Homemade ice cream. Cream Silver with Berries

28.10.2020 Beverages

As you know, classic ice cream is a frozen dessert made of milk-based products.

Creamy ice cream is usually made from:

  • milk or cream
  • animals (classical) or vegetable (Melorin) fats,
  • sahara,
  • aromatic and flavors,
  • a variety of food additives to maintain ice cream consistency and for long storage.

In addition to the creamy, there is a sherbet (sorb), which is a soft frozen or chilled dessert, made only from berries, fruits, fruit of berry puree or juice (juices), as well as fruit ice, whose name speaks for itself and which includes mandatory wand).

Tip 1. Do not forget that ice cream, unlike many other desserts, carries a lot of calories due to the high content of carbohydrates and fats, and if you want to remain slim and beautiful, keep yourself in your hands, or limit the fruit fruit Made at home.

Quickly, delicious and useful

But we will not forget that a delicious and, most importantly, useful berry ice cream Any hostess can prepare according to our recipe without complex technologies and special conditions, and with the use of berries and any other fruits, in the most common home conditions. Such a delicious hand-made ice cream made of shop cream, any yogurt and berries (preferably red) will pleasantly surprise both your home and guests, big and small. It is also called Ice cream in Spanish, in his homeland the Spaniards know him called Polo.

What is needed to make such ice cream using fresh fragrant berries at home, for example, from the calculation of four people?


  • two medium jogurt boxes,
  • 125 milliliters of cream
  • 125 grams of any red berries (red and black currant, cranberry and lingonberry, strawberry or strawberries, raspberries or blackberry, dark silky, red Alycha, etc.),
  • three tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Pluses of handmade ice cream

The ice cream created personally created at home has a mass of indisputable benefits before purchasing:

  • it is more useful, because you do not add any preservatives, dyes, smell and taste amplifiers;
  • it will cost you much cheaper than the purchase, because of the acquired ingredients you will make more portions than buy for the same money of finished units;
  • originality and aesthetics are also a mandatory trait inherent in any dessert of its own manufacture;
  • the cooking process itself allows everyone to show its creative potential and talent.

Method of cooking in your kitchen

In order to create a masterpiece at home, follow the instructions:

  • rinse the mix of berries and pour them into a blender, move, wipe through the fine sieve
  • watch the resulting puree into two parts, one half mix with yogurt
  • wake up cream using a mixer
  • ½ Cream Mix with yoghurt-berry puree
  • fill the glasses (necessarily high) layer on the layer of each of the available components (creamy-yogurt-berry puree, fruit puree, cream)
  • send the capacity to the freezer for half a day or at night (do not forget when the dessert is frozen the wand in it).

Tip 2. If you want to rather remove this frozen dessert from the form, it is quite enough to carefully put in a saucepan or a bowl with hot water, but no more than ten seconds. The same secret can not only be used when cooking ice cream, but also when removed from the shape of jelly cakes and desserts made at home.

Simple version of dessert with banana for cooking

There is another interesting recipe, where it is described in detail how to make ice cream using berries and bananas that can be stored in the freezer all year round, at home, you can see here:

He is even easier. You will need only:

  1. three glasses of frozen berries
  2. two frozen banana
  3. two glasses of any, but not very fat yogurt

Cut each banana and put the pieces in the freezer for two hours, while they are frozen, already chilled yogurt beat the blender together with frozen berries. After transferring a berry semi-finished product into deep dishes and put it cool in the usual refrigerator (at least six hours), sometimes getting it and stirring.

Tip 3. Do not forget that the use of berries in food brings an incredible benefit to your body. They include fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (such as anthocyanines of different species, quercetin and ascorbic acid). The more bright and saturated color, the more anthocyanins with antioxidants. The first (plus quercetin) remove various inflammations (including arthritis) and are prevention of arthritis. They strengthen human memory, accumulates in the body of substances, which are beneficial on the vessels, hair and skin, as well as cartilage. It also has a positive effect on the prevention of cataracts and the quality of view.

That's all! Wonderful, beautiful, tasty and useful dessert that you did yourself at home ready!

Bon Appetit!

Fruit and berry ice cream at home so just cook!

Tasteful, such bright, light, gentle and natural Fruit-berry ice cream from childhood Now you can cook at home! Believe me, with the possibilities of even the simplest modern blender, you will make it in just 5 minutes (naturally, plus a few hours for freezing). And the most pleasant thing is that all the ingredients as in the season and not, can be found on the market or in the supermarket. After all, everything you need is frozen, cherry, cherry, currant, raspberry and any other berries and fruits.

