Salad from the podoli bean of mushrooms and tomatoes. Salad with Podkalo Beans and Tomatoes

09.11.2020 Soups

Frozen semi-finished products are greatly saved in the kitchen. For example, when you need to quickly cook dinner, you can get a sachet with frozen pods from the freezer and use one of the recipes described below. Plus such a workpiece is that it does not need to be cleaned, washed, cut, it is completely ready for use.

You can diversify your daily menu with a podcal bean prepared in a frying pan with cheese and sour cream.


  • 1 kg of beans of the podolkova (frozen);
  • 1 headfield head;
  • 50 g of Dutch cheese;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tbsp. sugar breading;
  • 2 tbsp. low-fat sour cream;
  • 1 tsp. stone salt;
  • a little lean oil.


  • Pold beans put on a colander, rinse from it with cold water. Let's fully drain the liquid.
  • My, clean the carrot with onions from the peel. Kornemoplod three, and the bulb is rubbed a cube.
  • We lay onions on the frying pan with vegetable oil, add carrots in a couple of minutes. Mix and pass vegetables until soft.
  • We add podcolt beans and sour cream to the rammed vegetables. All mixed, cover with a lid, cotton with an average heating about a quarter of an hour.
  • Next, add ground crumbs, mix thoroughly.
  • We declare a dish on portion plates, and while it is hot, sprinkled with large grated cheese.

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How to cook the chopped frozen beans on the side dish

The garnish of the podoli bean is always satisfying and tasty. If desired, it can be presented as a warm salad.


  • 0.3 kg of frozen bean pods;
  • 150 g bacon;
  • 1 Patched bulb;
  • little salt, ground black pepper to taste.


  • Frozen beans defrost, cut, if it is long, and spread to a double boiler or colander, mounted above boiling water. Preparing pods for a couple of 3-5 minutes, covering the lid.
  • Steamed beans omit in a bowl with ice water so that it does not lose its saturated color. After a few minutes we drain the beans, drier on the colander.
  • In the meantime, ruby \u200b\u200bon the bulb with thin half rings, twisted in a frying pan. This is also adding bacon, which, if desired, can be cut by large or small slices. Fry the contents while bacon covers the crispy crust.
  • Add beans, gently mix, prepare together with bacon a couple of minutes. We season the dish to taste with spices. Solo should be carefully, because Bacon itself is pretty salty product.

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Festive dishes made of chill frozen beans

Asparagus beans are perfectly combined with seafood, so in the festive menu you can safely turn on the salad with beans and mussels.


  • 250 g mussels;
  • 300 g of podolova beans (frozen);
  • 1 red salad bulb;
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice and soy sauce;
  • 1-2 slices of garlic;
  • slight salt and black ground pepper;
  • 2-3 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 1 tbsp. seed seeds;


  • Seafood and beans defrost, we clean the sweet bulb, cut by half rings.
  • Each mussel is thoroughly rinsed from foreign impurities (sand, algae, sewage fragments and other debris), lay on a layer of paper towels to dry.
  • On the hot oil, fry the red bulb until a soft state.
  • Add mussels into a frying pan, heating them with a bow for a couple of minutes. Longer seafood keep on fire no need, because He will lose his tender texture. Put the contents of the frying pan in the plate so that it is cooled.
  • Beans can be prepared in salted water for 3-4 minutes. Immediately, without losing time, put the pods into cold water with ice.
  • Pour beans to the salad bowl, they put the mussels with a bow and chopped garlic here.
  • We refuel the festive salad lemon juice, soy sauce, olive oil, add spices to taste and sprinkle all sesame seeds.
  • Salad mix, leave a little flushing before serving.

Video on the topic:

How and how much cooking chill frozen beans

Frozen tricky beans are usually ready for further preparation. But before putting it into a salad, an omelet or another dish without significant heat treatment, it should be pre-booked in salted water.

In a saucepan

For this, the beans, not defrosting, lay in boiling water. After boiling, cook pods 10-12 minutes.

