Cucumbers salad broken cucumbers. "Bate Cucumbers": Piquant Chinese Snack

22.10.2020 Fish dishes

Boyed cucumbers - One of the varieties of rapid pickled cucumbers to the Chinese manner. If you are tired of classic vegetable salads with cucumbers and you want something unusual and burning with the pepper, in this case, we boldly cook them. To taste, Chinese cucumbers are obtained by the same spicy, as well as, only the technology of their preparation is somewhat different.

Hearing for the first time about such a snack as chinese broken cucumbersI was surprised. It turns out that the recipe of broken Chinese cucumbers really provides for their beating, as a result of which they let juice, as a result, marine are faster.

The salad of broken cucumbers is preparing in a matter of minutes, however, so that the cucumbers are pickled well, as during cooking, it will be necessary to wait at least 30 minutes.


  • Garlic - 3-4 teeth,
  • Cucumbers - 5-6 pcs.,
  • Soy sauce - 4 st.
  • Chili pepper - 1/4 pod,
  • Black ground pepper - pinch,
  • Olive or sesame oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Apple or rice vinegar - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

Boyed cucumbers - step-by-step recipe with photos

For the preparation of broken cucumbers, we take large fruits, with a juicy flesh, in which seeds have already managed to form. Cucumbers should be washed. After that, we cut them along with a sharp knife along the halves.

From the received cucumber boats, remove the flesh. It is convenient to do this with a coffee or a teaspoon, walking on it along the border of the pulp of cucumber with its walls. Next, with the help of the same spoon, remove the flesh. This is how the finished boats should look like for the preparation of broken cucumbers.

Cucumbers put on the cutting board with the back side up. Now the most interesting procedure - we will beat them. In many recipes of broken cucumbers who came across on the eye on the network, it is recommended to beat them with a wide knife, placed in parallel with cucumbers. I tried - not comfortable. The hammer for chops is also not suitable. The best thing you can beat off the cucumbers are Macogon or a different interlets. Wooden, who used to push potatoes in mashed potatoes. Suitable and a small wooden pestle from the mortar.

So, harsh and sufficiently strong blows beat the cucumbers. Of course, it is necessary not to overdo it. We need to ensure that the boats have been cracked only in 1-2 places, and the pulp of cucumbers itself became more juicy.

After this procedure, broken cucumbers cut along the strips with a thickness of 1 cm. Each strip is cutting the diagonal (at an angle) on the segments of 2 cm.

Cucumbers fold into a bowl. Add to them missed through the press garlic and finely chopped chili pepper.

Sprinkle them with black ground pepper.

Pour them soy sauce.

In order for the salad from the bats from the battles to be sharp, refuel it with vinegar. The vinegar for the preparation of broken cucumbers in Chinese is recommended to use rice, but since each house has this product, take a simple table or affordable apple vinegar. I used apple vinegar.

Pour cucumbers with vegetable oil. Preferably sesame, dish, as much as Chinese, or olive, if not.

All ingredients thoroughly mix.

Boyed cucumbers in Chineseput in the fridge for marination, covering a bowl of food film. Finished sharp marinated cucumbers put on a plate, sprinkle with sesame grains, fit in a pan. Since this snack is considered Chinese, then it is best to apply with rice, but no less tasty cucumbers with young potatoes, and especially with fried meat or.

Boyed cucumbers. Photo

The Chinese are very respected by cucumbers and seek to add them to any dish, which only you can. However, in their own form, they are also extremely loved. Chinese "broken cucumbers" are one of the most simple snacks that, with all primitiveness, enjoys frantic success both in the homeland and around the world. It is preparing extremely quickly and suits almost all dishes. Yes, and as "bounce" under the festive glass is simply ideal.

Correct cucumbers and method of processing

To "bang cucumbers" in Chinese you pleased, you need to competently approach the selection of vegetable. Forget about prickly stuffing babies, you need cucumbers from long-bed varieties.