I am cooked ice cream on the example is literate called Sorba from strawberries, cherries and cherries , but it tastes, it turns out such a native, as Soviet, only more tastier. The main plus is that you yourself can regulate the sweetness of the finished product, as well as the freshness of the fruit and berries used in its composition. Agree, because I often want to eat ice cream, while not gaining extra kilograms, which is very difficult to achieve when using shop dairy ice cream with palm oil and stabilizers. In this sore, only home components are waiting for you, namely natural fruits in the assortment that you love and love. Such a dessert can easily be given to children, and also effectively replenish the supply in its body with the help of it.

By the way, I saw this recipe in the TV shows "Culinary Likbez with Ilya Laserson", where this dish is called "Sorbet (Shcherbet) from strawberries." The presenter is very available shows the cooking process in practice, if interested, be sure to look at this program on YouTube.

So you will need:

· Frozen strawberry, cherry and sweet cherry (you can take any of the combination of fruits and berries);

· Sugar powder to taste;

· pinching cinnamon at will;

· A little (optionally, I tried and so, and so, very tasty without it);

· Fresh mint for decoration.

Sorbus Cooking Instructions:

1. Wash and clean the fruits and berries from the fruits and bones. Put them in a plastic container, place in the freezer and wait a bit. I recommend to withstand a maximum of 3-4 hours (in a modern refrigerator), since very frozen fruits are long and difficult to crush. But if you have a powerful blender or a combine, frost at least to stone, as you are comfortable.

In the summer, ice cream always enjoys great demand, but since there are doubts about its utility, and especially those sold in the retail network or public catering, it is better to dispel their doubts, breathe a bit of exotic and prepare ice cream from milk at home on various recipes . I propose the most common and affordable recipes that you will be very pleased.

What can be added to ice cream

Depending on the assortment of the prepared, will be required as the main products: milk, sour cream, cream, yogurt, butter, egg, sugar simple or brown, condensed milk, honey, starch, cocoa powder, coffee, Easter springs, crushed pumpkin or, Various berries and fruits.

From berries and fruits most in demand: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, some citrus fruits, apples, figs, apricots, queen swamps - cranberries and others.

When filing, ice cream can be beautifully decorate with various additional ingredients: small drops of chocolate, multi-colored dragee, crispy flakes, crumbs or pieces of cookies, ready-made topping, training, sweet sauce, marshmallow, wedge syrup and other additives at will.

Milk ice cream at home with bananas

This ice cream is preparing very simple, it is no worse, but on the contrary much tastier than which is sold in supermarkets or cafes.

Components for milk ice cream at home

  • bananas - 6 pieces;
  • sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • milk - 120 milliliters;
  • sugar - to your taste;
  • lemon juice - from one citrus.

On the recipe ice cream from milk at home with bananas are preparing so

For the preparation of a sweet dessert with a fruit accent, it is better to take yellow ripe bananas. First, it is necessary to cut fruit to uniform circles and freeze for 90 minutes. Here immediately arises the question, and why freeze? And because the bananas after freezing get the creamy taste and the texture will be without the presence of ice crystals.

After you get fruitned fruits, we attach all the products that follow the specified recipe.

We place all the contents in the blender and pierce to smooth and homogeneous consistency.

When applying from above, you can lay out fresh bananas sliced \u200b\u200binto the crumb, and any berries are sliced.

Dairy ice cream at home

This recipe for dairy ice cream is beautiful, who loves delicacy with gentle taste. A recipe is preparing not difficult, there will be no devices and devices for the preparation of a summer refreshing dessert. I think that the idea of \u200b\u200bcooking will suit many hostesses.

Components for dairy ice cream at home

  • natural milk - one liter;
  • green tea - 4 tablespoons;
  • condensed milk - 1/2 standard bank;
  • powder ginger - Paul teaspoons.

On the recipe for milk ice cream at home prepare so

  1. Fresh milk pour into a saucepan and warm (but not boiling). Then to attach and pour two tablespoons of dry welding of green tea. Close the lid and let this mixture of the ingredients be mixed for 20 minutes. After expiration, it is time to strain.
  2. Then add a condensed milk (preferably children's), mix everything and leaving and leave for complete cooling.
  3. This dairy mixture pour into the metal dishes and send to the freezer. After 1.5 hours, it turns out the semi-frozen mass, which is well mixed, return to the freezer, then in half an hour, repeat the mixing process again.
  4. At the end, leave in the freezer for complete hardening. The next day you can get and eat with various additives.

