How to make it so that the paper becomes old. How to quickly form paper at home

Why do people from new and snow-white paper make ancient and yellowed pages? Starina has always been in fashion and is relevant and currently. Therefore, the old vintage style is so widely popular. The yellowed will look harmoniously in the interior performed in an old style.

In contact with

You can do several vintage literal or pedigree, Place them in the frame and hang on the walls. Such will look very realistic and appropriate in a similar interior. And what if such an interior is supplemented with several old books?

Let's get acquainted in more detail with how to form paper at home.

How to make the effect of old paper: Several simple methods

In order to form paper artificiallyYou can use the following ways:

  • The easiest and most long way - wait until the paper itself takes a state naturally. However, this may require a whole dozen years.
  • Purchase ready-made aged sheets in a special store.
  • Conduct sheets alone at home. It is about this that it is worth talking more than more.

Such an "antique" species can be given not only to the leaf, but also the letter, postcard, recipe and much more. At the same time will have to resort to the use of some uncomplicated methods.

How to generate paper with coffee?

In order to achieve effect The aging sheet will need the following:

All these components can be found in any house.

Step-by-step instruction:

Our aged sheet is ready!

How to generate paper with tea?

For this, you will need the following ingredients and tools:

  • Several bags of tea.
  • Boiling water.
  • Sheets of paper.
  • Sponge.
  • Paper Capacity.

Step-by-step instruction:

How to make an old effect with the help of manganese?

This requires the following ingredients. and auxiliary tools:

  • Hot water.
  • Manganese.
  • Wide container.

Step-by-step instruction:

How to form paper using the sun?

Using this method, the sheet will have to leave for several days under direct solar rays. Straight sun rays are able to give the leaf pretty "respectable" age. Ink, which will be applied to the sheet, hurt the sun naturally. The minus is that there is no sun in sufficient quantities. Therefore, in this case, the above-described methods are used.

How to range edges?

If it seems to you that the resulting exhibit looks somehow illegally due to its smooth edges, they can be lost by a sandpaper or a simple sponge. Also, edges can be cut fire. At the same time, the sheet should be wet. In some places it can be slightly awaited. Here the main thing is not to overdo it. The edges should look worn, but at the same time neat.

To strengthen the effect of aging, you can hang a sheet before painting, and then straighten it. You can also add rice into the solution, pieces of grass, which are able to give the figure uneven and plausible drawing.

Fans of various homemade constantly need to look for some new tips, how to do something interesting with their own hands. Now I want to tell about at home. This technique can be useful if you need to cook original invitations, write a letter or just an interesting note to your beloved person.

How to form paper at home?

Consider several simple ways through which from the modern snow-white sheet you can get a piece of "ancient papyrus". By the way, everything you need for such a reincarnation will be found in every home.

Method First: Tea

To do this, brew this drink of a certain fortress (the color of the page will depend on this) and put the leaves there overnight. The next paper will look like it was conceived. You can also experiment with CAYA, from them remain on paper Cute mugs.

Method number 2: coffee with milk

The following way, telling how to form paper at home, implies the use of coffee with sugar and milk. This ready-made drink must be poured onto the paper, and then through the gauze to try the sheet. You will also need to work with the edges, breaking them manually.

Method Three: Recall Lenin Grandpa

How to form paper at home, if there is no coffee or tea at hand? Use milk. So, the paper must be put on a flat surface and on top of the tassel prey to "punish" her milk. Let the leaf dry, and then try to try the iron through the PC. The page will gradually begin shirt. Please note: the fatty milk, the darker will be finished leaf. This way is good to use if you need to give the product a miracle of the paper saved from the paper. The result is just awesome!

Method number 4: Varnish!

And now we will tell you how to quickly form paper. To do this, use which is sold in stores for artists. It needs to cover the surface of the sheet, and it will begin to crack, acquiring a certain shade. However, it is worth mentioning that later it will not work on this paper, so the inscription must be done before.

Fifth, classic method

But the easiest and surest way to make up paper is to put it under sun rays. The process will be pretty long, but there are practically impossible failures or any misses - paper will be evenly.

