Composition of pale vodka. Attention! Paved vodka is dangerous for life! The consequences of consuming Painted Vodka

28.10.2020 Meat dishes

Alcohol is high-quality and "Palen." The first category includes expensive drinks made in all standards and compliance with the recipe, and in the second, as they speak in the people, "sank", from which you can simply not wake up the next morning. So, as not to run into the poison and distinguish real vodka from the fake.


Real Vodka. - Product with a centuries-old history. It appeared in times when Russia began to move on to a three-round grain cultivation system, which gave an incredible harvest. As a result, people had a lot of grain that had to be used for something. So the vodka appeared - the fermentation product and distillation of wheat and other similar crops. And then already D.I. Mendeleev was able to achieve the perfect ratio of water and alcohol, which made it possible to release the product, famous and famous worldwide. Of course, Dmitry Ivanovich was simply engaged in the absorption of alcohol with water, and not specially invented the most "slaughter cocktail". But ... Now we have what is famous around the world, and that people fall on the days of the sorrows and joy.

Paved vodka - Well, of course, the demand for real vodka gave rise to a lot of "ingenious ideas", how to make fake and sell at the price of the original. Fake-makers of all the masters invented a wide variety of ways to deceive the buyer. Moreover, all: bottles, labels, excise stamps, even special traffic jams and certificates. However, everything is not always smooth, and there are various ways to determine the fake.

Signs of "Painsen" vodka

First you need to assess the bottle. Look, whether the cap is tightly sitting on the neck. If he scrolls or even more gives to flow, you are unlikely to be real product with guaranteed quality.

"Palenny" vodka

Be sure to be in the preservation ring on the screw cap. And pay attention to how high the level of the fluid is worth. Usually, if it is not a fake, in the tar with a screw stopper, it is customized to pour a liquid to the middle of the neck. In the case of using the cork "Cooking", then slightly above the shoulders.

Next, turn the bottle upside down and inspect the presence of a precipitate in the liquid. It should not be. If there are strange dust, pork, suspension, other extraneous particles, immediately refuse to acquire this product.

The color of falsified vodka may also differ from the factory. Real - crystal clear. In fake vodka, you can often distinguish with yellowish and pinkish shades. Some turbidity is also not excluded.

Pay attention to the pouring duty stamp. According to the factory standards, it is applied to each bottle on the reverse or outer side of the label or cap. The place may differ, but there is no readability. All inscriptions should be perfectly visible and read. For a larger quality assurance, some manufacturers have even become a stamp with a filling date with an inkjet printer. This somewhat increases the price, but it gives a quality guarantee. The main thing is to compare the duty stamp on the label and cap. If there is no reason, there is a reason to doubt the quality content of the bottle.

All the bottles on the bottle must be held firmly, to be straightforward and without breaks. At the factory, the stickers cause a machine, so everything comes out exactly and with uniform smears of glue. If they are incorrect or blurred, then this is also a reason to domestic.

And the pictures and inscriptions on the labels should be bright and well readable. Fakes often apply dull, faded labels.

We study the label itself. It must have a factory and its details. If it is not, then the enterprises may also. On the front side there is always a date of filling, the name and address of the manufacturer, license number, certification sign, alcohol fortress.

If the bottle does not cause suspicion, the quality of the alcohol itself can be estimated. This is done with the help of a conventional teaspoon and lighters. If you heat the vodka, it should flare up. Give it to burn, and then skip the rest. If the liquid has a sharp unpleasant smell, then this indicates the presence of impurities.

Conclusions Site

  1. If you are fake, then the cap can scroll or leak, and there is no cap of real vodka.
  2. The real bottle has a safety cap, it often does not happen on the fake.
  3. The level of poured fluid should be to the "shoulders" or until the middle of the neck, in the fakes this rule is not always observed.
  4. In real vodka there will be no precipitation, and in the "Paleno" he often has.
  5. The color of the fake can be with a color shade, and the real vodka is colorless.
  6. It must be a filling stamp that coincides on the label and cap. The absence or mismatch of dates is to doubt products.
  7. The label on the real bottle is pasted exactly, without unnecessary glue smears and firmly holds. But the fakes often have bias or lubricated glue strokes.
  8. On the fake can be dull labels, unreadable, and on real vodka labels are bright and clear.
  9. On the label of real vodka, it is necessary to indicate the manufacturer's plant and all details, and something is often missed on the counterfeit.

