Recipe from beef for a child of 1 year. Beef dishes for children

Hedgehogs from minced meat is a dish that not only the kids will appreciate. Deliciously delicious hotter is well combined with any garnish, it is possible to cook it with different sauces: tomato, creamy or vegetable. Timber meat balls and in the oven, and in a slow cooker.

Hedgehogs are a recipe for an original and delicious homemade dish, which can be supplied independently with sour cream, greens, or supplement potatoes, light salads. Easy to experiment easily, changing the composition of the podliva or adding new seasonings.

Hedgehogs from minced rice with a gravy are valued by hostesses for the unique taste of a creamy, tomato or combined sauce. Since with the composition there is meat, such backs are served independently, but you can add them with eyebrokers - potatoes, vegetables, spaghetti.

Hedgehogs in the oven are the variation of meatballs, they are familiar and loved by many since childhood. The hostesses can prepare a classic rice dish or an unusual option from buckwheat. Sweatfactor appearance will give sour cream, tomato, creamy sauces selected according to individual taste.

Prepared the meatballs with gravy in the pan, will only have to supplement them with the desired side dish and enjoy the excellent gentle taste of the exemplary. Thanks to the sauce, the product is always sucked juicy and soft. Each time they can be issued in a new way, varying the composition of the minced meat or podliva.

Hedgehogs made of minced rice - this is an unusual, very satisfying and appetizing dish. Often it is prepared with a lulled from tomato or sour cream. It is also possible to prepare in the oven and a double boiler. This kushan especially likes the kids, he is eating even the most arrogant capricions.

Incusently tender and soft structure and dietary composition allow you to include meat souffle in the strictest diets, and also without fear of using it when drawing up a children's menu. An existence can be issued from any fillet of meat, adding the product with relevant components according to the formulation.

Often young parents face a problem how to feed the pickly kid. For such moms, we collected the recipes of delightful meters who will probably like children. We will tell you how to prepare a dish with an extremely useful way - we bake these wonderful meat balls in the oven.

The finished meat souffle on this recipe will like all kids and adults. As a result, it turns out the tender and air mass, which is ideal for a beloved sidebar or sauce, and much more tastier than a simple hot meat. We offer two simple recipes of this wonderful dish.

Classic Hungarian Goulash is preparing in an abundant amount of spices. But, considering that we will prepare for children, then nothing like this will be. But our dish will turn out very fragrant, satisfying, with a thick dark gravy. Serve it with potato mashed potatoes and kids accurately appreciate your efforts.

Meat dishes are the necessary part of the diet of all children. But not always small gourmets agree to eat what makes mom will prepare, but the Sadikovskaya food is being flown for both cheeks. Maybe there are any special recipes? Share with you the recipe for the technologies for cooking in kindergarten.

1. Steam pudding from meat

Meat pass through the meat grinder, add creamy oil, yolk, milk, salt. All mix, add whipped protein, and put in a small mug, pre-lubricated with oil and rubbed with breadcrumbs. Cover the circle with a lid, put on a water bath and prepare for 40-50 minutes on low heat.
You will need: meat - 50 gr, butter - 3 gr, eggs - 1/4 pcs, milk - 30 ml, salt

2. Clear stuff

Touch cabbage leaves. Wash meat, clean from bones and tendons, cut into pieces, skip through a meat grinder. Pour a little water to the bottom of the pan, then, alternating, put cabbage and mince, the first and the last layer should be a cabbage layer. Add creamy oil and extinguish until readiness. Before removing from the stove, add sour cream and bring to a boil.
You will need: butter - 10 gr, minced meat - 30 gr, cabbage - 100 gr, sour cream - 10 gr, salt

3.Male stuffed with meat

Egg yellows scatter with salt and butter, add whipped in foam protein. Saving a saucepan with oil, pour into it whipped eggs, immerse it in another vessel with water, cover with a lid and put in a strongly preheated oven for 10 minutes. Finished omelet tip into a plate, put ground meat and vegetables on it, roll up and fill in tomato juice.
You will need: 50 g of boiled ground meat, 1 egg, 1/2 coffee cup of milk, a piece of oil with a largest walnut, 1 tbsp. Spoon of crushed boiled vegetables from soup, parsley greens, 1 tbsp. Spoon of tomato juice.

