Cheese Cesadilla. Preparing a delicious Mexican Cesadle with chicken

- Mexican dish- These are two cakes, grounded grated cheese and stuffed with filling roasted in a pan and cut into several parts. This dish is very easy to prepare from ready-made cakes but the main thing, Cesadilla with cheese and greens Preparing very quickly And therefore this is a great option for breakfast. They will be delighted and suddenly gorgeous guests.

You will need:

  • any greens
  • olive oil
  • freshly ground pepper

Mexican pereschka Tortyllas.From which Cesadille is preparing, according to the structure similar to Armenian Lavash, but round shape, sold in vacuum packaging, can be kept for a long time, which is very convenient - at any time discovered and prepared.

That's how they look.

In addition to Cesadilla, Mexicans are prepared from such cakes Take- Wrap a different stuffing in the cake. How to cook Taxes with chicken See.

For cesadilla with greens It is better to use cheese that easily melts. I have Suluguni. It turns out well with the cheeses such as Gaud, it is suitable and ordinary Russian.
With greens, the question is solved very simply - we go to the supermarket, we choose on the shelves with green salads spinach or ruCola, you can all right away. For residents of the metropolis is the easiest way out. If you have a garden, then send everything edible in the cake - the feathers of a green bow and garlic, nettle, beet tops, dill, parsley, sorrel ...

Step-by-step photo recipe:

Wash and dry greens(on the photo of the mangold). If you do not have a special drying for salads, then see how quickly dry greens

Stodit cheese On the grater.

Okay heat frying pan (Dry frying pan), Put the cake on it.

Sprinkle the cake.

Expand from above greens. Here spinach.

It is excellent in such a cake feels a rush, which, as you can see, can be used not only in salads. Cesadilla with Mangold is excellent, you can use a mixture of these plants.

Over the greenery.

Cover Second lepe - Do everything quickly, because Frying pan stands on fire.
Tip: if you have little culinary experience, you can form a cassette on the table and already ready to transfer to a hot pan.
Press the casheck to the pan. I use a wooden shovel, you can simply with a spoon.

When the cashew will be twisted, Transfer Its on the other side.

Finished cake lay out on a board or plate, Pour olive oil and sprinkle fresh hearty pepper. It is better to use a mixture of five peppers - Fragrance extraordinary! Cut down on 4 parts.

As you can see, cook this dish is simple enough and quickly, especially if in the refrigerator has been stored already washed greens.
Tip: if the salad is introduced and is no longer suitable for use in a fresh form, then boldly send it to the cake, it will come to life from heating, the product will not disappear and will be used completely.

But such a cake turns out if it fry in a pan - grill - with very appetizing ruddy strips. Well, who will refuse hot crispy bread with juicy greens and melted with cheese inside?

By the way, if you are completely tight with greens, then prepare such a cake just with cheese. Or, on the contrary, add something on your taste to cheese and greens - olives, pieces of bell pepper, sausages or canned tuna ... - Experiment! The main thing is that there is enough cheese, since it is he who fastens the cakes.

Bon Appetit!

Cesadilla - a cashew with cheese and greens. A brief recipe.

You will need:

  • peresushka Tortyllas diameter 20-25 cm
  • any greens
  • olive oil
  • freshly ground pepper

Put the cake on a dry hot frying pan.
Sprinkle with grated cheese, spread the greens, over the green cheese.
Cover the second cake, press a spoon or blade to the pan.
When the cake is twisted on the one hand, turn it over the other side.
Finished Cesadle put on a plate, pour olive oil, sprinkle with freshly ground pepper, cut into parts.

In contact with

Bright Sombrero, songs under the guitar, bizarre-shaped cacti, tequila, colorful Spanish - What associations cause you these words? Of course, this is Mexico! Among other things, Mexico is famous for its spicy national cuisine, many dishes that have gained popularity far beyond this country. Among the sets of eats there is one that will necessarily have to taste all lovers of Cheese - Cesadilla. We have collected for you the 5 most interesting Cesadilla recipes with chicken.

What is Cesadilla

In the original version of Cesadilla is a traditional Mexican corn or wheat cake - a crook - with a filling of cheese, folded in half and a fried. However, it was so that almost all recipes are subjected to experiments from both professional chefs and amateur culinary. Therefore, now the classic version of Cesadilla is increasingly considered a dish, in the filling of which is not only cheese, but also chicken meat.