Homemade ice cream from berries

Very fragrant and tasty ice cream can be prepared without the presence of ice cream, though the freezing process of one cycle will take longer. A strawberry and red currant are taken as berries, but any berries can be used.

Components in homemade ice cream from berries

  • egg yolks (freshest) - 3 things;
  • sugar - 70 grams;
  • milk 2.8% - 200 milliliters;
  • cream 35% - 200 milliliters;
  • vanilla extract - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • fresh strawberries - one handy;
  • red currant - 5 twigs.

According to the original recipe, homemade ice cream from berries is preparing so

Yolksome to beat with sugar in a magnificent foam. In the saucepan heat and slightly bring to boil milk, cream and vanilla extract. Throwing a hot mixture to the yolks to pour a hot mixture with a thin jet, slightly whipped the mass of the wedge and pour back into the same ass. Constantly stirring to bring to a boil, remove from the fire, cool and put in the refrigerator for one hour.

Strawberry and currant rinse, currants wipe through the sieve, and strawberry to chop in the processor to a smooth consistency. Mix the berry puree with a cold milk mixture.

Pour the mixture into the ice cream, throw the timer for 10 minutes. Now from our unique assistant to shift the gourmet into a plastic container and remove to the freezer for 40 minutes. Surprisingly delicious ice cream is ready!

If there are no ice cream in your farm, break the milk mixture into a plastic container and put in the freezer. Ice cream must be mixed with a fork or a wedense every hour. At temperature mode - 18 from the mass will freeze in 3-4 hours.

Ice cream flub at home

This is the most unforgettable and very tasty ice cream, look carefully visible and cook at home.

Strawberry ice cream at home

This is one of my favorite ice cream, in addition to vanilla, chocolate, cranberries, mangoes and all other fragrances. In the strawberry there is something attractive and tasty, which I can rely on. Cream texture made it one of the best ice cream, which I adore until today. Prepare it in various recipes, but while I propose a test method of cooking.

Components for strawberry ice cream at home

  • strawberry - 800 grams;
  • milk 260 milliliters;
  • egg yolk - 6 pieces;
  • sugar - 300 grams;
  • cream 33% fat - 1 liter;

On the recipe strawberry ice cream are preparing so

Egg yolks to connect with sugar and beat in a mixer before the advent of lush foam.

Pour the milk and the contents to put on a water bath and strictly with continuous stirring warm on a weak heat before thickening.

Connect the berry mass with an egg-milk basis and mix well.

Cream Beat so that they increase in the amount of two times.

At the end, everything is connected, mix, lay out in plastic closing dishes and put in the freezer compartment. Every half an hour, we mix the mass in five techniques, and then leave until the next day for quenching.

Rasian ice cream

Raspberry ice cream tours on the gastronomic stage and judging by appearance praises himself. Oh, what am I tasty and spectacular! Yes, it really works: you can also add that magnificent, bright and fragrant. I will have a basic recipe, and you at your discretion you can add your flavor to taste.

Components for raspberry ice cream

  • malina - 500 grams;
  • milk - 250 milliliters;
  • cream - 400 milliliters;
  • sugar - 250 grams;
  • egg yolks - 5 pieces;
  • vanillin - 2 chopots.

On the recipe raspberry ice cream are preparing so

Proteins separate from yolks and to further use only yolks, and the proteins can then be added to the dough or in extreme cases to freeze.
Then to appreciate sugar and vanillies to yolks and all take up to homogeneity.

Milk slightly warm and pour with a cooked mixture. Put on a water bath and pecking, constantly stirring. A cream texture should be formed. Cool

Rashes raspberries in colander and wipe through the sieve so that raspberry bones do not fall into the puree. We do not need them.

We connect both mixtures, tear through a blender and gently introduce separately whipped cream. Mix. We lay out in comfortable dishes so that it is tightly closed and put in a cold chamber.

Three or four times after a short period of time stir their beauty and tasty, and then we leave for full hardening.

Tips and recommendations for cooking ice cream at home

  1. To make it easier and speed up the process of cooking ice cream, I advise you to purchase ice cream.
  2. The finished ice cream can be laid in special waffle horns, and if necessary, get it and eat. Horns look spectacular!
  3. With solemn cases, cold delicacy can be poured with a delicious brandy.
  4. Remember how fatty ice cream, the more loose and without ice crystals.
  5. To thundate the consistency of ice cream, it is recommended to use gelling substances, starch, milk milk and even lemon juice.
  6. In order for ice cream to be softer and lush, I advise you to add rum or brandy in the process of preparation, but the mixture wakes the mixture longer, since alcohol prevents the quick freezing.
  7. To give a ready-made dessert a beautiful form, it is desirable to lay out ice cream with a special spoon. Beautiful balls will be provided.