The question is particularly relevant on holidays: and how to distinguish pale vodka (fake) from "Levak" and the original? The topic acquires important social aspects, since the alcoholic market, according to some data, is filled with forgery almost half. It is quite difficult to sort out the place at the point of sale, which vodka has to buy. But the consequences of the use of "Painne" alcohol can be the most different: from severe malaise in the morning and, unfortunately, to severe poisoning and even fatal outcome. Arm yourself with knowledge that will help to distinguish real vodka from fake and save money and health.

Signs of pale vodka

Firstly, It is necessary to understand that people are called "Palenk"?

"Palenka" is a low-quality alcohol surrogate, which intruders produce underground, mask under well-known trademarks, fake to the container, labels, excise taxes.
Luvak is the usual high-quality factory-made vodka, not reflected in the reporting of the enterprise.

A cheap price is due to tax evasion, moreover, there is always a risk of "running" on a poor-quality fake, and in case of any consequences without a check about buying a product, it is impossible to prove anything.

Second important point: Always try to check the authenticity of vodka still in the store. We present a number of indirect signs, how to distinguish panneous vodka from the present.

What should be remembered to everyone

No one is insured against fake vodka. Remember that if you bought a decent bottle of vodka, and after the opening you embarrassed the sharp smell or the taste of the drink, it is better to throw out the conditionally "Painted" vodka, than to seriously risk health.

An low-quality and counterfeit vodka is a drink made from Extra alcohol and containing:

aldehydes in the amount of about 6 mg / l (GOST - 3 mg / l),

syvoy oil 6-10 mg / l (GOST - 3 mg / l),

methanol 0.05% (GOST - 0.03%)

In Russia, it is illegally produced by approximately 120 million gave vodka and alcoholic beverages. This means that in circulation every year about 600 unaccounted alcohol tanks is located. Every year in Russia there are 40-50 thousand only deaths of consumers from poisoning by surrogates, fake vodka.

Dangerous impurities in vodka

Increased content in fake vodka leads to the destruction of the internal organs of a person and above all the liver.

Particularly dangerous poisoning occurs when the surrogate is manufactured on the basis of methyl alcohol, which is a neuro-vascular poison. Its dose of 100 grams is deadly for people. Even a small amount of this alcohol amazes the visual nerve and the system of eye shells.

And methyl alcohol, and ethylene glycol, which is part of antifreeze, like ordinary alcohol, are able to be intoxicated, but after 10-12 hours after their use, signs of severe poisoning appear: headache, nausea, vomiting, shaky gait, weakness (or short-term excitement) , blackout or even a complete loss of consciousness. Death comes from brain disorders (after 1-2 days) or kidney damage (after 1- 2 weeks).

Dichloroethane (chloride ethylene) is even more dangerous), 10– 15 grams of which cause irreversible changes in the liver and kidneys.

Leads to poisoning and brandy surrogate, which is tinted with technical dyes.

In samples of falsified alcoholic beverages, the impurities of ethyl alcohol of the low degree of purification and alcohols of the non-rigid destination (hydrolysis and synthetic), which are considered highly toxic are often found.

In terms of mortality from random poisoning, the Yaroslavl region was leading in the central federal district of Russia in the central federal district of Russia.

In 2012, after the end of the festive line, four 12-year-old students of the 18th Vladivostok school acquired 2 bottles of cheap vodka in a stall, which turned out to be falsification. Two girls hit the hospital in a state of coma.

Differences of fake vodka from the present

Falsified vodka has several characteristic differences from this:

For the most part, the fake vodka does not correspond to the norms in the fortress. Instead of 40 ° is significantly less.

Often in bottles you can discern a precipitate, pile, films, etc., which indicates its production in handicraft conditions.

After two or three weeks, the fake vodka acquires a matte color.

Markings of traffic jams and inscriptions on labels do not correspond to each other. So, for example, it happens that different manufacturers are indicated on them.