In microwave

You can speed up the process of cooking beans in the microwave. To do this, fold frozen beans into a saucepan for microwave ovens. Pour boiling water so that the liquid covered the contents, and cook 1.5 minutes (power 800-900 W).

In a steamer

The most sparing method of cooking beans is cooking in a double boiler. In this case, all useful trace elements remain in the product, and do not go into water.

We decline the beans into the steamar container with a smooth layer, in the bottom compartment we pour water and prepare vegetables from 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the size of the pods.

What to cook from the podlock frozen beans when weight loss

Frozen tricky beans are often used in the compositions of dietary dishes, because It is nutritious and contains a lot of fiber. With active weight loss, it is impossible to deprive the organism of the protein, so in the diet must be fish and white chicken meat. Cooking a chicken with asparagus beans, you will provide a full-fledged dietary diet.


  • 500 g chicken breast;
  • 400 g of asparagus frozen beans;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 Patched bulb;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 Bulgarian Picker;
  • 2 tbsp. tomato paste;
  • 3 garlic slices;
  • 1-2 tbsp. olive oil
  • salt and black ground pepper to taste;
  • 0.5 ppm Seasonings for poultry.


  • We rinse the breast, cut the middle straw. We clean the bulb, rub it with thin half rings.
  • My, clean carrots, pepper and tomato. Pepper with carrot cut straw, and tomato cubes.
  • In a frying pan with olive oil passion onions with carrots. Separately fry tomatoes and sweet peppers with the addition of tomato paste. It is not worth picking vegetables, just need to achieve their softness.
  • In olive oil, fry the breast. When the chicken is twisted, sprinkle it to the taste of salt with pepper.
  • Beans defrost, fry in a frying pan.
  • All ingredients are mixed, refuel with chopped garlic and apply in warm form.

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Pedal Frozen Bean Soup

Delicious gear bean soup with vegetables and chicken can be welded in just half an hour. The dish is useful, bright, so I will like even children.


  • 2 l spring water;
  • 1 medium in size of tomato;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 300 g chicken;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 Patched bulb;
  • 2 dill branches;
  • 3 garlic teeth;
  • 150 g of asparagus beans;
  • 3 tbsp. lean oil;
  • 2 pinching salts.


  • To begin with boiling broth. My meat, cut into pieces, omit in a saucepan with water. After boiling, we collect foam, cook chicken on medium heat about half an hour.
  • Clean the potatoes, carrots and a bulb. Carrot large three, onions and tomatoes cut into cubes.
  • In a frying pan with vegetable oil, fry to the transparency of the bow. Later, add carrots, minutes for a few minutes, and then another 3-4 minutes of wearing vegetables, adding tomatoes.
  • Potatoes purify, cut the medium slices, add to the ready-made broth.
  • After 10 minutes, lay the beans pods, we send vegetable roaster, mix, cook all 10 minutes.
  • At the end of the preparation, add chopped dill and chopped garlic. After 3 minutes, we remove the soup from the plate and give a little broke.

Salad of green beans will help you keep the beauty of your skin. It is a very useful salad, due to the fact that the podkol bean has a multitude of vitamins such as A, B, C and E, it contains fiber, magnesium, potassium and many other beneficial substances. If you are for healthy eating, then the salad of green beans is exactly what you need.

By itself, the salad is very quick and just preparing. We will need ingredients such as the shaking green beans, eggs, garlic, some oil and for refueling mayonnaise. You see to prepare a green bean salad, we will need a minimum of products and your time, to all this and the cost of the ingredients is very small. Agree that this salad is a real little treasure of beauty and health!

There is another very big plus in this salad that it is low-calorie. Green beans is very often present in the diet of people who observe diets. It is good both in boiled form and in a roast or cooked for a couple and perfectly combined with eggs, ham, vegetables, chicken meat. In general, the green trummer beans is a very universal and useful product that you need more often!


  • Green beans - 400 gr.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 teeth
  • Creamy oil - 25 gr.
  • mayonnaise

Let's consider the recipe for the preparation of vitamin salad from the podoli bean.

