A fruit that looks like scales. Fruit of thailand, the largest review

23.08.2019 The drinks

Thailand and exotic are complementary concepts. One of the exotic discoveries for our compatriots in this country was the fruits of Thailand. The tropical climate has allowed nature to create unique combinations of shapes, colors, flavors and aromas. The harvest in Thailand is harvested up to three times a year. Fruits in Thailand reach their peak ripeness without the addition of nitrates and other chemical fertilizers, so they are safe from an environmental point of view, for which they are loved and appreciated by tourists all over the world.

However, this fact does not in any way affect the cost of fruit in Thailand itself. Fruit in Pattaya is cheap and can be bought at markets, street vendors, mobile motorcycle kiosks, etc. Do not be surprised if Thais offer a bag of salt, pepper or local spices with the purchased fruit. Asians believe that it is in the order of things to combine sour, bitter or spicy with sweet.

No one doubts that the fruits of Thailand are a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals. Fruit pulp is traditionally used in national Thai dishes. Fresh juices, popsicles, fruit cuts, salads and fruit-based soups are sold everywhere.

Thai fruits are amazing in their variety. But there is one fruit in Thailand - endowed with royal status. Fruit with amazing taste, but absolutely disgusting smell. It was the smell of durian that became a stumbling block, because of which the fruit is forbidden to be transported in transport, consumed in hotels and other public places in Thailand.

The fruits grow on gigantic tropical trees reaching 50 meters in height. About 30 species of this plant are known, of which only 9 are suitable for human consumption. Thais called Durian the king of fruits in Thailand for its large weight - up to 4 kg, majestic and formidable appearance, reminiscent of the weapon of the orcs from the famous fantastic epic. In fact, it is a ball or oval with a diameter of up to 15 cm, studded with thorns, attached to a rod up to 30 cm long.Under a strong peel with thorns, there is a saffron-colored flesh of a delicate creamy consistency.

Despite the repulsive smell, durian has fans, and not only among the residents of Thailand, who happily eat the fruit, claiming that it has an incomparable delicious taste. The rest take their word for it, not even trying to try Durian because of the repulsive smell.

If you dare to taste the royal fruit of Thailand, we recommend trying the "golden pillow" variety (literal translation from Thai). The smell is less intense, and the taste is just as "magical" as other varieties of durians.

Harvesting season: May-June.

Price: about 250 baht per 1 kg (500 rubles per 1 kg)

Dragon fruit

When I travel to Thailand, tourists are always looking forward to not only an excellent beach and sightseeing vacation, but also the opportunity to gorge themselves on tropical fruits for the whole year ahead. And, indeed, in Thailand, the selection of fruits is very large, if a tourist enters the fruit market or enters the fruit department of any supermarket, it will be determined what is what will be a very difficult task.

So, what fruits are worth trying on vacation in Thailand?

Dragon Fruit

Perhaps, the first place in exoticism can be safely given to this particular fruit, not only does it ripen on one of the varieties of cactus, it also takes the name from the Dragon, partly resembling its tongues of flame, or the scales of this fabulous animal. Eat only the pulp, peeling off the bright pink peel with a knife, the pulp tastes like kiwi. The cost on the market is from 30 - 60 baht per kg (the cost depends on the region).


Ripening season: January to May.

When buying this fruit, pay attention to the rind. If the color is bright yellow and sunny, then the pulp will melt in the mouth. If the peel is green, then this is a different variety of mango, the pulp can be either yellow or green, but no longer soft and melting in the mouth, but harder and not sweet, it may resemble carrots in structure. Eat only the pulp, removing the peel with a knife, inside the fruit there is a flat bone. The cost per kg depends on the season and not the season, but on average it varies from 50 to 150 baht per kg.


It is impossible to pass by this fruit and not recognize it. The durian peel exudes a pungent and very unpleasant odor, reminiscent of rotten onions or rotten eggs, but the taste! The taste of the pulp seems unique to each person - there are hundreds of descriptions - nut-honey, cognac-vanilla, etc. Be sure to try the King of Thai Fruits and experience your unique taste. Please note that this fruit is not recommended to be consumed with alcohol, as it acts as a stimulant and can be harmful to people (especially those with a weak heart). Whole fruit is cut into pieces and sold in pieces, the cost of a piece depends on the size and can range from 60-120 baht.


Ripening season: from May to July.

Small but very juicy fruit. If the peel of the mangosteen is slightly cut, then it is easy to divide it into 2 parts, and the core will resemble a head of garlic, and each slice has a small stone. Only pulp is eaten in mangosteen. It is better to choose mangosteen for the color of the peel, the more saturated the color, the more likely the pulp will be juicier. The cost of mangosteen fruits is from 30 -50 baht per kilogram (the cost depends on the region and season).


Ripening season: from May to June.

“Mohnatiki” - this is the association that arises in children who first saw rambutans. Indeed, shaggy on the outside, rambutans can be considered one of the most interesting and exotic fruits. But rambutans also taste amazingly delicious! The fruit itself can be peeled from the shaggy rind with your hands, simply by pressing a little on it. Inside you will find a white jelly-like pulp, inside the pulp there is a small bone. They eat, of course, only the pulp. It tastes juicy and sweet. The cost of a kilo of rambutans varies from region to season, but averages 30-60 baht per kilo.


Ripening season: from May to June.

Longan tastes like the rambutan described above, except that the longan's peel is not shaggy, but smooth, light brown in color. The pulp is sweet and sour, slightly reminiscent of the taste of sweet grapefruit. There is a small bone inside each fruit. They eat only the pulp; you can separate it from the peel by simply pressing the fruit slightly. Sell \u200b\u200blongan in bunches by weighing the bunches together. The cost of a kilogram is about 40-50 baht.


Ripening season: April to June.

The fruit is similar in ripening to the longan described above, but the skin of the fruit is pink. By its structure, the fruit is not large, about the size of a walnut, in appearance it may resemble a strawberry. And not for nothing - for some, the taste of lychee resembles the taste of strawberries, only slightly sour. Eat only the pulp, pressing on the rind to peel the fruit. There is a small bone inside each fruit. This fruit is not often seen on the shelves, so if you do find it, be sure to buy it and enjoy the taste. The cost per kilogram depends on the region and varies between 40-60 baht.

Custard Apple

In appearance, this fruit resembles a huge green raspberry. True, it tastes nothing like raspberries. The pulp of a ripe creamy apple has a vanilla-apple flavor and milky color. Each fruit contains a dozen large black seeds. This fruit is best eaten chilled: wash, cut into halves and eat with a spoon. They sell a cream apple both by the piece and in kilograms. The cost per piece is about 20 baht.

Rose Apple

Ripening season: June to August.

In shape, this fruit resembles a bell, in structure it is quite crunchy. Eat the rose apple whole, or by cutting it into pieces. The taste of the fruit is neither sweet nor sour, rather neutral, slightly reminiscent of the smell of a rose. The price of pink apple fruit ranges from 40 to 100 baht per kg, depending on the season and region.


Ripening season: all year round.

In appearance, this huge fruit may resemble durian, but it is quite difficult to confuse, since, firstly, jackfruit has no smell, and secondly, when cut, it looks completely different. Jackfruit is not sold to tourists in its entirety, the fruits can reach up to 5-6 kg, it is cut into slices that look like yellow bell pepper. The taste of the slices is very specific - sugary sweet. As a rule, slices are packaged in 7-10 pieces and sell from 10-40 baht per pack. Do not buy several packages at once, it is unlikely that you will be able to eat a lot of this overly sweet fruit at once.

Carambola (English Jack Fruit)

Ripening season: from May to August.