4. Frames with onions and carrots

200 g of low-fat beef, 3 pt spoons flour, salt, 1 carrot, 1/2 heads
Meat scroll through the meat grinder. Mix with flour, salt. Form the balls. Carrots and onions Suitoriate on the grater. Pour a little water into the sovereign, bring to a boil. Lay out the meatballs and boil without a cover for five minutes. Add carrots and onions, cover with a lid and extinguish 10 minutes
For older kids, you can first fry meatballs on a weak fire in butter, without adding water.

5.Minctors from Teftelek and Spaghetti

Chicken breast 0.5 pieces, bow 1 thing, egg 1 piece, flour 2 tbsp. Spoons, vegetable oil 3 tbsp. spoons, spaghetti 100 grams
From meat and bow scrolled on a meat grinder, we make minced meat, adding egg, salt and pepper to taste.
We form small meblers, we take pain in the flour, roasting in vegetable oil from two sides on a strong heat to a golden crust.
Let's take it out, let them spaghetti ... and thicker macaronly the better ... beautiful ..
The amount of macaroni is left .. as much as he loves and wants to leave.
in boiling water on one neatly lowered the templekka so as not to break pasta
Let's leave for about 5 minutes, we will notice the fire to a minimum
Turn off, I give it half an hour under the lid ... Pasta will swell ...
Bon Appetit!

6.The confers from rabbit meat.

600 g rabbit fillet 1 egg, 6 tbsp. Boiled rice, 1 tbsp. Green, Sol.
For sauce:
0.5 l of tomato juice, 2 tbsp. flour, juice 1 lemon, 4 tbsp. sour cream, butter
Meat Skip through a meat grinder, add rice, egg, finely chopped greens, salt.
Machine mix well, form small balls, omitted in a hot slightly salted water (in which 1 tbsp. Oils) and boil on low heat. Finished balls from the broth shovel.
In tomato juice, dilute the flour and connect with water in which the melligents were cooked. Sauce boost add lemon juice, sugar, sour cream, salt.
Ready meatballs to pour sauce

7. Vegetable stew with chicken meat

You will need:
Chicken 200 g, zucchini 200 g, pumpkin 100 g, onion 20 g, pepper red sweet 60 g, garlic 1 g, olive oil 15 ml
Chicken meat pre-scam.
In the pan, there are a few olive oil. Passing vegetables, cut into cubes. Put in a saucepan. Add crushed garlic. There is a chicken meat, chopped by pieces. Cover with a lid, prepare 15-20 minutes.

8. Frequetures steam with oatmeal and vegetables, from 1 year

You will need:
Oatmeal Groats 50 g, turkey 300 g, carrot 50 g, onions green (feather) 25 g, bow 28 g, chicken egg 30 g, milk 50 g
Flying meat, rubbing the carrot to a large grater, cut the bow.
Instead of bread, we will use oatmeal. We are pouring milk and leave for 10 minutes.
Mix meat with vegetables and oatmeal, add an egg. Prepare for a couple of 15 minutes.
When applying, decorate greens

9. Crokets Carrot Hedgehogs

Farsh pig 500 gr. Carrot 500 gr. Eggs 2 pcs. Salt, pepper to taste
To prepare this delicious dish, we need to take a piece of meat (so that the cutlets are more comprehensive), you can be a breast just a non-fat pork and grind it on the meat grinder. Prepare carrots - wash, clean and cut into pieces, convenient to grind them on the meat grinder. We also take two chicken eggs. We make the minced meat for this mix meat, carrots and add eggs. Everyone is thoroughly mixed, salt and pepper to taste. We pay our steamer - the bottom of the pan pour about 1-1.5 liters of the driver and put on a strong fire, so that the water boils, now we form the cutlets (you can do it with a teaspoon) and lay out on a double boiler . Cover the lid and prepare about 15-20 minutes. Cutlets are ready - you can call all those wishing to try this dish !!! Especially it will have to taste children, because The shape of the kitlet resembles hedgehogs and kolobkov. Pleasant Appetite !!!