Classical Cesadilla with chicken in the ingredients resembles Italian pizza

Depending on taste preferences, the classic recipe can be changed by adding other ingredients: mushrooms, vegetables, fruits and greens, different types of meat and sausage products, as well as legumes.

Caesadilla's step-by-step recipes with photos

Classical Cesadilla with chicken and cheese

Knowing the principles of cooking a wonderful Mexican dish, you can fantasize and delight yourself with a favorite dish, when it wants. Caesadilla cooking is a simple and interesting process that even novice cookies are caught.

You will need:

  • 300 g chicken fillet;
  • half the fresh bell pepper, red and yellow;
  • 1 red bow head;
  • 180 g of solid cheese;
  • 2-3 twigs of fresh parsley;
  • 4 corn cakes;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices (black ground pepper, paprika, chili) - to taste;
  • salt.

Corn cake can be replaced by wheat. The appropriate option is the use for the preparation of Cesadilla of the Thin Armenian Lavash.

Cooking order:

  1. Put chicken fillet on the cutting board, cover the piece of food films and take a slightly. Season meat with a small amount of salt and spices to taste.

    Chicken fillet slightly discard and sprinkle to taste

  2. Put the chicken on the pan with well-preheated vegetable oil and fry for 5-7 minutes on each side (until the meat is ready. Place the roasted fillet on the plate and deduct to the side.

    Fry chicken meat until readiness

  3. Purified from the seeds of the Bulgarian pepper cut into small squares, onions - thin half rings or quarters of the rings.

    Cut vegetables

  4. Constantly stirring, fry on a moderate fire onions (5-7 minutes), then add Bulgarian pepper to it, slightly salt vegetables and continue to stew until soft on medium or low heat. Do not forget to periodically stir vegetable mass.

    Fry vegetables on a small amount of vegetable oil

  5. Cheese soda on a large grater. Cut chicken fillet cut into small cubes. Green rinse, dry and finely chop the knife.

    Solid cheese soda on a major grater

  6. Put one cake on a split frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. It is quickly putting the ingredients in the following order: 1/4 of the coolest cheese, 1/2 chicken meat, 1/2 of fried vegetables and greenery, and then 1/4 cheese again. You can first make a workpiece with vegetables, and then shifting it into the pan - as you are more convenient.

    Lay out the prepared ingredients on the cake and fry before melting cheese

  7. When the lower part of the cheese is melted, cover the workpiece with a second cake, slightly seize so that the billet sticks to the stuffing, but it did not get out at the edges.
  8. Using two wide blades, quickly turn the Caesadilla and prepare a few more minutes before shutting.

    Covering the second billet blank quickly flip over the other side and cook until shut down

  9. The finished eater shift to a large flat dish, cool down a bit, cut into the portion pieces and serve it.

    Candle Cesadilla Putting Slices

Video: Cooking a classic Cesadilla with chicken at home

With chicken, mushrooms and salsa sauce

Gentle chicken meat, appetizing cheese and fragrant mushrooms are one of those taste combinations that often please us in salads and snacks, first and second dishes, in baking. Apply this wonderful "unity" is also for Mexican dishes.


  • 8 corn cakes;
  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 200 g cheese;
  • 200 g champignons;
  • 4-5 ripe tomatoes;
  • 2 heads of the reptile bow;
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper;
  • 1/2 chili pod;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of Lyme juice;
  • 1 small bundle of fresh parsley;
  • salt to taste;
  • sugar - to taste.


  1. Prepare ingredients for the first step: champignons cut into slices (or as convenient), chicken fillet - medium-sized cubes, 1 head of the replist onion - semi-rings.

    Champignons cut into slices or pieces of arbitrary shape

  2. Put onions on a preheated frying pan and fry a bit. When the vegetable acquires a golden color, add chicken meat to it and continue to fry everything together for another 3-5 minutes.

    Fry onions and chicken fillet

  3. To bow and chicken, add champignons. Prepare a few more minutes.

    To bow and chicken Add Shapignons

  4. Add pre-cleaned seeds and chopped Bulgarian pepper and chopped chili. Stirring, continue to fry the filling for about 5 minutes, then remove the frying pan with the stove.