Indeed, in its shape, the carambola resembles a star, especially if it is cut into slices. This is how this fruit is eaten, washed and cut into pieces lengthwise. Often, carambola is sold already cut in a package. To its taste, the star resembles a mix of flavors - pineapple, green apple and kiwi at the same time - a very exquisite taste and aroma of a fruit. They sell carambola both individually and in kilograms, the cost depends on the region, but on average 40-60 baht per kilo.


Ripening season: all year round.

Papaya pleases Thai people all year round. It can be found both whole and already peeled and cut into several pieces. The pulp of the papaya is bright orange in color with a mild fruity taste reminiscent of overripe melon from afar. It is not possible to confuse papaya with another fruit! You can buy a whole papaya if you want to take it home, but in Thailand it is much more convenient to buy a papaya already peeled and packaged. The cost of packaging usually does not exceed 20 baht.

Pineapple and Banana

Ripening season: all year round.

Bananas and pineapples are standard fruits even for Russians, with a familiar and familiar taste. But we assure you in Thailand, you will discover these fruits from the other side, the usual taste will seem to you more intense, and the aroma will be stronger. These are the cheapest fruits in Thai markets. A whole pineapple or a bunch of bananas can be purchased for 20 baht.

If you buy fruits in a supermarket, then the prices for them are already fixed, of course, bargaining is out of the question. But bargain on the market, but within reason! The more you buy, the more discount you get! Thai tropical fruits are rich in vitamins and are always sold fresh, no matter how on vacation you can improve and restore your health with fruits.

Welcome to Thailand!

Everyone who travels to Thailand is interested in what kind of fruits grow in Thailand? What are they called correctly?
How to recognize them and what time of year is the season of the most popular and beloved fruits such as mango, papaya or mangosteen.
The article contains absolutely all fruits of Thailand, with descriptions, photos and names, prices for fruits in Thailand and the seasons of their ripening and eating. After reading, you will remember what the fruits of Thailand look like and what they are called in Thai, which will make it easier to choose and buy them in the market.
At the bottom of the article there is a table of fruit ripening of Thailand by month, it is easy to determine the lowest prices for Thai fruits during the year.

Fruit of Thailand photos with names and descriptions

Mango is the most delicate fruit in Thailand (Mamuang in Thai)

Let's start with the most delicious, popular and beloved fruit among Russians - Mango.
Thai mango - (Ma-muang in Thai) has many varieties. Let's not go into details
they are all delicious and edible.
Some people prefer the oblong Thai yellow mangoes,

the most popular mangoes in Thailand - these are

someone loves round, small and plump (I think they are sweeter)

For me, the king of fruits in Thailand is not durian, but mango. Because you can't taste such delicious mangoes like Thai mango anywhere else.
Mango is good for your health. Despite the fact that it is sweet, eating mango will not harm the figure, so you can safely make necks, salads from it, add to desserts and cook jam.

In Thailand, many cosmetic products, creams, masks, toothpastes are produced on the basis of mango. Round Thai mango toothpastes are generally a delight.
In Russia, you can order them in the online store Siamgarden.ru , the prices are good there and everything is in stock, there is no need to wait for months for a parcel from Tai.

The Thai Mango season is in March - June. In general, mango bears fruit in Thailand several times a year.
Unfortunately, during the tourist season (October to March), prices for mangoes are generally not humane, but all because there are no such quantities of it.
But he who seeks will find. This winter, in the Jomitien market there was also such a price for mango:

Although the average price for a mango is now 60 baht. In summer it is even cheaper - 30 baht per kilogram.

Life hack for tourists: buy the hardest and hardest mangoes home. Take different varieties of mango. Do not disdain green mangoes, they will ripen within a week.

In general, when buying a mango, you need to pay attention to the following things: The mango peel should be dense and clean. No dark spots or puffiness.
Do not wrinkle mangoes when buying, they quickly deteriorate. By the way, mangoes are as tender as bananas. I put a little pressure on them - that's it.

Vendors in the markets will ask in Russian "With me?" "Home?" and depending on the answer, throw you mangoes in the bag. So, smile and collect your own mangoes, since the market is everywhere the market, before you can blink an eye, you will be thrown into sluggish and spoiled ones.

Don't buy huge mangoes. It is much more convenient to eat and peel those mangoes that are the size of a girl's palm. Such mangoes by weight are 3 - 3.5 pieces per kilogram.
Thais peel a mango like this: they take a knife, cut the mango together with the peel on one side and on the other. The pulp is cut with a knife to the skin and then horizontal strips are made. The resulting cubes are easily cut into a plate:

I personally do not like the popular Thai dessert "mango stiki rice" (sticky rice with mango - khau niyau mamung). It is much more pleasant to eat mango without rice. But my children are just delighted and even take ice cream along with glutinous rice and mango.

The king of fruits of Thailand - Durian (Thu-rian)

Everyone who travels to Thailand knows about Durian. Everyone who has been to Thailand should try it, since this is exactly the very exotic that cannot be ignored.
A huge prickly fruit costs crazy money, especially in the off-season.
A small piece of durian packed in plastic is sold for 120 - 150 baht.
At the same time, fans and connoisseurs of Durian advise to eat it immediately after cleaning, so it very quickly begins to fade and stink.

Almost all hotels in Thailand have a sign saying that entry with durians is prohibited. It is clear why. Nobody likes a mixture of rotten onions, garlic and garbage, and this is exactly what peeled durian smells like, since it contains a huge amount of sulfur, which, interacting with oxygen, gives such a smelly smell.

Durian tastes like a fat milk cream, somewhat similar to ice cream. I can't say that you can eat durians every day. Also, durians are very high in calories.
Refrain from eating durian if drunk. Since durian can greatly increase blood pressure, which, together with drinking, can harm your health.
The price for Durian during the harvest season starts from 100 baht per kg. Durian season in Thailand is summer. June to August. Durian is also sold throughout the year, but it costs more and has less choice.

Dragon fruit - the most tasteless fruit in Thailand - Pitthaya (Kheu - mang: con)

Oh, I remember how I wandered at night with my husband around the night Bangkok in search of this very dragon, which our relatives ordered to bring to us. The dragon was eventually found in Bangkok's night fruit market, but was it worth the effort?

In my opinion, Dragon Fruit is a tasteless thing. This beautiful cactus relative has neither taste nor smell. Nevertheless, many people love the dragon fruit and buy it in Thailand.

Some people eat it with lime juice, they say it tastes better.
Deliciously add the Dragon to smoothies and milk necks, ice cream, decorate desserts.
The dragon is very low in calories, its bones improve vision, and it is also useful for diseases of the stomach and intestines.

The dragon looks very exotic. It comes with white and raspberry flesh inside, the color does not affect the taste.
To eat a dragon, you need to cut it in half and eat it with a spoon. or after peeling the peel, cut into wedges.
It is added to salads, tinctures and syrups are made.
The price of Dragon Fruit fluctuates depending on the season. From 40 to 80 baht per kg.

Dragons grow in the form of creepers, but in general the dragon fruit is a cactus.

Noyna - the heavenly apple of Thailand - (Noy-na)

It looks like a green scaly ball. Solid to the touch. In Thailand, the noina fruit is called a sugar apple.
The inside of the noina is filled with cream-like pulp. Lots of bones. It is customary to eat by cutting pops, throwing out bones, which are poisonous enough if you eat a lot of them on purpose.

Noinu, or sugar apple, is definitely worth trying in Thailand, the sweet, soft pulp inside is somewhat reminiscent of a pear in taste.

Noina is sold throughout the markets of Thailand, the price in the harvest season is about 40 baht per kg. Sold all year round, I bought somewhere for 60-70 baht per kg.
Noina can be made into a delicious children's dessert by mixing Noina pulp with coconut juice and freezing.