Step 1

Chicken eggs boiled screwed. After the eggs are welded, pour them with cold water, so the shell will turn away better.

Green beans boil in salted water and boil within 10 minutes, then rinse the beans in cold water.

Creamy oil must be melt in a frying pan. Follow the green bean and fry it within 5 minutes. Do not forget to stir, otherwise it can easily merge.

Step 2.

Now lay out fully prepared beans in a deep salad bowl. Clean the cloves of garlic and with the help of garbber valves squeeze garlic in a salad bowl.

I clean eggs from the shell, chop finely and add to our salad.

Step 3.

Now we try to salt, slightly salt, bringing the dish to the desired taste. Now add mayonnaise and mix.

Strot bean salad ready! We hope that the Salad of Green Beans will become one of your favorite salads. Bon Appetit!

Podkal beans are considered to be a dietary product, but can be part of any calorie, but unusually tasty salad. Its structure gives the dish a special consistency, adding a bright color and an appetizing look. As if from the photograph of the French restaurant! You can cook in different ways. We will help you choose your own.

Very and with unusual products! If you want to surprise not only guests, but also a loved one, then this option is suitable perfect. One type of this salad will make any table rich in Royal.

We need a salad with a podolkova:

  • 160 grams of hehe fish;
  • 220 grams of the podoli bean (it is better to get frozen);
  • Olive oil;
  • 5 Cherry tomatoes;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Lettuce leaves;
  • 15 grams of mustard;
  • Sesame seeds.

Poll bean salad recipe:

  1. Fish must be crushed if pieces are too large.
  2. Water beans in water for 2 minutes, having pre-cutting tips. Next put in ice. Cooled pods cut into 3 parts.
  3. Salad leaves rinse and dry, break into pieces of arbitrary size.
  4. Wash cherries, cut in half.
  5. Lemon juice to combine with olive oil, achieve a homogeneous consistency.
  6. Share all the components on one dish, pour citrus refueling and sprinkle with sesame.

Tip: An interesting component can be a fried crisp bacon. Flight it on a dry pan, then shift to the napkin to remove excess fat. Next, you need to put under the rookes.

Green Podley Salad

Pork may well replace the popular chicken even in a salad. The meat is more satisfying, preparing quite a little longer, but it is better to keep a juiciness. And in an amazing marinade it turns out unusually gentle and piquant.

On the salad from the podoli bean you need:

  • 220 grams of pork;
  • 160 grams of the podole;
  • 1 small bulb;
  • 1 medium tomato;
  • 10 grams of soy pasta for meat;
  • 2 clove of garlic;
  • 15 ml of soy sauce;
  • 3 ml of honey;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Mustard grainy;
  • Lemon juice;
  • 30 ml of sesame oil.

Salad with green pod beans:

  1. Meat can be chopped in soy paste, sauce, sunflower oil and purified garlic for half an hour. Next fry fillet in a pan from all sides and cool. Cut into small pieces.
  2. Wash and cook the beans, then throw in ice or cold water. Hiding the lemon juice and add garlic passed through the davilena.
  3. From Luke to remove the husks and cut into thin half rings. Next to pick up in vinegar for 15 minutes, or it is easy to add lemon juice from above.
  4. Tomato wash and remove the fruit, cut into small slices.
  5. Sesuit oil, lemon juice, mustard, soy sauce and honey mix.
  6. To lay out all the products on the dish and fix them with the resulting sauce. You can add chopped washed greenery.

Tip: Pillar beans best cool into ice, as it preserves its elastic structure and saturated green.

Salad with asparagus

Rich and can be prepared with various pasta than the Italians have been used. And rightly do! The second dish and salad at the same time is an excellent alternative to the traditional comprehensive dinner.

On the salad, the tricky beans will need:

  • 230 grams of pasta "shells";
  • 220 grams of beef (it is better to take clipping);
  • 220 grams of the podole;
  • 120 grams of bacon;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • 60 ml of mayonnaise;
  • 60 ml sour cream;
  • 2 clove of garlic;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Spice.

