake traditional

  • 1 kg of wheat flour;
  • 1.5 cups of milk;
  • 300 gr. margarine (butter can be used);
  • 1.5 cups of sugar;
  • dried fruits and nuts (150 gr. raisins, 50 gr. candied fruits and almonds).
  • 0.5 bag of vanilla sugar;


  1. Heat the milk slightly, dilute the yeast in it.
  2. Add half of the specified flour. Stir. The dough is ready.
  3. Cover the dishes with dough with a towel and place in a warm place.
  4. The dough should be left to rise until its volume doubles.
  5. Separate the yolks and whites. Beat the yolks with vanilla and sugar, beat the butter.
  6. Add salt, yolks and butter to the dough. Mix everything.
  7. Beat the whites until a thick elastic foam. Add them to the dough.
  8. Add the remaining flour. The resulting dough should be free to lag behind the pan. It should not be too cool, well mixed.
  9. Cover the dough again and leave in a warm place until it doubles in size.
  10. Rinse the raisins, dry, roll in flour. Cut candied fruits into squares. Peel and chop the nuts. Add dried fruits and nuts to the dough that has come up.
  11. Prepare a mold (with a round bottom!): Line the bottom with oiled baking paper, grease the walls with butter and sprinkle with flour. Fill out the form 1/3 full of dough.
  12. Leave the dough to rise. It will be ready to go to the oven when it has risen to halfway through the mold.
  13. The oven should not be too hot. Leave the form in it for 50 minutes to 1 hour. Turn the pan gently as it bakes. If the top is browning early, cover it with paper soaked in water to prevent it from burning.

Decorate the finished cake with chocolate, candied fruits or nuts.

Fast cake

Many housewives, especially those employed at work or with small children, are worried about how to bake cakes for Easter with the least amount of time. The recipe below is easy to prepare and saves energy.

You will need:

  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dry yeast (or 50 gr. fresh);
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • vanillin;
  • raisins, candied fruits.


    1. Heat the milk.
    2. Pour yeast and sugar into warm milk (only 1 tablespoon). Stir and let sit for 15 minutes to make friends.
    3. Beat eggs with remaining sugar and vanilla.
    4. Melt the butter and add it to the dough. Add vegetable oil, yeast and stir well.

    1. Add washed and dried raisins and candied fruits.
    2. Stir in the sifted flour gradually. The dough should come out pouring.
    3. Divide the dough into tins. It will rise, so the dough should take up no more than 1/3 of the mold.
    4. Leave the dough in the molds for 3-4 hours - during this time you can get busy.

  1. Place the molds in a hot oven (t \u003d 180 degrees). Bake the cake until tender.
  2. Decorate the finished cake with icing and pastry beads.

Kulich without yeast and eggs

There are a lot of recipes on how to bake a delicious cake. It turns out that it can be made without yeast, milk and eggs.

You will need:

  • 240 gr. flour;
  • 2 tsp baking powder;
  • 0.5 cups brown sugar;
  • 1 banana;
  • 40 ml juice (pineapple);
  • 180 ml of water;
  • 50 gr. raisins;
  • salt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.


  1. Mash the banana to make a puree.
  2. Add oil, water, juice. Stir.
  3. Add salt (a pinch) and baking powder.
  4. Gradually sift the flour into the dough, stirring constantly.
  5. Knead the stringy dough.
  6. Fill the molds with them so that the dough takes up 3/4 of the mold.
  7. Bake the cake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 50 minutes. The time depends on the oven.
  8. The finished cake must be removed from the mold when it cools down. Decorate it with glaze and other decor.

The beauty of self-cooking Easter cake is that homemade Easter cake can be prepared not only according to the traditional recipe, but also using, for example, sour cream.

You will need:

  • 200 gr. sour cream;
  • 1 tsp dry yeast (or 25 g fresh);
  • 170 ml of milk;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 150 g Sahara;
  • 650-700 gr. flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2-3 st. l. cognac or rum;
  • 50 gr. raisins;
  • sprinkling nuts;
  • vanillin.


  1. Pour rum or cognac over the raisins.
  2. Dissolve yeast with some warm milk - pour 2 tbsp. l. milk, they will come in handy later.
  3. Separate the white from the yolk in one egg. Beat two eggs and the protein of the third with sugar and sour cream.
  4. Combine everything in one bowl, stir, salt and gradually add flour.
  5. The dough should be soft, slightly sticky. Cover it with a towel and let it sit for half an hour.
  6. After half an hour, add soft butter to the dough, stir. Cover again with a towel and leave for an hour and a half to two hours.
  7. Knead the dough lightly and add the squeezed raisins. Knead the dough so that the raisins are evenly distributed throughout the dough.
  8. Divide the dough into tins and leave until it is doubled.
  9. Mix the yolk with 2 tbsp. l. milk and brush the top of the cake with the mixture. Chop the nuts and sprinkle them on the cake.
  10. Put in the oven (t \u003d 200 degrees) for 30 minutes until cooked.

