Pineapple salad with chicken and cheese. Salad with pineapples and chicken: Best recipes with photos

09.11.2020 Vegetable dishes

The combination of chicken breast and pineapple is just a find for a real gourmet. And if you add something tasty to these two ingredients, you can simply swallow the language. Basically make it so, boiled meat and simply cut, but you can fry it or bake in the oven what it would be even more delicious and fragrant.

You can also take a smoked meat immediately that would not waste time on cooking meat. In general, when all the components of the salad are chosen correctly, you will remain to cut everything and fix with mayonnaise. But you can also put layers. In the selection there will be recommendations, as possible from the same products to prepare a completely different look, but the same salads to taste.

This recipe is a kind of classic in the preparation of salads from similar ingredients. I want to say a few words about the addition of garlic. I tried the composition and with garlic and without it. I like my family more with garlic so he will be present in this recipe, but if the garlic seems to be superfluous, you can not add it.


  • Chicken breast 1 pc.
  • Garlic 2-3 teeth
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt to taste

Cooking process:

File of course you need only boiled. Therefore, I was previously dried in weakly salt water with the addition of a laurel sheet for greater aroma. From the broth you can make a soup, and meat will go to the salad.

So, the meat is disassembled on the fibers. Try to make pieces as much as possible.

Pineapples cut by pieces. You can get sliced \u200b\u200bimmediately, but this time I for some reason took the circles.

Garlic passes through garland. You can make mayonnaise immediately mix with garlic. Get sauce for refueling.

We put everything in one bowl refuel mayonnaise and mix well to uniformity.

Salad is ready to serve on the table. The convenience of cooking is that it is not necessary to give time for impregnation with a layer or something else. Sliced, refuel, mixed and squeeze on the table.

All the freshest and immediately from under the knife. Bon Appetit.

Recipe for salad with chicken, cheese and pineapples

here is another recipe that can also be safely attributed to classic preparation recipes. Tasty and gentle cheese, which gives his special taste is added to the main ingredients.


  • Chicken 250-300 gr.
  • Pineapples 1 bank
  • Gentle cheese 120 gr.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Garlic to taste

Cooking process:

Grate cheese on a large grater.

Boiled chicken meat cut into small pieces of sizes with grated pieces of cheese. It is desirable that in the salad all the ingredients were the same size.

Pineapple slices seemed too big to me, so I reveal them a little. I will make them a little less.

So, the cheese was fined on the grater, meat and pineapple chopped finely, now you need to add everything to the Mayonnaise in one bowl and mix well.

Everything is ready can be served on the table pre-decorated with a greener sprig. How many such treatments can be stored do not know how they eat immediately as soon as I put on the table.

Delicious and unusual pineapple salad with chicken

The unusualness of this salad is its design. And the ingredients are chosen so nicely that it does not want to add anything. Check out the video of the plot of how easy it is possible to create an unusual decoration for this treat.

Rich Salad with Pineapple and Crab Lodges Layers

Want to get a completely new dish in your arsenal? Please try to replace the chicken on the crab sticks.


  • Crab sticks 1 pack
  • Pineapples pieces 1 bank
  • Bow 1 head
  • Eggs 3-4 pcs
  • Cheese gentle 80 gr.
  • Mayonnaise

Cooking process:

And so before proceeding with the preparation of salad you need to boil eggs. Then split them into proteins and yolks after separately rub on the grater. Crab sticks finely chop. You can also grate on the grater. Onions finely cut and pour hot water for 3-5 minutes to remove bitterness from it.

Salad will be assembled by layers. The bottom of the plate or dishes to wove in a thin layer of mayonnaise and put grated proteins in the first layer.

The second layer of crab sticks. Each layer is missing mayonnaise, but do not overdo it with him.

The third layer of onion and mayonnaise.

After the bow, we put the thin layer of pineapples without mayonnaise.

From above, pineapples sprinkle with grated cheese and miss mayonnaise.

The top layer will be grated yolks that are decoration of our delicious lettuce with pineapples.

The easiest recipe for lettuce with pineapples, mushrooms and chicken

As I said, there is a huge amount of how to cook a delicious treat with this simple set of ingredients. I propose a delicious recipe with a fried fillet.


