Dairy ice cream in the ice cream. Ice cream at home from milk

28.10.2020 Vegetable dishes

Everyone knows about the benefits of home delicacy, its advantages over the production dessert - are obvious, that is why many hostesses are tirelessly looking for recipes for making a house of beloved sweets. How to make a milk ice cream with your own hands - it's very simple, you do not need complex ingredients and mass masses, the technology is designed for fast cooking, and most importantly - a delicious result.

You can make a dairy dessert on classical technology, and you can add to it notes of originality using pieces of berries or fruits, in a word, any options for your attention.

You can prepare ice cream with your own hands from milk and sugar for half an hour. Milk ice cream is a delicious product and equally love, both adults and children. True, if adults may have a classic dairy ice cream without additives, then children love when there are all sorts of deliciousness, like a chocade, pieces of chocolate, jam, nuts, and so on.

Both options (classic and original) you can easily do at home, but we will begin to prepare from the recipe for home ice cream on milk and sugar without additives.

Milk and Sugar Ice Cream Recipe


  • - 3 glasses + -
  • - 3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 cup + -
  • Vanilla - 1 bag + -
  1. Mix egg yolks with sugar, add to them ½ tbsp. Milk, as well as vanilla bag.
  2. The remaining part of the milk is transferred to a bowl / pan, put it on the stove, bring to a boil.
  3. We remove the container with the milk content from the fire, we pour into it with a thin flowing (stirring the mass) of the egg mixture.
  4. Again, we put the product on fire (stirring it), waiting for the appearance of bubbles.
  5. As soon as they appear - we remove the container from the stove.
  6. The egg-milk mixture is filtering, overflow it into the ice cream, or to other forms, where she can "frost", and clean it in the freezer.

On this cooking is over. After 1-2 hours, we get a dessert from the refrigerator, decorated with it (you can do without decoration) and fed in moderately cool form to the table.

Additives for milk ice cream

You can feed milk ice cream with any sweet additives:

  • berries (raspberries, cranberries, currants, strawberries);
  • fruit (orange, mandarin, banana, apples);
  • chocolate;
  • sesame;
  • crushed nuts;
  • condensed milk;
  • jam and other sweets.

Ingredients are added, as a rule, at the very end of preparation. They not only perfectly complement the taste of delicacy, but also sophisticatedly decorate.

By the way, it is possible to prepare ice cream not only from cow's milk. Even tastier and more unusual is ice cream from goat milk. If you are suitable for the taste of this dairy product and it is possible to get it in kind, then be sure to do dessert based on it.

We make ice cream with your hands from dry milk without eggs

The recipe for ice cream from dry milk brings the taste of home delicacy to the one that was in the dessert of Soviet times. For those who grew up in those times, such ice cream is nostalgia, and to turn it into reality - it is enough to make a delicacy on the step-by-step recipe below.


  • Dry milk - 30 g;
  • Sugar - ½ tbsp.;
  • Starch - 1 tsp;
  • Milk (cow or goat) - ½ l;
  • Vanillin - 1 tsp.

Preparation of ice cream without eggs from dry milk

  1. We mix dry foods with each other, pour them with ordinary milk, let's give a little time. Wait until the vanilla and starch completely dissolve, it is important.
  2. We put the container with a mixture on fire, bring the mass to a boil. Do not forget to constantly stir it.
  3. We shoot the melt from the fire, we wait until she cooled.
  4. We remove the resulting product in the freezer. Every 20-30 minutes I get ice cream from the refrigerator and whipped with a mixer.

In addition to the dairy, you can make ice cream and without milk. This type of ice cream includes a creamy, cream and fruit-berry. Of course, the taste of homemade sweetness will not be similar to the store, but after all, its benefits will not be such as a production dessert, but significantly higher.

What is important is that this is the fact that this product is not scary to treat pregnant and children, therefore, it is allocated to prepare for 1 hour of time - the responsibility of the real mistress.

How to make ice cream from milk at home if you already know simple recipes? Of course, very simple and fast. In the summer heat, the cool product will be, as it is impossible, it is possible to quench them and thirst, and the body is enriched with vitamins. So cook sweetness with pleasure and enjoy it, receiving well-deserved positive emotions.

Bon Appetit!

Milk for ice cream can be taken any, although it depends on the specific recipe. That is, it can be skimmed, high fatty, natural, condensed or milk powder. Also a cow, goat, coconut, almond, soybean or anyone else) just from milk and sugar ice cream will not work - there are no thickeners in it. But it is enough to add some one of those listed below, and everything will turn out!