Method number 6: Not for the faint of heart

There is another one, but rather a dangerous way how to form paper at home. To do this, it must be put in the oven for a certain time. But in such a situation it is very important to correctly calculate the temperature and time to avoid the fire. Still, this method is better to use in extremely extreme cases.

Treatment of regional

Taking over how to artificially form paper, do not miss one very important moment out of sight. The edges of your "manuscript" should be at least slightly battered. The most faithful one - unevenly tear the stripes manually (the edges of the sheet can be moistened, so they will be easier). On top, it all needs to be easily cut with the flame of the candle, then the edge will look natural and very aesthetic. If you want, you can also make some dark spots on paper (again with a flame). Just hold your leaflets a little over the candle. However, it is necessary to be extremely careful that it does not break through.

The paper shaping technique is called "Distressing" (literally Distress - "Disaster").

Great use of "old" sheets were obtained in scrapbooking, in creating original letters, invitations, greeting cards. There are many ways to make up, each of which will give your paper with various shades, texture. You can create a torn edge on paper, toned (paints, ink), cover crekylur, imitate age-old scratches and scratches. Flight of fantasies in this technique is not limited, although it will be very fascinating and not difficult to give an antique view of your letters and postcards.
I will describe and show one of the ways to make coffee with a solution.

For work it will be necessary:

* Three teaspoons of soluble coffee;
* glass of water;
* Printer paper (you can take watman, cardboard);
* Place for drying;
* Iron and unnecessary rag;
* Candle;
* Little scissors.

1. Imit coffee in a glass of warm water, pour the solution into a wide container. Plunge the sheet of paper. Then let the time to dry it (you can decompose it on the sink or hang over the window neatly pricked).

2. When the leaf is driving, apply several drops of the same solution on it, for a larger effect you can add several coffee granules and get into the darkest rag, so it turns out the darker places on paper. Dry.
3. If you want to print the text on the sheet, then swing the paper with the iron, so that it becomes smooth, and the printer does not "shock". Print text.
4. Get the paper again, now you can already pour edges with a candle or hot electric stove (if you wish, you can hold the paper above the candle, just do it carefully, so as not to burn, then darkened stains are formed).

5. When the paper snacks a little and becomes slightly wet, fold it four times, then carefully check the sheet with your hands, as if pressing the rag, so we imitate the reference. You can scratch the needle with a needle, and then hesitate these places (on dry) with a burning ashes or edge of a burning paper (scratches will manifest).
6. In the seed grounds (when adding in four), the paper should be lost a little between the cutting blades of scissors. Do it carefully, if suddenly breaks, do not worry, such an effect will give more belonging to the antiquity. You can wipe a grater for the legs if there are no specialized tools.

Experiment in the color scheme (you can make a solution with green tea or carcade), try to dip a sheet into milk and pour over the candle.

Paper makeup techniques

The most common and demanded technicians are ways to make paper and other materials, as it allows you to achieve maximum stylization for old pages. All the ways of scuffs and criticism are welcome here. Do not fear, press-three and meters, than terrible paper looks like, the better!

"Distressing" (literally Distress - "Disaster") - so called the technique of parting pages. Under this name, many varieties of aging are combined. This is the creation of a torn edge, cracker, toning, creating scuffs and scratches, as well as the use of ink.

Tea-coffee-affection, or making paper makeup

Let's consider in detail the techniques of paper and photography, creating a torn edge and scratches.

If you want to decorate your work with the old sheets, then it is not necessary to run through the flea markets and bukinistic shops in search of old sheets, newspapers and ribbon books. Create all this old one with your own hands. It will not take much time, and all work will be held for a cup of coffee! But be careful, do not confuse a cup from which you drink, with a cup from which you draw.

Cardboard Equipment Technique (Dense Paper)

1 . Flame solution "Fold" a sheet of cardboard. To do this, moisten a sponge in tea, then squeeze a little and scroll through the remaining leaf of cardboard. Leave cardboard to complete drying.

2 . Repeat the procedure. But now, without waiting until the cardboard is dry, darken the edges. For this brush you have a coffee. Give spots a little bit, excess fluid to remove the paper napkin. Sweep a little cardboard.

