Bakeing cakes at home is worth starting. Business Making Cakes At Home: Stages of Creation, Features, Equipment, Advertising, Business Plan

If you can cook tasty, and your pastry creations have long been in demand for all relatives and friends, it remains just to learn how to make cakes to order and where to start a business at home. After all, such an occupation can master any woman who wants to earn independently for all their needs.

Of course, when leaving a wide audience and producing large volumes of finished products, you can take the opening of the cakes store and even organize a whole network across the city or area. But let's stop so far only on exclusive products that one person is capable of making at home.


The relevance of this type of business will never disappear. After all, the cakes are the goods for all occasions. Throughout the year, we buy them or bake them in honor of the holidays, we use as a gift, we apply to the table when guests came and simply periodically poison children or the whole family for the mood.

And in recent years, fashion came from American culture to us for unusual pastry. People wish them exclusive, created and decorated by their wishes, especially dedicated to any important event. From here and went fashion for the manufacture of cakes under the order.

When creating such an exclusive product, not only the skills and skills of the cook, but also its creative talents, aesthetic tastes are manifested. Here a professional can show everything that he is capable. And if you can oven such sweets, you can earn on it.

Baking business cakes has another benefits:

  • To begin with, you need the most minimal investments and only during development and good stable income can be processed to more professional equipment.
  • Available at home, which is especially important for young mothers or people with disabilities.
  • Competition in any city is low or medium level, as the mass production of confectionery products is focused on standard recipes.
  • To begin with, it is not necessary to record in the tax service.

Where to begin?

Usually people who have a gift to cook tasty and beautifully themselves gradually go to the level when familiar periodically make orders for certain events or holidays.

But what to do a person who has just decided to open this kind of business?

  1. Start with the assessment of competitors in your city. Find them of groups on social networks, review ads. It is important for you to find out the proposed range, the timing of the manufacture of cakes to order, as well as a pricing policy. We will not pay attention to the ways of advertising the most popular confectioners in the region.
  2. Then consider what you can offer you. If the competition level is high enough, then try in any way to stand out, for example, unique ornaments, non-standard recipes or at least low prices.
  3. Create a portfolio. Each time, bakeing a beautiful cake, make a high-quality photo. Shopping visual evidence of its skill, you can interest customers.
  4. Also use in various ways of advertising.

Do you need documents?

Business on cakes is desirable to register accordingly. But entrepreneurs are experiencing in this business, they do not recommend that beginners immediately go to the tax service as soon as a similar idea has come to mind. First try whether you can do this business, work the client base, organize the kitchen itself properly.

If you decide to official design, then the furnace cakes to order just register an IP. This applies to the established form, a copy of the passport and identification code, as well as the receipt of the payment of state duty. This process will not take much time.

It is much more difficult to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service and Rospotrebnadzor. They must check the conditions of observance of sanitary standards in the kitchen and the quality of manufactured products.

Here you can download for free as sample.


Since we are considering the manufacture of cakes to order at home, then look for a suitable building or workshop. It is quite convenient to equip your kitchen. First, it should be perfectly clean on it. Secondly, all tools, dishes and products are placed as you can work comfortably.

Another important point - in the kitchen there should be enough space for orders. If the business becomes successful and you will not independently cope with the existing influx of customers, you will need to hire assistants. And then and for the convenience of work will have to find the appropriate room for large sizes.

Equipment for the production of cakes

What you need to start bake confectionery to order? Most likely, you already have enough equipment and tools for this. But list the short list for inventory:

  • food processor;
  • oven and stove;
  • refrigerator;
  • various baking forms;
  • confectionery syringe or bag with nozzles;
  • bowls;
  • pans;
  • rolling pin, ordinary and figured;
  • a set of tools for mastic;
  • knives and strings for cutting smooth cakes;
  • mixer and whipboards;
  • kitchen scales, measuring cups and spoons;
  • blades, tassels, spatulas, etc.;
  • sieve for sifting flour;
  • cutting boards;
  • baking paper;
  • swivel circle for cakes;
  • various inventory for decoration (molds, plungers, border notes, moldes);
  • food dyes and markers.

Professional devices can be purchased gradually only after you start performing large amounts of orders. For the start, enough equipment, which, so, is in your kitchen.


Is it worth hiring anyone to help - personally your decision. Here much depends on the influx of customers, and if you do not cope with him, it is desirable to take advantage of the help of specialists who have experience with confectionery products.

But there is another side of the medal. If you start hiring employees, it will take not only the registration of IP, but also the expansion of the kitchen space. And this will entail large financial investments in the enterprise.

Where to look for customers?

Baking cakes implies and trade in confectionery products. Well, if you already first have friends who periodically order something for themselves. Over time, they will begin to recommend you with their familiar. Sarafan radio is the best way to disseminate information in your case.

  1. Create groups or pages on social networks and lay out photos of your work there.
  2. Make a separate site for the possibility of viewing your finished products, as well as ordered online or by phone.
  3. Place advertisements on the Internet, public transport or various institutions.
  4. Several times free to cook beautiful and delicious cakes for some corporate party.
  5. Agree on constant cooperation with small shops that sell homemade or sweets.
  6. Make business cards and distribute them all familiar.

