Dinner that a child can prepare. What can you cook for a child for dinner

28.10.2020 Desserts and cakes

More and more adult foods appear in the diet of a two-year-old baby. However, his digestive system is too sensitive, which excludes a complete transition to a common table. How many times should a child eat at 2 years old? At this age, meals are usually 4 meals a day, including breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. It is important to offer your baby food at the correct time, at approximately 4 hour intervals.

The child grows and develops all the time, so it is important for parents to competently organize his diet

Foods in the diet of a two-year-old child

The basis of the menu in two years is porridge, light cream soups, lean meat and fish, dairy products, vegetables and fruits grown in the area where the family lives. Porridge is made thin or viscous, vegetables for stewing are finely chopped, the meat is scrolled in a meat grinder. Your child should learn to bite off and chew on solid foods that make up a large part of the adult diet.

Basis of the diet

The diet of two-year-old children must include:

Juices, fruits, vegetables and sweets

Vegetables are very healthy for a child, but not all children like to eat them. Therefore, unloved foods can be masked in mashed potatoes or cutlets.
  1. Seasonal berries and fruits are required in the baby's diet. You can eat them yourself, make compotes, jelly, jelly. The daily norm of fruits is 200 grams, berries - 20 grams. It is important to be careful with citrus fruits, watch the reaction (allergies are possible). It is permissible to add a slice of lemon to tea.
  2. Vegetables and greens saturate the body with valuable microelements and improve digestion. The daily norm of vegetables is 300 grams, of which potatoes are 100 grams. They can be stewed, baked, mashed, chopped for salads. The kid can taste peas, beans, cabbage, radishes, garlic, onions. Greens - spinach, parsley, dill serve as decoration and a useful addition to dishes.
  3. Natural sweets are needed to a limited extent. A couple of times a week, you can offer marshmallow, jelly, jam. In rare cases, it is allowed to take ½ teaspoon of honey (you can sweeten curd or casserole). For an afternoon snack, you can offer homemade oat or shortbread cookies. It's better to wait a little with chocolate, cakes, sweets.
  4. The daily juice rate is 150 ml. Drinks from fruits grown in the region where the baby lives are allowed. You can give juices from tetra packs intended for baby food. You should wait with drinks from exotic fruits.

It is better not to buy sweets in the store, but to cook them yourself, for example, cookies. It will be much more useful for the baby.

One day menu

The daily diet of children should contain fermented milk products, cereals, vegetables, fruits, soups or broths. Meat should be alternated with fish and given every other day. The approximate amount of food is distributed as follows: 25% / 35% / 15% / 25% (breakfast / lunch / afternoon snack / dinner). The daily calorie content is 1200-1400 calories, of which about 360 should be fats.

An approximate menu for one day in 2 years looks like this:

Menu for the week

It is difficult for the mother of a 2-year-old to find time for the kitchen chores. Working with a child and adhering to the regime requires a lot of effort, so kitchen assistants (food processor, blender, multicooker) will help organize the day.

Two-year-olds love to watch their mother prepare lunch in the kitchen, so they can already be involved in this process.

A well-designed menu for the week will allow you not to think about what to cook for tomorrow and stock up on the necessary products in advance. When compiling it, it is advisable to rely on the table:

Day of weekBreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
MondayRice cutlets with prunes, drinking yoghurt (1.5%).Cabbage and carrot salad, beef broth borscht, lazy cabbage rolls, bread, dried fruit compote, marshmallows.Fresh berries, cheese cakes, kefir (more in the article :).Cauliflower stewed with sour cream, bread with jam, unsweetened tea.
TuesdayOatmeal with fruit, bread with cheese, cocoa in milk.Salad with grated carrots and apple, navy noodles, soup with meatballs, unsweetened tea.Milk, shortbread cookies, fruits.Banana, chicken casserole, compote.
WednesdayBread and butter, cottage cheese casserole, cocoa in milk.Cabbage soup with meat broth, seasonal vegetable salad, fish meatballs with mashed potatoes or peas, rosehip drink, marshmallows.Pear pudding, compote.Pasta with milk sausage, kefir, fruits.
ThursdaySemolina porridge, apple, carrot juice.Mixed vegetable salad, fish soup with meatballs, cheese cakes with sour cream, compote, bread.Curd cake, fruit. cranberry jelly.Milk, low-fat pilaf with chicken.
FridayRice porridge with dried apricots, which in milk.Vegetable salad with herbs, beetroot, cherry juice, bread, roll with turkey and broccoli.Corn flakes with milk, berry fruit drink.Zucchini stuffed with ground beef, milk, banana or peach.
SaturdayCottage cheese casserole, milk, bread with butter and cheese (see also :).Salad with beets and prunes, vegetable soup, rabbit cutlet, berry jelly, bread, pasta.Kefir, banana pudding (we recommend to read :).Potato dumplings, unsweetened tea.
SundayBuckwheat casserole with liver, peach juice, vanilla croutons.Cabbage salad with carrots and cucumbers, pea soup with croutons, fish balls, stewed vegetables with green peas, bread, compote.Cheesecake, milk, fruit.Liver pancakes, mashed potatoes, tea.

Popular breakfast recipes

A good breakfast will energize and stimulate activity in the morning. It should be light and satisfying at the same time, contain proteins, carbohydrates and fiber.

Semolina dumplings for breakfast

Pour 100 ml into a saucepan. milk and 50 ml. water, boil, salt. Pour semolina (70 g) in a thin stream and cook the thick porridge for 6-7 minutes, stirring constantly. Cool (the temperature of the dish should be 70 degrees), add a teaspoon of melted butter, a fresh quail egg, mix. Form balls with a diameter of about 3 cm from the resulting mass. Boil and salt water separately, dip the finished balls into it and cook for 5 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon, cool and serve warm with butter, herbs and grated cheese.

Easy to fight

Drachena is a dish that simultaneously resembles an omelet and a casserole. To prepare it, beat 1 egg and 20 ml. milk, add salt. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. flour and sour cream, mix. Place on a greased baking dish or baking sheet. Bake in the oven for about 8 minutes, sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs when serving.

Dishes for a hearty lunch

Lunch for a 2-year-old should be balanced and contain the required amount of nutrients, but not lead to overeating

Finding a compromise between a healthy and tasty lunch is easy. Dishes prepared for the baby can be successfully served on a common table. However, not the other way around, since the dietary products used in baby food are seasonal. Lunch consists of three courses that harmoniously complement each other and allow you to add new tastes. Does your child dislike zucchini, cauliflower and other vegetables? They can be camouflaged in stews, cream soup, or mashed vegetables.

Vegetable soup with nuts

Soak a handful of white beans in cold water for 2 hours. Rinse and cover the beans with water (300 ml), cook until tender. Add finely chopped small potatoes. In vegetable oil, separately fry half an onion, carrot, bell pepper, add to the soup. Boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat. Serve on a plate, sprinkle with herbs and crushed, oven-dried walnuts.

