French cuisine. French cuisine.

09.11.2020 Bakery products

01/19/2019 at 18:43 · Johnny. · 2 310

10 best French dishes

The expression "high kitchen" is invariably associated with France. Indeed, for the French, cooking food is a whole art, and food intake is a special ritual. This is a national trait caused by culture and centuries-old traditions.

The main features of French cooking include the use of exceptionally the freshest products. Their cooks, like no one, are able to maintain the specifics and food value of the product in the cooking process. The best dishes of French cuisine from meat and fish are certainly prepared with the addition of elite alcohol. And the pride of any chef is a rich "Arsenal" of the most unusual sauces that give dishes of piquancy and unique charm.

Learning to prepare Paris delicacies at the level of restaurant chefs - the dream of any chef. Your attention is the most popular French dishes, recipes with photos and small secrets of culinary craft.

10. Flamise

Flamise Reminds pizza, although this dish is much older than the Italian analogue and is still different. Flamise is a cross between the Lataring Town and the classic pizza.

We offer novice masters Flamis recipe from the famous Pecary of Rishar Bertina. His method is most popular among network users. It is quite simple for beginners, and the result is excellent!

To prepare the test you need:

  • Yeast dry instant - 10g;
  • Flour - 500g;
  • Salt - 10g;
  • Water - 350g.

Products for filling:

  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • Bacon - 200g;
  • Leek - 2-3 stems;
  • Eggs - 3pcs.;
  • Cream Fresh (you can sour cream or cottage cheese) - 300g
  • Salt to taste;
  • Muscata - "On the Eye"
  • Cheese Grier (or Parmesan).

Yeast needs to be confused with their fingers in flour. Follow the salt, we pour water. We mix the dough. Do not ship flour! When the dough no longer sticks to the hands, it is ready. Cover it and hold it in warm. After that, the dough must be put on the sprinkled bastard. Manually distribute it evenly over the entire surface, including the side of the opposition.

Now proceed to the stuffing. Heat the olive oil in a pan and fry the bacon sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin strips. Lightly ruddy bacon remove to the side and on the same oil to have a shallow onion shallow onions. Separately in the dishes we prepare the mixture: in the eggs we pour cream Fresh (as an option - soft cottage cheese or sour cream), sprinkle salt and nutmeg. We thoroughly mix all the ingredients.

We pour the finished mixture to the dough and distribute all over the area. Then lay the bacon with the bow. From above you need to sprinkle grated cheese. Now the tray put in the oven heated to 200 degrees. Bake Flamise you need 20 minutes. Before the seizure, check: if the color is golden and the edges of crunch, it means that the delicacy is ready.

With Flamis, you need to shift on the grille so that it is a little cold. It is necessary to serve a dish with a warm, sliced \u200b\u200bportions.


Nisau - A very typical salad for France, where many vegetables and greens are present in the diet. And since this salad is incredibly tasty and nutritious, it has become all over the world. The chephs came up with many interesting variations of Nisaaz. But we suggest you start with a classic recipe, the authors of which (according to) were fishermen.

Required ingredients (for three servings):

  • Asparagus beans - 200g;
  • Eggs - 3pcs.;
  • Tuna canned - 100g;
  • Anchovies - 100g;
  • Pepper Bulgarian - 1pc.;
  • Potatoes - 2-3pcs.;
  • Tomatoes - 2-3pcs.;
  • Olives - 10pcs.;
  • Salad sheet - beam;
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Vinegar wine - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Break eggs, potatoes and asparagus in advance. Beans should be cooked no more than 5-6 minutes. Eggs and potatoes after cooling Clear from the peel.

Separately prepare the Nisaise sauce. In ceramic dishes you need to mix vinegar, mustard, oil, pepper and salt. Wine vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice. Bulgarian pepper is cut by medium cubes. Anchovies and tuna get out of conservation and cut not too small. Cubes also cut eggs and potatoes. Tomatoes are better cut into beautiful longitudinal slices.

Now you can go to the display of nisaase. On a flat dish (plate) manually brush the washed and dried salad leaves. Following the beans and potatoes, eggs and bell peppers. Then decay the anchovies and olives. Olives can be labeled or cut in half. Tuna and tomatoes - final decoration. All salad evenly water the cooked sauce.

All, Nisau is ready! Cook such a snack at home will not be difficult.

8. Pancakes "Suzett"

Studying famous dishes of French cuisine, the name " Suzett"Or" crepe Suzett "you will find certainly. This is an incredibly gentle, the finest pancakes with an orange impregnation. "Suzett" is the perfect option for a warm family feast. It is impossible to say that the recipe is very simple, but the delicacy is effort.

Products for dough pancakes:

  • Milk (2,5% fat) - 250ml;
  • Eggs - 3pcs.;
  • Flour - 100g;
  • Butter cream - 30g;
  • Salt - ¼ h. L.;

For sauce need:

  • Juice orange - 200ml;
  • Sugar - 100g;
  • Butter cream - 100g;
  • Orange zest - 1 tbsp. l.

Immediately, we note: sugar is not added to the dough pancakes! So yolks need to whiten from proteins. In a bowl of yolks, add cold milk (all) and salt. Mix the mixture and pumped into it gradually flour (all). Mix the mass until uniformity and add melted, cooled oil (30g). Stir the dough again. If you have a mixer, it will speed up the process.

Let's return to the proteins. They need to be very thoroughly whipped (to sustainable mass). Here without a mixer almost can not do. Now the protein mixture is gradually poured into the dough, constantly stirring. As a result, you will receive a gentle pancake dough that you need to cover and put in the refrigerator for half an hour (you can up to an hour).

Preparing sauce. In a saucepan with a wide bottom sugar sugar. Hold it on a small fire until it turns into syrup. Stirring sugar is no need. You can slightly move the saucepan, giving the syrup evenly spread. Add oil to the finished caramel (100g). As soon as it connects with caramel, pour orange juice and pour the crushed zest. Do not stop stirring, cook a lot of 5 minutes. The thickness of the finished sauce should resemble syrup. Then it can be poured into the dishes.

Now get the dough and proceed to pancakes. Preheated frying pan in front of the first product can be lubricated with oil. Right move the pan, giving a portion of the test to break thin and evenly. On medium fire, hold one side until the ruddy edges, and turn the shovel. The second side is enough for 30 seconds.

For a beautiful feed, pancakes are a triangle. Ready triangles are heated in a frying pan in the previously prepared sauce. This gives the famous impregnation "Suzett". In restaurants, they are still flimored by an orange liqueur (slightly watered and ignited in a pan). But for children it is better to do with simply impregnation. These pancakes need to eat hot!