Cost and profitability

Since it is not necessary to acquire expensive equipment, you will first have to spend only on the products themselves for the first masterpieces. If you bake them for free with the purpose of advertising, then these are the costs of opening a business. But the most profitable is considered to be custom.

Calculate the cost is quite simple. To do this, measure how much and what products you used for the cake. To this, add more expenses for electricity, gas and water, and also do not forget about the packaging. The final amount just shows the real cost of the product. To make money on this and evaluate your efforts, it is recommended to double this amount or even triple.

But when pricing, you must adhere to the framework. For example, if there are many chefs of the same orientation in your region, you should not overestimate the rates. To enter the number of popular and demanded masters in the city better, on the contrary, reduce the cost of its products. For example, for a start, it can only be 20-40% of the markup.

To reduce the costs of products, it is desirable to acquire a part of them (sustaining long-term storage) on wholesale bases, warehouses, farmers. For example, purchasing flour, dried fruits, sugar, cocoa and other similar ingredients in large volumes at a low price you can significantly reduce the cost of the finished product.

The profitability of this type of business is considered rather high. And with minimal investments, after 3-4 months, we can talk about net profit. If initially you have everything you need is available, then from the first days you start earning only from the difference between the spent and the amount received.

As in any business in this case, there are our troubles and difficulties to which it is advisable to be ready:

  • You should not expect that baked cakes at home on their own, you will earn a lot. Get rich here will not work, especially if you do not plan large-scale expansion in the future.
  • Confectioners complain of severe fatigue. After all, this is a laborious process and often women, constantly preparing to order, feel physical exhaustion. Especially if, in addition to the preparation of cakes, it is necessary to still engage at the same time with domestic affairs and children.
  • It is very important to adhere to the exact deadlines specified with the client. After all, after the expected holiday or events, the confectionery is no longer needed.
  • Remember that the cake is a perishable product, so you need to think exactly how much time will go to the manufacture, so that it does not have an extra day to keep it in the refrigerator.
  • With a large influx of customers, there is no risk of doing all orders. Therefore, decide in advance what volumes you are able to and do not gain more than you can cook. Or think about assistants.
  • Periodically visit courses on confectionery skill, then you can spend less time to spend separate stages of cooking or offer customers something original.
  • Take care against the conditions of return of unsuitable products. After all, it happens that the client eats the entire cake, and then asks to return money, because he did not like the taste.
  • Do not forget about competitors. Some of them can make unpleasant acts, for example, notify the controlling authorities about your activities or errors.
  • Observe the perfect cleanliness in the kitchen and in the whole apartment, bathrooms, keep your hair assembled and under the cap so that customers do not scare away the unclee view of the pastry or dirt around. Pets are also excluded with this method of earnings.
  • There are risks to face with fraudsters of various kinds. For example, in social groups someone can answer instead of you and take a prepayment for any order. This will spoil the reputation of the chef. Therefore, initially establish communication methods so that there is no unpleasant misunderstanding.
  • To eliminate possible health problems from customers, always use only high-quality and fresh products for cooking cakes.

Financial part

In order to determine whether it is beneficial to engage in this type of business, it is necessary to implement preliminary calculations. We give numbers in the table.

If in a month you will bake 20 cakes and sell them for 2000 rubles (at the cost of 1000), then in two months you can return the initial investment. But the exact indicators will depend on your capabilities, customer base, competitors, established rates and orders.

Video: How to make money on cakes at home?

* The calculations use average data in Russia

30 000₽

Starting attachments

200 - 300%

Markup for goods

1 month.

Payback period

From 10 000 rubles.

Business at home on cakes is an excellent idea of \u200b\u200byour business for mothers in maternity, as well as all who love to cook beautifully and delicious. In this article we decided to answer the main questions of beginner corteodels and give them an incentive to action.

In other words, for those people who really want to learn something, there is no deficit in information. All bakers "from God" were once simple mortal. You can master all the wisdom in cakes can be free and independently only in the presence of desire and ability to self-organization. Best of all, if the first experiments you will spend on your home, does not rush anywhere and step by step, honing your skills. Do not rush to sell right away, really not learning anything. In order, then do not blush in front of people and not to beat off the desire to move on. Nat more firewood, but let no one beyond the closest people know about it. Oh yes, do not forget to photograph successful attempts. They will be useful for your portfolio.

Cost price. How to calculate the price of the cake

For baking cakes to order, you do not need to make a business plan on generally accepted canons and standards. It will be enough to learn to calculate the cost of cakes and set a markup that will allow you to extract the desired profit. In simple language, the cost of the cake is the cost of all ingredients included in it + the price of packaging and other consumables. To calculate the cost, you will need to know the number of ingredients. The inconvenience is that many ingredients you need to translate from teaspoons, tablespoons and faceted glasses in grams and kilograms. To facilitate the calculations, keep the translation table like this:

On the Internet there are a lot of similar tables, the translation into weight measures can be found for any products. The easier option is to purchase kitchen scales. The only thing you weigh the fact that you can not weigh without dishes, do not forget to deduct the weight of the dishes itself from the resulting figures. Also, we also note that the weight of the finished cake will always be different from the weight of its ingredients, since drying occurs when baking.

