Dishes are thin. Lavash dishes

10.10.2019 Desserts and cakes

We are all familiar with lavash dishes. At least, if they did not eat them, they saw, for example, shawarma. And they probably bought it for testing in the store. After all, how convenient, if necessary, to quickly organize a small snack: throw a cake on the table, grease with mayonnaise, ketchup, put as many pieces of something meat, vegetables, wrap - and that's it, you can eat! So we will now consider how dishes are prepared from thin lavash. And we'll find out how to make it ourselves. It's very easy!

Cooking thin pita bread

You will not find a simpler recipe anywhere. From water, flour and salt, in just a few minutes, you can make gorgeous cakes. For seven medium-sized pita breads, we need: 300 grams of flour, 150-170 ml of boiled, slightly cooled water and half a teaspoon of salt.

To prepare dishes from thin pita bread, you first need to make it yourself. This is done as follows. Pour flour into a bowl and make a depression in it. Dissolve the salt in hot water and gradually pour into the flour. Stir with a mixer until all the flour is dissolved. Then we spread the dough on the table and knead. After two or three minutes you will get a "bun", which we remove under the film and leave for half an hour, until it becomes and becomes smooth and soft.

Then we divide the dough into seven parts and roll each of the pieces into a flat cake with a maximum thickness of two millimeters and a little larger than a frying pan. Very important - fry in a dry skillet, without oil! Heat it over medium heat. You need to correctly catch the right temperature for the product to be of high quality, but over time you will learn this. If you guessed right, then after 30 seconds the lavash will begin to grow and bubble. So we fry everything. We put the first one on a damp towel, then - further, sandwiching all the cakes. When we fry the last one, the first one can already be twisted. That's all, now it's time to cook delicious dishes from thin lavash!

general information

We know many recipes for yeast dough pies. But not so long ago, while considering what dishes can be made from thin lavash, culinary experts realized that pies can also be made of them. What are they good for? The fact that they need very little effort. Buy some pita bread and place the filling between them. That's all, and they taste just as good as yeast!

Fillings can be of any kind - to your taste - both salty and sweet. But it is recommended to give preference to those products that have already undergone heat treatment, for example, vegetables and stews, or those that do not need it - berries and cottage cheese. If you need to soften the sheets of pita bread, then use a mixture of eggs with kefir or sour cream for this. This mixture can also be used to tie layers of the cake.

The recipe for the very first lavash pie

For the first time such a recipe became available to the public in 2000. It was very successful and quickly spread to all culinary schools in the world. If you are going to cook dishes from thin pita bread, start with it. The finished product is very similar to what is sold at metro stations and is called "khachapuri". You will need the following ingredients: three to four pieces of pita bread, two eggs, half a liter of kefir, one hundred grams of cheese grated on a coarse grater (you can replace it with a mixture of cheese and cottage cheese) and margarine. The recipe is very simple.

A form is smeared with margarine, a couple of sheets of pita bread are put into it, so that their edges hang down and they can cover the filling. The rest of the cakes are torn in pieces, dipped in a mixture of eggs with kefir, squeezed out a little and thrown into the mold. Sprinkle everything with cottage cheese with feta cheese or cheese, cover with the edges of the pita bread, pour the remaining kefir on top and put pieces of margarine. We send to the oven for 20 minutes. It turns out a dish with a super taste!

Salty pies from lavash

We recommend preparing other dishes from thin lavash. There are a variety of recipes, some of which we will consider. To begin with, a little about the formation of fillings. When preparing salty pies, vegetable, meat, cheese, cereal, egg fillings, as well as mixtures from the above, are used.

Garlic and salt, fresh or dried herbs, and pepper are added to the sauce to taste. Sometimes the filling is crumbly and dry. In this case, the sauce can be mixed immediately with it. And if there is no such need, for example, in the case of stewed vegetables, then grease the sheets of pita bread themselves.

Sweet pies from lavash

Sweet dishes from thin lavash are filled with cottage cheese, dried fruits, different types of jam, berries and fruits. The simplest such dish consists of pita bread, which is greased with a standard sauce and granulated sugar is added.

There is a recipe for sweet tortillas. In this case, you need to put several sheets of pita bread in the form, as in one of the previous cases - so that the edges hang down, more authentic. A cavity is formed, which we fill with the filling and then pour the sauce. Of course, from above, the edges are wrapped up.

Let's put it together and bake it

The assembly of such a dish from thin Armenian lavash is done in layers: first we put the lavash, then the filling layer, and so on. In the case when our filling is dry, each pita bread must first be greased with an egg and sour cream sauce. When the filling layer is heavy and thick, then you need to put two pita bread together. This will prevent the cake from bursting. You can collect such a dish both in the form and right on the table. It is preferable to assemble in the form, since you can arbitrarily put cakes and filling, there will be room for an air gap, and this will allow the dish to bake better.