It is difficult to remain indifferent to ice cream. True sweet tooths do not imagine their lives without him. In any store and cafe now there is a wide selection of such a dessert. However, the taste quality of ice cream is not always happy, and a lot of questions arise relative to its composition. In our article, we want to talk about how to make ice cream from milk at home. Applying quite a bit effort, you can prepare a wonderful and useful and delicious seal.

How to make ice cream from milk?

At first glance, cook homemade ice cream is very difficult. However, this is not so. Knowing how to make ice cream from milk, you can cook a delicious cool dessert from ordinary products. Such a delicacy can be offered to the child without fears, because it is prepared by your hands only from natural products. Home option will certainly be no worse than bought in the store.

For ice cream, it is necessary to use natural milk. Ideally, if it is a home product. Even if you have low-fat milk, you can add cream or home milk to it. Such simple actions will help to give the creamy taste to the country.

If we talk about how to make ice cream from milk, it is worth emphasizing that only the simplest components will be needed for cooking. In addition to the milk itself, but oil creamy, cream, sugar, yolks and aromatic additives. You can not add the latter if you are, for example, prepare a dessert for your baby.

Mastering the recipes of preparing delicacy, it is worth considering that sugar in it need to put a little more than in other desserts. This is due to the fact that in cold form the sweetness is much smaller. If you wish in dessert, you can add berries, raisins, nuts, caramel, cocoa, bananas and other fruits. For freezing it is very convenient to use special containers - the ice cream. But, in principle, other molds are also suitable. If you use the same containers, then ice cream is fine and has the same dimensions. The aesthetic species of dessert is also important. If you have no suitable molds at your disposal, you can use one-time cups. Ice cream should be frozen in them, and before serving on the table, each of them can be dipped into hot water on a second, then the dessert is easily removed from the tank. Ready delicacy can be poured by a favorite jam or sprinkle with chocolate.

Ice cream recipe with egg

Let's discuss the best recipes for the preparation of your most beloved dessert. How to make ice cream from milk and starch? We offer further recipe is incredibly easy to execute. Its feature is the use of starch and chicken eggs.


  1. For the preparation we will need natural milk - one liter.
  2. Five yolks of chicken eggs.
  3. ½ Cream oil packaging.
  4. No more than two glasses of sugar. You can take and fewer, it all depends on your preferences.
  5. 1.5 spoons of starch (tea).

If you do not know how to make a homemade ice cream from milk, the recipe proposed by us will help to deal with the question, especially since cooking is no difficulty.

Yolks and sugar sand needs to be mixed, and then confused to complete dissolution of crystals. After that, you can add a teaspoon of starch. In principle, it can be replaced by flour, however, the result will be a little worse.

Oil shred to pieces and send to the mixture. Now the dishes with all the ingredients must be put on a water bath. We turn on the fire and begin to warm the mass, constantly interfering with it with a wooden blade. Cream boil to thickening.

If you want the mass to be cold, you can put a saucepan in cold water. Cold cream whipped with a mixer about three minutes. Next, we send cream to the ice cream and put them in the freezer. In the finished form, a delicious milk-creamy ice cream is obtained.

With bananas

There is a lot of recipes for cooking a delicious dessert, each of them is good in its own way. How to make ice cream from milk and banana? As you know, bananas are used to prepare many desserts, their delicate taste and aroma are perfectly combined with many products, so the fruit is very popular in cooking. Ice cream with a banana is not only tasty, but also fragrant.


For one portion you need to take no more than a glass of milk, several bananas, sugar sand (at discretion), 1.5 tablespoons sour cream, teaspoon of lemon juice.

How to make homemade ice cream from milk and banana:

  1. For the preparation of the dessert, we will need only ripe (but not overrevised) bananas. They need to be cleaned, and then cut into pieces.
  2. Next, mix the pieces of fruit with milk and other components. But sugar put on, based on taste preferences.
  3. The resulting mixture of blender is brought to a homogeneous state.
  4. After that, ice cream lay out on the molds and send cooling into the freezer.
  5. If you want to get an interesting dessert, then after hitting the mass you can add berries or slices of banana, mint leaves. However, additional components can be added when applying to the table to not freeze them.
  6. If you like the fragrance vanilla, then at the initial stage of cooking you can add vanilla sugar.