7. Klafuti with cherry

Klafuti with cherry - Traditional home dessert of the French owners. This light and useful dish can be prepared all year round. It quickly prepares and perfectly suitable for snack. In the classic cherry recipe for the preservation of juice, bones are not taken out. But at will, this condition can be circumvented.

For clafuti, you will need:

  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Cherry - about 0.5kg;
  • Milk - 200ml;
  • Cream (high fatty) - 100ml;
  • Butter cream - 100g;
  • Flour - 100g;
  • Sugar - 50g;
  • Salt - pinch;
  • Water - 1 tbsp. l.

Pour flour into deep dishes, pour sugar, vanillin and salt. All ingredients mix. Yolks Separate from proteins. Yolks alternately pour into flour and knead the dough. Proteins need to be taken to white and also pour into the dough, stirring. In order for the dough to be too "egg", you can add only half of the proteins. With the same purpose, nutmeg or cinnamon sometimes fall in flour. Then it is necessary to pour warm (not hot!) Milk and warm oil in the water bath. Gently and thoroughly mix all products. As a result, it turns out softly stretched dough (just thicker than pancakes).

Before baking the shape, smear the creamy oil. By the way, the Klafuti furnace is possible in the molds from the faience, feeding in them portions. Put the cherry into the form, raving the surface. Fill the dough from above. If the berries partially remain over the mixture, it will be even more beautiful. Bake the cake you need 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Before serving, you can decorate dessert powder. Give the pastries to cool, try the delicacy!

6. Cassul

Cassul - One of the most vintage dishes of France, which was once preparing the kings. This is stewed beans with original meat additives. According to one of the versions, the name comes from the "Casselet" - a wide clay vessel in which it was preparing for stew. Beans and meat - a good version of the satisfying male lunch. We recommend cooking yourself.

Required products:

  • Dry white beans - 300g;
  • Goose or chicken ham - 2pcs;
  • Pork sausages - 4pcs.;
  • Pork breast - 200g;
  • Pork peel - 200g;
  • Salted fat - 1 piece;
  • Onions - 1pc;
  • Garlic - 2 teeth;
  • Carrots - 1pc.

The beans should be clumsy in cold water 10-12 hours before cooking Cassul. Stay from the beans old water, pour 3 liters of fresh cold water and boil 5 minutes. This water also needs to merge and postpone the beans aside.

Now go to the most important thing - to the broth. Pour 3 liters of water in the saucepan. Put the peel into the water sliced \u200b\u200bwith large stripes. For the welding, you can add pork or chicken bone. Crumble onions and carrots in the water. Broth needs to be salted and across taste and cook half an hour. After that, it is necessary to remove the peel and bones from the water. Pouring there the same beans, boil to a soft but not unreliable condition. It will take about an hour. At the end, add a couple of chopped garlic cloves.

The ham, sausages and sliced \u200b\u200bmeat slices need to fry on a small fire to a golden crust. Important part - Registration of Cassul. Pork peel is laid in the clay pot (or baking tray). Following the third part of the beans. The next layer is fried pork, and behind it - the remains of the beans. The sausages are stacked on top and the broth is poured, which should close the beans. Sprinkle the resulting composition with black pepper and send it into the oven. There, Cassul must languish at 160 degrees at least two hours. The top layer should have a golden color. If in the process the beans will look dryly, pour meat broth. The dish is served hot in pots.

5. Tart Taten.

On photosaytes with prescriptions of French delicacies, this air apple pie is first attracted. History tart Tatren It is rooted in the early 19th century. And they invented this dessert not in Paris, but in the provincial town of Lammot-Bevron. Stephanie Taten was a skillful cook, and her visiting card was a gentle cake with caramelized apples. Let's, and we will try to reproduce her masterpiece in your kitchen.

For test you need:

  • Top grade flour - 250g;
  • Creamy oil - 125g;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Water - 75ml.

For filling:

  • Creamy oil - 100g;
  • Sugar - 150g;
  • Apples - 3pcs;
  • Vanillin - 10g.

The dough is pretty quite simple. In flour, suit salt and finely chopped cold oil, all this is manually inherited. In the mixture we pour cold water and take the dough. The finished homogeneous dough must be rolled into the ball and put in the fridge in the refrigerator (for 1 hour).

Starting will have to tinker, because it plays a major role in Tartage. Put oil in the pan (slices). Pour the same half of the sugar there. Next, lay out large apple lobes (without peel). Salves put in the pose of boats. Put apples with vanilla and sugar residue. All together warm on low heat for 15 minutes. When oil and sugar form caramel, you will understand the structure and smell.

For a free 15 minutes, you can put the oven and form the crude from the test. Roll so that the reservoir was a little wider for baking. Apples in caramel decompose the beautiful shape, cover the rolled test by exposing the edge at the bottom. Purpose the dough with places, we send cake to baking at 180 degrees. After 25 minutes, the top will be ruddy. So Tarta Tatten is ready. Get it, and in a few minutes turn over, covering a plate. In this state, still hot, and serve this magic pie on the table.

4. French onion soup

Perhaps this dish sounds not very tasty. But those who tried this onion soup, respond to it perfectly. Waving French dishes and recipes with photos, pay attention to simple and delicious onion soup. Here sin complain about the expensive ingredients. This is an analogue of the Russian "Porridge from the Ax". That's just the taste of this dish is amazing.


  • Onion - 1 kg;
  • Butter cream - 3 tbsp.;
  • Meat broth - 1 l;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Black pepper - to taste;
  • Baguette - half;
  • Cheese of solid varieties - 150 g

Onions cut into thin half rings. Start passing onions. It must be done in a non-stick dishes or in a thick-walled pan. In a heated frying pan, put a piece of oil and pour onions. Fry it at the minimum heat, not forgetting to stir. Onions should find a golden shade, but should not burn. Now you can pour in it a glass of hot broth. Broth better cook in advance. It can be chicken, beef and even just vegetable. Let the onion be fed while the water is evaporated. After that, you need to pour the residue of the broth and continue to cook to the state of the thick soup. On this whole process can leave 40 to 60 minutes. Now the soup is time to salt and pepper.

The traditional feed of the onion soup is with a twirled baguette and under cheese. Thin pieces of baguette can be prepared by dry roasted or as toasts. Soup overflows to clay pots (soup). From above, you need to put baguette and sprinkle with grated cheese (ideally - Gruyer varieties). The pots are placed in the oven heated to 200 degrees and languages \u200b\u200buntil the cheese is completely melted. Serve! Onion soup must be hot and fragrant.

