Whiskey with cola: perfect proportions and a cocktail story. Coke whiskey - proportions and step-by-step cocktail preparation

16.04.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Cola whiskey cocktail is one of the most popular in the world. Young people love him very much. After all, the drink is easy to drink, has a soft and very rich flavor and aromatic bouquet. Alcohol is almost not felt in this cocktail, but the heady effect comes quickly. Diluted whiskey is very popular in the USA and Canada. There it is popular to dilute this liquor with cola or pepsi. The taste qualities of the two components vary greatly, so the resulting drink has the right to be called a cocktail. According to one legend, the combination of whiskey and cola became popular thanks to the legendary Liverpool four “The Beatles”, whose members, touring all over Europe, constantly drank such a mixture.

Cola-added whiskey - easy to make popular mix

To make such a cocktail is a simple matter and at home almost anyone can do it. Only three components are required. This is ice, cola and whiskey. They take a large glass, fill it to the top with ice cubes, first pour part of the whiskey and then cola. The cocktail is decorated with a slice of lime or lemon, mint leaves. That's all, a delicious cocktail is ready. Drink whiskey with Coke in small sips, you can even through a pipe and do not bite. The mix is \u200b\u200bvery cold, so you should not drink it in one gulp, there is a risk of catching a throat.

Small nuances of making the famous cocktail.


Fans of such a drink claim that it must certainly be from Scotland. Most likely, real fans of expensive alcohol will not allow themselves to be mixed with cheap soda. Indeed, from this, the entire identity of the drink is lost. So Scotch whiskey loses all its attractive smoky aroma. But American corn bourbon is better for diluting it with cola. Corn pleasantly sets off the taste of soda, while alcohol loses its sharpness. And if you combine Scotch whiskey with cola, it creates a contrast of tastes, not an addition. Specialists and lovers of such a drink as whiskey do not recommend using expensive brands that are best left to drink in pure form to celebrate any significant event. It is better to use whiskey cheaper, since the taste of the drink will change significantly in the process of mixing. Alcohol must be very well chilled, so you can not use ice.


Ice is made from ordinary drinking water, you can use a mineral water or just freeze cola. Ice cubes from mineral water, soda and plain water are sometimes mixed.


It is better to take it only from the Coca-Cola company, it is she who quite pleasantly sets off the taste of whiskey. Especially if blended its varieties are used. Soda needs to be used only very well chilled. Open it immediately before making the cocktail. A warm or exhausted drink will only spoil the taste of the cocktail, it will become almost impossible to drink. You can experiment with different flavors of cola, for example, with cherry. In a bar, most often whiskey is ordered separately from cola. This is because bartenders can easily pour long-exhausted soda from two-liter bottles into a cocktail.


Before drinking whiskey with cola, you should take care of the container, in which everything will be mixed. It is best to take a glass of medium or even large size. In bars, dishes are pre-cooled. This can be done at home, putting a large glass for 15 minutes in the freezer.


As for the proportion, there is a slight divergence of opinion. Some people like to use whiskey with cola in a proportion of one to one. But in this case, the drink will turn out to be very strong, and a large amount of sugar in the soda will lead to premature intoxication. If you want to stretch the pleasure, it is best to combine the main components in a proportion of three to one. On one part of the alcohol base, take three parts of soda. The same proportions are better to use and trying a cocktail for the first time.  Cola should not be spared, however, like ice. If the drink seems too strong or if there is an unpleasant taste, then reduce the amount of whiskey. If only cola is felt, then the amount of alcohol should be increased.

Pitfalls of a delicious cocktail

Opponents of a combination of whiskey and cola argue that its use is extremely detrimental to health. Soda contains a lot of sugar, and it is extremely harmful to the teeth, pancreas, stomach. And supplemented with alcohol, it becomes a very heavy mixture. But occasionally you can enjoy a cocktail. It is worth remembering that it is very high in calories due to the high sugar content in cola, and this can contribute to the appearance of caries, fat deposits and other diseases. In addition, the cocktail kindles the appetite, and the mixture itself does not give any taste of saturation. Therefore, after drinking the mix, I really want to eat, which can lead to obesity.

All are alike. The main thing is that the drink is cold and fresh. Cooking it does not require any special equipment or skills; you can cook it in a glass or in a shaker. It fits perfectly into the youth party. For men, one to one cola to whiskey ratio is best. Women prefer to take one part of alcohol for three parts of soda. In this case, the cocktail does not smell alcohol. Many manufacturers have even begun to produce such a finished cocktail in cans. But it is best to cook it yourself, adapting to your personal preferences, changing the proportions. Then the cocktail will turn out brighter and fresher.

Mixing alcoholic beverages with other ingredients must be in accordance with certain rules, otherwise it will not be possible to emphasize the taste of each component. In addition, a mix in the wrong proportions or with components that are not suitable for each other can lead to negative consequences for the body.

Such strong drinks, like, are often consumed in pure form and rarely added to. A mixture with Coke, thanks to the experiments of American alcohol lovers, has become widespread in the world.

How to drink whiskey with cola?

Such a cocktail became popular not so much because of the taste, but because of the simplicity of its manufacture. This drink is served with ice cubes. For this alcohol special glasses are not needed, because they pour it into simple glasses. Decoration of dishes is optional. But often they take lemon or lime for this. The latter should be used with caution, as he is a little bit bitter.

Initially, a cocktail of whiskey with cola should have been prepared only from the Jack Daniels alcohol brand, but now few people adhere to strict canons, using the one at hand.

Drink a cocktail after 2-3 hours after a hearty meal. At the same time, no snack is served for the mixed drink, since any food can interrupt the taste and smell of the mix. Small sips or sipping a liquid through a tube are the most suitable ways to consume diluted whiskey.

Often, instead of frozen water, ice cubes from cola are used. This gives the taste of the drink even more saturation.

Each lover of strong drinks, based on their preferences, answers the question of how to drink whiskey with cola and in which cases it should be done.

Why is this not worth it?

Before deciding to make yourself a fashionable cocktail, you should think carefully about the consequences that it can bring to the body.

