Fritters for school guests. "school" pancakes according to GOST

22.10.2020 Buffet table

Do you remember the taste of the school cafeteria pancakes? Lush, ruddy, with sour cream or jam, then you are here!

I'm in a hurry, I'm running, I'm flying to treat you to the best pancakes in the world. These were the ones served in schools earlier. How happy I was when I found a real (GOST) recipe for pancakes on the Internet!

Water (warm, for dough) - 481 ml
Wheat flour (for dough) - 481 g
Yeast (fresh, for dough) - 14 g
Chicken egg (for dough) - 23 g
Sugar (for dough) - 17 g
Salt (for dough) - 9 g
Vegetable oil (for frying) - 2 tbsp. l.

Since earlier the proportions were observed very strictly - in the recipe everything was measured by grams.

I will give the original proportions and next I will give the weight, which I converted into a more familiar form for us.

Wheat flour for dough - 481 g; (3 glasses of 250 ml)

Warm water - 481 ml; (2 glasses of 250 ml, from which you need to "remove" 2 tablespoons of water)
Fresh yeast or they are called "wet" - 14 g (you can replace them with 1 tsp with a slide of dry yeast like Saf - moment);
Chicken egg - 23 g (put one egg);
Sugar - 17 g (or 1 tablespoon with a slide);
Salt - 6 g (0.5 tsp);
Vegetable oil for frying - 2 - 3 tablespoons

Dissolve yeast in warm water (if using "wet" yeast). Add egg, salt, sugar and blend for 5-10 seconds. I recommend increasing the amount of sugar if you are going to taste pancakes without jam. If with jam - do not increase, otherwise it will turn out too sweet.
Add the sifted flour and knead the dough like pancakes.
If you are using dry yeast, mix it with flour and pour it all into a liquid mixture of water, egg, sugar and salt. Mix with a fork and then with a blender for 5-10 seconds.

Cover with plastic wrap and leave to rise in a warm place for 45 - 60 minutes.

Sit down the dough a little and leave to rise for another hour.

The dough will greatly increase in volume.

Bake the pancakes in a preheated skillet (covered) over low heat on both sides.

It turns out very lush and porous pancakes, with holes. Spread them out on a napkin and let the excess oil absorb.

Place in a bowl and cover briefly. During this time, go for a jar of apple jam. What you need for school pancakes.
Delicious yeast pancakes according to GOST are ready. Call your family for tea and be sure to tell them something interesting about your high school days. Dreams Come True! Thank you pancakes for returning to childhood, to the unforgettable school years.

How to cook a pancake recipe like in a dining room - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

The recipe from childhood - the hit of the school cafeteria - yeast pancakes, "arrived" from a meeting of graduates.

Recently I had a chance to attend a traditional meeting of graduates in my native school. Only now you understand - what a golden time it was!

  • Did you also jump into the rubber band at all the breaks?
  • And you, too, jumped over a rope and drew "classics" on any free patch of asphalt in the schoolyard?
  • Did you also play at recess in "sea battle" and "tic-tac-toe"?
  • And you, too, ran to the dining room to have time to buy the legendary dish - bread with a cutlet?

If so, then my today's recipe - school yeast pancakes according to GOST - is just for you.

So we recalled at the meeting of graduates funny stories from school life, teachers, classmates who could not come. And somehow imperceptibly the conversation went, what do you think about? About the pancakes that were baked in all school canteens before. Yes, those same lush pancakes, generously poured with apple jam. What a yummy it was! I immediately wanted to go to school again ...

Our school cafeteria clearly appeared before our eyes. Our cooks were wonderful. Almost every other day we were given these delicious yeast pancakes. How delicious they lay on a platter! And there was nothing tastier in the whole wide world! The mouth immediately fills with saliva - the smell of childhood. Back to school again ...

Today I will work as a good fairy 🙂 and I will suggest a way to return my school years at least for a while. Repeat the taste of school canteen pancakes in your kitchen - and your dream will come true.

I have been looking for a recipe for a long time that will make pancakes, like in a school cafeteria. The old technological map from the times of the USSR helped, which, as it turned out, was preserved in our dining room, as a kind of talisman.

Leaving the meeting, I took away in my paws a carefully rewritten cherished recipe, which I will share with you today.

