Results of marketing preparation of cakes at home. How I earned on the manufacture of cakes

28.10.2020 Beverages

Many people begin to work for themselves, as a rule purposeful, but I have become an exception. Earn at the manufacture of cakes has become completely accidental.

Subsequently, it resulted in a small home business, which brought me up to 30 thousand rubles a month.

My first experience was associated with the Birthday of the Son. Two years is not a big and meaningful date, but guests we called a lot and buy a cake that would decorate the figures of different heroes, it was no longer a pocket. That is why I decided to bake him myself.

After all the guests saw and tried the cake, the son's birthday instantly forgotten. All the remaining evening they just did that they praised me, and two days later, the girlfriend offered me to make about the same cake.

Photo, she showed her colleague at work, praised my creation and so I received the first order.

Initially, I refused, because I was somehow not in my own. It's one thing - when you do for yourself and risk, another thing - when for someone, the more you take money for it. I myself would never come to this.

A girlfriend persuaded me, convinced and even itself set the price, having studied market demand and proposal.

For a son, I prepared a cake with the cartoon characters "cars", so I did not have experienced any difficulties, but I performed the first order, in my opinion, I did terribly.

But everything cost. The cake was successfully sold. Later, the buyer admitted: the view of the lol doll leaves much to be desired (what I fully agree with her), but the taste of the cake is amazing.

About technology cooking cakes

The process of producing cakes is incredibly simple. It only seems to be: to bake such a culinary miracle need to be a born pastry, have talent, patience and extensive experience.

And before starting his cooking, I also thought so and, until the latter doubted that I had something. But in fact, only a desire and a drop of patience is necessary.

I have no culinary education, but to bake a large-scale cake (1500 grams) I took only three hours. Half of this time was spent on the decoration and the manufacture of figures.

Cake can be divided into three components:

  • THE FOUNDATION . As the basis, the cakes are used, the usual biscuit and the famous American chocolate biscuit Brauni. 3-4 pellets, depending on their thickness. The filling uses various creams, boiled or simple condensed milk.
  • Fill . Usually use cream or chocolate. If you need to change the color of the fill, make it blue, green, then the dye is added.
  • Figures . In my opinion, this is the most difficult process, as it has never been a pleasure to engage in artistic circles. Figures are made from conventional confectionery mastic. Best to buy it. At the very least, I could not have done. According to its consistency, confectionery mastic resembles plasticine.

It is in this order that the cake is prepared. In order to cook it to the evening feast, you need to start in the morning.

The shelf life of such a cake is 4set. So that figures stood on the cakes them fasten on the toothpicks or spanks. Also, their hands, legs and other elements are fastened with them.

Before you give a cake, you should prevent the buyer about this so that no one hurt during consumption.


The image and figures are the most important requirement of customers. Parents prefer to taste to a child. In fashion, popular modern toys, cartoons and animated series:

  • Cars;
  • Cold heart;
  • Mostrhai;
  • Dolls lol;
  • Ralph.

Where to purchase ingredients

All products for making cakes can be bought in conventional supermarkets. For cooking, eggs, flour, sugar, salt, soda, honey.

More complex things are with confectionery mastic. It is from her that make figurines. I bought it in confectionery online stores.

Sometimes in the wholesale market. You can also purchase white or black chocolate.

Costs associated with the preparation of one cake

All ingredients are quite cheap, with the exception of confectionery mastic. When I prepared a cake for the first time, I bought it quite a bit, but for serious production, it is best to buy in large quantities.

It is sold in confectionery online stores and in wholesale markets, in small kilogram buckets. In each bucket of the mastic of a certain color. Very rarely there are buckets with several colors.

The cost of one kilogram of confectionery mastic is 200 rubles, plus-minus 20 rubles.

No cheap confectionery chocolate. The average cost of one kilogram is 450 rubles. In order to save the best tile tiles weighing 2-3 kilograms.

To bake one cake weighing 1400 - 1700 grams, you will need:

  • 6-7 large eggs - 40 rubles;
  • creamy oil - 100-150 grams - 60 rubles;
  • 5 cups of flour - 15 rubles;
  • 1 cup of kefira or spacing milk - 20 rubles;
  • boiled or simple bumpkin - 60 rubles;
  • 400 grams of sour cream - 40 rubles;
  • 400 grams of chocolate - 120 rubles;
  • confectionery mastic - 100 rubles;
  • a glass of sugar - 10 rubles;
  • salt, soda, a couple of vanillin pinch - 10 rubles.

Outcome: 475 rubles goes to the production of one cake.

Sometimes, the costs associated with the production of one cake may be greater. This is also worth adding the cost of a cardboard box - 15 rubles.

Revenues for the sale of one cake

I have been heard that in confectionery stores where cakes of this kind are made, the price is appointed in a hundred grams or a kilogram. This price adds cost for each figure.

Thus, the cake can pull 3000 rubles and more.

I set the price (or rather, I set the price of my girlfriend at the first order, and I only continued to work on it) - 1500 rubles per cake and chose the weight category of 1500 grams.

Make little weight cakes are unprofitable.

Time to manufacture is the same as the benefit is less.

I spent on the manufacture of one cake 400 - 700 rubles. Benefit - 800 - 1100 rubles.

Search for customers (customers)

The first three months of orders were little. If I do not change my memory 3-5 per month. These were friends friends, relatives. Saranded radio worked, but at some point I realized that I would not earn a lot with such an approach.

All three months I was at the crossroads: either going to work a child to a private kindergarten, or wait until they give a place in the State Children's Garden and at this time the furnace cakes.

I do not remember who I suggested to create a group in the social network "in contact". I was advised to engage all possible social networks, but I only walked around one and quite succeeded.
Create a group "In Contact", put examples of your cakes and specify the rates - not enough.

You need to attract subscribers. Beginning from all his acquaintances. I asked to make the reposites on my own pages. But this was not enough. Then I started climbing in other subgroups of our city and distribute information there.

