Recipes dishes for children from 1 year to 2 years. Meat souffle for children

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According to numerous requests of mothers of wonderful kids, this article contains the simplest and tasty children's dishes. Food for children from 1.5 years, than feeding moments and how to decorate a children's dish, Read more.

Recipes for children / Children's menu from 1.5 years

Already many times in your articles, I agitating moms to feed my children with home meal, cook porridge, soups, mashed potatoes and compotes. These dishes are much more useful than Kaskya or a soup from the package, but you know about mashed potatoes.

Therefore, I offer you a selection of recipes for children from 1.5 years and further. Such dishes can enjoy both adults, they are pretty appetizing and delicious.

Especially appreciate the food for kids adults suffering from any diseases, because recipes are simple, but dietary dishes and very useful.

How to cook the right baby porridge all moms know, or read here.

Children's soups

Here I will stop in more detail. Daily soup in the diet of the child is no less important than porridge. Do not forget to feed the baby with freshly prepared soup, on natural meat, fish or vegetable broth.


  1. No bouillon cubes, soup basics or roaster from the bag in the children's soup!
  2. Spices for children's soup: salt, dill branch and bay leaves. Nothing more!
  3. The child should have its own dishes. Keep a separate bucket for porridge in the kitchen, a saucepan for soup, a personal children's plate and a glass. Cutlery also purchase suitable for kid. Only children's dishes are preparing in the children's dishes.

Recipes of children's soups

Chicken Puree Soup


  • Chicken fillet with leather and bone
  • 1-1.5 liters of water
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 PC. on Luka.
  • 1 tbsp. milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter
  • ½ st. l. sour cream
  • Green dill

Cooking method:

  1. Fillet wash, pour water and prepare transparent broth from it. Then remove the meat, strain the broth.
  2. To the broth add purified whole bulb and carrot, boil until readiness.
  3. Put a few whole branches of dill. At the end, dill remove.
  4. Carrot, bow and fillet without bones skip several times through a meat grinder. The resulting mass of pouring 1 tbsp. Hot broth, add milk, flour and butter.
  5. Beat the whole lot of blender. To pour meat puree into a thin ridge with a thin ridge.
  6. Without ceasing to interfere, warm the soup to thickening. Salt. When submitting, add sour cream and dill-greens to taste.

Fish Maste Soup from Marine Fillet


  • 1 Marine Fillet
  • 1 l. water
  • 1 PC. on Luka.
  • 2 potatoes
  • Green dill
  • Bay leaf

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep children's saucepan, put potatoes with cubes, slices of seabed fillet, whole bulb, bay leaf and dill branches.
  2. Pour water and put on a very small fire. Soup must steal about 20 minutes. As soon as potatoes begin to decay on flakes, remove dill and bay leaf.
  3. Soup wipe through a sieve, salt to taste and put on fire to warm up. Then to wipe again through the sieve and immediately serve. Try it yourself!

Dairy soup with vermicelline


  • 1 tbsp. milk
  • Handful of vermicelli straw or beaks
  • ½ st. l. Sahara
  • A pinch of salt
  • Vanillin on the knife tip

Cooking method:

  1. Milk boil, add sugar and salt. Pour vermicell milk to boiling milk and reduce the fire to a minimum. Cooking vermishel soup for about 5 minutes.
  2. Then add vanillin and remove from the fire. Close the lid and leave for 5-10 minutes so that the vermicelli sprinkled. Feeding milk soup can be with a droplet of butter.

Dairy soup with bishic cereal


  • ½ st. Barbecue
  • 1 tbsp. milk
  • 1.5 tbsp. water
  • 1 tbsp. l. butter
  • Egg yolk

Cooking method:

  1. Crupe fry on a dry pan, pour into boiling water and boil on low heat until soft.
  2. A finished barbell rub through a sieve, pour warm milk, raw yolk and salt. Heat on fire for about 3 minutes, at the end add butter and intensively beat.
  3. Bon Appetit!