It is advisable to lay baking paper on the bottom of the form, but you can simply grease it with vegetable oil. When assembling on the table, each cake must be folded in an envelope so that the filling does not spread.

How to bake a collected pie? In the case when a ready-made filling is used that does not need special heat treatment, the cake is baked until browning, at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. If the filling is raw, then cover the cake with foil and bake from 30 minutes to one hour, at a temperature of 220 degrees. Before turning off the oven, remove the foil and brown the top a little.

Cooking pita bread stuffed with salmon and cheese

Let's continue to cook dishes from thin pita bread. Recipes with photos will help us with this. We will fill this lavash with a real festive filling, in which delicate sausage cheese is very successfully combined with slightly salted salmon, and crispy salad and green onions will give the dish an unsurpassed freshness.

You can salt the fish yourself or use a store one, no difference. Ingredients for the roll: one thin pita bread, 100 grams of salmon, a few feathers of green onions, five to six green salad leaves, 100 grams of sausage cheese, 50 grams of mayonnaise.

Stuffing pita bread with salmon and cheese

We will fill the dish with thin lavash. Photos will popularly tell about this process. We unfold the pita bread on the table and spread it well with mayonnaise. In the event that you bought an oval pita bread, then cut it along the edges to make a rectangle or square. This will ensure that all the rolls are neat and of the same thickness. Cut the slightly salted salmon into thin slices, and rub the sausage cheese on a fine or medium grater. We will chop the green onions as small as possible. Now it is not a very easy matter - you need to evenly distribute the sausage cheese on the cake. Here you have to try!

Lay the pieces of salmon on top, then pieces of lettuce and green onions. We fold our flat structure into a roll, as tightly as possible. Then we pack it in plastic wrap and send it to the refrigerator for at least one hour. We take out, cut into four-centimeter portioned pieces. The food is ready, we serve it to the table. In a similar way, you can cook many other dishes with different fillings, outwardly reminiscent of the well-known shawarma.

Option of a thin lavash dish in a slow cooker

Now we will tell you how you can cook in a slow cooker. This dish is another option for savory and pita bread. It is not at all difficult to prepare it, and then you can take it with you to nature or serve it for dinner with a vegetable salad.

Required ingredients: two or three sheets of thin pita bread, 0.5 kg of minced meat, one medium-sized carrot, one onion, green onion, 250-300 ml of kefir, one egg, 200 grams of hard cheese.

Cooking a pie in a slow cooker

Now we will tell, using this pie as an example, how it is made from thin lavash. Take minced chicken made from whole chicken (it turns out about 550-600 grams). Fry it in a skillet, along with carrots and onions, pre-processed as expected (peeled, chopped, grated, whoever is supposed to). Pepper a little, sprinkle with spices and salt. Since the cheese is also salty, try not to overdo it with salt. We give the opportunity to cool the minced meat, and then mix with pre-grated cheese and finely chopped green onions. Here, completely ready.

Lubricate the multicooker bowl with a little oil. We cover it with pita bread. We spread exactly half of our minced meat on it. Now we take pieces of another flat cake, moisten eggs with kefir in a mixture and put on top of the minced meat. Here you need to have a supply of kefir and eggs, since two glasses can easily go away.

The next step is to lay out the remaining minced meat on crumpled pieces of pita bread. If they still remain, then put on the twisted meat. Then we wrap the cake with the edges of the hanging cake.

At the end of the process, fill in everything with the remaining kefir. If it is not there or is almost gone, you can add melted butter. It's time to bake our dish in a slow cooker. We do this for an hour. You can flip and brown the other side. If you use the oven for baking, then 25 minutes will be enough. We take out and, voila, the meat pie with lavash is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Lavash in the oven - general cooking principles

For baking in the oven, use any thin pita bread: homemade or store. You can even take the flat cakes, not the first freshness, but those that have lain for several days and dried up. When baked, they will be saturated with fillings, sparkle with new tastes and aromas.

Most often, lavash dishes are stuffed with a variety of products, since the cake itself is tasteless and dry.

What can be wrapped in pita bread:

Meat, chicken, sausages;

Fish and seafood;

Vegetables, herbs and mushrooms;

Cheese, eggs, dairy products.

In general, you can use whatever is in the refrigerator. Pies, rolls, pizzas and even chips are made from lavash. Spices and sauces are used to diversify the taste. And to give a beautiful look, the products are greased with butter, eggs, or simply sprinkled with grated cheese.