At home, in the manufacture of fake vodka, the glue is applied to the labels, in most cases, the tassel, and therefore the smears are obtained uneven. Factory vodka, if you look at the label from the inside, you can more often see some smooth glue strips. True, there is a solid coating with glue.

On the factory vodka, the cap should not scroll around its axis (otherwise at the factory-manufacturer, the bottle would consider the defective).

For fake vodka edge of the cap "Alca" (with the "tongue"), they would be carried in some places in some places and, moreover, with small "waves". In real vodka, the lower edges of this cap are smooth and driven into the emphasis. The lacquered coating should not have scratches.

On the labels of bottles "under the screw" the last two digits of the code indicate the name of the city (01 - Moscow, 02 - St. Petersburg, 62 - Smolensk, etc.). On the cap "Alka", in addition to the name of the manufacturer, the name of the vodka is indicated (P - wheat, R - Russian, MO - Moscow special, etc.).

On fake vodka there are no or fuzzy symbols of the date of manufacture on the back of the label.

When you open a bottle of falsification vodka, the dispenser often remains in the opened lid.

Often falsification has suspicious names - carefully, super, Petrovich, traffic police, etc.

To detect the fusion oils in suspicious vodka, it is necessary to add to it equal to the amount of sulfuric acid. The blackening of vodka will indicate for the presence of a large amount of fusion oils.

You can also lower the blue lactium paper into the vodka. Its staining in red indicates an admixture of acids, which are added to increase the "fortress".

The consumer can check with vodka, pouring it into a lid and bringing a match. Normal vodka burns a weak blue flame. Bad vodka or flames like gasoline, or will not burn at all.

You can also just shake the bottle. If vodka is overly diluted with water, then bubbles in the bottle will be large. Normal vodka shakes "snake" from small bubbles.

If vodka has a sharp unpleasant odor, then it is better not to drink it to the consumer.

How to determine the fake vodka

To determine the truth of wine, you need to pour it into a small bubble, close the neck with a finger and tilting into a glass with water. The finger is released in water. If the wine does not mix with water, it means it is natural. If the wine begins to cross the bubble in the water and go down to the bottom of the glass, then it is clearly fake. The faster the wine from the bubble in the water will be poured, the rougher falsification, and the more impurities in the fault.

To detect fake alcohol, you need to prepare a weak solution of manganese and continue to mix with alcohol in a 4: 1 ratio. If at a temperature of 15-20 degrees, the alcohol is painted in pink color in 5 minutes, it means that it is clean. If the alcohol is painted under the same conditions less than 5 minutes, then the fake alcohol. The faster it is painted and the darker becomes, the more he is dangerous. The poorly purified alcohol with a large number of strangers is painted in a dark brown instantly.

Vodka falsification is produced not only in Russia. In Ukraine, according to experts, each second bottle is falsification. It is recommended not to buy Ukrainian vodka at the cost below 26 hryvnia, which will know how to fake.

Buy vodka better in specialized stores. In order to make sure the product, the consumer is worth asking the seller a certificate that should be the original, and not written. In addition, it is worth paying attention to which lot of goods the certificate is discharged.

Savings on high-quality vodka can do very expensive. The use of falsification is fraught with poisoning, dangerous not only for health, but also for the life of the consumer.

The most popular object for fake is vodka. It is simply explained - alcoholic beverages have a guaranteed sales. Their fake is economically beneficial, as it requires a minimum of costs.

Paved vodka is produced in underground workshops, while the raw material of the lowest quality is used. Alcohol goes to the counters of shops under the type of products of famous brands, with labels, excise marks and fake documents.

The use of such a product may have negative consequences, up to death. According to the physicians, people who regularly drink such drinks do not live up to forty years, the destruction in their body comes very quickly. Often in such vodka contains the strongest poison - methanol. It has the taste and smell of food alcohol, but its price is much lower. First, inxicates, like real vodka. After some time there are signs for which you can judge the hard poisoning, but they are easy to confuse with the usual hangover, so people do not turn immediately to the doctor. This kind of alcohol leads to heart attacks, strokes, blindness, constant headaches and other serious health problems.

Unfortunately, such a product can be bought even in the store. How to check, pale vodka or not?