Add 50 grams of finely chopped potatoes to salted boiling water or broth (150 ml), boil until half cooked. Add the sautéed vegetables (peppers, onions and carrots) and cook until tender. To prepare the meatballs, grind a piece of boiled beef. Add pepper, salt, half a beaten egg and stir. Boil separately and put in soup before serving. Offer warm (35-40 degrees), decorated with herbs.

Meatballs can be purchased ready-made, but for a children's menu it is better to cook them yourself

Fish in a pot

Take hake fillet (200 grams), black pepper, salt, onion, hard cheese, ceramic pot. Put half a teaspoon of fresh butter, half a finely chopped onion and carrots in a pot. Place the washed fillet pieces smeared with sour cream on a vegetable pillow. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top, add 3 tbsp. warm water. Simmer in the oven, covered for 25 minutes.

Meatballs "mustache"

Skip 100 grams of lean beef through a meat grinder. Add 15 grams of white bread soaked in milk and scroll again in a meat grinder. Season with salt, pepper, beat lightly. Form meatballs from a thin mass and insert dry pasta into them so that the "mustache" sticks out from both sides. Place carefully in a shallow saucepan. Pour in water and simmer covered for 20-25 minutes.

Afternoon snack menu

An afternoon snack is the smallest meal in terms of volume, but its importance for a growing organism is great. So that children can get the full range of nutrients, it is important to create a menu that will include healthy meals.

Best served with fresh fruit, compotes, vitamin smoothies, oatmeal cookies, and other carbohydrate-rich foods. There are a lot of simple and quick recipes with photos that make it easy to please a baby for an afternoon snack.

Banana pancakes are delicious, your kids will love them

Knead the dough for pancakes (whey, sour cream, milk, kefir). Separately prepare fruit puree, chopping the pulp of 1-2 ripe bananas in a blender. Stir well and bake in vegetable oil. Prepare the sauce by taking 1 chopped banana, a tablespoon of sour cream, and a teaspoon of honey. Stir the ingredients and pour over the pancakes before serving.

Apple pudding

Peel 2 green apples, chop, sprinkle with sugar and cover with water. Simmer for 6 minutes, cool, grind with a blender. Separately grind the yolk with sugar (1 tsp), combine with applesauce, add a handful of chopped nuts and 1 tsp. ground vanilla crackers. Add whipped chicken protein separately. Put the mass in a prepared baking sheet, place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 30 minutes. Serve in portions, sprinkled with honey or syrup.

Dishes for dinner

Dinner should be light and at the same time satisfying, so the child should be offered protein dishes and, if possible, exclude fast carbohydrates (juices, sweets). It is advisable to have dinner no later than 19-00, take a walk outside after eating. Before going to bed, it is better to feed children 2 years old with yogurt or fruit, which will saturate and improve digestion.

Fish is good for a child's body, and casserole is one of the best ways to cook this product.

Cut the young potatoes into slices, boil. Add fresh butter and milk, salt and whisk in mashed potatoes. Put out separately in 100 ml. milk 150 grams of lean fish fillet. Transfer the fish to a fireproof dish, place a quarter of a boiled egg on top, pour over the milk left over from the stewing and spread out the mashed potatoes. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

According to science, dinner should be 20% of the daily diet. But children, especially small children, reshape the daily routine in their own way.

Dinner should be light. This fact does not depend on the age of the child, but it depends on the individual routine and the amount of food ingested during the day. If the child goes to bed late (after 22-23.00), he should have dinner at 19.30-20.00 - and a second dinner in the form of a glass of warm milk or kefir at night, before going to bed, is desirable. Children receiving breast milk or formula do not count, everything is fine there with evening and nighttime food, it is correct and easily digestible. In general, dinner at 20.00 is considered ideal for any person. If the child goes to bed at 21.00 - dinner is shifted to 19.00 (plus or minus half an hour). And at night, he can also drink kefir, bifidok or milk, this ritual prolongs the feeling of satiety, soothes.

Night hunger: do you need a hearty dinner?

Many parents worry when their child wakes up several times a night and asks for food. Scientists have long found that the feeling of hunger, which is illogical (provided there is sufficient nutrition) torments us during the day and even at night, is actually a feeling of thirst. The person wants to drink, not eat. Our body gives signals: we need water. To dissolve and drive out street toxins, tone yourself. Even an adult confuses thirst with hunger and intercepts another piece instead of a glass of water. The child may also be thirsty at night, for most children this is normal and is not associated with any abnormalities. But some children unconsciously alter the urge to “drink” to “eat”. Parents are people too, they want to rest at night, so you have to fight with constant night jumps and demands. But many children really need to drink water or kefir at night, this simple action is better to perform than to deal with the consequences of weaning. Repeated requests (2-4 times per night) signal that the reason is not at all food or drink.

Everyone is familiar with the old grandmother's remedy: in order for the child to sleep better, he needs to be fed better at night. In this case, the parents will receive peace of mind, but not the child. His body will not rest, he will be engaged in the digestion of food. Often such excesses - semolina porridge or meat dishes at night - lead to gastrointestinal diseases. Drowsiness after eating is natural, but severe drowsiness caused by the "cementing" of the stomach is of no use to anyone. Yogis call this state "tamasic" - some food causes the state of "tamas": lethargy, laziness, pollution with toxins. There are dozens of reasons for the fact that a child often wakes up at night, and hunger is just one of many. Without removing the main reason, it makes no sense to feed meat for the night - one link will pull the other, the chain of problems will sooner or later close. Restless sleep is associated with a lack of attention (drawing attention from parents whom the child did not see most of the day), unconscious fear (something happened during the day, hooked, haunts), disturbed microclimate (dry air, heat, stuffiness), disturbed breathing (slight nasal congestion). In all these cases, the child is free to wake up and demand to drink and eat, in fact wanting to eliminate the real problem, not being able to formulate it, understand it, calculate it on its own.

People often ask: is it harmful to feed porridge for dinner, is it too heavy a meal. Look at the child! The child will always give a signal which food is preferable for him. If sleep is restless, the child cannot fall asleep for a long time - try experimenting with dinner. Porridge is a normal live food, it is better than sandwiches, convenience foods, cereals, cookies, and so on. Porridge can be harmful if it is not assimilated in a particular child for some reason. In other cases, porridge cannot be harmful. Found something to worry about - thousands of parents do not know how to push anything into a child, while others worry about porridge - heavy, not heavy ... normal! But if doubts about the need for evening porridge still exist, make it easier. Do not give millet, semolina, pearl barley porridge for dinner, if possible, do not use milk and sugar, replacing them with fruit puree, dried fruits, a spoonful of honey - or add milk mixture. "Light" porridge for the night is buckwheat, oatmeal and any "baby" (powder). Semolina porridge, among other stupefying properties, interferes with the absorption of vitamins and minerals accumulated during the day.