Now about their processing. In the title "Bought cucumbers" already laid a hint: a vegetable is required to beat well. Two approaches are possible here. According to the first version, the cucumbers can be enough to roll the rolling pin or a wooden hammer in solid form. But we are closer to the second version. It is no secret that a long vegetable has rather large seeds. And in the snack they will definitely be superfluous. So it is better to cut the cucumber along and embrozed the "insides" with a knife, as they do with pumpkin and melon. After a vegetable, it is down down the cut and is processed by a tool to cracking (but not before the kisco-like state!). Beating is needed for the best impregnation of vegetables marinade.

Next, the workpiece is largely cut by the formation, it is satisfied and left for ten minutes. Allocated juice merges (some cooks even advise her to press), and the "broken cucumbers" refuel in advance prepared sauce. In addition to the original snack, except for him and the vegetable itself nothing more.

"Bought cucumbers": Recipe refueling number 1

Pay attention to offers several options for refueling. For the first it is required to connect and black vinegar in the volume of three spoons and add two spoons of vegetable oil to them. Preference should be given to peanuts. Then two spoons of liquid natural honey and one-sesame oil are introduced. In order for the "bang cucumbers" were spicy, four pressed garlicins and dried chili are added to the marinade. It takes at the discretion of the chef. After refluxing, the appetizer is kept in the refrigerator at least a quarter of an hour.

Refueling number 2.

With it, "broken cucumbers" become more accessible - nothing exotic in the sauce is not included. It is required to connect in an equal amount of vodka, soy sauce, vinegar and lean oil. To preserve the authenticity, oil is recommended yet to take sesame (a little worse will be with olive, and with sunflower it turns out delicious, but primitively). Vinegar is desirable to buy rice; If it is not possible - replace it with lemon juice.

Third version

In this refueling of the difference from the recipe number 1 small, but significant. With her you will get completely different "broken cucumbers." The recipe includes oyster and soy sauces with black (can be apple) vinegar, taken over a spoon. Garlic on this volume requires three slices, sesame oil will go half a spoon. Plus chili pepper, sugar and salt at your discretion.

Alternative method of preparation

If all the previous ones implied portion preparation, then for this option requires almost kilogram of cucumbers. They cut large; In parallel, as much as possible, a good bunch of dill and eight garlic teeth are bug. For refueling, half a cup of soy sauce, sugar spoon, two - lean oil, three-apple vinegar and half-spoons of ground red peppers are mixed. Black is taken to taste, as well as salt. All this is placed in a tight package, shakes well and only after the rolling pin. Hour cooling - and "broken cucumbers" are ready.

Chinese salad

It is based on cucumbers, shot down by traditional rules. They are pressed from juice, they are placed in a salad bowl and are supplemented with chopped garlic and chopped with a large cilantro. A light soybean oil and a black rice vinegar go to the refill is a spoon. The composition of half spoons of acute oil and sugar (a little bit) is complemented. Fried cashews are shoved to the salad, marinade is poured - and you can try almost immediately. This salad offers a restaurant "Chinese gram". It can be said there he enjoys high popularity. However, it is not at all necessary to visit the publication, the salad is quite accessible to his own preparation.

Best for the snack "Bied" cucumbers will suit young cucumbers, but you can use and grown cucumbers (if they are already too large with large seeds, then it is desirable to cut the cucumbers along and cleaned the seeds).

Cucumbers necessarily wash, cut the tips.

Each cucumber lay out onto the board and put on him a wide face of a knife. Cucumber should crack. Such a simple reception will allow the cucumbers to be grilled very quickly.

Cut the cucumbers comfortable for consuming pieces. You can cut every cucumber along and cut the formation.

Folding "broken" sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers in a bowl, add salt and rice vinegar. If there is no rice vinegar, then you can take an apple, but in smaller quantities (no more than 1 tbsp.).

