How to make Olivier without mayonnaise. Salad without mayonnaise! Tastier Olivier

03.11.2020 Dishes from Yaitz

Nowadays, mayonnaise has become such a popular product that it is already difficult to imagine the process of cooking many familiar dishes without it. They are usually filled with salads, lubricate sandwiches, and also use meat, fish or vegetables for baking. And what if this famous sauce suddenly does not turn out to be at hand? How to replace mayonnaise? Experienced cooks can advise many interesting options. It all depends on what kind of dish need to be prepared. There are several original recipes that will necessarily enjoy lovers of culinary experiments.

Curd mayonnaise

Initially, mayonnaise refers to products with elevated content of fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, his benefit for the human body can be questioned. How to replace mayonnaise to not harm yourself? Supporters of protein food can not be offered not quite a normal option. This is mayonnaise prepared on the basis of cottage cheese. Make it easy. This will require the minimum set of the simplest products:

  • 4 grams of dining mustard;
  • 100 grams of cottage cheese (better to take soft);
  • salt;
  • 1 yolk;
  • ground pepper;
  • 5 grams of lemon juice.

This sauce is done very simple:

  1. All ingredients must be collected in one container.
  2. Protectly mix them using ordinary cutlery (spoon, plug) or special kitchen appliances (mixer, blender).

The prepared mixture must be put for some time in the refrigerator. Mass must acquire the desired consistency. In addition, the initial ingredients should be exchanged by their aromas. Such a not quite ordinary protein mayonnaise will be an excellent addition to different dishes.

Seed sauce

Very often, sauces are used as an addition to various snacks. How to replace mayonnaise to those who are used to making meat or vegetable cutting into it? For such purposes, an option is performed based on sunflower seeds. At home, make such mayonnaise will be easy. It will only be necessary:

  • fresh seeds;
  • a little honey;
  • salt;
  • mustard seeds.

The number of ingredients is taken arbitrarily. It all depends on the personal taste of the hostess. This mayonnaise is preparing in several stages:

  1. First, seeds need to soak. To do this, they should be poured with water and leave approximately 15 hours. If you wish, you can even germinate. In this case, the amount of vitamins in the sauce will increase significantly.
  2. After that, they should be rinsed well.
  3. Seeds along with the rest of the components to grind in a blender.
  4. Add a lot of water to the resulting mass and beat it carefully.

The consistency of the cooked sauce can be adjusted due to the amount of fluid. If you wish in such mayonnaise, you can also add a bit of greenery. It will give the finished mass more than freshness and fragrance.

Salsa Verde

It is believed that the Italians, like the French, know a sense in sauces. And they can give advice to replace mayonnaise. In their opinion, Salsa Verde sauce is the most suitable option. To make it yourself, you will need:

  • 150 grams of any vegetable oil;
  • 3 Anchova;
  • half a glass of parsley;
  • 2 garlic teeth;
  • on one tablespoon of lemon juice and wine vinegar;
  • salt;
  • quarter cup of capers;
  • black fresh pepper;
  • ½ teaspoon lemon zest.

Methods of cooking this sauce is similar to the previous option:

  1. All ingredients, with the exception of pepper and salt, put in a blender.
  2. Be whipped until the mass becomes almost homogeneous. This will require only a few minutes.

The amount of salt and pepper is chosen to taste. These components must be added to the already finished mixture. It turns out a wonderful sauce that will be perfectly harmonized with any meat, fish or fresh vegetables. Such an additive must really like women. After all, the basis of this sauce is a parsley rich in iron, vitamin C, beta-carotene and folic acid. And all these elements are known to actively help the body to fight aging.

Salad mayonnaise

Recently, mayonnaise is increasingly used to prepare all sorts of salads. This popular thick sauce wonderfully complements a mixture of a variety of products. But its high caloric content is sometimes forcesing to think about possible alternatives. So what to replace mayonnaise in the salad? It turns out that there are many rather interesting mixtures. For example, Sauce based on almond deserves special attention. Here on 1 cup of water you need to take:

  • 200 grams of almond nuts;
  • 4 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • 10 grams of salt;
  • a piece of ginger root (1.5-2 centimeters);
  • 15-20 grams of honey;
  • ½ teaspoon grated nutmeg.