Even among pundits there is no agreement about food for the night: what it should be, whether it is needed, whether it is harmful. Some venerable nutritionists are of the opinion: our body spends energy during the day, and accumulates at night, food is the fuel for accumulation, which means that it is not forbidden to eat at night. That is, the child can eat before bedtime - not at dinner, but right before going to bed. It happens. Some kids need it. Nothing wrong. Children live by different laws than adults. Finding yourself in such a situation (when a child has dinner before bedtime), do not remember all the horrors of the world, written by hardworking journalists about junk food at night. Everything requires an individual approach. The child sleeps well, he has no health problems, overweight and excitability - which means that a plate of light porridge or omelet is not a problem that is worth attention and the loss of nerve cells on both sides.

Also, ideal dishes for dinner are:

  • Cottage cheese, cottage cheese dishes (casseroles, cheese cakes), cottage cheese with fruits.
  • Omelet, vegetables in an omelet, boiled eggs.
  • Mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes, stews, casseroles, cutlets and zrazy from vegetables, vegetables with rice, buckwheat. Raw vegetables.
  • Salads.
  • Fruits - bananas and green apples. Banana soothes, increases the feeling of satiety, and green apples are rich in “night” elements - calcium and iron, magnesium, potassium.
  • Baked fruits: apples, pears.
  • Any fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, bifidok, acidophilus. Cheese.

Any child is able to learn one simple truth, if he does not diminish his mental abilities in advance, does not think "yes mine, never!" You need to constantly inspire the baby that a hungry person will eat everything that is offered to him. Do you want to eat? - means, eat what they give. A child demanding food often means a very specific cookie or hidden candy. As if testing parental resilience. The sooner you instill in children the correct attitude to food, to their own feelings, the sooner they will form their own food culture. Doesn't obey, runs away, throws a tantrum, crying? - anyway, repeat from time to time that a hungry person will eat what is offered, and sweet desserts and all sorts of sausages are not food for the hungry, but pampering for the well-fed. Of course, all this is not pronounced in the boring voice of an admirer of Leo Tolstoy, holding his finger over the swirling head of a baby. In a positive, confident tone, carry your thought through the days and weeks - it will definitely be postponed.

Let's not focus on the "harmfulness", each family has its own traditions in this regard, its own problems, its own worldview. Do not give chocolate rolls, sweets, ice cream, hot sandwiches for dinner. Children are children, we love to pamper them, and no one has the right to condemn parents in this. But all the same - for the sake of strengthening immunity, for the sake of resisting viruses and bacteria, for the sake of a healthy nervous system, the quality of food should be changed little by little and in little things, especially in the evening. In the evening and at night, the body accepts and digests clean food with gratitude. At night, it merges with space, and it would be good not to spoil the feeling of flight and relaxation with food that spoils the metabolism, pointwise killing the “bricks” of health (vitamins, microelements) taken with the daily meal. Choose simpler sweets, eliminate fried foods, cholesterol bursts of melted cheese on breads, pasta and casseroles. In the evening, the child is not given meat dishes - the meat is digested for 4-6 hours, it does not bring any benefit. An exception is steamed fish, as well as canned meat for baby food, they are added in some quantities to dinner at any age. And, of course, it is extremely harmful to give a child sausages, sausage and other mash of chemistry and salts for dinner. Charlottes, pancakes and pancakes are also not the right dish for dinner, but for a change they can be used in small quantities.

Most importantly, do not try to feed a hungry child in the evening if he is hungry only in your imagination. Doesn't want to eat, can't sit down at the table - make jelly, fruit drink or compote, give it a healthy drink and calm down yourself.

Dinner Recipes (Age: 1.5-6 Years)

Risotto "Zest"
200 g cauliflower, 2 carrots, 1 glass of rice, 4 tbsp. pitted prunes, 2 tablespoons raisins, 2 tbsp. butter.
Grate the carrots, sauté in oil, add a little water, simmer for 10 minutes. Scald the cauliflower and disassemble into inflorescences. Pour rice with 2 cups of hot water, salt and add prunes and raisins soaked in water. Add vegetables and simmer risotto for 40 minutes over low heat. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs before serving.

Carrot and apple soufflé
350 g carrots, 60 g sour cream or milk, 30 g semolina, 1 apple, ½ egg, ½ tbsp. sugar, 2 tsp. butter, salt (to taste).
Grate the peeled apple and carrot. Grind the egg yolk with sugar, beat the white until fluffy. Combine the apple and carrots, add sour cream or milk, yolk with sugar, semolina, salt, gently add the whipped protein, mix. Put the mass in a greased form, bake in the oven or steam for 30-35 minutes.

Omelet "Africa"
600 g carrots, 400 g milk, 4 eggs, 4 tbsp. grated hard cheese, 2 tbsp. butter, 2 tbsp. flour, 2 tbsp. orange juice, salt.
Boil and rub the carrots. Beat eggs, adding milk and flour, cheese and juice, salt, combine with carrot puree. Pour the mixture into a frying pan and fry the omelette until tender - or bake.

Broccoli and yogurt soup
125 g plain yogurt, 1 cup broccoli, 2 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 tbsp. grated hard cheese, 1 tsp. olive oil.
Pour broccoli with boiling water so that the water barely covers them, cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Grate potatoes and carrots, sauté in olive oil with constant stirring. Add sautéed sauce to the soup, cook for another 10 minutes, cool slightly. Pour yogurt into the soup, stirring constantly. You can add cheese.

Millet-curd porridge
2/3 cup milk or water, ½ cup cottage cheese, 1/3 cup millet, 2 tbsp. yogurt or sour cream, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. butter, salt.
Scald and pour boiling milk over millet. Add sugar, salt and boil the porridge, cool. Add cottage cheese, butter, yogurt to the finished porridge, mix.

Buckwheat porridge with prunes and dried apricots
250 g buckwheat, 100 g pitted prunes, 100 g dried apricots, salt (to taste), 600 g water.
Soak prunes and dried apricots for swelling, then boil them separately, finely chop some. Combine cereals and dried fruits, pour boiling water, salt and cook until half cooked, stirring constantly. In the oven, bring the porridge until tender.
Before serving, add melted butter to the porridge and decorate it with the remaining prunes and dried apricots.

Baby apricot puree with rice
Dried apricots - 100g, water - 375g, baby rice porridge powder - 2 tbsp. breast milk or warmed milk formula - 80ml.
Combine dried apricots and water in a small saucepan, cook until soft for 20 minutes. Puree the apricots by adding water. We mix breast milk or mixture with rice powder. Serve with 1 tbsp. apricot puree. You can store up to 2 days in the refrigerator. Also, puree can be frozen in cubes.