3. Large iron brush make scratches along the edges of the sheet. In order for everything to look natural, make arbitrary semicircular movements.

4. Brush apply coffee to scratches. You will immediately be visible to the whole "drawing" that you scratched. If somewhere there is not enough damage, then first dry the cardboard, and then repeat everything.

5. To achieve the same misfortune and compilation, the middle of the sheet should be processed. Large plastic brushed circular movements wipe the middle. You will with a small layer of cardboard. At the same time, try so that the wipes look uneven and chaotic.

6 . Dry cardboard and then remove all paper katov from it. You can hang a little edge. We carry out the small blocks of the iron brush. Work very carefully not to overdo it.

Slim Paper Equipment

1 . List of paper remember. Combine it and straighten. Repeat it several times so that you have all the sheet covered with small folds.

2 . Scatter sheet, smooth it with your hands. Prepare a cup with strong brewing and sponge.

3. "Fold" tea with tea brew. Moch the sponge and spend several times on paper so that the welding flies into all the cracks. Sweep a little paper.

4 . Brush to drain the edges of the paper. To do this, boil welding around the edges. And again you dry the paper, but do not bring it to complete drying.

5 . Tow brush. Put small points in black ink. Apply them chaotic around the edges. Points can be of different size. Put them without thinking, but at the same time and does not get involved.

6 . A wide wet brush is a bit in place of the point so that the mascara blurred slightly and somewhere slightly smaller.

7 . A sponge wet the excess moisture and at the same time add additional prints. The sponge absorbs an excess mascara and prints it elsewhere.

8 . Little iron brush "wipe" the edge of the sheet. So that you get a natural old torn edge, make the movement with a brush from the center of the sheet to the edges.

9. Add small damage to the brush and in other places of the sheet. After leaving the paper on the table until it is completely drying. And already with dry paper, you can smear the kat and somewhere wishes to get the edges.

Today we will talk about the methods of "parting" of paper and documents. And why in general from the new, snow-white paper to do ancient, yellowed pages? But why: the old man was and always will be in fashion. And, of course, now in fashion ancient, vintage style.

"Aged" paper will perfectly fit into the interior in the old style. It is worth only to produce and "range" in this way several literacy, pedigree, etc. And spend them in the appropriate framework. They will look very realistic and appropriate. And if you do the same with several books and add them interior?

Products made using "aged" paper look very stylish. Often you can meet paper that looks pretty shaped, in scrap works. Also, the amount of paper is widely used in decoupage, scrapbooking and other types of decorative and applied art.

Paper applied to creativity, for example, for a vintage gift. Agree, here's such a gift christmas set of mulled wine It will be much "richer" to look with the recipe written by handwritten font, derived on the aged paper with yellowed, uneven edges.

In the same way, you can form documents, newspapers or books. On the amount of paper, you can write wishes, invitations, recipes, print cards leading to old treasures, etc. Thinking these works are awesome. So how to generate paper at home ?

Methods of "Action" of Paper

You can get a central paper several ways.

  1. Wait until the paper comes to such a state naturally (provided that you are not very hurry and there are several dozen years of free years at your disposal).
  2. Buy old or "aged" sheets (if you have extra money and a specialized store under the side).
  3. "Agree" paper at home. It is about this method that will be discussed in today's article.

But to give an antique ("aged") type of letter, postcard, invitation, recipe, etc. Not so difficult and at home, without resorting to the use of some special complex tools. It is possible to achieve such an "old" in several ways.

With coffee

We will need:

  • three tea spoons of soluble coffee (you can take the cheapest);
  • paper itself (office, not too dense cardboard or watman);
  • candle;
  • sponge;
  • scissors;
  • hot water;
  • wide container.

Nothing supernatural, all this can be found in any house.

Prepare for paper that you need to "be". The emblem, drawing or text should be applied to it with a laser printer in advance, as printing the text on the already compiled paper is difficult (the paint lies badly). Prints are better made with a reserve, in case you have a sput one or two.

Divide coffee in 250 ml. Hot water and pour the resulting solution into a wide container. Clause it, plunge the sheet of paper for a few minutes (depends on the quality of the paper being used) and dry it.