A product such as whiskey has great energy value. Per 100 ml of liquid, approximately 300 kcal. However, the organic origin of alcohol minimizes the harm caused by this type of alcohol to internal organs. Cola is made of non-natural substances. 100 ml of the drink reaches 45 kcal, while it contains a large amount of sugar. And this sweet substance complements whiskey, increasing its calorie content.

It is not recommended to mix drinks also because as a result of their exposure the body increases acidity, which destroys not only tooth enamel, but also the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Regular consumption of a cocktail of whiskey with cola increases the likelihood of obesity, because after 1-2 glasses there is a feeling of hunger. To the calories of the cocktail are added those that come with food.

If the caloric content of the mix, which can reach 330 kcal, is not an important argument in order to abandon the use of an alcoholic cocktail, then you should at least limit yourself to 1 glass.

And one more reason why experts do not recommend mixing not only expensive Jack Daniels whiskey, but also any other type of this drink, is that the taste of alcohol is lost against the background of the chemical components of cola. The unique aroma and taste, which is so famous for whiskey, will disappear under the influence of soda. The components of the cocktail do not complement each other, but, on the contrary, seem to enter the confrontation, so it is better to use them separately.

If you decide, do it by the rules - proportions

During the preparation of a whiskey-cola drink, the proportions should be kept as accurately as possible. In this case, alcohol should be taken in corn. Alcohol with a base of such plant materials will be felt less sharply. It is better if the blending of whiskey was made from malt and grain, while the exposure should be at least 3 years. If it was not possible to find a suitable alcohol, then it is better to refrain from preparing the mixture, enjoying the taste of each drink in its purest form.

The ratio of ingredients depends on how much alcohol experience a person has. So, for a novice connoisseur, a mixture of cola and alcohol should be carried out in a ratio of 1: 3. Having tasted it, you can increase the amount of scotch tape, reducing the cola content to 2 parts (1: 2 ratio). Experienced people often dilute whiskey with cola in equal proportions.

Cola reduces the strength of the tape. To the question of how many degrees there is in soda whiskey, one can answer only by knowing the proportions. 50 ml of alcohol with the same amount of soda will contain up to 20% ethanol.

How to mix, breed?

In order to make the cocktail delicious, you should add a large number of ice cubes. It will have a softening effect on the harsh taste of adhesive tape, which is important when mixing this type of alcohol with cola. Instead of standard soda, you can use its dietary counterpart. The taste of the mix of whiskey-cola is not reflected in any way.

Coke should be taken chilled, better bottled, because the content of harmful substances in it is lower. A carbonated drink should be opened immediately before you plan to start making a whiskey cocktail with cola. Open soda, which stood for several days in the refrigerator, will not work as an addition to scotch tape. Do not dilute whiskey with warm cola or run out.

Whiskey Cocktail Recipes

The classic recipe includes scotch tape or, Coca-Cola and crushed ice. First, ice is put in a glass, then alcohol is poured, then cola is added. When mixing the components, do not shake them or shake them vigorously. Often a glass with a drink is decorated with lime or mint leaves. Despite the similarities in the taste of cola and Pepsi, making a cocktail of whiskey with Pepsi is not recommended.

You can prepare many cocktails from Scottish scotch tape, the components of which emphasize the taste of alcohol more successfully than soda.

In order to make an alcoholic drink Rob Roy, you need 45 ml of whiskey, 25 ml of red, 1 ml of Angostur bitter and crushed ice. Liquids are poured into a glass with ice and gently stirred.

The preparation of the Whiskey Sauer cocktail in its classic version will require 45 ml of bourbon, 1/2 lemon, 15 ml of sugar syrup, 1 egg, ice in cubes and a slice of orange. Beat egg whisk in a strong foam, take 1 tsp from it. Ice is put in the shaker, alcohol is poured, syrup, foam from the protein and a little lemon juice are added. After that, the contents of the shaker are shaken well and poured into glasses.

Boro-Boro is bright. To make it, you will need 40 ml of whiskey (preferably chocolate), 4 segments of lemon or lime, 20 ml of vanilla, 5 grapes, coarsely crushed ice. At the bottom of the glass put grapes and citrus, after which they are thoroughly kneading. Ice is added on top and alcohol is poured. Stir should be a wooden cocktail spoon.

You can make an Apple Jack cocktail by taking components such as 50 ml of scotch tape, 150 ml of juice from apples, 100-120 g of ice cubes, 2 slices of lemon and a stick of cinnamon. In a glass filled with ice, pour alcohol and juice, while adhering to a ratio of 1: 3. After mixing the contents, the glass is decorated with lemon and cinnamon.

Mix The Godfather gained popularity thanks to the cinema. It is a mixture of amaretto and whiskey in equal proportions.

With whiskey, a drink such as milk can be combined. For a cocktail, you should take 60 ml of milk, 30 ml of adhesive tape, 10 ml of sugar syrup and 100 g of ice in cubes. First, milk, whiskey and ice are mixed in a shaker, and then syrup is added there. Continue to shake until frost appears, after which the drink can be poured into glasses.

A drink of whiskey stake - it can rightly be called a student’s drink (or is it cognac with cola), because it is a rather inexpensive and very tasty cocktail, the preparation of which does not take much time and can be carried out, so to speak “on the knee”. It’s enough to buy a bottle of good viskar, one of the cheapest and high-quality - William Lawson, buy cola or Pepsi (here for an amateur) and mix this nectar to drink, but how to mix it properly, what should be the proportion?

Note! The proportion is not very important, here you can focus on taste, the main thing is to cool the cola, this is the recipe for a really tasty drink.

No one can say for sure when and by whom this chic drink was invented, one thing is for sure - the roots go to America. However, today it is the property of everyone and everyone who likes it, so you can feel free to mix and prepare new tastes using whiskey and cola, henceforth!

Whiskey and Coca-Cola - a simple and unpretentious drink that will always be in trend. And no wonder, because this classic combination has an interesting taste, despite the fact that the drink contains only 2 ingredients.

Serve whiskey with cola and ice in ordinary glasses, you do not need exquisite glasses and glasses. To cook it, you do not need to have the skills of a bartender. Previously, Jack Daniels was used for cooking, but today few people follow the original recipe, and you can also take any whiskey.