Leave cucumbers to breed 15 minutes.

In the meantime, fry sesame seeds in a frying pan. To do this, it is enough to put in the cold frying pan and hold 2-3 minutes on slow fire, until the seeds begin to roast and change the color (they will become golden).

Seeds of sesame to stop in a bowl, do not leave in a pan, otherwise they are redressing and will be pattering.

Finely grind garlic teeth (it is better to cut them with a knife than to squeeze through the press) and greens (you can take green onions). If you are a lover of sharp dishes, then take a red sharp pen and also grind it with a knife.

Cucumbers squeeze hands or lean on a sieve to remove excess moisture and vinegar.

Add garlic, greens, soy sauce, sugar, sesame seeds and sesame oil. If you do not have such an oil, then vegetable odorless is suitable.

Bound Cucumber Salad - Salad snack with original preparation. The dish refers to Chinese cuisine. Cucumbers are obtained very tasty, sharp and unusual. Great to the dish to rice, boiled potatoes. The cucumbers are "fighting" so that they are better impregnated with fragrant refueling. I added roasted peanuts to the cucumbers, in the original recipe, the sesame is used.


To prepare salad from broken cucumbers, you will need:

garlic - 2 teeth;

young cucumbers - 4 pieces;

chile Pepper - 1/4 pcs.;

salt large - 0.5 h.;

sugar - 0.5 h.;

coriander, black fresh pepper, paprika - 1/4 h.;

vinegar rice (or any - 6%) - 1-2 Art. l.;

soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;

sesame oil (or any refined) - 1 tbsp. l.;

peanut fried (or sesame) - 2 tbsp. l.

Stages of preparation

Next, every half of the cucumbers to hit a wide side of the knife or a rolling pin to the crunch, the cucumber should somehow burst. Just do it without fanaticism!

Boyed cucumbers cut the painter to pieces.

The separated fluid from the cucumbers to merge, add chopped garlic and chille chili into them and finely chopped chili pepper.

Pour soy sauce and sesame oil, add paprika, coriander, black pepper, chopped peanuts and sugar pinch.

Enjoy your meal!

The cucumbers remain the most popular vegetables on the table of most people. They can be fresh, harvest in different ways and use in the preparation of salads.

Prepare the salad of bats with cunnium. In Asian countries, before the preparation of cucumber salad, it is customary to break the fruits with the help of a knife laid on top of the plafhmy. Boyed cucumbers are better impregnated with spices and the taste of salad is obtained more saturated.

We will need:

  • Cucumbers, preferably long or medium fruit: 0.5-0.6 kg;
  • Carrot - 90 g;
  • Kinza and (or) green onions, parsley: 20 g;
  • Garlic: 3-4 teeth;
  • Spices - 2 h. L. (pepper, ground, black and red sharp, coriander, ginger);
  • Salt to taste;
  • Vinegar (9%): 20-30 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • Soy: 20-30 ml;
  • Sugar - 20 g.

How to cook:

1. Cucumbers wash and cut the tips.

2. Each cucumber is put on the blade of the knife and beat along it. The cucumber must burst, but do not destroy small fragments.

3. After that, the cucumbers are cut into pieces of 3-4 cm.

3. Carrots rubbed on the grater. This requires a special grater, which is on which the root vegetables for Korean salads. If it is not, then carrots are cut by a knife to the maximum thin straw. Onions cut finely. Instead of Luke or with him, you can take a few twigs of the cilantro if there are lovers of this spiced grass in the family.

4. The garlic come in the same way as with cucumbers. Press the peeled cloves with a knife and chopped into pieces.

5. Prepare refueling from oil, spices, vinegar, sugar and soy.

6. Put vegetables in a bowl and fill with refueling. If necessary, add salt. Leave a cucumber salad about one hour.

Salad is suitable for meat and potatoes.

At will, you can add some sesame seeds in a salad of broken cucumbers.