After the leaf is dry, dripped on it with several drops of the same solution, for a brighter effect you can apply several granules of soluble coffee and flush them with a damp cloth. Peep the sheet again.

Wet the paper with coffee solution again. Then they fall the edges using an electric stove or candle. We work carefully with a candle, we try not to burn the edges, but only slightly pour them.

When the paper gets dry and will only be slightly wet, fold it in half, and then once again in half. The folds folded four of the paper gently skip between the cutting blades of scissors, you can also use pimples. If the paper still breaks a little, do not worry, it will only give the "age" to our product.

Already the ashes of the leaf can be scratched with a needle, and then hesitate these places the edge of the burning paper (scratches will manifest and will be seen more).

That's what we did. Does anyone say that quite recently it was a printout on pure-white, perfectly smooth office paper?

With the help of tea

We will need:

  • three or four teaching bags;
  • boiling water;
  • sponge;
  • paper itself.

Brew tea bags in half liters boiling water, leave it.

We take out the cooled tea bags and apply tea on paper with an arbitrary way or, as in the case of coffee, we place a sheet with text into wide dishes with tea.

It is possible to strengthen the scope of the loss to lose the sheet of tea bag. After the paper is completely soaked, simply remove the excess fluid with a sponge or paper towel and send a sheet to dry in the oven (a few minutes at 200 ° S.).

With the help of manganese

Manganese can be bought on any pharmacy, and it should be inexpensive. In addition, this drug can be searched at home, it will probably have a gardener or a home first-aid kit.

We will need:

  • mangartan;
  • wide dishes;
  • hot water.

Just split a small amount of crystals in ½ cup of cold water and thoroughly stir up to the complete dissolution of crystals of manganese.

We dilute this solution with hot water and pour into a saucepan.

We lower the paper into the hot solution, it instantly acquires a brown tint. "Building" of paper thus occurs very quickly. You can immediately get painted paper and send to drying (just spread paper on a flat absorbing surface - cardboard, newspaper, etc.). Use special tweezers or gloves to do not paint the skin of the hands.

How to generate paper? This question often concerns fond of scrapbooking and lovers of original messages. The article will tell how to do at home.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years

Have you already turned 18?

How to generate paper? Main points

There are many ways to make such an effect using the screwdriver. You can also do without them without them using the natural energy of the Sun. At home, give the age sheet of paper in just a few minutes or in a few hours, including the drying time of the crafts. To do this, have:

  • paper that is subject to aging;
  • bath for soaking;
  • pigment;
  • tweezers.

Depending on which the effect is expected, the pigment is selected. Make a copier paper with your own hands. It is only important that it does not use lighters and candles for processing sheet edges. These tools are recommended to use those faces that have reached 18 years.

To make a central paper, you must first memorize it with your hands. This stage can be missed and proceed to the following. In addition, it can be argued with her hands, it can be scratching with nails, passing around the edges or bend in an arbitrary direction. For greater adhesion, it is recommended to sprinkle with a surface with a spray with a pulverizer. When mechanical damage is done, it is necessary to move to its aging.

The sheet can be used clean or already with a drawing or inscription. It is advisable to print an inscription on the printer, and not to write from hand. The edges are also recommended to process sandpaper to create lightness, or candles / lighters to create traces from the transferred fire. If you leave the edges even, it will not be possible to completely pass the effect of time.

Artificially aged paper will be the basis for creating photo albums in the scrapbooking technique or for writing invitations.

All methods where it is necessary to use water, require time to dry out the crafts. To complete the aging procedure quickly, you can use thermal surface treatment. It can be the use of an iron or microwave oven.

For examination, it is not recommended to make such paper. This is more like a comic version of the gradation of the leaves. Aging is amenable to all sheets with text and without it. If the text is already applied, then it should be followed carefully during the holding time in the solution of crafts. If you reap, then the text will deteriorate, and you have to do everything again. It is a little easier with clean sheets. With a long stay in the solution, they can crawl into their hands, so you should always stick to the specified time and not exceed it, wanting to achieve even more effect.