Curd pancakes
Wheat flour - 160 g, cottage cheese - 100 g, egg - 1 pc., Sugar - 10 g, soda - 1/4 tsp.
Vegetable oil - 20 ml.
Beat the egg, grind with cottage cheese, add flour, sugar and soda. Stir everything thoroughly. Grease a hot pan with oil and bake pancakes on it.

Scrambled eggs with vegetables "Quail egg"
2 quail eggs, 1 carrot, 0.5 celery stalks, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
Cut the carrots into small cubes, lightly fry them in oil. Add celery cut into small pieces to the carrots. Add water to the vegetables so that it slightly covers the vegetables and simmer until tender over low heat. Beat eggs, add them to vegetables, mix. Cover with a lid and stand for 2 minutes.

Children's salad "Coral reef"
200g cauliflower, 1 tomato, 1 apple, one and a half cucumber, 2 green lettuce leaves, 2 tbsp. sour cream, salt.
We disassemble cabbage into inflorescences, boil it in salted water, cool. Cut a tomato, an apple and 1 cucumber into small cubes, combine them with chopped lettuce leaves. Salt the prepared salad, season it with sour cream, mix and put cauliflower on top. We cut out a crab figurine from half of a cucumber, and decorate it with our salad.

Curd and fish meatballs
Cod (fillet) - 60 g, cottage cheese - 30 g, milk - 160 ml, egg - 0.5 pcs., Sour cream 10% - 2 tbsp. l., white bread - 30 g, vegetable oil - 15 ml, herbs, salt.
Soak the bread in milk. Grind the fish fillet in a meat grinder, mix with cottage cheese and finely chopped onions. Mix the bread with the minced meat and scroll through the meat grinder again. Beat in an egg, mix. Form the meatballs, put them in a pre-oiled dish and bake for 25-30 minutes. Then pour over sour cream and cook for another 3 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs.

Fish with vegetables and rice
90 g of any red fish stewed in lemon juice with fresh parsley, 100 g of stewed vegetable mixture with carrots and onions. Garnish: 40 g of boiled rice.

Frozen vegetables in batter
Frozen vegetables: cauliflower or broccoli, green beans alone or mixed, whatever the child loves. We make a batter (egg, sour cream, a spoonful of flour, salt), fill it with vegetables - or dip with individual inflorescences, if it is cabbage. A little breadcrumbs on top - and in the oven until blush.

Vegetable hedgehogs with a surprise
Boil different vegetables until half cooked: potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, you can beets. Cool, grate on a coarse grater. Add an egg, salt, a little semolina or corn (buckwheat) flour, mold small balls. Hide a quail egg in the middle of each ball. You can roll "hedgehogs" in breadcrumbs. Bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes until vegetables are ready.

Potato cutlets with feta cheese
Boil 4 medium potatoes in their "uniform", peel and grate. Finely chop 2 handfuls of spinach, mix with potatoes. Add 1 egg, feta cheese, green onion, parsley, salt to taste into the mixture. Form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs and fry or bake in the oven.

To prepare your baby for an independent life, you should start from the cradle. It only seems that the little one will be a "hindrance" for mom while she is preparing dinner. In fact, a two-year-old can already be entrusted with beating eggs, for example. Or sifting flour. A 5-year-old child is already a more experienced helper. He is able to mix salad, decorate a dish, and mold dumplings. Well, a child over 8 years old can already be allowed near the stove. But only under the supervision of mom! The main thing is to choose the right dish.

Your attention - the best recipes for young chefs!

Sandwiches for the festive table

The simplest dish that even a 2-3 year old kid can easily cope with.

What to look for in the bins:

  • Bread (sliced).
  • 6-7 green lettuce leaves.
  • A couple of tbsp / l mayonnaise.
  • Sliced \u200b\u200bham and salami.
  • Sliced \u200b\u200bcheese.
  • Greens.
  • Polka dots.

And pickles, olives and boiled carrots (which mom will pre-cut into circles).

There are no cooking instructions. Because in this case, everything depends only on the child's imagination (and the mother who helps him). As you know, food should not only be healthy and tasty, but also ... aesthetically pleasing. And already on sandwiches, there is where fantasies roam - mice, cats, smeshariki, sea themes and much more.

We stock up on grocery "materials" and go ahead to creativity!

Crispy cucumbers in a tub - getting ready for a delicious winter

Yes, imagine, and a child can cook that too. Real pickles prepared by the hands of your own son (daughter) - what could be tastier!

Of course, you will have to help a little, but the main work is on a young cook (let him feel his involvement in the "great"). And if the child himself is also a fan of crunching a cucumber under potatoes, then cooking will be doubly interesting. A real adult dish for a growing child.

Do not worry, there are no glass jars and boiling brine in the recipe, and a child over 12 years old can even cope with this Russian dish on his own.

What to look for in the bins:

  • Fresh cucumbers, small. Quantity - in accordance with the container (about 5 kg).
  • Salt. For 2 liters of brine - 140 g of salt.
  • Various spices - fresh and washed. For 5 g of cucumbers: 150 g of dill, 15 g of garlic, 25 g of cherry leaves, 25 g of horseradish (leaves), 25 g of black currant (leaves) and 2.5 g of hot pepper (optional), bay leaf and peppercorns.
  • Sugar - a couple of tbsp / l.
  • 2 liters of water.

So the instruction:

  1. Rinse the spices thoroughly.
  2. We clean and finely chop the garlic (if the child is not trusted with a knife yet, mom can do it). We push it with a crush in a mortar (and this is the child's task).
  3. We sort cucumbers, choose the smallest and thinnest ones. Wash thoroughly and soak in cold water for about 5 hours (so that the cucumbers do not wrinkle in the brine).
  4. We take 1/3 of the spices and cover the bottom of the previously prepared tub with them. Next - a layer of cucumbers, which must be laid as tightly and vertically as possible ("standing"). Then another layer of spices and another layer of cucumbers. After that, all the cucumber beauty is covered with the rest of the spices, and on top of them we lay out horseradish leaves.
  5. Above - oppression on which the load is placed. And only then we pour everything with brine. How to do it? In water cooled down after boiling (warm, 2 l), dissolve 140 g of salt and pour our cucumbers so that they are completely covered with brine.

It is done. Cover with a lid and forget about cucumbers for a couple of days, leaving the "dish" in the kitchen or room.

On the 3rd day, as soon as the initial fermentation process has started, we hide the tub where it is dark and cool, for at least a month.

Fruit butterflies - for a summer mood!

This recipe is suitable for a child 7-9 years old, if he is already allowed to use a knife. However, you can cook "butterflies" even at 3-4 years old, if mom helps to wash everything, cut out the wings and trim the antennae.