Salad with asparted beans Recipe:

  1. The refueling consists of a chopped garlic knife without husk, sour cream, mayonnaise, lemon juice, favorite spices. Everything combines and stirred.
  2. Beef fry in a frying pan until fully readiness in oil. For convenience, a whole piece can be cut into a few small.
  3. After on the same frying pan, fry bacon until it becomes crisp.
  4. Wash beans in water and cook, cooking time is about 5 minutes. Then omit into the ice water. Tips cut off from two sides, cut into small pieces.
  5. Pasta to cook: in boiling salt water to roll for a few minutes, then merge and return the products into the same pan.
  6. This is also added meat and refueling, beans, bacon. Next, put it in a beautiful dish and can be immediately served.

Tip: It is better to use home mayonnaise, which can be cooked independently: mix egg with mustard, lemon juice, salt, mustard and any vegetable oil. Choose different spices, mustard or even vinegar to make taste more original. The color will be able to give a real orange yolk instead of a whole egg or turmeric. Use the mixer to achieve perfect creamy consistency.

Salad with pod beans

Green bean salad you need:

  • 3 small cucumbers;
  • 200 grams of shrimp;
  • Juice juice;
  • 50 ml of olive oil;
  • Spice;
  • 100 grams of the podole;
  • White wine vinegar.

Preparing a salad with green beans:

  1. Stroke beans rinse, dry and twisted in a frying pan. It is better to use the grill frying pan.
  2. Shrimp cook and clean.
  3. Cucumbers wash and check for bitterness. If it is felt, cut off. Cut half rings.
  4. Juice orange, vinegar, olive oil and spices mix. This will be refueling.
  5. Mix all products with sauce.

Tip: Shrimp is better to throw in already boiling water, where there is a lemon slicing, salt and rosemary branch. Cook up to 4 minutes, pull out, cool. Clean: Remove the head, pull the shells of the shell, make an incision on the trouser and pull out the intestine. If shrimp is used in the presentation, they can leave tails. Choose for salad small seafood. You can also add other gifts of the sea: Caracatia, octopus, crab, lobster, mussels.

Salad from asparagus

Useful and delicious fish is perfectly combined with elastic podstone beans, and it is easy to prepare it. There is a way even easier: take canned food, in which there are already all the necessary spices. It remains only for vegetables.

Products on a salad with asparagus beans:

  • 4 small tomatoes;
  • 160 grams of the podole;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 grams of canned tuna;
  • Lemon juice;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • Spice;
  • 3 grams of mustard.

How to assemble a salad with beans in the pod:

  1. Tomatoes wash and remove the fruit, then cut into small lobes.
  2. Beans rinse and crop the tips on both sides, then cook about 5 minutes and omit into ice. Pull out, cut into several parts.
  3. Lemon juice, spices, mustard and olive oil mix - it will be a refueling.
  4. Take half refueling and mix it with beans and tomatoes. Stay on the dish.
  5. Eggs weld to a solid yolk, cool in water and remove the shell, then cut to 4 slices each.
  6. Open the can with canned tuna. Share it on a pillow of vegetables, lay eggs near random order. Pour all the second part of refueling.

Tip: Tuna can be prepared independently: cut break in favorite spices and fry in a pan with the addition of oil and soy sauce. Vegetable oil in the salad can be added any: corn, linen, sesame. They are all very helpful and less calories than sunflower and olive, and the taste is much stronger.

With whatever you decide to prepare the pillage beans, the resulting dish will definitely please the body with taste and useful elements. Uncooked beans contribute to improved digestion, so after the snack will not have a feeling of gravity. And all this for an insignificant calorie! Great and bright - this is what it turns out if you add sparky beans even in familiar snacks. Find your favorite Podoli Bean Salad Recipe on Korean. Bon Appetit!