If you want to make an antique effect in unusual color, you can use green. Just a few drops of a glass of water make a solution saturated and beautiful. If you want to achieve color divorces on the surface, then the greenstock is not necessary. Instead of the zeal, you can take manganese. Several crystals are recommended to dissolve in the glass of water, and put into a solution of the sheet.

If you are interested in how else you can give an unusual paper paper, then moistened in water, it is put on a rusty surface. Over time, rust appears on it.

If you want to use the most traditional ways of aging, you will need tea and coffee. If you do not want to dry them, then use the oven for baking. To do this, the trained sheet should be put on the baking sheet. His edges should not go beyond the frame. The oven should be included at 90 degrees and make up tea brewing or coffee on paper. For a uniform distribution of pigment, it is necessary to use a brush or foam sponge. When the oven heats up, the baking sheet should be placed in it for 10 minutes. During this time, paper will have time to paint and dry. If a little paint fell on the bottom of the opposite, then it is not scary. It is absorbed on the wrong layer of crafts.

To properly arrange paper, treated coffee, it should be wiped with coffee grains in some places. This will create an even greater effect of antiquity and the ruthless effect of time on things.

View accessible ways of aging paper can be on the Internet. There are many videos, telling detailed about each of them. If you want to achieve the most effect, and the role time does not play, then the paper can be put on 10 years and forget about it. To give years you can do without paints and tools. If outside the window the sun, then the sheet can be left under the sunny rays for several days. In the summer, the process will go much faster than in the spring. If during these few days the sun will hide clouds and rain will go, the process will delay.

For welding, leaf tea should be used. It will evenly give color. A couple of tablespoons of tea sheets should be pouring a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Further it should be strain. In the cooked bath you should pour tea and gently put the paper there. We are waiting for 2 minutes and take out. On the flat surface it is recommended to decompose the paper and leave until complete drying. Optionally, in some places you can apply a few drops of welding. This will create an uneven surface with realistic species.

Creating an antiquity effect with coffee is very similar to the previous option. First preparing strong coffee. For this, 5 teaspoons of ground coffee are flooded with 200 ml of water, and insist for 10 minutes. Coffee must be strain and pour into the bath. Place a cast or a leaf there and leave for 10 minutes. After the expiration of the specified segment of time, the sheet is removed and dried by a natural way on a flat surface.

If you want to make stains on paper, you can use high fat milk (it is better to take homework). Tassel must be applied milk, and after drying itching paper iron. Under the influence of high temperatures, dark brown spots appear.

How to form paper in the microwave?

To form paper in the microwave, it is necessary to post the sheet into the container and put everything into the microwave. Temperature should be at least 200 degrees. Pre-crawl must be mixed in tea or coffee. Make an iron effect of antiquity can be without using other ways or in a complex with them. If you use the iron, then you need to stock time and patience to successfully complete the work. In the oven, the sheets are baked together with the solution, and the finished product is obtained at the output. After that, the paper is recommended to leave half an hour, and then start drawing or writing text.

How to generate paper without water?

If there is no desire to bother with water when creating a craft, then it can be made in a dry way. It implies the use of dry pigments for aging. You can take a pencil stiff with pastel colors and reck out it. By rubbing it is necessary to apply the resulting powder on the surface with different intensity. If you take several pencil colors, such as yellow and gray, it will be better to convey the effect of time. There is no difference how you want to make a crawler, (without coffee or with it) at the exit you will get a great result. You can ask a question: "Why do why deal with the creation of ancient on paper, if this can be done faster with photoshop?" But the process of creating at home is very pleased with the result, because every time you turn out all new patterns, divorces and colors.

How to form paper edges?

Treatment of edges occupies the same important place as the processing of the entire sheet. If you want to create the effect of the transfer of a fire, then the edges of the candle or a lighter should be adjacent. But it is very dangerous, so it is better to deal with this over the sink. In the event of a lift of the entire crafts, you need to turn on the water and prevent the flame spread.

Scrapbooking is a popular technique among masters. So create unique photo albums and books using photos. This is not just a photo album, but the history of life. It is quite logical that the effect of aging elements is often used here. Photos, cuts from newspapers, letters can intentionally compile. For this, the methods listed above are used. The use of several ways in one photo album will only decorate it and make fascinating.