What to look for in the bins:

Grapes (for example, Kish-Mish and Ladies' finger).
Strawberries and kiwi.


  1. Half an orange slice. And we put these halves in the shape of butterfly wings.
  2. On the "back" of the butterfly we put half a grape berry - "trunk".
  3. We put a small and round grape in the place of the head.
  4. Cut thin stripes from the orange peel, apply to the "head" and bend them slightly to the sides.
  5. Decorate the butterfly wings with kiwi and strawberry slices.
  6. Eyes can be made with a couple of drops of melted ice cream.
  7. We lay it out on a plate and ... make the family happy!

If desired, butterflies can be seated on a "meadow" of currant leaves or hidden among marzipan flowers. By the way, children also love to create the last.

Apple homemade marmalade

Tastier than store (and safer). Children will not only cook this sweet with pleasure, but also eat it.

Prescription for a child from 12-13 years old. Or - for cooking with mom's help.

What to look for in the bins:

  • 100 ml of water.
  • ½ cup apples / juice.
  • Gelatin - about 20 g.
  • Lemon zest - a couple of tbsp / l.
  • Two glasses of sugar.


  1. Fill the gelatin with fresh juice and leave to "swell".
  2. Gently grate the lemon zest so as not to hurt your fingers.
  3. Next, pour sugar in a saucepan with water and add grated zest to it.
  4. A saucepan - on fire and stir thoroughly.
  5. After dissolving the sugar, remove the dishes from the heat and add our swollen gelatin.
  6. We mix everything in the most thorough way until all the lumps are completely dissolved.
  7. Strain the lemon zest through a sieve.

All. It remains to arrange into forms, chill overnight in the refrigerator, then cut, roll generously in powdered sugar and put on a dish.

You can decorate with cranberries, mint leaves.

Tofifi sweets - cook with nuts and cranberries

An option for an adult child (from 12-14 years old) or for a toddler who would not mind helping his mother create a little miracle.

What to look for in the bins:

  • Hazelnuts - about 35 pcs.
  • 70 g of dark bitter chocolate.
  • 9 tablespoons of cream (approx. - 10%).
  • Creamy toffee (the most common, stretching, not crumbly) - 240 g
  • One and a half tablespoons of plums / butter.
  • Spoon and a half grows / odorless oils!


  1. Finely chop the toffee, add cream (5 tbsp / l) and melt in a water bath.
  2. Melted? Remove from heat, add butter and mix until a shiny homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Lubricate the form (this is where the form from the box with sweets comes in handy) grows / oil (or we take a silicone "intricate" form). Even a toddler can do this.
  4. Now we hand the baby a spoon and wait patiently while he pours the melted taffy into the molds.
  5. We clean the nuts (hazelnuts) in advance and lightly fry, wash the cranberries.
  6. We hand the child a plate of nuts and a plate of cranberries - let him decorate with sweets.
  7. And mom at this time melts the dark chocolate, gradually adds 2-4 tablespoons of cream to it (we look at the consistency) and pours the resulting mass into a container.
  8. We again give the child a spoon. Now his task is to "pour" chocolate on each future candy until it is frozen.

Done! We send our sweets to the freezer for 4 hours.

We lay out sweets beautifully on a platter and go to treat dad and grandmother!

Flowers for a tired mom after work

An original snack for a hungry mom who falls off her feet after a hard day at work. Option for children who are already allowed to use the stove. Or for smaller children, but with the involvement of dad or grandmother in the process (dads are also very fond of hooliganism in the kitchen).

What to look for in the bins:

  • Good quality thin sausages - several pieces.
  • Green onions, dill - for a bouquet
  • Plain baby noodles (handful).
  • Products for decoration (what you find).


  1. Remove the film from the sausages and cut them into 5-6 pieces (of course, across the sausage).
  2. We carefully and creatively stick the noodles into our sausages so that they half stick out of the sausage. It is not necessary to frequent so that the noodles do not fall out during cooking.
  3. We lower our “buds” into boiling water and wait 15 minutes until they “bloom”.
  4. Carefully remove it with a slotted spoon, let it dry a little.
  5. Well, now the most important thing is to create a bouquet. We beautifully lay out stems with leaves (onion, dill) on a platter, arrange our "flowers" and, at our discretion, add, for example, vegetable butterflies (the principle is the same as for fruit ones - see above).

Mom will be happy!

Mini pizzas - for the whole family

The cook's age is from 3 years. But only mom turns on the oven.

What to look for in the bins:

  • Packing of puff yeast dough (only 0.5 kg).
  • 100 g of pickled chopped champignons.
  • Russian cheese - 100 g.
  • 150 g sliced \u200b\u200bbrisket.
  • Ketchup (optional - and mayonnaise).
  • Products for decoration - sliced \u200b\u200bbell peppers, olives cut into slices.


  1. Defrost and roll out the dough. The child diligently helps his mother with a rolling pin.
  2. Cut out exactly 8 circles of the same diameter.
  3. Decorating pizzas - let your imagination run wild! Smilies, animal faces, funny inscriptions - anything is possible!
  4. Bake until cooked in a preheated oven. Naturally, with my mother's help.

Done! You can invite your family for an afternoon snack!

Scrambled Eggs Heart for Mom for Breakfast

What a mother would refuse such a breakfast!

Are they already admitting to the stove? Then go ahead and in a good mood!

What to look for in the bins:

  • 2 long sausages.
  • Salt, drain / oil.
  • Of course, eggs (2 pcs).
  • Green onion and lettuce leaves - for "decor".


  1. We cut each sausage (approx. - not completely!) Lengthwise.
  2. We turn it inside out and carefully fix the sharp corner of our heart with a toothpick.
  3. Preheat the pan, melt the butter and lightly fry the sausage heart from the 1st side.
  4. Fried? Turn over and drive the egg directly into the center of the heart.
  5. Don't forget to add salt.
  6. After cooking, spread the "heart" with a spatula on lettuce leaves and decorate with red pepper.

You can bring your mom breakfast!

Banana cocktail - impossible to come off!

Any child who is already allowed by the mother to the blender can handle such a drink. An easy and simple recipe for a quick summer refreshing and nutritious drink.

What to look for in the bins (for 4 servings):

  • 2 .
  • 400 ml fresh milk.
  • Cinnamon.
  • 200 g creamy ice cream.


  1. We put ice cream in a blender.
  2. Add chopped bananas to it.
  3. Fill the food with milk.
  4. Beat until the bananas are completely chopped.
  5. What's next? We coat the edges of the glasses with a banana (do not overdo it) and, turning them over, dip them in cinnamon - that is, we decorate the rims of the glasses.

It remains only to pour the cocktail itself over them and serve.

Berry ice cream by the hands of a child

It doesn't matter that summer is over. After all, the best time for ice cream is always! And if you also learn how to make it with your own hands, then even the grandmother will not resist, who stubbornly refuses to eat "cold" in the slushy autumn.