Let's call it - school pancakes according to GOST. Since before the proportions were observed very strictly - in the recipe everything was measured by grams.

I will give the original proportions and next I will give the weight, which I converted into a more familiar form for us.

Delicious yeast pancakes according to GOST "Like at school"
  1. Dissolve yeast in warm water (if using "wet" yeast). Add egg, salt, sugar and blend for 5-10 seconds. I recommend increasing the amount of sugar if you are going to taste pancakes without jam. If with jam - do not increase, otherwise it will turn out too sweet.
  2. Add the sifted flour and knead the dough like pancakes.
  3. If you are using dry yeast, mix it with flour and pour it all into a liquid mixture of water, egg, sugar and salt. Mix with a fork and then with a blender for 5-10 seconds.

This is how the dough looks after kneading

Before the first mixing

An hour later, just a little more, and would "run away" from the bowl

Delicious yeast pancakes according to GOST are ready. Call your family for tea and be sure to tell them something interesting about your high school days. Dreams Come True! Thank you pancakes for returning to childhood, to unforgettable school years.

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Thanks for sharing this article on social media:

Thanks! I will definitely try


Oooooo, as I understand you!

Thanks to the author. The result exceeded all expectations. The pancakes turned out to be not greasy, the oil consumption is minimal, the recipe is simple to primitiveness, but as a housewife with great experience, who has tried a huge number of recipes in my lifetime, I was very pleased. These are the most “dietary” pancakes in my practice! In addition, they turned out to be even tastier than the standard)))

i have a question for you, oil is just 2-3 tablespoons? Not a little? the first pancakes will absorb everything and have to be fried in a dry pan.

I'm frying in a ceramic pan. There, a minimum amount of oil is required. To reduce oil consumption in a regular frying pan, fry the pancakes in well-heated oil and spread in small portions. They then rise quickly, almost do not absorb oil and have time to cook inside.

Really. pancakes from childhood are my favorite. Took into service. Thank you for returning to childhood.

Really. pancakes from childhood are the most beloved

Thank you very much for the recipe! Today I tried it, really, like from childhood)) The family really liked it!

i sent you a report with a photo for feedback, but somehow I did not understand whether I did it or not.

Irina, everything turned out great, I'll post your pancakes in the article

Thank you for the recipe. My husband has been dreaming about them for a long time (since school)))) The whole brain has taken out ...

To your health, please your husband

cooked exactly according to the recipe, the dough rose as in the picture, but for some reason not lush at all. Where I made a mistake, I don't understand.

Olga, apparently, the dough succeeded, i.e. You did everything right. The pan may not have been hot enough at the start. There is an important point here - we heat the pan strongly with oil, then put the pancakes and immediately greatly reduce the heat, and under the lid.

And much more depends on the quality of flour ...

This is for sure, the quality of flour sometimes determines the success of the whole business!

Thanks. I'll keep it on mind.

Thank you so much for the recipe.

Thank you so much for the recipe!) It's just fantastic) I got the taste of childhood again ..

This is true, the feeling of childhood, it is even difficult to compare with something to us, adults

Thank you very much for the recipe, I could not find everything anywhere. As a child, my grandmother cooked such things, I immediately remembered her and childhood ...

These are the nostalgic pancakes. And my mom more and more often makes these for breakfast

Thank you very much for the recipe! The pancakes are EXACTLY like in school. I have been looking for a recipe for a long time and found it! Hooray! Thank you, Elena!

On health, Alina, I also searched for the recipe for a long time, and at first I was not sure that I would get exactly that “school” taste of pancakes. But I was lucky, so I am happy to share with you

This shtoto ani was so delicious. I made it to the seventh heaven, I made mom and dad a Ramntichi evening, I think they panravetsya.

And I made syrup for these pancakes: I mixed 1.5 cups of sugar with a glass of water, cooked until the sugar was completely dissolved, added a tablespoon of lemon juice. This syrup is used to impregnate Turkish sweets. The taste is incredible! Thanks for the recipe

Thank you very much for the recipe! This yeast dough still turned out delicious pies. It is somehow universal.

Thanks! The fritters turned out to be cool, the sons remembered school, and my husband and I had a student cafeteria, where everything was incredibly tasty.

otherwise, it’s more luxuriant in the dining room and it seems to me that more flour is needed, there should be a thick consistency, but it remotely resembles something somewhere ...