Salad of Strok Bean - General Principles of Cooking

The tricky bean is two species: green and yellow. Despite the significant similarity to taste and composition, the first type is used in the cooking much more often. The podkol bean is very useful for the body. It includes vitamins A, B, C, E, as well as folic acid, potassium, magnesium, zinc and fiber. Eating this product regularly, you can reduce the likelihood of infarction and preserve the beauty and health of the skin.

Low-calorie podle beans, therefore, is a frequent companion of those who sits on a diet. Among all the dishes in which this vegetable is used is the most common is the podoli salad. The product is so universal that it can be used to prepare salad in a different form: stew, steam, boiled and, even baked. Based on the severed beans, you can prepare a lot of useful and delicious salads: both vegetarian and meat. Gentle, "melting" taste of beans is perfectly combined with a variety of products: fresh and boiled vegetables, mushrooms, eggs, cheese, ham, pork and chicken meat. This is not a complete list of ingredients that can be added to the grated bean salad.

Basically, all the components of the salad of the podlock beans are mixed together with refueling. In addition to regular mayonnaise and sour cream, any vegetable oil with lemon juice and seasonings, balsamic vinegar and home cooking sauces can be used. In many recipes, soy sauce appears as a base for refueling.

Salad of Strok Bean - Preparation of products and dishes

For the preparation of salad from the podoli beans, you will need a standard set of dishes: knives, board, bowl or salad bowl, pan or frying pan. A grater can also be useful if you need to grasp the products (for example, cheese or eggs).

If the recipe uses meat, it must be washed, then boil or fry in vegetable oil. After that, the product is cut by slices, cubes or bars. The beans itself can be used in a different form. If the salad is used fast frost beans, then it is not necessary to defrost it. The product is brewed about 6-8 minutes in boiling water, the same time is stealing in a pan. In the steamer, the beans are preparing about 8-9 minutes.

All other ingredients of the salad of the podoli bean must be prepared and cut, as required by the recipe.

Pedal bean salad recipes:

Recipe 1: Salad of Strok Bean

Delicious, lightweight and useful rod bean salad is the perfect solution for breakfast, side dish to dinner or light dinner. Preparing the dish is very simple from the most ordinary products that exist in almost every refrigerator, and if not, then it is certainly found in the nearest supermarket.

  • Package of frozen podole - 400 g;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 1-2 clove of garlic;
  • Creamy oil - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Non-fat mayonnaise - to taste.

Eggs boiled screwed, pour cold water and leave until they are cool. Pour beans into a saucepan with boiling, slightly salted water, after re-boil to cook about 6-7 minutes. Beans lean on a colander and shifting in the pan. Fry on cream oil for 4-5 minutes, stirring intensively. Eggs litter, lay out in a salad bowl. Add to them beans and missed through the press or finely chopped garlic. Salad to fix mayonnaise and should be mixed. Optionally, you can somehow save or pepper.

Recipe 2: Salad of the Pold Bean "Hawaiian"

All products in this salad are very well chosen and perfectly complement each other. The dish is very juicy, fresh, bright and tasty, it can be safely offered to guests and file to a festive table.

  • Frozen corn and green peas - 150 g;
  • Frozen tricky beans - 200 g;
  • Crab sticks or meat - 200 g;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Mayonnaise.

All frozen foods to boil in boiling salted water until ready (it will take about 6-7 minutes). Corn, beans and polka dot fold on a colander, give a liquid to drain, cool and lay out in a salad bowl. Swim eggs boiled, after they are cool - chopped too small. Crab chopsticks or meat cut into small cubes. To the mixture of vegetables add eggs, crab sticks, pepper (to taste) and mayonnaise. All should be mixed.

Recipe 3: Salad of Podle Beans with Chicken and Bulgarian Pepper

An incredibly tasty and rich salad, it is equally appreciated both men and women. Specially cooked refueling gives the dish special, exquisite and savory taste.

  • Middle sized chicken fillet - 1pc.;
  • Stroke beans - 220 g;
  • 2 Bulgarian peppers (preferably different colors);
  • Lemon juice and olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • Black ground pepper - pinch;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Beijing cabbage - to taste.

