Equipment for the production of sterbet of fruit. Reports

28.10.2020 Healthy nutrition

Scherbet is a favorite sweetness from childhood along with Kozinak and Halva. Each time, passing by the department where Oriental Sweets are sold, many are wondering what shcherbet do?

Eastern sweetness with nuts is often confused with the European dessert, whose name sounds like "sorbetto", "Scharbet". It is a northern one who is familiar from Childhood Sherbet or a completely different dish - after a century, it is difficult to figure out, so the choice is offered 3 types of dessert, one of which is European:

Solid East Shcherbet Soft Eastern Shcherbet Yeropia Fruit Sherbet.

Consider how to cook each of them.

Solid East Shcherbet

It is very sweet and calorie. It will take: 200 g of nuts of any kind, 700 g of sugar, 500 g of dry milk, 1.5 glasses of water, 50 g of butter. The nuts before cooking, it is necessary to dry well in the oven, and then grind on the middle pieces. This can be done using a rope or blender. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, you should pour 100 g of sugar and add water, put on fire. When syrup boils, pour the rest sugar. After 5 minutes add oil, dry milk and nuts, remove from the fire.

On the prepared tray, covered with parchment and lubricated with oil, we must very quickly lay out a sweet mass throughout the area, as the nut dessert is quickly free. That's all! Pleasant tea drinking!

Soft East Shcherbet

This dessert is very soft and gentle. For it, it is necessary to prepare such products: 50 ml of water is taken at 100 g of sugar, 100 ml of condensed milk, 100 g of nuts of any variety and 100 g of butter, lemon.

Sugar and water must be turned into a thick syrup, add lemon juice (about 2 tbsp. Spoors). There are condensed milk, butter, nuts. Cook for 20 minutes. Posted by a sweet mixture on the molds and send to the refrigerator to stick. Shcherbet is ready!

Fruit sorbets

This dessert will have to taste everything in summer hot days. It is quite capable of replacing store ice cream. And this dessert is preparing very simple. You need to take 0.5 kg of berries and fruits for the season, remove bones, tails and peel, beat up to her puree, add sugar and lemon juice to add to taste (proportions depend on the selected berry fruit base). Pour a fruit puree in Sudki or another container, put in the freezer until it is frozen. 2 hours before the flow of the frozen mass is better to beat the blender to give airiness, pour into portion molds and remove back to the freezer.

Domestic Scherbet Recipe is given in Video:

On the example of these recipes, several basic products can be distinguished, which are part of the pitch. It:

Sugar Nuts Milk of different types of creamy oil Fruits and berries (for the European version).

The list of ingredients is small and quite affordable. And to cook the dish is very easy. Therefore, you should not postpone the preparation of such sweets tomorrow, because today you can plunge into the atmosphere of the spicy East or strict Europe!

Beauty and Health Health Food

Sweet compressed briquettes in the form of peculiar batons, something resembling halv, with different fillers - nuts, fruits, berries, etc., in Russia they are called Shcherbet; You can also see in the stores "Shcherbet Milk" or "Shcherbet Chocolate". These "sherbets" have a distant relationship: professionals believe that it is just incorrect use of the product name, and even with a grammatical mistake resulting from the convenience of pronunciation.

Proper pronunciation and writing - "Sherbet", and not "Shcherbet": the name of sweets, more than once with east poets and fairy tales, comes from the Persian word "Sharbat". However, it is more convenient to say a Russian man to the Russian man, therefore writing became the same, and now there is such a interpretation everywhere: "Shcherbet" or "Sherbet" - two options for the name of one product.

However, we are not talking about the rules of pronunciation, but about the real Sherbet, liquid - in the form of a drink, and solid. The "hard" sorbet is called fruit-creamy (milk) sweets with crushed nuts, actually quite soft, much softer those briquettes that we are referred to as "sherbets".

In oriental verses and fairy tales, a refreshing drink - Sherbet, prepared from a berry of Dogwood and Rosehip, rose petals and a lacrich root, with spices and other additives. Now Sherbet calls sweet drinks with fruit juices, ice cream and spices, as well as fruit ice cream or frozen desserts (sorb, sorbets) from juice (puree) of fruits with sugar. Sorba is the interpretation of "Sharbat" in French, and often these desserts are not freezed, but simply cooled strongly, and are used in liquid form.

Sherbet can also be called very thick, carved with sugar syrup - this is prepared, for example, in Tajikistan, - and a semi-finished product for quick cooking drink: powder fall asleep into the water, it dissolves, and it turns out a "sireless sorbet".

What is useful to Shcherbet

Let's say briefly about the famous types of Shcherbet, about their features and benefits.

Sherbet drink is popular in the east no longer, but thousands of years. In the old days he was considered a love drink, and prepared accordingly, adding special spices, berries and other fruits to juices. Sherbet drank on peaks, used in rituals; For people wealthy, he was an ordinary refreshing drink, and the poor was rejoiced when they could buy or cook Sherbet for their family.

Healers were considered a scratch with a drink with health and healing, quenching thirst and the vaccination, strengthening the body and improving the mood. Vitamin and other properties of Sherbet depend on the selected ingredients, so we will not disassemble the chemical composition in detail.

Thus, the traditional sorbet with rose rose and rose petals is rich in carotenoids, vitamins A, C, E and group B; Essential oils, organic acids and minerals. Of course, such a drink helps to purify the body and supports immunity, helps to get rid of excess weights, dysbiosis and many chronic diseases.

Calorie also depends on the composition. In the drink from the same rose robber with pink petals, crossyl, polycriches, ginger, cloves and other spices usually there are about 100 kcal per 100 g. But there are more calorie recipes, with sweet fruits and berries - grapes, plums, etc.

In European countries, Sherbet is often prepared from a stewed fruit-berry puree, adding juices and sugar into it - of course, such a drink is less useful and more caloriene.

But from the hip sherbet, prepared from the powder, there is definitely little use, and modern additives (except sugar, these are flavors, dyes, acidity regulators, etc.), and make it undesirable to use it; At least, children should not be given to him.

Sherbet ice cream (sorbet, sorbet) is also a delicious delicacy, popular not only in the east. The mixture of fruit puree with juice and different additives is frozen so that it becomes a tasty and refreshing dessert. Useful substances in it are also preserved: because frost is not thermal processing. Sorbet, frozen not completely, with the addition of a liqueur (brandy, Roma, etc.), turns into an exquisite drink. In Europe, it is often served after eating, or drink during lunch, when changing dishes: It is believed that food is so better - the fruit mixture is rich in food fibers. In fact, any sherbet, like fruits, and juices, it is better to use food before receiving food, about 30-40 minutes, or in general separately.

For example, Sherbet Sweet can be served to tea or coffee instead of candies or cakes.

Sherbet-sweet. How to cook at home

This kind of Sherbet is known from us since the time of the USSR (it is called "sherbet"). Emirate, often crumbling; Very calorie - more than 400 kcal per 100 grams - and sweet - sweeter than many candies: there are a lot of sugar, or a molt, with condensed milk or cream. Supplements are also very high calories: these are not only nuts, but also chocolate, and candied, and honey - in general, the dietary degenerate is not in any way. It is not recommended to have it with a tendency to complete, in obesity, diabetes, allergies and other chronic diseases. In addition, unnecessary and even harmful "e-shki" may be present in such a sherboet, as well as cheap oils, like palm.