Rambutan is the hairiest fruit in Thailand (Ngo)

Rambutan is one of my favorites. Its pros: easy to clean, easy to eat, delicious.
Rambutan belongs to the lychee family, and the word "rambutan" in Malay means hair.

Be careful when buying. Fresh and tasty rambutan should have healthy hair.
That is, no blackness, the appearance is vigorous, with red-green hairs.

To eat it, you need to cut it in a circle with a knife, press on the skin, which will peel off and eat, spitting out a bone that is inside it (one), but it separates extremely badly.

The taste of rambutan is hard to describe. It is firm like grapes, with a scent of rose and spices.
The price of rambutan starts at 40 baht per kg.
Stores very poorly. You may not get to Russia.

Mangosteen - unusual garlic (Mang - khuuk)

the most delicious and delicate Thai fruit - mangosteen!

Another favorite of mine. Exactly in the top 5 of the best fruits in Thailand in my ranking.
Inside the mangosteen there are many cloves that look like garlic. This is what we call him among ourselves.
The pulp is juicy, sweet and sour, reminiscent of a mixture of peach and grapes, cannot be described, you need to try.
The fewer slices inside the mangosteen, the fewer seeds.

It is easy to clean: just like the rambutan in a circle, you just need to twist the halves in different directions.

Thais clean mangosteen simply by scrolling the top flower in different directions. When the flower has fallen out, divide the mangosteen in half with your fingers.

How to choose fresh mangosteen?
Take the fruit in your hand. It should not be too soft, but not wooden either. If it's wooden - that's it, it's gone, the same thing with a soft, rotten fruit. Should be easily pressed with your finger.

Mangosteen becomes woody after spending a lot of time in the refrigerator or outside.
Freshly harvested mangosteen is good for girls on a diet. Its calorie content is only 40 kcal per 100 grams of pulp. Mangosteen peel is used in Thai medicine for many diseases as an antiseptic, astringent, diarrhea remedy and to improve bowel function.

Prices for mangosteen in Pattaya are from 50 to 120 baht. Mangosteen's season is summer.

Papaya - like boiled carrots (mala-koo)

The oldest Indo-Chinese fruit. Super useful. It is possible and necessary even to give small children as the first complementary foods.
It tastes like Thai papaya, they say it is not as wonderful as Indian papaya. But I haven't tried Indian, there is nothing to compare with.
There is no pronounced taste. Probably most of all, papaya tastes like boiled carrots.
Papaya weighs between 1 and 8 kg.
To choose fresh and good papaya, look at the rind. It should be yellowish with a green tint.
The all-green papaya goes into the famous Som Tam salad.
Oh, that's where it really tastes good! Drooling at the memory. Sometimes, in Som, they put green mango instead of green papaya.

The papaya should be eaten by cutting off the skin like a potato and dividing the fruit in half to remove the seeds inside.
low-calorie papaya helps with many ailments.

In winter, another variety is sold in Pattaya, which looks like a large peach. The difference is that it has no seeds at all, but it tastes like strawberries.

Papaya costs in Thailand from 20 baht per kg. On average, one papaya costs 20-40 baht.

Passion fruit - the most fragrant and healthy fruit in Thailand (Passion fruit) (Sau-va-root)

Also a great fruit. Exotic for Russia due to its poor transportation.
Passion fruit is a fruit with a very rich aroma and taste. The jelly-like pulp under the thick skin smells really cool!

Passion fruit is usually cut in half and eaten with a spoon. One of the most delicious and low-calorie fruits, and in terms of usefulness it will give 100 points ahead of everyone!

Being a fan of passionfruit, I found out in foreign sources that it contains a huge amount of vitamin C and iron, and this is very unusual, since usually fruits only contain vitamin C, which is known to be absorbed in extremely small quantities without iron.
Passion flower, passion fruit or passion fruit - on the contrary, allows the body to assimilate the entire supply of vitamin C, as well as iron, which makes it very, very useful during colds, to raise hemoglobin, for a weakened, tired body.

Passion fruit is especially useful for girls and women, as it has antioxidant properties and eating it has a beneficial effect on the skin, which becomes younger, rashes and pimples go away, the body rejuvenates and vitality appears.

The best and healthiest eating option is to eat raw, with a spoon, about 3-4 fruits per day. Since passionfruit contains a lot of vitamin C and it is a sweet and sour fruit, people with high acidity need to be careful. Passion fruit can be dangerous for them and bring heartburn.

Passion fruit is also indicated for those who have problems with the intestines and digestion. Literally in 2-3 days of eating, the stool is getting better and all pains, bloating, flatulence, initial types of hemorrhoids and cracks disappear.

The price of passion fruit in Pattaya markets varies from season to season. Bottom plank - 60 baht. The season is summer-autumn, in winter passion fruit is sold at 100-120 baht per kg.


When choosing passion fruit, take fruits with wrinkled skin, this is a ripe fruit. It is desirable that the passionfruit is of medium hardness, a good color of ripe eggplant. A smooth skin indicates that the fruit was recently picked, it may be sour, but you can also take it.

Useful information for tourists in Thailand

We have been living in Pattaya for many years and over the years a lot of useful information has accumulated that will help you save money, because the ruble to baht exchange rate does not inspire optimism and I think no one has extra money.

Here are the articles that are most helpful to you before you travel:

Where to buy fruit in Pattaya profitably and cheaply

The most favorable prices for fruits in Pattaya can be found in the markets:

Ratanakaorn market. The address is Tepprazit Street, in the middle, next to the Colosseum show. Open from 5 am to 3 pm to 4 pm.

Wat Bun Market - located on the street. Wat Boone, adjacent to Paradise Condo, Park Lane, Amazon, Atlantis. It works from morning until 18 pm.

Jomtien Night Market. Located in the middle of the Jomtien waterfront, within walking distance of the Aqua condo. Open from 5 pm to 11 pm Prices may be higher than Wat Bun and Ratanakorn.

The Ambassador Hotel has fruit rows, the prices there are quite reasonable, there is no point in going to the city especially for fruit.

There are no good cheap markets in the center of Pattaya. Overpriced, overweight.

In the area of \u200b\u200bst. Pattaya Park, next to the hotel there is a good market that works from lunch to late evening, and also, in the same street, fruits are often sold by farmers from cars

Sapodilla - like a tasteless persimmon (La-mut)

While in Thailand, I certainly tried almost all fruits, but there are some that cause confusion. Here is one of the sapodilla.
Tastes like an unripe persimmon. Some strange astringent taste, in general, some kind of nonsense. If you are going to taste, then sapodilla is inexpensive (of course)), the price of sapodilla in Pattaya is about 30 - 40 baht per kg.
Use a fruit that has a soft skin. The harder it is, the more it knits.

Herring - sour strawberry (Sa-La (Ra-kum in Thai) Snake fruit

Certainly serpentine. Even when you take it in your hand, it feels like you are touching a snake by the skin. Likewise rough and prickly.

Sour pulp growing on a snake palm. It helps well to cope with diarrhea, since the fruits of herring contain tannin.
I do not see any other purpose of taking herring internally, except for antidiarrheal properties. Since the taste is rather strange for us. Sour, astringent.
It cleans well, the skin peels off by itself, you just have to press.

The price of Baltic herring (snake fruit) in Pattaya is 70 - 90 baht per kg.


That's what Thais love, it's lychees. Litchi in marinade, lychee in compote, lychee everywhere.
Lychee fruits look very beautiful - such a soft pink ball that also smells good.
In appearance, the lychee is similar to both rambutan and longan. Lychee also has one bone inside the transparent pulp. The bone is not eaten.

For my taste - lychee painfully resembles perfume. So for me its scent is stifling and intoxicating.

The price of lychee in Pattaya is 100-120 baht per kg. The season is June.

Lychee is very useful, it lifts the mood, contains a lot of B vitamins, phosphorus, protein, iron, pectin, while being low in calories.