10. Harshs from chicken meat with lemon, from 2 years

You will need:
Chicken 170 gr, lemon 10 gr, garlic 5 gr, sunflower oil 10 ml, egg yolk 10 gr, basil 5 gr
Passing and bare chicken fillet in salted water 20 min. Cut into pieces.
Issue garlic through the press.
Issue juice from lemon (1 teaspoon).
Connect chicken, garlic, yolk, basil and lemon juice, put the blender and grinding bowl.
Heat oil in a frying pan and a fried to a solive color.

11. Curly fillet in sauce

Chicken fillet 400-500 g, carrot 1 pcs, bow 1 pcs, water 400 ml, sour cream 5 tbsp. l., Mayonnaise 2-3 century, Khmeli-Sunnels 1 tsp., Paprika hammer 1 tsp., Salt and sugar to taste, garlic 4 teeth, greens, flour 1 tbsp. l. with slide, frying oil
1.Myaso cut out is not very large. Add flour, sour cream, mayonnaise, all spices (except greenery and garlic), mix thoroughly. Bring to a boil, add roar and meat. 6.This on slow fire 10 min.7. In the very end of add crushed garlic and greens. 8.Product with any side dish.
Bon Appetit!!!

12. Harics Curls with chicken

For 1 portion (5pcs)
Rice boiled - 150g, yolk eggs (raw) - 1pc., Chicken boiled fillet - 50g,
Rice and yolk put into the bowl for the blender - to break through a homogeneous puree-shaped consistency. Small meat finely cut.
Rice mince divide on 5 parts, form round balls, put them down, put a chicken in the middle and take off the pies so that the filling is inside, slightly sloped the bits in your hands to a beautiful flattened look (working with rice minced meal with hands, so minced will stick). Put the bugs on the baking sheet, lubricated plums. Butter and powder with panic breadcrumbs and bake in a predetermined oven up to 2,0miths - 20-30 minutes to a slightly golden, crispy crust (after 15 minutes of the boking can be turned over for uniform baked). The finished bits slightly cool down and when it is filled with a melted drain. Oil or sour cream.
Bon Appetit!

Baby at 10 months. - 1.5 years of meat is made in the form of a boiler (steam), puree from meat, meat. Do it no more than 1 time per day. At the same time, the meat of only better quality can be used to prepare meat dishes (the best - young), without tendons and fat. The baby in 1.5-2 years of the meat can already be given in baked form (puddings and casseroles), as well as in the form of a fried kitlet ...

Baby at 10 months. - 1.5 years of meat is made in the form of a boiler (steam), puree from meat, meat. Do it no more than 1 time per day. At the same time, the meat of only better quality can be used to prepare meat dishes (the best - young), without tendons and fat.

A child in 1.5-2 years of meat can already be given in baked (puddings and casseroles), as well as in the form of a fried kitlet. Roasted pieces or stewed meat children give from 3 years. Also, a variety of dishes made from liver and brains are also very useful for the child.

The following recipes of 7 recipes of meat dishes are described, as well as 2 recipe for meat sauces that can be given to a child.


  1. Meat (flesh) - 50g
  2. Flour - 5g
  3. Oil - 6g
  4. Broth - 50ml
  5. Bow - 3g

Ingredients for potatoes puree:

  1. Potatoes - 200g.
  2. Oil - 3g
  3. Milk - 50g

In order for the child to prepare ground meat, pulp (50g), clean from all the fats and films and extinguish it in a closed saucepan with a louder (3g).

After roasting in meat, it is necessary to pour broth (a little bit) and put into the oven. There, the ingredients are extinguished to their softness, after which everyone is passed to the meat grinder and rub the sieve. Then 1st is added to meat. (white), stirred, again give it to boil and the child is served with a puree from potatoes.