What extra charge to do on your cakes? Experienced cortells advise boldly multiplying the cost of 2-3 times (extra charge 200-300%). That is, if the cost of the conditional cake is 1000 rubles, the price of 2000-3000 rubles is normal. Remember that the cake includes not only the ingredients, but also spent on its preparation light, gas, water, and most importantly - your time and your work, which should also be rewarded. The second criterion for the installation of the price is the price of competitors. The price must be no higher than that of other cortells.

Ready ideas for your business

How to calculate profit? What do you want? 30 thousand rubles per month? Then it is necessary to sell 15 conventional cakes by the cost of 1000 rubles at a price of 3000 rubles. 50 thousand rubles? Then it is necessary to sell exactly the same 25 cakes. This is elementary mathematics, elementary school. Of course, all cakes will be of different sizes, weight, and cost, but to sketch an exemplary plan is simple. As a rule, most often by private owners are ordered cakes weighing from 2 kg. At the production of cakes and mini-cakes do not earn a lot.

Competition. How to surprise sophisticated

"Domoviki". They "sit at home in their kitchen and try to custom-ordering" .... "They have no sanitary book, no special equipment." It is "the absence of any control over the production process" ... Some of the grouped pastries, which can be found in the network, can be demoted in their own words. But try to react less on them. Despite the huge competition, stand out for its confectionery products and any person can make money on it. Not even chictingly disassembled in the urchopuit, which does not know the norms of Sanpinov and not having a confectionery network. To understand what you can stand out, you need to do two things. The first is to see what offers are in your city. The second is to see what offers in your city there is still no. It is not worth paying attention to the assortment of large pastry shops (although the knowledge of their cakes and rates does not hurt too), but on what private traders are offered. It is best to search through social networks. A simple request with the word "cakes" and the title of your city will give a lot of food for reflection. For example, the request "Cakes Moscow" in the social network "VKontakte" issues 1838 replies, "Krasnodar cakes" - 414 replies and even "Cakes Pyatigorsk" - 34.

But do not rush to despair from such beaten! Surely half of these groups are dead. Their number is well illustrated by the number of failed attempts to start their business. See what quality is offered in the most numerous and most active groups: it is for this that you should strive. Here, at the same time, you can see the techniques of doing business in the social network, but a little later. Please note that no one offers to order ordinary Napoleons and Saints. Most often it is all sorts of children's and wedding cakes: romantic and funny, bright and stylish. A huge number of plots. Someone makes chocolate portraits, someone sculpts confectionery trees, someone mites edible Disney cartoons ...

No matter how regrettable, but all the ideas of cakes are already invented. On the one hand, this is good - there are many examples for inspiration. A good selection with 300 ideas for clearance of cakes from the portal "1000 ideas". On the other hand, nothing is radically new to you no longer invent. If you do not believe, try to spend such an experiment. Go to any online search engine in the section of the pictures. Type the phrase "Cake in the form of ..." and then substitute any words that you come to mind: "Piano", "Iron", "Elephant" and so on. What kind of request do neither do, all the cakes have already invented someone. Moreover, the peculiarities of the business on the cakes are such that the client himself speaks the main creative-inventor, sending you a photo of some cake in the form of a cap or a pink laptop with a request to bake exactly the same and no other. Here we smoothly approach the fact that the idea itself does not guarantee you 100% of success without lacking skill, readiness to take for any order and, of course, without the right approach to promotion.

Promotion. How to advertise yourself for free

After you do a hand on cooking for your home, start moving on acquaintances and friends. Surely by this time in your portfolio will appear recipes and photos that are not ashamed to show. Be sure to create a group or page in "VKontakte", in Odnoklassniki and Instagram and try to regularly fill them, maintain activity, invite friends. You can publish not only your own photo reports, but also photos of cakes from other masters, inspiring ideas. Try to send communities not too trite - people like a living approach, live emotions, monitoring the process. Remember that the main thing is your customers, so put phone notifications about incoming messages, try to respond to orders as quickly as possible. Over time, you will understand that social networks can become a starting platform for you for much more. Many cortells through the social networks begin to collect an audience on their own master classes, carry out shares with free tasting, lay out training videos, hold contests with repost. Remember that in the title of your accounts, it is necessary to use the word "cakes", "cakes to order" and so on so that you are defined when searching.

Increased attention. Hold the page in Instagram. Up to 80% of your customers, most likely, will come from there. Food Photography is one of the most common types of blocking in this social network. Explore the basic principles of food photos. Consider examples of the best instagram accounts on confectionery art. As a rule, photography photos with a natural source of lighting are successful. When lamp light, any food looks plastic and unattractive. The composition of the frame, angle, background, also very important. Here is a good material about how to sell food through Instagram, from which you can emphasize several useful ideas. Also well, familiarize yourself with the advice on the design of profiles in Instagram - articles on this topic is written quite a few.