Now about second dishes

Steam cutlets from meat or fish


  • 100 gr. meat or fish fillet
  • A piece of white bread
  • Creamy oil, size with walnut
  • Milk

Cooking method:

  1. Bread to soak in warm milk and together with meat (fish) skip through a meat grinder 2-3 times. Add butter, salt and some milk from bread. You can soak the lion in the water and use water in the cutlets. Sleeping a deep saucepan with butter.
  2. Sleeping small cutlets, put in a saucepan with wet hands.
  3. Pour in a saucepan 3 st. l. Hot water or broth, put hot oven for 30 minutes. Water cutlets obtained by sauce, not allowing and drying.
Culinary Council: Prepare a lot of cutlets in this way. I assure you and the child, and adults, these cakes will come to taste.
A potato or vegetable mashed potatoes, boiled rice or pasta is suitable for a barrel of steam cutlets.

    Most children eat meat well, so try to give dishes from it an unusual look. For example, boiled meat can be mixed with a black mixture and prepare an omek with meat stuffing.

    Put the element of the game and fabulous children's dishes. The more beautifully the dish is served, the more desire for a little gourmet to be energized.

    For soups, use special curly knives for cutting vegetables.

    Cutlets leop out in the form of animals or machines. Decorate them with fresh or boiled vegetables. Bright eyes, legs-handles - look funny and interesting. Baby will like it.

    Pancakes and Oladia will succeed in the form you need if the dough is pouring into a plastic bottle with holes in the lid. Turn the bottle over the hot pan and squeeze the picture you need.

    Cheesecakes feed with sweet sauces. Suitable kissel, jam or jam. No need to force a child there is a cheese with sour cream, many such a combination has not yet been loved.

    Try to cook cottage cheese for children's dishes with your own hands. You can simply leave kefir in the mug on the table, and after a few hours it is thrown into a gauze corner and hang over a plate. As all liquid stroke, cottage cheese can be eaten. One kefir mug is one portion of homemade cottage cheese for a child.

    Prepare cooks from potato starch and jam. It and beautiful and natural, teach the child since childhood to appreciate natural products.

Health to you and your baby!

To one and a half year old age, the child is ready for more diverse food. He already has enough teeth, so food is already consisting mainly of pieces and does not need grinding. The number of enzymes in the stomach and intestines may already significantly expand the range of products and dishes that the child's body can safely digest and assimilate. In this article we made up for your baby a variety of and useful menu for every day with recipes.

Child menu after a year - what changes

  • In 1.5 years, children have 5 daily meals. 3 of them are the main and 2 snacks.
  • It is advisable to have a clear mode of the day in which these meal techniques will be daily at the same time. This will allow the child's body to get used to this order, contributes to a good appetite and successful digestion.
  • In the nutrition of children after a year, give preference to dietary dishes. You can fill food with vegetable oil or sour cream. It is allowed in moderate amounts to use sugar and salt.
  • Nutrition children at night - aspect is very controversial. If the child asks is at night, then this is either he is not founding in the afternoon (count the daily calirage of the child's nutrition and discuss with the doctor), or it is just a habit of "childhood". Nevertheless, at night it is not allowed to receive sweet drinks (for example, the juice), ideally you need to give a child if he wakes up and asks, water or kefir from a cup.