How to drink cola with whiskey: proportions

The drink needs to be prepared in certain proportions, observe them in order to achieve the desired taste and consistency.


  • 50 ml of whiskey
  • 100 ml Coca-Cola
  • Lime for decoration (optional)


  • As you understand, the proportions should be 2 to 1 - 1 part whiskey and 2 parts Coke.
  • Fill a glass with ice cubes.
  • Pour whiskey over ice, add cola and mix. Garnish with lime.

  • In fact, you can mix these two drinks in the proportions that you like. The most commonly used proportions are 1 to 1, 1 to 2, 1 to 4.
  • You can replace regular Coke with diet Coke, there is no difference except the number of calories.
  • It is advisable that both drinks be chilled before you make a cocktail of them.
  • Use a recently opened bottle of Coke. If you add soda to the drink, which is already several days old, it will ruin the taste.
  • What to use as a snack? Since whiskey with cola has a bright taste and high calorie content, we recommend using not too heavy "snacks" - fruits, low-fat cheese, sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables.
  • Do not forget to decorate the glass with a slice of lemon or lime, mint leaves.

Well, now you know exactly how to make whiskey and cola. Treat your friends and relatives with a drink; hardly anyone will refuse it.

Men's online magazine Mensweekly.ru


Why not do it

Before you talk about how to mix the “whiskey and cola” drink correctly, how to properly execute the recipe and choose the right proportions, as well as how to drink it correctly, it’s important to say why this is not advisable at all.

The first reason to drink whiskey separately from cola is that this drink itself is very high in calories (more than 300 Kcal per 100 ml), but because of its natural origin, does not do too much harm to the health of the drinker. At the same time, cola is a chemical and artificial product that brings its “weight” (40-45 Kcal per 100 ml) to the cocktail in the form of pure sugar.

  • The second reason not to consider the method of mixing whiskey with cola is increased harmfulness.
  • Cola is filled with substances that increase the acidity in the gastrointestinal tract, it can spoil tooth enamel and eat a hole in the stomach so quickly that even the most serious alcohol "does not steal."
  • In addition, this mixture increases the risk of obesity, because by virtue of the combination of tastes it stimulates appetite.

And most importantly - the third reason not to spoil the whiskey with cola: such a mixture completely destroys the unique taste of good whiskey. Most varieties of this drink are drunk because they want to enjoy a delicate aroma and a rich aftertaste, which literally breaks off with additives.

If you decide - do it by the rules

Just in case, it’s worth repeating again: the calorie content of the cocktail is 300-330 Kcal, which is extremely large for people who are “dieting” or celebrating its end. To use such a captivatingly dangerous substance is only with full confidence that willpower will be limited to one serving. Now it’s time to talk about how to mix and mix whiskey and cola. To begin with, you should choose the right alcohol, which, if possible, should be:

  • corn (the addition will make it less sharp and slightly shade the taste);
  • with a blend (a mixture of malt and grain);
  • excerpt no more than 3 years.

If there is any doubt whether it is possible to mix the selected whiskey with cola, to solve the problem you just need to remember: it is better to enjoy something pure (by composition, by “age”).

Having decided which main component to use, you can take the recipe and start mixing. In this process, there is a main condition: maintaining proportions. If experienced drinkers drink in a 1: 1 mixture, beginners are advised to try the method with ingredients in a 1: 3 ratio (of course, whiskey should be poured less), gradually moving on to a 1: 2 cocktail. Next, you just need to navigate to taste.

Drinking a prepared cocktail correctly is also a kind of art that has certain rules:

You need to drink such a mixture through a tube or in small sips, since ice in the composition can provoke angina

  1. Drink a drink should be at least 2 or 3 hours after a meal in order to fully experience all its advantages.
  2. You can’t bite whiskey with cola - any “jamming” can interrupt the aroma and taste.
  3. You need to drink a similar cocktail through a tube or in small sips, since ice in the composition can provoke a sore throat.
  4. It is necessary to control the amount of drink drunk - both because of its calorie content (from 171 Kcal and above), and because of the presence of soda in the composition, which allows alcohol to be absorbed into the blood faster.

Basic recipe

The simplest recipe for experienced "users", which is preparing a cocktail of "whiskey with cola," includes:

  • 100 ml of whiskey;
  • 100 ml of cola (using Pepsi or similar soda is not recommended!);
  • 4-5 ice cubes;
  • a slice of lemon, 3-4 leaf mint, cinnamon or cocktail cherries.

First you need to fill a large large glass with ice, then pour drinks in turn, shake the glass thoroughly (as an option - mix the contents with a spoon for cocktails), decorate the cocktail with mint or lemon. The recipe allows you to drink a drink without ice or without decoration - the gourmet can determine for himself whether he needs these components in the finished product.

In order to prepare the cocktail correctly, you should use a chilled cola, open immediately before creating the drink, since only such a soda will give the final product sharpness and taste. An interesting effect is obtained if you use not ordinary ice cubes, but frozen carbonated mineral water or the same cola. In general, ice is not worth saving - thawing, it will soften the taste of the cocktail, make it more pleasant and refined. It is desirable that the glass into which the whiskey and cola will be poured is also pre-washed, dried and pre-cooled.

It is customary to drink such a strong drink as whiskey even in its historical homeland - in Scotland - with diluted water or soda. That is why the method of preparing a cocktail of whiskey mixed with cola is so widespread. The story says that the Beatles musicians brought fashion from America to him, while Russian connoisseurs of good booze were quite able to appreciate an interesting, somewhat nostalgic-paradoxical (recall painfully familiar vodka with beer) recipe.


We use correctly

It is noteworthy that, unlike many other alcoholic drinks, whiskey is drunk exclusively by itself, without snacking. This drink is self-sufficient, so it is not consumed with food. And especially this concerns its expensive species having a long exposure.

A glass of cylindrical shape or a tulip-shaped glass is intended for whiskey. The glass should have a thick bottom, it is in them that it is convenient to mix the drink with other ingredients. A glass on a leg is most suitable for tasting and the most seasoned varieties, expensive and tasty, are drunk from it. In such glasses, the taste of the drink is revealed in a special way.