Many decide that the most important thing at the beginning of the business at home on the cakes is to create your own website. And it is desirable that the design of the site will look more expensive. But this step needs to go only well considering the consequences. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting what gets the majority - a bunch of spent money, the oblique-curve page, which bypass the "Yandex" and Google (and therefore do not see your customers), periodic locks and still a whole set of unfamiliar to you who distract you from your main occupation.

Secondly, in the psychology of people, the site is something more than just a set of pictures. This is your official representation, some administration, the demand with which is raised. The site, as a rule, is given to those stores that have already gained their face and stand out among competitors, have debt mechanisms for interaction with the client. Now imagine that instead of the image of a confectionery with a hundred of exquisite cakes and the design style of the interior, the customer will come to your home for the order and will see the stacked old wallpapers and you, pulling the cake from the balcony in home slippers. It is unlikely that its expectations are justified.

If you already have something to boast, then another thing. Then you have to create a website at which your product directory must be presented, relevant prices, an individual order form, contacts. When you are something to be proud of, you can add status items,

publish the faces of satisfied customers, their wonderful reviews about their works and so on. In the meantime, look experience, collect photos of your creations, reviews of those who tried them, develop, but the site is better not to start.

Underwater rocks. Yours, share of cortela

Baking cakes - it's not without a spoonful of tar. The most common complaint of those who started working to order, physical fatigue. Many women admit that they overestimated their strength. The execution of orders with parallel education of the child becomes in charge. All day you have to spend on my feet near the oven and the stove, while the son or daughter in the kindergarten or the sections and the circles. Legs begin to root, nerves pass, patience bursts.

And it still happens that the demand went, orders went, and they are not only no time to fulfill them, but it turns out to be somehow not enough. Orders are performed on the night at night, and the person suddenly discovers that he spends several hours for the alignment of the cake with which he could cope much faster if he just knew how. Tortelel suddenly discovers that there is no time to learn, but there is no time. Cakes come out oblique curves, and the client is dissatisfied with the result. Time is generally a headache for everyone who produces cakes. For example, large cakes from 3-6 kg give more revenues, but the orders for them are better to take in advance, because there is a risk will not meet on time. And the grandine here is strict: after the holiday, the cake is no longer needed.

Many errors are allowed when communicating with customers. For example, many cortelars forget to discuss with the client the return conditions, when the customer, already eating the cake, says that he did not like the cake, wants to return the money. Even if your business is not registered, you should not forget about elementary hygiene: cleaning nails, hands, teeth and so on. Work in gloves, meet the customer in the cap or collected hair, maintain cleanliness in the kitchen, in the apartment and in the saznals, where the client can go, taking you with a ready order. Do not allow situations when pets are freely walking freely. The client can scare it.

Another underwater stone is fraudsters. Unfortunately, your activities in social networks will not be unnoticed. One of the ways to divorce such. The client comes into your group and leaves your order on the wall. While you are not online from your behalf in private messages to the customer immediately answers the fraudster - calls the price of the cake and "negotiate" about the price. The client will be sent props, he pays for an advance payment, the fraudster immediately disappears. Then the dissatisfied customer writes in all publics that your community looked for money, and you are a fraudster. Warning potential customers about such cases and clearly indicate to which it is necessary to contact for ordering. And also - never forget to put watermarks into your photos to do not crawl.

Opening IP. A little about fears of "corteodels"

One of the discussion issues among beginner corteodels - worth it or should not open your IP, officially register the business and pay taxes to the state? From the point of view of the law, of course, it is necessary to do this. But in practice, starting business at home on cakes, most home bakers close their eyes on formalities. Until the decent customer database is not yet developed and there is no stable sales volume, no one is usually driving the design. For such a business in the format of part-time, it is unprofitable: you need to pay taxes and pay for rational insurance premiums (in 2019 this is a one-time payment per year in the amount of 29354 rubles). Of course, you can easily succumb to fear, reading the advice of lawyers. Up to the fact that you, for example, can plant for five years in prison, or, for example, to finish 500 thousand rubles. But it is not so.

Why? First, serious responsibility comes to evade tax payments in particularly large sizes, and it is quite difficult to prove it. Here it is necessary that the law enforcement officer makes a control purchase for a large amount or proved to receive large income. And secondly, sorry for such a directness, you do not need anyone with our cakes. This can be verified if you open any news aggregator and see who exactly the article on 171 is precisely fine for illegal entrepreneurship. As a rule, these are alcohol sellers, spontaneous street trampers or sellers of counterfeit non-freezing from the garage. Sometimes raids are arranged along the embankments and parks, from where any illegal trade in the unsightly species, flea markets, or, such as hookers who sell hookahs from the floor. In short, the troubles are waiting for those who trades the "opium for the people" or simply the corpuits to the authorities of the eye.

Here .

To think about a more serious business in the event that you, at a minimum, bought an additional refrigerator, hired "extra hands" and experience sharp closeness in the room, which clearly does not correspond to the level of your ambitions and income. Then you can already open an IP, look for the room under your own trading point or mini-shop, buy new equipment, expand the sales market. The ideal option is to combine streaming with the production of products to order. Products can also be submitted to the implementation of coffee shops, cafes and supermarkets. But remember that even tiny production will require investments in the amount of 500 thousand rubles.