Recipe 1: Lavash with cheese in the oven

An original recipe for pita bread with cheese in the oven, which is very simple and quick to prepare. Any cheese can be used, but the tastiest is obtained with suluguni. Or a well-known pigtail. The dish is equally tasty both hot and cold.


5 thin pita bread;

300 grams of suluguni;

4 tomatoes;

1 bunch of parsley or dill;

1/3 tsp black pepper;

2 cloves of garlic;

150 grams of mayonnaise.


1. Greens and tomatoes should be washed, dried and finely chopped.

2. Put the cheese on a cutting board and chop finely too, without unrolling the pigtails.

3. Grind the peeled garlic cloves.

4. Mix mayonnaise with garlic and black pepper.

5. Spread pita bread on the table and grease with a thin layer of sauce.

6. Sprinkle with herbs and lay out the tomato slices. It is not necessary to be close to each other, we distribute it over all the pita bread.

7. Sprinkle with chopped suluguni, roll up and place on a baking sheet.

8. Beat the egg, grease the rolls and send to the oven for 10 minutes. We take out and you can try!

Recipe 2: Lavash roll in the oven with ham

A hearty and simple dish. For a pita roll in the oven, you need ham, but you can take any sausage. It turns out no less tasty with boiled meat.


400 grams of ham;

100 grams of sour cream + 1 spoon for lubrication;

1 bunch of onions;

2 cloves of garlic;

1 sweet pepper;

150 grams of hard cheese.


1. Boil 4 eggs. One egg should be left to grease the roll.

2. Peel the eggs, rub finely.

3. Cut the ham into cubes and combine with the eggs.

4. Add chopped garlic cloves.

5. Put grated cheese, chopped bell peppers and green onions there. It is very important to chop everything finely, not more than a grain of corn.

6. Mix all ingredients with sour cream, taste. If necessary, salt and pepper the mass.

7. Spread the pita bread on the table, spread the filling, spread it with a spoon so that the layer is the same. From the opposite edge, you need to leave 3 cm of lavash dry, without filling.

8. Twist a tight roll, transfer it to a baking sheet.

9. Beat the remaining egg with a spoonful of sour cream, grease the roll.

10. Bake until golden brown for about 15 minutes at 200 ° C.

Recipe 3: Lavash with minced meat in the oven

A wonderful dish for a hearty family dinner. For pita bread with minced meat in the oven, you can use any meat. You will also need pitted olives, if they are not there, then you can take 2-3 pickled cucumbers, better than barrel ones.


1 large pita bread;

500 grams of minced meat;

1 small jar of olives;

150 grams of cheese;

200 grams of sour cream;

Salt pepper;

100 grams of cheese + 50 for sprinkling;

1 onion;

3 tablespoons of oil;

100 grams of milk.


1. Pour oil into a frying pan and place on the stove.

2. Shred the onion, fry for a minute. Add minced meat and cook together. At the end, salt and pepper the filling.

3. Spread pita bread, grease with sour cream.

4. Spread the minced meat in a thin layer.

5. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

6. Cut the olives into slices and sprinkle the pita bread too. If cucumbers are used, then cut into small cubes.

7. Twist the roll. Then we put it in a baking dish in the form of a snail.

8. Mix the egg with 50 grams of grated cheese. Pour the resulting lavash pie.

9. We bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Recipe 4: Lavash with mushroom filling in the oven

To cook this stuffed pita bread in the oven, you will need fresh mushrooms. But if there are other mushrooms, then you can take them too. The amount of vegetables can be increased or decreased according to your taste.


300 grams of champignons;

1 carrot and 1 onion;

150 grams of cheese;

Spices, oil;

100 grams of mayonnaise.


1. Shred the onion in half rings. Three carrots and fry everything together in oil. You need to blush it strongly.

2. Separately fry the chopped mushrooms, which we wash well beforehand.

3. Lubricate the pita bread with a beaten egg, half should remain.

4. Sprinkle with fried vegetables, then mushrooms.

5. We make a fine mesh of mayonnaise.

6. Sprinkle with grated cheese, roll up the roll.

7. Cut into 10 cm pieces and place on a baking sheet.

8. Lubricate the surface with the remains of an egg and fry in the oven. If desired, after lubrication, the product can be sprinkled with sesame seeds or caraway seeds.

Recipe 5: Oven lavash pie with mushroom filling

In fact, to make such a lavash pie in the oven, you can use different fillings: vegetable, meat, fish, cheese. In any case, it turns out tasty and juicy.


500 grams of champignons;

2-3 pita bread;

1 onion;

1 carrot;

200 grams of kefir;

200 grams of hard cheese;

Spices, some greens.