As for the age of the cook, we note that again you cannot do without a mother.

What to look for in the bins:

  • 300 g of ready-made berry puree (we do it in a blender in advance).
  • One egg.
  • 200 g plums / butter.
  • 150 g of sugar.


  1. Mix the egg with sugar. Children love to work with a whisk.
  2. Add the resulting mixture to our berry puree and cook this mass over medium heat for 5 minutes, not forgetting to stir.
  3. Next, beat the butter with a mixer and slowly pour it into the already cooled fruit mixture.

Now you can pour the ice cream into molds and send it to the freezer.

Apples with cottage cheese

Healthy and tasty. The age of the cook is 12-14 years old.

What to look for in the bins:

  • 2 large apples.
  • 100 g fat-free cottage cheese.
  • A handful of washed raisins.
  • 1 tbsp / l honey.


  1. Cut out the cores from the apples.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with raisins and honey for the filling.
  3. Stuff the apples with the filling and sprinkle a little sugar on top.
  4. We send the dish to an already preheated oven. You can also cook them in the microwave.

To check the readiness of the dessert, pierce the apple with a toothpick.

Rolls for dad

Even a child of 6-7 years old can cook such a snack.

What to look for in the bins:

  • Pita.
  • Filling: cheese 100 g, garlic, mayonnaise, sliced \u200b\u200bham, washed lettuce leaves.


  1. Cut the pita bread into squares in advance (you can cut it with scissors).
  2. Rub 1 clove of garlic and cheese on the finest grater, mix with mayonnaise.
  3. We put the cheese mass in a thin layer on a square of pita bread, put a thin slice of ham and a leaf of lettuce on top.
  4. We fold our square with filling into a neat roll.

Banana cookies for grandma

Who said that cookies are only a grandmother's prerogative? It's not true, everyone can cook! And the children will prove it to you.

The cook's age is from 9 years old with the right to use the microwave.

What to look for in the bins:

  • Several bananas.
  • Drain / oil.
  • Coconut flakes.


  1. Grind the bananas in a blender. If there is no blender or mom still forbids using it, grind it with a fork or grater until smooth.
  2. Mix the mass with coconut flakes.
  3. We form future cookies with our hands.
  4. We take a plate without drawings and gilded edges (allowed for the microwave), grease with butter and carefully shift our cookies.
  5. Dry the dessert in the microwave for 5 minutes.

We take out, chop crushed walnuts on top, decorate with cranberries and serve.

Vitamin salad for mom's lunch

Cooking without a knife from 4-5 years old!

What to look for in the bins:

  • Grated cheese - 100 g.
  • 1 tbsp / l plant / oil.
  • Half a lemon.
  • A handful of pine nuts (peeled).
  • 10 tiny cherry tomatoes.
  • Green salad leaves (washed).
  • Greens and arugula - to your taste.


  1. We put tomatoes in a wide salad bowl.
  2. Sprinkle with kernels and grated cheese.
  3. Tear greens and lettuce leaves from above with clean hands.
  4. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon on the salad.
  5. Salt a little, pepper a little and pour all this beauty with vegetable oil.

Salad ready!

Curd tomatoes

The age of the cook is from 7-8 years with the right to use a knife

What to look for in the bins:

  • Tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  • A pair of green onion feathers.
  • Cottage cheese - half a pack (125 g).
  • A clove of garlic and herbs.
  • Sour cream, salt.


  1. We wash the tomatoes and carefully cut off the tops.
  2. Gently remove the pulp with a regular teaspoon.
  3. We put the tomatoes with the holes down to drain the juice.
  4. We chop the greens, crush the garlic, mix.
  5. Add cottage cheese, mashed with a fork, 3 tablespoons of sour cream and a pinch of salt to the mixture.
  6. Mix again and stuff our tomatoes with the mixture.

Bon appetit and success to the young chefs!

Study with your child before letting your child prepare simple meals on their own. It is better if you prepare a colorful instruction sheet for the baby for the kitchen - which can also be drawn with him.

What kind of dishes do your children cook? Share baby recipes with us!

Of all the variety that can be prepared for dinner for children, preference should be given to the most healthy and balanced food. The choice of products for preparing baby food is influenced by many factors: their digestibility, saturation with vitamins and nutrients, nutritional value, as well as the recommended types of culinary processing.

The time for a child's dinner depends not so much on the daily routine and the order of affairs, but primarily related to the time when the child goes to bed. The food eaten should have time to digest enough, but the child should not be hungry until sleep. The best time for dinner is 4 hours before bedtime.

What to cook for children for dinner depends on the imagination and culinary skills of the cook. However, there are a number of rules that must be followed when preparing food for children.

When planning children's dinners, the following conditions should be observed:

  1. Food should be prepared, not purchased. Only by preparing food yourself, you can be sure of the quality of the products used. In addition, the cooking methods for convenience foods are not compatible with the recommended cooking methods for children's meals.
  2. Food should contain enough calories to keep the baby satisfied for a long time (including during sleep).
  3. The products included in the dishes should be easily assimilated by the child's body. In the children's dinner menu, you should not include a large amount of meat products, which will take a long time for the body to digest. A significant part of the time required to digest these foods will fall on sleep, when all processes in the body slow down. As a result, meat and other hard-to-digest products cannot be processed by the child's body and become a source of intoxication.
  4. Food should not contain caffeine or large amounts of glucose.

Foods suitable for dinner

For dinner, children should be offered protein and fiber-rich foods. Dairy products that contain melatonin, which regulates the body's sleep and wake cycles, is also a good base for a kid's meal.

Meat or fish with a side dish

Even the pickiest child will not be able to resist the favorite among children's dishes - meatballs. You can cook meatballs from absolutely any meat: veal, lamb, rabbit, beef, pork or diet turkey.


  • 500 g of meat (fillet);
  • 1 medium egg;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • ¼ h. L. ground black pepper;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • a small bunch of dill;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable, butter or ghee;
  • 1 tbsp. bread crumbs or dried bread crumbs;
  • sauce to taste.


  1. Chop the onion, pepper and tomato into large chunks and chop together with the dill in a blender bowl. Vegetables should not be mashed, only chopped very hard.
  2. Heat a frying pan, add oil and simmer chopped vegetables for 5-6 minutes, pepper and salt them. Remove from heat and cool.
  3. Pass the meat through a meat grinder and mix with vegetables. Add egg and crackers (crumbs). Knead the minced meat well and form tight balls.
  4. Put the meatballs in a saucepan, after having greased the bottom with oil. Fry the balls lightly on different sides, then pour over the sauce and simmer until tender. Any sauce can be used: dairy, tomato, creamy, flour. After adding the sauce, it is recommended to reduce the heat and be careful not to burn the dish.
  5. Rice, pasta, potatoes, or stewed vegetables work well as a side dish with meatballs.