Mostly it was the community: "Moms in the decree", "My baby", "moms". In general, everywhere where there is at least some hint of children. Invited to join the group and directly, women who have children.

Women who have children, with hunting joined the group. Each cake, which I manufactured and laid out in the group, was burly discussed and pulled out.
The matter went.

I did not even expect it to give an excellent result. Orders began to flow almost every day. In many ways, thanks to the great population of our city.

All who bought a cake from me, I asked to post a photo on a social network and sign under the photo: "Cakes to order: 8 " Not tracked who made such a record, and who is not, but I assume that not everyone is ready to upload photos from the holiday and sign it with such text.

Soon, they began to apply for the manufacture of wedding cakes. Bake the masterpiece weighing 4-5 kilograms is not a simple, but profitable.

Revenues for which I managed to go out

After orders it became more I managed to earn per month 22000 - 28000 rubles.

The record for production in one month amounted to: 29 cakes.

It was the most difficult day when I had to make three cake at once. On this day I had to send a child to my grandmother. No matter how cool, and the presence of a child complicates work at home.

Process of work from order before receiving money

Usually everything happens quite simple. Customer calls (most often the customer), and produces an order for a certain number.

The choice of cake consists of three parts:

  • The basis (Brauni, ordinary biscuit or cakes).
  • Stuffing (condensed milk, chocolate or protein cream)
  • Cartoon whose heroes will ride on the cake.

On the day of readiness per cake come and, taking, produce payment. In the group, I indicated that the order is necessary a few days before the birthday, but to take after lunch. But despite this, orders arrived several times the day before.

Difficulties and non-standard situations with which I had to face

By and large, I can not say that there were many difficulties in the process of work, but I had to deal with some difficulties:

  • Once I did not fulfill the order, because accidentally dropped my creation from the table. Of course, the customer was dissatisfied and this case, even for a few days it fell me. Two days I did not accept orders. Just did not take the tubes from unfamiliar numbers.
  • A non-standard situation occurred when a man came after the cake and asked to show the sanitary book. Fortunately, I had it, though the last records in it were made before maternity leave. A man looked at her with a view of a connoisseur and, picking his order paid.
  • Several times the customers asked to bring the cake, although I always pronounced with everyone: without delivery. I had to carry. Dell a cake of nowhere, and I did not want to lose money.

Production of cakes at home, work is not complicated, but you have always to get up early. After the cake is baked, he needs time to stand.

So he will be tastier. No matter how beautiful it is, the taste is important.


Production of cakes at home, great earnings for those who are on maternity leave or just can not find a job.

Many argue that work at home is relaxing, but it depends on how to treat it.

I did not even stop my capricious child. Managed to organize yourself.

Making cakes at home, not only good income is interesting and very entertaining. I still do this, but I take orders exclusively on weekends, as I went to my main work, after the release of their maternity leave, I had to think about how to reduce the number of orders.

Over the past few years, the popularity of baking at home has reached a dizzying height. The fact that, if desired, the skill of the furnace cakes can bring financial benefits. In addition to home baking for fun, the number of enterprises, including mini bakeries, mini-pastry, home-made manufacturers and cake decorators are growing. Delicious creativity is no longer considered as a female home "duty", many men With a big hunt, try yourself in this activity. Some entrepreneurs began with homemade cuisine - make cupcakes, cookies, cakes and sell their acquaintances - and over time they opened bakeries and even franchises.

What a family holiday, whether it is a child's birthday or anniversary, costs without a cake? Delicious dessert gives pleasure not only to the Creator, he symbolizes love and attachment to relatives and friends.

  1. It is believed that baking has a therapeutic effect, helps to weaken the depression, the state of anxiety. Each fourth person in the modern world at some point has problems with mental health and skill furnace cakes, so beneficial therapy for the whole family. Any occupation, which includes simple and repetitive actions, has a soothing property.
  2. Baking stimulates the feelings that in turn enhance the sensitivity of endorphins.
  3. Psychologists have discovered a close relationship between creative self-expression and general well-being - experiment with recipes, seek your creation to be original, creative, not similar to any other similar.

If we talk about professional baking, how to learn the stove cakes to order, there are completely different conditions. Professional baker analyzes recipes as formulas and methods. Making cakes to order is chemistry, mathematics and proper time distribution.

Relevance of baking at home

From baking lessons you will learn what healthy nutrition is. There is absolute confidence in the home pastries - always fresh and does not contain preservatives, as often happens with commercial products.

As soon as the baker or the corteodel will examine the preparation methods, the next step towards craft masters is to understand the functions of each ingredient in the recipe. Various chemical reactions occur when baking. For example, different levels of stickiness in flour are capable of changing the texture of the test; Eggs added to the dough soften its structure (and bind components); High fat oil contributes to the best whipping cream.

Such information is incredibly useful because it lays the knowledge that are basic for professional bobary. They help to adjust the recipe, eliminate potential defects, manipulate with various equipment, tools or ingredients.

Before starting to prepare, carefully read the selected recipe. Make sure all ingredients are available in sufficient quantities. In addition to the ingredients, pay attention to any necessary tools: dimensional cups and spoons, bowls, frying pan and forms, mixers.

Returning to the fact that baking is a kind of science. A well-thought-out recipe includes ingredients in an established amount - what causes the expected reactions. Thanks to the busty or food soda, baking rises; Eggs, linen flour, apple puree (in a certain quantity) contribute to the binding of all components.

Fast result with simple recipes

The irony is that although a cake is one of the simple pleasures in life, often it is not so easy to bake. Fortunately, there are quite a lot of recipes containing simple training and simple steps that will help achieve perfect baking.

I want to learn the stove cakes where to start? Decadent chocolate cake from the famous British chef Marcus Warling. The cake does not contain flour, so retains an oily and wet texture after cooking.