1. Cut the mushrooms into cubes, three carrots, chop the onion at random. Put everything together in a large skillet and fry for 10 minutes.

2. Cool the filling and pass it through a meat grinder. Mushroom stuffing will turn out.

3. Take a baking dish, lay the pita bread and cut off the excess edges. We leave the sides covered. Tear the cuttings into pieces.

4. Spread out half of the filling, then trim the pita bread and again the filling.

5. Beat the egg with kefir, pour half into the filling, pour in the cheese and herbs.

6. On top we cover the cake with another sheet of pita bread, bend the edges over the sides of the first layer. We make several holes.

7. Pour the remaining kefir with an egg on top and send to cook in the oven for 20 minutes.

Recipe 6: Cheese cake from lavash in the oven "Fast"

To prepare such a pita cake in the oven, you can use any cheese, mixture, and even add a little cottage cheese to the filling. It is very important to lubricate the layers with the filling thinly. The more you get, the tastier the cake will be.


2-3 pita bread;

400 grams of cheese;

40 grams of butter;

70 grams of milk;


1. We take out the oil in advance from the refrigerator so that it becomes soft.

2. Prepare the filling. To do this, rub the cheese coarsely, add the egg and milk. Mix well. You can put herbs, garlic, any spices to taste.

3. Cut the pita bread into pieces equal to the baking dish. The number of layers can be arbitrary, from 2 to infinity.

4. Put pita bread on the bottom, grease with filling. Cover with the next layer and grease again. We continue until the filling ends. The last should be pita bread.

5. Lubricate the final layer of the cake with softened butter.

6. We send the cake to bake in the oven for 20 minutes and you're done!

Recipe 7: Lavash in the oven with chicken and tomatoes

The recipe for a very tender and juicy pita dish in the oven. It tastes in no way inferior to pizza, but it is much easier and faster to prepare. This amount of ingredients will make 2 large servings.


300 grams of chicken;

100 grams of cheese;

2 tomatoes;

0.5 bunch of greens;

Pepper, salt;

2 tablespoons of oil;

2-3 tablespoons of sour cream;


1. Cut the chicken into strips, fry in a pan with butter until golden brown. Do not forget to salt and pepper.

2. Cut the tomatoes into not very thin circles, three cheese, just chop the greens.

3. Cut the pita bread into 2 parts.

4. On one half, stepping back from the edge 5 cm, put the chicken in the first layer.

5. Put slices of tomatoes on top, grease with sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese.

6. Cover with the second half and bend the free edges so that the seam is at the bottom.

7. Put it on a baking sheet, grease the egg and send it to bake for 10 minutes.

Recipe 8: Homemade lavash chips in the oven

Lavash is such a versatile product that even chips can be made from it. Moreover, they will be much more useful and safer than purchased counterparts. These chips go well with beer.


A clove of garlic;

150 grams of cheese;

0.5 tablespoons of paprika;


1. Three cheese on a fine grater.

2. In a separate bowl, beat the egg and paprika, add salt and chopped garlic.

3. Grease the pita bread with the resulting chatterbox.

4. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Not thickly, lightly.

5. Cut the cake into pieces of any shape. You can make squares, rectangles, rhombuses, or straws.

6. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment or silicone mat. Nothing needs to be lubricated with oil.

7. We send our chips to the oven and cook for 10 minutes until golden brown. You need to constantly monitor so that they do not burn, as they fry very quickly.

Recipe 9: Stuffed pita bread in the oven with crab sticks

The recipe for insanely delicious pita bread in the oven, cooked with crab sticks. The number of products is arbitrary, we make it to your taste. But you don't need to put a lot of filling, the layer should not be very thick.


Crab sticks;


Onion greens;


Bulgarian pepper.


1. Cut the crab sticks into small pieces. Pour into a bowl, salt and pepper.

2. We also cut the pepper finely, send it to the chopsticks.

3. Add chopped onion and mayonnaise, mix the mass.

4. Lay pita bread on the table, spread the crab filling.

5. Tomatoes should be cut in half, then into semicircles. Place on top of the crab filling.

6. Fall asleep with grated cheese and roll up the roll.

7. Now you can simply put it on a baking sheet, cut into pieces or roll it up in the form of a snail. We do it in any convenient way.

8. Beat the egg in a bowl, grease the stuffed dish with a brush.

9. We send to the oven. Since the filling is ready, it is enough to bake until golden brown and it will take no more than 15 minutes. The temperature can be set high immediately, 200-220 degrees.

Lavash in the oven - tips and tricks

To make a golden crust appear on the baked pita bread, you can grease the surface with butter. If an egg is used, then for a more beautiful color, sugar or a little honey is added to it.