Star fruit - (Carambola) Ma-feung) Star fruit


The undoubtedly beautiful and exotic carambola fruit is star fruit.
It is not cleaned, it is simply cut across so that 5 final stars are obtained.

Serves as a decoration for the table, cocktails, etc. It tastes more like a vegetable than a fruit.
Very watery and sourish. Healthy, contains many vitamins.

Ripe carambola of bright yellow color. In Pattaya, it is easy to find carambola just growing like a weed in the trees. The tree bears a huge amount of fruits that fall off and which no one even picks. Thais almost do not eat carambola, and if they eat it, they add greenish to salads.

The price in Pattaya for carambola (star fruit) is around 40 baht per kg.

Longan - Dragon Eye - (la-miai)

Long yang is the Chinese word for dragon's eye. Free translation from Chinese, and here it is - Longan.
The bone really looks like someone's eye.

Longan is one of my favorites. tastes like a delicious and ripe melon, but be careful
Longan is very easy to overeat. Then there will be a feeling of lightheadedness and nausea.
You shouldn't eat more than 5-10 berries at a time, I know from myself.

When purchasing, inspect the longan bunch. The fruits should be the same color, slightly rough, not wrinkled and without spots.
The peel bursts quickly when pressed and can be eaten like nuts.
The bone itself is bitter, do not eat. The price of a longan in Pattaya is 60-80 baht per kg per season. sold all year round, the main season is summer.

Jackfruit-breadfruit (Kha-well-n)

Jackfruit is very similar to durian, look make no mistake when buying!
The fruits of Jackfruit are enormous! They reach 40 kg in weight, so do not walk under the tree on which Jackfruit grows, and in Thailand you will come across it often.

Jackfruit from Portuguese is big and round. Thais love jackfruit, probably also because from one piece you can get a lot of pulp that looks like an apple.

jackfruit's taste is unusual. It's hard to describe. Most often eaten pickled in sweet syrup.
A huge jackfruit produces a lot of "berries":

It is unlikely that you will buy a whole Jackfruit, since the price for an average fruit is 900 - 1000 baht. Therefore, it is not sold as a green carcass, but packaged and sold on substrates.

Jackfruit is very satisfying and healthy. A large amount of folic acid in it is a recommendation for pregnant and lactating women. Jackfruit is sweet, soft, very fragrant and somewhat reminiscent of turbo banana chewing gum.
It contains a lot of vegetable fiber, which is so difficult to find in other foods, as well as magnesium.

The price for a substrate with jackfruit is about 40-70 baht.

Guava (fara-ng)

In Thailand, there is a delicious and fresh guava. The one that is pink inside is tastier, very aromatic, and the one that is light green is more watery and does not have a rich taste.
In Thailand, guava can often be found at fruit hawkers and it will be bright light green in color. Don't be confused by this, it's just soaked in sugar syrup. This is how it acquires sweetness and taste. Hard, crunchy taste.
Even an unripe guava smells strong. It can be used at home as a fragrance and odor absorber, such as in the refrigerator or next to an ashtray.
Thais love unripe guava, eat it with spices and pickle it, make sauces.
Guava makes a very tasty and aromatic smoothie or juice. But on condition that sugar is added there.
The price of a guava in Pattaya is from 40 baht per kg.

Tamarind is the most nutritious fruit in Thailand (ma-kham-wang)


Tamarind is a fruit of the date family. The taste is very controversial. Usually it is not eaten just like that, but is soaked to get a juice-syrup, or dried, rolled in sugar to be eaten like candied fruit.

And without sugar, tamarind is very high in calories. For 100 grams, tamarind has more kcal than a cheeseburger - as much as 240 calories! So it is not worth it for those who are trying to keep track of weight.

Tamarind is popular as a cosmetic product. It whitens, gives freshness to the skin, is used as a raw material for scrubs, foams for washing, creams, etc.

Coconut is the most popular fruit in Thailand (Ma-phrau)

Coconut in Thailand is pickled, eaten raw, baked, made syrups and ice cream, added to soups and sauces, meat and fish, everywhere in general.
About the benefits of coconut oil coconut is a very healthy and cool product.


Did you know that coconut water was used for blood transfusions during the civil war? Because in its composition, coconut water is similar to blood plasma.
Coconut water (young coconut) should and can be given even to infants, as it is so useful and rich in vitamins.
I think almost everyone loves coconuts, and in Thailand there are a lot of them everywhere, at the most affordable price.
The harvest of coconuts in Thailand all year round, therefore, the price for them does not change.
The price of coconuts in Thailand is 15 - 20 baht for a coconut in the store and 30 - 40 baht in the city or on the beach.
In Pattaya, most often they sell either white young coconuts or their counterparts, another variety, in a green skin.

I love the taste and smell of coconut, on occasion, I always order a coconut-wrapped cocktail or a coconut-wrapped shrimp cocktail, and children love the coconut ice cream that Thais put in the coconut and sell from their carts. Such ice cream costs 20 baht, if you see an ice cream maker with an iron tank under an umbrella, be sure to try it!
Season - all year round.

Banana - (cool-ah)

Better not to use the Thai name for a banana in communication with Thais, as you risk being misunderstood due to the peculiarities of the pronunciation.
The fact is that klu-ai, spoken in a different key, means a male organ, and its name is in a rough form.

Bananas in Thailand, like coconuts, are everywhere. They are cheap, and every perfume house has them as an offering.
They taste completely different here than in Russia. It is generally accepted that "fodder varieties" are sold in Russia. I don't know, but in my opinion it is.
In the homeland, you can feed the whole family with one banana, they are of this size. Here I love to buy a bunch of small bananas because they are very sweet and satisfying.
Bananas are rich in potassium, and while they are not too dietary (a lot of starch), they are still good for your health. Just eat them off a bunch a day.

I buy green bananas in Thailand, as they ripen very quickly (a day or two), and when I buy yellow ones, I didn't have time to blink an eye - they are already black.
The price for a bunch of bananas, and they are sold that way, and not by kg, in Pattaya - 25 - 30 baht.

The most delicious bananas in Thailand are small. They are very sweet and convenient to give to children as a snack.

Pineapple (Sappa-root)

They say that the most delicious and aromatic pineapples grow in Thailand. And this is absolutely true. You will not find such sweet, juicy, delicious pineapples anywhere else. That pitiful likeness, what they feed us in Russia - just laugh at the chickens.

Pineapple is sold all year round in Thailand and is cheap. He, like bananas, is sold by pieces, not by kg.
One large pineapple costs -20-30 baht in Pattaya. You can buy it already peeled for 20 baht per ice pack from a fruit vendor in town.

Thais masterfully peel pineapples without leaving a single sharp thorn or cutting off anything superfluous, so I advise you to take peeled.
In the Jomitien market, peeled pineapples are sold for 20 baht (half). In the evening, you will be given 3 peeled pineapples for 50, so fly in!

Quacks like to sell fat-burning vitamins with pineapple, I don't know how they work, but pineapple really contains a substance that speeds up metabolism, improves concentration and stamina, helps to diet and lose weight.
It is clear that you cannot polish a Big Mac with pineapple and think that “Hurray! I eat and lose weight !! "

Pineapples should be eaten with caution for hypertensive patients and people who have high acidity.
When choosing a pineapple, press on the skin, it should be slightly soft. In color, even if you have taken an all-green pineapple, it will ripen over time.

Although not peeled pineapples in Thailand are bought in my only home. There is no difference in price, but it will still not be possible to clean it like the Thais.