Decorations help to make the cake really festive: icing, marmalade, colorful confectionery beads, nuts, marzipan, candied fruits, figurines from fruits. Speaking of Easter cake, one immediately imagines a lush round bread with a white top. This is the icing. The following recipe answers the question of how to make icing for cake.

You will need:

  • 1 egg white;
  • 100 g sugar (fine);
  • salt (pinch).


  1. Cool the whites and beat with salt until a firm foam is obtained.
  2. Without stopping whisking, add sugar.
  3. Do not stop whisking for another 4 minutes after the sugar runs out.
  4. When the cake has cooled slightly, apply glaze to it and leave to solidify.

Do-it-yourself Easter dishes not only give a great taste and delight with a festive appearance, but also carry a positive charge, being filled with the feelings and good wishes of the hostess.

The paper baking dish is a unique invention of our time, without which many housewives cannot imagine the preparation of delicious desserts. Versatile cups vary in size, density and color, but they are all versatile, environmentally friendly, and cheap. In this article, you will learn everything about paper baking dishes: how to use and what are their benefits.

Molds for muffins and muffins

There are many types of small pastry cakes. The most convenient ones are made of thick paper (it can be corrugated or smooth), since you can bake cupcakes right in them. If the paper baking dish is made of thin material, then it must first be placed in an aluminum or silicone mold and only then the dough should be placed in it. Prepare delicious muffins with us according to a simple recipe:

  • In a suitable saucepan, heat 100 grams of butter, 40 grams of chocolate, and two tablespoons
  • Whisk 130 grams of sugar with three chicken eggs.
  • Combine four tablespoons of cocoa, a glass of flour, 60 grams of grated chocolate, and a teaspoon of baking powder.
  • Stir all prepared foods thoroughly and then place the dough in small paper molds. Note that the cups should only be 2/3 full.

Bake the treat in the preheated oven for about 15 minutes. Finished muffins can be decorated with icing or powdered sugar. When they have cooled down a bit, serve them with tea or coffee.

Baking Easter cakes in paper form

Even in the last century, our mothers and grandmothers baked cakes in tin or despite all the difficulties that accompanied the cooking process. Nowadays, the paper baking dish has replaced it, which has a number of advantages. Firstly, it is dense enough and does not require additional support. Secondly, the cake will never burn in it, and the paper will not get wet during cooking. And thirdly, you can easily decorate the finished dish by cutting the paper to the desired mark. Baking cakes in paper form will not create any difficulties for you. To make sure of this, prepare a dish according to our recipe:

  • Heat one and a half cups of milk slightly and dissolve 40 grams of dry yeast in it.
  • Add 500 grams of sifted flour to a bowl and stir.
  • While the dough is rising, divide the six eggs into whites and yolks. Beat the yolks with sugar (just take a glass or one and a half) and vanilla (to taste), and until thick and dense foam.
  • Combine all the products, add another 300 grams of soft butter, a little salt and 500 grams of flour to them.
  • Knead the dough and leave in a warm place to expand. Add washed raisins, chopped candied fruits and nuts to the dough that has come up.

Then you can start baking. Note that the paper baking dish should only be one-third full. When the dough rises to half, the future cake can be put in a preheated oven.

Easter baking in paper forms

To prepare another irreplaceable dish on light, you will also need disposable forms. Thanks to them, the dish will look beautiful on your table. Recipe:

  • Wipe one kilogram of fresh cottage cheese twice through a sieve.
  • Add two eggs to a bowl, sugar to taste (0.5-1 cup), 100 grams of soft butter, vanillin and 200 grams of sour cream. Beat the food for about ten minutes, until smooth.
  • Add chopped candied fruits, raisins, nuts to Easter and mix everything well again.
  • Line a colander with damp gauze, put the curd mass in it and place it in a saucepan of a suitable size. Refrigerate the structure overnight.

The next day you will need a paper baking dish - tamp Easter tightly into it and place the dish on the holiday table.


As you can see, disposable forms have firmly entered our life and have become indispensable helpers in the kitchen. They are suitable for both traditional and new ones - cupcakes and muffins. Cook cupcakes in them, and use colorful paper cups to decorate your favorite sweets.