How to determine Painted vodka at home. Visual differences in Paleno (fake) vodka from the original

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Paved vodka in the Russian market is now presented in a tremendous scale. According to independent experts, almost half of the market is alcohol surrogates. Fake vodka in commoner is called "Palenna", and the consequences of drinking such alcohol may be serious, up to death. That is why it is important to know how to check the quality of vodka at home, and even better, directly in the store. Of course, an authentic result will only check in the laboratory, but most often fake vodka from the present differ in external signs.

Surrogate alcohol is made from low-quality raw materials, most often in unregistered workshops. Upon reaching such a production on the bottle, the fake excise brand is glued and supplied in this form to the stores.

If you view the statistics of lethal outcomes when drinking alcohol, it is "Palenka" - the cause of the number one. It accounts for more than 50 percent of deaths as a result of alcohol poisoning. To fake vodka underground manufacturers is beneficial. The production of fake requires minimal costs, in comparison with the production of the original beverage. Revenue with the sale of fabric.

It is worth distinguishing pawned vodka and the so-called "left" alcohol. Under the "left" alcohol means a batch of original vodka, which was not registered by the plant. Why, can you ask? It's all about taxes, rather, in evading them. Sometimes, under the guise of "left" vodka, criminals implement "Palenk". It most often happens in cases when it is too lazy to fake excise brand on alcohol. Alcohol without excise stamp to shops does not break through, so criminals are trying to sell their goods directly to customers at a lower price.

Signs of "Palenks"

So how to check the vodka in the store and do not leave from there with a fake? It is possible to distinguish real vodka from the counterfeit in appearance. Check how closely the cap is sitting on the neck. Any defects, like leakage or scrolling the lid, allow you to recognize the "Palencé".

Real vodka from counterfeit is distinguished by the presence of a safety ring located on a screw cap. Rate the fluid level in the bottle. Usually, bottling is conducted to the middle of the neck for bottles with screw plug, and slightly above the shoulders for the "Cooking".

Checked alcohol is necessarily estimated at the presence of precipitate. To do this, it is enough to flip the bottle upside down. How to distinguish real alcohol from "Palenki"? The sediment should not be at the bottom. If there are any suspicion for the presence of extraneous particles, refuse to buy. Alcohol surrogates will be different in color. The factory product has a pure transparent hue. Infeitants there are turbidity, yellowish or pinkish shades.

You need to check alcohol and by date. According to the factory standards, the stamp with the date is placed on each bottle on the label or cap. The place, of course, varies, however, the proven alcohol always has a clear, easily readable mark of production date. A number of manufacturers put a stamp twice: on the label and on the cap. Of course, the numbers completely coincide.

Directly labels on alcohol surrogates are glued from hand badly. On a high-quality product, the sticker always holds very tightly, there are no breaks. Any visual sticker defects are a reason to abandon the purchase. In addition, the label is characterized by a good text of the text or pattern, it is easy to read. Fakes most often they are faded and dull.

Directly on the label is always indicated information about the manufacturer with its details. The front side indicates the date of the spill, the address of the company that made alcohol, the license number, the certificate and the flow rate of the drink. All this information is clogged without any problems in the search engine to establish the authenticity of information.

Home check

If you have already bought alcohol, or you made a gift, and you laughed in its authenticity, do not hesitate to conduct an excess check. If you think about how to determine the authenticity of alcohol at home, pay attention to the smell. To check, vodka flows into a teaspoon and heated slightly. When heated, the liquid burns with a blue flame, and after burning out the residue remains, the smell of which will tell about authenticity. If the residue smells like acetone or has a different unpleasant fragrance, refuse to eat such alcohol.

Another verification option is weighing.Net weight standard bottle is 953 grams. Sulfuric acid is also used to check. It determines the presence of fusion oils. If, when mixing vodka and acid in equal proportions, the mixture turns, boldly get rid of the purchased product.

Checking the cold is also a good option for home conditions. When freezing to a temperature in minus 30 degrees Celsius, vodka will not cover by deposit.

If no checking has revealed a trick, and the vodka was still "Palenna", most likely, you will come across poisoning. In this case, the poisoning "Palenk" is most often confused with the usual hangover. Among the signs of poisoning are allocated:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • inhibited speech;
  • lack of reaction to external stimuli.