Has the lavash dried, crumbled and become tasteless? Do not throw it away, it will be good for baking! We lubricate the layer with any sauce, mayonnaise or just water and after 5 minutes it will recover. We wrap any fillings in it and send it to the oven!

To prevent the filling in the pita from spilling out, to be dense and fastened together, you can add a raw egg to it. When baking, it will grab and prevent a single piece from falling out. You can also add grated cheese.

To give the baked pita bread a beautiful look and pleasant aroma, you need to grease it with an egg, and then sprinkle with sesame seeds. You can also use sunflower seeds, pumpkins, nuts.

Onions are cooked for a very long time, so it is better to fry them a little before laying them in pita bread. Otherwise, the filling will crunch.

Stir the garlic and hot spices in the filling or sauce before placing them in the pita bread. If you just sprinkle on a layer, they will not be evenly distributed.

The words of professionals that you can wrap almost anything in pita bread have long been confirmed by a mass of all kinds of recipes. This unleavened flat cake is ready to "embrace" any filling, more or less holding its shape. And at the same time, the taste of the resulting dish will be really decent. What a long way to go. Even if you wrap the banal yesterday's cutlet in pita bread and hold it in the microwave for a couple of minutes, you can end up with a great breakfast. And if you also add a piece of cheese to the cutlet, then the breakfast will turn out to be not only hearty, but also quite delicious. True, given the miracles our hostesses are doing with lavash, this approach can be called barbaric. Of course, to create more you still have to work hard, but it won't take much time anyway.

So let's talk about what you can wrap up in some of the dishes that we want to present in our review, have long been firmly established on the pages of the culinary notebooks of our housewives, nevertheless, due to their special popularity, we will nevertheless allow ourselves to remind you of the principle of cooking the most the best dishes. In addition, we will cite several unusual options that not everyone knows about. But first, let's look at a few general questions.

What filling can be wrapped in pita bread

Of course, the statement that absolutely everything can be wrapped in this fresh layer is somewhat exaggerated. Nevertheless, the choice of fillings is more than varied. And sometimes their combinations are even surprising. Moreover, not only cold snacks are prepared from pita bread. In it, some cooks wrap minced meat with rice and stew like stuffed cabbage, make it with another filling, and pies. But still the most popular are rolls. What can you wrap in pita bread when preparing them? Yes, a lot of things. For the everyday table, rolls are made with all kinds of vegetables, cottage cheese, canned fish, ham, meat, cheese, flavoring the filling with all kinds of sauces. On holidays, they prepare dishes with red fish, caviar, smoked meats. In general, it is impossible to list everything. And I must say that all the dishes are not only tasty, but also extremely attractive in appearance. All these rolls are considered to be a decoration of any table.

General cooking principles

It is best to take rectangular lavash for cooking. They fold it, as a rule, along, and not across. If you want to make a roll of impressive thickness, you need to use the multilayer principle. That is, spread the filling on the sheet, then cover it with a second sheet, spread it again, and then roll it up. After cooking, the roll should be kept in a cool place for some time so that the pita bread is soaked and softened. If a round shape is desired, the edges of the sheets can be trimmed in a circle. Well, in the case of preparing the same pancakes, lavash is cut into pieces of the desired size.

Next, we will consider more specifically what can be wrapped in thin pita bread. The recipe for roll with crab sticks for many of our cooks is in the first place in the list of appetizers, as it is a safe option and absolutely everyone likes it.

Lavash + crab sticks

You need to take a sheet of pita bread, grease it generously with mayonnaise and sprinkle with your favorite chopped herbs. Cover with a second layer. Coat it with mayonnaise, cover it completely with chopped crab sticks (a pack weighing three hundred grams will be enough for one roll), close with another sheet, smear it and sprinkle with grated cheese. Roll up, leave for an hour in a warm place, and then send to the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, the product can be cut into pieces and served.

Lavash + salmon

Very tasty and unusually beautiful appetizer. If you do not know what you can wrap in pita bread during the preparation of holiday dishes, be sure to stop at this option. You will definitely not go wrong. Since the pieces of fish will fall apart, it is necessary to prepare a special thickener for them. As a rule, grated cheese mixed with mayonnaise is most often used for this. If desired, you can take soft melted. A matter of taste. So, as in the first case, coat the lavash leaf with mayonnaise, sprinkle with herbs, cover with the second. Carefully grease its surface with a cooked mass of cheese, tightly lay thin pieces of, say, salmon on top (one roll will require four hundred grams of fish), roll it up as tightly as possible. Keep warm for an hour, then you can send it to the refrigerator. Cut into thin slices, no more than one and a half centimeters thick.