At home, usually preparing a similar sherbet, calling it "classic". The liter of greasy milk is adjusted to a boil, a few minutes boil on low heat; It is added to a rustic sour cream (200 g), stirred, slowly peep sugar - so much so that the mass can thicken. When it becomes possible to get a similarity of syrup - sugar enough. Fire make the smallest, cover with a saucepan with a lid, and cook for about 3 hours - almost like jam. And it seems like: a drop of a mixture on a saucer for a few minutes put in the refrigerator - the finished sorbet will freeze quickly. If the mixture is ready, you can add ground nuts, crushed dried fruits, sesame and other ingredients to taste, but additives should be no more than 1/3 of the entire mass of the product. The taste is dependent on additives: for example, walnuts give Sherbet light mustard. A creamy oil is also added to the warm mixture - about 100 g, and laid out everything into the shape, also lubricated with oil: when it freezes - Sherbet is ready.

Drink-sorbet is preparing faster, and its taste also depends on the ingredients. They are used by many: in each country there are traditions - for example, residents of Egypt like Sherbet from violets with sugar.

Here we give a Turkish recipe.

For an hour in 3-4 liters of water, grapes and plums are boiled (Dark, 1 kg), figs and red apples (0.5 kg), with cloves (6-8 pcs.), Cinnamon (1 wand), ginger (root 10 g). 1/2 lemon juice is mixed with sugar to taste (1-2 cup), add them to a mixture of fruit, boiled another 10 minutes. The cooled decoction is filtered and served, preferably with ice.

For Russia, a cranberry sorbet can be an excellent option, but the cranberry is not boiled, but are peathed in a blender, and mixed with decoction of spices and sugar: it turns out a beautiful medicinal drink, especially useful for women's health.

Tags: Shcherbet, the composition of Shcherbet, Sherbet at home

II. Confectionery production.

Characteristic theme.

Eastern - The name of very heterogeneous confectionery products of Transcaucasian, Turkish and Central Asian cuisines. This includes different types of cookies, mostly all kinds of halvah, raisin-nut, marmela-nut and starch-sugar products.From a confectionery point of view, to unite these products under the same name is incorrect, for some of them (Pakhlava, Shaker, Clavier, Kyat) usually make confectioners-bakers, others (Churchhela, Cucats, Rakhat Lukum, Kozinaki, Badam - at home , in the process of the preparation of fruits and nuts for the winter and, finally, That are manufactured by Kandalatchi specialists. Exactly these The most specific, requiring special premises, tools, equipment and skills for its manufacture - can be called "Eastern", for this kind of confectionery is unknown by European cuisine.These actually oriental sweets include: all types of halva - tachin, nut, sunflower; Kos-Halva, Isla, Alvitsa, different types of Nouga - shot, cast, pulled; All Sugar products - Crystal Sugar, Sugar "Vermicelli" - Nichato, Amorphous Sugar with spices (legs, lean, sweets), etc. Eastern in the most complete assortment always been produced in Iran, Afghanistan and Turkey. To a lesser extent, they are common in the Arab East: Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, where dried fruits (dates, figs) use more.We have the main centers for the production of Oriental Sweets - Caucasus (especially Armenia and Azerbaijan), Central Asia (mainly Tajikistan) and partly Moldova. Eastern Europe they are manufactured in Yugoslavia (Republic of Macedonia, Bosnia), Bulgaria, Greece and Romania. Bulgaria is considered the basic and best manufacturer in Europe Rakhat Lukuma in its Turkish version.

Characteristics of raw materials and methods of primary processing.

Main types of raw materials used in the confectionery industry: sugar, glucose, pounds, honey, fats, milk and dairy products, eggs and eggs, cocoa beans, nuclei of nuts and oilseeds, fruit-berry semi-finished products, wheat flour, starch, flavoring and aromatic substances, etc.

Sugar Used in the form of refined sugar-sand or aqueous solution (syrup). Sugar syrup coming from saharaphores can be both purely sugar and sacranets with different ratios of sucrose and invert sugar. At confectionery factories, sugar-sand comes in two ways: tare (in bags) or inertial (in cars or vehicles). Before serving, sugar-sand is sieved through a sieve and is subject to magnetic purification to exemplate from metallomagnetic impurities.

Glucose It is used when developing a children's and dietary assortment of confectionery products instead of sugar-sand with a complete or partial replacement. This is a crystalline white powder with a sweet taste.

Falograd Used in the production of sugar confectionery as an anti-crystallizer. In the production of flour confectionery, the molasses are used to give a dough of plasticity, and finished products - softness and crumbling. Patok enters enterprises in railway tanks, it is heated to a temperature of 40-45 ° C and pumped into the tanks. Before use, the molasses are heated to the same temperature and filtered through the sieve.

Honey apply natural and artificial. Natural honey contains glucose, fructose, sucrose, dextrins, nitrogen and minerals, acids, vitamins, enzymes, coloring substances. Artificial honey is an inhroduction syrup containing flavors.

Fat. apply in the preparation of flour products, candies, caramels with filling, iris, chocolate, waffle fillings, fat glaze. In most cases, fats perform the role of structural agents and at the same time increase the energy value of confectionery products. In the confectionery industry, creamy oil, margarine, hydrogened fats, vegetable oils, including such as cocoa oil, coconut oil are used.

In the confectionery industry is widely usedmilk and dairy products : Milk natural, concentrated, condensed (with sugar and without sugar), dry, cream, etc.

Eggs Used in the production of flour confectionery products, and egg proteins are used as a foaming agent to generate a grain, marshmallow, knocked candies and other products. Natural eggs and egg products are used - a melange (frozen egg mixture may be with the addition of salt or sugar), egg powder, separately eggs and yolk ice cream or dry.

Cocoa beans these are the main raw materials in the production of chocolate and cocoa powder.

Nutrition kernels and oilseeds (almonds, hazelnut, walnut, peanuts, cashews, sesame and sunflower seed, etc.) are added in the production of candies, stuffs, halva, chocolate and flour products.

Fruit-berry semi-finished products: pulp - fresh berries and fruits in general or chopped, wasteled by a chemical way; mashed potatoes - grated fresh fruits and berries, waste in a chemical way; Foods - fruit-berry puree, welded with sugar to residual moisture content of 31%; Cucats - candied fruits or pieces, peels of some fruits; dried fruits, decorated berries and others.

Wheat flour The highest and I varieties are the main raw materials for the production of flour confectionery products. It enters and stored in enterprises is mainly internally.

Starch In the confectionery industry, it is used as a prescription component in the production of flour products and as molding for the production of candies.

Taste and aromatic substances: dietary acids - wine, lemon, dairy, apple; natural essential oils; Essences - synthetic flavors.

("1") In addition, chemical bars, studders, emulsifiers, food dyes, preservatives, etc. are used in the confectionery industry, etc.

Receiving cocoa grated and cocoa butter . The crushing of cocoa beans is carried out on crushing and sorting machines, which allow to separate the cocoellu and the embryo, worsening the taste and food value of chocolate, and divide the resulting cocoa-bearing into several fractions of 8.0 to 0.75 mm. Large fractions are used to obtain tiled chocolate and cocoa powder, and small - for the preparation of fillings, candy masses and chocolate glaze.

Next, cocoa rubber is crushed to particles of no more than 30 microns and the cocoa is grated. When grinding, cell walls are destroyed, cocoa oil is released and a suspension is formed in which the liquid medium is cocoa oil, and solid - particles of cell walls. When grinding the mass temperature increases, cocoa oil melts, so cocoa is grated is a thick creamy liquid.

Cocoa grated is obtained on machines of various designs: shock-pin, roll, ball mills.

To prevent solidification of cocoa grated onto liquid and solid phases, the temperature is carried out - continuous stirring at a temperature in the range of 85-90 ° C.