To prepare such a mass, you will need time:

  1. First, the nuts on 8 o'clock need to soak in cold water.
  2. Remove the skin with them. With softening fruits, it will be easy.
  3. Ginger Clear and light crumpled.
  4. All products on the recipe are placed in a blender, pour them with water and beat well. Here it is necessary to remember that the mass should not be very thick. After all, it is a sauce, and not some cream.

Lovers of pronounced aromas can add some mustard. Such an original sauce is an excellent answer to the question of how to replace mayonnaise in a salad. True, its use is partially limited. For example, the dough should not add such a mass.

Green sauce

What else is the refueling for salads instead of mayonnaise? In the case of vegetable mixtures, a green sauce created by Spanish culinary scenes is ideal. For him, it is necessary to have only three ingredients in the presence:

  • olive oil;
  • garlic;
  • fresh greens.

The amount of each ingredient is selected arbitrarily. There are no strict restrictions here. And this sauce is done very simple:

  1. Greens (usually it is dill and parsley) must be thoroughly rinsed.
  2. Clear garlic.
  3. Prepared products Download to the blender and grind well.
  4. Add oil and repeat stirring.

It turns out an amazing refueling for salads instead of mayonnaise. The finished mass will be left only to pour crushed vegetables. If the sauce succeeds too much, you should not be upset. Such a refueling can be calmly stored in the refrigerator for several days. At the same time, it absolutely does not lose its taste and aroma. This recipe is especially relevant in the fall, when the season of vegetables occurs.

Curd-kefirous sauce

On a New Year's table, in almost every Russian family, there is necessarily a "Herring under the fur coat". This salad has already become a real attribute of the holiday. But even on such days it is necessary to think about your health. After all, the calorieness of mayonnaise, which is usually used to prepare such a salad, is quite high. What to do in such a situation? How to replace mayonnaise in the "Herring under a fur coat"? Experts advise to use an unusual mixture, for the preparation of which will need:

  • 200 grams of cottage cheese;
  • salt;
  • 300-400 milliliters kefir (or milk);
  • sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of the mustard dining room.

Sauce cooking technology:

  1. In the deep container to place cottage cheese.
  2. Add to Him mustard, a glass of kefir and thoroughly beat with a blender or mixer. When using milk, it will take more time so that the mass becomes almost homogeneous.
  3. Add salt and some sugar to taste.
  4. If desired, it is possible to introduce a pinch of cumin to the flavor.
  5. Filling the remains of kefir, achieve the desired consistency.

Some may think that such a sauce is not suitable for salad of vegetables and salted fish. But it is not. It is worth only once to try such an option once, and there will never be a question of how to replace mayonnaise in the "Herring under a fur coat".

Cream sauce for "Olivier"

There is another salad that has long experienced to the Russians. Today, no holiday, as a rule, does not do without the famous Olivier. What sauce instead of mayonnaise to use in this case? There are also several options here. For the simplest of them, you will need:

  • 5 grams of shallow salt;
  • 1 cup of fatty cream (at least 22 percent);
  • 5 Green Luke Feather.

In the preparation of such a sauce there are subtleties:

  1. First, salt should be added to juice and wait for its complete dissolution.
  2. Stirring with a mixer, gradually add cream. Do not hurry and work at high speed. Creams can curl, and the sauce will not work.
  3. Onions finely chop the knife.
  4. Add it to the finished homogeneous mass and move again. In this case, the mixer is no longer needed. It will be enough for an ordinary tablespoon.

Now this sauce can be charged not only "Olivier", but also other salads for the festive table.

Sourished sauce

People who do not eat eggs, sometimes it is necessary. After all, they cannot eat everything that is cooked with mayonnaise. But even from this situation there is a way out. In some cases, it will be better suitable for sour cream instead of mayonnaise. Or you can make the original sauce based on it. It will take:

  • 50 grams of olive oil;
  • 175 grams sour cream;
  • salt;
  • 25 grams of sugar;
  • pinching of fragrant pepper;
  • 15 grams of vinegar;
  • teaspoon of french mustard.