Menu for children from 1.5 to 2 years a week

Option Menu №1



Liquid buckwheat porridge on milk (150ml)
Omelet for a couple (50g)
Fruit Juice (100ml)



Salad from a grated boiled beet beet with sour cream (30g)
Vegetable Supach (100ml)
Boiled pasta, tired oil (50g)
Gentle pate from low-fat beef (50g)
Compote from dried fruits (70ml)

Afternoon person:

Kefir (150ml)
Oatmeal cookies or gallery (15g)


Vigrettik, fastened with vegetable oil (100g)
Fish Curlons (50g)
Potato mashed potatoes (80g)
Tea with milk (100ml)



Mall porridge on milk (150ml)
Wheat bread with a small piece of oil (30gr)
Fasten black tea, you can sweeten a little (100ml)



Salad of grated carrots and apples (50g)
Soup beetter on meat broth (100ml)
Steam meat cutlet (50g)
Vegetable stew (50g)
Fruit juice (70ml)

Afternoon person:

Cottage cheese (50g)
Fruit juice (100ml)
Bun (50g)


Potatoes stewed with chicken fillet (150g)
Vegetable Salad Plant Oil (50GR)



Rice dairy porridge with the addition of raisin (150ml)
Milk (100ml)
Galetny cookies (15g)



Salad of grated carrots and finely chopped cabbage (50g)
Soup with meatballs (100ml)
Potato puree and steam cutlet (70gr)

Afternoon person:

Cheesecakes (100g)
Comverters from dried fruits (100ml)


Vegetables for a pair (150g)
Fruit juice (100ml)



Omelet for a couple (100g)
A piece of black bread (30gr)
Fruit juice (100ml)



Fresh cucumber (50g)
Vermishel Soup (10ml)
Porridge Pierce with Goulash (70g)
Compote (100ml)

Afternoon person:

Kefir (150ml)
Diet loaf (80g)


Fish Cutlet (50g)
Potato mashed potatoes (100g)
Comverters from dried fruits (100ml)



Curd casserole (150g)
Fasten black tea, you can add some sugar (100ml)




Fresh Tomato (50g)
Rice soup (100ml)
Stew vegetables with meat (80gr)
Berry Kissel (100ml)

Afternoon person:

Berry compote (150ml)
Wheat bread with cheese (100g)


Fresh vegetable salad with vegetable oil (80g)
Buckwheat porridge (50g)
Suffle meat (50g)



Omelet for a couple (100g)
Cottage cheese (50g)
Comverters from dried fruits (100ml)


Diet bread


Cabbage salad (50g)
Sing green (100ml)
Buckwheat porridge (50g)
Chicken Battle in Klyar (50g)

Afternoon person:

Ryazhenka (150ml)
Oatmeal cookies (50g)


Fraga from vegetables (150g)
Kissel (100ml)



Lush pancakes (150g)
Sour cream (20gr)
Cocoa (100ml)



Fresh cucumber (50g)
Soup with dumplings (100ml)
Makaroni (50g)
Beef therapists (50g)
Compote (100ml)

Afternoon person:

Baked apples (50g)
Wheat bread with oil (50g)
Finding black tea, you can add some sugar (100ml)


Vegetables with fish for a couple (150g)
Bread black (30gr)
Fruit juice (100ml)

* The amount of each dish is written approximately, it all depends on the child
** Fruit Children not need to limit, but there should be no later than 1 hour before the main meal
*** The menu is incorrecting, shows a variety of food, is not a strict diet

The older our baby becomes, the more products we can safely introduce into its diet, but there are still a number of restrictions. The children's menu from 1 year should be diverse, useful and tasty, but also to the adult to him far, since the kid's body is not yet fastened. From this article, we learn how to properly pick up the diet for the children from 1.5 years so that they eat and with benefit, and with pleasure.

What should be on a plate of little fidget after a year? We will analyze the most important principles of nutrition for children of this age.

Power principles

4 meals a day

The child of this age should eat 4 times a day - this will allow it to form faithful food habits and abide by the routine of the day.

A 25% of the entire day diet should receive a baby to breakfast, at lunch - 35%, in dinner - 25%, and at the afternooner - 15%. Such a distribution will teach it and in the future to eat correctly.

Food structure

Now that the child's teeth are already much more, wipe or grind food in a blender does not necessarily, will be enough to spread it with a fork or rub on a large grater.