Watermelon - (Teng-moo)

A distinctive feature of Thai watermelons is their size. If there are no options in Russia and you have to buy a 10-15 kilogram watermelon, just
because there are no others, in Thailand, watermelons are very compact. Thai watermelon weighs about 4-5 kg, sometimes less.
That is, it's easy to eat in one or two times and doesn't take up much space in the fridge.
Thai watermelon comes in red and yellow on the inside. This does not particularly affect the taste, in appearance it is also unclear what kind of watermelon you will end up with when you buy.
Watermelons in Thailand are sold all year round. You can often buy a sliced \u200b\u200bwatermelon or half a watermelon.
Everyone knows that watermelons are very healthy, especially in the heat.
The price for a whole watermelon in Thailand is about 30-40 baht,. Slicing - 10 -20 baht.

Do not buy too small watermelons in Thailand, which weigh 1-2 kg. They will be watery and tasteless. The ideal size is 2-4 kg. Entrust the seller with the choice of watermelon, they select well.

Tangerine (catfish)

Tangerine is a Thai manadrin. Basically, it has a green, very thin skin.
Tangerine is known for being squeezed out of juice everywhere and sold in bottles of 330 ml for 20 baht.
By the way, the juice is very tasty, sweet and healthy.
Its trouble is that there are always sooo many bones.
After looking at what sap machines are used by sellers of tangerine juice, I bought myself the same one for 400 baht at Macro. Now I enjoy juices without leaving my home.

Tangerines, like tangerines, oranges and citrus fruits, are not cheap in Tai.
Rather, tangerine is just the cheapest of them. It is sold all year round and costs about 50 baht per kg.
wholesale is cheaper. 10 kg of tangerines in macro cost 330 baht.

Just like mangoes, papayas, watermelons and tangerines, in Pattaya you can often find a pickup truck with farmers selling their goods.
Tangerines from a car will cost 3kg per 100baht.


4664kumquat - mini orange

Last on my list, but not last. A very cute and tasty fruit of the citrus family. Like a mini orange. Kumquat can be eaten raw, pickled, made from candied fruit or marmalade.
Kumquat is very useful to brew for colds, as an antibacterial drink that helps with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory infections. That is, kumquat + ginger + honey, and a tasty, healthy drink will quickly put you on your feet.

The price of kumquat in Thailand varies from 50 to 90 baht per kg.
For some reason, in Pattaya comes across quite rarely.

Fruit season in Thailand - table

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In order not to paint when which Thai fruit is picking season, especially since there are a lot of them, and you can't remember everything, there is such a plate, by printing which you can easily find out why suddenly a mango costs 250 baht per kg)))

Thailand's fruits and vegetables are very diverse. Below we have collected for you what you should definitely try while in the land of smiles.

Fruit in Thailand
1. Durian

Durian (Thai name - durian) is the undisputed leader of our list. The fruit is pale green-yellow in color with a shell-like skin. Weight from 2 to 5 kg. Durian has a very unpleasant odor and an excellent sweet-creamy taste. Durian is eaten raw and the seeds are fried and eaten in place of nuts. Store at home or in a hotel, as well as transport, is not recommended due to the smell. In many hotels, hospitals, shopping malls and other public places, you can find special signs reminding you that you are not allowed to bring durian into your room. The Thais themselves speak of durian as "a fruit with the taste of heaven and the smell of hell."

Do not try durian - vacation in vain))

2. Mango

Mango (Thai name - mamuang) - outwardly yellow, green or reddish fruit of an oblong shape, outwardly a bit like a melon. Inside, juicy yellow-orange or green pulp with a sweet and sour taste.

In my opinion, the most delicious mango is green on the outside and yellow on the inside.

3. Dragon fruit

Pitaya or pitahaya ("dragon fruit", dragon's eye) (Thai name - geow mangon). Bright pink or yellow fruits with sparse green scales. Inside is white or red flesh with small black seeds.

4. Guava

Guava (Thai name - farang) is a light green fruit that looks like an apple. Coarse skin outside. The flesh is white or red, crisp like an apple, with many small seeds.

5. Papaya

Papaya (papaya) (Thai name - malakor) - pear-shaped fruits, green or yellow. The pulp is orange or bright pink. Papaya is eaten both as a vegetable and as a fruit, depending on the degree of ripeness. Thais love to cook their famous "papaya salad" from papaya.

6. Mangosteen

Mangosteen (mangosteen) (Thai name - mangkhud) is a small apple-like fruit with a brown or purple peel. Sweet. It tastes like grapefruit.

7. Lychee

Lychee (Thai name - linchi) - fruits the size of a small plum, with a scaly pink skin. Inside is a white eaten pulp and an inedible bone. It tastes like grapes.

8. Sapodilla

Sapodilla (Thai name - la moot) is a yellow-brown fruit, similar to kiwi. Crispy flesh with a creamy caramel flavor and a few hard seeds. It tastes like a persimmon.

9. Passion fruit

Passion fruit is a purple-violet or golden fruit, about the size of a small grapefruit. Under the peel, there are bones in a juicy sweet shell. The cocktail is very tasty: soda, passionfruit and sugar syrup.))

10. Longan

Longan (Thai name - lamyai) - small fruits of light brown color, resembling walnuts in appearance. Inside there is a transparent white pulp and a tough bone.

11. Jackfruit

Jackfruit (Indian breadfruit, kanun) is a large fruit with thick thorny yellow-green skin. It looks like a durian, but its "thorns" are smaller. The pulp is yellow, sweet, with an unusual smell and taste of a pear of the "duchess" variety. The segments are separated from each other and sold in sachets. Ripe pulp is eaten fresh, unripe cooked. Jackfruit is mixed with other fruits, added to ice cream, to coconut milk. The seeds are edible when boiled.

12. Pineapple

Pineapple (Thai name - sapa rot). Thailand's pineapples are considered some of the finest in the world. There are about 80 varieties of this fruit. Its taste is rich - from sweet and sour to honey. The smell of ripe pineapple is pleasant and slightly sweet. When choosing a pineapple, pay attention to its texture: it should slip slightly under your fingers, but not be too soft or, conversely, too hard. In Thailand, mini pineapple, or as it is called "royal pineapple", is also widespread.

13. Coconut

Coconut (Thai name - ma phrao). Season: all year round. If it weren't for these fruits, Thai food would be just a fusion of Chinese and Indian. They are added to rice and eaten fresh. Most soups are made with coconut milk. Coconuts in syrup are offered as a dessert. The markets sell coconut milk directly in the fruit. Be prepared for the fact that coconuts in Thailand are not the coconuts we are used to seeing in bounty advertisements. They are green and large. But, there is another type - small light brown.

14. Langsat

Langsat (Thai name - lang sat). Season: July to October. This fruit is almost unknown outside the country, but is very popular in Thailand itself. Its greyish flesh is sweet and sour at the same time. Langsat seeds are bitter and should be eaten carefully. Not to be confused with longan.

15. Pomelo

Pomelo (Thai name - som oh). Season: August to November. It tastes like grapefruit, only sweet rather than sour. In addition, the pomelo is much larger in size. The pulp is reddish, pale yellow and orange in color.

16. Rambutan

Rambutan (Thai name - ngaw). Season: all year round, peak from May to September. One of the most notable and delicious exclusively Thai fruits. The bright red fruits with pale green bristles vaguely resemble grapes in taste, only sweeter. Rambutan grows in the central and southern provinces (Chanthaburi, Pattaya region, Surat Thani).

17. Rose apple

Rose apple (Thai name - chom poo). Season: all year round. There are two varieties of this fruit: one is really pink, the other is green. The taste of the fruits is similar to ordinary apples, only slightly sour. The most beautiful pink apples appear in the markets during the cool season - from November to March.

18. Baltic herring

Baltic herring, snake fruit (Thai name - la kham). The scaly fruits are burgundy-brown in color, the shape is oval and slightly elongated, reminiscent of a drop of water. The peel is thin and peels off quite easily, but when peeling the fruit, you need to be careful: it is covered with small soft thorns. The flesh of herring is yellowish-white.