Cream and milk ice cream

Make ice cream at home from milk and cream is completely simple. Fat cream with milk is perfectly whipped in a foam, which makes it possible to cook a delicious dessert.

For preparation, we will buy three hundred grams of oily cream, no more than ½ liter of milk, a half cup of sugar and four yolks. We will also need a floor of a tablespoon of flour and a little vanilla.

How to make ice cream from vanillin and milk with the addition of cream:

  1. In the pan we fall asleep half of the sugar, flour and ½ part of milk. All components rub to a homogeneous state and do not forget to add vanilla. Its quantity should be so that the finished ice cream is not prouded.
  2. In a separate container, we mix the second half of milk, sugar and ship on fire. In a slightly heated mass, we pour the previously obtained solution. Next, cook cream to thickening, but at the same time wake up so that it does not boil.
  3. We give the mass to cool to room temperature and send to the refrigerator for about an hour.
  4. Meanwhile, we will have time to beat the cream mixer before the formation of lush foam.
  5. Chilled cream with minor portions mix with whipped cream to uniformity so as not to lose the puff mass.
  6. Finished cream lay out in forms and send to the chamber until complete freezing, the process will take from three to five hours.

Dessert with nuts

If you like desserts with fillers, then you will probably like the next recipe. How to make ice cream from milk and how to diversify it? To give taste, we recommend adding nuts. The combination of milk taste with nuts gives a unique result. Among our readers, there will be a lot of fans of such a dessert. You can use a variety of nuts as a filler. As a rule, hostesses use cheaper peanuts. Delicious dessert is obtained with almonds, hazelnuts or pistachios. Depending on the nuts used, each time a new taste of delicacy will be obtained.


  1. Near the liter of homemade fat milk.
  2. 400 grams of sugar.
  3. Five eggs.
  4. 220 g of Funduka.
  5. Vanilla.

How to make ice cream from milk and sugar? A simple recipe allows you to quickly prepare a delicious dessert from the most ordinary ingredients. The only unusual component is a hazelnut, but it is sold in any supermarket.

If you purchased raw nuts, they first need to dry out a little in the oven. As a result of heat treatment, a pleasant aroma should appear at the hazelnuk, it is impossible to allow nuts of nuts.

The proposed recipe involves cooking caramel. 150 grams of sugar are pouring onto the pan and add water (4 tbsp. L.). Mass are welded on a small fire, sometimes stirring, before the formation of a brown shade mass.

So far, our caramel is preparing, getting a silicone rug and a uniform layer lay the nuts on it. From above, evenly distribute the finished caramel and let the ingredients cool.

Meanwhile, we mix sugar, yolks and milk, after which they beat up to a homogeneous state and prepare cream on a small fire. The finished mass must be cooled and mixed with whipped cream. Cream Stir by adding caramel with nuts into it. We declare a lot of molds and send them to the freezer.

Rasian ice cream

Ice cream is a delicious dessert that can be prepared even without milk, especially if we are talking about fruit delicacies.

For those who love berries and fruits, we want to tell how to make ice cream without milk.


  1. Since we will not use milk, we will get fat cream (40%). There will be two glasses.
  2. As a filler, take a couple of glasses of crimson berries.
  3. Sugar - 230 g
  4. In addition, it is necessary to take a glass of less than bold cream (10%).
  5. For preparation we will use only egg yolks - five pieces.
  6. A pinch of salt.
  7. Teaspoon of ground cardamom.

We mix in a saucepan of a glass of fatty and 10% cream, add sugar and stirring, bringing the mass to a boil. Raspberries are necessary to wash in advance and dry if possible. Next, we wipe them through the sieve to obtain a homogeneous puree without stones.

In a separate container, we whip the cardamom, salt and yolks. In the egg mass, we pour ½ part of the hot cream and mix the mass. Next, send it to a small fire to thickening.

Residues of oily cream pour in dishes, add custard, after which all the ingredients mix and leave to cool to room temperature. And only after that we add raspberry mass. Next, send ice cream to the freezer.

How to make homemade ice cream-cream milk?

Salter is the most favorite ice cream for many of us. It turns out that the favorite dessert can be cooked independently. At the same time, it will not be worse than the store analogue.