This business is rather not a business, but "self-employment." When considering it, I would pay attention to 5 main aspects:

1. Quality problems. We need to be very precisely approaching the source raw! If the recipe is written "Animal Oil", then it should be a good quality oil. After all, it is not always an "animal oil" - "Animal". Other products, mainly vegetable origins (coconut and palm oil at best) are added to it to reduce the cost price (coconut and palm oil at best). And so in everything! At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the tough approach to the quality of the feedstock has the opposite side of the medal - an increase in the cost of the finished product. Balancing at the same time, almost impossible. From low-quality raw materials, it is difficult to make a product that will buy on the second time.

2. On home equipment, it is impossible to go to ... Conditionally "industrial volumes" of production, in other words, on a decent revenue. For this, there are industrial equipment.

3. Sales is always a delicate and complex and quantity of "orders" will be "scacade" character, and the regular customer base is created for years. Therefore ... maybe it makes sense to add something other with the elements of the meat? In scientific, this is called "diversify the range."

4. When designing this business - special attention should be paid to the problems of "transportation" of finished products. Sometimes it is expensive, sometimes no.

5. And the last, the so-called "illegal entrepreneurship". Actually, it is advisable to do everything to not fall under the "state radars", but, alas, it is impossible. It should be borne in mind that such activities for fiscal bodies is little interesting and difficult to prove, but ... you always need to be alert. It is necessary to consult a lawyer in advance how to answer questions, if the situation becomes an unfavorable way. If our state was smarter than smarter, in the legislative part and not only, such a problem would not arise. In the meantime, we ... Friends - everything, the rest - the law!

104 people studying this business today.

In 30 days, this business was interested in 130342 times.

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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Hi girls! I have a question immediately. Love cakes? Stupid question, I know. Sweets are the greatest weakness, not only our, but also our men. After all, according to statistics 87% of men and only 46% of women sweet tooths! Want to learn the stove cakes to order or for yourself?

From this article you will learn:

It's not as scary, as it seems at first glance. I once learned, and you can! No matter how tritely sounded my words, but the main thing in this business is desire and effort. Talent is not a key condition for success, but only the natural inclination that needs to be constantly developed.

Why do I need it?

Baking is a good source of income. Now every second family orders cakes from home confectioners for children's and adult holidays, on the weekend, and without reason - to hurt. So good masters are flourishing.

Not ready to do business - just please yourself and family. Imagine how guests will be surprised when you offer to drink tea not with shopping cakes, but with a stunning dessert of your own cooking!

In general, everything concerns cooking and household in our blood. Just do not benefit. Do not have these conversations that in the modern rhythm of life it is easier to order a ready-made cake and not steam.

My girlfriend Oksana is a convinced careerist. It works day and night, made itself itself, self-sufficient so much that he was divorced with her husband, he just doesn't need her! How much she does not like to do household, but no, yes, and I will ask me a recipe for a good cake or a cake bakes.

Even adherents of proper nutrition, vegetarians and raw foods make cakes in their special recipes. All because we have it in the blood! Do not deceive nature.

I'm ready! Where to begin?

First of all soberly estimate your skills. Relying on them, select the optimal plan for further action.

  1. Zero level - you never approached the oven, and do not even know where it is. I do not hold the flour at home, and what should be the form for baking you can not imagine.
  2. So my culinary - you made a charlotte twice, but once it had to throw it out. Somehow found on the Internet a simple recipe for cupcakes, a husband praised, but actually they were harsh.
  3. Beginning career - you are baking cakes on holidays, and their manufacture brings pleasure. There are a pair of proven recipes. It turns out very tasty. But lacking experience. With the decor of the problem, and some of them are on the form of curve. And already bored already, I want something new, unusual.

What category of yourself?

If to first, then your case is the easiest! You are like a blank sheet. And then the main thing is not to spoil your impressions of baking, do not get frightened. Therefore, I definitely recommend contacting the proven confectionery school and start studying under the readers of the teacher and curators.

The second case is also from the discharge of simple. You just need to find good master classes online or alive. Take a few lessons and things will run scraping.

And the greatest case is the third. You grabbed the tops, it seems that everyone knows everything, why learn something? Now I will quickly look at the video on the Internet and there will be a new cake.

Take part for free!

No, it's all wrong. Confectionery art is a whole science. Previously, in confectioners studied in Profdechilishi. Now they are mainly engaged in specialized schools. But the meaning is one - this is a profession, in the subtleties of which you need to delve into, deepen and constantly recognize something new.

It seems, here I will throw products into the bowl of the mixer, the ventilation, rupture in forms and in the oven. No, my dear. This is all only in instagram in bloggers deftly turns out. But in fact, it is necessary to study the technology of confectionery production, know the chemistry and physics of the processes to understand what and how will react, what form it is better to take for the cupcake, and what kind of mousse, so that nothing adheres, etc.