Thank you very much for the recipe! The fritters turned out to be exactly the same as in school. And the dough is excellent, by the way, it suited me in the bathroom, in warm water.

In general, the pancakes were a success!

I studied in the cookery and our pancakes turned out to be thick for the whole plate. The taste is very similar to those of yours, but those were more rubbery and I just can't get it (

I have been looking for such a recipe for a long time, but no matter how much I baked, it turned out not so, very tasty, but ... not the same. I suspected that the dough was being prepared in water, now I will try, maybe this recipe is exactly what I wanted ... Thank you.

And thank you, the recipe has been tested for a very long time, but sometimes they write comments, which does not work. I can't understand if this is trolling, or I am explaining something incomprehensibly, or something else ...

Yesterday I tried to cook pancakes according to this recipe, I did everything strictly, the dough rose. But! The taste is terribly not tasty, only solid yeast, definitely not like in school. Someone correctly wrote, in school they are more rubber. In general, not tasty! I cross out the recipe!

And even at school, they were even slightly sour.

Elena! On the topic of school lunches: maybe you remember or know the recipe for OMLETA. So dense. Not falling off. I can't do it. Thank you in advance.

Zoya, hello, I asked my daughter for a recipe for such an omelet in kindergarten. For 10 eggs, 1 liter of milk, salt to taste. Pour into a greased baking sheet (adjust the size so that the omelet is poured about 3-4 cm). Bake in the oven. Check for readiness by slightly shaking the baking sheet, the omelet should "stir" evenly, if there is a liquid place in the middle, then it is not ready yet. Hope you enjoy it, bon appetit!

Very tasty pancakes. Just like in the school cafeteria, like many years ago.

Glad you liked it, Roma!

Yeast pancakes were baked so deliciously by my mother-in-law, they don't always work out for me, although she did everything like her

And here, mom, is a pancake master, and my sister and I are apprentices

Thanks for the recipe, these are real school pancakes! In addition, the dough stood in the refrigerator overnight, in the morning the pancakes were very, very lush.

I, too, these pancakes bring back school memories. Not a single study ...

Lenochka, thanks for the recipe! The pancakes turned out to be magical, fluffy, crispy! The family could not be torn away. At first I baked under a closed lid, as you wrote in the recipe, but every time I opened the lid in order to turn the pancakes, a fountain of oil flew out of the pan. Why is that? As a result, I turned up the heat and began to fry them with the lid open. And everything turned out great too: the pancakes were baked, fluffy and crispy. The question is: why cover them with a lid?

And another question: for what purpose do you need to sift flour? (I don't have a sieve yet.)

Everything is just super.)))

I remember from childhood pancakes with jam, just delicious. Now I often cook pancakes at home, but without yeast, I just add very little quick soda so that an unpleasant aftertaste does not remain.

Thank you very much for the recipe, I have never gotten such beautiful and tasty oludos. The most difficult point was to scoop up the thick dough from the bowl and tear it off the spoon :) but I quickly got used to it too. And in all other respects, a truly ingenious dish, because it is very simple), it's a pity that the dough fits for a long time, you won't be able to cook pancakes for breakfast

Thank you very much for the recipe! The pancakes turned out to be incomparable.) I have long wanted to feel this taste again, the whole family is happy))) how great it was that you got your recipe.

In reality, the aladi turned out to be lush and tasty. All my life I have been looking for a recipe for simple and delicious aladeys! I only put 2 tablespoons of sugar, we ate them with honey! Taste. Thanks again to the author.

Thank you very much for the recipe, the pancakes turned out to be amazing, I just cooked it, as if I tried it again in the school cafeteria.

Is it possible to water half of the milk?

You can, it will also turn out delicious

* Water and half milk


Fritters like in school are a recipe from childhood that allows each of us to return to those bright, joyful years when we were just a child.

Then they ate pancakes for 2 cheeks, so I liked my mother's pastries, because they were the most delicious. In fact, yeast pancakes according to guests evoke similar associations in many.

Now it's your turn to cook pancakes according to the guests, like at school for all your relatives. They will turn out to be lush, sweet and delicious.

So do not doubt that your loved ones will enjoy this breakfast. Look personally at the photo of pancakes, motivate yourself and cook the dessert for your pleasure.