3. Cattle from duck legs

This dish sound in French is very melodious "Confit de Canard" (by the way, the letter T at the end is not read!), Also has a long history. True, in the old days the French prepared " Confident»How preservation on the reserve. Even without quadruple, duck legs prepared on this recipe can be stored in the refrigerator for a very long time. This is one of the most requested recipe with a photo of French cuisine. At home, the main product can serve meat of any poultry or rabbit.

Products required for two portions confi:

  • Duck ham - 2pcs;
  • Fat duck - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt (sea or iodized) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Parsley, thyme - 2-3 stems;
  • Lavar leaf - 2pcs.
  • Pepper black peas and carnation - 2-3 pcs.

Preparing marinade. First you need to thoroughly crush and mix salt, bay leaf, carnation, pepper and greens. Must get a small green cereal. Duck ham rinse and dry, then richly graze salt from all sides. Now the ham is needed to lay out in the dish, cover and remove one day in the refrigerator.

Focused legs need to get, remove the salt from the surface and dried with paper towels. Pick the dish into which the meat will fit closely and in width, and in height. Top span the melted fat to the full coating. Place the dish in the oven and tomit at 150 degrees of 2.5 hours. After driving the legs of the fat, they can be served on the table. Ideally, they should have a rosy crust and a very tender texture. Thus prepare a large family portion, it can be kept in the refrigerator and warm up before serving.


The second place of our rating is rightfully occupied by world famous soup ratatuy. Unfortunately, many know this name only by scanners or from the cartoon of the same name, where the unusual Rammi rat is preparing a magnificent French soup. And this old provincial destruction deserves special attention. The rattubus is very bright taste and beautiful view. With low calorieness, this vegetable soup is sufficiently nutritious. So, learn to prepare the legendary rataturi.


  • Pepper Bulgarian - 3 pcs.;
  • Tomatoes (ripe, sweet) - 3 pcs.;
  • Parsley root - 4 pcs.;
  • Eggplant - 1 pc.;
  • Zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • Salad bow - 2 pcs.;
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic (preferably young) - 4 teeth;
  • Parsley - 4 stems;
  • Pepper fragrant - 3 peas;
  • Olive oil - 30ml;
  • Butter cream - 30g;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

We start cooking broth. To do this, pour 2 liters in the pan and put on fire. As soon as the water boiled, you can put a piece of vegetables. Carrots and potatoes put the whole, and onions divide into two parts. To vegetables need to add chopped parsley root. These vegetables must draw up for 40 minutes. Shortly before the end of the cooking, put fragrant pepper into the broth.

Now you need to remove all the vegetables. Onions and roots remove as unnecessary, the rest cut large cubes. Raw Bulgarian pepper cut wide stripes. Tomatoes we clean from the skin, treating boiling water. Then they cut them large, as well as eggplants with zucchini. Garlic Put the plates. All raw vegetables pour into a heated frying pan on olive oil. Solim, Pepperm and Fry 20-25 minutes on a small fire. Now the contents of the frying pan need to be released into hot broth, there are boiled vegetables there.

When filing, each portion is decorated with a large parsley and a piece of oil. You can add a couple of dill twigs as in the photo.

1. Pie Kish Loren

Pie Kish Loren - Classic French cuisine. This masterpiece is from Lorraine, which is on the border with Germany. Therefore, the recipe partly absorbed the traditions of Germanic cooking. Be that as it may, the cake is incredibly tasty. At one glance at the photo I want to urgently try this delicacy.

Kish Loren is served in all restaurants of Paris, and many chefs have their own corporate recipe. But, before start experimenting, you need to prepare traditional Kish Lauren.

Dough products:

  • Flour of the highest grade - 200g;
  • Creamy oil - 100g;
  • Cold water - 50ml

Ingredients filling:

  • Bacon - 200g;
  • Luke greens - 1 beam;
  • Pepper black ground - to taste;

For sauce:

  • Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Solid grade cheese - 100g;
  • Cream (20%) - 200ml.

Sprinkle a slight salt and chopped oil (from the refrigerator) in the flour. Peretrate the mixture manually. Make a slide and deepening. Pour water into the pour and smear the dough. Form the ball and leave it in the refrigerator for 25 minutes. Now you can roll the root. The size of the formation should be so to cover and board the shape. By the way, it is desirable to use a wavy board for Kish Lorena. Casting dough we remove again into the fridge for 30 minutes.

We proceed to the stuffing. Bacon cut straw and fry on the oil along with a chopped green bow. In a bowl mix cream, eggs, grated cheese and pepper. It will be a fill sauce.

The dough is thickly pierced with a fork and bake (dried) at 180 degrees of 10 minutes. Having delivered the shape, lay the stuffing on the dough and fill it with our sauce. After 30 minutes of baking, Kish Loren is ready. Pie traditionally serve warm with vegetable salads.

Be sure to try yourself in the role of French culinary! Even if you do not become a great chief, surprise and please the loved ones will definitely succeed!

Choosing readers:

Real French dishes may appear on the table of each mistress. No need to order delivery from the restaurant, because they can be prepared at home independently. Exquisite treats will surely enjoy all the home and attend guests.

The cuisine of the country under discussion has its own unique features and differences. Its traditions for several centuries were formed by the best French cooks.

  1. Among other national cuisine, France highlights the addition of alcoholic beverages in a variety of treats. Most often it is high-quality red and white wine. In these drinks, fish, meat, seafood will be marked and languis. They are also added to desserts. In addition to wines, cognac and calvados are used.
  2. Another integral part of French cuisine is the abundance of original spices. Cooks from France prefer precisely fresh herbs, and not as grinding seasoning. Added spices are extracted from a bowl with a treat only immediately before its feed to the table.
  3. The cuisine discussed and the abundance of sauces became famous. In French restaurants, you can often find treats with copyrights whose recipes are kept in the strictest secretion.
  4. Much attention in the menu is given to meat. Among the cooks are known at once six stages of its roasting. The first one offers to try meat, roasted for a couple of minutes. It is served on a china-hot plate with original sauces. Last - carefully roasted rosy meat pieces.

If we talk about original treats, they are preparing from snails, oysters, frogs. Such such dishes glorified the France's kitchen to the whole world.

Popular Meat in French - History of Dishes

Historians suggest that the casserole became the ancestor of the modern meat recipe. She was preparing to cooks in France from veal, potatoes, onions and mushrooms. Mandatory in the treat was a white bezamel sauce and a large amount of cheese.

Such delicacy treated the favorite of Empress Catherine Count Orlov. He was very impressed with the dish and brought his recipe to Russia.