Equipment and devices

Well, you found a suitable recipe on the Internet or bought a good course. I want to quickly start the scary. But let's check if you have everything you need in the kitchen?

Now in stores just a mad selection of any technique, and smiling sellers consultants will surely tell you that you will die with a hungry death without a planetary mixer, multicooker-pumping boards with built-in Wi-Fi and expensive dishes from a reliable German manufacturer. Do not get on advertising!
Of course, all these devices can make life easier for you, but still turn your kitchen to the warehouse of unnecessary equipment and empty the wallet.

In order to bake almost any cake newcomer at home:

  1. any good oven;
  2. ordinary mixer
  3. whisk for whipping eggs
  4. big bowl for kneading test
  5. baking dish,
  6. correct attitude.

Everything else can be bought gradually as needed. Over time, you will have experience and you will understand what you really need, and what is not.

For example, I needed several months to adapt to the old gas oven. But when I changed it on the electric, all recipes began to get the first time. Convection, electronic programmer and temperature adjustment make their job.

I am not a height of cakes on an industrial scale, so I have enough simple mixer with 4 speeds. But I have a few comfortable bowls. Plastic and glass with round bottom, more and smaller, so that you can and the dough mix, and several creams immediately. Always keep a pair of silicone blades at hand, which is so easy to collect residues from the walls of the dishes.

Forms for baking, I have so much that mom persists me throw away half of them. It was time, I bought everything in a row - glass, ceramic, silicone, aluminum, expensive Italian and cheap Chinese. Mom's partly was right. After all, most often I use the detachable metal form or ring. In the ring, it is also very convenient to collect cakes. Then they are obtained very neat and the alignment goes much less time and cream.

Also for the assembly, I acquired a turning table and three spatula. We use them in terms of the situation - the triangular impose cream, long rectangular align the upper part of the cake, and the square runs around the sides. So this stage began to be made quite easily.

What about the products?

It is worth thinking not only about the technical side of the question, but also about the ingredients. It is better to buy everything you need in advance. Of course, most products can be bought at any store near the house. But if you are going to do everything at a maximum professionally, then something will have to search for specialized pastry shops or on the Internet.

And even before rushing to cook, carefully read the recipe. Do not ignore the recommendations on the product temperature. Sometimes it is better to remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance, because the proteins are much easier to be whipped in room temperature. And the cream on the contrary is better to withstand in the cold at least a day. Then the cream of them will be very dense and stable.

Decoration and decor

Cake is baked and assembled. Go to the most interesting - decoration! This is a very creative process that I always look forward to. Usually I still do not know which biscuit will be a furnace and that I will put it in the filling, but the image of a finished cake is already in my head. What will it be outside? White, pink, multicolored? Is I covered with his mastic or a picture of Ganash? Or maybe he will be in the form of a heart or with figures of cartoon characters, how do children love it?

It is great that you can fantasize on any topic and easily embody everything. If you really try, you can learn to make unrealistic beautiful cakes. For beginners, I recommend simple:

  1. Fruits / sweets. This is the most relevant way to decorate desserts. Thined from above the pieces of fruit and berries - that's ready! And the main thing is always fashionable and fresh looks, nothing obliges to anything. Instead of berries, you can use ready-made sweets - marshmellos, small meringues, pieces of chocolate, cookies, M & M's, Raffaello, marmalade and all sorts of confectionery sprinkles. Such a cake will have to the children's table and adult. And if you put a mini-bottle of alcohol from above, you will get a great gift to a man for a birthday. Any topper or candle is suitable here.
  2. Printing on a sugar or waffle sheet. Also an option without troubles. Even I have a few places in Murom, where you can print any picture on a special confectionery printer. In big cities, there will be no problems with this. In online stores often see ready-made pictures. You will only have to choose the desired size and order delivery to the house. Previously, such pictures were sculpting on the surface of the cake. Now many of them cut out and attach vertically. The cake becomes dynamic, alive.
  3. Cream roses and curls. You wonder what is the relic of the past. It is enough to choose a modern nozzle for a confectionery bag and stretch a little. See how modern confectioners are great play this topic.
  4. For wedding cakes very often instead of cream use live flowers. Of course, they look gentful and fresh, create a unique atmosphere of celebration. It is easy to decorate them. Nature has created this beauty for you.

A beginner confectioner should always remember that with the design you should not overdo it. A cake with a simple glaze lettering "Happy Birthday" will look much more carefully. It is better to put a couple of cherry than to pour everything and immediately.

Modern cakes

Decor options that I brought became practically classic. But the confectionery industry is rapidly developing, something new is constantly appearing.

Real Furior is. They broke into our refrigerators and thoughts a couple of years ago and still did not lose relevance. This is a huge field for experiments with tastes and textures. Adjust some exotic taste - and ready new dessert!

In addition, these cakes require minimum decor. For example, "three chocolate" is good in itself. Add any dye into mousse, on top of a berry of strawberries, look at him and smile. You can slightly fascinate and cover with the icing - ordinary or mirror - your taste.

Someone became boring? What if I tell about desserts, which practically disapplied classic cakes from the top of the most ordered sweets? Yes! And there are a lot of them.