  • Chicken breast 400-500 gr.
  • Canned Bank 1 Mushrooms
  • Canned Pineapple 1 Bank
  • Eggs 5-6 pcs.
  • Bow 1 head
  • Garlic 2-3 teeth
  • Dutch cheese 150-200 gr.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Greens for decoration
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices to taste

Cooking process:

Chicken breasts cut into cubes and fry on a vegetable oil until the onion is ready. If you wish, you can add spices so that the meat would be more fragrant and tasty.

Bare eggs. Garlic squeeze in mayonnaise and mix. It turns out a delicious salad refilling.

Alternately in a deep bowl we will lay out products and lubricate each layer by our sauce. The first layer is grated egg whites.

The second layer is roasted meat, but you should not upload all meat, it will still need.

The third layer consists of canned mushrooms. I have champignons, but any other mushrooms can be used.

After mushrooms, lay slices of pineapples.

The fifth layer distribute the remaining meat and wipe the mayonnaise.

Now the turn of grated cheese and sauce with garlic.

Complete laying layers will be grated egg yolks. At the end, we decorate the salad with sprigs of parsley and put it in the refrigerator for impregnation.

The impregnation time takes about 3-4 hours.

Salad "Lady Caprice" with smoked breast

Have you ever tried this tasty treats in truth? I once had a lucky try to try it, and I liked so much that it was decided by all the truths and it is not true to get a recipe and prepare the same salad at home.


  • Smoked chicken breast 400 gr.
  • Pineapples canned 1 bank
  • Olives without bones 1 bank
  • Solid Cheese 200 gr
  • Eggs 5 pcs.
  • Greens for decoration
  • Mayonnaise

Cooking process:

Smoked chicken breast cut into cubes. The size of the cube is regulated by yourself, but I like it more when the ingredients are cut down the smallest.

The same cubes should also cut cheese. It is best for this recipe for solid grades of cheese.

Pineapples can be taken both canned and fresh. If there is no desire to go with fresh pineapple of course it is better to take ready. But the aroma of course will be fresh. Cut pineapples on pieces.

Maslins of course take only without bones. With olives, it is not worth a gland with a cutting on 2-3 parts. For one make sure that everyone would be without a bone.

Boiled chicken eggs chop fine and lay out in a common bowl. Leave one yolk for decoration.

Components for salad slices can be fed by mayonnaise and mix well to a homogeneous state.

It remains nice to arrange and serve on the table.

Bon Appetit.

Gentle pineapple salad with chicken and corn

But we have not considered such a recipe for cooking. Preparing is also easy as previous options of salads.


  • Chicken breast 400 gr.
  • Corn 1 bank
  • Pineapple 1 bank
  • Eggs 5 pcs.
  • Solid cheese 200 gr.
  • Mayonnaise 3-4 tbsp. Spoons
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Greens for decoration

Cooking process:

Break to boil into weakly salted water, also boil the eggs into the cool. If the pineapples took the rings cutting the rings on the cubes, we leave one ring for decoration.

The remaining ingredients should be crushed.
Chicken cut into cubes, grate the cheese on the grater, cut the eggs as much as possible.

I put the ingredients in the bowl add corn, mayonnaise and finely chopped greens.

Mix decorate and send on the table. Tasty simple and beautiful. Bon Appetit.

Here is such a small selection of festive recipes for the preparation of pineapple salads with chicken breast. And how do you cook such salads? You can leave your favorite recipes in the comments under the article will be glad to new recipes. And for me today all the world of good and positive. Until.

For the preparation of lettuce, you will need two key ingredients - chicken and canned pineapples. Pineapple can be taken sliced \u200b\u200bwith washers or cubes, it will still be crushed. As for chicken, it is suitable not only fillet, but also chicken fences, and the meat is better to boil in advance so that it has time to cool. It will also be necessary to cook eggs (1 piece for each portion). Cheese is better to use spicy - with him taste dishes piquant. Corn will suit gentle, sugar varieties. Fill the salad with boiled chicken and canned pineapples can be either a shopping sauce. If you wish, you can dilute "Provence" on 1/3 syrup from pineapples, then the dish will be easier, as its calorie will decrease.