Preparing sour cream sauce very quickly:

  1. First of all, vinegar must be mixed with sugar, butter and mustard. At this stage, you can use a mixer.
  2. Salt and add a little punch to taste.
  3. Enter sour cream and mix well again. Here the mixer is no longer needed. It must be remembered that with intensive mixing of sour cream gradually becomes liquid. And it is bad for such a sauce.

You can immediately use the finished mass to refuel your favorite salads. For a long time to store it is not worth avoiding the smelling of the mixture.

Avocado sauce

Some people because of circumstances are forced to change their diet. For example, what to use vegetarians instead of mayonnaise? After all, they also love to do all sorts of salads or cook sandwiches in the morning. For them, a gentle and very light sauce on the basis of avocado is suitable. The following ingredients will be needed:

  • 1 avocado;
  • 35 grams of olive oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • salt;
  • a couple of teaspoons of acute mustard.

The technology of the cooking process of such a sauce is not particularly difficult:

  1. To start avocado, you need to cut in a knife in half and get a bone out of it.
  2. Neat teaspoon remove the flesh and shifting it into a bowl.
  3. Add lemon juice, part of mustard, butter and mix well.
  4. Salt.
  5. Enter the rest of the mustard. Make it must be very careful not to spoil the desired taste.

Such a sauce is good to smear on a warm fried toast. And if you wish, they can be perfectly refilling any vegetable salads.


As you know, mayonnaise is used not only for the preparation of salads. This sauce often water meat or fish before baking. But sometimes you have to look for other options. Especially since they are quite a lot. For example, what to replace mayonnaise in french meat? Any specialist will confirm that the best alternative is Beshamel sauce. It will take a special set of components:

  • 100 grams of butter cream;
  • 60 grams of wheat flour;
  • 0.5 liter of milk;
  • 1 teaspoon grated nutmeg;
  • salt.

Prepare this sauce is necessary in a specific sequence:

  1. First, in the saucepan need to melt oil. The fire should be small.
  2. Flush the flour and, constantly stirring, a little to help her.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients by recipe.
  4. It is a pretty to beat everything so that there are no lumps.

Such a mixture will be a good addition to fresh juicy meat. After baking under the cheese crust, it will become even more gentle and fragrant.

Yogurt-based sauce

For cooking vegetable salads, instead of fatty sauces, it is best to use low-calorie refills. For such products, for example, mixtures based on yogurt are ideal. But another question arises here. It is not clear what yoghurt to replace mayonnaise. Better, of course, take a product without sugar with low fat. With it, it turns out the original and very tasty sauce for work will take:

  • 250 grams of yogurt "Optimal" (2%, without sugar);
  • teaspoon mustard mustard;
  • the zest of one orange;
  • 25-35 grams of honey;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

Cooking sauce:

  1. First, the yoghurt must be pretty mixed with mustard.
  2. Add honey (before it needs to melt) and the remaining ingredients. For mixing, it is not necessary to use special techniques.

Ready sauce need to cool well. Mass should be broken. After that, it can be used to refuel fruit, vegetable and even mushroom salads.

We are preparing the dietary "Olivier" - a salad that is even suitable for kids. Such an option Olivier certainly has the right to existence, and someone will argue that this is not Olivier at all, but still the ingredients in the salad are the same as we used to see, with the exception of a pair of a triple of change.

I will postpone the sausage for other dishes, here we use boiled breasts. Salted cucumbers for the diet are also not suitable, as they delay fluid in the body, so we take fresh cucumbers. Mayonnaise generally exclude from the diet, we take a light sour cream or yogurt to replace. Believe me, such an olivier is practically not inferior to the usual, but giving this salad to children, you can not even worry. Well, if you are on a diet or PP, allowing such an olivier can easily.

Products for the preparation of dietary salad "Olivier" without mayonnaise prepare on the list. In order for the process to be quick and easy, on the eve of boil carrots, potatoes, eggs and chicken breasts.

Clear boiled potatoes, cut into small cubes.