Cocoa oil is obtained by pressing cocoa grated on hydraulic presses at a temperature of about 100 ° C and 45-55 MPa pressure. At the same time, 44-47% of oil from cocoa mass is pressed. Cocoa oil is stored at a temperature of 50-60 ° C.

The remaining solid mass is called cocoa-cake. It contains 9-14% cocoa butter and is used to produce cocoa powder.

Preparation of semi-finished products.

Semi-finished food for zucats. Plums are better to use with bones, they will look pretty. Only "Hungarian" is good and without a bone. And also apples "Dessert Pavlova", "Cinnamy".

Plums (apples, quince IDR.) Skate, put into clean banks, pour with cold water and, putting in dishes with water, heat up to 85 degrees on slow heat. Fire Turn off, and leave the banks in hot water: half-liter for 10 minutes, liter - by 15. You can bring water to a boil and keep banks in it, respectively, 5 and 8 minutes, then roll.

Semi-finished sesame, peanut, sunflower - obtained grinding roasted nuclei.

From fruits and berries freeze apples (slices, mugs), pear, quince, cherry, cherry, plums, alley, strawberries, raspberry, currants (black, red and white), gooseberry, peaches, apricots, blueberries, blueberries, cranberries and lingonberries .

After thawing, fruits or berries are directly eaten or used for cooking jelly, mousses and other dishes. Also freeze ready-made fruit purees and juices.

On the production of the entire range of frozen fruits, as well as various frozen ready-made vegetable and other dishes and semi-finished products, there is a valid regulatory and technical documentation, that is, technological instructions indicating all processes and processing modes, standards and technical conditions with the presentation of their quality requirements.

The speed of rapid freezing of the prepared fruits or semi-finished products of them provides high quality and resistance of finished products when stored.

Aerial semi-finished product containing roasted and crushed walnuts in an amount of 21.93%, pre-cooled egg protein in an amount of 25.80%, sugar sand 51.62% and vanilla powder 0.65%. As a basis for the production of air semi-finished products, a foamy mass is used, obtained by whipping egg protein with sugar. In the process of whipping, form a dense, stable foamy consistency, as a result of which the air semi-finished product has a tightened traction. Jam - This is a product from integers or sliced \u200b\u200bfruits and berries cooked in sugar syrup before obtaining a jelly-shaped mass. For making jam, use fresh or fast-frozen plums, apricots, peaches, apples, quince, strawberries, fresh melons.

The process of producing Jem in general terms is similar to the preparation of jam, but differs from it a single cooking.

Jam produce the highest and 1st grades, differing in taste and smell, color and product consistency.

Confiture it is a type of jam. It is produced from fresh or frozen raw materials in the form of jelly, in which the whole and crushed unbalanced fruits are evenly distributed. By quality, the confident is divided into extr.4 and the highest grade.
Jam - This is a product obtained from the fateful fruit mass, carved with sugar. It is made of apple, quince, plum, apricot, kizylovoy, as well as a mixture of fruit-berry puree. Sometimes nutrition and pectin are added. It is welded to a puree to the content of dry substances at least 66%. The name is allowed by the type of string used. It was not divided into commercial varieties.

Candied fruit there are products from fruit, as well as watermelon crusts and melons, coiled in sugar syrup, dried and covered with small sugar or glazed.

Cougates produce the following types: glazed fruits (folding, edges, contaminated), fruits in sugar.

Glazed Fruits Folded - these are dried after separation of syrup fruits. There is a characteristic gloss on their surface.

Glazed Condified Cooks - It is immersed and oversathed sugar syrup fruit at a temperature of about 40 aboutC and weathered 10-12h.

Glazed Fruits Revised - the fruits have a short time in hot sugar syrup containing small crystals of sugar. Then the fruits are dried, as a result of which a crust is formed on the surface.

Fruits in Sahara - these are fruits failed in syrup and sprinkled with sand sugar.

Product cooking technology (technological maps) Baking mode, assortment.

Oriental sweets are divided into three large groups:

flour products (all sorts of cookies and pies based on sand, biscling, puff or biscuit dough):

products such as soft sweets: (Nougat, Lukums, Rakhat Lukum, Kos-Halva, Oil, Alla, Alans, Daima-Oil, Shcherbet, Chuchhel, Creamy, Creamy sausage, Oriental sweets on fruit basis)

confectionery: Caramel type: Kozinaki, Grilyazha;

sugar products: Crystal Sugar, Nichato (Sugar "Vermicelli"), legs (amorphous sugar with spices).



for dough:
15 g yeast
1.5-2 Wheat flour cup
0.5 glasses of milk
vanilla sugar
salt to taste
for filling:
0,75 Wheat flour cup
1.5 cups of sugar powder
100-120 g of butter or fused oil
1 tbsp. l. Ground cinnamon
vanilla sugar to taste
for lubrication:
150-200 g of butter or fused oil
1 egg yolk

Instruction:Prepare water as follows. Yeasts dissolve in warm water or milk (4-5 tbsp. Spoors), add 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of flour and salt. To cover the dishes with a pure towel blind and put in a warm place for 2 hours. After the opara is suitable, add the remaining water (milk), vanilla sugar and mix everything. Pour flour and knead the dough. Mix it for 10 minutes, then put for 30 minutes in a warm place. Cooking the filling: flour to confuse with melted oil, add sugar powder, cinnamon, vanilla sugar and continue to rub everything before the formation of the crumbly mass. The dough roll out with a layer with a thickness of no more than 1.5 mm, lubricate with oil, folded twice in half, every time wraining with oil. Then again roll out the dough with a layer of 1.5 mm and folded it fourly, every time wraining with oil. Repeat the operation erac of 3-4 times. The dough prepared in this way again roll out with a thin layer, put it on it filling and dissolve it. Carefully roll the dough with a roll, cut it into 2-3 parts and slightly roll out them with a rolling pin. Prepared to put on a dry baking sheet, lubricate the egg yolk and put in the oven heated to 140-150 ° C. Bake 15-20 minutes, then enlarge The temperature is up to 180 ° C and bake for another 15 minutes.

Nazuke with spices


for dough:
750 g of wheat flour
1 glass of water
30 g yeast
0.25 h. Salt spoons
for filling:
100 g of wheat flour
220-250 g of cream or fused oil
250 g of sugar
0.2 h. Spoons of saffron (powder)
1-1.5 h. Spoons of ground cinnamon
1 tsp Gross Cardamom
3 buds carnations
for lubrication:
1 egg yolk

Instruction:Prepare dough. Yeast is dissolved in warm (but not hot) water, add salt, pour flour and knead the dough. Mix it 25-30 minutes, then cover the dishes with a dough towel and put for 30 minutes to a warm place. Prepare a filling: softened oil put into enameled dishes and rub to form a lush foam. Add sugar, ground cinnamon and cardamom, saffron and loss in a carnation powder. Pour flour and rub everything before the formation of the crumbly mass. Roll out the stagnant dough into the reservoir with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm, lubricate with melted butter, folded twice, roll out and brushing out with oil again. Repeat this operation 4 more times, then roll the dough in the form of a harness, cut it into it with small pieces and roll out each piece of dough in a cake with a thickness of 0.5 cm. Put on the middle of each rolled cake of 1-1.5 tbsp. Spoons of filling, tighten the edges of the dough to the middle and stop. Put prepared products with seam down on a dry baking sheet, let it stand for 15 minutes and lubricate a whipped egg. Put in the oven preheated to 160-170 ° C and bake about 30 minutes.

