Skewer on a bow in the oven. Pork kebab in the oven sleeve - the most delicious marinade recipes and picnic dishes

Cooking the otned kebab on the onion cushion in the oven in the kitchen, the apartment can, regardless of the weather and season. To do this, it is necessary to prepare products, seasonings, tools, a little patience. There are many recipes, but every culinary affairs master complements them with their ingredients, which is why the taste of the cooked dish becomes more tastier.

Skewer on the onion pillow in the oven

For this dish uses pork non-fat meat.

According to this recipe, it is used by the young piglery (it does not have fat).

So that the kebab was juicy, the white onion is applied. He is the sharper of the red bow, highlights a lot of juice.

The kebab recipe on the onion cushion of the baked in the oven will need such products:

  • 1.5 kg of cervical pork meat;
  • 200 g sala;
  • 6 pieces of midwife on bulbs;
  • 70 g of sugar;
  • 70 ml of vinegar;
  • 1 tutu seasoning for kebab;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 1 g (1/2 h. L) Ground black pepper;
  • 1 g of fragrant pepper powder;
  • foil tray size;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 5 branches of the cherry tree.

For cutting products, you need a sharp knife, board. Also tanks for meat and onions, colander, boiling water.

Cooking process

Onions need to be cleaned and washed. In order not to cry, the knife is often rushed in cold water.

The order of work is distributed like this:

When applying for a table, a dish can be supplemented with thin ribbons of bell pepper, a low-headed chopped cucumber.

Swine meat kebabs in the sleeve on the onion pillow

For this recipe for kebabs in the oven on the onion cushion, the same set of products, except for the bass and branches of Cherry, is selected. The process of marinization is identical to the previous recipe. When the marinization of the ingredients is completed, the sleeve is put on the tray, tied on one side.
With the open side, the sleeve is filled with a bowl with a bowl, the top is covered with a layer of meat, an open end is tied. Sleeve is pierced on the surface in several places. After 45 minutes of extinguishing, the sleeve is cut to roasting to a ruddy crust, left for another 35 minutes. The surface is poured by juice, which is highlighted during frying. Pork kebab on the onion cushion is very juicy and tasty, but without a haze.

Juicy kebabs from chicken legs

Juicy pieces, which are cut from chicken ham, can be prepared in the form of kebabs in the sleeve on the onion cushion similarly to the swine kebab, the same delicious, fragrant, useful. You should consider the nuances of cooking chicken marinated piece.

The meat of chicken is more than pork, preparing faster in time.

For cooking you will need:

  • 4 chicken legs;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 2 medium bulbs;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara,
  • 25 ml of vinegar;
  • 1 h. Spoon;
  • ½ glasses of vegetable oil;
  • 10 g of salts;
  • 1 g of pepper powder;
  • ½ cup sour cream;
  • clove of garlic;
  • baking sleeve.

The legs are separated on the portions, watering the juice of lemon, sour cream, honey, the crushed garlic is added. The meat fits, it will move, mixed, leaves for 1 hour for marination. You can marinate legs in our own juice, but for this it will take 10 hours. The onion is cut by rings, marked with sugar, vinegar.
Chicken, marinated pieces are placed on a layer of pickled onions, are installed in the oven at a temperature of + 180 ° 35-45 minutes.

When feeding on the table, the dish sprinkled with greens. To this serving in the oven you can bake vegetables.

Cooks who are well aware prepared, checked recipes on personal experience in work, advise:

  • meat is only a young, on the cut: Pork gently pink;
  • parts for kebabs to take from the neck, Korean (hammer will get marinated longer);
  • for meat marinade used only (from vinegar becomes hard);
  • comparison of the weight of meat to the bow, kg: 1: 1.3;
  • the pieces are cut small, 6x8 cm (less - will rear, more - do not recharge inside);
  • vegetables are baked separately, faster in time;
  • so that there were pieces uniformly roasted, you need to turn the meat, watering juice.

Not at all complicated making rules will allow the pork kebab or other types of meat on the onion cushion, roasted in the oven. The kebab is served hot, supplemented with greens and vegetables. Bon Appetit.

Beef kebabs on the onion pillow in the oven - Video

Skewer on the onion pillow in the ovencooked at home can be an excellent alternative to the barbecue on the mangale, if there is no possibility to prepare it in the traditional way. Due to the use of the sleeve, it turns out very juicy, and the pickled bow gives it a special taste and aroma.

Perhaps the only minus kebab on the onion cushion baked in the oven, in the sleeve is the lack of smell of the cheek. Of course, you can get it by adding liquid smoke, but since it is considered very harmful, it is better not to experiment with him. Skewers on the onion cushion can be prepared from different types of meat. For these purposes, you can use chicken fillet, beef, young veal, pork, lamb, rabbit fillet.

Today I want to show you how to cook pork kebab on onion pillow in sleeve.


  • Pork - 1 kg.,
  • Salt - 1 h. Spoon,
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon (2 h. spoons)
  • Vinegar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Water - 500 ml.,
  • Spices: spices to kebab, black ground pepper, paprika - to taste,
  • Onions - 4-5 pcs.

Skewer on the onion pillow in the oven - Recipe

After all the ingredients were prepared, you can begin cooking on the onion cushion in the sleeve. We start with the marination of the onion bows. The bulbs clean. Cut from thin rings or half rings.

Prepare marinade. Pour a slightly warm water in a bowl. Add sugar and salt.

Pour vinegar. Mix the marinade to the tablespoon until the sugar and salt dissolve. Put with a bowl with a marinade bow. Leave the onions to pickle for 1-2 hours. This time will be quite enough.

While the bow will be marinated, you can do meat. A piece of pork cooked for kebabs, rinse before cutting. Meat blot napkins.

Cut the pieces slightly smaller than for the preparation of a classic kebab on skewers.

Each piece of meat bulk the hammer for chops. Thanks to this procedure, the kebab will be softer.

Prepared pieces of meat fold into a bowl.

Sprinkle meat with spices and salt.

Stir. Meat, like onions, you can marry from one to five hours. Unlike onions, meat must marinate in a cold place. A bowl with meat for kebabs Cover the food film. Put in the refrigerator.

After the pork and the onions are woven, you can proceed to drowning in the oven. Prepare a sleeve for baking. Lock it on one side by the clip or make it a thread if the clip is not included in the bundle. Fill the sleeve on the onions.

From above, lay out pieces of pork.

Tie a sleeve on the other side. Please note that you do not need to add water. Put it on the tray or shape. Put in the oven heated to 180s. (on the middle shelf). Literally after 1-2 minutes, the sleeve sweeps, which is the norm.

Bake pork kebabs on the onion cushion for about 30 minutes. After that, carefully not burn with hot steam, cut the sleeve on top. Put the meat into the oven for not 5-7 minutes so that it is dried.

Ready on the onion cushion can be served in two ways. The first way is to lay a stew marinated onion on the plate, and on top of it pieces of baked pork. The second way, as for me, is more spectacular. The pieces of meat are riveted on the wooden spanks and laid out on the plate with onions.

A kebab on a onion pillow, cooked in the oven, in the sleeve, like any other types of kebabs, preferably serve with sauce. Such sauces such as acute Marinar, Tabasco, Sacebel, Salsa, Barbecue, Adzhik, Khrenovina are perfectly suitable.

That's all, now you know how to cook delicious kebab on the onion pillow in the oven in the sleeve. I wish you a pleasant appetite. I will be glad if you like this recipe for a kebab and come in handy.

Skewers on the onion pillow in the oven. Photo

If the weather fails, and it is impossible to go on nature to fry the kebabs, do not despair. Skewers can be easily prepared at home in the oven on the onion pillow. Let's talk today, as I do not rush anywhere, make a kebab for your loved ones, at home in the sleeve in the oven from pork in a detailed recipe with a photo to forget nothing.

For some time ago, I thought that kebabs can be prepared only on the grill, and, accordingly, only in nature. But, it was certainly a long time ago, then I have not fond of cooking, cooking - I prepared, but without fanatism, if I could say that.

Now I love this matter, I am always preparing with pleasure, and relatives for my passion, pay gratitude and your love. They are my pioneers, in terms of trying my creations, and of course the judges say how to taste.

So, I again went to the debris of reasoning, I apologize for it. Let's go back to the kebab, which we will cook in the oven in the sleeve on the onion pillow. And let's see which we need products for kebabs in the oven from pork.

Sleeve in the oven in the oven in the oven

Products used:

  • pork - 1 kg.,
  • onions - 2-3 pcs.,
  • lemon - 1 pc.,
  • salt to taste
  • a mixture of peppers (on an amateur) - to taste,
  • seasoning for kebabs (on an amateur) - to taste,
  • sleeve for baking.

Marinade for onions:

  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • water - 4 tbsp. l.

How to make kebab at home in the oven:

So, we take a pork, we rinse, dried, cut into medium pieces, fold into a deep bowl, add salt to your liking, a mixture of peppers or seasoning for kebabs, also to your liking.

Here I can not say anything concrete, because someone loves a sharp kebab, someone is not very sharp, and some do not like any spices at all. Therefore, add spices in your taste addictions. Then, all this beauty pour juice of one lemon, mix, put marinated into the refrigerator from 2 to 8 hours.

For this kebab in the oven, the onions we will marinate separately. Onions clean, cut into large rings, fold into the bowl. Pour water, vinegar, pour sugar, we all mix well, cover with a lid, you can pull the film, put it marinated for about an hour.

And, here is a small incident: - You will say, but I need to pick up meals longer than onions! Yes, in this case, the onions need to be chopped later, an hour before the end of the marination of pork (or any other meat). Although, if you do not want to bother and marine separately, then the rings of onions throw to the meat, mix and let them maril together.

As we usually do this, but in this case, neither sugar nor vinegar is needed. What is the plus of pickled meat and bows separately, what do you think? Here each product retains its tastes, they do not mix. Then give their unique tastes, already during cooking. What we will observe when we put a pork kebab in the oven in the sleeve on the onion pillow, go.

Pork is ready, the bow too for pickled, take a sleeve for baking, put on a baking sheet, tie one side. I put the entire marinated bow first in the sleeve. On him pieces of pork (or other meat), tie the other end of the sleeve. From above, you can make small plugs to the fork to go out.

The oven is warming up to 220 degrees, put a baking sheet with a kebab in the oven sleeve for 30-40 minutes. Then, if you want the kebab to roasted better, cut the sleeve, spread it out and put it for another 5-10 minutes to smooth, watering with the seeding juice.

At the same time check the readiness of the kebab, but I warn you do not overcover the kebab, it should get juicy, gentle and most importantly delicious. I tried, I liked everything, then kebab in the oven from pork on the onion pillow, ready. Deliver, get very little cool, cut the vegetables to meat, and eat in your pleasure. We succeeded no worse than in nature. Bon Appetit!


Skewer on the onion pillow in the oven It is possible to fry at any time of the year, without waiting for the May holidays or warm summer days. A step-by-step recipe with photos, in which it is very clearly and expressively about it, can be found below. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to leaving the country or for the city to roast the meat on the open fire.

An excellent alternative to the family picnic may be a kebab cooked in the oven. Lovers of this dish can make a culinary masterpiece and at home. The finished dish cooked with your own hands is incredibly tasty, especially since the kebab recipe is very simple. Roasted meat and melts in the mouth, and it is not at all distinguished from the one that is cooked in a traditional mangale.

The secret of kebab lies in the marinade and a special pillow from Luke, which gives such an excellent taste to meat. To make the perfect kebab, you can get acquainted with some secrets of cooking delicious meat:

  1. Take care of the preparation of meat in advance and come to this question with a special seriousness. To do this, it is not worth buying a pork in a frozen form in the first supermarket or in the spontaneous market. Only fresh and cooled pork will be very tasty.
  2. Fresh meat should marinate at least two hours, and ideally about eight.
  3. Prepare kebab stands on a strong fire at a temperature of from 200 ° C, but not more than 250 ° C.

If you no longer have the strength to wait for the time when the warm rays of the Sun will begin to sparkle and nature will come to life, use this original idea of \u200b\u200bcooking meat in the oven. Believe me, the result is worth it. Cooking such a kebab on the onion cushion in the oven once, you will probably want to save the recipe and prepare this dish again and again.


  • (1 kg)

  • (8 pcs.)

  • (3 art. L.)

  • (1/2 hp)

  • (taste)

  • (3 art. L.)

  • (1 tbsp. L.)

  • (2 art. L.)

Steps of cooking

    To prepare this original kebab on the onion cushion in the oven at home, it is necessary to buy a piece of the freshest pork, which will be very easy to separate from the films. Fresh meat need to rinse in cold water, give excess moisture drain, and then dried with a paper towel. Next, you should cut the meat to the portion pieces of the same value.

    Then it is necessary to register meat with spices. In our preparation, we use a mixture of ground peppers and seasoning for kebabs in the specified quantity. If you wish, you can add some of your favorite fragrant spices. Then you need to cook marinade. To do this, add 1 large spoonful of table 9% vinegar to meat 1 and squeeze lemon juice in the amount as indicated in the recipe. All components should be mixed well and leave for marinations for 2-6 hours in a cold place. It is advisable to give meat to stand in the marinade the maximum amount of time, but if it is not, then wait at least 3 hours.

    While pork will be soaked in spices, you can begin to prepare a vegetable pillow of onions. The bulbs must be cleaned and cut into rings. Next to them you need to add the remaining 2 large spoons of table vinegar, sugar and water (4 large spoons). To the bow turned out to be crisp, it can be pouring boiling water. Future vegetable pillow should be left for marinization for 60 minutes.

    Meanwhile, it is necessary to prepare a culinary sleeve designed for baking in the oven. It is necessary to carefully shifting the marinated onion basis into the bakery sleeve. It is necessary to distribute onions evenly in such a way that a dense layer formed throughout the sleeve area.

    After the meat is neglected, it must be shifted in the sleeve right on the bow.

    In the meantime, it is necessary to turn on the oven and give it to warm up to a temperature of 200-220 ° C. Next, we tie the sleeve on both sides or close it with a special clip from plastic.

    Before sending meat to the oven, there should be several punctures with a knife on the sleeve that the excess moisture can evaporate freely. Next, we put the container for baking in the oven for 60 minutes. Our marinated juckle pillow is good skewers and shares the aroma with him. First, the pork will be a little stew, and then how it should be done. An hour later, it is necessary to pull the kebab from the oven, cut off the top of the sleeve and send the dish back to half an hour to form a crispy and rosy crust. If you wish, you can hide the meat with the resulting juice or sprinkle with water.

    We put the ready-made dish on a plate and serve hot on the table. Delicious kebab on the onion pillow, cooked in the oven, ready.

    Bon Appetit!

We take pork meat, which is used to prepare a kebab. Where I live, this meat is called Karkin, but in other regions a different name. Therefore, I sfotkal, as it looks.

Wash meat, dry. We cut meat to standard pieces.

We put on the board, cover the food film and beat off, but without fanaticism on both sides.
This is how the process of chopping looks like.

Then take 4 bulbs, rub on a small grater, so that it turned out Cashier.
This can be done on a blender, it will turn out much easier.
We add salt into the onion cleaner, a mixture of peppers and seasoning for kebabs.

Everyone is well mixed, a little many, and send to the refrigerator for several hours for marination. I am Marina about 2-3 hours.

At this time, we make onions for "onion pillows".
The remaining 7 bulbs cut half rings.
Pour them with boiling water so that the water covers the bow.
Add vinegar, salt to taste, sugar and squeezed juice from lemon halves.
We leave for about 1 hour.

Then drain the water.
We take sleeve for baking. And gently shift there all the pickled onions.

We distribute equally dimly on the surface, so that the sleeve is sufficiently thick layer.

Then we get meat and also uniformly in one layer declare it on the "Low Pillow".

Tie a sleeve. I pierce from above in several places and send it into the oven, preheated to 220 degrees.

About an hour of meat with a bow prepares in the sleeve. Then cut the sleeve from above, and even stretch 30 minutes for shutting.
And what the smell is in the kitchen when the kebab is preparing!
Pickled onions in the form of a pillow impresses meat with its aroma and taste, meat first slightly stew,
Then roasts, so the taste is very gentle and the meat simply melts in the mouth!

That's all, our kebab is ready.
Bon Appetit!

Skewer in the oven on the "Low Pillow"

Do you need :?

Meat (pork) - 1 kg
? Onions - 2-4 pieces.
? Vinegar - 3 tbsp. l. (2 for Luke Marination, 1 for Meat)
? Pepper mixture - 0.5 h.
? Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.
? Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
? seasoning for meat - 2 tbsp. l.
?sleeve for baking

Cooking :?

How to cook kebab in the oven on the onion pillow: chop meat with small pieces.

Add a mixture of peppers, seasoning, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and lemon juice. Mix everything thoroughly and leave marinated from 2 to 6 hours in the cold.

Cut into rings onions. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 4 tablespoons of water. Leave marinated for 1 hour.

Prepare sleeve for baking. Tie on one side. Share on the bottom pickled onions. Top post meat.
Tie a sleeve on the other side and make 2-3 punctures at the top of the package. Put in a preheated oven to T 250 ° C for 50 minutes.

After 50 minutes to get a sheet and cut the sleeve for toasting meat. If necessary, you can pour out the juice. And put in the oven for 30 minutes again.

Skewer in the oven on the onion pillow is ready!

Bon Appetit!

Feb 9, 2017olga

Skewer is a dish that can be spent long. This goody is loved by many. We are preparing connoisseurs in the forest, on the fire. But it happens that it is not always possible to get out of nature. Do not give up a kebab? Make it at home! Moreover, the variations how to prepare a pork kebab in the oven enough. Choose your own. Marinade for kebabs is used the same as for and classic dishes on the fire of Lee Mangal.

Skewers on the skewers in the oven

Sleeping Sleeping Sweatshirt in Banuna Low Power Supplies in Oven Grilled Foil

Step by step can be viewed in a recipe with a photo of a pork kebab in the oven on the skewers.

Flesh (pork) - 1 kg;
Salo Pork - 300 g;
Marinade - by choosing.

Pork cut the portion slices, approximately 5 cm. Lay the meat into the selected marinade, let it insist.

Tip: Speats Before riding meat, it is necessary to withstand half an hour in the water, then they will not burn in the oven. Just do not dip one of the tips, otherwise you just do not ride meat.

Salo applix 7 mm slides in thickness.

On the prepared skeps, take meat and lard alternately.

War down oven to 250 degrees. Place the skewers on the grid, the time of frying is 20 minutes.

Every 7 minutes of ships need to scroll and water the brine remaining after marination.

Tip: When using the lattice in the oven, it is necessary to install an iron leaf for it so that the fat is not dried down and does not bundle the oven. If you apply a baking sheet, then it should be with high sides, so that the meat is not struggled to the bottom. Otherwise it is fought.


Pork - 2 kg;
Marinade - in preference.

Pork cut across the fibers. The pieces should be no more than 4 centimeters. Slightly bulk the hammer to soften. Lay in Marinade.

The sleeve must be cut off a greater length than the tray itself.

Tie a sleeve on the one hand, put meat into it with a smooth layer. If you used onion for marinade, it also needs to be put to the meal. It is extremely tasty with smoked aroma, it turns out in the oven pork with prunes.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees, cooking time - hour.

Tie the second edge. Put the sleeve so that the perforation is from above. Couple break through it. There may be few available holes, therefore, make 4 additional punctures with a knife.

5-10 minutes before the end of the cooking, cut the sleeve, baked kebabs before grabbing.


Pork pulp - 1 kg;

Pork cut down with suitable slices, pick up.

Tip: When baking a kebab in a jar needed pieces not too big, consider it when cooking.

Prepare ships, drive meat on them. Onions, which remained from the marinade, can be put on the bottom of the banks.

For this recipe you need 1 liter cans. Wash them thoroughly, check the skewers with the future kebab inside. No more than 4 speakers will fit into one container.

Gorry wrap foil so that steam is formed, and the meat was juicy and completely wound.

Do not heal the oven, put banks in a cold oven. This is important, because when the glass drops, the glass simply burst, and so it will warm up with the increase in degrees.

To prepare the kebab will be 60 minutes, the temperature is 170 ° C.

15 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the foil.

Serve meat right on the skewers.


Pork - 1 kg;
Onions - 6 pcs.;
Vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
Water - 50 ml.

Cut the meat with pieces, pick up.

The leek pillow may consist of a bow, which was used in the marinade. If you prefer another option, then the substrate under the pork must be made separately.

Leek cut rings, pour water, vinegar, sugar, insist 60 minutes.

In the sleeve, put a missing bow, scatter, lay out pork. Tie a sleeve and bake 40 minutes at 250 degrees.

After the specified time, the sleeve should be cut, pour meat with juice, which was released when baking and coaching the pork kebab in the oven for another 25 minutes.


Pork - 1 kg;
Garlic - 5-6 teeth.

Cut the pork to 3-5 cm. Put into the container, pour the marinade.

In the headquarter on the baking sheet to eliminate foil.

Pork pieces Load on spanks or skewers. If you prefer the second option, make sure that the length of the shampoo does not prevent the closure of the oven.

Now make ready-made skewers to put onto the foil, slander garlic cloth sliced \u200b\u200bon 4-6 parts and wrap very tightly.

Prepare a 30-minute kebab in a wrapped form and 20 more - in the deployment. The oven temperature is 210 degrees.

The grill in the oven is a very useful thing at which excellent kebab.

Pork - 1 kg;
Marinade - to taste.

Put the meat chopped into pieces in the marinade. Leave for the night.

Load on the spit pieces of pork.

Tip: Pierce meat pieces along the fibers to avoid sagging kebabs, because it will be difficult to turn it.

Prepare 40-50 minutes in the oven with the "Grill" function.