Where more seriously the situation in the following complications: a person loses consciousness, convulsions appear. This joins the pallor of the skin, sticky cold sweat, slowed down pulse, reduced body temperature. In this case, better contact the doctors for help.

In addition, it is necessary to provide first aid. If a person is conscious and reacts to external stimuli, it is necessary to wash the stomach. The easiest to use a solution of manganese for this, after which cause vomiting. If a person has lost consciousness, put it on the side and check the condition before the arrival of the physicians.

According to studies about half of all the volume of goods sold on store shelves - these are fakes, and quite low quality, which are able to seriously harm health. Therefore, it is important to know the distinctive features of high-quality vodka and fake. Knowing them you can distinguish good vodka still on the store shelf.

Fake vodka, as a rule, is made from low-quality ingredients in underground unsanitary conditions. Fake not only alcoholic drink itself, as well as bottles, labels, excise stamps, imitating famous brands. Production costs fraudsters at times cheaper, and profit sometimes can even exceed the profit of the manufacturers of original vodka.

Making a purchase in a large supermarket with a good reputation or in a specialized store, you have fewer risks to acquire fake alcohol. But nevertheless, even in this case, no one is insured, and you need to be very attentive when choosing.

How to recognize fake

There are signs for which you can determine the originality of the vodka before it is purchased, simply by inspecting the bottle:

1. Cost. Good vodka can not be cheap. If you are going to buy a vodka of a specific brand, it is best to clarify its average cost on the Internet. But there are cases when fake alcohol is sold at the price of the original. In this case, you need to carefully examine the appearance of the bottle.

2. Purchase place. In a small store or on the market, the likelihood of buying poor-quality fake is much larger. Therefore, refrain from shopping in such places.

3. Look at the vodka inside the bottle. No precipitation and cloudy is allowed. High-quality vodka should be crystal clear without any shades in color. The turbidity or the lack of purity in color speaks of the poor quality of the used alcohols and water.

4. Cover. The quality of vodka is easiest to determine the lid. In good alcohol there is always a high-quality cover. It is tightly closed and adjacent to the neck of the bottle. In fakes, as a rule, no dispenser, while in the original dispenser there is almost always.

5. The label also matters. It should be pasted smoothly and neat. All inscriptions are smooth and without errors. On the rear label, the address of the manufacturer must be specified, as well as the composition of the beverage (the presence of any chemical ingredients is not allowed). Colors on the label must be bright. On the label and on the lid necessarily indicates the date of the spill and the party number, they must coincide.

6. Excise brand. Mandatory in high-quality vodka, the availability of high-quality excise stamp. It must be glued smoothly, the text on it should be neat and not blurred.

7. Many well-known vodka manufacturers are used to protect themselves from falsification various methods. These are usually various engraving or embossed images on a bottle, hologram. You can find out about all these means of protection on the official sites of manufacturers. There you can consider the original shape of the bottle and its design.

Given all these tips, you can choose high-quality vodka that will not harm health, but will only leave a positive impression.

Today, acquiring alcohol, even in the store there is a high probability, buy not high-quality alcoholic beverages. Surrogate, or falsified alcohol - these are all alcoholic beverages that are made not in good faithful producers, most of which are in cellars. According to statistics, people who use such drinks do not live up to 40 years.

What is the danger of these drinks? In addition to the dependence and its consequences, surrogate alcohol contains many hazardous substances. Mount Producers for savings are used cheap alcohol, most often it is amyl or propyl. Methyl alcohol represents the greatest danger for the human body. 30 ml of this drug is enough to lead to a fatal outcome. Narcologists state the growth of epilepsy among young alcoholics. Began once against the background of poisoning, or an overdose of alcohol, this disease will only be aggravated by time. Only a complete abstinence from alcohol, which is possible only passing treatment of alcoholism.