Soft products, such as bananas, berries, soft bread can be given entirely by cutting on slices.

Meat can now offer not only in the form of a puree or souffle, but meatball, meatballs and meatballs.

Heat treatment

Fried dishes in the diet are still unacceptable. It does not matter what we are talking about, meat, croups or vegetables, we prepare them for a couple.

So, consider on specific examples, as breakfast, lunch, afternoon school and dinner for children look like.


As we remember, it should be quite calorie, protein-carbohydrate. Optimal will be the preparation of porridge on milk or water.

In the children's menu from 1.5 years old can be oatmeal, wheat porridge, buckwheat and pesh. They are most useful. As for rice, it is better preparing it to be now, as it is unlightened, that is, brown for the baby gastrointestinal trap, and white is less useful.

We offer you some exemplary breakfast options.

Option I - Porridge


Prepare a milk porridge. Portion should be approximately 150-170 ml.

To prepare the most useful porridge, it should be boiled as little as possible, and for this it is enough just to dock the cereal for several hours or at night. The most dense and hardly welded is the millet, so it makes sense to soak from the evening.

  • Fill 2 tbsp. Cereals and leave for the night.
  • In the morning, we rinse the croup, pour clean water so that it covers the pesh less than on the woven, salt and put on fire.
  • As soon as porridge boils, pour 2 tbsp. Milk, add 1 tsp. Sugar and cook another 5-7 minutes.
  • I turn off the finished porridge, let it stand under the lid of 5 - 10 minutes and serve. You can add 1 tsp in portion Butter.

Instead of sugar, you can use jam or jam as a sweetener, but honey is better to avoid - this is too allergenic.


Its children from 1.5 years old are prepare only from ordinary cereals "Hercules". No soluble porridge, since the benefits are no longer left, only extra sugars and preservatives. But if you want to cook it as soon as possible, also soak 2 tbsp. flakes.

We fill them in the bucket with cool boiling water so that the water is to be flown with a cereal, we arise and cover the lid. Hold about half an hour, we pour 3-4 tbsp. Milk and put on fire. We bring to a boil, everything, porridge can be turned off.

We also refuel it with oil and either add 1 tsp. Sugar or jam.

In addition, add fruit to oatmeal. It is better to do it 5 minutes before the end of the cooking, and if the cereals were clumsy, then immediately after the porridge boils.

Children's cottberry

We choose the product of medium fat, 9 or 15%. Rustic Curd Children for 1.5 years nutritionists are categorically not recommended due to too high fat content in it.

The portion should be approximately 100-150. You can use children's purchased cottage cheese. In addition, if you wish, add fresh fruits: cut on the apple, pear or banana and mix.

If the child eats cottage cheese well, but at the same time avoids porridge, or vice versa, will prepare an original breakfast, aligning both ingredients.

Oatmeal Curd

To begin with rash in a blender or a coffee grinder 3-4 tbsp. oatmeal. This quantity is enough for several servings.

Take 100 g of cottage cheese, add 1 tbsp to it. The resulting oatmeal flour, we swee on your discretion with sugar or jam, mix and serve! From such a curd mass you can form a hedgehog or any other familiar baby a figure.

Also in the cottagee is good to add ¼ Banana - it can simply cut it or other seasonal fruits. We remember that for children from 1.5 years old, apples and pears need to rub on the grater.

Option III - Omelet

Since the roasted foods of the kids of this age we do not yet offer, prepare the same omelet as for adults, but in another way.

  1. Mix in a plate 1 egg with 3 tbsp. milk, salt.
  2. Then we take a small jar with a lid, lubricate the walls with vegetable oil, pour into it the egg mixture and put in a cold water in a saucepan. The level should correspond to an omelet height.
  3. We put on fire and close the pans with a lid. Cooking an omelet after boiling for 20 minutes, turn off, let it fit without opening and removed. To do this, the bank must be shaken, then the omelet will slip away.