  • Each country has its own traditions regarding the use of whiskey.
  • There are several options for cocktails.
  • All of them are drunk very chilled, usually through a tube or in small sips.
  • You can dilute with lemon or apple juice, water, vermouth and soda.
  • And here is the popular whiskey cola recipe.

What you need for a cocktail

The invention of the Americans - a mixture of whiskey and cola. In Europe, this option became famous thanks to the Beatles group back in 1964, during their tour. Over time, the cocktail has become popular and recognized.

So how to breed whiskey with cola? For this you will need:

  • Any brand of whiskey (classic - “Jack Daniel’s”);
  • Coca Cola;

To give the drink an original look, it can be decorated with mint or lemon. But this is as you wish.

When cooking, it is important to observe the following points:

  1. Coca-Cola must be cold and closed. If the soda is exhausted and if it is warm, it will only ruin the taste.
  2. Glasses should also be cold and dry. Size is medium, bottom is thick.
  3. It will take a lot of ice. It can be made from pure water, as well as from cola or mineral water.

What are the ideal proportions of whiskey with cola? For each they have their own. You can experiment and find your taste. The classic version is 1: 1. Such a drink will be quite strong.

But you can start with a more diluted version. To do this, mix 1 part whiskey and 3 - cola. Gradually, you can go to 1: 2, and then in half. So you will understand which cocktail you like best.


The composition of the classic cocktail:

As a decoration for a glass with this drink, you can use a slice of lemon or a sprig of mint.

The middle glass is filled with ice. Not necessarily to the brim, someone is enough to the middle. Any whiskey is better to drink chilled, so ice is present in almost all recipes.The proportions of whiskey and cola everyone chooses for himself. If you are drinking for the first time, try one to three. That means a quarter cup of whiskey, the rest is cola. If you feel an unpleasant taste and strength, then reduce the amount of whiskey. If you feel only cola and nothing more, and I would like to roll it already, then feel free to increase the proportion of whiskey. Bartenders, by the way, think in fifty-gram categories: 50 to 150, 100 to 100.

  • How strange it may not sound, but close attention needs to be paid to the stake.
  • It should be chilled, and most importantly - not exhausted.
  • This is the second reason cola and whiskey are ordered separately.
  • The bartender will not blink an eye when he will add yesterday’s cola to your cocktail from a half-empty bottle.
  • The bar most likely uses two-liter bottles of cola.
  • Just for reasons of economy.

In bars, whiskey with cola is often decorated with mint and lemon. Connoisseurs of the cocktail claim that this is done solely for aesthetic reasons and does not carry any taste complement.

Well, of course, that having a cocktail party with whiskey cola at home is not difficult. All ingredients are available in any supermarket, do not require special preparation, you know the recipe. Mix and enjoy.

American recipe

Whiskey with Coca-Cola (English coca-cola) or in abbreviated form: "Cola" - one of the most popular alcoholic cocktails that came to us from the West. The recipe for this cocktail is quite simple, it consists of only three components mixed in a certain proportion: Composition of a classic cocktail:

  • Whiskey “Jack Daniel’s” (in the home-made version of the cocktail it can be replaced with whiskey of any other brand);
  • Popular drink Coca-Cola;
  • Food ice broken into pieces.

As a decoration for a glass with this drink, you can use a slice of lemon or a sprig of mint. Cooking method:

  • We break the ice into small pieces (if you have it in a piece), and if you frozen it yourself in molds, then you can not chop it. Proportions of whiskey cocktail with Coca-Cola

We try different options

Having tried different options, you will definitely choose the best one for yourself and find the same proportion that you prefer. Making whiskey with cola

Enjoy your meal!


Cooking method:

Coke is cooled in the refrigerator. It is undesirable to open it in advance otherwise carbon dioxide will come out of the drink and the cocktail will lose its taste and pungency.

Prepare wine glasses or glasses. They should be clean, dry and preferably also pre-chilled.

We break the ice into small pieces (if you have it in a piece), and if you frozen it yourself in molds, then you can not chop it.

Proportions of whiskey cocktail with Coca-Cola

  • The proportions of the classic rather strong cocktail are as follows: one part of whiskey to one part of cola (1: 1).
  • If you are trying this alcoholic drink for the first time, it is recommended to start with the most gentle, lightweight version of the cocktail, prepared in the proportions: one to three (1: 3), that is, three parts of cola should be added to one part of whiskey.
  • Then you can move on to the middle version with the proportion: one to two (1: 2), with two parts of whiskey mix two parts of Coca-Cola.
  • Having tried different options, you will definitely choose the best one for yourself and find the same proportion that you prefer.


  1. We fill the glasses with pieces of ice.
  2. Pour the right amount of whiskey into it (depending on the selected proportion: either half, or a third, or a quarter glass).
  3. Add a glass to the top with cola and shake the cocktail to mix the ingredients.

When serving (which is not necessary at all), we decorate glasses with a cocktail with lemon or mint.


Cocktail "Drunken Horse"

So, all that we need for a cocktail is whiskey (choose your favorite brand and manufacturer), Coca-Cola drink, ice, a slice of lime or its zest for decoration and only 1 minute of your time (on New Year's, yes and any other holiday is very important) !!!

The recipe itself is simple: mix whiskey with Coca-Cola in the proportions of 1: 4-1: 5 ... If desired, ice and a slice (zest) of lime (lemon) can be added to the cocktail. The cocktail is ready !!!

  • We usually use White Horse whiskey because we like the taste and aroma, and also, importantly, the price ...
  • By the way, here comes the name of the “Drunken Horse” cocktail - “drunken”, because despite the small amount of alcohol, it makes itself felt, and the “horse” is taken from the name of whiskey, it just seems to me that the word “horse” is too offensive ...
  • The drink has an unexpectedly rich taste, carbonated sweet cola enhances some notes of whiskey, while absorbing others ... but in this case they are not at all sorry.