Ginger Cookies with Nugoy


for dough:
200 g of wheat flour
0.3 glasses of purified hazelnut
2 h. Spoons of ground ginger
0.5 h. Spoons of dried grated lemon zest
60 g Sakhara
125 g of cream margarine
1 egg, salt to taste
for filling:
400 g ready-made nougat
1 tbsp. Spoon of crushed pistachios
2 tbsp. Spoons of purified hazelnut

Instruction:Mix flour with crushed nuts, ground ginger, lemon zest, sugar and salt. Add melted and cooled to room temperature Margarine, egg and kneading smooth plastic dough. To form a ball from the dough, wrap it in foil and put for 1 hour in a cold place. Prepare filling as follows. Melt nuuu in a water bath and give her a little cool. After that, mix nuuu with crushed pistachios and a finely naked hazelnut. To roll the dough with a thickness of 0.5 cm and cut from it with a special mold or a glass of a circle with a diameter of about 8 cm. To shift a sheet with a prepared cookie on a clean dry baking sheet and put in the oven, heated to 225 ° C. Bake for 10-12 minutes , after which give the liver a little cool, then separate it from the tracing and cool. Carefully folded two biscuits together, labeling them with a thick layer of nougat.


Grape juice - 2l

Sugar - 100g

Wheat flour - 200g

Walnuts - 200g


Take walnuts or hazelnuts. The hazelnut is fashionable to use a whole, and walnut is better separated by half. Nuts need to be put on a thick thread, the length of which is about 25 centimeters. One end of the threads tie an ordinary match. After all the nuts are on the thread, make a loop at the other end of it. Put the grape juice on the stove in the saucepan. It needs to be cooked on low heat for 3 hours. Gradually, pour sugar juice, remove the foam and stir. When the fire turn off and cool the resulting mass to 45 degrees, it can be added to the flour. To add neatly so that it does not get bored in lumps, and turned into a homogeneous mass with juice. After continue to cook this mass. It should be evaporated before its quaternary volume. Called such a mass in the east of the Tatar. It takes three times half a minute to hold the bundles of nuts. Then hang Churchhel to dry in the sun. She must stop sticking towards her hands. After removing it and wrap it in a canvas towel. After putting it in a well-ventilated room.


Sugar - 1kg

Water - 0,5l

Starch - 100g

Apricot jam - 2 tbsp.

Lemon zest - 3 h.

Cinnamon - 3 g

Almond - 0.25 tbsp

Hazelnut - 0.25 tbsp.

Sugar powder - 0.5 cup

Cooking method:

So, you will need a cauldron. If this is not, then take a copper pelvis. It must be welded sugar syrup. Then dissolve starch in water and when sugar syrup boils, add to it. Stir, make the fire smaller and boil until it thirsty. It is necessary to interfere. Then put in the mass cinnamon and the orange zest. Select the resulting mixture into two parts. In each add jams and nuts that must be pre-crushed. Take a wooden baking tray. Lay on it. The layer should turn out 2.5 centimeters. Put wrapping. It will take 3-4 hours. After that, the frozen mass cut into the cubes and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Lubricate the knife with vegetable oil. After each section, lubricate the knife with oil. Mix starch with powdered sugar. Personalize it into the container. Place the cubes Rakhat Lukuma and shake. Wrap the paper container. We must avoid air from entering it.


Sugar - 1.2 kg

Oranges - 1 kg

Lemon Acid - 3 g

Water - 3 glasses

Powdered sugar

Cooking method:

It means that the process of cooking a candle is long enough and, one can say, the church. But the result will be awesome completely.All crusts (they should be thick) for three days are soaked in cold water. Three times a day in them you need to change the water to the fresh, old to merge. At the end of the term, the crust should be booked in the new water, let it swipe for about 15 minutes. After leaving the colander. Separately in the dishes to mix sugar syrup and bring it to a boil. Add peel into the syrup, sliced \u200b\u200bon cubes, stripes or somehound no longer. Stir, to take up to five and immediately remove the dishes from the fire. Leave for six hours.After the syrup with the crusts again put on the stove, bring to a boil and continue to cook for about five minutes. Remove and leave for a whole night (hours at 12). And - Attention! - So you need to do three times (with the first one will work out).When the candied for the last time, add citric acid to syrup. Let stand for three hours. After throwing back the syrup with the candied fruits on the colander and wait a long time until all the liquid is stuck.Then lay out the candies on the tray or on the contrary and give them to dry out in the fresh air. When it is done, sprinkle with small sugar or powdered candied.


Teiglah- an integral element of the Jewish festive table, a sweet dish, which is a piece of dough roasted in honey .


2.5 tbsp. sifted flour
a pinch of salt,
1 tsp. soda,
4 eggs,
4 tbsp. vegetable oil
3/4 st. Sahara,
1/2 kg honey,
1 tsp. hammer ginger,
1/2 l. nutmeg
2 tbsp. Nuts.


Mix flour, salt and soda, pour eggs and oil and knead the steep dough (if you need, add flour). Divide the dough into pieces and roll out each piece in the form of sausages thick with a pencil, cut the sausages to pieces of 0.5 cm long and spread them into a slightly lubricated counterpart. Bake on medium fire (20 minutes) until you are twisted. During baking two times, shake the baking sheet. Mix in a saucepan honey, sugar, ginger and nutmeg and negotiated for 15 minutes, lower the baked pieces of dough in honey and cook another 5 minutes. Then add nuts and boil another 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Teigles is ready when the drop does not spread on the wet surface. Put the mixture on the wet marble or wooden board and give a little cool. Cross the smooth layer and cut into pieces. You can also roll the balls from the mixture.
If you do not have nuts, replace them with two additional glasses of baked balls from the dough.

Chocolate nougat with almond, hazelnuts and figs.


250 g of raw almond

250 g of Funduka

150 g of dried figs

200g honey

200 g of bitter chocolate

200 g sugar

3 egg whites

2 tbsp. Liker "Amaretto"

6 tbsp. water

Waffle sheets or loaf 13pcs


Almonds pour boiling water for 5 minutes, lean on the sieve and clean it from the skin. Funduke Fulk about 5 minutes in the oven whent.\u003d 180С.Corporate kernel of nuts in a towel and ride on the working surface of the table.

Chocolate, almonds and hazelnuts are largely disturbing. Figs cut into small pieces.

Welcome honey to thickening in a water bath to a sample for a ball (a drop of honey lowered into a glass with cold water should take a ball shape, cooking time is 1 hour 50 minutes).

In the appropriate dishes to boil 2 tbsp. l. "Amaretto", 3 tbsp. l. Water and 5 tbsp. l. Sahara. Enter chocolate, stirring, melt it on a quiet fire. Leave on the side.

In a small bucket, weld the syrup from the remaining sugar and 3 tbsp. l. water.

Chilled proteins sweep into a strong foam.

In the thickened honey, without removing it with a water bath, notice the proteins (the fire is minimal). Add melted chocolate, mix. Pour boiling sugar syrup and take a mixture with a shovel or manual wedge. Enter the nuts in the mixture. Pull the fig and preparing, stirring, another 5 minutes. Cool down to room temperature.Putting out the formal film. The bottom of the form cover with wafer sheets or clips. Lay out the nougat and distribute the waffle sheets. Stip the product with food film or parchment, put under the press and remove into the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Finished nuuu cut the sharp knife with a wide blade to pieces. Store in the refrigerator.



100 butter ("Ankor", "Valio", "Fin"),

1/2 cup of condensed milk,

1/2 cup sugar,

50g water

100g walnut,

1/2 lemon juice


We add sugar in warm water, bring to a boil, stirring continuously.