Carrots also need to cool and clean, after cut into small cubes.

It is similar to what to do with cucumbers - wash, dry, cut the ends on both sides, the cucumbers themselves cut into small cubes.

Chicken breast boil the day before and leave cool in the broth, so meat will eventually work out more gentle and soft. Cut the breast finely. Boiled eggs clean and cut into cubes.

Connect the prepared ingredients in one bowl, add a canned polka dot there. Optionally, you can use young boiled polka dot.

Add to salad sour cream, salt and pepper. Stir all the ingredients and serve the dietary "Olivier" to the table.

Bon Appetit!

When the shelves of the stores are broken from all sorts of packers, and nutritionists and fitness trainers are told about the harmfulness of the classical refueling, we will understand how you can replace it. Today we will tell you how to focus olivier instead of mayonnaise so that the traditional snack does not lose in taste.

Options There are a great set, we offer you several proven simple recipes, on the basis of which even get to "compose" your own refueling.

To begin with, we will make it on the most simple recipe.

Olivier sauce instead of mayonnaise

It turns out an easy emulsion, low-fat and useful in its composition.

  • In the bowl of the blender, we pour 50 ml of milk and 100 ml of refined oil.

It is possible to use olive oil, but his taste will be felt, so focusing on your preferences.

  • We whip up to uniformity, and then add the remaining ingredients: ½ C.L. Mustard, 1 dessert spoonful of lemon juice, 1/3 tsp.
  • Stir everything again, but quite a bit - sufficiently dissolve salt. Light mayonnaise can be finished!

If you wish, add a chopped garlic to the composition (there is enough 1 teeth of the press from the press), paprika (1 ppm), horseradish (2 ppm), basil or fresh greens. All this will greatly change the taste of refueling for Olivier, so we choose the ingredients at their own wishes.

If used for cooking soy milk, then even a lean salad can be fixed with such a light sauce.

Olivier salad refilling

For its preparation, you can use like a submersible blender and a bowl. Connect 3 tbsp. Refined oil odorless with 1 dessert apple vinegar spoon. We add 1 tsp. Mustard, salt and pepper, and beat.

Once the oil employs and thickens, stop stirring and add 5 tbsp. Sour creams of any fat. Beat again, but not too long. Sauce can be considered ready.

This refueling is well suited not only to Salat Olivier, it can be smeared on sandwiches, add to meat and fish meat as sauce.

  1. Olivier Cucumber Sauce
  2. The taste of this refueling is obtained light, gentle and piquant. With it in Olivier, it will not be necessary to add fresh cucumbers, because they will already be as part of our sauce.
  3. On the middle grater of three 1 large cucumber without peel. Also for grinding you can use a blender.
  4. Juice merge - "mayonnaise" will be too liquid.
  5. We lay out the remaining ingredients: 100 g of melted or soft buty cheese lay out a spoon, 2 cloves of garlic pass through the press, as desired, add 3 tbsp. sour cream and ½ tbsp. chopped fresh dill.
  6. Solim to taste, sprinkle with black pepper and beat up to homogeneity again. All is ready!

Such a sauce is superbly combined with Olivier, and with dietary loaves, and with green salads.

  • We press juice from fresh lemon - we will need 2 tbsp.
  • Drain in it ½ C.L. shallow salt.
  • Now neatly, continuously whipping everything on low speed, pour a thin flowing of 200 ml cream with a fat content of 22%. You need to do it gradually so that the cream does not curl.

When the consistency becomes homogeneous, we assume the sauce. My and dried on a paper towel 5-6 a peony of green onions. Finely rub them, send them to the sauce and mix the spoon.

Ready sauce cool and use to refuel Olivier and other salads.

Yoghurt Sauce for Olivier

  1. To begin with dried screwing 2 eggs. Separate proteins from yolks, we will need to prepare the latter.
  2. We add them to the bowl of the blender, pour ½ glasses of natural yogurt without additives or ordinary yogurt.
  3. We add 2 tbsp. Lemon juice, salt, squeeze fragrant peppers, beat again.
  4. Optionally, we can intervene 3-4 flock of fine chopped green onions.