Step-by-step recipe


for dough:

  • 300 g of dark chocolate
  • 150 g of unsalted oil
  • 5 medium-sized eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 100 g of sugar powder
  • lubrication oil

for coating:

  • 200 g of dark chocolate
  • 100 ml of oily cream


  1. Heat the oven to 180 ° C.
  2. Lubricate the inner surface of the shape with a small amount of oil. We lay out onto the bottom cut circle from a greaseproof paper.
  3. We smoke chocolate on the pieces and put it together with butter in a heat-stroke bowl. Fill out a small pan with water (3 cm high), bring it to a boil. Reduce the fire. I put a bowl on a saucepan (the bottom should not touch the water). Carefully stir so that the ingredients melt evenly. The chocolate-oil mixture is removed from the water bath, mix and set aside.
  4. In a big bowl, we beat the egg by adding a vanilla extract.
  5. We add sugar and continue to beat at high speed until the mixture becomes thick, mousse-like consistency with a large amount of air, pale color - about 5 times more than the volume of the initial mixture.
  6. The chocolate-oil mixture connects with a mousse, not beating, but gently and thoroughly mixing with a metal spoon or spatula.
  7. We pour the cooked dough into the finished shape and baked within 35 minutes until it becomes solid, and in the center - slightly wet under the crust.
  8. Remove from the oven and put the shape on the grille. The cooled cake is removed from the form, turning it over the bottom to a flat plate or a coach for a cake, remove the greaseproof paper.
  9. To cover into a large heat resistant bowl, pour cream and add chocolate pieces. Clear in a water bath. As soon as the mixture is melted half, remove from the fire and beat to a homogeneous state.
  10. Spill a chocolate cream mixture evenly in the cake.

How to learn how to make cakes? Simple recipes of popular cakes:

Choice of equipment and tools

The equipment needed for home bakery depends on the type of baked products and sales.

In order to make large parties, a home baker may need a commercial mixer (for mixing the dough, cooking glaze for cakes). Commercial mixers work, as well as kitchen mixers, but differ in size, from models with a working surface to outdoor, capable of mixing up to 200 and more dough kilograms. Prices for commercial mixers vary depending on the brand.

Mobile coolant racks can be stored anywhere in the kitchen and use for temporary storage of baking. Commercial racks are usually expensive. But at first, you can buy a small wire rack with rollers in the home store for home until the opportunity to purchase a commercial model will appear.

Ingredients must be maintained correctly. Home refrigerator is not able to accommodate products for family and "business" components, and on the norms of Rospotrebnadzor, it is required to purchase a separate refrigerator. This may be a standard refrigerator, but in the internal temperature will have to be monitored using additional thermometers to comply with the cooling recommendations.

The oven home plate will not be able to cope with production. Depending on budget opportunities, you can install an additional stove, but the optimal choice is a convection furnace with a worktop. In convection furnaces, fans are used to circulate hot air inside the oven, which leads to uniform baking. In addition, the new generation convection furnaces consume significantly less energy than commercial furnaces.


  • detachable forms for baking, baking;
  • measuring dishes: measuring spoons, cups, jugs;
  • bowls for mixing: from plastic, metal or glass depending on preferences, but it is worth it to have heat-resistant, for example, to interleav chocolate on a water bath. It is useful to have at least two big bowls, given that most of the recipes require more than one bowl;
  • links for sifting flour, sugar;
  • mastichery blades;
  • confectionery spatulas, scrapers;
  • pastry brushes;
  • rolls;
  • whites; manual mixer;
  • wooden spoons;
  • metal shapeurses for checking the readiness of the baked product;
  • confectionery bags with nozzles;
  • sets for decorating cakes;
  • rotating stand for cake;
  • parchment paper;
  • marzipan coasters;
  • tweezers with a long handle;
  • libra;
  • thermometers for the oven.

How to choose products?

The baker needs a large list of ingredients that can be saved in a refrigerator, freezer, a closet. But if you are a novice confectioner and only equip the workspace, it can be reduced to several essential products.

Building blocks of your bakery storeroom:

  1. The flour is universal (from a mixture of solid wheat with a high content of gluten and soft wheat with a low content of gluten). As needed to "pantry" add flour of different types, which is stored in airtight and moisture-proof containers on a cool dark shelf or in the refrigerator: wholegrain, bakery, confectionery, flour for cupcakes, corn, corn starch, rice, oatmeal, gluten-free flour and others .
  2. Food soda (sodium bicarbonate) is an alkaline chemical start-up, which works when combining with acid and heat. Acid ingredients activating food soda - fermented milk products, pounds, brown sugar, cocoa powder, citrus juice, vinegar. To obtain a baking powder, food soda is mixed with tartrate and corn starch. Yeast - Biological Exquisition, which works much slower than chemical swarms, because yeast cells are required for natural metabolism and carbon dioxide formation. Active dry yeast or soluble yeast can be stored in appropriate conditions for several months.
  3. Sugar sand is that which is always meant in recipes when sugar is listed as an ingredient. Other types of sugar required for the baker: confectionery (or sugar powder) used to prepare glaze and sprinkle, brown (refined with the addition of molasses), possibly granulated (for decoration). Brown sugar during improper storage can be knocked into crystallized lumps (due to molasses). Other sugars and sweeteners are décor, coconut, maple sugar, honey, mood, agave syrup, maple syrup, cane syrup.
  4. Salt (granulated cook salt, sea salt, kosher).
  5. Milk products. Sob-free butter - the default choice for baking. As an alternative - margarine for baking. Powder smell, vegetable milk (from soybean, coconut, nuts, almonds). Creamy cheese and sour cream.
  6. Basic fats. Vegetable oil with neutral flavor and confectionery fat (in confectionery fat, the melting point is higher than that of the butter, so the baking with it preserves the form).
  7. Large eggs.
  8. Extracts and flavors (vanilla, almonds, lemon, mint, rum, brandy ...); Add them to the collection gradually, starting with vanilla.
  9. Spices (hammer cinnamon, carnation, fragrant pepper, ginger, nutmeg ...).