When the sugar crystals dissolve, we introduce lemon juice, butter, condensed milk and crushed nut.

We mix well, we reduce the fire, and we will deteriorate a lot of 10-20 minutes, stirring continuously.

When the mass starts thick, remove it from the fire and immediately pour into the form.

Remove into a fridge or freezer for frozen.

When the mass is frozen, take it out of the form.

Keep refrigerated.

Ways of design and filing, quality requirements.

Halva must have a cut, slightly crumbling consistency, in a fiber-layered breakfast. The taste is moderately sweet, sugar content 25% - 45%. It is not allowed in the sale of halva with outsiders, odor, burned, plus, with a moistened surface, darkened.

Khalva should be stored at a temperature not higher than 18C and relative humidity not higher than 70%. Halva is well kept under reduced temperatures (up to -20c). The warranty period for the storage of Halva sesame 2 months, other types - 1.5 months.The halva finish can be grubbed and glazed chocolate.

Requirements for the quality of marmalade. When assessing the quality of marmalade draws attention to the taste, smell, color, consistency, view of the break, shape, cortex condition and outer surface. Taste, smell and color of marmalade must be characteristic of each name. The consistency of all types of marmalade is a jelly-like, not sugared, easily cutting a knife. The view in the layer and at the breakfast is clean, homogeneous, and in the jelly marmalade - glassy. The surface of all types of marmalade is dry and nelipa, the form is correct, without deformation, influx and sowing.

The most characteristic defects of marmalade are moisturizing and sugaring. These vices occur in violation of manufacturing technology or when the product is improper.
Storage of marmalade. Marmalade should be kept in a clean, well-ventilated room with relative air humidity 75-80%, no temperatures of no more than 18 aboutC. Subjective to these conditions, the following storage time is established: Fruit-berry - 2 months; Jelly - 3 months.
Requirements for the quality of grasses. Fastil should have a well-pronounced taste and smell characteristic of this name., without extraneous tastes and smells. The color is uniform, monophonic. The grazing consistency is soft, easy to smoke, and for the marshmallow - lush. The form of products may be diverse, but without curvature and deformations. The surface of the marshmallow should have a corrugated pattern, in adhesive and custard thin-crystalline crust, sprung with powdered sugar.

Storage of pastily . Store the sheets in dry, clean, ventilated rooms at a temperature not higher than 18 aboutC and relative air humidity 75-80%.

Warranty period for storing sheets for marshmallows - 1 month; for glue pasteles - 1.5 months; For custard pasteles - 3 months.

With an elevated storage temperature, their halva flows fat, which is beating and gives it an unpleasant taste and smell.

Packaging and transportation.

Packaging for oriental sweets is chosen according to the type of product and the requirements of regulatory documents.

Oriental sweets like soft candies are manufactured and not wrapped, pieces, packaged and weight. Pieces oriental sweets of the type of soft candies are manufactured in the form of bars, a net weight of not more than 150 g, wrapped in aluminum foil, cellulose film, polymer films and other packaging materials allowed by the application by state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Oriental sweets like soft candies are packaged in boxes of box cardboard on nd or polymeric materials allowed by the application by the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision by the net, no more than 500 days of the boxes and the surfaces of the products packaged in them are parchable, under parchment, pulp film , paraffinated paper by pergamin on nd.

Boxes must be artistically decorated. Weighted oriental sweets in the form of candies are allowed to be released in paraffinated paper or polymer films allowed to use state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities, or into a artistic label from papers, label, paper, and an exposure paper. The label and the subjection should be tightly faced the product, but it is easily separated from it. The paint on the labels should be durable and should not go to the surface of the product.

Packed in boxes Oriental sweets like soft candies are packaged in the boarding boxes, boxes from sheet wood materials, plywood multi-turnboxes or in drawers of corrugated cardboard on a net weight of no more than 15 kg. It is allowed to pack the boxes with the eastern sweets of the type of soft candy in the return and multi-turn container, which must be clean and before packing products are seded from all sides by parchment, under the parchment, pergamin, wrapping or paraffinated paper or other packaging materials allowed by the application by state sanitation authorities epidemiological supervision. Not wrapped piece oriental sweets like soft candies are placed by rows with a launch of their paper into the boarding boxes, boxes of leafy wood materials, drawers from corrugated cardboard with net weight no more than 10 kg.

Weighing Eastern Sweets Type of Soft Candies Packaged in the boarding boxes, boxes made of sheet wood materials, drawers made of corrugated cardboard Weighing net no more than 7 kg, weight sherbet weighing net no more than 14 kg. For intracity and local traffic, weighing eastern sweets like soft candies pack in boxes aluminum or other regulatory and technical documentation, in boxes made of polymeric materials, allowed to use by the authorities of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, wooden drawers-trays with net weight of not more than 20 kg; Oriental sweets like soft sweets, packaged in the boxes, in the metal container equipment according to the regulatory and technical documentation, in two layers of wrapping paper or in one layer of bag paper, a total weight of 10 kg, with tiling of twine or glue tape. With a net mass of not more than 5 kg, it is allowed to take each unit of transport packaging parcel.

Drawers and trays When packinging weight and piece oriental sweets, type of soft sweets are lined with packaging materials allowed by the use of state sanitary and epidemiological supervisory authorities. These materials are followed by the rows and cover the top range of products.

It is allowed to use other types of containers and packaging, which comply with the requirements of sanitation, standards and technical conditions allowed by state sanitary and epidemiological supervisory authorities and ensuring the safety of products during transportation and storage. Packaging and transportation of oriental sweets such as soft candies to the regions of the Far North and the area equal to them.


Soup is necessary, it is very necessary and useful for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and not only. Meanwhile, milk soup is simply indispensable, especially when cool on the street. It warms the body and provides the necessary vitamins, nutrients, micro and macroelements.

The range of dairy soups is very diverse, they differ in the formulation, form of cutting vegetables, taste and cooking technology. Each type of soup has its own characteristics that are formed during the production process. It is necessary to pay more attention to the quality of products, its security, to identify defects in a timely manner.

The finished soup must correspond to the organoleptic (taste, smell, color, appearance, consistency), physico-chemical (the content of dry substances, fat and sugar) and microbiological quality indicators. Also, the feed rate and implementation period must be respected. It is also necessary to take into account the ratio in the product of basic nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) and energy value when making a menu.

Confectionery Possess many positive qualities: appearance, good taste, aroma and easily absorbed by the body.

Eastern sweets make it possible to feel the smell of exotic colors, the taste of honey and nuts, the aroma of pink petals, the unique taste of the gamut ... Thanks to the magnificent gourmet of the Middle and Middle East, halwa, Rakhat Lukum, Marshmallow, Paxtil, Crased and Stuffed Fruits became In the east, it was invented by all the favorite and such a familiar already ice cream was invented in the east.

By the way, in antiquity in the East, the characteristics and pharmacists were prepared. They knew how to disguise the fabulous taste they could smell the tasteless drugs, and could also prepare candy or cakes that had healing properties and delivered a person from the illness, they helped to conceive a child.
Until now, in the countries of the East, the profession of confirmer and the masters themselves enjoy special respect.

The range of Oriental Sweets contains more than 200 items, and it is constantly increasing, since more and more national dishes of different regions are involved in the usual diet of Russians.

Scherbet is a favorite sweetness from childhood along with Kozinak and Halva. Each time, passing by the department where Oriental Sweets are sold, many are wondering what shcherbet do?