    The next step is the addition of Bulgarian pepper and Chile

  5. Prepare salsa sauce. Ripe tomatoes hide with boiling water, clean the skin, then grind in a blender or just chop the knife finely. Grind the clove of garlic, the second bulb, a bundle of fresh parsley. Mix all components with tomato mass, add lime juice, salt and sugar to the sauce.

    For the preparation of sauce you will need crushed ripe tomatoes, onions, garlic, greens and Lyme juice; All ingredients need to mix

  6. Place the corn cakes on the work surface. Equally distribute between all the blanks of the stuffing, pour each portion to the grated cheese. Carefully bend the cake in half. It is important to ensure that the filling is too much.

    Lay out on one side of each chattering filling, sprinkle with cheese and bend the cakes in half

  7. Fry the workpiece on a hot dry pan so that the cheese is melted in and on both sides of the Kushan appeared appetizing rosy crust. Ready!

    Fry every Cesadilla from two sides before the appetizing crust appears

Video: How to cook Mexican Cesadilla with chicken and mushrooms

With boiled chicken meat and egg

This dish can serve as a great breakfast or snack in the middle of the day. The recipe below shows products from the calculation by 1 portion. If you need to prepare Caesadle for more people, simply increase the amount of ingredients in the proportion to the required number of portions.

You will need:

  • 1 corn or wheat cake;
  • 150 g of boiled chicken meat;
  • 150 g of cheese;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • 1 teaspoon mustard;
  • 1 teaspoon mayonnaise;
  • twig of fresh parsley or kinse;
  • salt and spices - to taste;
  • vegetable or butter for frying.

Preparation steps:

  1. Boiled chicken meat (flesh without bones or fillet) Cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape.

    Boiled chicken meat without bones Cut straw or cubes as you comfortably

  2. The boiled egg shake the knife. Cheese soda on a grater.

    Grind the boiled egg and soda cheese

  3. Lubricate the cake of mayonnaise and mustard.

    Lubricate the cake of mayonnaise and mustard

  4. Put the chicken meat on half the cake.

    Put the first layer of the filling on one side of the cake - boiled chicken meat

  5. The next layer is a boiled chopped egg.

    Top on the chicken lay out a chopped egg

  6. Sprinkle the stuffing first with grated cheese, and then - chopped fresh parsley.

    Latest Filling Ingredients - Curly Cheese and Fresh Greens

  7. Fold the cake in half, so that the free part of the workpiece completely covered the stuffing. Put the Cesadilla on a preheated frying pan with a small amount of oil and fry on each side for 2-3 minutes. Serve finished dish immediately until it has cooled.

    Fold the workpiece in half and fry on both sides on a creamy or vegetable oil

With corn and red beans

Such a dish will have to taste fans of legume crops. Rady savory filling is unlikely to leave someone indifferent.

This version of Cesadilla is preparing in the oven.


  • 2 corn cakes;
  • 300 g chicken fillet;
  • 200 g of boiled red beans;
  • 100 g of canned corn;
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper;
  • 1/4 pod of acute pepper;
  • 1-2 tomatoes;
  • 100-150 g cheese;
  • 1-2 twigs of fresh cilantro or parsley;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.


  1. Chicken fillet Cut into cubes, fry with the addition of vegetable oil until ready, spray, season with spices to taste.

    Fry chicken fillet and season spices to taste

  2. Bulgarian peppers Cut the squares of the average size, the piece of Chile skip through the press or very finely chop the knife. Put vegetables into a deep pan with hot vegetable oil, add red beans, canned corn, sliced \u200b\u200bripe tomatoes, crushed greens, salt to taste. Cook before the softness of vegetables.

    In the deep pan, turn the pepper, beans, corn, other vegetables and greens, adding salt to taste

  3. Put one crook in a dry cast-iron pan or a round baking shape, sprinkle a cauldron of half the vulgar cheese. Put roasting chicken meat on the workpiece, the vegetable of the filling, and then the second part of the cheese.

    Lay out all the ingredients of the brace of cornproop

  4. Cover the filling with the second cake and press up slightly. Place the cesadille in the oven preheated to 180 degrees and prepare for 7-10 minutes. Serve on a table with sour cream or any other sauce!