In the storeroom professional baker must be:

  • chocolate different types, including chocolate crumb, unsweetened cocoa powder, Dutch cocoa powder for glaze;
  • dried fruits (raisins, cranberries);
  • oat flakes;
  • nuts;
  • jams, jelly, canned fruit;
  • peanut or almond oil;
  • food colorings;
  • crystallized ginger;
  • mattery (powder green tea);
  • chia seeds;
  • coconut (crushed or in flakes).

Buy ingredients wholesale on farm markets or in wholesale stores.

How to learn how to make beautiful cakes

The decoration (or design) of the cake is one of the types of culinary art using sugar paste, glaze and other edible decorative elements that make the product visually more attractive and more interesting. In addition, as an alternative, the cakes or cakes are simulated and cut out so that they resemble sculpture figures, places, objects.

How to learn to decorate the cakes? Cake decoration is painstaking and long process requiring patience, creative skills and ingenuity. There are several forms of artistic cakes, which use different technologies for creating sugar "patterns". Wilton method and the Lambert method remain the most famous.

The Lambert method is one of the most skilled techniques called in honor of Joseph Lambert, who popularized the exquisite style in his book "Lambert method" in 1934.

Types of jewelry

One of the most famous and used components is a sugar paste or sweet. It is prepared from sugar, gelatin, vegetable fat or confectionery fat, Glycerin. By consistency, it can be liquid, hard, solid. With the help of food dyes, the fonde gives any color. A number of flavors (natural and artificial) are also available, which are mixed with fond.

Liquid fudge is used both for filling and coatings of cakes, baked products, sweets or candies. In the simplest form, it is sugar and water that are witnessessed by gelatin and glycerin. The cooked sweet is slightly cooled and whipped to the formation of a creamy consistency.

Pettinis - sugar paste or mastic, as a rule, is used to cover wedding cakes. Pettinis includes gelatin (or agar), food glycerin, which helps create a tough consistency. Commercial mastic consists of sugar and hydrogenated oil, although other compositions are available (for example, sugar, cellulose gum and water).

Marshmallow fondant, popular among domestic bakers, is prepared from melted Marshmallow (Marshmello), water, sugar and vegetable oil.

Sculpture sweet looks like mastic, but has a more rigid consistency, which makes it an excellent sculptural material.

Sugar dough is sometimes called sugar paste, although it should not be confused with sweet. This is a fragile material that will dry up, and from it you can sculpt large decorations for cakes. Sugar dough consists mainly of egg squirrel, sugar powder and culinary fat. You can add Tiloza to make it more supple for detailed work.

The French are called sweet, "fondant", - sugar icing, based on sugar, water, sometimes glucose, which is applied hot on baking, as for "Napoleon" (Mille-Feuille), while the fondant glaze "PâTe  Sucre" - "Sugar Dough" (sugar paste).

The royal glaze is prepared from fresh egg proteins (or used without powder), whipping them to a solid state and adding sugar powder in sufficient quantity. The royal glaze is particularly relevant to decorate wedding cakes when it is required to create exquisite wicker patterns.

Marzipan and parcipan (Persipan) is a confectionery mix of sugar or honey, almond flour (ground almond), sometimes with the addition of almond oil or extract. In the case of parcipan instead of almonds, ground peach nuclei / apricot bones are used.

Modeling chocolate is a chocolate paste cooked from white, milk or dark chocolate. Chocolate melt and treated with corn syrup or glucose. This material is extremely popular with professional high-end confiture.

Order assembly

Popular species and modern cakes

Professional courses


How to learn the stove from scratch

How to learn the stove cakes at home? Cakes, soft muffins, cookies, sweets ... There is no shortage of recipes that can be found on the Internet, as in television shows, baking books. "Babushkina Tips" also do not lose relevance. Learn the stove cakes is, first of all, the question of practice and perseverance. First, of course, you need to study the foundations before switching to experiments.

Stages of baking biscuit cake with cream and berries

Biscuit root is the base for the cake. Probably every mistress knows how to cook and bake a classic biscuit from eggs, sugar and flour. For those who only comprehend the basics of bakery art, we remind you that it is enough to follow several ordinary advice that the cake rose and turned out to be airy as a feather.

Ingredients and tools

As a rule, classic biscuit does not contain fat, but its taste is enhanced by a creamy cream, impregnation, glaze, different fillings, berries and fruits. Some recipes contain a small amount of oil (chiffon biscuit, wifeaz or Genoese biscuit), but not so much so that the dough does not rose.

Depending on the size of the shape and frying pan, in which we will bake the biscuit, use the following ratios:

  • 12 cm width: 2 eggs, 60 g of universal flour, 60 g of sugar;
  • 15 cm: 3 eggs, 90 g of flour, 90 g of sugar;
  • 18/20 cm: 4 eggs, 120 g of flour, 120 g of sugar;
  • 23 cm: 5-6 eggs, 150 g of flour, 150 g of sugar;
  • 27 cm: 7 eggs, 210 g of flour, 210 g of sugar;
  • 28 cm: 8 eggs, 240 g of flour, 240 g of sugar;
  • 30 cm: 9 eggs, 270 g of flour, 270 g of sugar;
  • 32 cm: 10 eggs, 300 g of flour, 300 g of sugar.

Use only large eggs (each egg weighing about 70 grams). Eggs should be room temperature; If they are cold, then you need to immerse them for a few minutes in a bowl with warm water.

Separate proteins from yolks. Then beat proteins in thick foam, 2-4 minutes. Do not cease to beat, gradually add sugar and introduce yolks, one by one. It is very important that the mixer (or whisk) during the beating rotated in one direction, otherwise the mass can settle. Eggs and sugar are whipped at least 15-20 minutes on high / medium speed. The finished mixture should be pale yellow. Gradually add sifted flour, smoothly slowing down the speed to a minimum.