Simple option

What can be wrapped in thin pita bread made from simple products? How to make a budget snack quickly? Use the magic wand of many of our housewives instead of the filling - canned fish. And almost any will do, in oil.

Grate one carrot, finely chop the onion. Fry vegetables, leave to cool. Drain all the oil from the fish, and transfer it from the jar to another dish and mash it carefully with a fork. Then combine with vegetables. Take a sheet of pita bread and brush one half of it with any soft cheese, and the other with mayonnaise. Then spread the fish with vegetables over the pita bread with sauce, and sprinkle the part with the cheese on with herbs. Start rolling the roll from the edge where the fish lies. An hour will be enough for such a roll for impregnation. As you can see, it cooks quickly enough, and the products for it need the simplest ones.

Meat roll

This is an option that already requires baking. Minced meat is used as a filling, which can be wrapped in pita bread both raw and pre-fried. By and large, it doesn't really matter. The main thing is to prepare it accordingly. That is, salt, pepper and mix with the egg. You also need to make a frying of onions and carrots. Then mix three tablespoons of ketchup and mayonnaise, grease one sheet with this mixture, put a second on it, also coat its surface. Spread the minced meat on top, cover it with frying and roll the pita bread into a roll. Bake in the oven for half an hour. It is better to serve hot, since the pita bread quickly becomes hard after baking. However, if necessary, you can warm up the roll in the microwave.

Berek cigars

Mix half a kilo of cottage cheese with two yolks, add finely chopped dill, salt and stir carefully. Those who like it spicier can add finely chopped garlic to the filling. Lavash needs to be cut into small strips, 10 centimeters wide each. One tablespoon of the filling should be distributed over the edge of the piece, and then rolled into a tube. The resulting products must be fried in vegetable oil until an intense golden hue appears.

Basically, the recipe can be used as a base for experimentation. What else can be wrapped in thin pita bread for making such cigars? Yes, too much. Sausage, for example. Or make a filling with grated cheese, boiled egg and green onions. Or you can cut the ham and cheese into thin strips. In general, you can fantasize as you like.


Don't know what you can wrap in pita bread to cook something new and original? Put the Mexican filling in it and tell your family that it's a burrito. Of course, the inhabitants of this hot country would hardly be able to see an analogue of their national cuisine in your culinary masterpiece, nevertheless, it will definitely turn out to please your relatives. And for the filling, mix finely chopped three tomatoes, two onions, two cucumbers, one hundred and fifty grams of fried mushrooms and ham, one hundred grams of grated cheese and mayonnaise sauce. You can add parsley to the mixture if you like. Salt, wrap in pita bread, folding it in an envelope, grease each with mayonnaise on top, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the microwave for five minutes.

How about a sweet one?

What can you wrap in pita bread to end up with a delicious dessert? You don't have to go far. And to spend especially on food too. Take simple apples, but preferably not very sour. Peel them off. However, if you don't really want to mess around, you can skip this stage. Grate apples on a coarse grater, add cinnamon and a lot of sugar. Stir. Cut a sheet of pita bread into four pieces, wrap the filling, fold in an envelope and fry immediately in a pan. So, without much effort and expense, you will get a pretty decent dessert for tea.

Due to its insipid taste, lavash has become very popular in the preparation of various snacks. What can be made from pita bread? Rolls are made from it, wrapping vegetables, meat, fish, sausage products and much more. Consider only the best recipes for gourmet snacks.

How to make a delicious lavash roll?

It is very convenient to use pita bread as a basis for a roll, because you do not need to waste time kneading the dough. And its insipid taste allows you to choose absolutely any filling - meat, salty, fish, sweet. If you do not know what fillings can be made for pita bread, pay attention to the following options:

  • crab salad;
  • red fish;
  • canned fish;
  • vegetable mix;
  • chopped meat;
  • mushrooms;
  • smoked meat, etc.

And in order for the roll to turn out juicy and tasty, remember the three main rules for its preparation:

  • Lavash sheets must be soaked with sauce. For these purposes, you can use regular mayonnaise.
  • You need to roll the roll along: you should get a not very thick, but long sausage.
  • And so that the pita is not weathered, it should be wrapped in a film for food products.

And of course, for rolls, you need to choose only well-baked pita bread made from premium flour. And what can be made from pita bread, our recipes will tell.

A simple snack with cheesy notes

What can you wrap in pita bread to quickly prepare a delicious snack? Try making a roll with sausage, cheese, and herbs. Such a dish will help you out when guests unexpectedly come or you need to make breakfast in a hurry.


  • 2 pita bread;
  • 250 g of hard cheese;
  • 250 g boiled sausages;
  • greens;
  • a mixture of spices;
  • olive oil.