19. Sugar apple

Sugar apple (Thai name - noi naa). Season: June to September. The lumpy green skin hides a sweet and aromatic milky flesh. If the fruit is ripe enough, you can eat it with a spoon. By the way, the basis of the special ice cream served in Thai restaurants is the sugar apple. The fruit loves a hot and humid climate, so it is grown mainly in the south of the country.

20. Carambola

Carambola (Thai name - ma feung). Season: October to December. Fruits are yellow or green, oblong. Cut across are shaped like a five-pointed star. Because of this, they have a second name - star fruit, or "star fruit". Ripe fruits are very juicy. The taste is pleasant, with floral notes, not very sweet. Unripe fruits are rather sour. They contain a lot of vitamin C. The fruit is mainly used for making salads, sauces, juices and soft drinks.

21. Tamarind

Tamarind (Thai name - makham thad). Season: December to March. Tamarind is a sour fruit, but a sweet variety grows in Thailand. Usually Thais boil the fruit in water to get a refreshing drink.

22. Watermelon

Watermelon (Thai name - Taeng Mo). Season: all year round. Peak season: October-March. Appearance: small size watermelons with red or yellow flesh. Yellow ones are more expensive because in Thailand, it is the color of wealth. Taste: Sugar-sweet typical for watermelon, refreshing in both types. Much sweeter than Astrakhan. Usage: Shakes, smoothies and fresh watermelon juice are popular. Used for curly fruit carving.

23. Banana

Banana - (Thai name - Kluai). Season: all year round. Appearance: yellow or green. Taste: very sweet, the smaller and thinner the skin, the tastier, but these are not stored. Long ones are stored better, are more expensive. They are very nutritious, they are eaten unripe with spices, the semi-ripe ones are dried in the sun, the ripe ones are deep-fried, boiled in coconut milk or syrup, the flowers are used in the preparation of various dishes.

24. Mandarin

Mandarin (Thai name - Som). Season: all year round. Peak season is September-February. Appearance. Smaller than European varieties, with thinner greenish yellow skin. Taste: sweet with a slight sourness, very juicy. Compared to European varieties, the taste is not so bright. Use: In Thailand, they are mainly squeezed out of juice and sold everywhere on stalls on the streets.

Fruit in Thailand by seasons.

Curiosity is peculiar to a person and it manifests itself in so many things. The search for something new gives a huge experience, knowledge, and sometimes unforeseen surprises. With the opportunity to travel to different countries, a great opportunity has opened up to learn not only the life and culture of another people, but also their products. The inhabitants of Europe are amazed to taste what is brought from Asia and other continents. The fruits of Thailand are of particular interest, because they are different from other varieties and are something unknown, interesting, and, of course, very useful, which is why it is so important to learn more about them.

Features of the

Thailand is an amazing country that amazes tourists with the originality of its culture, which is very different from the European part of the world. Tourists often go to this country on vacation, as there are excellent beaches and a mild climate. Thanks to the bright, but not scorching sun and frequent rains, Thailand is rich in a wide variety of fruits that can be easily bought on every corner. The cost of any delicacies for which our resident at home will give a lot of money will be very small here.

Loyal pricing policy is not accidental, because the harvests in the country are very high and they are harvested from two to three times a year. In this regard, there is another distinctive feature of fruits from Thailand: they do not contain chemical additives at all, because they grow well without them, ripen on time and do not get sick.

Thai fruits are known all over the world and are in demand, because their taste and useful qualities can hardly be overestimated.

Of course, for tourists, the food in Thailand is unusual, especially if the trip is made for the first time, but Thais eat exotic dishes every day, not considering them something atypical. Thai chefs and culinary specialists know a huge number of recipes for dishes in which fruits can be used, and the most delicious of them are adopted by masters from all over the world and cook in the most expensive restaurants, asking for crazy money per serving. If you want to see everything with your own eyes, try all the variety of food and healthy fruits, you should visit this amazing country.

If we talk about the fruits themselves, which grow in Asia, then they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health, in addition, some can be used as a medicinal product, whose action has been proven by many generations. The Thai people eat not only ripe, but also unripe pulp, which is combined with a wide variety of dishes. A special feature of this country is mini-markets and shops that are located on every street, where not only fruits and vegetables are sold, but also ready-made juices, smoothies, cold cuts and soups - you can taste them right on the street.

Since fruits are exotic for tourists, it is important to consume them in moderation so as not to get digestive problems due to the consumption of large quantities of unfamiliar food.

Another feature of new food can be unconventional taste sensations that arise when tasting a particular fruit. If you want to enjoy food in the comfort of your room, you should prepare for consumption in advance by watching a video of exactly how certain fruits are peeled and eaten, because Thai delicacies have a number of features.

Having visited Thailand, you can get a number of important discoveries for yourself:

  • new knowledge about the culture and traditions of another people;
  • new taste sensations from food in Thailand;
  • acquaintance with all the exotic fruits of the country at a low cost;
  • the opportunity to learn some of the intricacies of recipes and cook them at home;
  • a chance to bring a little exotic home and pamper your family.

In order for the trip to be pleasant, and the taste sensations from new food to leave unforgettable emotions, you need to read in advance about all the fruits that are found in this country: about their benefits, the effect on the human body, methods of cleaning, cutting and eating - then every day in this country will be full of surprises and delight.

Titles and descriptions

Since the variety of fruits in Thailand will not leave anyone indifferent, it is worth learning more about the most popular ones.

  • Durian- is considered one of the most delicious delicacies in the country, but it has a very strong fetid odor, therefore it is not allowed to be transported or even eaten where there is a large crowd of people. The trees where these fruits grow are very tall, some of them reaching 50 meters. Thailand is famous for its great variety of durian, but not all of them are suitable for human consumption. There are only 9 varieties that do not pose a threat to human health. The fruit is also magnificent because its weight can reach four kilograms. The appearance is also unusual: the fruit is prickly on the outside, and the flesh is located in a shell, through which it can be difficult to get through. Durian's color is yellow-green.

  • Dragon fruit - pitahaya- this is an interesting-looking fruit: outwardly the color is pink, but inside it has white contents with black seeds. Despite all the mystery, the taste is very mediocre, and often there are almost none, because the Thais themselves add lime juice while taking pitahaya. The most popular use of this fruit is in the production of drinks, smoothies and cocktails, which must be supplemented with sugar. The demand for pitahaya is that it has a small amount of calories, and therefore contributes to weight loss. In addition, this product is endowed with a large number of nutrients, the seeds have a beneficial effect on eyesight, and the pulp becomes an excellent raw material for the preparation of remedies that help with gastrointestinal problems.

The process of eating pitahaya consists in dividing the fruit in half, peeling and cutting into slices.

  • Mango - a fruit from Thailand, which has gained worldwide popularity and occupies a leading position in export from the country. All this is explained by the excellent taste, tenderness and juiciness of these fruits. At home, you can find a fairly large species diversity of this fruit, but, unlike durian, all the fruits of mango are suitable for consumption. An interesting fact is that this delicacy is low in calories, although it tastes very sweet. Due to the great popularity of mango, Thais prepare salads, desserts from it, add to cocktails, yoghurts. Due to the presence of useful properties, this product has found its application in cosmetology: for example, you can see shampoos, creams and other products where this fruit will be in the composition. Thailand has its own traditions of cutting and peeling fruit, for which the peel is cut with vertical lines, affecting the pulp, after which horizontal lines are made, which in total gives cubes that are convenient to cut into a plate.