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Paved vodka leads to a more rapid destruction of the body. It contributes to the emergence of heart attacks, and strokes, regular headaches arise in the patient. Not a gift after severe hangover, people themselves draw conclusions that vodka was pale. Also, this burning drink completely destroys men's potency. Refrigerated vodka faster destroys the cells of the brain, hitting thinking, memory, and other mental processes. One doctor who conducted research on patients who regularly accepted surrogate alcohol wrote in his notes that his young patients were 30-35 years old can even retell elementary text. Licensed vodka, although it is not a useful drink, however, it is manufactured in accordance with the standards and passes several levels of cleaning. Opposite the "pedestal" drinks are made of various poisonous impurities and are not at all cleaning. According to the conclusion of expertise, such vodka is made even on the basis of manure.

For example, the situation in Russia with surrogate alcoholic beverages is just colossal. From 50 to 70% of all products does not comply with the standards. For every 10 thousand bottles of brandy 2 bottles are high-quality products, the worst picture is observed on the shells with wine products.

A similar situation with drugs, almost all substances are made by a handicraft. therefore treatment of drug addiction - The only chance to survive.

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According to independent experts, up to 46% of the domestic alcohol market is filled with fake vodka, which is also called "Paleno". The consequences of the use of this "infection" are unpredictable: from headache in the morning to disability and fatal outcome. Therefore, it is very important to be able to distinguish vodka from fakes still in the store. There are a number of features that make it possible to make it with a high probability, but only laboratory tests can be given a hundred percent result.

Paved vodka - This is a cheap alcohol and vodkah surrogate produced from low-quality raw materials in underground workshops, which criminals are trying to sell under the guise of recognizable vodkalas, fake the label, bottle, excise stamp and other related documents.

It is on Pallenka that accounts for 53% of the deaths of alcohol poisoning. Production of pancake vodka is many times cheaper than the original drink. Criminals, having implemented fake, receive a fabulous profit. Only one underground workshop brings to its owners several million dollars arrived for the year.

Between the concepts of Palo and "Left" vodka there is a difference. "Luvak" is called a batch of high-quality vodka from a liquor-breeding plant, which is not listed in the reporting of the enterprise. It is cheaper because it is not subject to taxes. But when buying, there is a risk that under the guise of left vodka you can sell Painne. So do criminals who do not want or not able to fake excise brand and quality certificates. Without these documents, they cannot pass their surrogate to the store, so they are looking for gullible citizens.

How to determine Painted Vodka

It will be about checking the appearance of the beverage before purchasing it. There are signs, the presence of which should motivate you to choose another vodka or even the store.

1. Price. If you prefer vodka a certain brand, then you should know the average price of the bottle. If in one of the shops, the price is 15-30% lower, then the risk to purchase a fake vodka is increasing there several times. Miracles does not happen, the cost of one and the same vodka in different stores can not be very different.

Previously, it was exactly the low price that squeezed stewed vodka, but now the falsifiers have walked and in most cases sell their surrogate at the price of the original. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the concomitant factors.

2. Sale point. The general rule: the less the store, the higher the probability of buying a fake vodka there. In large supermarkets you will be issued a check, which is proof of the purchase. The supermarket is easier to present a claim, so "Pallenka" is selling less there, but more and more often it comes across there. At the same time, not always big stores sell falsification consciously. More often, they buy high-quality fake with all quality certificates (also fake) on wholesale bases.

3. Color. Real vodka absolutely transparent without mud and precipitation at the bottom. To check it out, it is enough to flip the bottle upside down, hold a few seconds and look through the sunlight. Vodka should not have third-party particles, orange, light yellow and other shades. If the color changes, then you can vodka bad cleaning, alcohol or the water of which contains third-party impurities.

4. Cap. The factory bottle has a neat cap that does not scroll and does not flow. It is better to buy vodka with a ball dispenser, since under the conditions of the underground workshop fake such a bottle more difficult.

Bottle without a dispenser fake at times easier

5. Label. It should be exactly pasted, and all the inscriptions are written parsing. This also applies to excise brand. The plant is obliged to specify its full legal address, the address of production facilities, the composition of the drink and the GOST, through which it is made. So the new little-known vodka brands are checked. Sometimes Surrogate hides under the guise of a completely new vodka, which only appeared on the market.

In the case of a well-known brand, the addresses check and the composition will not give anything (with rare exceptions), since the falsifiers simply copy the finished label. They can only withdraw the sweat paper with poorly readable letters, on which they decided to save.