Cocktail Supporters

Nothing really is known about the history of the cocktail. They say that the “Liverpool Four” during the world tour not only broke a lot of hearts of fans, but also distributed the recipe for this cocktail. Apparently, therefore, some lovers of this drink claim that whiskey must be Scottish, and the cola must be from Coca-Cola.

  • The Beatles introduced canonical proportions one to one.
  • It turns out a very strong mixture, which not everyone will like.
  • Twenty degrees excluding ice.
  • The answer is simple: in 1960, John Lennon was twenty years old.
  • Now, the proportions of whiskey with cola, everyone chooses to his liking.
  • Partly this is what drives people when ordering a cocktail in parts. Not everyone likes to explain ordinary fractions to waiters.

Cola very pleasantly sets off the taste of whiskey. This is especially true for American blended varieties. Inexpensive brands of whiskey made from corn raw materials have a very sharp taste and aroma.

Opponents of a cocktail

The cocktail was not ignored by advocates of a healthy lifestyle. Here for them is complete expanse. And harmful Coca-Cola, and whiskey alien to the Russian man, and everything came to us from the decaying West.

It is claimed that the recipe is spelled out almost on the first page of Dulles' plan. The proportions are strictly calculated for the genocide of the bright minds of a great power. A cocktail of whiskey with cola is proposed to be banned, anathematized and burned with hot iron from the menu and wine lists.

  • Any cola, like any sweet carbonated lemonade, is harmful to digestion and teeth.
  • Whiskey is a strong alcohol and, of course, its excessive consumption negatively affects health.
  • But alcoholics are dying more and more from cheap vodka, and not from cocktails.

As for the excessive amount of sugar, and even kilocalories in general - whiskey cola is more likely to get drunk than to make caries, and even more so obesity.

Occasionally you can and even need to enjoy a delicious harmful cocktail.

Ease of cooking a popular mix

To make such a cocktail is a simple matter and at home almost anyone can do it. Only three components are required. This is ice, cola and whiskey.

  • They take a large glass, fill it to the top with ice cubes, first pour part of the whiskey and then cola. The cocktail is decorated with a slice of lime or lemon, mint leaves.
  • That's all, a delicious cocktail is ready.
  • Drink whiskey with Coke in small sips, you can even through a pipe and do not bite.
  • The mix is \u200b\u200bvery cold, so you should not drink it in one gulp, there is a risk of catching a throat.
  • Small nuances of making the famous cocktail.


  • Fans of such a drink claim that it must certainly be from Scotland.
  • Most likely, real fans of expensive alcohol will not allow themselves to be mixed with cheap soda. After all, the whole identity of the drink is lost from this.
  • So Scotch whiskey loses all its attractive smoky aroma. But American corn bourbon is better for diluting it with cola.
  • Corn pleasantly sets off the taste of soda, while alcohol loses its sharpness.

And if you combine Scotch whiskey with cola, it creates a contrast of tastes, not an addition. Specialists and lovers of such a drink as whiskey do not recommend using expensive brands that are best left to drink in pure form to celebrate any significant event.

It is better to use whiskey cheaper, since the taste of the drink will change significantly in the process of mixing. Alcohol must be very well chilled, so you can not use ice.

Ice is made from ordinary drinking water, you can use a mineral water or just freeze cola. Ice cubes from mineral water, soda and plain water are sometimes mixed.


It is better to take it only from the Coca-Cola company, it is she who quite pleasantly sets off the taste of whiskey. Especially if blended its varieties are used. Soda needs to be used only very well chilled. Open it immediately before making the cocktail.

  • A warm or exhausted drink will only spoil the taste of the cocktail, it will become almost impossible to drink.
  • You can experiment with different flavors of cola, for example, with cherry.
  • In a bar, most often whiskey is ordered separately from cola.
  • This is because bartenders can easily pour long-exhausted soda from two-liter bottles into a cocktail.


Before drinking whiskey with cola, you should take care of the container, in which everything will be mixed. It is best to take a glass of medium or even large size. In bars, dishes are pre-cooled. This can be done at home, putting a large glass for 15 minutes in the freezer.


As for the proportion, there is a slight divergence of opinion. Some people like to use whiskey with cola in a proportion of one to one. But in this case, the drink will turn out to be very strong, and a large amount of sugar in the soda will lead to premature intoxication. If you want to stretch the pleasure, it is best to combine the main components in a proportion of three to one. On one part of the alcohol base, take three parts of soda.

The same proportions are better to use and trying a cocktail for the first time.  Cola should not be spared, however, like ice. If the drink seems too strong or if there is an unpleasant taste, then reduce the amount of whiskey. If only cola is felt, then the amount of alcohol should be increased.

Pitfalls of a delicious cocktail

Opponents of a combination of whiskey and cola argue that its use is extremely detrimental to health. Soda contains a lot of sugar, and it is extremely harmful to the teeth, pancreas, stomach. And supplemented with alcohol, it becomes a very heavy mixture.

  • But occasionally you can enjoy a cocktail.
  • It is worth remembering that it is very high in calories due to the high sugar content in cola, and this can contribute to the appearance of caries, fat deposits and other diseases.
  • In addition, the cocktail kindles the appetite, and the mixture itself does not give any taste of saturation.
  • Therefore, after drinking the mix, I really want to eat, which can lead to obesity.

All whiskey and cola cocktails are similar to each other. The main thing is that the drink is cold and fresh. Cooking it does not require any special equipment or skills; you can cook it in a glass or in a shaker. It fits perfectly into the youth party. For men, one to one cola to whiskey ratio is best.

Women prefer to take one part of alcohol for three parts of soda. In this case, the cocktail does not smell alcohol. Many manufacturers have even begun to produce such a finished cocktail in cans.

But it is best to cook it yourself, adapting to your personal preferences, changing the proportions. Then the cocktail will turn out brighter and fresher.


How to mix

When mixing cola and whiskey, it should be borne in mind that the aromatic and taste characteristics of the original drinks vary greatly, which is why this mixture is considered a full cocktail.

A cocktail of whiskey with cola consists of only three components - whiskey, cola and ice.