Working with yeast

You need to know how to cook yeast. If you took fresh yeast, then you should dissolve it using warm water and mix the composition well. You don't need to add salt. As for the proportions, as a rule, these data can be read on the packaging.

I know that 50 gr. flour you need to use 5 gr. yeast. In the event that you take a dry composition of yeast, then be guided by a ratio of 1 to 3. If the recipe indicates to take 10 gr. St. yeast, put 30 gr. dry.

They get divorced in about the same way. Filled with water at 45 grams. and add sugar to the mass. Let the yeast stand in this mixture for about 10 minutes. Stir in flour and leave for 2 hours.

The fast-acting yeast must be added to the flour in dry form and after 20 minutes it will take effect. There is even such yeast that can be diluted with milk, kefir or water. Based on this information, soak the yeast for a delicious pancake recipe.

Classic GOST recipe for school days

Components: 481 gr. water and flour; 14 gr. yeast; 1 PC. chickens. egg; 20 gr. Sahara; 9 gr. salt.

The GOST pancake recipe is very popular among modern housewives. If you have a small scale at home, then it will not be difficult to adjust all the components in grams. Otherwise, you will have to put the ingredients on the eye for the pancakes.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Dilute yeast.
  2. Add ingredients and knead the dough.
  3. Fry yeast homemade pancakes on a hot skillet until cooked through.

That's all, the GOST recipe has come to an end, but that's not all.

An easy recipe for making delicious school-time pancakes

Components: 1 piece chickens. egg; flour and milk (3: 2); 1 tbsp. sugar, rast. oils; 1 tsp each salt and yeast.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. I slightly warm up the milk and dilute the yeast composition in it. The mixture will turn creamy in color. Let them sit for a while in a calm, warm place.
  2. Stir the chickens. egg, plant butter, sugar, salt with yeast.
  3. Add flour to the mass, but do not stop stirring at all. It is important to try to remove any lumps.
  4. I mix the flour. I cover the bowl with the flour composition with a napkin, leave it aside for a while. The dough will begin to bubble.
  5. I fry yummy delicious school-time pancakes when the dough comes up.

Complicated recipe for delicious school pancakes

Components: 0.5 milk; 0.5 kg of flour; 2 tbsp Sahara; 1 pack. vanilla sugar; 2 tbsp rast. oils; 2 tsp dry yeast (you can take fresh ones in the amount of 21 grams); 0.5 tsp salt; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. In Art. warm milk, you need to dilute the yeast and add half the specified amount of flour, sugar and leave aside for 30 minutes.
  2. Beat chickens. eggs with a whisk and mix with flour. I add the rest of the component to the dough, and only then add the van. sugar, plant. oil and the right amount of salt. The dough mix will be viscous.
  3. I start to fry pancakes on the rast. oil, making it medium heat so that the baked goods are fried on the inside and do not burn.

From the specified number of components, about two dozen pancakes are obtained. They are delicious and very aromatic, just like in school.

Kefir delicious pancakes

Components: 7 tbsp. flour; 0.5 l of kefir; 1/3 tsp salt and soda; 2 tsp dry yeast; 150 ml of water; 1.5 tbsp Sahara.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. I put kefir on the table so that it becomes room temperature. Only in this case can the specified amount of soda be dissolved in it.
  2. I mix yeast with 100 ml of lukewarm water. I add 1 tsp. Sahara. I pour kefir into the increased composition of the dough.
  3. I mix salt, flour, sugar together. The dough will be creamy. I leave it in a warm place for half an hour, or even a whole hour.

During this time, the dough will become several times larger in volume. It is not worth stirring the mass. Better just put it in a spoon and start frying pancakes.

You will get a really delicious dessert that even the most capricious and fastidious child will not refuse.

Lean pancakes on the water

School pancakes can be lean, in which case milk should be replaced with plain water. The pancakes will be airy and very tasty.

Despite such excellent characteristics, baking is as simple as possible. Below is her recipe.