  1. For the preparation of seals will need milk - 330
  2. Fat cream - a little more glasses.
  3. The amount of sugar can be adjusted depending on preferences - approximately 110 g.
  4. Teas spoon vanilla sugar.
  5. Some corn starch.

Let's look at how to make milk seal. We mix dry milk with sugar in the tank. Then add part of the milk (approximately 250 g), and in the residue we drag starch. We put the container on fire, as soon as the milk boils, we introduce starch. We try to constantly interfere with the mass, which gradually thickens. After that, we turn off the fire and cover the pans with the film, leaving it to cool.

In the meantime, we whip the cream to peaks and mix with the milk mixture. Next, we send a lot to the ice cream or in the freezer, not forgetting to beat every twenty minutes. When ice cream cools a little, but it will be still soft, you can decompose according to the molds. A few hours later, the mass turn into a delicious seal.

Chocolate dessert

Continuing the conversation about how to make ice cream houses from milk, I want to remember the beautiful recipe for a chocolate dessert, which will certainly appreciate the lovers of sweets. For preparation, you will have to get a dairy or bitter chocolate (130 g), in addition, fatty cream will need (6 articles), yolks (3 pcs.), Powder sugar (5 tbsp. L.) And milk (cup).

We rub chocolate on a large grater and put it on some time in the refrigerator. In the container mix yolks and sugar powder, after which we beat the mass so that a homogeneous cream formed. We mix the resulting mass with chocolate crumb and send to weak fire. Slowly stirring, bring the cream to a boil. Next, turn off the fire and leave the saucepan cool. In a separate dish, with a mixer, we whipitate cream and mix them with a cream to a homogeneous consistency. In this mass we introduce the second part of the chocolate crumb and stir the mass. Finished chocolate ice cream lay out in the form and send to stick.

Ice cream with cocoa

To prepare such ice cream, you will need to purchase high quality cocoa and good fatty milk.


  1. For one portion, it is enough ¼ l of milk.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. Cocoa in powder.
  3. Creamy oil - ¼ n.
  4. Five sugar spoons (dining).
  5. Egg.

Yolk must be confused with starch and sugar. Then add small portions of cocoa to the mixture so that there are no lumps. Also gradually need to pour milk and mix until uniformity.

We ship the container on fire and boil to thickening. The oil is added at the moment when the cream will cool down and will not be so hot. Mix mix to homogeneous consistency. We wait for the mass to cool, and whip it with a mixer. Ice cream shift in forms and freeze.

Experienced cooks reveal small secrets of cooking all the favorite dessert:

  1. In order for ice cream to easily come out of the molds, it is necessary to lower the containers in hot water for a couple of seconds.
  2. Dessert should be frozen only in hermetic, tightly closed containers, in order to avoid acquiring unpleasant odors.
  3. If you want to get a portion ice cream, it also needs to be stored in a sealed container.
  4. Cold dessert can be diversified by the most different additives, including the addition of alcoholic beverages, such as brandy or Roma.
  5. To obtain an intense cream fragrance, as a rule, cream and dry milk are used.
  6. Almost all dessert recipes are based on the use of eggs, therefore, in order to prevent bacteria from entering, it is pre-rinse with soap (economic) or soda.
  7. If you do not want to consume extra calories, it is worth stopping your choice on frozen juices and fruit ice cream, a slightly more calorie is a creamy dessert, but the filling of a chocolate cream is leading.

Our favorite delicacy is not only tasty, but also a calorie, which means some worth limiting themselves to this wonderful dessert.

How do not cook homemade ice cream in such a heat? We offer to pamper your native delicious berry delicacy, which in the berry season is completely easy to prepare. You can take any berries, the amount of sugar in the recipe adjust to your taste. If the berries are sweet, sugar can not be used at all.


  • Malina - 130 g
  • Blackberry - 130 g
  • Red currants - 130 g
  • Water - 200 g
  • Sugar - 80 g


Portions - 5.
Cooking time - 1 h 0 min

How to cook

All berries thoroughly rinse in running water. Red currants remove green twigs. Fucking berries in a saucepan or saucepan. Add water and sugar. Stir and send on fire. Bring to a boil, periodically stirre. Weganize 3-5 minutes on a small fire. The resulting decoction will cool down to room temperature.

With the help of a blender Purirate to the gravel consistency. In principle, ice cream can be spilled by molds. But with a great desire, the berry mass can be wiped through a fine sieve to remove bones.

Berry puree run by molds for ice cream. You can use conventional plastic cups and wands for ice cream. Send to the freezer to full frost, best for the night.