Stroke beans boil to the finished state in a slightly salted water. Pepper Wash, remove seeds, cut into thin straw. Chicken fillet salt, pepper (you can add any spices that like), fry until readiness, cool and cut into small panels. Peking cabbage leaves wash, cut into thin straw. Mix in salad bowl beans, chicken, pepper and cabbage. Pour separately prepared refueling: mixed with olive oil lemon juice, with the addition of fine chopped garlic and pepper.

Recipe 4: Grand Bean Salad with Hazelnut

Despite the small amount of ingredients, the salad is very appetizing and fragrant. Specially cooked from vegetable oils sauce gives an unusual refined taste.

  • Red Salad bow - 1 pc.;
  • Hazelnut - 40 g;
  • Green tricky beans - 350 g;
  • Granular mustard - 2.3 h.;
  • Balsamic vinegar - one and a half hours.;
  • Chopping sea salt;
  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Linen oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Oil oil hazelnuts - 1 tsp;

In the oven preheated to 160 degrees to fry nuts to a golden state (enough about 17-20 minutes). Readiness can be checked by cutting nuts in half. Nuts cool, chop. Podle beans cook in boiling salted water about 6-7 minutes. Throw back on the colander and rinse under the jet of cold water, dry. In a separate dish, cook sauce: mix vinegar, mustard and salt, then neatly pour all 3 oils and beat carefully. Lay beans, nuts and finely chopped onions in the sauce. All should be mixed, pepper, you can add salt slightly.

Recipe 5: Salad of Pold Bean with Radish and Tomatoes

Light, low-calorie, but incredibly tasty salad is ideal for breakfast or dinner. The dish can be cooked hot summer day when you do not want to eat heavy food.

  • Sheltered green podole;
  • Ripe tomatoes - pcs.;
  • Beam of radish;
  • Green bow bunch;
  • Salt, black ground pepper;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Apple vinegar.

Podle beans wash, cut into several parts. Boil in salted water for 10 minutes. Throw off on the colander, give water to drain. Tomatoes, radishes and onions wash. Onions cut into small rings, radishes - circles, tomatoes - small slices. Prepare Sauce: Mix Butter, Vinegar, Salt, Pepper and Green Onions. To lay out all the ingredients of the salad of the podoli bean, to pour the sauce and mix thoroughly.

Salad of podoli beans - secrets and useful tips from the best culinary

Usually people who do not like the pilla beans tried it in an incorrectly cooked form. Using some secrets and tricks, you can enjoy the really gentle and juicy taste of this amazing product. First of all, it is necessary to choose the properly chop the beans. Excessively tight shoots indicate that the vegetable overrere. The sand bean salad will truly tasty only from young beans. Before cooking, fresh beans should be trimmed on both sides and rinse. It is necessary to lower the vegetable in boiling water.

If in the fall you frozen green beans, now you can cook a very tasty and fresh salad. The salad of frozen podoles is quite satisfying, it can be served as a side dish or an independent dish. For salad refueling, I used home mayonnaise. For the Salad Recipe, I thank Barbar Tsansky.

For the preparation of lettuce with green podcol, you will need:

  • 300 g of frozen podoles;
  • 100 g of semi-solid cheese;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • green onions;
  • several olives for decoration;
  • salt to taste;
  • mayonnaise for salad refueling. *

Chicken eggs boil twisting, cool and clean.

Purified eggs cut.

Water to bring to a boil, spilling. Beans, not defrosting, omitted in boiling water and cook for 5-7 minutes. Finished beans immediately cool under the jet of cold water.

Grate cheese on a large grater.

Lay beans put in a salad bowl. From above squeeze garlic.

Add to eggs and cheese beans.

Add chopped green onions, fill mayonnaise salad, mix. Decorate the salad with olives and serve.

Delicious, satisfying frozen bean salad ready.

Pleasant appetite, please your loved ones!