If the baby is loved by this dish, you can start diversifying his taste, adding grated vegetables: zucchini - literally 1 tbsp. On this volume, broccoli or cauliflower.

In addition to this breakfast, you can offer a slice of bread with butter. From 1.5 years, the child can already receive up to 15 - 20 g of this product per day. The best option will be a sandwich with white bread or a bar, as rye varieties are digested much more difficult and can cause a bloating.


For lunch, there should be the greatest amount of food, as we remember, so you can offer a salad to a child. The portion must be purely symbolic, so as not to kill the appetite in front of the main course, but fresh vegetables improve the peristaltics and have a positive effect on the body as a whole, so you should not neglect the salad either.

Well, if the child is not a hunter to the first dishes, he will all become a worthy alternative to the soup.


In the summer, we prepare from seasonal vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers. All finely cut or three on the grater. The portion should be about 1.5 tbsp., Refuel it ½ C.L. vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream.

In winter and autumn, we make salads from boiled beets, Beijing cabbage (cut very finely) and carrots. Belococcal is better to leave up to 2 years - its fibers are too rude.

First course

Children's menu from 1 year involves the preparation of soups, both on vegetable and on meat broths, so we can safely choose what to taste a child. The main condition is if the first vegetable, the second must contain an animal protein.

Option 1 - Beetter with rice

Thanks to the incoming vegetables combines and the quality of salad.

  • For the preparation of 2 portions, we take a piece of chicken fillet 60 - 70. Pouring it 2 glasses of filtered water and put on fire.
  • In the meantime, three on the grater of 30 g of crude beets (3 cm lumps), we clean from the skin ½ of the medium tomato and, together with ¼ Bulgarian pepper, gently cut.
  • As soon as the chicken boils, salt to taste and waiting 10 minutes, we send vegetables into the broth. There we put ½ tbsp of white rice. Cook until the cereals are ready.
  • The meat is cut into small pieces and feed, refraining 1 tsp, low-dry sour cream or as the same amount of olive oil.

Option 2 - Cauliflower Fish Soup

Choose fillet at your discretion: Pangasius, tilapia or marine language. We will need 60 - 70 g. Pour 2 glasses of water and put on fire.

1 Large inflorescence of cauliflower (50 g) we rinse well and finely cut. Also cut the ¼ of a small bowl and the same than the Bulgarian pepper.

As soon as the fish boils, we send vegetables to it and simulate. Cook until the cauliflower is ready.

If you wish in this soup, you can add ½ tbsp. Vermicelli "Pautinka", so it will become refusing, but remember that more often 2-3 times a week to a child of 1.5 years pasta do not be given.

Second course

It is not necessary to choose the potatoes often - there is too much starch in it, it is better to teach the baby to stew from other vegetables. At this age, it is already possible to eat zucchini, broccoli, carrots, onions, Brussels cabbage, tomatoes and bell peppers - will be from what to choose!

We also prepare the side dishes.

Option 1 - Vegetable stew with rice and egg

On 2 portions we will need: 100 g of zucchini, 30 g of carrots, 20 g of onions, 30 g of Bulgarian pepper and 60-70 g of broccoli. All finely cut and lay out in a small saucepan. We add ½ tbsp. Rice, salt and pour 1/3 of a glass of milk.

Mashed before the preparedness of the cereals and under the end of the preparation we pour the whipped separately raw chicken egg. Mix the stew several times so that the egg prepared faster, turn off and serve.

In this dish, as you can see, the vegetable and protein component is combined.

Option 2 - Souffle of liver with vegetables

To prepare the souffle, we will need a turkey liver or chicken - they are more tender and soft taste than beef.

We send 200 g of liver into the blender, the ball from one white bread slice, 50 ml of milk and 1 egg. Everyone is well whipped to homogeneity. We simulate, mix again and lay out according to silicone molds, filling them on 2/3.