The five most commonly used ingredients in milk ice cream recipes:

Products that have the function of thickeners for dairy ice cream, it is: cream, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, bananas, condensed milk, dry powder, any berry or fruit puree. For example, for the vegetarian version of milk ice cream takes: soy or any other milk of plant origin and bananas. Even sugar will not need to add, because these fruits themselves are very sweet. The mass is whipped in a blender until uniformity, it is done thick and then frozen.

Five fastest milk ice cream recipes:

In order for in ice cream, ice crystals (if they are, it means that the dessert is poor-quality), it is necessary once in half an hour or more often (this will be indicated in the milk ice cream recipe) mix the mixture with a spoon.

The simplest recipe for ice cream made of milk is whipped to a puree state with condensed milk bananas. Instead of bananas, it is clear, you can take any other fresh fruits or berries, as well as a ready-made mashed potature. To taste, such ice cream is not much different from high-quality purchased.

The most delicious homemade ice cream is in our selection! Prepare what you like - seal, butter, chocolate!

  • cream from 33% - 200 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • vanilla pod - 1 pc.

Milk mix with sugar in a small saucepan with a thick bottom. Vanilla pod is cutting the blade of the knife along the entire length, remove the seeds and also add to the dairy mass. Thanks to the vanilla, ice cream will be saturated with a delightful natural aroma, but in the absence of this ingredient, you can do the bag of vanilla sugar or a pinch of vanillin. We warm up a mixture to a hot state, but do not bring to the boil.

In another tank, neatly rub the egg yolk yolks with the help of an ache. In this case, we just need to achieve homogeneity - you should not beat the mass, otherwise a foam may form on the surface, which makes it difficult to prepare the seal.

To confused yolks of a thin flower, we pour hot milk, continuously stirring the mixture.

The resulting composition is transferred to a saucepan, put on a small fire and cook to easy rebound. It is important not to overlay milk, otherwise yolks can curl! To avoid this trouble, choose a saucepan with a thick bottom for cooking cream and prepare on a small fire. Also, do not forget to mix the cream to continuously, especially at the bottom (it is convenient to use a silicone culinary blade for this).

Check the readiness as follows: I do a finger on silicone blade. If the trace remains clear, and does not swim with cream, we immediately remove the saucepan from the fire.

Tip: If yolks are still curled, you can abandon the mass through a fine sieve or pouring a submersible blender. However, to avoid the eggs in the seal, unfortunately, will not succeed. In this case, it is better to remove the saucepan from the fire earlier than later.

Freshly prepared cream cool to room temperature. Parallel whipping cold cream to density.

To the whipped cream mass lay out the fitting cream and mix. Cool the mixture in the freezer for 3 hours. During this time, it is necessary 5-6 times to reach the container and mix the mass thoroughly to avoid the formation of ice crystals and get a smooth and homogeneous texture.

When the billet on the consistency becomes similar to a soft ice cream and will mix with difficulty, we will shift the mass into a silicone form, cover the lid and remove into the freezer for another 3-4 hours (you can leave for the night).

Before serving, we allow frozen seal to stand a little at room temperature. Then pick up a slightly imposed mass with a spoon for ice cream and form balls. At will complement the dessert of chocolate chocolate, mint leaves or berries.

Recipe 2: Homemade Ice Cream - Creamy Saw

  • 500-600 gr Cream for beating (fat content from 30%)
  • 100 g of sugar powder (or small sugar)
  • chipping Vanilli.

In deep dishes put cooled cream, sugar powder and a little vanillin. Whip up to lush stable foam 4-5 minutes.

The whipped mixture is placed in a plastic container.

We remove into the freezer for the night.

Let's get ready-made seal, let him hide a little and can be laid in the creamian.

Such a seal can be done differently - with the addition of cocoa (charoba), ice cream berries - especially delicious with the honeysuckle (only berries you first need to pour a blender, and then add a blend and beat again).

Recipe 3: How to make a homemade ice cream cream?

The recipe for home ice cream seal can be reproduced at home, it will be very tasty, natural and taste will be like a Soviet seal.

  • yolk eggs (4 pcs.);
  • milk (300 ml);
  • cream (33%, 300 ml);
  • sugar powder (180);
  • vanillin (½ h. spoons).

So, first of all bring milk to a boil and then cool to about 30 degrees.