Eastern sweetness with nuts is often confused with the European dessert, whose name sounds like "sorbetto", "Scharbet". It is a northern one who is familiar from Childhood Sherbet or a completely different dish - after a century, it is difficult to figure out, so the choice is offered 3 types of dessert, one of which is European:

  • Solid East Shcherbet
  • Soft East Shcherbet
  • Yeropean fruit scratch.

Consider how to cook each of them.

Scherbet Recipes: Eastern and European Taste

Solid East Shcherbet

It is very sweet and calorie. It will take: 200 g of nuts of any kind, 700 g of sugar, 500 g of dry milk, 1.5 glasses of water, 50 g of butter. The nuts before cooking, it is necessary to dry well in the oven, and then grind on the middle pieces. This can be done using a rope or blender. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, you should pour 100 g of sugar and add water, put on fire. When syrup boils, pour the rest sugar. After 5 minutes add oil, dry milk and nuts, remove from the fire.

On the prepared tray, covered with parchment and lubricated with oil, we must very quickly lay out a sweet mass throughout the area, as the nut dessert is quickly free. That's all! Pleasant tea drinking!

Soft East Shcherbet

This dessert is very soft and gentle. For it, it is necessary to prepare such products: 50 ml of water is taken at 100 g of sugar, 100 ml of condensed milk, 100 g of nuts of any variety and 100 g of butter, lemon.

Sugar and water must be turned into a thick syrup, add lemon juice (about 2 tbsp. Spoors). There are condensed milk, butter, nuts. Cook for 20 minutes. Posted by a sweet mixture on the molds and send to the refrigerator to stick. Shcherbet is ready!

Fruit sorbets

This dessert will have to taste everything in summer hot days. It is quite capable of replacing store ice cream. And this dessert is preparing very simple. You need to take 0.5 kg of berries and fruits for the season, remove bones, tails and peel, beat up to her puree, add sugar and lemon juice to add to taste (proportions depend on the selected berry fruit base). Pour a fruit puree in Sudki or another container, put in the freezer until it is frozen. 2 hours before the flow of the frozen mass is better to beat the blender to give airiness, pour into portion molds and remove back to the freezer.

Domestic Scherbet Recipe is given in Video:

On the example of these recipes, several basic products can be distinguished, which are part of the pitch. It:

  • Sugar
  • Orekhi
  • Milk of different types
  • Butter
  • Fruits and berries (for the European version).

The list of ingredients is small and quite affordable. And to cook the dish is very easy. Therefore, you should not postpone the preparation of such sweets tomorrow, because today you can plunge into the atmosphere of the spicy East or strict Europe!

Patent owners RU 2457683:

The invention relates to the food industry, namely to confectionery production. The method includes dissolving sand sugar in water when heated, the introduction of molasses, boiling of a sugar-done syrup, the introduction of a condensed milk milk with sugar and margarine, with subsequent booming, cooling up to 45-65 ° C, a knocking down to obtain a fondary mass, the temporing at 65- 70 ° C, mixing with peanut core fried crushed and essiented iris with the formation of a candy mass. At the same time, it is additionally provided by the introduction of a pre-roasted to humidity of 5% flour from the beans of the chickpeas with a particle size of not more than 160 microns simultaneously with sand sugar. Components are used with the following ratio, wt.%: Sugar sand 43,38-39.9,88, roasted flour of nuta beans 1.00-4.50, 369 molk, solid condensed milk with sugar 15.15, margarine 3 , 84, peanut core Fried crushed 28.64, Essence iris 0.30. The boilion of the syrup is carried out to the content of dry substances 82%, followed by the preparation of the candy mass by a humidity of 9-12%. The invention is directed to the expansion of the range of oriental sweets of the type of soft candy to obtain the supply of increased biological value, reduced calorie and with an increased storage period. 1 Il., 3 tab., 3 pr.

The invention relates to the food industry, namely to confectionery production.

The invention is intended to solve the technical problem of expanding the range of oriental sweets such as soft candies to obtain food - shrimbet - increased biological value, reduced calorie and with an increased storage period.

There is a known method for producing Sherbet "Dneprovsky", which includes mixing of sugar powder, milk of whole dry, confectionery fat, flour of soy deodorized roasted, vanillin, salt, grinding mass on a five-wheel milling mill, filling, bulking of mass, teterproving at a temperature of 24 ± 3 ° C, molding At a temperature of 26-35 ° C, cooling with cooling air from 14 to 18 ° C in a cooling closet for 10 minutes, cutting on the bars weighing no more than 2 kg, planting candies, head and styling of finished products with the following ratio of components, wt.% :

The disadvantage of the method is that the finished products are characterized by a very high energy value (570 kcal per 100 g), high fat content (about 40%), which does not meet the concept of healthy eating. A soy flour, which is a traditional protein additive, is used in the scherbet recipe. However, due to the predominance in the market, the share of transgenic soybeans retains the negative attitude of most consumers to the coolant products.

There is a known method for the production of fondant candies with the addition of non-traditional protein-containing raw material flour, including dissolving sand sugar in water, introducing into the resulting patterns of molasses, welding the prescription mixture until the fondant mass of 14-15% humidity is obtained to obtain a fine-crystalline mass of density 1, 3-1.4 g / cm 3, Tempering for 4-7 minutes at a temperature of 65-85 ° C with the introduction of chickens in the amount of 3-9 wt.% Of the mass of the fondant mass, mixing the fondant mass with flavoring and aromatic substances and Her molding.

The disadvantage of this method is the lack of operations on the preliminary preparation of chickpeas, namely, heat treatment (for example, roasting flour), which will eliminate the activity of the anti-proteolytic (digestive) enzymes contained in the novel of antiques. It is known that the nude beans include five trypsin inhibitors in the amount of 5.4-6% of the total protein content. The activity of trypsin inhibitors can be reduced by heat treatment, which ensures deactivation and destruction of many anti-anti-antivodes. In addition, in the zoom flour there is a characteristic bean smell, and heat treatment significantly improves organoleptic properties (taste and odor) of a protein product as a result of denaturation of a number of enzymes, removal of unwanted low molecular weight components of the product.

There is a method of producing oriental sweets such as soft sweets (sherbet), which provides for the introduction of a swelling starch in the fondant mass at the stage of sterbet preparation (1% to the mass of lipstick in terms of dry substances) and the molding of the mass.

The disadvantage of the method is that, despite the reduction of sugar by 1%, the amount of carbohydrates in finished products does not decrease (swelling or modified starch refers to the class of polysaccharides or complex carbohydrates), the protein content in finished products remains insignificant, the biological value of the product does not improve .

The closest analogue to the claimed method is the method of producing a pherbet "Caucasian", which is a milk-fondant mass with the addition of roasted crushed peanut nut. The method includes dissolving sand sugar in water when heated, the introduction of molasses, boiling of a sugar-done syrup, the introduction of a condensed milk milk with sugar and margarine, followed by the boiling of syrup to the dry matter content of 84%, cooling the syrup to 45-65 ° C, knocking out Obtaining a fondant mass, Tempering at 65-70 ° C, mixed with peanut nucleus with fried crushed and essiented iris to obtain a candied mass by a humidity of 8-11%, temperature 60-72 ° C, molding of a candle plate with roller molding mechanisms, cooled reservoir to temperature 32 -40 ° C in the cooling chamber, cutting the reservoir to rectangular bars weighing no more than 2 kg, filling and cooling of the candies for 24-25 minutes, the temperature of the housing after the filling and cooling of 24-26 ° C, the cleaner and laying of finished products in the following ratio Components, wt.%:

The disadvantage of the method is that the finished products are characterized by a high energy value (about 450 kcal in 100 g), a large content of carbohydrates, low content of physiologically functional ingredients, such as proteins, water and fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, which does not meet the modern concept of healthy Nutrition. In addition, the disadvantage of the known method is the small shelf life of the candy - 10 days according to GOST R 50230-92.