We bake the souffle or in a multipart in the "Cooking" mode, in the microwave (2-3 minutes) or in the oven. To do this, put the shape in the baking sheet filled with water to half and cook at 180 ° C 20 minutes.

We serve with vegetable stew from the previous recipe, but without rice and eggs.


Children in a year and a half are very fond of compote from dried fruits. We make it almost disadvantaged, as the taste and so will be very saturated.

  • On the liter of the drink we will need 50 g of Kuragi, prunes and raisins.
  • We are thoroughly rinsed in colander, pour 1 l of filtered water and put on fire.
  • Cooking half an hour after boiling, we pour a couple of sugar tea spoons and cook for another 10 minutes, we try to sugar, if not enough, add a little bit and turn off.

We serve cooled.

Afternoon person

In the intermediate meal, we offer the baby something light, like fruits - 1-2 slices of apple, drying or unsweetened cookies.

From confectionery, like cakes and chocolate cookies, it is better to refrain, as in 1.5 years they can cause allergies.

And you can prepare a wonderful carrot casserole, it will be appreciated by the older children, so we do more.

  1. 200 g of carrots Three on a shallow or large grater and a carcass with the addition of 2 tsp. Creamy oil on slow heat together with 20 g of semolina, watching they do not shuffle, but just prepared.
  2. If necessary, add water.
  3. We give cool and drive 1 egg.
  4. Mix, lay out 80 - 100 g of cottage cheese.
  5. Saccharis to taste, prevent again.
  6. We lay out the mixture on a lubricated frying pan, baking sheet or fill with it silicone forms and send it to be baked for 25 to 30 minutes at 180 ° C.

Finished casserole apply with sour cream and jam.


For dinner, the portion in the children's menu in 1.5 years should be small, but rather calorie.

Option 1 - Fish Pilaf

Choose fish fillet based on the tastes of the child, remembering that it should not be fat and bony.

  • ½ Middle carrot three on the grater, ½ bulbs finely rub.
  • In a small deep frying pan or a saucepan heating 2 tsp. Olive oil and spread vegetables to it, salt.
  • Hold them, stir 5 - 7 minutes.

While they are prepared, cut into pieces of 100 g fish fillet. We send to vegetables, mix. 50 g of round rice rinse well and also lay out in the pan. Fill with water on your finger and close.

We cook on slow fire until the rice is completely readiness. If necessary, pour water.

Serve, sprinkling with greens.

Option 2 - Turkey Cutlets with buckwheat

  • 200 g fillee cut into cubes and put the blender in the bowl together with 2 quail eggs (or ½ chicken), 1 tbsp. Bread and 1/3 chopped bulbs.
  • All shred, if necessary, add some milk, salt.
  • Let me laugh at 15 - 20 minutes and form the cutlets.

You can cook them in a double boiler, a slow cooker ("pair" mode) or in the oven - the children's menu does not prohibit this from 1.5 years. Serve with buckwheat.

You see how tasty and interesting can be the nutrition of your baby! Children's menu from 1 year is very diverse. Prepare and delight Karapuz new tastes!

Bear Bread Zheval -

Spoke with a pillow mouth.

What? No one could understand.

After the compote -

The table poured and all the stomach!

All over him get angry.

Merberry sharpened:

You do not know? At the table

It is necessary to eat with a closed mouth,

Do not rush, do not say

Chips on the floor are not sail.

After getting off the table

The fur coat is clean as it was!

At the table sat protein.

There was a plate in front of her.

In it from bread, oil, sala

Squirrel house built.

So, friends do not come

And they do not play with food.

At the table eating friends,

You can not mess around here!

And you caught - you are free!

And play as you like.

Cauliflower soup

50 grams of purified cauliflower are divided into small inflorescences, rinse put in boiling salted water. Cook until the cabbage becomes soft - about 15 minutes. Ready cabbage to discard on a sieve. In hot decoction pour 5 gr. Overacted semolia cereals and cook for about 15 minutes. Add 100 ml of heated milk and boiled cabbage before. Boil 2-3 minutes. In hot soup put 10 g of butter.