Components: 500 gr. water and flour; 1.5 tsp yeast; salt; 2 tbsp sah. sand.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I mix sugar, salt and yeast in water. I add dough to the flour, the yeast may not yet begin to activate. I leave the dough aside for 20 minutes. In fact, the density of the mix will vary depending on which type of flour you choose. Thickness will not play a big role in how the pancakes should be.
  2. After 20 minutes, stir the flour in the dough. Leave the batch again for the same amount of time, or even 40 minutes.
  3. I put the dough that has risen in volume in a frying pan, pinching off portions with my hands. It is better to lubricate them with vegetable oil.

Pancakes go well with honey, condensed milk and jam. Serve them to the table as soon as possible so that your loved ones can enjoy this wonderful dish.

Another recipe for lean pancakes

Components: 0.5 kg flour; 5 pieces. chickens. eggs; 1 tbsp. water; 25 gr. fresh yeast (you can take 5 grams dry); sugar; rast. oil; salt.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I breed the yeast in warm water, let the mass rise. Beat chickens. eggs in a bowl with a whisk. I add salt and sugar. I interrupt the mixture in order to exclude the occurrence of lumps.
  2. The water should still be warm. I pour it into flour, mix with chickens. eggs, salt and sugar. I send the dough to a calm but warm place for 30 minutes.
  3. I fry the pancakes over medium heat, picking up with a tablespoon. Rast. oil must be lubricated on the surface of the pan without fail.

Yeast pancakes with apples

Components: 250 ml of milk; 400 ml flour; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 2 tsp yeast; 2 tablespoons of sugar; 0.5 tsp salt; 2 tablespoons rast. oils; a couple of pieces apples.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Paul Art. I mix flour with milk, sugar, yeast. I leave the dough for 25 minutes, this time should be quite enough for the yeast to activate.
  2. Flour must be added to the components, mixed so that the dough becomes homogeneous. I advise you to cover his food. foil so that it fits for 2.
  3. I peel the apples, grind them with a grater. I add pancakes to the batch and fry using rast. oil.

I serve it to the table with my favorite drink, it turns out very tasty, your loved ones will gobble up such school pancakes for both cheeks. Enjoy your meal!

I wish you success in your culinary field. After studying this article, you can choose for yourself a successful recipe for making delicious pancakes. Only by using the useful information obtained from my article in practice, you can achieve great success in the kitchen:

  1. For pancakes, you need to take components at room temperature. It is better to heat the water or milk so that it is about 37 grams.
  2. Flour should be taken of the highest grade, in which case the pancakes will be tender and tasty. Remember that the consumption of this product will also depend on the type of flour. The worse the quality, the more flour you need.
  3. It is not difficult to indicate the exact method of cooking pancakes with yeast, but observing all the requirements of GOST is already another question. The thing is that every chickens. the egg has different weights. Plus, you can't imagine how the yeast will behave this time. Again, we take into account the quality of flour. This ingredient must be added until the batch becomes in consistency, like sour cream. Having filled your hand, it will not be at all difficult to figure out the amount of the required product.
  4. Do not be afraid to experiment, look for the best way for yourself.
  5. Add various fruits, berries, oatmeal, meat, nuts and pumpkin to the yeast pancake dough. Experiment boldly with tastes.
  6. When the dough becomes large in volume, I advise you not to shake it. It is better to immediately pinch off a piece from the edge of the dough and bake the pancakes in a skillet. You can scoop up the dough with a tablespoon.
  7. Knead your school homemade pancakes early in the evening so you can get up in the morning and bake delicious pancakes. They will delight you not only with their taste, but also with a delicate texture.
  8. The pan needs to be reheated so that the pancakes can be baked well, and not just burned. It is necessary to turn the cakes over when the top dries up, and there are holes on the surface, the edges are covered with a crust. When you achieve such an effect, it means that pancakes are often ready.
  9. To remove the fat after cooking the fritters, place the baked goods on a paper napkin.
  10. If you do not want to serve pancakes to the table immediately after baking, it is better to add a product to them that will maintain moisture retention. In fact, meat or finely chopped onions are a great option for a salty snack.
  11. To make lush, delicious pancakes at home, you need to have time. The fact is that most cooking methods involve yeast, but it must be said that this ingredient is not always added. When time is really short, choose a different method, the taste of the pancakes will be just as good.
  12. Lush pancakes are made by kneading dough based on sour milk, yogurt or fresh kefir. The cooking method should not be complicated. The baked goods will taste great and will not take too much time to cook.
  13. The algorithm for preparing delicious pancakes may involve the use of baking powder, the introduction of soda. These components provide fluffiness to the dough.
  14. The principle of cooking is always the same; to bake pancakes, you need to knead the airy dough, which will become even larger in the pan.
  15. You can also bake pancakes in the oven. They will be lush, keep fresh for a long time and delight you with a pleasant taste.