  • Any kind of whiskey is suitable for the preparation of this drink, since it becomes impossible to distinguish all the subtleties between its various types when combined with cola. Of course, it is better to refrain from mixing expensive whiskey or aged scotch with cola, as this will ruin the noble drink. Therefore, it is still better to opt for inexpensive whiskey, and American bourbon is a vivid example of this.
  • To properly mix all the ingredients, you should not save on the amount of ice, the more it is in the glass, the better. Ice naturally softens the sharp taste of whiskey, giving the cocktail softness, which is very important, given some of the features of cola.
  • Coca-Cola, like Pepsi, is a drink with a high sugar content, it is highly carbonated and have its own characteristic taste. A cola is traditionally used for a cocktail, Pepsi are offered only in case of an alternative, if the cola in the bar is over. And strangely enough, if you mix whiskey and Pepsi, then the very American taste of the cocktail will be irretrievably lost.

It will be right to mix these three ingredients without blasting among themselves, adhering to a certain proportion so that the hops do not hit the head too quickly, and a good mood is guaranteed throughout the evening drinking the drink.

The ratio of whiskey and cola in a cocktail

The proportions taken for the drink ingredients play a major role in how it tastes. They may vary somewhat, depending on the desired strength.

  • But if you make a cocktail yourself and are not ready for unexpected impressions and a sharp taste, then you should not take whiskey and cola in a ratio of one to one. Otherwise, alcohol is very quickly absorbed into the blood due to the high sugar content in the cola, and you will not feel very well.
  • The best option for drinking a cocktail is whiskey and cola taken in a proportion of one to three.
  • To prepare this cocktail, you will need to take a large glass (300-400 ml) and fill it with ice cubes to the very top. Pour in 50 ml of whiskey and only then add about 150 ml of cola.
  • The resulting cocktail can be decorated with slices of lemon or lime, a sprig of mint. He drinks in small sips.

The classic American version is more strict in its execution and for it you will need a special glass for whiskey - a toggle switch. It has a thick glass bottom and walls. You often could see him in the movies. A pair of ice cubes is placed in it, a little whiskey is poured (about 30-40 ml), cola is added to taste.

The secret of a true American dream is cold cola

  • An important aspect of proper whiskey with cola is that the drink should be really cold.
  • Cola should be freshly opened and well chilled. The option when you have good whiskey and an open bottle of cola stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days will not work.
  • Best of all is a glass bottle cola. Surprisingly, it contains less harmful substances than the one that spills into cans and plastic containers.
  • And in no case do not pour warm Coke and Coke into the whiskey, which managed to run out of breath. This will ruin the drink.
  • Since the output cocktail has a decent volume, it is recommended to take large glasses, which are best pre-cooled, as is done in many bars.

Another little secret to this cocktail is ice. It can be made both from ordinary water and from cola itself. Ice from a carbonated mineral water will look very fresh in a cocktail.

American classics are, of course, rectangular ice cubes from filtered water and freshly opened cold cola from a glass bottle.

Make this cocktail at home and you will feel the real taste of the American dream.


The right cooking process

We take a glass and put ice in it to the brim. Now let's turn to how to dilute whiskey with cola. We stop the choice on the favorite proportion and, following it, fill a glass of whiskey with ice, and then pour the cola. The sequence can only be this. Next, you need to shake all the ingredients and decorate the cocktail with either a lemon slice or a mint sprig.

The drink is ready! All operations are simple and fast. A cola whiskey cocktail is a basic option. There are more advanced and interesting versions.

Drinking culture

Now let’s make it clear how to drink cola with whiskey. The drink is consumed in small sips. For those interested in what they bite whiskey with Coke, without hesitation, we will answer - nothing. Cocktail drink without a snack. Remember, the drink should be cold, so do not drink it in one gulp. There is a risk of colds. It is better to use a straw for consumption. Whiskey with cola is a regular at parties. At parties, the drink flows like a river. Those who are worried about the calorie content of an alcoholic drink should know that it is 171 Kcal per 100 ml.


The cocktail with the mysterious name Idiot

This cocktail has neither a date of birth, nor a reliable history. The origin of the name is also unclear. One thing is known - "Idiot" megapopular, most often consumed alcoholic drink. Every bartender knows about the existence of this mix.

But he can not be found on the menu in any decent institution. Every adult at least once tasted this cocktail, but hardly knew its name, or rather, did not even guess that it even had it.


  • The simplicity of this cocktail is simply amazing - any brandy / whiskey plus the famous Coca-Cola. And that’s all! Simple and tasty, and most importantly, helps to relax by turning off the brain a little.
  • But is it so tasty? Connoisseurs of good whiskey / cognac who can drink and relish it in their purest form are viciously called idiots of those who even thought of screwing up such an elite drink with the usual “Cola”.
  • But there are many such lovers all over the world, especially among young people and visitors to night clubs!
  • But the bartenders, in principle, liked this drink, because in order to prepare it, you do not need to exert much effort. Yes, and for various institutions this is a good income, because not everyone can afford expensive alcohol, but a modest 3-star cognac with a bottle of "Cola" diverges with a bang.

Be that as it may, and those wishing to drink "Idiot" does not decrease, because when one generation grows from this cocktail, the next is ready to drink it. "Cola" in tandem with cognac (or vice versa) is the whole alcohol age, which has not yet lost its popularity and, given the number of admirers, there is definitely a place to be!

Classic recipe

A classic cocktail is prepared simply:

  • Combine whiskey or cognac with Coca-Cola in a ratio of 1 to 1, 50 ml each.
  • Add a couple of ice cubes.

Subtleties of cooking:

  • the main constituent drinks should be chilled;
  • the Cola bottle opens exclusively during preparation.

To make a less strong drink, alcohol is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 3 (50 ml of cognac / whiskey and 150 ml of "Cola"). Often, waiters serve cognac and Coke separately, so that the client can mix them to their own taste, making the drink a suitable fortress. At the request of visitors, lemon is served as an appetizer.

Some people argue that Coca-Cola is wiser to replace Pepsi, which gives the cocktail a different taste.