Cooking delicious lavash dumplings in a slow cooker

What else can you make from pita bread quickly? Make lazy minced meat dumplings. At first glance, this dish may seem strange, but it turns out to be so tasty that it is impossible to tear yourself away from it. And we will cook dumplings in a slow cooker.


  • 1 sheet of pita bread;
  • large onion;
  • 0.5 kg of minced meat;
  • 2-3 st. l. sour cream;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. ketchup;
  • filtered water;


Shawarma is a hearty and delicious appetizer that has won the hearts of many gourmets. It is easy to prepare it at home from pita bread in a microwave oven, in a frying pan or in an oven. You can experiment with the filling and add your favorite ingredients. Let's get started?


  • 4 sheets of pita bread;
  • 0.5 kg of chicken meat;
  • 3-4 fresh cucumbers;
  • 3-4 tomatoes;
  • 200 g of white cabbage;
  • 3-4 potatoes;
  • 250 g of hard cheese;
  • 7 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 7 tbsp. l. ketchup;
  • table salt and pepper mixture.


Spicy Korean Carrot Appetizer

We offer another option for making pita shawarma with squid and Korean carrots. Its unusual taste will not leave anyone indifferent.


  • 2 sheets of pita bread;
  • 100 g of Korean carrots;
  • 150 g of squid meat;
  • small onion;
  • 2-3 potatoes;
  • 150 g white cabbage;
  • dill sprigs;
  • a mixture of spices;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • mayonnaise.


The use of Armenian lavash in cooking is almost always driven by the desire to get a quick result and at the same time create an imitation of a complex time-consuming composition. Lavash dishes can seem very complicated, but cooking each takes as much time as we are ready to devote to it - from 10 minutes, if we are talking about simple rolls without heat treatment, and within an hour - if there is a full-fledged hearty dinner in the plans.

And, which is very important for people watching their weight, lavash is a source of a variety of dietary dishes, since it itself does not contain any yeast or fat. We bring to your attention some interesting recipes.

Thin lavash dishes in a frying pan

Tedious preparation of dough often discourages busy housewives from any desire to diversify the table.

In such cases, thin pita bread turns out to be just a godsend, because it has an undeniable advantage - it fits any filling and at the same time, it can be baked, browned on the grill grate and, of course, fried in a pan.

Fried pita bread with cheese

Cooking process:

If you are counting calories and following a certain fat-free diet, you may not need to use oil when frying, but then you need to use a non-stick pan for cooking.

Lavash with cheese and mushrooms


  • pita bread from 1 package;
  • 180 g of mushrooms (champignons);
  • 180 g of unsalted cheese;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 0.5 stack sour cream 20% fat;
  • 20 g of young parsley;
  • salt, black ground pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable deodorized oil.

Cooking time - 30 minutes.

Cooking process:

  1. It is necessary to wash the mushrooms, separate the legs from the caps and cut off any damage. Then cut the champignons into strips;
  2. Now we heat the oil in a pan and fry the mushrooms, not bringing them to readiness a little;
  3. While the mushrooms are fried, you need to cut the onion into smaller pieces and, after checking the half-cooked mushrooms, add the onion to the pan. Together, we bring everything to full readiness;
  4. Before removing the frying from the heat, season it with spices, stir it vigorously and then transfer the contents of the pan into a separate container. Cool the mushroom filling for about 15 minutes;
  5. In a lukewarm fry, rub the cheese, add finely chopped greens and, finally, mix everything with sour cream;
  6. Now it remains to open the package with pita bread and cut each plate into transverse strips 12-15 cm wide;
  7. Put a tablespoon of minced meat on one edge of the strip, wrap the ends of the lavash tube inward and roll such a roll, similar to a stuffed pancake;
  8. Beat both eggs with a whisk;
  9. Heat the butter in a frying pan and, before putting the lavash rolls there, roll each of them in egg lisen, and only then carefully put them in the butter.

You can serve such a dish both cold and hot. Rolls sprinkled with chopped herbs, with olives cut in half along the edge of the plates, look good.

Hot dishes in the oven

Oven-baked lavash differs from pan-fried lavash in the absence of such a crisp crust, but it turns out to be juicier, since it is soaked better with uniform heating. The next two recipes are from the category of hearty dishes for dinner and a very healthy dessert for afternoon tea.

Pie with meat


  • 2 plates of Armenian lavash;
  • 350 g mixed minced meat;
  • 200 g unsalted cheese;
  • 3 small onions;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 7 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 1 teaspoon of tomato puree or sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable deodorized oil;
  • salt, black ground pepper.

Cooking time - 40 minutes.