    Cover the workpiece with the second cake and send to the heated oven for 7-10 minutes, and then apply to the table with sour cream or favorite sauce

With grilled pineapples and acute barbecue sauce

When simple recipes have already been tested and want to experiment, you can cook a cesadile by making a variety with the help of exotic fruits. Often one of the ingredients of Mexican Kushan is avocado, less often - oranges and lime. We will tell about how to prepare a delightful filling with pineapples.

We begin to prepare the ingredients: the frying pan put on the middle fire to bask; clean the bow-chalot or on and cut very finely; Give peas of pods, if you use a non-frozen version; We rub the Cheddar cheese on the grater; Finely cut the leaves of mint and chili pepper. The latter, of course, can or not add if you do not like sharp, or add less to taste. In the pan we pour a bit of olive oil and add a piece of creamy. When the last melts, put in the bow-shallot, fry until translucency and add chili pepper. The channel for Cesadilla can be very different, but with green peas just perfectly combined with mint - put it onions and mix it. By the way, another magic dish, in which these two ingredients wonderfully harmonize - . Be sure to try to cook, this incredibly tasty and unusual garnish!
Now add green peas. If you use frozen, then mix the ingredients and cover the lid for 5-8 minutes. If not, then fry fresh polka dots without a lid of minutes 3, periodically stirring. We take a potato or ordinary fork and a little smear the green peas. Do not overdo it, it should be only a little crushed! So the dish of Cesadilla will be more tastier!
Caesadilla filling with feta cheese and fresh peas is almost ready, it remains only to add feta cheese itself. We break it with your hands right in the pan, we water Lyme juice and mix well all.
Filling for Cesadilla is ready! We proceed to the formation of hot snacks. We take a dry frying pan, put on a strong fire, put on it or ready to Mexican pellet or that, of course, much tastier! And very simple, by the way. On half of the Mexican Tortylia, put the grated cheese Cheddar.
And on top of it put the filling for Cesadille - green peas with feta cheese.
Cover the second half of the pellets and again for a few seconds, fry on both sides.
We remove the Mexican dish from the fire, cutting in the pressure and immediately absorb, because Cesadilla with feta cheese and fresh peas is already ready!
Now summarize.

Mexican Cesadilla with Feta cheese and fresh peas. Recipe short

  1. Preparing the Mexican cake Tortyl Or take ready.
  2. The frying pan set on the middle fire to bask, pour a bit of olive oil and add a piece of creamy.
  3. We prepare the ingredients: clean the bow-shalloth or the ones and cut very finely, get the peas of the pods, if you use the unparalleled option; We rub the Cheddar cheese on the grater; Finely cut the leaves of mint and chili pepper.
  4. We put on a bow-shallot in the pan, fry until translucency and add chili pepper with mint, well pepper and mix and mix.
  5. We add green peas, if it is frozen, then we cover the lid for 5-8 minutes, if not, then fright without a cover is 3-4 minutes, after periodically stirring.
  6. Add feta cheese, breaking onto the pieces with hands, mix again and remove from the fire, the stuff for Cesadilla is ready.
  7. On a dry frying pan on a strong heat, hearing a cake, on her half lay the grated cheese Cheddar, then filling out of peas and feta cheese, cover the second half of the crook and fry again on both sides.
  8. Remove Cesadille from the fire, cutting in pressure and immediately eat!

Now you know how to make Cesadle! Very soon I will tell about , And the most delicious . If you do not want to miss anything, subscribe to the recipes newsletter in the right sidebar! Preparing with love, leave comments, remember that you are more talented than you can imagine, and, of course ... Enjoy your food!

You can cook from them a delicious snack - home cesadle!

This is the same cake, roasted and crispy, with filling inside. And the filling can be the most different: cheese with greens, cheese, chicken, ham, canned corn ... How much space for creativity! And this is a wonderful dish easier than simple. Ten minutes - and ready to treat for the whole family, which can be immediately emitted with heat from the heat, or take with you to nature, give a satisfying snack to school or husband to work: a thin cake of bearing dough with an appetizing filling inside - an excellent replacement Sandwomen!

Now we learn how to cook at home Cesadilla with cheese and spinach.