In the first place there is a capike - not that cupcakes, not the cakes. Inside, you can hide any filling, berries, nuts, and on top of "put on" a bulk cream cap. Their beauty in ease of preparation, the minimum cost is generally only time, money, dishes. Just think to sue the guests a cupcake, you do not need a knife nor a plate. Bake them in paper molds and forget about the duty of washing dishes.

And here is also a portion dessert - traifls. They are served in disposable transparent cups or any glassware. The idea for their preparation can be taken from any cake - at least from a red velvet, even from Snickers, at least from Napoleon. Place the layers of corks, cream, fillings, berries or fruits in the mold and get an absolutely new kind of dessert, which will have to do everything.

Well, and my absolute favorite -! 20 minutes of free time, 500 rubles for products, and at the exit the most popular dessert of all coffee shops and restaurants.

We make to order

We smoothly approached the topic of baking to order. This is not just like that. In fact, many come to this. If you like the stove, do it well, then why not turn your hobby into the source of income?

Basically, women think it is difficult, you need to invest a lot at the initial stage. But look around? You are not launching a factory, but a small home bakery. You already probably have the entire necessary tool and technique that I wrote at the beginning of the article. You use multiple proven recipes. There are always a pair of glasses of flour, eggs and oil. What is missing in this scheme?

That's right, customers! But if you start the oven regularly, they will appear. At first, relatives will be asked to bake a cake on a family celebration, then a girlfriend, and then the srangian radio will start working. At the initial stage, you are important to fill your hand and earn a reputation. Therefore, often the hostesses sell their first cakes at cost. My colleague simply gave its customers a list of necessary products.

It is important not to forget to photograph all your work, collect feedback to make a portfolio, start keeping a page in the social network, and then you can already start advertising.

Where to learn everything? Choose courses.

I think many are now in the head porridge. How to arrange everything, decompose on the shelves, so that everything happens? Need some kind of training system, step-by-step instructions. What do you think there is such? You can see for a long time to search for your questions on the Internet, shock a bunch of information. And you can save time and go to confectionery courses.

Learn more about the course!

I would conditionally divided all courses for two types - alive and online.

Live have one big advantage - you can all feel your hands. You are preparing side by side with the pros, ask questions, control the process and try the finished cake at the end or even pick up your home with you.

But the shortcomings of this method of learning in my opinion overlap all the advantages.

First, you need to have much time and be relatively free. Riding somewhere after work or at the weekend, not every can. Mama small children this option is unlikely to suit.

Second prices are translated. The cost of your learning includes the cost of products, inventory, renting a studio, payment of utility payments, salary of teachers and organizers, not to mention advertising and other trifles that you do not feel, but they are.

Thirdly, you will be engaged in a group from 10 to 20 people. Remember school classes and laboratory work. Someone understood, someone did not understand, someone asks questions, and someone shy. And come home, and in general, half of the head passed from the head.

Often online schools spend free master classes as a presentation. You will prepare them together with the confectioner live. As a rule, recipes are selected uncomplicated so that the cooking process does not stretch over time. In such classes, you will appreciate the quality of remote learning.

Take part for free!

Video lessons

Full cakes usually do not prepare online. Lessons are written in video and mounted. At the same time, you see all the stages of cooking, special emphasis is made on complex and important points.

On the video you can immediately begin to cook. After all, it is easy to rewind or pause at any time.

If you are looking for a proven online school, then I advise you to school a homemade confectioner " Proficolors».

There are courses of different levels of complexity, and the prices are below average. It is wonderful that each student is distinguished by a personal curator who answers all the questions at any time and give a good advice. So, there are no common chats and heaps of unequal issues. The curator, as the guardian angel, is always in touch in the messenger.

You can try your strength tomorrow at the free master class. Sign up by reference And begin to embody dreams! You not only learn the stove, but quickly understand how to walk to the first sale.

And I wonder what cake would you like to cook right now? Maybe there is a loved one or who really want to learn the stove?

Thanks in advance for your comments! Wait for new articles on pastry topics, will soon be!

Any family or corporate celebration without a cake is considered unfinished. This is a tradition, not to go anywhere. But this is also an idea for excellent business, if "hands grow from there, from where it is necessary." Let's figure it out. Let's start with the one for whom this business is the cakes to order.

Do not think that you certainly need to deal with cooking. This is the desired quality, but not at all obligatory. The fact is that to start any business need "Starting Capital". One of them will be talent, the other in the production of cakes can invest money and organizational abilities. But also, and the other must be understood where to start.

How to start the furnace cakes to order

The first step, as any marketer tells you, is the selection of the team. Suppose you yourself know how to furnish and make up your products. So your little team will still consist of one person - you yourself. In order for the world to find about your talents, we need to prepare promotional materials. To do this will have to work hard. You need to prepare a whole catalog of photos of your own products.

Business "Cakes to order" will have to start with a "charity event". And where else are you all dozens of products that you need will be for the first photo? It is recommended to turn this preparation into a kind of advertising. Cooked masterpieces can be presented to potential buyers that you can easily find at school, kindergarten, at work your husband and so on. People will see your talent and at the same time will hold tasting. The first customers will be provided with you.