Cooking process:

  1. Fry finely chopped onion in ½ oil until light golden brown;
  2. We spread the minced meat for the onion frying and keep it under the lid, stirring from time to time, for another 10 minutes;
  3. Add tomato paste to the filling, salt and pepper everything. Stir thoroughly and, after 2 minutes, remove from heat;
  4. Cool the minced meat for 15 minutes;
  5. Spread the lavash plate on the table and spread the filling over the entire area, in a thin layer. Spread half of the finely grated cheese over the top and immediately roll tightly;
  6. Now you need to grease a flat baking dish with the remaining oil, put the rolls in it and turn on the oven;
  7. While the oven is warming up, make the sauce: beat the sour cream with eggs and a pinch of salt;
  8. Fill the rolls with sauce and bake them at 210 0 for about 17 minutes.

It is advisable to eat this dish only hot, complementing it with a light vegetable salad or just sprigs of herbs.

- take note of our selection of recipes, because it is very tasty. These snacks are worth trying as many people underestimate asparagus.

Fragrant beef with potatoes - provided.

Read on how to make pork head saltison - unusual, but quite interesting.

Lavash with apples and cottage cheese


  • 2 plates of pita bread;
  • 1 medium sweet and sour apple;
  • 120 g of cottage cheese 9%;
  • a pinch of cinnamon powder;
  • shelled walnuts - 1/2 cup.

Cooking time - 30 minutes.


  1. Peel the apple and grate coarsely. Add cinnamon to the cinnamon shavings, stir and put the dishes with the mass in the microwave for 2 minutes;
  2. Mash cottage cheese with a fork, add nuts and whisk lightly;
  3. We spread the lavash plates on the table. We cover the pita bread, without grabbing the edges, first with a thin apple layer, then with a curd layer, and carefully roll up, tucking the dry edges inward;
  4. We spread the rolls on a baking sheet covered with parchment and bake at 170 degrees for about 12 minutes.

This sweet dish is served cold, so after cooling, it is better to put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours, and cut it into portions just before serving.

And here are some more interesting recipes

Fast and very unexpected meals, as an alternative to well-known popular snacks - very fast and do it yourself!

Thin lavash chips


  • 3 plates of thin pita bread;
  • 5 tbsp. tablespoons of refined oil;
  • 1 prefabricated bunch of any favorite greens;
  • 2 tooth. garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Provencal herbs spices;
  • salt;
  • 120 g unsalted cheese.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Cooking process:

  1. Put the pita plate on a baking sheet covered with parchment;
  2. Liberally grease lavash with butter, salt it and sprinkle evenly with spices and grated cheese;
  3. Cut the plate into equal squares and place the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 210˚ for 10 minutes.

All! Healthy and moderately spicy chips are ready.



  • 6 thin Armenian lavash;
  • 250 g of prefabricated minced meat;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 0.5 tsp of any spicy dry seasoning;
  • 2 multi-colored sweet peppers;
  • 2 medium tomatoes;
  • 1/2 small hot pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tomato puree (sauce);
  • 50 g of hard, unsalted cheese;
  • 3 processed cheese;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Cooking time - 45 minutes.

Cooking process:

  1. Spread a plate of lavash on the table and put on the middle ½ processed cheese, cut into cubes;
  2. In 1 st. a spoonful of hot oil, fry the minced meat with onions in a pan. At the end of frying, pour spices into the filling and mix everything vigorously;
  3. Let the minced meat cool for about 15 minutes and put 1/6 of the amount on pita bread on top of the cheese;
  4. Then we begin to prepare the filling - fry the chopped bell peppers with tomatoes without the skin in the remaining oil. Tomatoes can be chopped finely, or in quarters - as convenient. At the end of frying, add ½ hot pepper and pasta;
  5. Cool the dressing to a warm state and season the minced meat on pita bread with it;
  6. Now we need to roll up our burritos like rolls, tucking one edge inward;
  7. Put the burritos on a baking sheet lined with parchment, crush with grated cheese and bake at 200˚ for about 10 minutes.

Buritos are served hot so that the minced meat burns slightly and complements the spiciness of the dish.

  1. It is not necessary to put too much emphasis on the sauce-pouring when the pita dish is not subject to heat treatment. If you soak the pita bread too much, it will become viscous;
  2. When preparing raw pita bread snacks, you cannot overdo it with butter - it will overwhelm the taste of even the most exquisite filling;
  3. If a plate of Armenian lavash has been exposed to air for a long time and has become brittle, it is enough to brush over its surface with a silicone brush slightly moistened with water. This will save the situation, but it is no longer possible to store such a product, it must be used immediately.

Enjoy your meal!