And the most important thing I would like to note is, prepare a portion of homemade pancakes in a great mood and good spirits. Only in this case, you will not only prepare a delicious breakfast, but also get special pleasure from this activity.

My video recipe

warm water - 481 ml

Wheat flour for dough - 481 g

Fresh yeast, for dough - 14 g (I have 1 tsp dry)

Chicken egg (for dough) - 23 g

Sugar (for dough) - 17 g or 1 tbsp. with a slide

Salt (for dough) - 9 g or 1 tablespoon flush with the edges

Vegetable oil (for frying) - 2 tbsp. l.

We measure the amount of products we need. I rounded it by 1-2 grams, took a small whole egg. We measure out the water, dissolve yeast, sugar and salt in it, add the egg and mix. Add the sifted flour. If you are using dry yeast, you can mix it with flour and add to the liquid. Stir and leave in a warm place for 1 hour. Stir the dough again and set for another 1 hour to rise. After this time, the dough will double in volume and become springy.

To prevent the dough from sticking to the spoon, each time you put it in the pan, dip the spoon in cold water. Fry in a little vegetable oil. Excess fat can be blotted with a napkin.
Enjoy your meal!

Pancakes with milk fluffy without yeast recipe

It is customary to cook yeast pancakes on water in catering establishments. Most often they are prepared for breakfast or afternoon tea in school and kindergarten canteens.

You can also make pancakes from yeast dough in water, like in a school cafeteria, at home. This will require a minimum of products, a little effort and an hour and a half, of which about an hour will be spent on raising the dough. The number of products for yeast pancakes is provided by GOST. However, there are not quite even numbers, for example, 481 ml of water, so for convenience the amount will be rounded.

Recipe for pancakes on water, yeast dough

Dish: Baking

Preparation time: 1 hour

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Total time: 1 hour 30 minutes


  • 480 g wheat flour
  • 480 ml water
  • 1 PC. chicken egg
  • 1 tbsp. l. sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 11 grams dry yeast
  • vegetable oil

Step by step recipe with photo

How to cook yeast pancakes in water

1. Mix flour with salt, sugar, yeast. Break the egg into water heated to + 30 degrees. Combine dry mixture with liquid.

2. Stir or beat the pancake dough with a mixer.

3. Place the dishes with the dough in a warm place. You can heat the oven to + 50. Put a pan in it, close the door and turn off the heating.

4. After about 50 minutes, the dough will double and become bubbly.

5. It remains to heat the pan. For each batch of yeast pancakes, pour two to three tablespoons of oil into it. When the oil is hot, scoop up the dough with a spoon.

Pour into a frying pan.

6. Fry pancakes from yeast dough until golden brown on both sides.

Serve hot pancakes in water, with jam, honey, sour cream.

The school cafeteria pancake recipe is definitely a hit. For some reason, these particular pancakes have always been especially tasty, and if you add jam to them, then you will not tear yourself away from the dish. One should not be surprised at the clarity of the proportions, because it is these pancakes that correspond to GOST. The most important thing is that the yeast is fresh, and the amount of liquid should correspond to the amount of water. With just a little perseverance and patience, the delicious pancakes are ready.

Sooner or later, every hostess has a question: how tasty to please your family at breakfast. It is at such moments that the first thing that comes to mind is the preparation of fluffy pancakes. And when is there still time to prepare delicious pancakes like in a school cafeteria according to GOST? This recipe is quite simple, and there is no such person who would not want to feast on fresh pancakes combined with jam.

In the preparation of pancakes as in the dining room, 3 important points must be observed:

  1. These pancakes must be prepared in two stages;
  2. Clarity of proportions is very important. It is best to measure the proportions on a kitchen scale;
  3. The dough cannot be rushed. All time requirements must be met.