  • Longan Is a berry that tastes like our melon. It is very tasty, but it is important to know when to stop, eating no more than 10 berries, otherwise you may feel a worsening of your condition. Externally, the longan is covered with a hard shell, but it is quite easy to clean it. The pulp is dense inside, but not solid, in the middle there is a seed that cannot be eaten, because it is poisonous. To choose the right fruit, it is worth carefully examining the berry, touching its peel, which should be rough, not have irregularities, dents and spots.
  • Rambutan Is a hairy exotic fruit native to Thailand. This fruit is extremely popular because it has a pleasant taste, low calorie content; it's easy to clean and eat. To buy this shaggy fruit, you need to thoroughly examine the hairs, which should be red-green, lively, without signs of aging, deterioration or black spots. The process of peeling the peel consists of making an incision in a circle and applying slight pressure to the fruit. There is also a bone inside that cannot be eaten. Everyone has their own taste, therefore there is no single description of what this shaggy fruit tastes like, although it is noted that it has a certain similarity to grapes.

  • A pineapple - is a popular delicacy in Thailand due to its pleasant taste and low cost. Pineapples bear fruit all year round, so you can always buy them at a low price. Buying this fruit, you can spend a little money and immediately order cleaning and it will be right, because Thais know how to carry out this procedure correctly, removing all unnecessary and not cutting off anything edible. All over the world, this fruit is valuable for the presence of a substance that helps to speed up metabolism, which allows you to lose weight faster.

To choose a ripe pineapple, you should pay attention to its skin: it should be a little soft, but if you get a green fruit, it doesn't matter, you just need to wait a little and the fruit will be ready to eat.

  • Mangosteen - it is a small purple fruit, inside of which white slices "hide", which have a delicate and pleasant taste with hints of sourness. Each slice has a seed that is unsuitable for eating. You need to cut the mangosteen by analogy with rambutan, cutting in a circle. When choosing a fruit, it is important that it is not hard, but at the same time not too soft. It is best to consume freshly harvested mangosteen, which is how you can get all the benefits of the fruit.

  • Banana- the most famous fruit, which is familiar to everyone from childhood. In Thailand, they grow abundantly and year-round, because their cost is almost always minimal. At home, this delicacy greatly differs in taste from what is brought to the same Russia, therefore connoisseurs of this fruit simply must visit Thailand and pamper themselves with real bananas. These fruits contain a large amount of starch and potassium, therefore they saturate very quickly and you should not eat too much of them. When buying these fruits, you should look at the peel: if it is yellow, then the banana will not be stored for a long time, you need to eat it in a day or two, but if you need to hold them longer, then it is better to take green fruits that ripen themselves.

  • Guava - delicious, but insipid fruit. There are two varieties: with pink and green flesh. The first is tastier and sweeter; for other cases, Thais use a marinade, after which the fruit becomes sweeter and crisper. Guava is popular for making a variety of sauces and drinks, it is eaten fresh and pickled, and is also used in everyday life as an air flavoring or odor absorber in the refrigerator.

  • Lychee - is extremely popular at home, not a single dish or drink can do without it. Lychee outwardly looks like a longan, has a pink tint, a pleasant smell, and inside there is a jelly-like transparent substance and a bone that should not be eaten. Unlike similar ones, in this case it is worth noting the great sweetness of the fruit and the heady aroma. Due to the presence of vitamin B, phosphorus, proteins, iron and pectin, after eating lychee, a person's mood improves.

  • Apple Chompu- is a favorite fruit of children, as it tastes good, does not need cleaning and does not contain seeds. The shape of these apples is pear-shaped and the skin color is pink. Thanks to the pulp, which has a dense texture and white or pink color, you can quench your thirst on a hot day. When choosing a fruit, it is worth evaluating its color: it is undesirable to choose a dark color, it will not have the proper sugar level, which will affect the taste.

  • Jackfruit - the fruit, in terms of external indicators, is very similar to durian, but has much larger dimensions. Often, jackfruit weighs about 40 kilograms, in contrast to durian, the maximum of which is 4 kg. In Thailand, there are a lot of trees with these fruits, so you should be careful and not walk under them, so as not to get on the head with a heavy fruit, although exotic for our person. Jackfruit is highly popular in Thailand due to its size, which makes it possible to get a lot of pulp, the taste of which is very similar to our apples. The method of preparation usually boils down to marinating in sugar syrup, but you can also make balls from fresh fruit, which are sold at any street stall.

  • Passion fruit Is a popular fruit in Thailand, which is rarely seen in Russia due to the rapid deterioration of the product and poor conditions for transportation. This fruit is also famous for its aroma, thanks to which it is added to various cosmetics. The pulp is under a thick skin and has a delicate and delicate taste.

At home, this fruit is eaten with a spoon, cutting the passionfruit into two parts. Juices, smoothies, fresh juices, cocktails and desserts are prepared from this fruit.

  • Pomelo - a yellow-orange fruit, which in its homeland reaches 30 cm in diameter and can weigh up to 10 kilograms. The taste is pleasant, sweet, but there is a slight bitterness. The fruit is valuable for the abundance of vitamins and nutrients that are important for people of different age groups.

  • Baltic herring - an exotic fruit that is dressed in a peel that looks like snake skin. Inside the herring there is a white flesh with a strawberry and sea buckthorn flavor and a nut flavor. It is the original taste that is what makes this fruit so popular.

  • Langsat- in all respects it is similar to lychee and longan, grows on trees in bunches. Langsat is a berry that hides in a shell, and its inner part consists of slices, which have one or two seeds. Unlike the aforementioned crops, it tastes quite tart and resembles a very sweet grape that has been mixed with tangerine and lemon. The Thai people use langsat for various dishes, but most often it is served with meat and salads. The residents themselves are trying to consume more of this fruit, as it helps to strengthen the immune system and resist diseases.

  • Coconut - is the most favorite fruit in Thailand. Locals eat it in a wide variety of forms: fried, pickled, baked, cheese, as an additive to meat and fish, in soup, sauce and more. Such popularity is associated not only with its pleasant taste, but also with the huge positive properties that coconut has. The liquid inside - the so-called coconut milk - is very similar to human plasma, because in wartime it was used as an aid in blood transfusion. Despite such popularity and the presence of useful properties, the pricing policy for this fruit remains stable: it is not expensive, and therefore is in demand throughout the year, since the harvest takes place all the time.

  • Bail - This is an unusual fruit, which is also called a stone apple, because how to get to the pulp is problematic. The Thai people use a special technique for this. Unlike all previous fruits, baile is not consumed fresh, it serves as the basis for making teas.

If the pulp is dried, then it can be added to ice cream, jam, jam, and also to salad.

  • Carambola - a very interesting-looking fruit that looks like a five-pointed star. Despite the bright yellow color and attractive appearance, the taste of the fruit is completely different: it is unsweetened and looks more like a vegetable. The main purpose of carambola is the decoration of confectionery, salads and more.

  • Mafai Is another representative similar to Longan, Rambutan and Langsat. Mafai are small yellow-orange berries that hang in clusters on branches, being in a thin shell. The pulp is sweet and slightly sour. It is very similar in consistency to grapes. Mafai bears fruit almost all year long, depending on where it grows.

  • Noina - these are fruits that outwardly resemble cones, only of a large size. Even their aroma is coniferous, there are scales and a green peel. Inside, noina is tender and sweet, with a vanilla tint and a piney aroma. It is difficult to remove the skin of the fruit, because the juice must not be allowed to leak, which can leave a burn if it gets on the mucous membrane. The process of consumption is also different: you need to eat Noinu with a spoon, removing the bones that are inside the fruit.

The popularity of the fruit is associated with its tonic effect and the ability to raise a person's mood.

  • Noni- a special fruit that is not sold on the shelves of shops or stalls, they are grown in specialized closed plantations. Healing juice is prepared from noni, which tastes very bitter, but has a huge number of useful properties. It can be drunk or used externally to treat wounds and burns.