The dates of the spill on the label and cap of the bottle must coincide. Although checking the dates takes a few seconds, but many are tapey to do it, buying panic vodka. Not all underground workshops control the spill time. This is especially true for fake the cheapest brands.

6. Protection of manufacturers. Understanding that the buyer is difficult to distinguish good vodka from Paleno, well-known brands develop their own protection systems, difficult to fake. It can be applied to the bottle embossed signs, coat of arms and other quality markers.

You can learn about the protection of your chosen vodka on the manufacturer's website. At least, there see what the original looks like, and then compare with bottles that stand on store shelves.

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Attention! Matching the bottle to all criteria does not yet guarantee one hundred percent protection against fake. Painted vodka has a sharp unpleasant smell. It is better to throw away the randomly purchased fake than to risk their health and even life.

"Painted vodka" - this is how people are called poor-quality alcohol products, the use of which can lead to the most deplorable results. Such a fake may contain various chemical impurities and fuse oils that can direct the body.


Surrogate products are produced in underground workshops, using the raw materials of the lowest quality and poisonous technical fluids to prepare. It is becoming increasingly difficult to identify the low-quality goods every year, since the criminals manufacturers go to the most sophisticated tricks for the sake of huge profits.

Production of surrogate alcoholic beverages

When purchasing alcohol, it is important to know how to distinguish the fake from the original. Pay attention to the price of the goods: as a rule, poor-quality products are significantly cheaper. However, you need to know some other signs of pale alcohol, since fraud is recently sold at the price of the original.

  1. Label. The branded labels at the factory sticks the machine, so they are smoothly located on the bottle, and the glue is applied with neat stripes. If the label is pasted crookedly, and the font on it is erased and neuropy, the strips of the adhesive are uneven - in front of you poor-quality goods. Very often on fake products, outdated GOST 121712-80 is indicated, while GOST R 51355-99 is currently valid.
  2. The filling stamp must match the stamp on the cap. Many underground workshops do not follow this subtlety. Buyers usually do not pay attention to the coincidence of dates. Meanwhile, this is the very first sign of the fake.
  3. Address of the manufacturer. On the label, not only the date of filling, but also the name, the address of the manufacturer. If the city of the plant is not specified, then, apparently, the enterprises do not exist, and in front of you - pale vodka.
  4. Fluid color. Vodka should not have a muddy shade and sediment at the bottom of the bottle. Just turn the bottle with alcohol upside down: if the fluid color has changed, it is poor-quality goods with a high concentration of foreign impurities. The formation of bubbles when turning the bottle speaks of a high water content in alcohol and, as a result, the dubious production of the goods.
  5. The bottle cap should fit tightly to the neck and do not scroll.
  6. The purchased product changes the color on the more matte 2-3 weeks after the acquisition.

For every 10 thousand bottles of alcohol, there are only 2 bottles that meet the standards. The probability of acquiring poor-quality products is very large, as high and the likelihood of poisoning "Palenk".


The symptoms of poisoning poisoned alcohol very much resemble the symptoms of the usual hangover, so to recognize poisoning to poisonous methyl alcohol is difficult. Among the main signs are allocated as follows:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • lack of reaction to external stimuli;
  • inhibited speech;
  • "Glass" look;
  • pallor, "marble" skin;
  • sticky cold sweat;
  • convulsions;
  • slow pulse;
  • reduced temperature.

Poisoning Painted Vodka

If a person is observed, at least one of the indicated signs, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol and provide first aid. First of all, rinse the stomach victim. To do this, it is necessary to drink 3-4 glasses of warm water and cause vomiting, and then take an enterosorbent in the age dosage: for example, activated carbon, smect, filter. In the event of ineffectiveness, put the victims of the victim on the side (in order to avoid the vane or aspiration of the vomits) and call ambulance.

Get alcohol only in proven supermarkets and be extremely vigilant when buying. Having spent time on learning labels, you will reduce the risk of buying panicing vodka, save your mood and health. Know the measure in use: let the holiday remains a holiday.

Remember that the most effective way to avoid alcoholic poisoning is to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages.

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