In Soviet times, when most products were shortened, the hostess strongly changed the recipe for a popular treat, adapting it to modern realities. It appeared a large number of potatoes, but meat, on the contrary, it became less. Instead of veal, began to use pork and even a chicken. And Beshamel replaced the usual mayonnaise.

Top National French Dishes

Of the variety of France's national recipes, the following are particularly popular among gourmets:

  1. Dessert "Cream-Bruel". This is a gentle custard coated with a crispy caramel crust. Served portion.
  2. "Kok-O-veins." It is a rooster, pickled and baked in red dry wine. Bird languishes with garlic and vegetables for a long time, after which it is fed to the table.
  3. Escargo. This prepared freshly lined snails. They are served on the table right in oil sinks and garlic.
  4. Souffle "Grand Marnier". A stunning dessert that is preparing from thoroughly whipped proteins of chicken eggs. Cognac liquor is added to the delicacy.
  5. Blood sausage. Despite the fact that the name of such a dish sounds not too appetizing, it turns out very tasty. Pretting pork blood is prepared and is served with a large number of fresh greenery.
  6. "Riet". This salty pate of pork meat. Prepared from steam cutting with the addition of a plurality of spices. Served with crackers or fresh bread.
  7. "Knei de Baros." This dish resembles the usual dumplings. True, it is preparing completely from other ingredients. The recipe includes pike, butter, sugar crumb and lobster sauce.
  8. Cupcakes "Macaron". This treats their crispy crumbigh almond dough. Complemented by various gentle creams.

The most famous recipes

In addition to national dishes, which are served exclusively in French restaurants, are found in the cuisine under discussion and recipes that separated worldwide. They are preparing even ordinary hostesses in their kitchen.

  • First of all it is "Cassul". Consumption is a thick bean-based chowder. It is preparing with various types of meat (depending on the region), but most often from rabbit or duck. It is added to the chowder and a large amount of fresh greenery.
  • Also in the list gets "Ratatuus". This is a French stew, which does not include any meat products. It is preparing from fresh ripe tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, sweet onions.
  • "Kish" is a walled cake with numerous fillings. In Russia, it is prepared even with sausage or by-products. But on the original French recipes in the cake added bacon, egg, cheese.

Exquisite menu of France

The first French meal is traditionally begins with croissants with filling, which are complemented by a favorite hot drink. Less often - from yogurt and cheese toast. The dinner serves soup (broth or cream soup), as well as fish / meat with a vegetable side dish. Dinner includes salads, sweet pastries, various varieties of cheeses.

Salads in the menu of France are often even the main dish. This is not surprising at all, because their composition includes seafood, meat products, and sometimes even pasta, making them very satisfying.

Basic dishes of French cuisine

Start a conversation about French dishes is located with basic satisfying and original treats, which are often served for lunch.

Baked Ratatouje


  • eggplant - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • young zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 - 4 teeth;
  • olive oil - 5 dessert spoons;
  • salt and mixture of peppers.


  1. Wash all major ingredients, dry. Requiring cleaning - get rid of the skin, seeds.
  2. Tomatoes postpone. The rest of the vegetables are mixed in the overall dishes. Fall as a salt, a mixture of peppers. Water oil olive.
  3. Heat the oven up to 230 degrees.
  4. Share a vegetable mass on a high baking sheet.
  5. After 15 - 17 minutes of cooking at the above temperature, mix everything. Turn tomatoes on top.

Prepare another half hour. Serve with fresh pellets. You can supplement the dish with boiled potatoes.

Cool cabbage


  • cauliflower inflorescences - 1 kg;
  • cream fat - 70 g;
  • milk - half-liter;
  • cheese - 150 - 170 g;
  • dried crumb - 1/3 of Art.;
  • flour - 40 g;
  • nutmeg and salt.


  1. Split cabbage kochan on inflorescences. Soak the resulting "umbrellas" by 7 - 10 minutes in water with a small amount of salt. Rush.
  2. Boil fresh water in a saucepan. 2 liters pour 2.5 dessert spoons of a salt and throw "umbrellas". Cook 3 - 4 minutes after boiling.
  3. Pour cabbage with cold water to stop the process of cooking. To dry
  4. Warm milk. But do not boil.
  5. Separately melt cream fat (50 g). Flush the flour and fry it before the appearance of a characteristic fragrance.
  6. Pour milk. It is better to interfere with a whitewash to prevent the appearance of lumps.
  7. After boiling, tomorrow sauce to thickening. Then add most of the crushed cheese, salt and nutmeg.
  8. Part of the sauce pour into the shape for the oven and lay out vegetables on it.
  9. Covered by their remaining dairy and cheese. Sprinkle with sugar crumb.
  10. Turn the pieces of the remaining fat from above.

Furnace dish at 175 degrees 25 - 27 minutes.

Recipes first dishes

There are several traditional French soups. The onion and "dubbari" stands out among them.

Onion soup


  • onions - 1 kilo;
  • cream fat - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • broth (vegetable / chicken) - 1 l;
  • salt pepper;
  • cheese and baguette.


  1. The perfect vegetable for such a treat is sweet. It needs to be chopped by stripes and fry on oil at least 17 - 20 minutes. It is important to use for this dish with a thick bottom.
  2. To the already golden bows pour the selected broth. First leaves 1 cup, then you need to completely evaporate.
  3. Pour the remaining liquid and cook a treat to medium density.
  4. Fall asleep salt and pepper.

To serve a dish with a piece of roasted baguette covered with grated cheese.

Soup "Dubbari"


  • cauliflower - 1 small Kochan;
  • chicken broth - 1.3 l;
  • green onions - 4 pen;
  • fat cream - ½ tbsp.;
  • creamy oil - 60 g;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • yolks of chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt.


  1. Finely chop onions. Spread in melted butter until softening.
  2. Pick up flour and brew it on small fire. At the same time, it should not dare much.
  3. In small portions pour all the broth. After each new infusion, rub the components with a spatula.
  4. Sweep vegetable inflorescences. Cook 35 - 40 minutes.
  5. Keep a blender dish.
  6. Connect yolks with very fat and slightly whipped cream.
  7. Add a mixture to soup.

Apply a treat right away until it was covered with foam.

Simple and rapid French dishes

Such simple dishes are also suitable for breakfast, and for dinner, and for snack.

Salad "NISUAZ"


  • tuna - 100 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • tomatoes - ½ pcs.;
  • green beans - 1 handy;
  • assorted lettuce - 1 beam;
  • mustard - 1 h. spoon;
  • lemon juice - 2 h. spoon;
  • anchovies - 2 fillets;
  • honey - 1 h. spoon;
  • olive oil - 2 dec. spoons;
  • salt.


  1. Tuna cut into small pieces, salt and fry until readiness.
  2. Beans cook for 3 minutes.
  3. The first egg to cook twist, cut out slices.
  4. Tomato cut into large pieces.
  5. The second egg is welded. To be confused with all other declared ingredients.
  6. Anchovies to monitor the blender.
  7. Beat the sauce to homogeneity. Salt.

Stay on the plate of assortment of lounge leaves. Top to distribute fish, beans, tomatoes, pieces of eggs. Pour all sauce.



  • eggs - 2 whole + protein;
  • meat minced meat - 150 - 170 g;
  • salt, coriander, paprika;
  • mayonnaise - 1/3 of Art.;
  • garlic - 1 slices;
  • cucumber - ½ fetus;
  • tomato - ½ fetus;
  • parsley - 3 twigs.


  1. Vegetables and greens arbitrarily cut.
  2. For sauce, connect the sulfuric garlic with mayonnaise.
  3. Minced stuffing with squirrel, salt, spices. To discard.
  4. Covered with a film and roll out in a cake.
  5. Separately beat whole eggs and pour them into a frying pan with butter.
  6. Top to lay meat cake.
  7. After 3 - 4 minutes gently turn over.
  8. After 3 - 4 minutes, remove the brizol from the fire. To deceive the resulting cake sauce. Add vegetables. Salt.

Cove the second half base stuffing. To snack hot.


  • beef roast beef - 1 kilo;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • red dry wine - 2 tbsp.;
  • salt, spices, rosemary - to taste.


  1. Cut with meat extra fat. Pour it with wine, add rosemary to the bowl. Leave beef in this form at least 2 hours. And better - for the whole night.
  2. In the morning, dry meat, grasp olive oil, salt and spices.
  3. Put the workpiece into the package for baking in the microwave. You can use the usual plastic, the ends of which are glued with a vaccinizer.
  4. Exhalation from the package all air. Close it tightly. You can additionally cover the film.
  5. Remove meat in a package in a saucepan, filled with water. From above to press the cargo.
  6. In this form, keep the beef in the oven for 3.5 hours at 80 degrees.
  7. Almost finished meat is removed from the package and fry in a frying pan to the desired degree of shimming. You can add salt and pepper.

Tasty trying such beef and hot, and cold.

Julien with white mushrooms


  • boiled white mushrooms - 100 g;
  • fried chicken - 100 - 120 g;
  • cream - ½ tbsp.;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • crushed cheese;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Chicken remove with bones. Cut into small pieces.
  2. Fry to rosy small bow cubes with pre-boiled white mushrooms. Mix with chicken.
  3. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Pour cream. Extinguish 8 - 9 minutes.
  4. Pour the mixture of coxnotes and pour with cheese. Its quantity can be adjusted to your taste.
  5. Bake slightly less than half an oven at 190 degrees.

France's kitchen is a sophisticated, exquisite and aristocratic, famous for the whole world. But experts share the national culinary traditions of this country, at least two species - regional casual cuisine and aristocratic, which is not much a little national pride of this country.

The high kitchen of France (called so by analogy with a high fashion) originates since the reign of the bourbon dynasty. It is not just a beautifully served food prepared from expensive products. This is real culinary art! The main feature of French cuisine is impeccable freshness of products, elegance and simplicity of preparation. At the same time, the regional French cuisine originated in rural areas many centuries ago is also extremely interesting and distinct and causes the great interest of tourists.

The first associations with French cuisine come to mind instantly - these are hot croissants, crispy baguettes from the nearest bakery, a variety of cheese varieties, onion soup, fua-gra-grade and mandatory glass of wine at lunch. In fact, represent this one, French cuisine must be trying. Little country can give the tourist as many gastronomic pleasures as France. The sophisticated combinations, a variety of dishes, the freshest high quality products and exclusive wines - all this & NBSP offers its guests.

High cuisine France

With high kitchen dishes, we will begin your acquaintance with this country. The most famous French delicacy, perhaps, frog paws. To taste, they resemble chicken meat, and are quite simple in preparation. First, the meat is soaked in water for about a day, and then prepared in deep or roasted in a grain and served with a variety of sosa species. Flagsache meat is very tasty and useful, rich in vitamins and many unique trace elements.

Another well-known far beyond France dish is a well-cooked fatty duck or goose liver fua-gra. It turns out that the preparation of this dish is even regulated by law, since fua-gras is officially recognized as part of the cultural heritage of France.

Special place in the menu expensive restaurants occupy the famous truffles mushrooms. Truffles are a mix of walnut and mushroom tastes and very specific smell. They are very expensive and not used in the preparation of everyday dishes, but in good restaurants you can appreciate the unusual taste of the legendary French delicacy.

Another pride of high national cuisine - dishes made from grape snails. For example, the famous Escargo dish - burgundy snails in white wine.

Regional cuisine France

Speaking about the national culinary tradition, we will probably not dwell on the specifics of the kitchen of one or another region, and we will tell you more about the most delicious and most famous dishes of "simple" French cuisine. It is them, in our opinion, be sure to try, traveling in France.

The French dish famous for the whole world is a chicken in a wine sauce of Kok-a-wines. The prescription necessarily contains chicken meat and wine, but in each region it has its own characteristics. Since the birthplace of this dish is Burgundy, the bearer of cooking is "Rooster in Burgundy". The dish is prepared from the whole bird, and for extinguishing, the same wine is necessarily used that is fed to the table.

France is home to soups prepared on transparent broth. Who did not hear about the famous symbol of French cuisine - onion soup? Once it was the food of the poor, and today the onion soup can be found in the menu of the most expensive restaurants. The dish is prepared from onion, butter, low-fat broth, wine and cheese and is necessarily served with crispy croutons. The main "highlight" of this soup in the stunning aroma of caramelized onions.

Another original regional cuisine is popular on the coast French Buyabes Fish Soup. Once it was the cheapest pussy, she was prepared from the fish balances in the market - today it is a delicious soup of fish assorted and seafood, the price of one serving of which can reach up to 200 euros.

In the southern regions of France, where more satisfying food is very popular thick meat chowder with beans Cassul. For its preparation use white beans, a variety of sausages, pork or oily duck meat. The dish is fascinated for a long time on slow fire and the consistency is more like a stew than on the soup.

Another traditional dish that stepped with the kitchens of the poor straight in the High Kitchen Restaurant menu - Bethofa Burguignon. By the name of the dish, it is clear that his homeland became Burgundy, and the red burgundy wine is used in preparation. In the classic reading of the recipe beef stew in wine with the addition of vegetables, mushrooms and garlic. Once upon a time, to remove the rigidity of meat, beef heed more than three hours. Now in expensive restaurants, a dish is prepared from marble veal, so it turns out to be soft and gentle without long-term processing.

The French are very loved by casserole. The most famous French casserole Crank Dofene is prepared from potatoes with the addition of oil, cream and garlic, sometimes eggs and cheese are added.

Very popular, complicated and beautiful dish - Galantine, filled from meat (veal, birds, rabbit or any minced meat).

And in France, there is your own analogue (or rather, the progenitor) is a good familiar cutlets in Kiev - Chicken de Volyai. For the preparation of this dish, the chicken breast is perfectly chopped, wrapped in it a creamy stuffing, roll in breadcrumbs and baked or roasted in oil.

The National Alsatian dish Schukrut is very easy to confuse with German because of the combination of sauerkraut, meat and potatoes uncharacteristic for other regions of France. And the cabbage is first fed, and then boiled in beer. Serve dish usually with a knob or sausages.

Separate mention deserve french open pies. One of the varieties of such pirogs - Kish Lauren or larring Pie. This is an outdoor cake to which the filling is laid out, poured with sauce and baked. From above, the cake is sprinkled with grated cheese and bacon. Now there are many options for cake fillings, but the classic is considered a recipe with breast and cheese. The second place in popularity occupies an open onion cake with Anchovy Pierusedier.

Well, where without famous French desserts. The most famous of them, perhaps, cream-brulee, which means "burnt cream". The dish is prepared from a custard cream based on cream, eggs and sugar, and topped with sugar, which is straight before serving on the table caramelizes open fire with a gas burner. We cannot not mention the breathtaking French eclairs, very similar to them Cakes profiteroles and air cakes made of almond flour - pasta.

And, perhaps, a separate article deserve French wines and cheeses whose varieties in France about 500. These two products are practically inseparable in national cuisine, the French never drink cheese with juices or tea, only wine. In general, winemaking in France is at such a level that it can be compared with art. This is true for cheese.

How much is food in France

In France, many cafes and restaurants, so here you can easily find an institution for every taste and wallet. The simplest and non-binding food is served in small cafes-confectionery and bistro. For several euros, you can order sandwich and coffee, kish, stunning dessert for every taste or pancakes with filling. And for 10-15 euros, you can have a great dinner (or for 20-25 euros if the cafe is located in a popular tourist destination). For this amount in a small cozy cafe you will receive a complex lunch of three dishes. In a small cafe, you can dine and drink good wine for 40 euros for two.

If the integrated menu does not suit you, you can order dishes separately. The average price of the main meat dish is 14-15 euros, soup - about 10 euros, salad - 8-10 euros, a glass of wine is about 5 euros. You can save on food by settling in the apartment with a kitchen and fridge, and feeding the houses prepared from food purchased in the market.

And, of course, the famous French restaurants, where the corresponding entourage is required - impeccable serving, snow-white tablecloths. There are already completely different dishes and prices. The cost of one dish in such restaurants begins from 50 euros, and the average check is usually several hundred euros. But if you want to taste the masterpieces of the French high kitchen, you need to look for them in good restaurants.

Interestingly, the Fastfud culture in its European understanding in France is almost not developed, they love to be measured and leisurely lunch, enjoying food. For the French, the aesthetic side of the meal is very important - dishes and serving. They almost never eat on run and even snacks on the street usually look like in the picture - picnics on perfectly tonsured park lawns.

Tasty food belongs to France to the style of life. The disadvantages originated on the expanses of this sunny country are a sample of sophistication, the multifaceted taste and wealth of the ingredients.

French dishes of high cuisine, formed during the reign of the bourbon dynasty, and today are valued by gourmets and chefs of elite restaurants around the world.

Vishysoise (Vichyssoise)

If traditional onion soup has long been the usual component of French cuisine, his "close relative" - \u200b\u200bVichyssoise - refers to the category of exquisite meals. For the preparation of the dish, several bows are used immediately, which is roasted with potatoes and add to chicken broth. The finished puree is enriched with grated cheese, cream and whipped to the state of thick mousse.

The authorship of the Delicates belongs to the French Cook Louis of the city of Vichy, who worked in New York's restaurant and decided to recreate his childhood soup.

Traditionally, the Kushan is fed in a cold form. Pleasant Fennelhelese Vishisaaz is preparing the chef of the Paris Literary Cafe Le Procope. Here, the exquisite puree soup is poured into ceramic dies and decorate the greenery branch, cedar nuts or crackers. Price - 12 €.

Burgundy Beef (Beef Bourguignonne)

Beef Bourguignonne is characterized by a breathtaking aroma and leaving in the depths of the century. The appetizing smell of a dish, which is stewed in thick wine sauce pieces of meat, is achieved through the use of garlic, Luka-Shalot, mushrooms, parsley and thyme. The method of long cooking beef to give her softness was invented by the French peasants. The full part of the "Kitchen-Coutur" menu was at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to the king of cooks - Matra Culinary Ogust Eskfier.

The exquisite taste of Bethofa Burguignon perfectly complements the rice side dish or potato mashed potatoes. The legendary stew can be tried in almost all Parisian restaurants of national French cuisine. Depending on the class of the institution, the cost of the dish ranges from 18 to 65 €.

Cream Brule (Crème Brûlée)

The first mention of stunning sweets, the name of which is translated as "baked cream", refers to the XVII century. And although the exquisite dessert, which is a baked custard, was first prepared in, today it is considered a bright representative of French cuisine. The main chip of the delicacy - caramel durable crust. Put on it - and it will burst with a pleasant crunch, discovering a gentle creamy substance under it.

Fans of Cinema France Crème Brûlée familiar to the film "Amelie", whose heroine loved to break a spoon with a delightful sweet crust. Try a delicacy and feel the atmosphere of the masterpiece of the director Jean-Pierre Yea can be in Cafe Des Deux Moulins near Moulin Rouge. Portion cost - 8,90 €.

Rooster in wine (coq au vin)

By the appearance of a "rooster in wine", it is obliged to burgundy peasants who have decided to turn a small bird to a delicious dish. To mitigate the housing and hard meat, it was 3-4 hours in wine. A rich taste was achieved thanks to vegetables and spices: carrots, celery, bows-shalot, thyme, tarragon and peppers. Today, cookies replaced the rooster on a softer chicken, but the historical name of the recipe remains the same. Serve co-oh veins with freshly baked white bread and a glass.

Despite the fact that the preparation of an exquisite French dish causes problems with experienced owners, connoisseurs claim: to try this COQ Au Vin is possible only in Burgundy - the region where the delightful Red Wine Shambherta is produced. Gourmets are recommended to order this annea in the luxury restaurant Abbaye de La Bussiere, located in the Abbey Valley of the Esh River. Price - 58 €.

Bouillabaisse (La Bouillabaisse)

Even in the Middle Ages, French fishermen prepared themselves a simple chowder, cooked from unsuitable for the sale of remnants of the catch. Currently, the famous soup, which consists of 4-6 varieties of the most expensive seafood, are considered exquisite delicacy. Modern cooks are boiled buoyabes from lobsters, scallops, mussels and rare fish species. The appetizing ear is perfectly combined with garlic croutons and white wine.

An unusual French dish is best prepared in Marseille - a city where Buyabes appeared for the first time. In Paris, the places that serve the real La Bouillabaisse can be counted on the fingers. One of these institutions is a small restaurant L'Atelier du Parc on Boulevard Lefebvre. The gourmet soup plate is among the integrated network menu costs 49 €.

Frog paws (des Cuisses de Grenouille)

The meat of frogs resembles a tender chicken with a bare-catching flavor of seafood. According to statistics, for culinary purposes in the country, about 3 billion amphibians of Pelophylax esculentus are grown annually. For the preparation of an exquisite dish, only the tops of the rear legs are used. First, their days are soaked in water, then roasted in a grain or prepare in a fryer.

The tradition of eating a froggy thighs in Europe dates back to the XIII century. The first connoisseurs of delicacy were the Catholic monks of France, which decided to avoid prohibiting meat during the post.

In Paris, we can easily equip the frogs in the Rodger La Grenouille restaurant located at 28 Rue Des Grands Augustins. For a small portion of the exquisite French kushan, armed with spices, garlic and parsley, will have to spread from 35 €.

Snails (Escargot A La Bourguignonne)

Vintage food - grape snails cooked straight in the sink - is known since the times of Middle Ages. Today, the sophisticated delicacy in France is dedicated to the carnival. Every year on May 1, in a small town, the club, which is 300 km from the capital, the grand march, headed by the King of Snails. During the holiday, the festival participants eat about 500 thousand mollusks and drink approximately 10 thousand liters of dry white or rogo wine - a better beverage that follows the taste of sophisticated delicacy.

Labor clamps, just baked or cooked in water, absolutely fresh. Unmatched taste and delicate fragrance they are given a variety of sauces, spices and garlic oil. The delightful Escargot a La Bourguignonne is prepared at the Bistro Les Papilles restaurant, which is waiting for guests near the Paris Luxembourg Garden. Portion of the Burgundy snails from the chef Ulrich Clauda costs 19 €.

Oysters (Les Huître)

The French cuisine's diamond is served as an exquisite snack. Mollusks lay out on a large ice dish, where the half of the lemon is already awaited. Before use on the contents of the sink, it is assumed to squeeze several citrus droplets that give a gentle pulp light sourness. Delicious oysters, characterized by meaturacy and large size, can be tastefully appreciated in Primorsky Canka (Brittany).

The best place to get acquainted with elite delicacy in Paris are restaurants, whose menu is 70% consists of mollusks. Such institutions include a tiny, but very popular Huitrerie Régis. In anticipation of a dozen of excellent Breton Oysters worth 34.50 € You can pamper yourself with a glass and a portion of another culinary masterpiece in the mouth of Foie Gras.

Foie Gra (Foie Gras)

The name of one of the most expensive French dishes, which has become a symbol of culinary luxury, is translated as a "fatty liver". The ambiguous dish is prepared from the liver forcibly cobbled ducks or goose. Aristocratic delicacy has a special sweet taste and a smooth oily structure. Freshly prepared FOIE GRAS is served as a mousse, patestite, exquisite snacks and as the main dish, an upside down: mushrooms, caramelized chestnuts, pumpkin and apple puree.

Inexpensive to taste fua gras in Paris in the institution of Le Ciel de Paris in the Montparnasse district. The price of a portion is 29 €. We advise you to look at the High Cuisine Fans to look into the Le Gabriel Michelin Restaurant, located in the hotel of the same name. The goose liver from the Star Cook of Zherom Bunker is part of one of the proposed set-menu costs 215 €.

Black Truffe (La Truffe Noire)

"Black diamond" is called Gourmet Divine truffle, heading the rating of the most exquisite and expensive French dishes. The king of all mushrooms from December to March, then the time of its mass tasting comes. The price of truffles varies from 200 to 1,000 € per kilogram.

Delicates, beloved by gourmets for amazing flavor and rich taste, was known in ancient Egypt. In France, he appeared in the XVII century thanks to Mary Medici. The future queen brought from Italy not only to her product, but also a retinue of cooks capable of cooking right.

The best institution of Paris, which serves La Truffe Noire, is Maison De La Truffe, located on Place De La Madeleine Square. The local chef perfectly reveals the taste of an invaluable mushroom, adding it to the traditional French food. The cost of dinner starts from 70 €. The restaurant has a shop, the main product of which is fresh and canned delicacy.

Connoisseurs regard the exquisite dishes of French cuisine as works of art. The worldwide respect for the country's high cooking emphasizes the set of words borrowed from the language of musketeers: side dish, restaurant, entrecotion, souffloy, omelet. By the way, the definition of "gourmet" was also born in France and characterizes lovers of delicious and abundant food.

"Oh, these French, they are such gourmets!" - Many say, meaning French cuisine. The French can not be attributed to lovers just tightly fill the belly with a huge amount of food. - Country of Gourmes, thin connoisseurs of cooking. French cuisine is small portions, the saturation of which is achieved by adding sauces (their in French cuisine more than 3000), pickiness to the choice of ingredients, elegant serving, as well as the variety of wines and cheeses. All this allows French cuisine to be one of the best cooking in the world.

Distinguish the foreigner from the Frenchman very easily by how it eats. The Frenchman will not sleep with a meal for both cheeks, the main thing for him is to enjoy every piece and accompany meals a leisurely conversation. Want to eat like a Frenchman? Order Lyon Salad, a glass of Bordeaux, sit on the terrace face to the street and taper, watching trashome-sideways from the sidewalk.


Even in the 4th century in the culinary books of the French, such exquisite ingredients were mentioned as saffron for painting dishes, almonds and milk for saturation of taste and pink water for fragrance. In the era of the Renaissance, there were salted and viscous dishes in the go, and mushrooms were entered - the truth, with sad consequences: they were often preparing wrong, and dinner ended with poisoning. From the ancient Roman culinary traditions to the French cuisine, love for the guilt came. According to the French resistant conviction, contributed to a healthy appetite and digestion. We will not argue with them.

A real coup in French cuisine occurred after the Italian Catherine Medici became his wife Heinrich II. First, she brought Italian chefs with her, and secondly, he taught the French with simple, but necessary things: wash their hands before eating and use cutlery, in particular, forks. Medici made a meal with a whole view: beautiful plates for food and rare glass glasses began to be used. And with Louis XIV, the traditions appeared to serve the dishes alternately and use table silver.

By the beginning of the 20th century, no monarchs come to the fore, and the cooks themselves. The famous French cook Antoine Karem, one of the first representatives of the "High Kitchen", came up to put in the windows of confectionery intricate baking figures to attract visitors. His successor of Auguste Eskofier opened the world French cuisine, was named "King of cooks and a chef kings", and his "culinary guide" and is now used as a collection of recipes and a textbook of culinary art. Until now, the outstanding French chefs are considered in society by national heroes.

In 1900, a guidebook for travelers "Red Guide Michelin" appears in France, which is now the most influential restaurant rating of the world. The guide awards from one to three stars with institutions that deserve special attention. The owner of the French company for the production of tires Andre Mishlen initially ranked in his guide the number of stars Price range of establishments: one star is cheap, three is very expensive. Now, the presence of the Mishalin Star on the sign of the institution testifies to the high quality of the kitchen and a rather big price of dinner. In France, Mishlenian restaurants are more than 600, in the post-Soviet space - not one.

Kitchen in regions

Traditionally, France's cuisine is divided into regional folk and exquisite aristocratic. It is impossible to leave France without trying onion soup whose history has a century. Greaten from potatoes, fried chestnuts, confidence from duck legs, fondue - gastronomic delights can be listed infinitely! Burgundy Snails Escargo, Oysters, Fua-Gra, Frog Paves - These delicacies are loved, but they are not so often eating. But almost every region of France can boast that it is home to some kind of dish, drink or dessert.


Alsace, much absorbed from a neighbor-Germany. The pretzel Brezl, the salt cabbage of the whug with sausages, stewed hare, tart flambes (thin pizza with a classic filling of onion, bacon and cream). Hot wine Mulled wine, all sorts of jersey, sausages and pies also arrived in French land. The most original dish of Alsace is a rooster in wine. Being in Alsace, do not refuse yourself the pleasure to try the local cheese Münster, and let him odching won't let you go.


Normandy is famous for its apple gardens, which is why apple pie is like that dessert. Cider and Calvados are the most popular drinks in the region. Strong Calvados is used as a digestive to improve digestion, so that you order a glass after meal. But Cider - a drink is lightweight, and his (like other alcohol) here generously add to meat for a special taste: Duck in Sider, Light in Sider, Duck in Norman, duck in Ruansky. All sortsle majlelets and pancakes are very popular in this region. From the cheeses, the local celebrity - Camembert, who appeared in Normandy.


Brittany is the main supplier of seafood in France, so it is impossible to leave, without trying oysters sprinkled with lemon juice. Langusti and Langustians, sea scallops, mackerel, soup with lobster, stuffed crab - familiar to local dishes. Meat here, too, love and know how to cook, so boldly order the lamb of Breinton with tomatoes, garlic and white beans, pork pate and blood sausage. As in Normandy, the cider is popular here, and Caramel is considered the main dessert and filling for the whole sweet.


Perigore - the famous Motherland of Foi Gra and Truffles. In addition to the goose liver, the other parts of this bird are actively going into the course when cooking dishes. The result is the goose stuffed neck and goose conf.


Provencal cuisine is very different from the kitchen in other regions of France: many traditions of cooking are borrowed from the Italians. Main dishes - Bibles and Ratatouh fish soup - the one who prepared a cook-mouse from the cartoon of the same name.


Lorraine gave the peace of pastry macaroni confectionery, Madeleine and Roma Baba, and another cake of Kish Lauren, an outdoor cake.


Champagne is considered the invention of Pierre Perignon from the Champagne region, but we would not drink this drink now, do not be English entrepreneurs who have wine with bubbles, unlike the French, were not considered defective, but actively allowed to sell. It is the British that the invention has a thick glass bottle for champagne.


Armagnac, a variety of brandy, appeared in the province of Gascon and now competes in popularity with Cognac - another French invention.


In Avitania is the city of Bordeaux - the Wine Capital of France. These grapes are grown here, like Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Point Vero, Cabernet Fran. It is from the mixture of these varieties that produce all the main fault of the region. Burgundy wines and wines are considered the best - it is them annually get medals at wine festivals. French wines are worthy of a separate article, as each of them has a rich history and its special taste: read, for example, our in Bordeaux. One or two glasses of red dry wine per day - the usual business for the French. They believe that wine is a cure for all diseases and say that they try not to drink it every day, but it is terribly hard for them. It is not surprising that it is in Bordeaux that has a whole dedicated to guilt and winemaking.


A variety of desserts of French cuisine amazing imagination - in France, many goodies were invented, without which it is now difficult to present their existence. Grilija, Crochembush, Charlotka, Tarta Tathart, Souffle, Praline, Parf, Blanmanzhe, Cooked and Savoyardi - a list of French sweethearts is infinite and worth trying them all, and we will tell about the main ones.

Creme brulee - egg yolks, cream, sugar and milk, after the baking of which a crispy caramel crust is formed. Above her teaspoon and feel Amelie from the movie of the same name.

Eclair - oblong sweet custard pastry with cream stuffing inside. The invention of this masterpiece is attributed to the "emperor of cooks" Antoine Karem.

Makaron - The world-famous cake consists of just a few ingredients: whipped egg proteins, sugar powder, almond and food dye. His main feature is that it is ready to use 2-3 days after manufacture. This is a favorite dessert of French monarchs and aristocracy: Maria Antoinette called her cat in honor of his beloved delicacy. The most famous macaroni manufacturer in France is Ladurée.

Meringue or meringue - Air dessert, which fully justifies its translation from the French - "Kiss". Gentle and easy.

Kalla- Dough, impregnated with vanilla and rum, with a crispy caramel crust. Real French dessert, which arose thanks to the nuns of the abode of the Annunciation.

Croissant - It was invented in Austria and brought to mind in France. Only here puff pastry began to lubricate with oil. Coffee and croissant with almond chips, chocolate filling or orange jam - perfect breakfast of any Frenchman.