You can also use cheese or cottage cheese; And from greenery - another sheet and not only, depending on the season and your preferences: Mangold, arugula, parsley, differ, basil!


  • 8 cakes Tortyllas;
  • 100 g of cheese and cheese (or 200 g of one);
  • On a small beam of fresh spinach and dill;
  • Salt and black pepper according to your taste.

But the vegetable oil fell on the picture by chance: it turns out, Cesadillas fry on a dry frying pan! That's fine: the appetizer gets low-fat, as it is more useful, and easier - then it is not necessary to wash off the pan.

The cakes can be in line by the previous recipe from my site, or buy ready. The second option is easier and faster, but the first is more interesting and more useful.

How to bake:

Green is needed for a few minutes to immerse in a bowl of cold water so that the Earth beats from the leaves. Then we thoroughly rinse the greens under the crane and dry in colander.

Cheese and cheese three on a large grater. Spinach cut stripes, crushing the rest of the greens.

There are two ways to prepare Cesadilla: of two cakes and from one.

The first option is when the filling is between two Tortyllas. We do this: Heat on the fire more medium dry frying pan and lay out one cake on it.

We sprinkle it with a mixture of grated cheese and cheese, salt-pepper. If the cheese is salty, then you can not add to additionally.

Cheese and cheese sprinkle with a mixture of greenery.

And greens - again a cheese mixture.

And cover the second cake. Act quickly, because the first cake at this time is already twisted. However, in order not to rush, you can collect Cesadilla on a plank or a plate, and then carefully, so as not to scatter the stuffing, shock in the pan.

Fry 1-2 minutes, pressing the cobblestone: cheese heats up, melting two cakes with each other, because the ready-made Cesadilla does not disintegrate on spare parts.

When the bottom is submissive, gently turn over the second side and also fry to light aezarianity.

Ready Cesadle remove the blade on the plate or skid.

You can sprinkle with olive oil and cut into portion segments.

Delicious! Only the fillings put more, otherwise the cake will be dry.

As an alternative, if Cesadillas will seem dry to you, try the Armenian Christmas tree from the same cakes. It is more wet, as in the stuffing, in addition to cheese and cheese, there is an egg.

The second way to prepare Cesadilla - when the stuff is applied to half a cake ...

The cake is bent in half, and the filling is covered with the second half.

We also fry the Cesadille on the dry pan on both sides of 1-1.5 minutes.

Sressy warm ... Although in the cooled form of Cesadilla and the cheese and spinach is also good!

Cesadilla is a Mexican dish, simply a corn or wheat crook (cake) with a filling, roasted in a frying pan or deep. The most traditional stuffing for Cesadilla - cheese. No cheese lover will give up such a dish. I am attracted to this option for its simplicity and the fact that only two ingredients will be required. I advise you to take delicious and fresh cheese, which melts well - the more, the more tastier.

As for Tortilia, I always do pellets myself. Here is the composition of the ingredients for the test: butter creamy (100 g), salt (0.5 cl), water (300 ml) and corn or wheat flour (600 g). The dough is soft, it does not stick to the hands at all. Very thinly rolling and fervently on a dry pan on both sides. From this quantity it turns out 20 pisels. The cakes are very tasty, the son pulls them alone for one. This portion leaves us per day. Pellet can be prepared in advance, they are well stored in the package. If you are not an amateur to mess with the dough, you can buy a cantilever in the store.

Caesadle with cheese is desirable to serve with sour cream and sauce "Salsa".

How do I do "Salsa": I add to the bowl of the blender: Pepper Bulgarian (0.5 pcs.), Tomato without skins (1 pc.), Onions onions - small (1 pc.), Garlic (2 tooth), sugar (1 CL), soy sauce (3 tbsp), vegetable oil or olive (2 tbsp), everything is crushing, and ready.

In addition to Cesadille with cheese, I propose to try more Mexican dishes: and.

Prepare cheese and crook.

Grate cheese on a large grater.

Decay the cheese on one pellet.

Cover the second pellet.

Fry on both sides on a dry pan. You can add a piece of butter.

Call Cesadle into four parts, it is very convenient to make a knife for pizza.

Serve Cesadilla with hot cheese.

Bon Appetit.