To determine the readiness of the test, you need to raise the whine and draw the eight-flowing test. We consider to 10 if the eight remains over the test, then the consistency is correct. If the eight drops after 10 seconds, then you still need some time to beat.

How is the biscuit bake

The bottom of the frying pan is lined with a leaf of parchment paper, aligning it on the sides so that it creates a collar that is 3-5 cm above the shape. The bottom and side of the frying pan lubricate the oil so that the parchment paper does not stick.

Biscuits can be baked in non-shy frying pan. It is believed that so the dough is better risen; Liquid dough sticks and "climbs" along the edges of the frying pan.

Biscuit put in the heated oven to 180 degrees Celsius

The shape is placed in the center of the oven.

Outdoor doors do not open until the biscuit bakes, for at least 30 minutes, otherwise the dough will fall. We bake about 35-40 minutes.

After the biscuit bore, turn off the oven and leave it inside, the opening of the door with a wooden spoon, for 5-10 minutes.

Let's get biscuit out of the oven, let him cool for another 10 minutes, then weaken the knife along the edges and turn the bottom to the lattice.

Fully cooled biscuit wrap in the food film and leave it in the refrigerator for the night.

Cooking cream and berries

  • 3 cups of sugar powder
  • 1 and 1/2 cup of cabbed room temperature oil
  • 220 g of cream cheese (cottage cheese)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 350 gr strawberry (blackberry, raspberry), divide into three cups
  • 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice

For impregnation (lemon syrup)

  • 3/4 cup of warm water
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar sand
  • 4 tablespoons of lemon juice

We mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice with one portion of berries in a small saucepan. Cook on slow heat for about 7 minutes, until then, when the berries can be rented for a fork. Focusing through the sietechko, pushing the spatula to the berry, while only the seeds remain in the sieve. Berry puree leave to cool to room temperature.

We mix butter, sugar powder and salt; Whip the mixer to air consistency, increasing speed.

We add on a piece of cream cheese, mix thoroughly and continue to beat to the formation of a lush mass. Add a berry puree on a tablespoon, continuing to beat to homogeneous mass.

Cut the second portion of the berry.

We prepare lemon syrup, mixing sugar and lemon juice in warm water.

Assembly and decor cake

We place the first layer of the cake on the rotating stand sliced \u200b\u200bside up. We impregnate 1/4 of the lemon syrup. Covered with cream and sprinkle 1/3 of the sliced \u200b\u200bberries.

The same actions are done with the remaining layers. The last layer is placed sliced \u200b\u200bside down, covered with cream top and sides.

We decorate the cake of robes using a confectionery bag with a tip to create roses. We decorate the remaining portion of the berries, sprinkle with crystallized sugar.

The cream is more effectively whipped in cold condition. Whip it in a stainless steel bowl, which is installed in a large bowl, filled with ice and a small amount of water.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of salt. It can be added to almost any dessert, even if it is not specified in the recipe. Salt strengthens the taste - chocolate will be even chocolate, vanilla is vanillated, strawberries - more strawberry. For baking products use kosher or small sea salt.

If you need a poch, and at hand it turned out, you can add a lemon juice or vinegar to whole milk and leave for ten minutes. Almost any dairy product can be replaced by another (milk) product. Just remember, the higher the fat content in the dairy product, the stronger the finished product.

Roll through the dough between two parchment sheets so that there is no need to add extra flour - it makes the dough more gentle.

Flavoring (salt, vanilla, citrus sister, other extracts) are added to the oil at the beginning of the test process. Fat absorbs flavors better than other ingredients.

Professional Tips from David Lebovitsa


The most important step before the opening of the mini-confectionery is to conduct a study regarding the legal aspects of such a business.

Advantages of homework

You do what you like, if, of course, baking is your favorite activity.

The ability to furnace cakes is, first of all, creative self-expression.

Everything is relatively easy to start. You do not need a room to open a bakery or pastry. It is enough to create a web site, where to place photos created by cakes on home kitchen, learn the Azam Bakery Crafts, choose ways to place orders.

There is always a sales market for delicious and beautiful cakes. Although competition among cortells can be tough and you will have to try to stand out from the crowd.

Having achieved success with customers, perhaps over time, you can turn home kitchen.

Market analysis

The first solution is the type of bakery or the pastry shop you are going to open. For this, a novice entrepreneur himself must assess his creative and budget opportunities, and set goals. It is very important to study the local market to find out what flows will affect a specific location. The market analysis should include information on demographics in the area of \u200b\u200byour bakery, the average income level, competitors prices.

How to register a business

Business licensing is a necessary condition. It can be registered as a limited liability company or submit a notice of entrepreneurial to the relevant Office. Rospotrebnadzor is needed. The SES issues permission on the basis of regulatory acts regulating activities.

The target market to which you appeal are the most important aspect of the business plan. It is necessary to find its niche among various types of bakeries and confectionery. You will have to be original.

Even if you are delicious backet cake and family cakes, the development of the range that you are going to offer potential buyers may be a challenge. Enterprises specializing in baking and creating cakes, there is enough and important to think about how to stand out among them. Given the competition, try to find a "gap" on the market. For example, you can specialize in the gluten-free baking prepared from organic ingredients, or focus on wedding / anniversary cakes, in children's cakes that any child will be delighted.

Organization of mini-confectionery

A business plan is an integral part of the new institution, because it indicates what type of business you plan to open, how it will be structured, which products are going to implement, marketing strategies and financial forecasts.

The importance of advertising and marketing

Adhere to realistic goals in the marketing and advertising campaign. For example, the goal is the maximum number of subscribers in the accounts on social networks; The number of sales planned over the month.