If there is no blender, nothing terrible: fold the chopped onions together with the yolks and salt into the mortar and overgrow to uniformity. There, they gradually pour lemon juice, mix. At the end, add yogurt, pepper and, preserving, cool.

Sauce instead of mayonnaise ready!

Curd refueling for Olivier

  • 100 g of degreased cottage cheese is whipped in a blender until uniformity with 100 ml of kefir, prostrochashi or yogurt.
  • We add 2 tsp. without a slide mustard, 1 tsp. vinegar, pinch of sugar, salt and fragrant pepper.

Everyone whipped until the consistency becomes like a thick sour cream. If necessary, the sauce can be diluted with boiled water.

To refuel them the salad is better in the chilled form. Since the vinegar in the recipe is quite a bit, this sauce can safely use for the preparation of a children's olive.

Syroedic Sauce for Olivier

At the end, we suggest you try to make, which will be much natural to the shopping product and certainly much more tastier and more useful.

  1. For the night, we make 150 g of cashew nuts (unheard) in a glass of boiled cold water. In the morning we merge and we can start cooking the sauce.
  2. We send nuts into a blender and grind to homogeneous consistency so that no lumps are left. If desired, the mixture can be strain.
  3. Now add 1 tsp. Lemon juice and ½ chopped cloves of garlic, pour ½ cup of water.
  4. Solim, pepper, add nutmeg and beat again.

If the consistency arranges us, we leave the sauce if it seems thick, we pour water a little more. It is worth adding it to 1 tbsp. no more not to push.

When everything is ready, cool the sauce and refueling them the raw food olivier.

Now you know what you can fill Olivier instead of mayonnaise so that it turns out delicious and helpful. Try, friends, and in the comments Share your impressions from the received sauce!

Sometimes the mistresses are wondering - is it possible to cook Olivier without mayonnaise? Motivation can be the most different and most common of them. This desire to reduce calorie content of the already saturated salad. The answer to this question is yes, you can!

Salad Olivier without mayonnaise

Immediately it should be noted that it is easy to cut all the ingredients and not add mayonnaise in olivier you will not succeed - the salad will be dry and all the ingredients will crumble on a plate, so throwing out this option at once, refueling for Olivier is needed anyway.

First determine for yourself why you do not want to add mayonnaise in Olivier:

  • if this is due to the high calorieness of mayonnaise - you can choose not "Provencal" with a fat content of 67%, which often comes on the recipe in the salad, and the other, for example, "salad" with a fat content of 30%;
  • if you do not want to add mayonnaise in Olivier only because this is the store product and its composition is not clear - use;
  • for you can use lean mayonnaise without eggs.

If all of the above options are not suitable, then you need to look for an alternative to this product.

How to replace mayonnaise in Olivier

1. - This product is often replaced by mayonnaise in Salad Olivier. The sour cream has certain advantages over mayonnaise, because This is a more natural product than mayonnaise, but still calorie her also high.

Sour cream is often used as a mayonnaise substitute, and if you add some mustard or soy sauce in the sour cream, then its taste will get closer to the ordinary mayonnaise.

2. Home salad sauce - This refueling without eggs for Olivier salad you can prepare yourself on the recipe:

  • milk - 50 ml
  • sunflower oil - 100 ml
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • mustard - 1/3 teaspoon
  • salt - 1/3 teaspoon

We add to the stirring of milk to the container, and we fill the vegetable oil on top (sunflower oil can be replaced with olive, but the taste of olives will be felt in this sauce for salad, and this is an amateur) and beat a blender. When milk and vegetable oil are connected to the emulsion, add lemon juice, mustard and salt and slightly mix the blender (several presses will be enough).

3. Natural yogurt - This product can be purchased ready in the store or cook yourself at home.

4. Nionez - This is a vegan mayonnaise from soybeans and without eggs. The taste and appearance of Nionza is completely identical to the usual mayonnaise, but the content of fats in it is less than 2 times compared with ordinary mayonnaise. The caloric content of Nionza 40 kcal per 100 g, in addition, the product contains vitamin B12 and Omega-3 acid.