The task of the present invention consists in obtaining a pherbet of increased biological value, reduced calorie and with an increased storage period.

The task is solved by the fact that the method of producing a pherbet, which includes dissolving sand sugar in water when heated, the introduction of molasses, the booming of a sugar-daming syrup, the introduction of a condensed milk milk with sugar and margine, with subsequent booming, cooling up to 45-65 ° C, knocking To obtain a fondant mass, the temperature at 65-70 ° C, mixing the peanut core with fried crushed and essence of the iris with the formation of a candy mass, additionally comprises administering to a combination of pre-roasted to humidity 5% flour from the particle beans with a particle size of no more than 160 microns at the same time Sugar-sand with the following ratio of components, wt.%:

and the boilion of the syrup is carried out to the content of dry substances 82%, followed by the preparation of the candy mass by a humidity of 9-12%.

Flour from nougat beans is pre-roasted, which makes it possible to improve its microbiological indicators, deactivate antiquities, improve the organoleptic indicators of flour from the nougat beans and give it the aroma and flavor of the nut.

The positive point is that the gentle-born culture "NUTA", which grown in Russia, was not subjected to a gene modification.

Flour from nuta beans has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, mg / 100 g: sodium - 72, potassium - 968, calcium - 193, magnesium - 126, phosphorus - 444, iron - 2.6, beta carotene - 0.09, Vitamin B1 - 0.08, so the introduction of flour from the beans of chickpeas leads to the enrichment of finished products with mineral substances and vitamins.

In addition, very valuable in the nute is the presence of a selenium of 28.5 μg in 100 g, which manifests an antioxidant effect, enhances the resistance to cancer.

The method of producing scherbet is as follows: dissolving sand sugar in water when heated, the introduction of a total-grinding of pre-roasted to humidity of 5% flour from the beans of the particle size with a particle size of no more than 160 μm, molasses, booming of a sugar-daming syrup, the introduction of a condensed solid milk with sugar and margarine subsequent boiling to the content of dry substances 82%, cooling up to 45-65 ° C, knocking down to obtain the fondant mass, the temperature at 65-70 ° C, mixing with the peanut nucleus with fried crushed and essiented by iris with the formation of a candy mass by humidity 9-12 %, temperature of 60-72 ° C, molding of a candle plate with roll forming mechanisms, cooled of the layer to a temperature of 32-40 ° C in a cooling chamber, cutting the reservoir to rectangular bars weighing no more than 2 kg, filling and cooling of candies for 24-25 minutes , the temperature of the housing after the filling and cooling of 24-26 ° C, the cleaner and laying of finished products in the following ratio of components, wt.%:

The technical result of the proposed method is to obtain a pitch with an improved biological value, an increased protein content, reduced sugar content, smaller calorie content, as well as the possibility of molding a mass with a moisture content of 1-2% higher than that of the prototype, which makes it possible to increase the shelf life of the pherbet to 1 month. At the same time, the absolute values \u200b\u200bof the moisture indicator in samples with the addition of flour from beans nude above compared to the prototype during the entire storage period (Fig. 1).

The scherbet obtained by this method complies with the requirements of GOST R 50230-92 according to organoleptic (Table 1), physico-chemical (Table 2) indicators and in safety indicators (Table 3).

Obtaining a pitch is carried out by example 1 with the following content of components,% wt.:

The use of meal beans with particle beans with a particle size of less than 160 μm impractically complicates the process of obtaining it, it takes a more subtle grinding and a longer sifting.

The use of flour from the nuta beans with a particle size of more than 160 μm does not allow to obtain a small-crystalline mass structure.

The introduction of flour from the nuta beans in an amount of less than 1% does not allow to achieve the proposed technical result, namely improving the biological value of Shcherbet. Increasing the dosage of flour from nude beans over 4.5% wt. It leads to an increase in the content of dry substances of the sacro-daca syrup and the violation of the technological parameters of the feeding mode, since the syrup is burning.

Table 1 shows the organoleptic indicators of the shcherbet obtained by the claimed method.

Table 2 shows a comparison of the chicketic indicators of the pitch, obtained according to the claimed method, and the prototype.

Based on the data of Table 2, it can be concluded that the pitch, obtained by the claimed method, is a functional food product. Introduction to the pitch flour from beans of the NUTE contributes to an increase of protein content of 1.2 times, a decrease in the sugar content of a 10% sugar content, a decrease in the energy value of the finished product.

Table 3 presents the microbiological indicators of the shcherbet obtained by the claimed method.

Figure 1 presents a change in the moisture content of the pitch, obtained by the claimed method, and the prototype during the storage process.

Information sources

1. Collection of major recipes of sugar confectionery products. - S.-PB.: Gore, 2003. 240 p.

2. Patent 2354129. Method for the production of fondant candy. Khodak A.P., Savenkova T.V., Scochan L.E., Aksenova L.M. Stage. 07/11/2007; publ. 05/10/2009.

3. Anikeeva N.V., Antipova L.V. Nut is a source of raw materials to obtain biologically valuable additives // Confectionery. - 2006. - №1. - p.35-35.

4. Tolstoguzov VB New forms of protein food. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1987. 303 p.

5. Lavrenova B.C. The use of local and non-traditional species of raw materials in the confectionery industry, - M.: Agronitepp, 1988. - Issue 9. 25 p.

6. Lunin O.G., Dragilev A.I., Chernoyvannik A.Ya. Technological equipment of the enterprises of the confectionery industry. - M.: Easy and Food Industry, 1984. 384 p.

7. GOST R 50230-92. Oriental sweets like soft candies. General specifications. - M.: Publishing House Standards, 1994. 8 p.

8. Chemical composition of food. Reference tables / ed. M.F.Nesterina and I.M. Kruchina. M.: Food industry, 1979. 247 p.


Irina Kamshilina

Prepare for someone much more pleasant than for yourself))


Sherbet is the correct name of popular oriental sweetness. In Russia, it was accustomed to see this dessert in the form of dense sweets with nuts, zucats or fruits. In the East, it is represented by several species: from drink to ice cream. The popularity of these sweets is that you can prepare them in a few minutes, and the ingredients are to buy in the store for a little money.

What is Shcherbet

The original recipe for sweets has long been lost, and culinary disputes go about the place of the invention. According to the same way, the dessert came from the Ottoman Empire (the current Turkey), on the other, in Europe, Marko Polo was brought to Europe. Shcherbet, Sherbet, Sorbet - Variations of one word, but modern cooking determines them different options for a sweet dish. They differ in the set of ingredients, the method of preparation and consistency:

  • sherbet (liquid sherbet) is a spicy drink from fruit juice, spices, rose petals (in Europe came up with a effervescent version with chemical flavors, which lost its useful qualities);
  • sorbet - Fruit ice cream, similar to a sherbet to taste, and on consistency - on a thick smoothie or ice cocktails with natural flavors;
  • scherbet is made to call a solid candy, similar to sweet bars, out of nuts, dried fruits (kuragi, prunes), candied milk, spices condensed milk.

The Arab word Sharba, from which the sorbet and its derivatives occurred, in translation means "drink". In the east, it is not popular for the first thousand years. The traditional composition of Shcherbet: Rosehip, Dogwood, Grapes, Pink Petals with a set of different spices (carnation, cinnamon, ginger, etc.). Often it is served cooled with ice, but also hot. As a kind of tea, dessert retains taste and vitamin benefits.

Sorbet or sorba is frozen pitch: pulling soft sweet mass. This dessert is made of fruit puree, spices and pieces of fruit. One of the sorbet variants - not to the end, the frozen mass is diluted with alcohol in small quantities and drink. It is believed that such a drink stimulates food digestion, is a source of vitamins, minerals, other beneficial substances.

The most popular delicacy in the former USSR and now, dessert Shcherbet is considered a variety of candy. If you master the preparation of the dish, then you can safely experiment with recipes. For the foundation of the scherbet, a pattern is required, condensed milk, milk, sugar and fillers (nuts, fruits). The main thing is not to abuse such sweets, because from a variety of dessert varieties, this is extremely calorie.

Benefit and harm

In ancient times, all the types of dessert were considered useful, Scherbet attributed the properties of the love drink, and sorbet fir as a digestive stimulator. Modern medicine notes that any kind of sweetness, if it is produced from natural products without a violation of technology, in moderate quantity carries undoubted benefits. Shcherbet is useful in that:

  • normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • improves eyesight;
  • stabilizes the work of the kidneys and liver;
  • establishes the correct assimilation of sugar and calcium;
  • improves sexual function in men (this is facilitated by a dessert shcherbet with a large number of nuts).

As often happens with delicious products or dishes, except for benefit and gastronomic pleasure, shcherbet is a danger to a certain category of consumers. Harm sweets directly follows from its composition. At 100 grams of the product comes around 400 kcal. Overeating provokes obesity, possible development of diabetes, hypertension. Dessert Shcherbet is contraindicated to people with impaired thyroid, liver, kidneys, pregnant women, allergies. It must be remembered that a lot of sugar is harmful for teeth, gums.

Recipe Shcherbeta

The number of dessert recipes is committed to infinity: every hostess or cook brings something to the classic composition. Examine popular patch recipes for pamping close to new dessert. Most of the ingredients are already present in the kitchen, and the rest will cost inexpensively. Time for the preparation of dessert will be needed a bit (if you really want, sterbet-candy can be not even frozen).

Drink recipe

  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 1 person.
  • Calorie: 123 kcal per 100 g
  • Purpose: Dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Complexity: simple.

Liquid sorbet is also called "Turkish Shcherbet". This drink can be changed as desired by varying the composition of the ingredients. A classic recipe is known for a long time, such a shrimp is well cooled in hot weather. Vitamins of fresh berries and fruits restore the balance of beneficial substances in the body. The only feature is dessert, it turns out very sweet.


  • strawberry syrup - 50 g;
  • berry Morse - 100 ml;
  • strawberry or strawberry berries - 3-5 pieces;
  • melissa or mint - 2 leafs;

Cooking method:

  1. Beat berries with mors.
  2. Pour a mixture into a glass with brine.
  3. Water strawberry syrup and decorate mint leaves or melissa.

Classic peanut recipe

  • Cooking time: 120 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 10 persons.
  • Calorie: 450 kcal per 100 g
  • Purpose: Dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Complexity: medium complexity.

This classic dessert is a white pitch (or cream) - familiar from childhood. Modern sweets are filled with its varieties, but the domestic dishes will remain likely. So you can be confident as the ingredients, the balance of sweets, to solve yourself, how many nuts will be in dessert. This pherbette is much more useful to store analogues in which artificial stabilizers and dyes are added.


  • fresh small peanuts - 1 cup;
  • milk or cream - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 3-4 glasses;
  • creamy oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. In a non-stick saucepan, pour milk and pour half a cup of sugar.
  2. Cooking the mixture on a minimum fire is about half an hour, constantly stirring so that sugar is not burned.
  3. Fry peanuts in a frying pan a few minutes to free from the husks.
  4. Purified nuts return to the pan and fall asleep sugar residue.
  5. Plate immediately turn off, as sugar will quickly turn into caramel.
  6. The resulting peanuts with sugar add to the milk and continue to cook about 1 hour.
  7. Put in a mixture of butter.
  8. After cooking the resulting mass pour into the form (it is desirable to use parchment paper as a substrate).
  9. Set the shape to the cold. You can put a dessert in the refrigerator, but before it cool down a bit.
  10. Serve dessert chopped into small pieces.

  • Cooking time: 30-60 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 10 persons.
  • Purpose: Dessert.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty: Simple.

The presence in this dessert nuts enriches it with linoleic acid, biotin, vitamins A, E and PP, vegetable fats. Raisins are useful for gums and teeth, improves the state of the lungs, nervous system, increases the mood. The presence in the recipe of honey will bring additional benefits (if the product is natural). If you are the road figure, be careful, due to the high caloric content, the dessert can provoke the appearance of unnecessary kilograms.


  • condensed milk - 1 bank (300 grams);
  • sugar - 2 glasses;
  • creamy oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - at will;
  • a mixture of nuts (peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, etc.) - 100 grams;
  • raisin - at will.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix in a saucepan condensed milk, butter and sugar.
  2. Put on the stove and respect for about 30 minutes on a weak heat until the mass thickens. If you want to use honey, add it to a thick mass and cook for another 10 minutes without stopping.
  3. Flip nuts with raisins to the finished mixture and pour everything into shape or lay out these ingredients into the prepared container and pour the mass on top.
  4. Give a mixture to harden in the cold. After that, you can serve on the table.


  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 10 persons.
  • Calorie: 500 kcal per 100 g
  • Purpose: Dessert.
  • Kitchen: European.
  • Difficulty: Complex.

Chocolate dessert Shcherbet will require some culinary skills. It is important to remove the mass from the fire on time to get the desired consistency. It is recommended to use a culinary thermometer. If it is not at hand, it will have to constantly control the elasticity of the mass, it should be in moderate mating, but do not harden. The finished dish is a worthy competitant desserts from the restaurant.


  • milk - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 2 glasses;
  • creamy oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla sugar - 15 g;
  • cocoa powder - 75 g

Cooking method:

  1. Mix sugar, milk, cocoa in a saucepan.
  2. On average fire, bring the mass to a boil, constantly stirring.
  3. Dog fire to a minimum.
  4. Will up to a temperature of 115 degrees (at cooking this condition is called a "soft ball"). It is important at this time not to interfere with the mass.
  5. Remove a saucepan with a saucepan with a future sherbet.
  6. Add to it butter, vanilla sugar.
  7. Give a little cool.
  8. Energetically beat the mass of the whisk of about 5-7 minutes.
  9. Pour the mixture into the prepared shape, completely cool.
  10. Cut dessert on portions and serve to the table

Sterbet ice cream

  • Cooking time: 6-8 hours of freezing.
  • Number of portions: 3-4 persons.
  • Calorie: 125 kcal per 100 g
  • Purpose: Dessert.
  • Kitchen: European.
  • Difficulty: Simple.

Ice cream-Shcherbet (sorbet) is the complete opposite of a classic dessert with the same name. The composition does not have a huge amount of calories, the dish can not even be frozen, it does not need much time for cooking (but the frost takes several hours). If you use fresh berries or fruits, then the sorbet will become not only delicious, but also useful.


  • fresh or frosthed berries - 500 g;
  • orange - 1 pc. (middle);
  • sugar powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • toppings, additives (coconut chips, syrups, cuccats) - at will.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan to a homogeneous mass.
  2. Discuss

    Shcherbet - what is it and how to cook, benefit and harm, step-by-step recipes with photos