Borsch vegetable

Curlinate pieces of purified beet and sour apple pour into a small amount of water (so that the mass) and swing with cream oil (1/2 teaspoon) 15-20 minutes in a saucepan under the lid. Then add sliced \u200b\u200b1/4 potatoes, carrot circle, parsley, onions, tomato and stew more than 10 minutes, then omit 1/4 sheet of chopped cabbage, pour 1/2 stack of water and cook 5 minutes. Then wipe everything through the colander, to fill the chopped greens, sour cream.

Cabbages with buckwheat and carrots

The leaf-baked cabbage leaves (thickened places to cut off with a knife) lay out mince from buckwheat porridge and finely chopped ovar carrots, put the cabbage in the pan, pour sour cream and extinguish in the oven until readiness.

Meat meatballs

Vegetables (20 grams of cauliflower, 10 g of carrots, 5 grams of bow) Cut, pour with meat broth (100 ml) and swipe on low heat until half-ready. During the extinguishing of vegetables to prepare meat. 150 cm of pulp and 15 grams of wheat bread (Baton), clumsy in water and pressed, skip through the meat grinder twice. In the cooked mince, add a tablespoon of warm water, melted butter (5g) and mix well. From the resulting mass make small meatballs and lower them into broth with vegetables for about 20 minutes. After cooking meatballs, vegetables can be used for a side disk.

Crazy lazy

50 gr. Meat twice missed through a meat grinder. Grate to grater 50 grams of white cabbage, finely chopped a piece of bulbs. Connect all, add 1/2 table spoon boiled to rice half-preparation, slight salt, 1/2 raw egg. The resulting minced mix thoroughly, split into two cakes, cut them into flour and sweat. Shoot the cabbage rolls into a shallow pan, pour 1 tsp. L. Tomato paste (if there are no allergic reactions), diluted 1/3 of the stack of hot water, and stew 30 minutes. At the end of extinguishing add 1 tsp. sour cream.

Salads homemade

50 gr. Meat pulp washed, skip through a meat grinder, mix with boiled and fine rice (10 g), pass again through the meat grinder. To the resulting mass add 1/2 raw egg, slightly salt, mix thoroughly. Then the stuffing to shift on the wet gauze, roll in the form of sausages, tie on the edges with threads and omit in boiling water. Cook for 20-25 minutes. The finished sausage is removed from the water and free from Arly. Serve with vegetable puree.

Casserole Vermeshel with Meat

30 gr. Vermicelli omit to boiling salted water and cook for 20 minutes. Then to move the water, put 5 grams to the vermicell. Creamy oil, shake, cool a little, add 1/2 raw egg, stirred with 1 table. l. milk. Half of the vermicevels shifting on the pan, lubricated with butter, to dissolve, lay out mince from the boiled meat, missed through the meat grinder and the wound. Cove the stuffing vermicellier, lubricate with butter and sour cream (10-15 grams) and put in the oven for 25-30 minutes.

Of course, the child's nutrition should be useful, diverse and natural. Basically, it consists of porridge and dairy dishes (from yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese). Fried dishes for children not recommended. All vegetable, meat, fish dishes must be cooked not a couple - either in a double boiler, or in a water bath. But most of the children's menu should be vegetables and fruits - both raw and boiled. Cook better in small amount of water. And in no case do not give the child preheated food, that is, to prepare at once.

Before you give a child to eat something for the first time, you need to make sure that the baby does not have allergies on him. And it is desirable how to add sugar and salts as little as possible. It is best to do this after one and a half years.

Children, over a year and a half, you can give there is the same as the whole family eats. But you should not save it from baby food, because, mostly, most products are designed for children, older than three years.