In yolks, add sugar powder and vanilla sugar.


We pour milk. Whip again.

We put on a quiet fire and stirring, keeping until the mixture thickens. As they advise everything around, you can check your finger on the spatula - if a clear trail remains, the mixture is ready.

We leave cool to room temperature, and then cooled in the refrigerator.

Meanwhile, beat cream.

Mix with chilled cream.

We shift the whole mixture into a container in which we will then be comfortable to mix the future ice cream with a blender.

Then remove it and quickly (so that the ice cream does not have time to melt) mix the blender.

Remove again into the freezer for 2 hours. We repeat the procedure for another 2-3 times at an interval of 30-60 minutes. Thanks to the blender, ice cream will have the desired structure. The blender allows you to crush ice crystals and form an air mass.

When Ice Cream completely wanders, take it out and with the help of a special spoon make balls. You can pre-put minutes to 15 ice cream in the refrigerator so that it is slightly tempered - it will be much more convenient to make balls.

We lay out ice cream in the cream and sprinkle or water what we love. I - grated chocolate. Homemade ice cream to taste is not inferior to the store, and in content guaranteed does not contain "extra" additives. Recipe checked.

Recipe 4: Milk Salter Homemade Ice Cream

  • milk - 1 cup;
  • butter creamy - 25 grams;
  • yolk egg - 1 piece;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • vanilla sugar - 5 grams;
  • starch - ½ h. spoons.

In the deep comfortable container mix sugar, starch and vanilla sugar.

Add one egg yolk.

Grind the mass to homogeneity. Pour some milk.

On fire to send the remaining milk. Add 25 grams of butter. The oil must be real, consisting of 100 percent of cow's milk cream. Bring the mixture to boil.

Pour the egg mixture into the boiled milk. Stirring, bring to boil. Remove from fire and send to cold water. Cool, interfere with it.

Cold blend pour by molds. It can be a large form or small portion. I have a large silicone shape and molds for small machines.

Send molds to the freezer for a couple of hours.

Ice cream from small molds will be ready in 30-50 minutes. It is very simple to remove it from silicone molds.

From a large form, ice cream lay out a spoon on the portion plates. It is incredibly tasty, gentle and fragrant.

Recipe 5: how to make a platform at home

  • 0.5 liters of cream (the higher the fat content will be, the tastier the ice cream will turn out)
  • ¾ glasses of sugar
  • 4 chicken eggs
  • Chocolate Cookies (or other taste additives)

In the bowl of eggs and fall asleep sugar.

Pretty whipped for a fork and rub sugar. Pour cream and mix well again.

Pour the resulting mass into a small saucepan and put on a very slow fire. It is impossible to interfere constantly, it is impossible to bring to boil, otherwise the eggs will be curly. Remove from fire when the mass starts thick, the consistency should resemble liquid sour cream.

In total, the saucepan will hold on fire for 15 - 20 minutes. Well, even the readiness of the desired consistency can be found by spending a finger on a spoon. If the spoon is all in the cream and the trail from the finger remains - the mixture for home ice cream is ready.

After removing from the stove, pour a lot to any comfortable dishes. In general, any plastic container suitable for food products can be used.

Add any filler (in this case, crumbled cookies, and you can use berries, chocolate crumbs or pieces of fruit).

Let it stand for about an hour so that the mixture is a little cold (faster the mixture will cool if you put the container in Cold Water sink). Then the container with the mixture is shifted into the freezer. Homemade ice cream will stick and gradually thick. The thickening time can be from 5 to 6 hours, so it is better to do it overnight or in the morning, which in the evening it is already to be destroyed.

Before feeding, a container with homemade ice cream with cream from the freezer and put for 20 minutes in the refrigerator. From the cooked ice cream, roll with a tablespoon (if there is no special spoon for ice cream) are not big balls and put in high glasses, creams or plates. Ice cream can be decorated with grated chocolate or berries. To the table to serve immediately. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 6: How to cook milk cream? (Step-by-step photos)

  • milk - 2.5 cup
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • vanillin - to taste

We pour milk into the home saucepan, bring milk to a boil, then remove the saucepan from the stove and give the milk to cool to 36 degrees.

Add sugar and vanillin to egg yolks and vanillin (if you want to prepare vanilla ice cream, and not a fear of the usual). We mix well and rub the mass. To do this, you can use a blender.

The resulting mass is constantly stirring, pouring the milk with a thin flowing into it.

The final mixture is heated on slow fire, while not stopped stirring. The mixture should be thick.

The resulting mixture, our cream is cooled first, then put it in the refrigerator.

Pour cream into a separate bowl. Whip cream so that they become thick.

To the cooled cream add whipped cream and mix the mass.

The mixture is shifted into a plastic container, closing the lid, and put in the freezer for one hour. Then we get a slightly frozen mixture, whipped with a mixer and put it in the freezer again. We once again repeat the procedure.

Then we leave a lot of future ice cream for 3 hours in the freezer. That's ready our ice cream. In order for the ice cream slightly soften, it is placed in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Recipe 7: tender chocolate ice cream (with photo step by step)

As you know, home ice cream is much tastier and more useful to purchased. I suggest cooking homemade chocolate ice cream. It turned out soft, homogeneous, without ice grains. It has a rich chocolate taste and color.

  • 50 g of chocolate;
  • 3 glasses of milk;
  • 4 yolks;
  • 200 g sugar.

Introduce whipped yolks in a chocolate-milk mixture. So that yolks do not curl, pour them gradually and immediately stir. Put on a slow fire and cook, constantly stirring, until thickening, not allowing the boiling of the mixture.

The consistency of the mixture should be such that if you spend your finger on a spoon - the trail will remain.

Pour the mixture for homemade chocolate ice cream in a form suitable for freezing, cover with a film or foil and remove to freezing chamber for freezing for 3 hours.

For freezing and feeding ice cream it is convenient to use disposable cardboard cups.

Delicious homemade chocolate ice cream is ready.

Recipe 8: homemade ice cream with condensed milk (with photos)

  • Schedule 33% - 500 g
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • Vanillin - 2 g
  • Condensed milk - 100 g
  • Sugar powder - 6 tbsp.

Separate chicken yolks from proteins. Wear yolks with three spoons of sugar powder before the enlightenment of the yolk mass. Proteins beat to stable peaks with the remaining powdered sugar.

Pour milk to the yolk mixture and beat the wedge.

Cream While a mixer to a creamy state. Add condensed milk. Stir until uniformity.

In the creamy mass, add the yellow-milk mixture and vanillin. Wake up.

Add whipped proteins. Wake up a mixer or weng.

Cover with food film and send to the freezer. An hour later, get ice cream and mix. This procedure repeat 2-3 times and leave until complete freezing.

Homemade ice cream is ready!

Ice cream is a delicious dessert that likes both children and adults.

And it is not necessary to buy it at all, as you can cook at home yourself.

There is a huge number of diverse recipes - from the simplest to the most difficult.

It can be made creamy, chocolate, fruit and so on.

The unconditional dignity of the preparation of ice cream house is confidence that fresh products are used, which do not contain any chemical additives, preservatives and dyes on an artificial basis.

Simple cooking recipe

And there is even easier the recipe consisting of only three ingredients in the video plot:

Dry milk dessert and without eggs


  • ordinary milk - 0.5 l;
  • dry milk - 30 g;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • starch - 1 h. l;
  • vanillin - 1 tsp.
  1. I mix all and fill with milk, let it stand a little. Starch and vanilla must completely dissolve.
  2. We put on the fire and wait so far boils, constantly stirring. The resulting mass will resemble Kisel. Next, remove, and wait until you cool.
  3. Put in the freezer. The mixture must be obtained by refrigerators every 20-30 minutes and beat in a mixer.

By the way, this recipe corresponds to the standards that were in Soviet times.

Everyone knows that the ice cream was the most tasty and with nothing comparable.

In the next video clip once again, let's follow all the stages:

"Iceberg from condensed milk": from how to make ice cream magic


  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • condensed milk - 1 bank;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • eggs - 2 yolks.
  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, pour sugar and put on fire.
  2. How little will get it, add condensed milk and yolks there. Mass constantly interfere with a spoon, it is necessary on a weak heat to bring to a boil.
  3. Cool the resulting cream and cooled placed in the freezer. Ice cream in molds will be ready after 2-3 hours. If special dishes are not used and the mixture is placed in the freezer in a saucepan, then it must be mixed for about once every 2 hours. Ready will be after complete freezing.

Preparing your favorite goat milk delicacy

This milk is more useful than cow, as it contains many different trace elements.

The delicacy is obtained very tasty and a bit unusual.

It can even be called a delicacy.


  • milk - liter;
  • eggs - 3 yolks;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  1. Yolks are rubbed with flour and sugar. Then a slightly milk is added to the ground, so that the mixture is similar to a liquid sour cream.
  2. The remaining milk heats up in a saucepan to a boil, after which the egg mixture is added there. All this is constantly mixed. After boiling, the saucepan is removed from the fire and cools in water.
  3. Now the resulting mixture is placed in the refrigerator until complete freezing.

Soon the May holidays, and they are known to be famous for the rods on nature and the preparation of kebabs. Many of them are waiting with impatience! But so far they can not pamper themselves with kebabs in a slow cooker. Meat will even be more gentle and juicier than the usual skewers.

And we suggest you to prepare a recipe sauce, which is in the article

For those who have not threw extra kilograms before the summer season, but it really wants to wrap on the way from work in Pizzeria, we present the recipe for pizza without yeast, prepare yourself and enjoy!

It will be homogeneous in it and will not contain small pieces of ice, which cannot be avoided when freezing the mixture in a saucepan.

If it is planned to very often prepare this dessert at home, the acquisition of the ice cream will be a rational solution.

It will greatly facilitate the process itself, and the delicacy itself will be tastier.

Do not expect your ice cream to look like a shop.

The mass will be somewhat different, because in the factories this dessert is frozen in special chambers that support regular temperature in 50 degrees.

All recipes described in the article are basic.

That is, they can be supplemented with various taste components, such as cocoa, chocolate, fruits and berries or jelly from them, jam, nuts.

Thus, you will have a very tasty chocolate, fruit or walnut treat.

You can do with a small amount of honey or lemon (orange) juice.

These ingredients already alone can change the taste of your ice cream.

Do not forget to follow the rules of freezing.

If you put the mass in the fridge in a saucepan, then it must be periodically reach and mix.

This is especially true for ice cream, where the pieces of fruit or berries are added.

If the mixture does not mix, then the mass will not be uniform and contain many ice floes.

The average freezing time should not be less than 5-6 hours.

This is enough to form a thick homogeneous mixture.

If ice cream is to keep in the freezer less time, it will not have time to harden.

If it is on the contrary to fervor, then there will be a lot of ice in it, and it will partially lose its taste.

Use exceptionally fresh ingredients.

Products are not the first freshness can adversely affect the body and cause unpleasant consequences, up to food poisoning.

Take care of your loved ones.

In conclusion, it is worth emphasizing all the indisputable advantages of self-preparation of milk ice cream.

First of all, it will help save your family budget.

After all, the ingredients for the dessert will cost much cheaper than its purchase in the store.

Also independent cooking allows you to carry out a variety of, often even incredible, experiments with composite parts.

Fantasize, and then enjoy your culinary masterpieces.

Do not know how to make ice cream at home Flubs from milk in 5 minutes? Then today we will try to offer you the best options for home ice cream, which will be your favorite delicacy of your family and guests. In addition, such a delicacy is much better shopping options, due to a number of advantages:

  • Unique and rich taste;
  • Adding natural ingredients that do not contain conservatives, GMOs, flavors and taste amplifiers. Such ice cream can be given even to kids;
  • Benefit. Using homemade milk cream, you will not only experience the gastronomic pleasure, but also satisfy your body with useful trace elements, vitamins, fats and proteins, which are contained in the composition of natural ingredients;
  • Simplicity of preparation that does not require adding complex components;
  • Easy technological processes and cooking speed.

Tips how to make ice cream at home - milk cream in 5 minutes

Do you want a homemade milk cream from the most delicious, useful and attractive? Then we have prepared a list of topical tips for you, which will necessarily be useful in the process of preparing any variations of ice cream from milk at home:

  • Use crushed sugar, best if it is traditional sugar powder cooked at home or purchased in the store;
  • The fatty milk, the more tenderly it will be all your favorite delicacy. Fatty of milk directly depends on the softness of ice cream;
  • Degreased milk contributes to the formation of ice crystals, which negatively affect the structure of ice cream and its taste;
  • Each of the existing home seal recipes implies the addition of thickeners. If you want the ice cream to be the most natural, then instead of shop thickeners use egg yolks. This component will prevent the rapid melting of the ice cream, and on a row with this will make its structure gently and at the same time dense;
  • The main rule that needs to be remembered by the hostess intended to prepare a delicious seal, is as follows. Liquid components need to be added during the preparation of home seal, solid - at the end.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! If you want a refreshing summer delicacy to be adjusted to the desired condition to quickly, use special ice cream to prepare it. Such a kitchen device, due to the correct execution of all technological processes, will make your ice cream by a real masterpiece, which is many times better than a shopping product!

If you have not managed to get a special ice cream - not trouble! This excellent and all your favorite delicacy can be safely prepared without special kitchen appliances.

The relevance of the ice cream increases significantly at the hot summer period, and not much decreases with the onset of cold weather. However, this concerns only the store ice cream. In the case of domestic seal, its popularity among sweet teeth does not fade year-round. Sweet dessert will be appropriate on any festive table, whether it is a new year or a birthday.

A simple recipe for homemade milk seal - the first option

At first glance, the preparation of ice cream may seem quite complex and requiring special skills in the process. However, this is an erroneous opinion that we will try to disprove now.

The proposed recipe, implies the use of a minimum amount of ingredients that can almost always be found in any refrigerator. So, for the preparation of simple and delicious seals at home, you need to take the following components:

  1. 250 ml of milk, preferably the highest percentage of fatty.
  2. 1 chicken egg.
  3. 2 tablespoons of sugar powder.
  4. Pinch vanillin or vanilla sugar sachet.

For cooking for ice cream, no more than 5 minutes goes.

Cooking process

Mix in a bowl to a homogeneous consistency three ingredients - egg, sugar and vanillin. Slowly pour milk into the resulting mixture, without stopping it to stir. Heat the resulting consistency on a small fire, not bringing to a boil. At the end, using a mixer, beat our future ice cream.

The resulting ice cream blank is bottled in forms. Having waited for the cooling of the mass, send it to the freezer for five hours. After 1.5 hours, we take a form, mix the ice cream and send it back to the freezer. So need to do 2 times. If desired, you can add to the ice cream dried fruits or chocolate chips.

Addition of the recipe cream - the second version

To those considered in the article, the recipe for home seal from milk can be added another key ingredient - fat cream, approximately 200 ml. This will increase the number of eggs from one to two. It is very important that the cream is with a high percentage of fatty, then they will be easier to beat them.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Beat the cream with the help of a spoon, without additional use of the blender. The thing is that the sharp knives will violate the structure of this gentle component, which in turn negatively affects the quality and airiness of ice cream. In other words, cream can simply stratify.

Another key point that changes in the case of adding cream is the duration of pouring seals. And if in the case of milk, the duration of being in the freezer was 5 hours, then the cream leaves for about 10 hours.

Homemade ice cream with the addition of starch - the third version

Skillful mistresses and confectioners often experiment with variations of home seal recipes. That is why, in the recipe of ice cream of their own preparation, it is not rare to see starch.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! The better and fresh products for cooking ice cream, the better the final result will be.

So, for the preparation of the seal, we will need the following ingredients:

  • 5 egg yolks;
  • 750 ml of fatty milk;
  • 400 g of chopped sugar or sugar powder;
  • Paul teaspoon starch;
  • 100 g of butter.

Cooking process:

  1. Pre-separated yolks from proteins, you should be confused with powdered sugar.
  2. Hot boiled milk is divided into two equal parts, one of which is mixed with yolks and proteins, after which the second part is added there.
  3. Beat the butter and send it to the chilled egg-milk mass.
  4. Add starch pinch, and mix it thoroughly thoroughly.
  5. Spread the ice cream harvesting in the form and send them to the freezer for 5 to 7 hours.

Fruit milk ice cream Rod from childhood - Option Fourth

For the preparation of fruit-milk seal at home, you will have no more than 30 minutes, taking into account the time of finding the mixture in the freezer. An excellent express recipe for those to whom the guests unexpectedly got the guests who need to surprise with a magnificent dessert.

List of ingredients:

  • 1 Purified banana;
  • 5 medium in size of strawberry berries;
  • 100 g of raspberry;
  • 50 g of sugar powder;
  • 200 ml of natural yogurt prepared from milk and fristed. If the home yogurt was not at hand, you can safely use the store without taste additives.

The cooking process is as simple as possible and understandable. Send all the ingredient to the blender bowl and take up to a homogeneous mass. Sometimes instead of sugar, you can use honey. It will give the taste of your ice cream hooking. The mixture is elastic and thick.

SECRET! Such ice cream can be served to a festive table immediately after cooking or pre-cooling it in the freezer during minutes.

The advantage of such a dessert is not only in the simplicity and speed of preparation, but also in its low calorie.

We hope that today's article answered the question of how to make ice cream at home: milk cream in 5 minutes?