Fans of fish dishes know what to cook for children for dinner, so that the food is not only tasty, but also healthy. Often, parents are afraid to give fish to children because of possible allergic reactions, as well as fear that the child may choke on the fish bone.

Saltwater fish are the least allergenic, and the number of small bones in it is much less than in river fish.

In addition, eating fish such as tuna and salmon is not only good for children's health, but also allows the child to experience and enjoy the taste and texture of the fish. Fish of these breeds reveal their taste as much as possible even in the simplest dishes available for cooking without special skills.

Salmon with herbs


  • 350 g salmon fillet;
  • ½ a small lemon;
  • 2-3 sprigs of dill;
  • ½ tsp. dried chopped tarragon;
  • ½ tsp. ground black pepper;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • 50 g butter.

Growth and development of the child depends on the correct nutrition of the child, but his dinner should be not only useful, but also tasty.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Rinse and dry the fish with paper towels.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon, squeeze the juice from the lemon in a separate container.
  3. Combine lemon zest, herbs, salt and pepper. Mix well and distribute the mixture evenly over the salmon.
  4. Melt the butter in a frying pan suitable for use in the oven. Place the spiced side of the salmon in a skillet and fry lightly.
  5. Turn the fish over, sprinkle it with lemon juice and move the pan to the oven. Bake for 3-7 minutes.
  6. It is recommended to serve fish with boiled rice or vegetables.

Dairy dishes

Dairy dishes are recommended for all children who are not allergic to such products. Milk-based food is ideal for dinner, as the calcium in its composition is best absorbed by the body in the afternoon.

Homemade cottage cheese is perfect for baby food, not only as an independent dish, but also as a basis for preparing other dairy foods: cheese cakes, casseroles, curds.

To make cottage cheese at home you will need:

  • whole milk;
  • any fermented milk product.

Cooking steps:

  1. Milk should be sour, so after purchase it should not be put into the refrigerator. To quickly sour milk, add kefir, sour cream or other fermented milk product to it. The process of fermenting milk will take about a day.
  2. Pour the sour milk into an unenamelled saucepan and put it on very low heat. The milk must be stirred so that the liquid is heated evenly. Otherwise, the individual parts will overheat and curl up into dense grains, as a result of which the curd will be dry and dense.
  3. Milk should not be brought to a boil. The liquid should be warmed up, then turn off the heat and leave the milk to cool.
  4. The cooled liquid should be filtered through a colander lined with gauze. The gauze must be positioned in such a way that in the future its ends can be tied to each other. It is better to drain the liquid from the pan into a container, since the whey obtained as a result of straining is perfect for making pancakes or pancakes.
  5. The mass remaining on the gauze should be squeezed out and suspended in gauze for 3-4 hours to drain excess liquid.
  6. Season the finished cottage cheese with sour cream, add sugar, jam or fruit.


What to cook for children for dinner, you can decide by choosing a suitable recipe for a delicious and satisfying casserole. This healthy dish can be meat, dairy, flour or vegetable.

Zucchini casserole

Zucchini is very “convenient” for cooking: it goes well with many products, is not high in calories, but at the same time it is rich in nutrients.

You don't have to choose young vegetables - large, hard-skinned zucchinis are good for this dish.


  • 1 large or 2-3 small zucchini;
  • 1 cup dry round grain rice
  • 200 g of cheese;
  • 150 ml plain yogurt;
  • 150 ml sour cream;
  • 2 eggs;
  • ½ tsp baking powder;
  • ½ tbsp. white bread crumbs;
  • ½ tbsp. chopped green onions (optional);
  • a pinch of dry basil, oregano, thyme, marjoram and rosemary;
  • salt.


  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Grease a baking dish with oil.
  2. Boil rice.
  3. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  4. If the zucchini fruit is not young, you should cut the skin from it and peel it of seeds. Young vegetables can be used whole. Grate the zucchini on a coarse grater, lightly salt and discard in a colander to drain excess liquid.
  5. Squeeze squeezed zucchini in a bowl with sour cream, yogurt, add baking powder, eggs and mix well. Combine the resulting mass with boiled rice, add 100 g of cheese, salt, green onions and seasonings.
  6. Transfer the mass to the mold, distribute in an even layer.
  7. Mix the remaining grated cheese and bread crumbs, mix well and distribute the mixture over the surface of the zucchini-rice mass.
  8. Bake until tender (about 30-35 minutes).

Pasta casserole with cheese

The familiar and very popular among children, macaroni and cheese can be even tastier: you can also bake this dish.

To prepare this original casserole you will need:

  • 3 tbsp. milk;
  • 2.5 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 250 g of hard cheese;
  • 150 g mozzarella (or Adyghe cheese);
  • 200 g pasta;
  • salt;
  • nutmeg;
  • ground black pepper.

Cooking steps:

  1. Boil pasta according to the instructions and discard in a colander.
  2. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  3. Grate both types of cheese.
  4. Pour flour into a preheated pan and, stirring continuously, pour 1 tbsp into the flour. milk. Stir well until smooth, then pour in the remaining milk. Season with salt, pepper and sprinkle with freshly grated nutmeg, then reduce heat and, while stirring, evaporate the sauce for 10-12 minutes.
  5. Pour the grated cheese into the sauce, setting aside ½ tbsp. grated hard cheese, mix. Add pasta.
  6. Line the muffin baking dish with paper tins and fill them with the macaroni-cheese mixture. Sprinkle the remaining cheese over the pasta.
  7. Bake until golden brown for 12-15 minutes.


Not all children are happy to eat salads, preferring burgers and potatoes. The following recipe will attract the attention of all fast food lovers.

You will need:

  • 100 g of penne pasta;
  • ½ tbsp. sour cream;
  • ½ tbsp. thick yogurt without additives;
  • 2 tsp lemon juice;
  • leaves from 2 sprigs of basil;
  • ¼ h. L. freshly ground black pepper;
  • ¼ h. L. garlic powder;
  • 1 head of lettuce
  • 100 g lean ham;
  • 1.5 tbsp. cherry tomatoes or regular chopped tomatoes;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. crackers from wheat bread.


  1. Boil and cool the pasta.
  2. Mix the sour cream, yogurt, lemon juice, chopped basil, pepper and garlic powder thoroughly.
  3. Tear lettuce leaves into small pieces with your hands. Cut the ham into cubes, cut the cherry into halves. Combine lettuce, ham and tomatoes, add grated cheese. Put the mixture on a plate, pour over the sour cream-yoghurt dressing and sprinkle with croutons.

Delicious pastries

What can please a child more than the favorite food that can be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It will not be difficult to prepare delicious pancakes or pancakes for children, while the child will definitely wait impatiently for dinner.