  1. Meat (flesh) - 70g
  2. Oil - 6g
  3. Bulka - 20g
  4. Fig - 20g
  5. Egg - 1 / 6pcs.
  6. Bow - 5g
  7. Oil - 3g

Ingredients for sauce:

  1. Sugar - 2g
  2. Tomato - 5g
  3. Flour - 5g
  4. Sour cream - 10g
  5. Oil - 3g
  6. Broth - 30g

Prepare a child This roll is simple enough. To do this, make minced and put it on a towel (wet) long stripe. Put rice (cooked) from above in the center of the center, which is pre-mixed with the seen boiled eggs and the wounded bow. Then connect the edges of the towel, thus shutting down the edge of the roll. Put it on the washed sheet, and supervise the sour cream, carved with oil and egg. After that, so that the roll does not crack, pincise it for a fork several times and send a 30 minutes in the oven. At this time it is necessary to periodically water with glass fat.

Rice can be replaced with minced meat from buckwheat or vermicelli.

The child to serve such a roll is taken with tomato sauce. For his preparation, disappear oil and put a tomato paste into it. Pry the ingredients until they darken a little, sprinkle with flour and a little more. Then put sugar in the pan, sour cream and spread the broth. The sauce must boil another 20-30 amm, after which it must be strain. On this tomato sauce is ready. Pour the roll and you can serve a child.

See also: Baby cutlets.


  1. Fig - 40g
  2. Broth - 50g
  3. Oil - 10g
  4. Mashed tomato - 5g
  5. Bow - 5.
  6. Kura or veal - 50g
  7. Flour - 3g

To prepare a stew for a child, you need to boil the chicken or deliver veal, after which the meat needs to cut into cubes (bed). After that, dissolve 1st.L. Oil and in it, in it, a finely chopped bulb (0.25pcs), and then rice (dry - 40g), which is pre-wiping with a towel. Fry rice to a weakly yellow color, and not to his darkening. When the rice starts to emit a pleasant smell, paint it with broth (2 spoons) and, constantly stirring, boil. When the rice prepares (will be soft), add tomato paste to it (1h.l.) or tomato, meat (calch or chicken), and then mix and pretty warm up.

(for older children)


  1. Veal - 100g
  2. Oil - 6g
  3. Brubva - 50g
  4. Sugar - 5g
  5. Flour - 5g
  6. Potatoes - 100g
  7. Bow - 5g
  8. Carrots - 50g
  9. Milk - 30ml

To prepare a stew for a child, rinse a good lamb (100g) or veal (100g) and dry the napkin or towel. Then cut the meat with medium pieces, sprinkle with flour and sprinkle. Disappel the oil in a frying pan and roast meat in it to ruddy color.

Cubes Cut peeled and washed vegetables: potatoes (100g), carrots (50g), trouser or turnip (50g).

Roasted meat put in a saucepan and pour out sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables for it. Then salute (0.5 h.) And pour as much water to cover the ingredients slightly. Cover the saucepan and put stewed. Add flour in half cooked vegetables (1C.L.), which is pre-mixed with milk (2st.l.) and sugar (0.5h.l.). Stew stew to soft vegetables. At this time, watch it constantly juicy (had moisture). If you have notice that stew too thickening, then pour some hot broth or water into it.

See also: Fish dishes for a child.

(for older children)


  1. Carrots - 20g
  2. Meat - 100g
  3. Oil - 5g
  4. Bow - 10.
  5. Roots - 10g
  6. Tomato - 5g

To knock the baby meat, Spask, skew or the pump need to be released from the fat, wash, dry the napkin or towel and completely rub the salt. Then melt the oil and fasten the bulb, sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin rings. Then put meat there together and sliced \u200b\u200bthin carrot, celery and parsley. As soon as the meat freshes well, pour water to it (2 full arts.) And cover. In this form, the meat should be spent on 3 o'clock, periodically turning over and watering juice. To improve and enhance taste, add 1 crushed tomato (fresh!). Baby stewed meat Serve only fresh.


  1. Oil - 5g
  2. Cabbage - 150g
  3. Meat (flesh) - 30g
  4. Fig - 20g
  5. Tomato - 5g
  6. Sugar - 2g
  7. Flour - 5g
  8. Bow - 5g
  9. Sour cream - 10g
  10. Oil - 8g
  11. Egg - 0.25pcs.