Origin: Russian version

Historical versions regarding the origin are diverse, none of them have 100% confirmation. But the Russian legend about the origin of "Idiot" is one of the most beloved among bartenders.

In the past millennium, in the 90s, when racketeering and banditry flourished especially, one day a cool, uncle from the New Russian series came to an expensive restaurant. He wanted not only to eat and relax, but also to brag to his beautiful companion the amount of money earned. The helpful sommelier began courting the rich man, offering him exquisite elite alcoholic drinks. Without thinking twice, the couple ordered the most expensive drink of long exposure.

According to legend, it was “The Macallan Lalique 50 years old” whiskey, the price of which at that time was above $ 10,000. The waiter brought two glasses of rox filled with whiskey, but then a lady with stupid emotions of a blonde began to rebel, they say, they do not respect her here, because she will not be able to drink such a strong drink in its pure form. A spoiled doll demanded to serve Coca-Cola and ice. And so was born the "Idiot" (or perhaps an idiot).

Origin: European Version

Many are convinced that this cocktail was opened to the world by famous guys from the Beatles group, who, during a tour in Russia, tried an unusual alcohol mix. The “Idiot” impressed the Liverpool guys so much that they took his recipe to the United States of America.

  • Traveling and speaking with concerts, the group almost everywhere ordered this alcoholic drink.
  • And when they left, the owners of public institutions began to offer their customers a cocktail that the famous Beatles drink.
  • So the cocktail had its own popularity, spread throughout Europe.
  • Although it cannot be said that countries throughout Europe liked this alcoholic drink.

For example, even the British consider it a true sacrilege to dilute whiskey or Coke brandy. What can not be said about the United States, where Coca-Cola is second in the list of products after bread, and has become a real national treasure of America.

Drinking culture

From the culture of drinking alcoholic beverages, this cocktail has nothing to do with it. Coca-Cola has its own story, but not culture, the main thing is that it be cold and aerated. But whiskey and cognac are customary to enjoy, relish, drink it in small sips and, of course, do not bite.

Those who know how to drink correctly, who are given the chance to feel all the noble notes of high-quality whiskey or cognac, simply laugh at the lovers of such cocktails. And other gourmets, on the contrary, “cry”, they are very sorry for the stupidly drunk elite alcoholic drink.

But if we talk about culture, then we can note several points of the “Idiot”:

  1. the cocktail is drunk exclusively chilled;
  2. ice is required;
  3. Coca-Cola should be opened immediately before adding it to a glass of alcohol.

That's the whole plain culture of this alcohol mix.

Benefits of this drink

No matter how angry the French are for their “defiled” cognac, this cocktail still has certain advantages:

  • Versatility. Perhaps for connoisseurs the combination of "Cola" with cognac or whiskey is murderous, but for those who are not lucky to be born a gourmet, "Cola" with cognac is even combined.
  • In such a mix, cognac or whiskey becomes softer, and therefore not only men, but also the beautiful half of humanity drink them so boldly. You can safely give a cocktail status - universal.
  • Availability. Few can afford to breed expensive brands of whiskey / cognac with the more affordable Coca-Cola. Of course, that the taste of high-quality, high-quality drinks has a certain character, it is true that you can relish it.
  • But cheap fakes, which have a ridiculous price for cognac / whiskey, cannot be relished much, because they are bitter and completely tasteless. And everyone wants a drink, not just a wealthy class.

Here the exit to the scene of "Cola" or "Pepsi", possibly even their painted fake, would be appropriate. A non-alcoholic carbonated drink with a peculiar taste makes cognac cheap more palatable. And considering that there are not so many elites in our world, the availability of an “idiotic” cocktail is very pleasing, especially for young people who lead an active nightlife.

Degree of intoxication. If there is a goal to get drunk, then the "Idiot" can easily help with this. It's no secret that gases multiply the effect of alcohol in two, which makes fog in my head much faster. And for those who can’t drink alcoholic drinks, even one cocktail will be enough. All of the above advantages give the cocktail a reasonable right to exist.

Modification of the main recipe

People really like to try something new, thanks to this, the classic cocktail recipe has been supplemented and acquired several equally interesting tastes. New recipes:
  “Cuban brandy” or just with lime.

  • Mix 50 ml of brandy with 20 ml of lime juice (about half the average fruit).
  • Add about 5 ice cubes.
  • Shake well in a shaker, then pour into a glass.
  • Add 100 ml of Coca-Cola.
  • Garnish with a slice of lime.

The taste of the cocktail is very interesting, and therefore it was enjoyed by many.
  "3 C" - cognac, Coca-Cola, coffee, which in Russian means cognac, "Coca-Cola", coffee.

  1. This drink is not prepared in a glass, but in a larger glass container.
  2. Mix about 350 ml of Cola, 35 ml of cognac, 0.5 sachet of instant coffee (1 g.)
  3. Beat lightly.
  4. Be sure to serve chilled.

This mix is \u200b\u200bvery conducive to rapid intoxication, so it is important to calculate your own strength. In addition, the combination of such strong ingredients gives additional energy, for which he received another name - "Student vigor". But such a mix can hit on health, especially on the work of the heart. "Idiot" inspired people to new discoveries, which can now be sincerely enjoyed.

Strong original alcoholic drink of whiskey plus Coca or Pepsi Cola - a well-known cocktail belonging to the category of "long drink" (which can be artistically translated as "long-playing"), a frequent guest at receptions, corporate parties and parties. Despite the apparent simplicity of its preparation, not all cocktail lovers reliably know how to make whiskey with cola. The proportions of the drink must be observed in a fairly strict manner, otherwise you can spoil the taste of the first and second ingredients. It is also necessary to clearly understand what additional additives can and should be used for cooking, what to use for cooling. Read about this and some other interesting things in this article.

A bit of history

They say that whiskey with cola (for proportions see below) were invented by the Americans to mix. At least in old Europe, from the moment of the appearance of the noble malt drink, a natural distillate, until the very middle of the last century, it was used in a completely different way. There were several traditions: drink whiskey completely undiluted, drink whiskey, washed down with water (hence whiskey and soda), drink a strong drink, mix with clean water. Today, in pubs of various countries they continue to drink it.