  • use of indicative characters;
  • advertisements in newspapers, flyers;
  • marketing in social networks: creating an excitement, advertising of the solemn discovery and other events;
  • sarafan radio.

Search for customers

Your business should grow, and without good marketing it will not be better. Before you start, it is important to find out what kind of people you are going to attract who, probable, will be constantly ordered. If you can definitely decide on this, the entire marketing process will pass much more efficiently.

As part of the business plan, you immerse yourself in finance. The amount that will have to generate - the cost of launching a business.

When opening a mini-confectionery will have to take into account a lot of costs:

  • rent a commercial premises;
  • insurance;
  • equipment equipment equipment;
  • hiring and staff training;
  • payment of utility services.

In addition, the profit does not come overnight. It will take several months before the establishment becomes break-even, and all this time money will be needed to cover costs.


Success depends on how much sales will grow to the break-even point based on constant costs, then on variable costs, so that they fit in about such a structure:

  • 25% for the cost of goods (ingredients, packaging);
  • 35% for labor;
  • 30% for overhead;
  • 10% per profit.

Business on franchise

Franchising - a business in which owners, or "franchisors" sell the rights to a trademark, the name and model of their business with third-party shopping points belonging to independent operators or the "franchisee". Franchise is an extremely common way to keep doing business. In fact, in most cities it is difficult to drive more than a few blocks, without meeting the franchise business.

Mini confectionery, like any other business, is susceptible to take-offs and drops. But there are several moments that will definitely affect success. Want and seek high quality products. Important location of the institution and how many people know about him. Also, there are costs for products, both your profits and budget capabilities of customers.

In contact with

The cake is a decoration of the table for any holiday. Sometimes you want to surprise guests with an unusual pastries that are not purchased in the store. In this article, tell me how to learn the stove cakes at home. Consider all the subtleties of cooking. But first we will tell about what to start a newcomer.

Sometimes a person has different desires. For example, one fine day may have a thought: I want to learn the stove cakes. Before starting to master the basics, you need to be configured that the process is long, requires the skill, patience and fantasy. And also you can not be afraid to experiment. But this is already when classic cakes will already be obtained on the solid five.


How to learn the stove cakes? What is needed for baking? Of course, the premises will be required to each master. The kitchen should be spacious (preferably), fully equipped with high-quality equipment. When there are problems with the oven, it will take much more time to train the baking of good cakes. After all, it is important that the basis is buckled and not burned. You can use a multicooker.


Tools will also need:

  • It is necessary to preserve a mixer with different nozzles, does not hurt and the coin. At first, he will be a wand-grinding. If the mixer is not and need to buy it, it is better to take a stationary. White whipping sometimes takes time. And while the mixer will do this, at this time you can prepare other ingredients.
  • Bowls of different sizes from plastic, stainless steel and enameled.
  • Different size spoon, plug and blades.
  • cortex. It is desirable to purchase detachable metal and silicone, different sizes. The form can be diverse, it is not necessary to buy only round.
  • be sure to have kitchen scales indicating gram accuracy. Sometimes only 1 extra gram can spoil the masterpiece.
  • Murlerable glasses and spoons will not interfere.
  • Confectionery bag with nozzles. It is much more convenient and easier to use than syringe.
  • Stencils for applying patterns.
  • Brushes for lubrication and image drawings on a cream basis.
  • Dough rolling devices. For example, a rod.
  • Food film.
  • Apron and a cake / cap on the head.


It is important not once to check the recipe, whether all the necessary products are available. Before you begin cooking, everything should be at hand or closely available. There is a basic list of products that are used almost for each baking. It is desirable to have in the house constantly. In the process of work, each cooking is formed its list of necessary products.

Books need!

To learn the stove cakes professionally, you need to buy not one culinary book about baking cakes and cortes for them. After all, the recipe for one baking in different books varies. You can take into account all the nuances, choose the most useful chips, then the cake will be incredibly tasty.

Think about the design of future products

You need to work in advance over the decoration of the cake.

  • Newbie is recommended to start with mastic. This is a pretty elastic mass, reminiscent of fresh pasta for Chebureks, to taste sweet. It can simply cover the whole cake. And it is imposed on it or a kind of drawing. You can cut the decor elements from it.
  • You can buy spray (confectionery) and cover their cakes both separately and on top of the mastic.
  • Or buy ready-made figures for decorating a cake. All of them edible. May be both in the form of flowers and with inscriptions.
  • There is just color sprinkle that will decorate any pastry, not only a cake.

Sometimes it is recommended to start making cakes from the purchased cortex to master the assembly process and impregnation of the base with creams. Especially since the purchase is always smooth and perfectly round. Originally choose the simplest cake design.

How to learn the stove cakes from scratch

Before you start practicing, it is recommended to view several videos for the manufacture of the simplest cakes. Then start learning to cook the cakes. Perfectly smooth and well ventricted and magnificent (sometimes it is also required and does not fit) the root is the basis of a beautiful cake.

Description of cooking cake from scratch:

  1. Purchase special confectionery flour. It contains a smaller amount of gluten, so the dough is not so lush, like in buns. It is sold at any grocery store. If it happened so that it is not on the shelves, then you can prepare yourself.
  2. For this, 1 empty glass of 250 ml is taken. It is necessary to pour a corn starch 60 g and supplement the glass to the top of wheat flour (higher grade). Pour a mixture from a glass into a bowl of the required size and mix thoroughly. After that, the resulting flour should be sifted. For the pomp dough sinking is recommended 2-3 times.
  3. Before starting the kneading test, you need to prepare all the necessary ingredients. You need to start with mixing all dry components. Stir carefully so that you can immediately use.
  4. The recipes often require the use of milk, and even its fatty is indicated. At first, it is not recommended to retreat from the recipe. But you need to know that one-piece milk can be replaced by its counterparts.
  5. Be sure to monitor what oil is required in the recipe: butter or vegetable. If creamy, then it must be pre-melt in a water bath. Sometimes it is also required and beat. If the oil is confused, the taste of the crude will not be at all, it will affect the appearance.
  6. Use a mixer only for whipping proteins. In other cases, use a wedge or spatula.

Step-by-step cooking cake

The ingredients are designed for one big korzh or two medium. Required:

  • 4 chicken eggs (elite);
  • 450 g of pastry flour;
  • up to 7 g salts;
  • 17 g of the bakery powder;
  • 350 g of sugar sand;
  • 250 ml of milk (solid or its analogs);
  • 25 g of vanilla sugar;
  • 180 g of butter (pre-melt).

Stirring the preparation of the test with mixing: flour, sugar, salt and bakery powder. Be sure to mix especially carefully.

Add to dry mix milk, melted and cold creamy oil, eggs and vanillin. Stir until the mass becomes homogeneous. It is better to use a shovel test for mixing the test.

While the dough is preparing, you need to warm up the oven. Temperature should be 180 degrees. The form is better covered with paper for baking, not lubricated with oil. If the stove is one korzh, then baking time 45 minutes. And if two embers, then bake 30 minutes. While the booster time does not work, the oven is better not to open. Otherwise, the korzh will lose pomp. When it is ready, it covers the brown crust on top.

The cakes should be in the form of 15 minutes after they are getting out of the oven. So they are easier to depart from paper. And they are not strongly deformed when shifting on a plate. Plus the prepared root is that it is not necessary to beat the proteins separately, the dough is preparing without difficulties. Plus, the finished product can be immediately used. And you can lubricate: boiled condensed milk with oil (on a jar of condensed milk 200 g of butter); Can be soaked in conventional yogurt and so on.

An additional plus of the Korzh is that it can be stored in the freezer before the 3 days, before the feed, it should be warm to room temperature, it will take up to 4 hours.

It is better to start mastering culinary art to prepare cakes from such recipes. They can also experiment with decorations. Then you can complicate the recipe for cakes and diversify with creams.

Honey cake is one of the easiest of simple. Although there are nuances for the preparation of the test. You can try to make cakes, the foundation of which is dry cookies.

We now understand how to learn the stove cakes according to the advice of experienced cooks. You always need to accurately follow the recipe, take the exact amount of all ingredients. They are calculated by samples and errors. Be sure to use scales. Putting components are needed in a strict sequence. Anyone, even a minor deviation from the recipe may result in failure. Experiment and put other components only when experience is already coming. There it will be already on the eye to determine the desired number of components.

Be sure to observe the temperature regime. If you set a little less (when you fear that the cakes are inhaling), then a chance is great that they will not succeed and fall when they are getting out of the oven. If you hurry and increase the temperature, the korzh is likely to nourish, and the dough will remain raw.

For cooking, use only clean and dry dishes and tool. Even a small droplet of water can spoil everything. This is one of the important rules of how to learn the stove cakes.

When mixing components using a mixer, sometimes it should be turned off and stirred with a spoon. It is good to scrape the contents from the walls. There may remain lumps.

If the cakes baked in advance, then they should be stored only in the freezer. In the refrigerator, they lose moisture and worry. To prepare a cake from frozen embers it should be delivered in advance so that it becomes room temperature.

You can decorate only completely cooled cakes. Otherwise, the oil decoration can draw or strongly impregnate the root. And he himself can be dry and start crumbling. Do not overdo with sugar. Of course, it will sweeten the product, but because of him, the crude can burn, and the dough will not be the necessary consistency.

If there is no reservation in the recipe, what should be used for the recipe (warm or cold), then all ingredients should be taken in advance from the refrigerator so that they become room temperature. This is especially true of eggs. Otherwise, they will be bad to beat.

The dough should be filled with a form only by half, since in the process of baking it rises almost 2 times. And as a result, the edges will be uneven, plus the fooling dough fill the whole apartment with burner aroma.

If the cake is made from several cakes, you should not simplify your work and the oven one, and then cut it. It is better to bake several. Then the chance that they will cross, will be 100%. Giving the time to crude cool in the form, and only then take them out of it. So they will be better to keep the form. Cream is applied in two stages. At the beginning to impregnate the cortex. Then for decoration. Between them you need to withstand at least 15 minutes.

The taste and form of the product are important!

Those interested in how to learn the stove cakes to order, you must necessarily follow the taste of the product. His beautiful form is a secondary, what should I seek. Even the most beautiful cake, if it is tasteless and dry, will not have demand.

At first, experiment is needed only on one recipe until it falls to taste and appearance, as it should be, without any flaws.

Where can I learn the stove beautiful cakes?

When it turns out to cook cakes without jambs, I want to know where you can learn the stove of the product. There are several options here:

  1. Attend one-day courses. They are often described about all new products in cooking, without knowing the knowledge of which can be started to lose even regular customers. It is these courses that are important for those who want to learn the stove cakes to order at home.
  2. You can just watch online video tutorials on the Internet, but there is a minus. Regarding mostly simple recipes and do not reveal the most important chips, without which the masterpieces will not work.
  3. A good option to learn the stove cakes to order at home will be visiting paid courses. So-called from A to J. There will be told all the subtleties of preparation. There will be feedback with the confectioner and can be disassembled why the dough is settled after the baked, or why the korzh greatly crumble, and so on.


Now household cakes are gaining great popularity. Learn the stove cakes at home is not difficult. In this matter, the main thing is the patience and the desire to achieve the result. Then the favorite business will also bring financial stability. Here you need not only to know how to learn the stove cakes, but also be able to search for customers, and even make yourself an advertisement.

Cake - a mandatory attribute of almost any holiday, whether it is a birthday, a wedding or Easter. At the same time, sweet delicacy can be both the main gift for children and adults and the addition to it. Despite the large variety of factory products, products cooked at home, always remained the most sought-after. If you know how to oven and decide to open a business on cakes to order, we suggest familiarizing yourself with this article.