In the polls, many children do not eat cabbage (useful!), But if you prepare them correctly, then your child will eat the cabbage completely. To begin with, reflect the whole cabbage leaves and remove all of their solids. Then lower them in boiling water, boil once and remove the water using the sieve. In a meat grinder or blender, grind meat and mix with well-cooked rice, fried onions (in oil) and boiled egg (finely sliced). After that, the minced mend place in the center of the cabbage sheets, complete them, cut break in breadcrumbs with flour, suck in oil, put into the saucepan, add tomato sauce and extinguished to 40 minutes in the oven. One portion for the child usually consists of 2 cabbage rolls.

Tomato sauce for cabbage rolls.
In the melted oil, fire the tomato, add sugar, flour to it, spread the sour cream and broth, and then sake another 10 minutes.


  1. Carrots - 10g
  2. Meat - 100g
  3. Creamy butter - 8g
  4. Sour cream - 10g
  5. Onion - 5g
  6. Wheat flour - 3g
  7. Tomato - 5g

For the preparation of the child of Befstrogen, under the jet of water well, rush meat and remove all films, tendons and fat from it. Then it is necessary to cut it into pieces (oblong) across the fibers and fry in oil. Then pour a slightly broth into the pan, lay meat into it and, cover with a lid, knock on light fire. Before the meat is ready, add carrots to it (chopped with small rings) and onions (rings).

Flour sauce for Beefroganov.
To prepare such a sauce, it is necessary to slowly dissolve the dried flour with warm broth, after which it is boiling on a light heat before thickening (as sour cream). Then stir it with tomato paste and pour into meat. After that, put on the bath, and boil 10-15min on it.

The child is usually served either with a puree from potatoes, or with fried potatoes.

(Module Banner-article-4)


  1. Milk - 50-100ml or broth - 50ml.
  2. Flour - 5g
  3. Oil - 5g

In the pan, dry the flour, cool, seek, put in a pan, dilute with milk and give 30min. stand. Then mix and pursue everything, constantly stirring and pouring milk (if it is very thick), 10-15min. Before serving the child in the sauce, interfere with oil (creamy).

You can diversify the sauce like this:

  1. Egg sauce. Finely disturb the boiled egg and mix before feeding with sauce.
  2. Sauce for rugged fish, chicken, cabbage. In the sauce before serving the child, add a divorced with 1st.l. cream and 1h.l. lemon juice raw egg (1pc.)


  1. Flour - 5g
  2. Oil - 5g
  3. Tomatoes - 20g
  4. Tomato paste - 5g
  5. Broth (or water) - 30-50ml
  6. Sugar - 2-3g
  7. Sour cream - 10-15g

Oil (0.5 h.) Melt in a saucepan and throw a ripe medium-sized tomato on it. Then sprinkle it with flour (1h.l.), divert the sauce or broth and tapping 10mine to the thickness of the sauce. After that, to remove the grains and films, sell it through the sieve. Then salute, add sugar (0.5h.l.), Sour cream (1st.l.) and boil to thickening.

So, in a year and a half you can already change the dishes, choose from a number of options so that meat dishes did not give the baby.

We present to your attention a selection of dietary dishes from meat, which are perfectly suitable for children aged 1-1.5 years.

So, your baby, who turned 12-18 months, will probably appreciate such meat dishes:

Meat souffle


  • meat (turkey, rabbit, etc.)
  • 1 egg
  • butter

I drown meat, then the finished meat is whipped in a blender with the addition of broth and eggs, pour into the frying pan, add butter and evaporate to the condition of the souffle.

Steam Souffle of Boiled Chicken


  • 200 gr boiled chicken fillet
  • 2 teaspoons rice
  • 4 tablespoons of milk
  • 1 egg
  • 2 teaspoons of butter

Rice rinse, boil to softness, pour milk and give it to boil about 8 minutes, while stirring constantly. Boiled chicken fillet paste through a meat grinder 2-3 times, mix with a well-strained rice porridge, kneading thoroughly, add yolk, 1 teaspoon of melted butter and whipped protein. Mix the resulting mass, lay out in shape, lubricated with oil and boil on the water bath. Finished souffle to pour the remaining creamy oil.