In order to bake pancakes, you will need:

  • ½ l of kefir, yogurt or sour milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • ½ tsp. soda;
  • 10 tbsp. l. flour.


  1. Beat sugar and eggs in a large bowl. Add kefir, salt and mix well.
  2. Sift flour into a separate container, add baking powder and baking soda, then mix the dry ingredients well with a whisk.
  3. Combine the kefir-egg mixture and flour, mix thoroughly. If the dough is not thick enough (it should resemble thick sour cream in consistency), flour may be added.
  4. Bake in a hot, oiled frying pan, spreading out the pancakes with a spoon or ladle.
  5. Serve hot, with sour cream, condensed milk, jam or special sweet sauces.

Fast food

Often times, the cooking time of a dinner becomes more important than its taste and nutritional value. The more interest arises in recipes that combine excellent taste characteristics with minimal cooking times.

To cook Asian-style chicken cutlets in 20 minutes, you will need:

  • 2 chicken thigh fillets and 1 chicken breast fillet;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 cm of ginger root;
  • 2 green onions;
  • 1 sprig of cilantro (optional)
  • 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 150 g of egg, rice noodles or funchose;
  • 100 g of vegetables for stir-fry;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.


  1. Place the ginger, garlic and onion in a blender or food processor and chop them hard. Add chicken fillet, soy sauce and cilantro. Grind.
  2. Boil the noodles according to the instructions.
  3. Form 6 patties with wet hands. Heat a greased skillet and fry the patties for 5 minutes on each side. Cover the pan with a lid and set aside.
  4. In another pan, lightly fry the vegetables, add the noodles and, stirring, lightly heat them together.
  5. Serve the patties garnished with noodles and vegetables.

What is better to refuse

So that the eaten dinner does not affect the duration and quality of the child's sleep, and also does not cause intoxication of the child's body due to difficulties in assimilating a particular food, the following products should be discarded:

Cooking baby food is a special kind of cooking. It is important not only to cook deliciously a dish for dinner, but from all the products suitable for children, choose those that will not harm the child's body, but will bring him maximum benefit.

Video on what to cook for children for dinner

Dinner for a child: children's dish "Mice in cheese":

Complete and balanced nutrition is the key to the vitality and well-being of your growing baby. Newly minted first graders experience serious physical and emotional stress, and they should have more than enough energy for the whole day. Thanks to a well-thought-out menu, you can treat your beloved baby with healthy and tasty dishes every day.

Breakfast for a child 7 years old

So that every morning you are not tormented by the question of what to cook for breakfast for your seven-year-old child, select the dishes in advance and purchase the necessary ingredients. Focus on your baby's eating habits, but do not forget to cook something new from the usual ingredients. We offer several quick and interesting breakfast recipes for children 7 years old

Cottage cheese casserole with fruit

  • 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese
  • 1 tbsp decoys
  • 1 egg
  • Sugar
  • Any fruit

Finely grate or chop the fruit. Mix the curd in a blender, add the yolk, sugar / honey, semolina and fruit and vegetable mixture. Add whipped egg whites separately to the fluffy foam. Place in silicone molds (fill 1/3 of the volume) and bake in the oven for 20 minutes on medium heat.

Rice pudding

  • 30 g white rice
  • 0.5 teaspoon caster sugar
  • 200 ml milk
  • Berries / jam

Stir the rice and powder, pour over the milk and put in a silicone mold. Remove from the oven after an hour, where the pudding should simmer at 150 degrees. Serve with jam or berries.


  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 1 tbsp flour
  • 2 tbsp decoys

Stir the cottage cheese, egg, sugar and semolina, form cheesecakes, roll in flour and place in a preheated oven for 10 minutes.

Afternoon snack for a child of 7 years old

Breakfast time has passed, it's time to think about a light snack. Try to think in advance of what to cook for a 7-year-old child for an afternoon snack. It is advisable to give preference to healthy snacks for a seven-year-old baby, which are convenient to take with you to school, and for this use the following recipes:


  • 1 glass of milk / water
  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 1 tsp vinegar
  • Vegetable oil
  • 1 yolk

Combine flour, milk / water, pre-beaten egg yolk and sugar. Whisk until smooth, add vinegar slaked soda. Spoon the pancakes into a preheated pan and fry on both sides in vegetable oil.

Curd biscuits

  • 250 g low-fat cottage cheese
  • 250 g flour
  • 100 g butter
  • Sugar

Beat the cottage cheese and butter with a mixer, sift the flour and slowly pour it into the resulting mixture. Let the dough rest in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After that, pour sugar into a plate, form small round cookies from the dough and roll them in sugar on both sides. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Cheese pie

  • 50 ml milk
  • 0.5 tbsp butter
  • 0.5 tbsp decoys
  • 1 egg
  • 2 slices of plain white bread
  • 20 g grated cheese

Beat milk, salt and egg until smooth, add cheese and bread to them, mix again. Pour the mixture into a baking dish and place in the oven 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Lunch for a child 7 years old

If your seven-year-old is returning home from school by lunchtime, think about what you will cook for him in advance. A full-fledged lunch for a growing baby 7 years old should consist of the first and second courses, so that he can calmly go about his business before dinner and not feel hungry.
Soup recipes for a child of 7 years old:

Mashed potato soup

  • 100 ml milk
  • 200 ml of water
  • 5 g butter
  • 200 g potatoes
  • 1 small carrot

Finely chop the potatoes and carrots and cook, then separate from the broth and beat in a blender. Pour the broth, milk into the puree and boil for several minutes. Flavor with oil. Other vegetables can be added as desired.

Cabbage soup

  • 1.5 l of water
  • 1 carrot
  • 80 g barley
  • 500 g white cabbage
  • 1 onion

Rinse the barley, pour boiling water over and cook for 20 minutes, drain the water when ready. Finely chop the cabbage and cook with barley for 15 minutes. Finely chop the carrots and onions and simmer in oil, add to the soup and cook for another 10 minutes. Others can be added if desired.

Meatball Soup

  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tbsp buckwheat
  • 200 g lean meat
  • 2 slices of bread

Soak bread in water, squeeze. Make minced meat from meat, mix with bread and mold into small balls. Pour cereals, chopped potatoes, carrots and celery into boiling water. Add the meatballs and cook for another half hour.
After a light soup, it's time to refresh yourself with a hearty second course, suitable for children of 7 years old:

Potato casserole

  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 200 g potatoes
  • Vegetable oil
  • 70 g lean meat or poultry
  • 1 quail egg or ¼ chicken

Boil the potatoes and mash, add milk and an egg. Boil meat or poultry, cool and make minced meat. Grease a baking dish with oil, put some mashed potatoes in the first layer, then minced meat and mashed potatoes again. For a delicious golden brown crust, brush the top of the casserole with yolk. Bake in the oven for about half an hour at 180 degrees.