The Beatles Role

According to one version, the Beatles brought the habit of drinking this kind of cocktail to Europe, returning from a tour to the USA in 1964. Be that as it may, this habit (with the opening of the Iron Curtain, of course) successfully migrated to our vast expanses. . What are the proportions of whiskey with cola? Whose production of whiskey is better to use for these purposes? What can be added to cool the drink and improve its taste?

Whiskey cocktail with cola. Proportions

Well, with Coke, everything is clear. Although you can also experiment: take a "light cola" or "Pepsi." The result - the taste will vary within the main component of the gamut, not too different, especially after eating several servings.

As for the brand of whiskey, it is already a matter of taste. You can, in principle, use any, even cheap. If you take the Scottish "smoky", then all its attractiveness, consisting in a specific taste, will disappear. For this kind of cocktail, American corn bourbon is best suited. The taste of corn can very nicely set off the taste of cola, while the harshness inherent in American drinks is lost. In general, they say that this cocktail was invented even during the Great Depression in America in the 1930s, when the “dry” law was in effect, and counterfeit whiskey of rather poor quality and nasty taste was produced underground. So, to hide this taste, in the bars served a drink of whiskey with cola. The proportions for its preparation (classic version) are quite simple. You need to take one part of whiskey and two parts of cola. Cola should be chilled and “freshly opened” so that its bubbles do not have time to disappear. If you want to keep at least a little taste and aroma of whiskey, then dilute one to one. But then you need to consider that the drink will turn out to be quite strong, and drinking it like beer is not recommended (although you can’t say that it is up to 20 degrees in the first sip).


It is customary to drink a cocktail chilled from large glasses with faces. Usually a few ice cubes or crushed ice are usually added to cool. You can decorate the glass with a leaf of mint and lemon (lime) to emphasize the taste. A little trick: ice itself can be frozen from cola. So the drink will be richer. And you can make cubes from soda mineral water! Add to the cocktail whiskey with cola (proportions - for your taste) and cinnamon, and cherry berries. In general, as they say, there is always a field for culinary experiments. And some lovers of cocktails in the post-Soviet space use sprite or phantom instead of Coke as an ingredient! But it already turns out to be a completely different drink to taste.

Whiskey with cola - a cocktail native to America

Few lovers of alcoholic cocktails combination of whiskey and cola went unnoticed. Not so long ago, he was one of the attributes of the American dream in promotions.

Today we can get to know him not only in American films by the example of cool guys who use this cocktail, but also by the standard offer in many cafes and bars.

This drink serves as a symbol of successful and strong, confident people. He received the greatest distribution in Canada and the USA.

For Europe, this cocktail opened relatively recently, it ascended along with the wave of success of the legendary Beatles. Members of this group often consumed this drink after their performances on the European tour.

This American cocktail was loved by many because of the simplicity of its preparation. It is perfect for any cocktail party, it is very easy to prepare it at home.

How to mix whiskey with cola?

When mixing cola and whiskey, it should be borne in mind that the aromatic and taste characteristics of the original drinks vary greatly, which is why this mixture is considered a full cocktail.

A cocktail of whiskey with cola consists of only three components - whiskey, cola and ice.

Any kind of whiskey is suitable for the preparation of this drink, since it becomes impossible to distinguish all the subtleties between its various types when combined with cola. Of course, it is better to refrain from mixing expensive whiskey or aged scotch with cola, as this will ruin the noble drink. Therefore, it is still better to opt for inexpensive whiskey, and American bourbon is a vivid example of this.

To properly mix all the ingredients, you should not save on the amount of ice, the more it is in the glass, the better. Ice naturally softens the sharp taste of whiskey, giving the cocktail softness, which is very important, given some of the features of cola.

Coca-Cola, like Pepsi, is a drink with a high sugar content, it is highly carbonated and have its own characteristic taste. A cola is traditionally used for a cocktail, Pepsi are offered only in case of an alternative, if the cola in the bar is over. And strangely enough, if you mix whiskey and Pepsi, then the very American taste of the cocktail will be irretrievably lost.

It will be right to mix these three ingredients without blasting among themselves, adhering to a certain proportion so that the hops do not hit the head too quickly, and a good mood is guaranteed throughout the evening drinking the drink.

The ratio of whiskey and cola in a cocktail

The proportions taken for the drink ingredients play a major role in how it tastes. They may vary somewhat, depending on the desired strength.

But if you make a cocktail yourself and are not ready for unexpected impressions and a sharp taste, then you should not take whiskey and cola in a ratio of one to one. Otherwise, alcohol is very quickly absorbed into the blood due to the high sugar content in the cola, and you will not feel very well.

The best option for drinking a cocktail is whiskey and cola taken in a proportion of one to three.

To prepare this cocktail, you will need to take a large glass (300-400 ml) and fill it with ice cubes to the very top. Pour in 50 ml of whiskey and only then add about 150 ml of cola.

The resulting cocktail can be decorated with slices of lemon or lime, a sprig of mint. He drinks in small sips.

The classic American version is more strict in its execution and for it you will need a special glass for whiskey - a toggle switch. It has a thick glass bottom and walls. You often could see him in the movies. A pair of ice cubes is placed in it, a little whiskey is poured (about 30-40 ml), cola is added to taste.

The secret of a true American dream is cold cola

An important aspect of the correct one is that the drink should be really cold.

Cola should be freshly opened and well chilled. The option when you have good whiskey and an open bottle of cola stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days will not work.

Best of all is a glass bottle cola. Surprisingly, it contains less harmful substances than the one that spills into cans and plastic containers.

And in no case do not pour warm Coke and Coke into the whiskey, which managed to run out of breath. This will ruin the drink.

Since the output cocktail has a decent volume, it is recommended to take large glasses, which are best pre-cooled, as is done in many bars.

Another little secret to this cocktail is ice. It can be made both from ordinary water and from cola itself. Ice from a carbonated mineral water will look very fresh in a cocktail.

American classics are, of course, rectangular ice cubes from filtered water and freshly opened cold cola from a glass bottle.

Make this cocktail at home and you will feel the real taste of the American dream.

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