Meat meatballs


  • 50 -70 gr.
  • 1 egg yolk
  • bread and 90 gr. Meat
  • a piece of white bread
  • 2 pt spoons of milk

Ingredients (Bread Mold in Milk) We skip twice through a meat grinder or mixed in a blender. Boil water in a saucepan (slightly salt water). I lower small meat balls into boiling water, cook for about 20 minutes. Or put the frying pan, pour balls by half water and put in a preheated oven for 30 minutes.

Liver paste


  • 75 g of liver
  • ½ medium carrots
  • ¼ Lukovitsa
  • ½ h Spoons of butter

Mashed trained (knelling, chopped) liver with bow and carrot until readiness. Then we skip through the meat grinder or whipped in a blender with the addition of butter and slightly salt.

Meat steam Curl / Cutlets


  • 200 gr beef or veal
  • 2 pieces of white bread
  • 1/3 cup of milk
  • 1 hour spoon of butter

For children under two years old, we make minced meat. Ingredients (Bread Mold in Milk) We skip twice through a meat grinder or mixed in a blender. Then put a piece of butter and slightly salt. We scratch small flames and cook for a couple of about an hour.

So, now you know which meat dishes are cooking for a child aged 1 year - one and a half years. When the baby learns to chew well, you can already cut into small pieces of meat, and not scrolling on the meat grinder or in a blender.

Bon Appetit!

The moment comes when the parents think about expanding the menu of the child: they want to offer him beef. How old can I do this? Does this type of meat useful to the baby? Today we will talk about the benefits of this product, why he must be present in the diet of children and in what quantity.

What useful beef?

This category includes cattle meat: cows and bulls. It is considered more useful than pork, it is nutritious chicken and much referring. The beneficial properties of beef are due to its composition:

  • Vitamins of the bands of them in beef several:
    • B2 is an indispensable participant of redox reactions, positive effect on vision, contributes to improving the condition of the skin.
    • B5 - important for the exchange of proteins, fats, cholesterol and carbohydrates. Activates the production of hemoglobin, increases the digestibility of amino acids, stimulates the adrenal kra. It can be judged on its lack of problems with the skin and mucosa of the oral cavity.
    • Vitamin B6 is extremely important for the central nervous system, the correctness of the recovery of the excitation and braking reactions is depends on it, this element provides the conversion of amino acids, it is necessary for the development of red blood cells. The shortage of vitamin B6 can be judged by the poor appetite of the child, sluggish skin, low level of hemoglobin.
    • Vitamin B12 is important for the active development of muscle cells and bleeding. His drawback contributes to the development of anemia.
  • Phosphorus - normalizes acid-alkaline balance, contributes to the mineralization of the bone-skeletal system and teeth. With its disadvantage, the likelihood of rakhita or anemia has a sharply increases.
  • Iron - ensures the flow of redox reactions, as well as the transportation of oxygen to cells. If it is not enough baby quickly gets tired, becomes sluggish, the risk of hypochromic anemia is great.
  • Potassium - adjusts the aqueous and electrolyte balance, blood pressure, positively affects the muscle of the heart.
  • Vitamin RR - ensures the transformation of nutrients into energy. When it deficits, the skin looks bad, the child can become a capricious and irritable. This substance also affects the work of the digestive system.

Still in beef contained copper, which contributes to the absorption of iron and proteins. Due to it, the cells of the body receive oxygen, so important to their development. The lack turns into problems with the cardiovascular system, the likelihood of connective tissue pathologies is also large. In addition, the beef contains chrome, zinc and molybdenum.

How old is the child can be a beef?

Beef, as a rule, does not cause allergies, so it (along with rabbit) is recommended to be used as a first meat dust. The product is recommended to be introduced into the diet, taking into account not only age, but also the characteristics of the child:

  • if the crumb on artificial nutrition - from 7 months, by this time, the kids are already accustomed to vegetables, some gradually acquire the skills of chewing food;
  • if the daughter or son is weakened, their body weight is significantly less than the norm, the level of hemoglobin is low, it is advisable to add beef in the menu in 6 months;
  • breasts should not be accustomed to this product early, you can postpone this process to 8-10 months - depending on the state of the child.