Signs of fakes

Vodka has a centuries-old history. This drink appeared during the transition of Russia to the three-round system of growing grain crops. This led to the receipt of an incredible crop. The grains in humans were in excess, and it was necessary to somehow use. The result was the appearance of vodka - the fermentation product and distillation of wheat. Somewhat later by D. I. Mendeleev, the perfect ratio of water and alcohol was determined. This allowed to release the product, which soon became known to the whole world.

The demand for this drink led to the birth of a set of ways to his fake. Paved vodka was sold at the price of the original. Manufacturers of the fake product showed ingenuity and learned to fake even the container with labels, excise stamps, special traffic jams and certificates. Therefore, consumers are interested in the question: "How to determine Painted Vodka?"


The cheapness of the alcoholic beverage should be alert first. Usually in different stores the cost of alcohol is approximately the same. For the price, therefore, it is possible to guess which vodka is pale. True, this feature is sometimes not enough to determine the quality of the product. Falsification manufacturers can set the same prices as in stores.

Place of sale

Most often, pale vodka is found on the shelves of small shops. To protect yourself, take the goods in large supermarkets, there you will at least get a check that confirms the fact of purchase. This will help to prove the guilt of the store if necessary. But even in supermarkets, you can buy a fake if it has the same certificates and excise stamps as high-quality vodka.

Quality capping

How to distinguish pancake vodka on this basis? First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of bottle. Check if the cap is rotated, does not flow. Vodka in a bottle with a ball dispenser in most cases is real, as to fake such a container outside the production process is very difficult.

The screw cap should be with a safety ring. An important characteristic is the level of fluid in the bottle. Package that has a screw stopper must be filled to the middle of the neck. If the plug is used, the liquid level is slightly above the shoulders.

Content Bottle

The drink must be inspected in the light, turning the package upside down. Look, whether there is no sediment or other extraneous particles. Their presence says that vodka is falsified. If a bottle shake, you can see bubbles of large size. This means that there is plenty of water in the drink, and its quality is low. Paved vodka can be muddy with a yellowish or pinkish tint.

Date stamp

Each bottle must be present a pouring duty stamp. Put it on the external or inner side of the label, the glass bottle or cap. Regardless of where the stamp is located, the inscriptions on it should be easily read. The dates of the spill on the label and the cap must coincide.


Since in the factory conditions, the stickers on the bottles are applied with a machine, they should be firmly, smoothly glued and not to have breaks or other damage. Uneven and non-associate glue strokes say that in front of you Painted vodka. If the product is real, the drawings and inscriptions on the label will be bright and easily readable. On the fake, the label is dim, inscriptions illegible and can have a barcode should be clear, not blurred.

In the label itself, the props of the manufacturer must be indicated. The absence of such information can say that enterprises as such does not exist at all. The face of the certification, license number, information about the date of bottling, on the Fortress of the Beverage and its composition, as well as the name and address of the manufacturer.

Quality alcohol

How to recognize launched vodka if nothing suspicious was detected on the bottle? It will not be superfluous to evaluate the quality of alcohol. To do this, you will need a teaspoon and a lighter. Preheating vodka flashes, and when it is unwind, you need to smell the rest. Liquid with a sharp unpleasant smell in itself has extraneous impurities.

To determine the presence of sigh oil in the drink, which is suspicious, you need to add sulfuric acid to it in the same volume. If vodka has been painted - it means it is contained in large quantities. Try to omit in alcohol blue about the impurities of the acids can be judged by staining it in red.

To determine the presence of methanol, 10 ml of a suspicious beverage is mixed with dissolved economic soap in a small amount, a couple of yell droplets are added and heated on fire. If methanol is present in vodka, then the yellow precipitate does not fall, which appears in the presence of ethanol or acetone.

Protection of manufacturers

To protect the goods from fakes, some manufacturers use additional protection systems that cannot be faked. These are embossed coat of arms, and markers of quality and more. If you wish to purchase a quality product, check out the information on the manufacturer's website about what additional protection measures are used.

To protect yourself from fakes, you need to buy alcoholic beverages in large stores in which there is information on the license for the sale of alcohol. Be careful to small details, which often forget manufacturers of fake vodka.