Total cooking time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Output: 1 portion


  • boiled chicken breast - 100 g
  • canned pineapple - 80 g (2 rings)
  • solid cheese - 20 g
  • corn - 2 tbsp. l.
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise - for refueling
  • salad sheet - 1 pc.
  • parsley - 2-3 twigs


Big photos Little photos

    The basis of salad will be chicken - it is best to take a boiled breast, although the ham (boiled or smoked) is also suitable. I boiled chicken breast until prepared with the addition of salt and pepper, and then completely cooled in the broth. It is important not to digest the chicken, otherwise the meat will become dry. In parallel, in another saucepan do not forget to boil the eggs by screwing.

    You can lay out the salad on a common dish or portion using a special molding ring for salad. If you do not have rings, you can cut it out of a plastic bottle. At the bottom of the Salantica, I dealt a little mayonnaise and laid out a salad leaf - mayonnaise is necessary for greens to firmly fixed on the dishes. From above set the molding ring. The cooled chicken meat chopped a cube, laid out the first layer, smeared by mayonnaise.

    The second layer is canned pineapples. Everything is simple, you just need to drain the liquid from the can and cut the fruit with small pieces, top with the messenger from the mayonnaise.

    Third layer - boiled chicken eggs. Purified eggs I divided into yolks and proteins. First, it crushed on the grater and laid the proteins, smeared with a thin mesh from refueling. And followed by grated yolks and covered with sauce. Of course, you can simply grind eggs entirely, but if you split proteins and yolks, then the layers will look more accurate when feeding.

    The fourth layer is corn. From the bank you need to move the liquid, and then lay out the grains with a smooth layer, lay mayonnaise.

    Fifth layer - cheese. I was crushed it in a small grater and laid out on top of a lush cap. Mayonnaise did not lubricate.

    It remains to decorate a salad with pineapples, chicken, cheese and egg to your liking, for example, sprinkle a parsley chopped with a crushed greenery. After cooking, do not forget to remove the dish in the refrigerator so that the puff salad cooled a couple of hours and all of its layers as impregnated.

Feed a puff salad with pineapples and chicken is best in chilled. Portion is designed for one guest. Festive appetite!

On a note

The list of ingredients can be expanded by including other products into it, for example, fried champignons or walnuts.

There are a large number of different salads from chicken meat, however, a salad with chicken and pineapple can be considered the most successful finding of cooks. Especially this light and tasty salad in honor of people who follow their figure and weighing. Indeed, paradox - products in this salad are completely dietary, and the final taste is suitable for the status of festive salad and dishes for receiving guests. At any celebration, such an unusual salad quickly diverges on plates and invariably causes interest among the guests. And since it is very simple to cook, often this salad our hostess do and on weekdays to please your family.

Basic in this salad can be considered a harmonious combination of chicken and pineapple flavors, and various additional ingredients only emphasize this harmony. There are several main options for using other products in this dish: pineapple salad with chicken and cheese, salad with chicken, pineapples and mushrooms, salad with chicken, pineapple and corn, chicken salad, pineapple and walnut. The choice of culinary depends on what kind of saturation salad he wants to get. For example, for the lung, even the air option is enough to add cheese and egg in a salad with chicken and pineapples. For a more saturated taste, put in a salad with pineapples and chicken nut. Mushrooms are added to a salad for aroma and originality. If you are not a supporter of the mushroom fragrance, prepare a salad with chicken without mushrooms and with pineapples. The original is a salad with smoked chicken and pineapples, it has an interesting sour-sweet with a mustard taste that many lovers very much. It is laid out on the dish salad with chicken and pineapple layers, and this lies another opportunity to vary with products and tastes.

Refueling to such a salad, as a rule, serves as light mayonnaise, or mayonnaise with lemon juice. Therefore, a salad with chicken and pineapples classic looks like this: a boiled chicken breast, sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes, pineapples with pieces, grated cheese, all this is refilled by mayonnaise and mixed. After all, just? And how tasty!