Recipe on the occasion::

Regarding the addition of beef in the Toddler menu, it is worth consulted with a pediatrician, especially if the crumb has chronic diseases. The child feels bad? Then set aside the introduction of a new dust to another, more convenient case. This recommendation is due to the fact that meat is a heavy product that has a significant load on the digestive system, it should not be offered during the period when the body is weakened.

Features of cooking beef

Moms, especially raising the first child, are often asked how best to cook beef. The kids are best absorbed by the products of industrial preparation - during the processing of the meat fiber are homogenization, the resulting of cell membranes occurs, the meat becomes softer, it is better digested, which is extremely important for the children's body. Such beef can be safely offered even to babies at 8-9 months.

The main disadvantage of industrial baby food with beef is high cost. A small jar will cost a decent amount. Many mothers prepare meat to children on their own from distrust of canned matter. Are they right? Only partially, since the products of authoritative baby food brands usually possess high quality - the kids are perceived excellent!

For the first "tastings" is best suitable for puree. Twenty years ago it was pretty torturing, grinding meat into the minced meat, and after cooking wiping through a sieve. Today everything is easier - you can use a blender, and in a matter of seconds to turn boiled beef into a homogeneous mass.

Rules for the introduction of beef as a dust

Before adding a product to the kid's diet, make sure of its behavior and well-being. Do Crochie snot or he cough? No need to risk - nothing terrible will not happen if he gets acquainted with a new product a few days later. If you offer a beef weakened child, it may worsen his condition. Other recommendations:

  • the optimal value of the first portion is 1/3-1 / 4 teaspiors, you can give it a product separately or add it to a vegetable dish or a soup;
  • during the day after the "tasting", track the reaction of the baby, whether it is cheerful, as usual, or there are signs of malaise, with any alarming manifestations should be addressed to beef for another period;
  • if everything is fine, in a day you can offer a whole teaspoon of meat puree - it is necessary to increase the portion gradually.

By 9-10 months, the maximum daily rate of consumption of beef is 35-40 g, it is closer to the year it can be increased to 50-70 god, it will be gradually you can go to the cooking of the kitlet, you can also add to the soup for the baby meatballs. Specialists offer to give meat into lunch, it is best absorbed in combination with vegetables.

Beef dishes recipes for kids

We bring to your attention a selection of delicious and useful dishes for the smallest. Remember that they will be much more useful if you prepare them with the soul!

Meat souffle

Products: 200 g of beef meat (better cut, it is softer) will need 2 tablespoons of milk, as much flour, 1 egg and a teaspoon of butter.

Beef must be carefully cleaned from films and tendons, then boil. Next, you should skip it through the meat grinder (or grind a blender), and then wash together with the other ingredients (except for the protein) until the homogeneous mass is obtained. Important! The protein is added in a whipped form at the very end of the mixing - it is necessary to make it extremely gently so that the dish remains air. Bake for half an eye in the form, pre-labeled shaken butter.

Meatballs for kids

They are ideal for adding to the first dishes. It will take: 200 g meat, 50 g of bread, a quarter of a glass of milk, yolk, a teaspoon of butter.

Prepared meat (without fat and films) Grind in a meat grinder together with a clumsy bread, and then add an egg yolk with butter to a mass and mix. Modify balls size no more quail eggs. Boil in salted water for 10-15 minutes or add to soup.

Steam cutlets

On 100 g of beef purified from films and fat, 20 g of bread and 2 tablespoons of water will be required. Meat grind with a meat grinder, and then make a cutlet mince. It must be satisfied, after which grinds again. Make cutlets, put them on the pairing lattice. If you do not have it, you can use a colander mounted in a saucepan with water. After boiling, reduce the fire and cook until readiness.

Meat Pudding

At 100 g of meat, it will take 30 g of the baton meat or water (it is better to take only the flesh, without peel), 2 tablespoons of milk and 1 egg.

Meat with a bar grind in a meat grinder, after which add a pinch of salt and milk with a yolk. Protein can be neat - pre-beat into a steady foam. Bake in the form, which is pre-lubricated with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.


Beef is rich in purin bases, which in the body are converted into urinary acid. Its excessive accumulation can cause gout or osteochondrosis, the likelihood of other diseases is also increasing.

Product matrix: 🥄