The child's food must be four-time, and necessarily at the same time of the day, for example: from 8 to 9 am - breakfast; from 12 to 13 - lunch; from 16 to 16.30 - afternoon school; From 20 to 20.30 - dinner. It is not recommended to do any snacks (even fruits or berries) between these techniques of food. Even give drinking (juices, teas, compotes) is also preferably preferably during the main reception.

Children's nutritionists offer approximately such a menu for a child at 1.5 years to 2 years with recipes for a week.

For breakfast is offered: rice porridge with dried fruits, cottage cheese, bread with creamy oil. And drink tea with milk.
For lunch: salad of greens and fresh cucumbers, seasoned with vegetable oil, green bean soup, potato zrazy, rye bread. And drink - berry morse.
For afternoon: Fresh fruits, cookies and cup of kefir.
For dinner: Cutlets from turkey, stewed cabbage, puree fruits and bread. And drinking baby milk.

For breakfast it is served: semolina on milk with grated carrots, omelet, bread with butter. And to drink - the decoction of rosehip.
For lunch: fresh tomato salad, fastened with vegetable oil, fresh cabbage soup, beefater, boiled buckwater on water, rye bread. And it is recommended to drink juices from freshly squeezed fruits.
At the afternoon school: Galets, fresh fruits and drink yogurt.
For dinner: meat casserole with cabbage, pancakes from cottage cheese and apple, bread. And drink a cup of kefir.

For breakfast it is recommended: Hercules with banana, cheese, yogurt, galley, and drink baby milk.
For lunch: salad of greenery and fresh blonde cabbage, fastened with vegetable oil, chicken soup with noodles, finely chopped boiled chicken fillet, cauliflower mashed potatoes, rye bread, and squeeze with dried fruit compote.
For dinner: Salad with apple and coat, beef meatballs, rice porridge on the water, bread, and drink a decoction from a rosehip.

For breakfast: Corn porridge on milk with boiled pumpkin, cottage cheerle, bread with butter, and drink green tea. What else to cook for breakfast, you will find recipes.
For lunch: salad of greens, green lettuce and fresh cucumbers, fastened with vegetable oil, potato mashed potatoes, lazy cabbage rolls, rye bread. And from drinks you can and fruit juices and compote from dried fruits.
For afternooner: Fresh fruits, galley, and drink baby milk.
For dinner: fresh tomato salad, refilled by a low-fat sour cream, finely sliced \u200b\u200bboiled chicken fillet, puree from broccoli and green peas, bread, and a cup of kefir.

For breakfast it is offered: porridge from rice or other cereals, with an apple, egg sick, bread with butter, and drink a decoction of rosehip.
For lunch: Green and fresh white cabbage salad, seasoned with vegetable oil, lean borsch with red beans, with the addition of low-fat sour cream, potato pudding with slave, rye bread, and drink a berry juice.
For afternoon: Dick, fresh fruits and kefir.
For dinner: lazy cabbage rolls, cottage cheese pancakes, bread, and drink baby milk.

For breakfast: buckwheat bump on milk, cheese, puree of fruit, and drink tea with milk.
For lunch: Salad of apple and carrots, refilled by low-fat sour cream, lean soup from cabbage, meat roll (beef or pork) or vegetable minced meal, rye bread, and drink compote from dried fruits.
For afternoon: Bun, fresh fruits and kefir.
For dinner: sauerkraut, seasoned with vegetable oil, sausages (special for children), potato mashed potatoes, bread, and drink a decoction from a rosehip.

For breakfast: Hercules with prune, cheese, bread with butter, yogurt, and drink green tea.
For lunch: salad of greenery and fresh cabbage, fastened with vegetable oil, vegetable soup with a fast, sheds from turkey, boiled pasta, rye bread and drink fruit juice.
For afternoon school: Cookies-galley, fresh fruits and kefir.
For dinner: Vinaigrette, roll of boiled meat and vegetables, bread, and drink baby milk.