  1. Flour - 1 kg;
  2. Wet yeast - 30 g;
  3. Salt - 18 g;
  4. Sugar - 35 g;
  5. Eggs - 48 gr.;
  6. Water - 1 liter.

How to cook school pancakes step by step: a recipe

So, as mentioned above, these pancakes are prepared in several stages, strictly observing proportionality.

The cooking steps are as follows:

  1. The first thing to do is to prepare the dough, since the pancakes are yeast. It is done in a familiar way. To begin with, the water is heated and yeast is introduced into it. After they are completely dissolved in water, you can add sugar and salt;
  2. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved. After that, an egg is added to the consistency, stirred and left for 10 minutes in a warm place;
  3. After this time, you can add flour (sifted necessarily). The entire mixture must be thoroughly mixed so that there are no clots in it. After that, the dough is again placed in a warm place, but for an hour;
  4. After an hour, the dough is mixed and left again for an hour;
  5. Of course, school canteens have special panels for cooking, but an ordinary home frying pan can cope with this task, just grease it with oil. After that, portions of dough are laid out on the surface and fried on several sides;
  6. In order to make the pancakes more lush, it is best to cover them with a lid during the frying process.

The pancakes are ready, you can serve them with condensed milk or honey, or you can not deviate from the best traditions of the school cafeteria and serve them with apple jam.

Delicious school pancakes: additional notes

Paying attention to the ingredients, you can see that eggs are measured in grams, therefore the exact weight.

Experienced housewives notice that the dough for such pancakes turns out to be quite dense, so pouring it into the pan is not easy, as is the case when preparing ordinary pancakes or pancakes. In addition to pouring it into the pan, such dough is not even easy to scoop up, so in order not to create additional problems, it is best to grease the spoon for spreading with sunflower oil.

The taste of finished pancakes largely depends on the additive. In order for the taste of the prepared dish not to resemble fried bread or pies, it is best to use the jam that the whole family will like. The best option would be Antonovka jam or strawberry jam.

Lush pancakes, like in the school cafeteria (video)

Now you know how to cook everyone's favorite pancakes like in a school cafeteria according to GOST using yeast, and if you still have doubts, refer to the preparations from the photo. Breakfast with hot tea and this dish will definitely evoke the best life memories in adults, sparkle in the eyes of children. Bon memories and appetite.

Fritters like at school: a recipe (photo)

Pancakes according to GOST, or rather according to recipe â„–1084 for catering establishments, are prepared with yeast.

Pancakes on an industrial scale, so to speak, are baked on preheated (cast-iron) pans, thick-walled baking sheets or electric pans, and almost any pans will do at home. Pancakes can also be deep-fried. The thickness of the finished pancakes should be at least 5 - 6 mm, but it usually gets bigger easily!

Pancakes are served with butter, sour cream, condensed milk, jam, jam, honey, jam, sugar, three pieces per serving, but you usually want more than three pieces cooked at home ...

Note: I have made pancakes with half the ingredients.

Prepare ingredients according to the list.

Measure out the correct amount of ingredients.
Again, I made the dough from half the ingredients, so I measured out 7 grams of yeast.

Dissolve yeast in warm water.
My scales show the mass of water without tare and without yeast, since the mass of tare with yeast was previously zeroed. Electronic scales are very convenient.

In general, I often cook by eye, and since the recipe is in accordance with GOST, it was even interesting to play with the scales ...))
This is how the container is reset to zero: the dishes are placed and the "container" icon is pressed, as a result - zero grams and you can continue to accurately weigh the required ingredient.

For example, an egg without a shell.

For the recipe for half the dough, I only need 12 grams ... I would not add them in such a scanty amount, but it must be so ...

Stir the egg with sugar and salt, and then stir this mixture with water in which the yeast is dissolved.

Flour is desirable of the highest grade, but I think you can mix other grades and types.

Sift flour into yeast mass.

Stir and you get a thick pancake dough, which now needs to be allowed to ferment and increase in volume.

To ferment and rise the dough, place it in a warm place, protected from cold air currents. For these purposes, I use a multi-cooker on the "yogurt" or "multi-cook 40 degrees" mode for 1.5-2 hours.

Bake pancakes on both sides in preheated, greased or greased pans.
Scoop the dough with a tablespoon or scoop of the desired size and do not forget to dip them in water each time so that the pancake dough does not stick to them.

GOST pancakes are ready.

Have a nice tea!