Where to begin?

So, where to start your business at the production of cakes to order? First of all, advertising should be done. The most common option for selling sweet products will be the Internet and the distribution of information through acquaintances. Let's consider everything step by step:

  1. Tell your friends and acquaintances about your business idea of \u200b\u200bearning cakes, ask them if possible to distribute this information.
  2. Bake a few culinary masterpieces for holidays to friends and loved ones. Before you give sweet presents, be sure to make beautiful photos of your cakes for the future directory.
  3. When the photos typed enough, create a group on social networks and place them in special photo albums. To each photo, make a description with the composition, title and any information that you consider the desired.
  4. Invite people from your city to your community and constantly update the photo album.

To quickly promote a group on the network and attract subscribers, you can resort tosMMBOX services what will save your time will save. Social networks are a good opportunity to attract customers.

To start such actions, it is enough to get the first income on the manufacture of cakes to order. Remember that in order for your business to become successful and profitable, it is necessary to stand out among other culinary. Constantly Improve, use new materials and explore numerous recipes on the Internet. For example, it is now very fashionable to cook pastries using mastic, because thanks to this substance you can give the product any shape, and also beautifully decorate it.

As you have already been able to notice, there is nothing particularly difficult in this form on the cakes. However, there are some special points that you need to know. We offer to familiarize yourself with the useful tricks to be fulfillment:

Any family or corporate celebration without a cake is considered unfinished. This is a tradition, not to go anywhere. But this is also an idea for excellent business, if "hands grow from there, from where it is necessary." Let's figure it out. Let's start with the one for whom this business is the cakes to order.

Do not think that you certainly need to deal with cooking. This is the desired quality, but not at all obligatory. The fact is that to start any business need "Starting Capital". One of them will be talent, the other in the production of cakes can invest money and organizational abilities. But also, and the other must be understood where to start.

How to start the furnace cakes to order

The first step, as any marketer tells you, is the selection of the team. Suppose you yourself know how to furnish and make up your products. So your little team will still consist of one person - you yourself. In order for the world to find about your talents, we need to prepare promotional materials. To do this will have to work hard. You need to prepare a whole catalog of photos of your own products.

Business "Cakes to order" will have to start with a "charity event". And where else are you all dozens of products that you need will be for the first photo? It is recommended to turn this preparation into a kind of advertising. Cooked masterpieces can be presented to potential buyers that you can easily find at school, kindergarten, at work your husband and so on. People will see your talent and at the same time will hold tasting. The first customers will be provided with you.


Next you will need to develop. Customer attraction can be expanded by searching for ads on the Internet or the publication of their own. Be sure to use the photo by distributing them on the "subjects". That is, make individual texts for children's cakes, festive, anniversary and other products. This will allow to expand the audience of interested parties. In addition, you will demonstrate the multi-faceted skill.

Feel free to selection of epithets to the description of your masterpieces. Business "Cakes to order" is a very subtle sphere. First, the product can be implemented on a specific, quite a certain territory (in another city there is not profitable). Secondly, you can find competitors. Most likely, they will also find their advertising on the network. Therefore, colorful photos must be accompanied by colorful descriptions. If you do not have literary talent, then "tasty advertising" can be ordered from an experienced copywriter.

Organization of the first production

Naturally, first orders will be a bit. For their implementation, there is enough square square. Of course, it makes sense to find a comfortable room in advance. Only rent it until you understand whether the business "cakes to order" is suitable for you, it is not recommended. We spend money, and the profits will be a little bit.

If you originally appointed yourself to the role of the head, the first orders can be made in the kitchen of your "chef". Delivery will be done yet on your own. Although this issue is solved individually with each client. Someone can call for the order itself. Do not hesitate and ask how convenient.

Production harvesting

Baking cakes - the process is quite expensive and material. In order to master the wide "menus", you need a variety of products, decorations.

Do not forget that part of the products will have to send the buyer in its own dishes. It will be necessary to purchase many all kinds of products and materials.

Naturally, you will have to think about special equipment. No one whipping creams or biscuits manually. For this, specialized devices are invented.

It is necessary to worry about your equipment to be reliable, powerful, did not lend to the most responsible moment. Products can still be stored on the home area. Moreover, for the most part, fresh in confectionery production is used. Therefore, they will have to replenish daily.

Business plan for the production of cakes

When approximately presented how and what you should do, proceed to boring calculations. It is necessary to do it before the first sale. The fact is that you need to know exactly how much a specific product is. For this, calculation is made. In enterprises strictly calculated how much one kilogram of a particular product costs.

Do not forget that in the calculation you need to include, in addition to the products, other costs. These include electricity, water, and most importantly - work, that is, wages. Let at first you will not receive it, but it must be included in the price of the product. In addition, you need to calculate the cost of boxes, stickers and other design. You can order them in the nearest topography.

Naturally, the general figure will be strongly dependent on the region. But it can be averaged to accept that you need about one hundred eighty thousand rubles for products, six thousand - for advertising and design. It is necessary to take into account that the earnings are laid - at least twenty five percent. Otherwise, the "firm" will procee.

How to win in competitive struggle

In order to come from the start of the "colleagues" to business, it is recommended to immediately think out the "highlight" of its products. To do this, wander around the pastry and explore the range. The client can be involved in originality and specificity. So, every time before official holidays, offer people new ideas for cakes.

For men, it is worth come up with something ambitious. Note, the strong floor loves scope and volume. This woman will be seduced by miniature cakes with small details (the figure is grieving). An ordinary man will look at the three-tier masterpiece,
Decorated with large appliqués. This, so to speak, "classic genre".

It makes sense to work for children's theme. You understand that the sweets with great pleasure parents are buying for siblings. Therefore, it is advisable to come up with a cartoon, fabulous and other decor for your products.