But, since the salad with chicken and pineapple puff, any hostess can decide - what products and how layers will be in her salad. So, resourceful cookies are often used as additional ingredients the following products: white bread crackers, canned corn, eggs, walnut, sometimes cedar nut, rice, sweet pepper, boiled potatoes, onions, garlic, greens, spices.

Therefore, the recipe for salad with chicken and pineapple can make themselves based on the above-mentioned basic list of products. However, if this is your first similar salad, use the hint of our site for the first time: the recipe for a chicken and pineapple with the photo will help you cope with the task. A particularly good tip for you will be step by step recommendations: a salad with chicken and pineapples, a step-by-step recipe with the photo of which you have chosen for myself, it will be much better and most importantly, with less loss.

In the meantime, we listen to experienced masters who advise:

For salad, it is important to boil the chicken meat correctly so that it is juicy. For this, the chicken breasts need to be lowered into boiling salted water and boil about 25 minutes on medium heat. Perevide meat chicken for salad is not suitable;

So that your salad is a bit more calorie, as meat, you can use meat or legs or legs instead of breast;

Also a calorie and brighter and saturated version of lettuce will be able to use smoked or even fried chicken;

To use in a salad it is more convenient to take already sliced \u200b\u200bpineapple canned in banks. Pieces need to be carefully separated from the syrup and squeeze a little from the residues of the liquid;

For additional satiety in the salad add boiled rice or potatoes;

As in any other salad, all the ingredients are desirable to cut into the same in the form of pieces;

Salad from chicken and pineapples can not be placed salt, pepper, other sharp spices, because The mayonnaise and cheese present in it will make it tasty enough.

  • Chicken breast - 2 pcs;
  • Canned pineapple - 400 gr. jar;
  • Cheese "Tilziter" - 250 gr.;
  • Chicken Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise - 150 gr.;
  • Some parsley;
  • Salt, freshly ground pepper;
  • Training time: 00:10
  • Time for preparing: 00:30
  • Number of portions: 4
  • Complexity: average


Simple classic - salad with boiled chicken and canned pineapple. This salad can most often be seen on our table. Key ingredients in this salad can be considered 2 products - chicken and pineapple. And if everything is clear with chicken meat, you can use the breast or meat from the fences, then the pineapple in this recipe it is easier to use in canned, and in no fresh form, when it is better to choose a jar with canned food, inside which the fruit is cut with rings. The sliced \u200b\u200bcubes are too large for the preparation of salad, and additionally grind them uncomfortable. But the washers are quite easy to grind to the desired size.

  1. Chicken breasts rinse, pour cold water and put cooking. As soon as it boils, remove the foam and burn fire to medium. After the foam will be formed on the surface, you can salt, add a laurel leaf or other spices. Cook breasts until readiness, then remove from the broth and cool.

    The remaining broth should not be poured, it can be frozen to subsequently use to prepare a couple of serving a soup with noodles, risotto, stew or other dishes.

  2. While the breast is boiled, in another pot you can cook eggs.
  3. Cheese solid varieties rub on a large grater.
  4. Green parsley rinse, dry and chop very finely.
  5. The cooled chicken meat is disassembled on the fibers and fell into small pieces.
  6. Clear eggs from the shell and cut into a small cube.
  7. Open a can with canned pineapples, pour a little juice into another container. It can be subsequently used to dilute on 1 \\ 3 ready-made purchased mayonnaise to reduce its calorie content. Includes pineapples with a small cube, the same as eggs cut.
  8. Mix in a bowl all ingredients, season salad salt and spices, add chopped greens and fill with mayonnaise.
  9. Store the salad before the feed is recommended in the refrigerator, in a saucepan or container with a dense lid.
  10. Other products, such as mushrooms or walnuts, can be included in the list of ingredients.

Salad with chicken and pineapples "Fusion" - the usual ingredients on a new way:

As a basis, we will take the same ingredients - chicken, pineapple for cooking, but a bit in the modified form. It is rather a festive meals to a solemn feast, as the salad is laid out by layers.