  • CherimoyaIs an exotic fruit that has an original appearance that resembles a nut in green scales. Both the indigenous people themselves and tourists love cherimoya for its pleasant and tender pulp, which resembles custard. When using it, you should be careful, because there are a large number of bones inside that cannot be eaten.

  • Papaya - a fruit from Thailand, which has a neutral taste and great benefits for the body. It is this fruit that is considered necessary for use by children under one year old as a complementary food. If you need to choose a good papaya, then you should pay attention to the skin, the color of which should be yellow with small green areas.

Green papaya is an artificially bred variety used in a variety of salads in Thailand.

  • Santol - a fruit that children love very much because of its soft and pleasant taste. Outwardly, Santol looks like an apple, its color is beige, and the flesh is white and looks like slices. It is similar in taste to mangosteen, but has a weaker aroma. Inside the lobules there are bones that are difficult to separate from the pulp, which has become the reason for the weak popularity of Santol in the homeland.

  • Sapodilla- a fruit that looks like a potato, but radically different in taste. The brown skin on the outside makes the fruit unsightly, but the creamy tender pulp will not leave anyone indifferent. The sweet taste is complemented by the aroma of coffee beans and dates.

  • Tamarillo Is an exotic fruit that looks like a tomato. The red fruit with a dense skin is about five centimeters in size. You can eat only the pulp, which has a sweet and sour taste and resembles a mixture of tomatoes and currants.

Tomarillo is valuable for its rich set of trace elements and vitamins, thanks to which it is often used as a remedy that is excellent for migraines.

  • Tamarind - is a legume, looks like a long pod, in which the fruits are located. Tamarind is not eaten fresh, it is added to drinks, desserts, sauces, seasonings.

  • Watermelon - a fruit familiar to everyone, which in Thailand has a different taste, and sometimes a look. For Russia, the most common are watermelons with red flesh, and in Thailand there are varieties with a yellow and greenish center. The size of watermelons in this country is small, so it is not difficult to carry them with you and on a hot day you can easily quench your thirst. Such a delicacy is inexpensive, everyone can afford it.

Thailand is rich in a wide variety of fruits and tourists who travel to this country for the first time should be familiar with them in order to be able to taste real delicacies and delight themselves not only with tasty, but also healthy food.

Season by months

In order to know which fruits will be relevant in Thailand in a given month, it is worthwhile to stock up on knowledge in advance about how they grow and what when they bear fruit. There are a number of fruits that are year-round in the country, which means that you can eat them at any time of the year, but not all fruits of the country belong to these. So, jackfruit is harvested between March and June, so late spring and early summer are the best times for a trip to Thailand to taste this interesting product. Ripening times are almost the same for mangoes, which can be bought fresh between March and May.

This indicates the spring nature of the ripening of these fruits.

A more summertime culture can be attributed to Longan, which sings from June to September, allowing indigenous people and tourists to receive this product in abundance. Lychee is a crop that will give birth only two months a year, from May to June, so lovers of this fruit should carefully choose the time of their trip to Thailand. Mangosteen is also one of those fruits that ripen actively from spring to late summer. You can enjoy mangosteen starting in May and ending in August. Rambutan has practically the same limits of readiness of the fruit for consumption, but often the season drags on until the end of September, and in October it is already completely over.

To the fruits that bear fruit almost the entire season and can often be found on store shelves, it is possible to include papaya, which can be obtained all year round, except for three months of summer. The situation is similar with pineapples, which are popular both among the local population and in the tourist environment. You can try pineapple on any day of the week of every month, but from August to October in some areas the trees stop bearing fruit.

As in our latitudes, a purely summer fruit is the watermelon, which ripens actively from May to the end of September.

It was at this time in Thailand that the highest temperature is noted, from which you can escape not only with soft drinks, but also with juicy watermelons. Asia is rich in a wide variety of fruits that can be familiar to us for a long time or completely incomprehensible and exotic. The same strawberries can be found here in November and December, when in our latitudes there are already severe frosts and winter. Plum bears fruit in April and May, while our trees are just beginning to come to life after winter and bloom. The abundance of tasty and healthy food, beautiful nature and non-traditional way of life for a European make Asia, and, in particular, Thailand, a place of active tourism. In order for the rest to be cognitive and good, it is important to carefully prepare for it.

Is it possible to export fruits from Thailand?

When going to a new state, especially such an exotic one as Thailand, there is a desire to bring something from there as a souvenir. Many people prefer souvenir products for this, but there are also real connoisseurs of exotic and healthy lifestyle. Thais do not put any bans on the export of fruits from their country, because they are fully provided with them and are not afraid to lose most of the harvest. To transport certain fruits on an airplane, you need to know the conditions of storage, transportation and packaging in order to bring fresh fruit home, and not crush it on the way.

Despite the open policy regarding products, Thailand has certain regulations and laws for the import of such baggage into their country. It is allowed to carry those exotic fruits that are not subject to quarantine or some other prohibition, because in this case it will not be possible to take such a load with you. Importation into Russia with such baggage is permitted if:

  • each fruit is properly packaged, for which it is better to use the help of professionals;
  • fruits are packed in a specialized plastic container, which can be bought without any problems in any Thai supermarket;
  • to pack a plastic container in a bag to hide it from obvious view by inspectors at the airport, which will help to avoid unnecessary problems.

These plastic containers can be checked in as main baggage, but you can keep it with you, which will be considered as carry-on baggage that can be carried inside the cabin. If you adhere to all the above rules and do not accumulate large stocks of exotic fruits, you can easily go through the control and transport the fruits and then enjoy the memories of a paradise vacation, eating real Thai fruits.

How do you eat them?

Since Thailand is considered the birthplace of a large number of exotic fruits, it is important to know not only their names, get acquainted with the appearance and read about the taste and benefits, but also understand exactly how to eat them. There are fruits that we have known for a long time and there are no difficulties with their use, for example, bananas or watermelons; but there are also more original fruits with which you will have to smash your head, not knowing the ritual of taking them for food.

To clean the herring, you cannot do without a knife, which will have to carry out painstaking work to remove the dense peel, which also has thorns.

The pulp of the fruit is light and has two or three lobules with a stone inside, which cannot be eaten. To make the cleaning process go faster, it is worth buying fresh herring, because after storage it becomes even more difficult to clean it. Longan has a dense but thin skin that needs to be pryed off and removed from the pulp. This fruit is easy to peel, and pretty soon it is possible to get to the pulp, which is almost transparent and tastes like a plum. Sapodilla peels as easily as potatoes by skinning. The pulp that remains after peeling resembles a persimmon or pear, but inside there are two rather large bones.

It is worth noting the excellent taste of the fruit, but there is also a minus: it spoils very quickly. Mangosteen is also peeled with a knife, so as to get to the pulp. Inside, the mangosteen has the appearance of white lobules, inside of which are bones, unsuitable for consumption. For a tourist, the fruit may seem incomprehensible, so impressions may vary. Pitahaya can be eaten in two ways: the first involves dividing the fruit into two parts and eating the contents with a spoon, and the second is cutting the pulp into rings after the skin is removed. Pitahaya attracts tourists with external data, beautiful bright colors and original content, but its taste is far from external data.

Fruits, which are difficult to peel, are usually sold by Thais already peeled, and they do it at a high professional level.

Those who want to try everything on their own experience need to be patient, didactic literature and up-to-date videos on cleaning and preparing fruits for eating. There are a great many options for how Thais use fruits exotic for Europeans: adding them to main dishes, desserts, meat and fish, making cocktails, yoghurts, drinks and much more, which only makes the inhabitants of this country amazed.

Interesting and delicious fruits from Thailand in the video below.