According to independent experts, up to 46% of the domestic alcohol market is filled with fake vodka, which is also called "Paleno". The consequences of the use of this "infection" are unpredictable: from headache in the morning to disability and fatal outcome. Therefore, it is very important to be able to distinguish vodka from fakes still in the store. There are a number of features that make it possible to make it with a high probability, but only laboratory tests can be given a hundred percent result.

Paved vodka - This is a cheap alcohol and vodkah surrogate produced from low-quality raw materials in underground workshops, which criminals are trying to sell under the guise of recognizable vodkalas, fake the label, bottle, excise stamp and other related documents.

It is on Pallenka that accounts for 53% of the deaths of alcohol poisoning. Production of pancake vodka is many times cheaper than the original drink. Criminals, having implemented fake, receive a fabulous profit. Only one underground workshop brings to its owners several million dollars arrived for the year.

Between the concepts of Palo and "Left" vodka there is a difference. "Luvak" is called a batch of high-quality vodka from a liquor-breeding plant, which is not listed in the reporting of the enterprise. It is cheaper because it is not subject to taxes. But when buying, there is a risk that under the guise of left vodka you can sell Painne. So do criminals who do not want or not able to fake excise brand and quality certificates. Without these documents, they cannot pass their surrogate to the store, so they are looking for gullible citizens.

How to determine Painted Vodka

It will be about checking the appearance of the beverage before purchasing it. There are signs, the presence of which should motivate you to choose another vodka or even the store.

1. Price. If you prefer vodka a certain brand, then you should know the average price of the bottle. If in one of the shops, the price is 15-30% lower, then the risk to purchase a fake vodka is increasing there several times. Miracles does not happen, the cost of one and the same vodka in different stores can not be very different.

Previously, it was exactly the low price that squeezed stewed vodka, but now the falsifiers have walked and in most cases sell their surrogate at the price of the original. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the concomitant factors.

2. Sale point. The general rule: the less the store, the higher the probability of buying a fake vodka there. In large supermarkets you will be issued a check, which is proof of the purchase. The supermarket is easier to present a claim, so "Pallenka" is selling less there, but more and more often it comes across there. At the same time, not always big stores sell falsification consciously. More often, they buy high-quality fake with all quality certificates (also fake) on wholesale bases.

3. Color. Real vodka absolutely transparent without mud and precipitation at the bottom. To check it out, it is enough to flip the bottle upside down, hold a few seconds and look through the sunlight. Vodka should not have third-party particles, orange, light yellow and other shades. If the color changes, then you can vodka bad cleaning, alcohol or the water of which contains third-party impurities.

4. Cap. The factory bottle has a neat cap that does not scroll and does not flow. It is better to buy vodka with a ball dispenser, since under the conditions of the underground workshop fake such a bottle more difficult.

Bottle without a dispenser fake at times easier

5. Label. It should be exactly pasted, and all the inscriptions are written parsing. This also applies to excise brand. The plant is obliged to specify its full legal address, the address of production facilities, the composition of the drink and the GOST, through which it is made. So the new little-known vodka brands are checked. Sometimes Surrogate hides under the guise of a completely new vodka, which only appeared on the market.

In the case of a well-known brand, the addresses check and the composition will not give anything (with rare exceptions), since the falsifiers simply copy the finished label. They can only withdraw the sweat paper with poorly readable letters, on which they decided to save.

The dates of the spill on the label and cap of the bottle must coincide. Although checking the dates takes a few seconds, but many are tapey to do it, buying panic vodka. Not all underground workshops control the spill time. This is especially true for fake the cheapest brands.

6. Protection of manufacturers. Understanding that the buyer is difficult to distinguish good vodka from Paleno, well-known brands develop their own protection systems, difficult to fake. It can be applied to the bottle embossed signs, coat of arms and other quality markers.

You can learn about the protection of your chosen vodka on the manufacturer's website. At least, there see what the original looks like, and then compare with bottles that stand on store shelves.

Infographics from

Attention! Matching the bottle to all criteria does not yet guarantee one hundred percent protection against fake. Painted vodka has a sharp unpleasant smell. It is better to throw away the randomly purchased fake than to risk their health and even life.