For cooking you will need:

  • Smoked ham - 2 pcs.;
  • Pineapple fresh - 1 \\ 2 pcs.;
  • Cheese "Gaud" - 250 gr.;
  • Quail eggs - 8 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise - 150 gr.;
  • Fresh parsley - 3 twigs;
  • Canned corn;
  • Slight salt and freshly ground pepper;
  • Sheet salad for feeding and decoration;
  • Culinary bag.

Preparation of layer salad with smoked chicken:

  1. With smoked meat, remove the skin, separate from the bones and grind.
  2. At the bottom of the Saladka for juiciness to apply a little mayonnaise and lay out the salad leaves so that they stick out a little on top of the bowl. Mayonnaise is necessary for greens to firmly fixed on the dishes.
  3. Smoked chicken is laid out on the salad leaves, then glimpse with sauce. The salad has become even more brighter, it is possible to add chopped garlic in mayonnaise.
  4. Quail eggs boil, cool and clean. Cut each egg into four parts. Share eggs to a salad bowl, over chicken.
  5. Loose solid cheese on a large grater, half to lay out in a salad bowl, and peer mayonnaise. Now the layers can be somewhat salted and season with spices.
  6. The next layer will be canned corn, the remaining chicken meat is laid on top of it. We glue sauce salad.
  7. Pineapple clean the skin, cut the rigid core and cut into thin slides. Share Slays in Salante in the form of "Schee". From above to add remaining cheese, lay mayonnaise in a small amount and decorate the chopped greenery of parsley.
  8. Remove the puff salad in the refrigerator so that it coils for a couple of hours, then you can serve to the table.

Nude gourmets worldwide prefer interesting and most incredible combinations of ingredients in salads. The dish is obtained interesting and spicy taste, with a "highlight". And one of their such dishes is a salad with chicken meat, cheese and pineapples, forming an appetizing composition.

What ingredients can be included in the salad?

  • Boiled or smoked chicken;
  • Chicken or quail egg;
  • Pineapple fresh or canned;
  • Cheese of solid varieties;
  • Crackers (purchased or home);
  • Canned corn;
  • Fresh garlic;
  • Rice (wild, brown, round, long-grain);
  • Canned peas;
  • Onion (repatible, Crimean);
  • Shampignon mushrooms (fresh or canned);
  • Nuts (walnuts, peanuts or hazelnuts);
  • Mayonnaise ready or home, yogurt, sour cream;
  • Fresh greens.

Salapta can be prepared in two ways - mixing all the ingredients and locating the dish before serving, or prepare it with layers. In the latter case, a cooking bag and a very narrow hole will be required. To keep the salad, "drowned" in sauce, mayonnaise is recommended to be applied to each layer in the form of a mesh.

Fresh, bright salad with pineapples, cooked by layers - decoration of the festive table! Choose the best recipe.

Surprisingly balanced taste - Pineapple is responsible for sweetness, for tenderness - eggs, for sharpness - pickled onions and garlic. And, by the way, in contrast to the fur coat, absolutely not fat, due to the fact that we use sour cream in refueling.

  • chicken breast boiled - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • vinegar - 1 tsp.
  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • cheese - 200 g
  • canned pineapples (rings) - 1 bank 500 ml
  • sour cream - 5 tbsp.
  • mayonnaise - 7 tbsp.
  • garlic - 3 teeth
  • salt to taste
  • ground pepper - to taste
  • ginger ground - at will

To begin with, you will prepare the gas station - we mix sour cream, mayonnaise, garlic, missed through the press. Then cut the breast against the fibers and lay it on a flat dish first layer. Can be salted, pepper, add ground ginger. Lubricate the mayonnaise-creamy refueling.

The next layer will lay out marinated onions. We cut the finely onions and pour it with boiling water. We leave for a couple of minutes, we completely drain the water. Add a teaspoon of a simple vinegar, we are waiting for a couple of minutes, vinegar merge completely. Onions lay out the second floor on the chicken, then it is refueling.

Three eggs on a large grater and lay out the floor above on the bow. Then lubricate the refueling.

Three cheese on a large grater, lay out on eggs, add refueling.

The topmost layer is a visual and taste decoration of salad - pineapples. To the center put the circle, the remaining mugs cut in half and spread in the form of a sun.

We put the salad to be soaked for half an hour in the refrigerator. Salad ready!

Recipe 2: Chicken puff salad with pineapple and cheese (step by step)

Today we will prepare a wonderful simple dish - a salad with chicken and pineapple, we provide a recipe with a photo. In general, I must say that the pineapple chicken is simply perfectly combined, you can improvise with products, you can add a layer of roasted with a loaf of fungi - the salad will become more saturated and saturated. But today we will prepare an easy gentle salad, because we will bypassed without mushrooms, which still takes the dish. Such a salad can also be for breakfast, and to dinner, thanks to its ease, and to the holiday table just right.

  • boiled chicken meat - 250 grams;
  • boiled boosted eggs - 3-4 pieces;
  • canned pineapple - 250 grams;
  • solid cheese - approximately 120-150 grams;
  • mayonnaise light fatty for refueling;
  • a little greenery as decoration.

I first boil the chicken (you can take both the breast and the ham, only the breast will need to be lubricated with mayonnaise, as it is still dry meal), and boil the eggs.

Chicken measko grind (it is better to cut into small cubes), and lay out the first layer on a wide flat dish, lubricate by mayonnaise.

To do this, I take either mayonnaise in the package with a cover, or carefully cut off the corner on the package so that the sauce is a thin flowing, then soybeans will not harm when lubricating. You can do as I prepared - the chicken and eggs I just mixed in a separate mind, before laying out on the layers.

From pineapples to drain the liquid in which they were, cut into a cube, lay out over meat.

Now we divide proteins with shocks from boiled eggs. The yolks are still postponed to the side, and the squirrels are hidden on the gravo and lay out in the third layer over pineapple. From above - again mayonnaise mesh.

Solid cheese is rubbed large and evenly distribute over proteins.

Cover the cheese layer of a thin mesh mayonnaise and put grated egg yolks as the final layer.

Note: The layers are preferably not tamping, then the salad will turn out even more gentle, make a salad a little up to feed, so that he will have a trustworthy, and only after that you can decorate greens.

Well, our simple (but incredibly delicious!) Bullen salad with pineapples, chicken and cheese is ready, you can use pleasure, pleasant appetite!

Recipe 3: Salad puff with pineapple and corn (with photos)

Layered salad with pineapple is, without exaggeration to say, an extraordinary dish. That, it would seem, it consists of the most ordinary products, and the taste turns out simply amazing. The gentle sweetness of pineapple, the rigor of solid cheese, the juice of the Bulgarian pepper creates a wonderful and insanely tasty combination. And such beauty is very worthy of taking its place on the festive table. By the way, you can prepare a similar pineapple salad with cheese and for the new year, giving ingredients the shape of cute snowmen.

A vegetarian salad with pineapple is preparing pretty simple and fast, as the products are all used ready, and pre-nothing needs to boil or bake. All you need is to stock all the necessary ingredients, get a sharp knife, a cutting board and a beautiful plate. And after 5 minutes it will be possible to enjoy a delicious vegetable dish.

  • Pineapple canned - 120 g
  • Canned corn - 100 g
  • Bulgarian Pepper - 1 Big
  • Beijing Cabbage - 2 Large Sheet
  • Solid cheese - 80 g
  • Sour cream (mayonnaise) - about 2 tbsp.

First of all, the leaves of the Beijing cabbage did not cut the leaves of the Beijing cabbage. Having posted a salad bowl. By the way, the layers can be placed in any order.

Lubricated mayonnaise.

Then chopped the Bulgarian pepper. Posted the next layer.

Again mayonnaise.

Cubes cut cheese. Having laid out after pepper.

After the cheese - sliced \u200b\u200bcanned pineapple.

Again mayonnaise.

And posted canned corn.

Here is the extraordinarily delicious puff salad with pineapple and corn! I recommend to eat it immediately, because the vegetables are all juicy here, and if the salad is standing for some time, he just stalks. And freshly prepared - it is crisp and fresh.

Recipe 4: Salad puff with pineapples and walnuts

In this simple and at the same time, the original dish perfectly combines the meat base of boiled chicken breast, juiciness and pleasant sweetness of pineapple, the saturation and tenderness of the cheese, the piquancy of walnut and fragrant fried mushrooms with onions. As mayonnaise is used as a salad refueling - it is best to make it yourself.

  • chicken breast - 500 gr
  • pineapple Canned - 300 gr
  • canned champignons - 230 gr
  • russian cheese - 150 gr
  • onions - 1 pc
  • walnut - 70 gr
  • mayonnaise - 100 gr
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml

First of all, we will put the chicken breast. In general, there are two main rules in accordance with which the chicken breast is boiled. If you need a broth, the meat is laid in cold water, and when you prepare the breast itself (for example, for the same salads), put it in boiling water. Then the breast will be juicy and very soft, as it will not have time to give all his juices to the broth. So, put the chicken breast in boiling water and cook with moderate boiling for about 15 minutes (after the water boils the water - boiling is stopped when you lay the meat, as the water temperature is reduced).

In the meantime, we will prepare mushrooms and onions for frying, champignons cut with neat pieces, and a purified bulb is a small cube.

In the pan, we pour vegetable (I have sunflower) oil without smell, warming it and laying mushrooms with onions. Fry on medium heat without a lid to a pleasant rumyanta and full readiness.

Canned pineapples get out of the bank and give a thoroughly stitching syrup. Then we cut the fruit in small pieces.

Cheese grind on a coarse grater. Its small part of it then squeeze on a shallow grater to decorate the finished salad.

Purified walnuts need to chop the knife or grind with a blender. The main thing is not to get a small crumb, but leave small pieces of nuts to feel their texture.

The mushrooms with a bow are ready - they are well shred up and smells very pleasant. A little tilt the frying pan so that the oil is the glass, and the champignons with the bow were not too fat.

We take the finished breast out of the broth and let it cool. Broth use to prepare first dishes. If you were correctly prepared a chicken breast and did not digest it, the meat cubes will get a beautiful and neat shape, and they will not fall on the fibers.

All products are ready, it is time to move to molding of this puff salad. So that it turns out to be neat and even, choose any suitable bowl that is stuck in the food film. The layers will go back in the reverse order, then in the finished dish they were in their places.

Lubricate them with a small amount of mayonnaise. In general, in this salad each layer (except pineapple, since they themselves are sufficiently juicy) urged this cold sauce.

Following the cheese chopped on a large grater, evenly distributing it throughout the perimeter. Do not forget about mayonnaise.

Then we smell chopped walnuts, which are quite a bit lining mayonnaise - exclusively for a more reliable connection.

The next layer is pieces of canned pineapple.

And finally, cubes boiled chicken breast. Here the meat must be generously losing with mayonnaise, as the breast is like a dry.

Cover a bowl with a salad flat plate and turn the design. Now remove the bowl and trail - the food film, due to which the products do not stick to the walls of the dishes.

How to decorate the finished dish you will tell you your culinary fantasy. I sprinkled with his cheese, added some fresh parsley and cranberry berries for a brighter and festive look. Such salad is better a couple of hours to rest in the refrigerator before feeding so that the layers are so impregnated.

Prepare this simple and tasty salad on a festive table.

Recipe 5: Salad with crab chopsticks and pineapple layers

It is no secret that canned pineapples are an excellent ingredient for salads. Even a small amount of pineapple added to one or another Salad will make it not only juicy, but also with a special aroma. Most pineapple salads are preparing very quickly, if pre-take care of the preparation of related products. Many pineapple salads are preparing with boiled chicken fillets, in which case it is talked to pre-boil. No less tasty pineapple-based salads can be made with crab chopsticks. One of these salads I want to offer you today.

Today you will learn how to prepare a puff salad with crab sticks and pineapples. From the title it becomes clear that all the ingredients in it will be laid out by layers, but despite this, it is preparing very simple and quickly. And, of course, that the salad is tasty, it is not necessary to save on the quality of the products, especially on the quality of pineapple and crab sticks. Mayonnaise for this salad is desirable to choose with a large content of fats.

  • Crab sticks - 150 gr.,
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.,
  • Solid cheese - 100 gr.,
  • Canned pineapples - 100 gr.,
  • Mayonnaise,
  • Salt,
  • Parsley for decoration.

Boil the eggs scrabble. Clear eggs clean. Remove yolks. Separately spend on a fine grater of proteins.

Yolks are crowded by a fork in the crumb.

Suitoriet on the same grater as proteins, solid cheese.

Rings of canned pineapples cut into cubes.

Small cubes cut the crab sticks.

All ingredients are prepared. It can be proceeded to the formation of salad. On the bottom of the flat plate, lay out crab sticks. Pour them mayonnaise.

Top of laying grated egg whites. Sung wash them and also paint mayonnaise.

The next layer of salad will go grated cheese.

Sprinkle salad with a crumb of yolk. Put on the salad pieces of pineapples. Ready layered salad made of crab sticks with pineapples. Decorate parsley leaves. Before feeding, the salad must be soaked in the refrigerator about 1 hour. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 6: Puff pineapple salad with eggs (step-by-step photos)

In this salad, fried chicken with pineapples and solid cheese with sweet corn are perfectly harmonized. Boiled eggs attach rareels and shade the taste of the mayonnaise sauce.

For salad you can buy fresh pineapple fruit, cut it on fillet and cut into cubes. But it's easier to buy it in a canned form. The fact is that it will be sweeter and fragrant than fresh, and for salad we just need juicy, bright tastes.

Corn is also better to buy in a jar, select the manufacturer which you trust. But if you have a frozen vegetable mixture, it can be boiled and used in a salad.

We will lay out the dish we will lay, missing each product with sauce. So we get a beautiful and very tasty salad.

  • chicken meat (breast) - 500 g,
  • solid cheese - 150 g,
  • chicken Eggs - 3 pcs.,
  • pineapples slices in syrup - 250 g,
  • sugar corn - 200 g,
  • mayonnaise sauce.

The chicken meat is thoroughly rinsed in warm water, and then wipe the napkin dry. After fillet, cut into several pieces, slightly beat them, salt, pepper.

On a heated fryingkin, we pour sunflower oil and lay the chicken meat. Fry meat from all sides to make it completely ready and had a beautiful ruddy crust.

As soon as the meat cools, cut it into cubes.

Cooked screwed chicken eggs grind on a grater. Also enter both solid cheese. Now we add our dish in a certain sequence. Each layer lubricate mayonnaise. First, pieces of chicken meat.

Then sugar corn.

Now pieces of pineapples.

The last barcode is grated cheese.

Bon Appetit!

Recipe 7: Cheese salad with cucumbers and pineapple layers

A simple pineapple salad turns out well impregnated and very beautiful.

  • chicken ham -2 pcs.
  • crab sticks - 100 gr
  • cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • pineapples
  • mayonnaise
  • solid Cheese - 200 gr

Salad chicken with pineapple layers I made step by step with a photo, so you will repeat the recipe will be easy.

First of all, cook chicken chicken until readiness and eggs into cool.

The chicken disassemble the bones, and the eggs are cooled and speck off from the shell.

We cut cucumbers and crab sticks with thin stripes (cucumbers, if desired, can be cleaned with the peel).

Cheese and eggs rub on a large cooler.

Onions, we rub and cut the semirings, put in a bowl and pour boiling water for 15 minutes, we drain the water to fuel with vinegar, sugar and a little salt.

Salad chicken with pineapples Recipe need to be superior to the dish, then the chicken salad canned pineapples is made lush and high.

We take a dish on which we will feed and lay out the layers of our ingredients:

1 layer - Chicken rushes on thin stripes

2 layer - marinated bow

3 layer - mayonnaise

4 layer - crab sticks

5 layer - cucumbers

6 layer - mayonnaise

7 layer - eggs

8 layer - hard cheese

9 layer - many mayonnaise

10 layer - pineapples

It is impregnated with our salad and everything. The chicken salad canned pineapples are ready for the presentation on the table, a chic option for a festive New Year's table or a birthday. Beautiful, tasty, gentle chicken salad Pineapple cheese recipe falls in virtually all.