Next you will need to develop. Customer attraction can be expanded by searching for ads on the Internet or the publication of their own. Be sure to use the photo by distributing them on the "subjects". That is, make individual texts for children's cakes, festive, anniversary and other products. This will allow to expand the audience of interested parties. In addition, you will demonstrate the multi-faceted skill.

Feel free to selection of epithets to the description of your masterpieces. Business "Cakes to order" is a very subtle sphere. First, the product can be implemented on a specific, quite a certain territory (in another city there is not profitable). Secondly, you can find competitors. Most likely, they will also find their advertising on the network. Therefore, colorful photos must be accompanied by colorful descriptions. If you do not have literary talent, then "tasty advertising" can be ordered from an experienced copywriter.

Organization of the first production

Naturally, first orders will be a bit. For their implementation, there is enough square square. Of course, it makes sense to find a comfortable room in advance. Only rent it until you understand whether the business "cakes to order" is suitable for you, it is not recommended. We spend money, and the profits will be a little bit.

If you originally appointed yourself to the role of the head, the first orders can be made in the kitchen of your "chef". Delivery will be done yet on your own. Although this issue is solved individually with each client. Someone can call for the order itself. Do not hesitate and ask how convenient.

Production harvesting

Baking cakes - the process is quite expensive and material. In order to master the wide "menus", you need a variety of products, decorations.

Do not forget that part of the products will have to send the buyer in its own dishes. It will be necessary to purchase many all kinds of products and materials.

Naturally, you will have to think about special equipment. No one whipping creams or biscuits manually. For this, specialized devices are invented.

It is necessary to worry about your equipment to be reliable, powerful, did not lend to the most responsible moment. Products can still be stored on the home area. Moreover, for the most part, fresh in confectionery production is used. Therefore, they will have to replenish daily.

Business plan for the production of cakes

When approximately presented how and what you should do, proceed to boring calculations. It is necessary to do it before the first sale. The fact is that you need to know exactly how much a specific product is. For this, calculation is made. In enterprises strictly calculated how much one kilogram of a particular product costs.

Do not forget that in the calculation you need to include, in addition to the products, other costs. These include electricity, water, and most importantly - work, that is, wages. Let at first you will not receive it, but it must be included in the price of the product. In addition, you need to calculate the cost of boxes, stickers and other design. You can order them in the nearest topography.

Naturally, the general figure will be strongly dependent on the region. But it can be averaged to accept that you need about one hundred eighty thousand rubles for products, six thousand - for advertising and design. It is necessary to take into account that the earnings are laid - at least twenty five percent. Otherwise, the "firm" will procee.

How to win in competitive struggle

In order to come from the start of the "colleagues" to business, it is recommended to immediately think out the "highlight" of its products. To do this, wander around the pastry and explore the range. The client can be involved in originality and specificity. So, every time before official holidays, offer people new ideas for cakes.

For men, it is worth come up with something ambitious. Note, the strong floor loves scope and volume. This woman will be seduced by miniature cakes with small details (the figure is grieving). An ordinary man will look at the three-tier masterpiece,
Decorated with large appliqués. This, so to speak, "classic genre".

It makes sense to work for children's theme. You understand that the sweets with great pleasure parents are buying for siblings. Therefore, it is advisable to come up with a cartoon, fabulous and other decor for your products.

Cake - a mandatory attribute of almost any holiday, whether it is a birthday, a wedding or Easter. At the same time, sweet delicacy can be both the main gift for children and adults and the addition to it. Despite the large variety of factory products, products cooked at home, always remained the most sought-after. If you know how to oven and decide to open a business on cakes to order, we suggest familiarizing yourself with this article.

Where to begin?

So, where to start your business at the production of cakes to order? First of all, advertising should be done. The most common option for selling sweet products will be the Internet and the distribution of information through acquaintances. Let's consider everything step by step:

  1. Tell your friends and acquaintances about your business idea of \u200b\u200bearning cakes, ask them if possible to distribute this information.
  2. Bake a few culinary masterpieces for holidays to friends and loved ones. Before you give sweet presents, be sure to make beautiful photos of your cakes for the future directory.
  3. When the photos typed enough, create a group on social networks and place them in special photo albums. To each photo, make a description with the composition, title and any information that you consider the desired.
  4. Invite people from your city to your community and constantly update the photo album.

To quickly promote a group on the network and attract subscribers, you can resort tosMMBOX services what will save your time will save. Social networks are a good opportunity to attract customers.

To start such actions, it is enough to get the first income on the manufacture of cakes to order. Remember that in order for your business to become successful and profitable, it is necessary to stand out among other culinary. Constantly Improve, use new materials and explore numerous recipes on the Internet. For example, it is now very fashionable to cook pastries using mastic, because thanks to this substance you can give the product any shape, and also beautifully decorate it.

As you have already been able to notice, there is nothing particularly difficult in this form on the cakes. However, there are some special points that you need to know. We offer to familiarize yourself with the useful tricks to be fulfillment: