How to make ice cream from milk at home: cooking recipes. How to make ice cream at home ice cream from frozen berries

The most delicious homemade ice cream is in our selection! Prepare what you like - seal, butter, chocolate!

  • cream from 33% - 200 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • vanilla pod - 1 pc.

Milk mix with sugar in a small saucepan with a thick bottom. Vanilla pod is cutting the blade of the knife along the entire length, remove the seeds and also add to the dairy mass. Thanks to the vanilla, ice cream will be saturated with a delightful natural aroma, but in the absence of this ingredient, you can do the bag of vanilla sugar or a pinch of vanillin. We warm up a mixture to a hot state, but do not bring to the boil.

In another tank, neatly rub the egg yolk yolks with the help of an ache. In this case, we just need to achieve homogeneity - you should not beat the mass, otherwise a foam may form on the surface, which makes it difficult to prepare the seal.

To confused yolks of a thin flower, we pour hot milk, continuously stirring the mixture.

The resulting composition is transferred to a saucepan, put on a small fire and cook to easy rebound. It is important not to overlay milk, otherwise yolks can curl! To avoid this trouble, choose a saucepan with a thick bottom for cooking cream and prepare on a small fire. Also, do not forget to mix the cream to continuously, especially at the bottom (it is convenient to use a silicone culinary blade for this).

Check the readiness as follows: I do a finger on silicone blade. If the trace remains clear, and does not swim with cream, we immediately remove the saucepan from the fire.

Tip: If yolks are still curled, you can abandon the mass through a fine sieve or pouring a submersible blender. However, to avoid the eggs in the seal, unfortunately, will not succeed. In this case, it is better to remove the saucepan from the fire earlier than later.

Freshly prepared cream cool to room temperature. Parallel whipping cold cream to density.

To the whipped cream mass lay out the fitting cream and mix. Cool the mixture in the freezer for 3 hours. During this time, it is necessary 5-6 times to reach the container and mix the mass thoroughly to avoid the formation of ice crystals and get a smooth and homogeneous texture.

When the billet on the consistency becomes similar to a soft ice cream and will mix with difficulty, we will shift the mass into a silicone form, cover the lid and remove into the freezer for another 3-4 hours (you can leave for the night).

Before serving, we allow frozen seal to stand a little at room temperature. Then pick up a slightly imposed mass with a spoon for ice cream and form balls. At will complement the dessert of chocolate chocolate, mint leaves or berries.

Recipe 2: Homemade Ice Cream - Creamy Saw

  • 500-600 gr Cream for beating (fat content from 30%)
  • 100 g of sugar powder (or small sugar)
  • chipping Vanilli.

In deep dishes put cooled cream, sugar powder and a little vanillin. Whip up to lush stable foam 4-5 minutes.

The whipped mixture is placed in a plastic container.

We remove into the freezer for the night.

Let's get ready-made seal, let him hide a little and can be laid in the creamian.

Such a seal can be done differently - with the addition of cocoa (charoba), ice cream berries - especially delicious with the honeysuckle (only berries you first need to pour a blender, and then add a blend and beat again).

Recipe 3: How to make a homemade ice cream cream?

The recipe for home ice cream seal can be reproduced at home, it will be very tasty, natural and taste will be like a Soviet seal.

  • yolk eggs (4 pcs.);
  • milk (300 ml);
  • cream (33%, 300 ml);
  • sugar powder (180);
  • vanillin (½ h. spoons).

So, first of all bring milk to a boil and then cool to about 30 degrees.

In yolks, add sugar powder and vanilla sugar.


We pour milk. Whip again.

We put on a quiet fire and stirring, keeping until the mixture thickens. As they advise everything around, you can check your finger on the spatula - if a clear trail remains, the mixture is ready.

We leave cool to room temperature, and then cooled in the refrigerator.

Meanwhile, beat cream.

Mix with chilled cream.

We shift the whole mixture into a container in which we will then be comfortable to mix the future ice cream with a blender.

Then remove it and quickly (so that the ice cream does not have time to melt) mix the blender.

Remove again into the freezer for 2 hours. We repeat the procedure for another 2-3 times at an interval of 30-60 minutes. Thanks to the blender, ice cream will have the desired structure. The blender allows you to crush ice crystals and form an air mass.

When Ice Cream completely wanders, take it out and with the help of a special spoon make balls. You can pre-put minutes to 15 ice cream in the refrigerator so that it is slightly tempered - it will be much more convenient to make balls.

We lay out ice cream in the cream and sprinkle or water what we love. I - grated chocolate. Homemade ice cream to taste is not inferior to the store, and in content guaranteed does not contain "extra" additives. Recipe checked.

Recipe 4: Milk Salter Homemade Ice Cream

  • milk - 1 cup;
  • butter creamy - 25 grams;
  • yolk egg - 1 piece;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • vanilla sugar - 5 grams;
  • starch - ½ h. spoons.

In the deep comfortable container mix sugar, starch and vanilla sugar.

Add one egg yolk.

Grind the mass to homogeneity. Pour some milk.

On fire to send the remaining milk. Add 25 grams of butter. The oil must be real, consisting of 100 percent of cow's milk cream. Bring the mixture to boil.

Pour the egg mixture into the boiled milk. Stirring, bring to boil. Remove from fire and send to cold water. Cool, interfere with it.

Cold blend pour by molds. It can be a large form or small portion. I have a large silicone shape and molds for small machines.

Send molds to the freezer for a couple of hours.

Ice cream from small molds will be ready in 30-50 minutes. It is very simple to remove it from silicone molds.

From a large form, ice cream lay out a spoon on the portion plates. It is incredibly tasty, gentle and fragrant.

Recipe 5: how to make a platform at home

  • 0.5 liters of cream (the higher the fat content will be, the tastier the ice cream will turn out)
  • ¾ glasses of sugar
  • 4 chicken eggs
  • Chocolate Cookies (or other taste additives)

In the bowl of eggs and fall asleep sugar.

Pretty whipped for a fork and rub sugar. Pour cream and mix well again.

Pour the resulting mass into a small saucepan and put on a very slow fire. It is impossible to interfere constantly, it is impossible to bring to boil, otherwise the eggs will be curly. Remove from fire when the mass starts thick, the consistency should resemble liquid sour cream.

In total, the saucepan will hold on fire for 15 - 20 minutes. Well, even the readiness of the desired consistency can be found by spending a finger on a spoon. If the spoon is all in the cream and the trail from the finger remains - the mixture for home ice cream is ready.

After removing from the stove, pour a lot to any comfortable dishes. In general, any plastic container suitable for food products can be used.

Add any filler (in this case, crumbled cookies, and you can use berries, chocolate crumbs or pieces of fruit).

Let it stand for about an hour so that the mixture is a little cold (faster the mixture will cool if you put the container in Cold Water sink). Then the container with the mixture is shifted into the freezer. Homemade ice cream will stick and gradually thick. The thickening time can be from 5 to 6 hours, so it is better to do it overnight or in the morning, which in the evening it is already to be destroyed.

Before feeding, a container with homemade ice cream with cream from the freezer and put for 20 minutes in the refrigerator. From the cooked ice cream, roll with a tablespoon (if there is no special spoon for ice cream) are not big balls and put in high glasses, creams or plates. Ice cream can be decorated with grated chocolate or berries. To the table to serve immediately. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 6: How to cook milk cream? (Step-by-step photos)

  • milk - 2.5 cup
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • vanillin - to taste

We pour milk into the home saucepan, bring milk to a boil, then remove the saucepan from the stove and give the milk to cool to 36 degrees.

Add sugar and vanillin to egg yolks and vanillin (if you want to prepare vanilla ice cream, and not a fear of the usual). We mix well and rub the mass. To do this, you can use a blender.

The resulting mass is constantly stirring, pouring the milk with a thin flowing into it.

The final mixture is heated on slow fire, while not stopped stirring. The mixture should be thick.

The resulting mixture, our cream is cooled first, then put it in the refrigerator.

Pour cream into a separate bowl. Whip cream so that they become thick.

To the cooled cream add whipped cream and mix the mass.

The mixture is shifted into a plastic container, closing the lid, and put in the freezer for one hour. Then we get a slightly frozen mixture, whipped with a mixer and put it in the freezer again. We once again repeat the procedure.

Then we leave a lot of future ice cream for 3 hours in the freezer. That's ready our ice cream. In order for the ice cream slightly soften, it is placed in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Recipe 7: tender chocolate ice cream (with photo step by step)

As you know, home ice cream is much tastier and more useful to purchased. I suggest cooking homemade chocolate ice cream. It turned out soft, homogeneous, without ice grains. It has a rich chocolate taste and color.

  • 50 g of chocolate;
  • 3 glasses of milk;
  • 4 yolks;
  • 200 g sugar.

Introduce whipped yolks in a chocolate-milk mixture. So that yolks do not curl, pour them gradually and immediately stir. Put on a slow fire and cook, constantly stirring, until thickening, not allowing the boiling of the mixture.

The consistency of the mixture should be such that if you spend your finger on a spoon - the trail will remain.

Pour the mixture for homemade chocolate ice cream in a form suitable for freezing, cover with a film or foil and remove to freezing chamber for freezing for 3 hours.

For freezing and feeding ice cream it is convenient to use disposable cardboard cups.

Delicious homemade chocolate ice cream is ready.

Recipe 8: homemade ice cream with condensed milk (with photos)

  • Schedule 33% - 500 g
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • Vanillin - 2 g
  • Condensed milk - 100 g
  • Sugar powder - 6 tbsp.

Separate chicken yolks from proteins. Wear yolks with three spoons of sugar powder before the enlightenment of the yolk mass. Proteins beat to stable peaks with the remaining powdered sugar.

Pour milk to the yolk mixture and beat the wedge.

Cream While a mixer to a creamy state. Add condensed milk. Stir until uniformity.

In the creamy mass, add the yellow-milk mixture and vanillin. Wake up.

Add whipped proteins. Wake up a mixer or weng.

Cover with food film and send to the freezer. An hour later, get ice cream and mix. This procedure repeat 2-3 times and leave until complete freezing.

Homemade ice cream is ready!

On a hot day, do not rush to run to the store for ice cream: now we will prepare a real creamy cream! Delicious and gentle, with a stunning silk taste, he delicately melts in his mouth, leaving a pleasant feeling of coolness. And he is completely natural. Try to explore the packaging on the shopping seal - in the composition you will find a lot of components that make it think about the usefulness of the dessert. In the home ice cream products are real: cream, yolks, sugar powder and vanillin. Everything! Of these four ingredients, a luxury creamy ice cream is obtained.

However, you can complement the recipe additives according to your taste. Having mastered the basic recipe for home ice cream, on the basis of it you can make a cool delicacy with any tastes: berry and fruit, chocolate and nut seal. And all this variety of tastes and colors will be absolutely natural, without dyes, flavors and other E-Shek! For example, I will tell you how to prepare raspberry and blueberry ice cream.

Ice cream at home can be done without special units like the ice cream. You will need a mixer, colander, a scenery and freezer. If you choose suitable quality products and comply with technology, you will get a delicious ice cream, much better purchased. The main thing is to choose the right cream - I know by experience.

I had ice cream from the second time. Because for the first attempt, I bought very thick, fatty homemade cream without an indication of fatness, I pulled them, and the cream turned into the oil. As a result, ice cream came out very fat. In the second time I chose a cream of 33%, and the ice cream was perfect. There are other nuances that will tell in the recipe.

You are interested to know why the seal is so called? In the original, its name sounds like 'Glace Plombieres'. It is believed that ice cream is named so named the French city of Swombier-les. But, if you study the story a little deeper, an interesting fact turns out: the word of the seal comes from the French 'Plomb' - "lead", since the dessert prototype of the current seal, prepared in 1798 by the Paris Cantoni Parisian confectioner, was frozen in lead form. From here and Plombiere, and the word glace in French means "ice".

Now, solving the secret of the origin of his beloved delicacy, go to his cooking!

  • Time for preparing: 35 minutes, waiting 3-8 hours
  • Number of portions: 10-12

Ingredients for homely creamy seals with berries

  • 4 medium yolks;
  • 1 tbsp. sugar powder (150 g);
  • 200 ml of 10% juicy cream;
  • 500 ml of cream 33-35%;
  • 1/8 teaspoon vanillina.

Method for cooking home ice cream

Gently separate yolks from proteins. For ice cream, we will need only yolks; Proteins can be used to prepare an omelet or meringue. We connect yolks with powdered sugar and thoroughly rub the spoon until the mass becomes homogeneous and slightly light. Pour more convenient immediately in the tableware, in which put on fire, best - in a saucepan or cast-iron Kazan.

We pour low-fat 10% cream into crushed yolks - not in a rush, a small trickle, continuing to rub to homogeneity.

We put on a small fire, a little more small, but less than the average, and cook, constantly stirring the circular movements. Especially thoroughly stirred at the walls of the dishes and at the bottom of the Kazanka - just there may appear lumps, if mixing irregularly. If you still make a little bit and the lumps appeared, you can be confused by a spoon. Does not work? Take the mass of the mixer and return to the stove again.

We welcome about 8-10 minutes, until thickening - when the spoon will leave traces, disappearing not immediately, and slowly melting. Before boiling should not - yolks will be curled. According to the consistency, the billet for seals is similar to custard; In fact, this is the cream that can be asked for a cake.

And we rub the cream through a colander to give him an even more delicate consistency; Let us back for cooling to room temperature, and then put in the freezer before half a frozen state.

When the cream in the freezer has already begun to freeze, beaten by a mixer fat cream; In the original recipe - 35%, I have 33%. We whistfully carefully not to join, otherwise the oil will turn out. At first, the cream was liquid, then steel on the consistency as sour cream means enough.

Taking a blank from the freezer, mix it with whipped cream and beat everything together - at low speed a couple of tens of seconds to mix well. And put back to the freezer by 1.5 hours.

Then we get and mix the spoon so that the ice cream does not have ice crystals. At the same stage, you can add chocolate, nuts, berries to ice cream. Return to the freezer until it is frozen. I got sled at night; Specific time will depend on the power of your freezer.

Get ready ice cream and form meals for feeding. You can also dial a spoon, but neat round portions look more beautiful! If you do not have a special spoon, we take something metal in the form of a hemisphere - for example, a small drawer, - dip in hot water and quickly recruit the portion of ice cream.

We lay out a homemade seal in the cream or a diges, sprinkled with grated chocolate or fresh berries, watering the berry sauce, decorated with fresh mint leaves ... and enjoy!

And now - several nuances of cooking fruit-berry ice cream

Blueberries, cherry, apricots can be simply pushed in a blender and mix with a white creamy mass before final freezing. And the berries like strawberries, raspberries, blackberries better wipe better so that small seeds do not come across in a gentle swamp.

Ingredients: The same as for creamy seals, plus 100 g of berries (I made three kinds of ice cream: white, blueberry and raspberry).

To make a blueberry ice cream, scroll through the blue-eyed blueberries in a blender, mix with cream and freeze.

To make ice cream with raspberry taste, fall asleep raspberry sugar (a pair of tablespoons) and heated on a small fire, sometimes stirring while the berries will be allowed and soften.

Wipe hot raspberries through a sieve - it turns out juice.

Enjoy the berry puree to room temperature and add to ice cream before putting in the freezer after stirring. If mixed carefully, the color of the seal will be gentle pink (raspberry) or lilac (blueberries). And if stirring carelessly, the ice cream will work with a beautiful two-color pattern.

Watch not to overdo it with additives: From their large amounts, ice cream can become too liquid. It will still be frozen, however, with a large content of fruit-berry puree, the cream turns out in sensations less fatty and colder than creamy.

Prepare a homemade ice cream one day, you will want to repeat the recipe again and again, pleaseing the households with new versions of the summer delicacy!

Creamy cream with berries is ready. Bon Appetit!

The basis of most recipes of a gentle cool dessert make up milk, sugar (sugar powder), cream, eggs. In order for ice cream at home, even in an inexperienced hostess, you need to use high fatty dairy products and strictly observe the cooking technology.

For this recipe, it is easy to prepare a seal, whose taste is all familiar from childhood.

Homemade ice cream is obtained and very useful, as it contains nutritious protein and natural animal fats.


  • 250 ml of confectionery cream;
  • 250 ml of fatty milk;
  • 3 raw yolks;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar.


  1. Milk is adjusted to a boil, then cozen up to 30 ° C (it is convenient to use a culinary thermometer).
  2. Yolks are whipped with a powder mixer at high speed.
  3. When yolks turn into a thick foam, milk is poured into them.
  4. The resulting mass put on fire for 10 minutes for thickening, it is stirring from time to time to avoid lumps.
  5. The mixture cooled to room temperature is cleaned into the refrigerator for 90 minutes.
  6. Beat cream to a thick shiny foam. Connect them with chilled dairy cream.
  7. The composition is transferred to the freezing container. Conveniently, if there is a special ice cream: the device facilitates the process of cooking seals. However, it will be possible to prepare ice cream and in the usual freezer.
  8. During the first hour, the dessert freezing in the chamber every 15 minutes is mixed with a mixer so that it frozen uniformly.
  9. After 3 hours, the container with ice cream is removed, covered with cloth and leave for 10 minutes at room temperature.

Useful advice: so that the seal is softer and gentle even without stirring, 50 ml of brandy is added to the composition. If the dessert is prepared for children, they use corn syrup, gelatin or honey.

Recipe preparation Eskimo

Even small children can be touched by a homely thumbnail, because it is prepared from high-quality products without dubious additives.

It will take:

  • 600 ml of milk;
  • 50 g powder milk;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • 100 g of dark chocolate;
  • 70 g of corn starch.

Cooking technology.

  1. Starch is dissolved in 100 ml of cold milk.
  2. Milk residues are mixed with sugar and powder milk, heated. As soon as the mixture is boiling, the milk-starch composition is poured into it and pour 3 minutes.
  3. The resulting milk kissel is connected to a chocolate-oil mixture, thoroughly stirring.
  4. Semi-finished products are removed into the freezer for 25 minutes.
  5. Further, the composition is spilled by small plastic cups, stick sticks and placed in the chamber by 3.5 hours.
  6. Preparing the glaze: chocolate and oil melts on a water bath separately, then mixed, leave on the plate on a weak heat for 2 minutes, cozen.
  7. The frozen dessert is neatly taken out of the forms, lowered in the glaze, keep in hand to frozen, put on a flat plate with parchment and re-seen in the freezer for 2.5 hours.

vanilla ice cream

The recipe assumes the use of vanilla in pods, but it can be replaced by 2 drops of vanilla essence or 15 g of vanilla sugar.

Required products:

  • 600 g of finished whipped cream;
  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 4 yolks;
  • 1 Little vanilla pod.

Cooking method.

  1. Vanilla's pod remove the core.
  2. Whipped cream and vanilla are put in a pan, on a slow fire, bend to a boil, then cozen for 30 minutes.
  3. Separately whipped yolks with sugar.
  4. The pod take out from the pan, and sweet yolks are gently adding to cream, continuously stirring.
  5. The resulting mixture resembling a souffle, silence through a sieve and boil on low heat for 15 minutes, not allowing strong boiling.
  6. The semi-finished product for ice cream is cooled under normal conditions for an hour, the occasionally stirring so that the surface is not covered with the film.
  7. The mixture is shifted in cups, removed into the freezer. After 2 hours, removed, stirred and again put on the freezing for 3 hours.

Creamy delicacy

To prepare a delicious ice cream at home from cream, you need only 3 components.

Required products:

  • 500 ml of fat cream;
  • 800 g of raspberries;
  • 70 g of powdered sugar.

Cooking steps.

  1. The washed berries lay out in the sieve so that the glass is all liquid from them, and then dislike. Use only the resulting juice (about 400 ml).
  2. In raspberry juice, gradually fall asleep by powder, stirring until its complete dissolution.
  3. Creams are whipped with a blender to medium density.
  4. All ingredients are mixed and removed into the freezer for an hour. Then whipped again and leave in the chamber until complete preparation (for 3-4 hours).

Homemade crelation

For the preparation of classic cream-brule, it is enough to cook caramel syrup and mix it with the other components.


  • 125 g of sugar sand;
  • 40 g of powdered milk;
  • 350 ml of 4% milk;
  • 20 g of starch corn;
  • 450 ml of confectionery cream.

Cooking method.

  1. Syrup is prepared: 80 grams of sugar are poured into a skeleton and heated on slow fire. There should be a viscous mass of caramel color.
  2. The fifth of all milk is heated to a hot state.
  3. Syrup is carefully adding to warm milk, stirring continuously. Be whipped for 2 minutes.
  4. Sugar residues are connected to dry and a half remaining milk. Add to caramel mixture.
  5. The mass is heated for 3 minutes before thickening.
  6. When the composition cools out, it is filled through the gauze and heated again.
  7. In the residues of milk, starch stamped, add to a saucepan with future ice cream. Cook on a small flame 1 minute.
  8. The mixture is cooled under the lid, then removed into the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  9. Chilled cream whipped, combined with the bulk and whipped again.
  10. The workpiece for ice cream is shifted into the molds, put in the freezer for an hour. Next, the composition is stamped with a mixer and frozen for 2 hours.

Chocolate dessert at home

Gentle, cold, with light mustard delicacy helps to restore strength and increases the mood.

It will take:

  • 600 ml of homemade milk;
  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 200 g of real black chocolate;
  • 7 yolks.


  1. Yolks fall asleep with sugar and peat.
  2. In the milk brought to the boil, milk is melting the slices of chocolate.
  3. The cooled milk-chocolate mass is mixed with yolks and boiled for 10 minutes, stirring all the time.
  4. The mixture is cooled, decomposed by dessert molds and removed into the freezer. Pinzing ice cream takes several times and stirred. Dessert will be ready after 4 hours.

Fruit-berry ice cream

For this recipe, a very useful delicacy of amazing color, consistency and taste is obtained.


  • 30 g of sugar;
  • 70 g of sugar powder;
  • 120 g of yogurt without additives;
  • 3 mint leaves;
  • 200 g fresh strawberries;
  • 200 g of ripe kiwi;
  • 120 ml of apple juice (freshly prepared).

How to make ice cream:

  1. Juice is warmed, mixed with sugar and boil 2 minutes.
  2. Yogurt is stirred with a wedge with powdered powder and crushed mint.
  3. From the washed, dried strawberry and purified Kiwi individually make puree.
  4. Part of the apple syrup is connected with strawberry mashed potatoes, another portion - with kiwi.
  5. Molds for a third are filled with puree from Kiwi and put in the freezer for 40 minutes.
  6. Then lay out the next layer of yogurt and re-remove freeze for 40 minutes.
  7. Next, the molds are filled with strawberry mashed potatoes and are placed in the chamber for 40 minutes.
  8. After this time, the dessert sticks sticks, then it is cleaned into the freezer until full preparation (for 3 hours).

Without adding Yaitz

Ice cream from the minimum set of products to taste and consistency is not inferior to the classic seal.

Required components:

  • 300 ml of milk fatness from 3.2%;
  • 30 g of powder of dry milk;
  • 100 ml of 35% cream;
  • 60 g of sugar;
  • 10 g of corn starch.

Cooking steps.

  1. Half of ordinary milk is connected to powder and sugar sand, stirring up to a homogeneous mass. The resulting composition is filled through a rare sieve.
  2. In the remaining milk diverge starch.
  3. The first milk mixture is heated to boil and mixed with diluted starch. The resulting mass consistency should resemble Kisel. It is covered with a food film and leave to cool down at room conditions.
  4. Cold cream whipped with a mixer at medium speed. Mixed with a cooled milk mixture, overflow in the freezing container and removed into the freezer for 3 hours.

Fruit ice cream is a delicious delicacy that can be cooked at home. Recipes and various ways of cooking original home ice cream Find out this article.

  • Rarely meet a person who does not like such a delicacy like ice cream. And adults and children in sultry weather find salvation in it
  • Ice cream manufacturers go on all sorts of tricks to achieve a variety of products of their own brand - making ice cream with various fillers, forms and color
  • But every hostess can prepare this delicacy and in its own kitchen. Various recipes and making methods will tell in this article.

How to prepare fruit ice cream at home with ice cream and without it?

Homemade ice cream much more useful than its store analogue, because for cooking at home you will use high-quality products and refrain from use preservatives or dyes.

Home ice cream will please the original taste

For cooking ice cream you will need Ice cream or mixer. Naturally, cooking in the ice cream will be faster and more efficient, since the process of mixing and freezing will take place without your intervention during a certain period of time and automatically.

But if you have not yet purchased such a useful device, you should not be upset - without fashionable devices Your delicacy will not be worse than. Recipes for the preparation of ice cream in the ice cream and without it are absolutely the same.

For cooking ice cream, a blender or mixer is required

The rules for the preparation of homemade fruit ice cream consist of such items:

  • Good thickener - You can use egg yolk or lemon juice. This is a prerequisite for the preparation of delicious ice cream. Without it, the delicacy will quickly calm, and will not be truly gentle
  • Quality products - Use for the preparation of cooling dessert fresh milk, condensed milk, chocolate and fruit
  • Some alcohol - If you add a drop of a liquor or brandy to a delicacy, then ice cream will be much softer and air. But get ready for the fact that with alcohol it will be a little longer
  • Frequent mixing - If you have a ice cream, then this item can be skipped, since the mixing process will be automatic. If you do not have it, you will have to mix every hour for 10 hours a mixture
  • Fruit juice - Of course, fruit juice will be needed for the preparation of fruit ice cream. If it is just fruit ice cream or fruit ice, it will be enough for a favorite juice. If you want to cook sorbets - you can also add fruit puree
  • Proper consistency - To get the desired consistency, you need to follow the mass that you will freeze, it was like a thick homemade sour cream
  • Fruit additives - if you add juice during cooking and before frost, then fruits or nuts after
  • Storage - In order for ice cream to be delicious and without unnecessary smells - store the product in hermetic packaging

Following these uncomplicated rules, you will get an unusually tasty and useful ice cream for the whole family.

Apparatus - Ice cream for cooking fruit ice cream

Freezer - This is an apparatus for the preparation of a delicious ice cream house. A sufficiently convenient device, since the cooking process is brought almost to automatism. There are two types of ice cream:

  • semiautomat
  • automatic ice cream

Ice cream for making an unusual ice cream

The difference in this case is only In the source of freezing. It is necessary to begin to freeze a special solution in the freezer, and then move it to the ice cream for further cooking of ice cream. In an automatic freezer The freezing process is autonomously, due to the freezer compressor.

The advantage of the ice cream is that with its help the mixture freezes uniformly And you will not feel the pieces of ice in your dessert.

A very important factor in favor of the ice cream is the time for cooking. The cooling process in the freezer may occupy from 10 to 12 hours. In the ice cream, this time is reduced up to 40 minutes.

Cooking ice cream can be carried out without devices

Exist various versions of the device - Bowls, price, technical species and external characteristics. Buy or refrain from buying to solve only you. The ice cream will undoubtedly speed up the cooking process, but tasty and useful ice cream can be cooked without it.

Fruit ice cream from kiwi

Cook stunning and refreshing ice cream from kiwiin the home atmosphere not to make a lot of work. To do this, you will need:

  • 6 kiwi fruits
  • 200 g of sugar sand
  • 3 eggs
  • 250 ml of milk or cream

Fruit ice from kiwi

You can cook both fruit sorbets from kiwi pulp and use only juice. Kiwi is sufficiently juicy fruit and juice from it will be enough to give ice cream with a refreshing taste. We bring to your attention a simple recipe for a delicious fruit ice cream from Kiwi. You need:

  1. Clean the fruit, strain the flesh or squeeze the juice and mix with 100 g Sahara
  2. Split three eggs on yolks and proteins and pour in different soulfins
  3. In a bowl, where yolks are located, pour the resulting sugar mixture with Kiwi, put on fire and stir until thickening
  4. In a bowl with squirrels pour out 100 g Sugar and milk or cream mixed
  5. Pour the resulting mass on both bowls in one and well mix
  6. Put in the freezer for 5 hours, stirring regularly every hour. If you use the ice cream, you just have to put a mixture into the device for half an hour
  7. After the ice cream froze well, lay out in beautiful molds, pour chocolate and send to the freezer for a couple of hours

Fruit ice cream from kiwi

After that ice cream Ready to use. You yourself can choose which form and in what form to feed - water chocolate, sprinkle with nuts or add fruits.

This is only one of the most common and simple options from a wide variety of recipes. You can not rely only on our recipes, but also attach your fantasy and inspiration. Make a handful delicious ice cream from kiwi fruits will not be difficult, and the taste of delicacy made by his own hands will be unique.

Video: Fruit ice ice cream from kiwi

Banana fruit ice cream

If you have at home surplus delicious but fast bananas Or you want to try ice cream from this gentle fruit - it is worth trying to make a delicious dessert yourself at home. It is not difficult and will not require much costs. For fruit ice cream from bananas, you will need:

  • 6 ripe bananas
  • 500 ml of milk or cream
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon liqueur

Banana-cream ice cream

To get a delicious banana ice cream to you you must pass such steps:

  • Clean and cut bananas with large pieces
  • In the bowl of the blender, fall asleep bananas, sugar and milk, carefully sweep. Add lemon juice and repeat the procedure. If you do not have a blender, you can use a conventional deep bowl and beat the mixture with a mixer
  • Put the fruit mix in the freezer or the ice cream. For freezing in the freezer you will need about 5 o'clock. In ice cream - no more than 40 minutes
  • Pull out ice cream, spread in the molds, paint the liqueur above and serve to the table

Banana ice cream at home

When cooking any ice cream initially you can freeze it as a mixture, and then lay out the molds or use special forms and sticks before frost. The taste of banana ice cream is extremely gentle and refreshing.

Apple fruit ice cream

Ice cream from apples You can cook very quickly and simply - the abundance of this fruit is constantly on store shelves.

For the preparation of delicious apple delicacy You will need:

  • 6 large ripe apples
  • 200 g sugar
  • glass of water
  • 1 teaspoon gelatin
  • juice of one lemon

Apple ice cream

Step-by-step preparation recipe:

  • Water divide in half into two bowls - in the first digithel; In the second - sugar
  • Mix the resulting sugar syrup with gelatin, cool
  • Clean apples and cut into cubes
  • In a blender or a mixer grind apples before making mashed potatoes, add sugar syrup and gelatin, beat
  • Add lemon juice to the resulting mixture and mix well
  • Spread the resulting mixture according to the molds and put in the freezer for 3 hours; If you have a ice cream - in the bowl, lay a mixture for half an hour

After you perform all the specified steps, you will succeed delicious apple ice cream. Such ice cream can be prepared for children and the whole family, because it is very useful and made by your own hands, which means much more tastier.

Recipe for delicious fruit ice cream from currant berries, strawberries

Delicious berry ice cream Can please all your family throughout the summer. For its manufacture you will need a minimum of products, but the vitamin benefit will be the maximum.

Strawberry ice cream

To prepare a berry ice cream you will need:

  • 500 g berries (strawberry, currant or combination of these delicious berries)
  • a glass of sugar
  • 500 g of water
  • 1 tablespoon starch
  • 50 g Liker

To prepare ice cream Home need:

  • Mix berries in a blender or mixer
  • Grind berry puree through a sieve
  • Mix 300 g Water with sugar and add meals from berries
  • Cook the mixture until sugar is dissolved
  • The remaining water is a little heated and wept starch
  • In berry-sugar syrup add diluted starch, berry puree and mix well
  • Pour into the sealed container, we leave until complete cooling and put in the freezer on 10 hours. To the mixture faster frozen you can decompose it into smaller molds

Ice cream from berries

If a after 10 hours You got ice cream, and it is still soft, take it again and leave another hour. After that, adults are like a liqueur, and children sprinkle with nuts and enjoy your appetite!

How to make ice cream fruit ice at home, recipe

You can thoroughly in sultry weather in many ways, but one of the most useful is the use of ice cream " fruit ice". You can buy it at any grocery store, but in the presence of a fruit house, why not do it in your own kitchen.

Fruit ice from kiwi and strawberry

Preparation options for this dessert mass - levels of complexity, and ingredients. To begin with, we consider the easiest recipe - For this you need any juice that you love:

  • Fill juice into the shape and send to the freezing chamber for 3 hours
  • Remove the frozen ice cream, insert the wooden wand there and put in the freezer for 2 hours

To get ice cream from the form, stands lower it for a couple of seconds in warm water And all - ice cream is ready to eat.

  • 500 g fruit
  • 500 g of water
  • 300 g Sahara
  • 1 Packet gelatin

Fruit ice-acetie

Gelatin needs to fill 50 g Warm water and leave for half an hour. Add sugar to the rest of the water, obtained gelatin and cook 5 minutes. With fruits make mashed potatoes with a mixer or blender and add to sugar syrup, strain. Pour into forms and leave in the freezer for 6 hours.

Such a simple cooking product is extremely tasty and useful. The main thing is not to keep it too long in the refrigerator, otherwise ice cream will be too solid. With proper cooking technology and good products, ice cream taste will delight all your family.

Frozen fruit sorbet, recipe

Sorbet - This is a dessert that is cooked from fruit puree without adding milk or cream. It can be made from any berry, the main thing is that they have enough juice.

Ice Cream "Raspberry Sorbet"

One of the main ingredients of fruit sorbet is fruit pureeyou need to pour in forms and put in the freezer for 3 -4 hours. If you do not use the ice cream, the mixture must be mixed every hour to obtain a homogeneous, not having lumps of mass.

Spicy taste will add lemon juice, Which is worth adding to the cooked sorbet.

If you are serving sorbet children - Decorate dessert with nuts, dried fruits or bypass yogurt. Adults can add a spoon of a tasty liqueur.

The taste of fruit sorbet is unique in itself, but also it can add to Cake, as a filling. Thus, the delicious vitamin sorbet will bring much benefit to your health and quench thirst in sultry weather.

Recipe dietary fruit ice cream

If the heat suffered, but you watch your figure with all the rigor, not trouble - diet ice cream to help . Now we will look at several recipes for tasty and low-calorie Dessert.

Dietary ice cream can also be incredibly tasty

The first delicious delicacy will be curd dessert : Mix in a blender skimmed cottage cheese and yogurt, add any fruit juice. Spread the resulting mixture into the form and leave in the freezer for 5 hours. Delicious curd ice cream is ready.

Delicious, dietary and useful dessert remains berry sorbet. But in order for him to be enough low-calorie, give up sugar when cooking ice cream.

Very useful and tasty will Ice cream from Yaitz. Those who immediately postpone this option because of calorieness, do not hurry - if you add not only yolks, but also proteins, the dessert will not be so calorie:

  1. Wake up milk and eggs to the maximum thick mixture
  2. Put on the fire and cook 3-4 minutes
  3. Cool and leave the mixture in the freezer on 4-5 hours
  4. In order for ice cream to froze evenly, mix the mixture every hour

Dietary berry ice cream

These are simple, but at the same time unusual recipes will help you at any time make a delicious and useful ice cream, which will not harm your figure.

Video: Dietary fruit ice cream

What is the calorie content of fruit ice cream?

Fruit icecream - This is one of the most low-calorie The types of ice cream, and its benefit is difficult to overestimate. This dessert can be prepared with milk, sugar, dried fruits or not to combine anything.

Vitamin complex in the composition of fruit ice cream contributes to the development Serotonin - Substances that improve the mood and protects against stress.

If you carefully follow the figure and consider calories, it is important to know that in fruit ice cream, depending on the ingredients per 100 gproduct has an average 168 kcal.

Fruit icecream - low-calorie and delicious delicacy, which is necessary to indulge in hot summer - it quenches thirst in sultry weather and bring the mass to your body useful vitamins.

Video: Fruit ice cream: how to cook at home?

It is difficult to remain indifferent to ice cream. True sweet tooths do not imagine their lives without it. In any store and cafe now there is a wide selection of such a dessert. However, the taste quality of ice cream is not always happy, and a lot of questions arise relative to its composition. In our article, we want to talk about how to make ice cream from milk at home. Applying quite a bit effort, you can prepare a wonderful and useful and delicious seal.

How to make ice cream from milk?

At first glance, cook homemade ice cream is very difficult. However, this is not so. Knowing how to make ice cream from milk, you can cook a delicious cool dessert from ordinary products. Such a delicacy can be offered to the child without fears, because it is prepared by your hands only from natural products. Home option will certainly be no worse than bought in the store.

For ice cream, it is necessary to use natural milk. Ideally, if it is a home product. Even if you have low-fat milk, you can add cream or home milk to it. Such simple actions will help to give the creamy taste to the country.

If we talk about how to make ice cream from milk, it is worth emphasizing that only the simplest components will be needed for cooking. In addition to the milk itself, but oil creamy, cream, sugar, yolks and aromatic additives. You can not add the latter if you are, for example, prepare a dessert for your baby.

Mastering the recipes of preparing delicacy, it is worth considering that sugar in it need to put a little more than in other desserts. This is due to the fact that in cold form the sweetness is much smaller. If you wish in dessert, you can add berries, raisins, nuts, caramel, cocoa, bananas and other fruits. For freezing it is very convenient to use special containers - the ice cream. But, in principle, other molds are also suitable. If you use the same containers, then ice cream is fine and has the same dimensions. The aesthetic species of dessert is also important. If you have no suitable molds at your disposal, you can use one-time cups. Ice cream should be frozen in them, and before serving on the table, each of them can be dipped into hot water on a second, then the dessert is easily removed from the tank. Ready delicacy can be poured by a favorite jam or sprinkle with chocolate.

Ice cream recipe with egg

Let's discuss the best recipes for the preparation of your most beloved dessert. How to make ice cream from milk and starch? We offer further recipe is incredibly easy to execute. Its feature is the use of starch and chicken eggs.


  1. For the preparation we will need natural milk - one liter.
  2. Five yolks of chicken eggs.
  3. ½ Cream oil packaging.
  4. No more than two glasses of sugar. You can take and fewer, it all depends on your preferences.
  5. 1.5 spoons of starch (tea).

If you do not know how to make a homemade ice cream from milk, the recipe proposed by us will help to deal with the question, especially since cooking is no difficulty.

Yolks and sugar sand needs to be mixed, and then confused to complete dissolution of crystals. After that, you can add a teaspoon of starch. In principle, it can be replaced by flour, however, the result will be a little worse.

Oil shred to pieces and send to the mixture. Now the dishes with all the ingredients must be put on a water bath. We turn on the fire and begin to warm the mass, constantly interfering with it with a wooden blade. Cream boil to thickening.

If you want the mass to be cold, you can put a saucepan in cold water. Cold cream whipped with a mixer about three minutes. Next, we send cream to the ice cream and put them in the freezer. In the finished form, a delicious milk-creamy ice cream is obtained.

With bananas

There is a lot of recipes for cooking a delicious dessert, each of them is good in its own way. How to make ice cream from milk and banana? As you know, bananas are used to prepare many desserts, their delicate taste and aroma are perfectly combined with many products, so the fruit is very popular in cooking. Ice cream with a banana is not only tasty, but also fragrant.


For one portion you need to take no more than a glass of milk, several bananas, sugar sand (at discretion), 1.5 tablespoons sour cream, teaspoon of lemon juice.

How to make homemade ice cream from milk and banana:

  1. For the preparation of the dessert, we will need only ripe (but not overrevised) bananas. They need to be cleaned, and then cut into pieces.
  2. Next, mix the pieces of fruit with milk and other components. But sugar put on, based on taste preferences.
  3. The resulting mixture of blender is brought to a homogeneous state.
  4. After that, ice cream lay out on the molds and send cooling into the freezer.
  5. If you want to get an interesting dessert, then after hitting the mass you can add berries or slices of banana, mint leaves. However, additional components can be added when applying to the table to not freeze them.
  6. If you like the fragrance vanilla, then at the initial stage of cooking you can add vanilla sugar.

Cream and milk ice cream

Make ice cream at home from milk and cream is completely simple. Fat cream with milk is perfectly whipped in a foam, which makes it possible to cook a delicious dessert.

For preparation, we will buy three hundred grams of oily cream, no more than ½ liter of milk, a half cup of sugar and four yolks. We will also need a floor of a tablespoon of flour and a little vanilla.

How to make ice cream from vanillin and milk with the addition of cream:

  1. In the pan we fall asleep half of the sugar, flour and ½ part of milk. All components rub to a homogeneous state and do not forget to add vanilla. Its quantity should be so that the finished ice cream is not prouded.
  2. In a separate container, we mix the second half of milk, sugar and ship on fire. In a slightly heated mass, we pour the previously obtained solution. Next, cook cream to thickening, but at the same time wake up so that it does not boil.
  3. We give the mass to cool to room temperature and send to the refrigerator for about an hour.
  4. Meanwhile, we will have time to beat the cream mixer before the formation of lush foam.
  5. Chilled cream with minor portions mix with whipped cream to uniformity so as not to lose the puff mass.
  6. Finished cream lay out in forms and send to the chamber until complete freezing, the process will take from three to five hours.

Dessert with nuts

If you like desserts with fillers, then you will probably like the next recipe. How to make ice cream from milk and how to diversify it? To give taste, we recommend adding nuts. The combination of milk taste with nuts gives a unique result. Among our readers, there will be a lot of fans of such a dessert. You can use a variety of nuts as a filler. As a rule, hostesses use cheaper peanuts. Delicious dessert is obtained with almonds, hazelnuts or pistachios. Depending on the nuts used, each time a new taste of delicacy will be obtained.


  1. Near the liter of homemade fat milk.
  2. 400 grams of sugar.
  3. Five eggs.
  4. 220 g of Funduka.
  5. Vanilla.

How to make ice cream from milk and sugar? A simple recipe allows you to quickly prepare a delicious dessert from the most ordinary ingredients. The only unusual component is a hazelnut, but it is sold in any supermarket.

If you purchased raw nuts, they first need to dry out a little in the oven. As a result of heat treatment, a pleasant aroma should appear at the hazelnuk, it is impossible to allow nuts of nuts.

The proposed recipe involves cooking caramel. 150 grams of sugar are pouring onto the pan and add water (4 tbsp. L.). Mass are welded on a small fire, sometimes stirring, before the formation of a brown shade mass.

So far, our caramel is preparing, getting a silicone rug and a uniform layer lay the nuts on it. From above, evenly distribute the finished caramel and let the ingredients cool.

Meanwhile, we mix sugar, yolks and milk, after which they beat up to a homogeneous state and prepare cream on a small fire. The finished mass must be cooled and mixed with whipped cream. Cream Stir by adding caramel with nuts into it. We declare a lot of molds and send them to the freezer.

Rasian ice cream

Ice cream is a delicious dessert that can be prepared even without milk, especially if we are talking about fruit delicacies.

For those who love berries and fruits, we want to tell how to make ice cream without milk.


  1. Since we will not use milk, we will get fat cream (40%). There will be two glasses.
  2. As a filler, take a couple of glasses of crimson berries.
  3. Sugar - 230 g
  4. In addition, it is necessary to take a glass of less than bold cream (10%).
  5. For preparation we will use only egg yolks - five pieces.
  6. A pinch of salt.
  7. Teaspoon of ground cardamom.

We mix in a saucepan of a glass of fatty and 10% cream, add sugar and stirring, bringing the mass to a boil. Raspberries are necessary to wash in advance and dry if possible. Next, we wipe them through the sieve to obtain a homogeneous puree without stones.

In a separate container, we whip the cardamom, salt and yolks. In the egg mass, we pour ½ part of the hot cream and mix the mass. Next, send it to a small fire to thickening.

Residues of oily cream pour in dishes, add custard, after which all the ingredients mix and leave to cool to room temperature. And only after that we add raspberry mass. Next, send ice cream to the freezer.

How to make homemade ice cream-cream milk?

Salter is the most favorite ice cream for many of us. It turns out that the favorite dessert can be cooked independently. At the same time, it will not be worse than the store analogue.


  1. For the preparation of seals will need milk - 330
  2. Fat cream - a little more glasses.
  3. The amount of sugar can be adjusted depending on preferences - approximately 110 g.
  4. Teas spoon vanilla sugar.
  5. Some corn starch.

Let's look at how to make milk seal. We mix dry milk with sugar in the tank. Then add part of the milk (approximately 250 g), and in the residue we drag starch. We put the container on fire, as soon as the milk boils, we introduce starch. We try to constantly interfere with the mass, which gradually thickens. After that, we turn off the fire and cover the pans with the film, leaving it to cool.

In the meantime, we whip the cream to peaks and mix with the milk mixture. Next, we send a lot to the ice cream or in the freezer, not forgetting to beat every twenty minutes. When ice cream cools a little, but it will be still soft, you can decompose according to the molds. A few hours later, the mass turn into a delicious seal.

Chocolate dessert

Continuing the conversation about how to make ice cream houses from milk, I want to remember the beautiful recipe for a chocolate dessert, which will certainly appreciate the lovers of sweets. For preparation, you will have to get a dairy or bitter chocolate (130 g), in addition, fatty cream will need (6 articles), yolks (3 pcs.), Powder sugar (5 tbsp. L.) And milk (cup).

We rub chocolate on a large grater and put it on some time in the refrigerator. In the container mix yolks and sugar powder, after which we beat the mass so that a homogeneous cream formed. We mix the resulting mass with chocolate crumb and send to weak fire. Slowly stirring, bring the cream to a boil. Next, turn off the fire and leave the saucepan cool. In a separate dish, with a mixer, we whipitate cream and mix them with a cream to a homogeneous consistency. In this mass we introduce the second part of the chocolate crumb and stir the mass. Finished chocolate ice cream lay out in the form and send to stick.

Ice cream with cocoa

To prepare such ice cream, you will need to purchase high quality cocoa and good fatty milk.


  1. For one portion, it is enough ¼ l of milk.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. Cocoa in powder.
  3. Creamy oil - ¼ n.
  4. Five sugar spoons (dining).
  5. Egg.

Yolk must be confused with starch and sugar. Then add small portions of cocoa to the mixture so that there are no lumps. Also gradually need to pour milk and mix until uniformity.

We ship the container on fire and boil to thickening. The oil is added at the moment when the cream will cool down and will not be so hot. Mix mix to homogeneous consistency. We wait for the mass to cool, and whip it with a mixer. Ice cream shift in forms and freeze.

Experienced cooks reveal small secrets of cooking all the favorite dessert:

  1. In order for ice cream to easily come out of the molds, it is necessary to lower the containers in hot water for a couple of seconds.
  2. Dessert should be frozen only in hermetic, tightly closed containers, in order to avoid acquiring unpleasant odors.
  3. If you want to get a portion ice cream, it also needs to be stored in a sealed container.
  4. Cold dessert can be diversified by the most different additives, including the addition of alcoholic beverages, such as brandy or Roma.
  5. To obtain an intense cream fragrance, as a rule, cream and dry milk are used.
  6. Almost all dessert recipes are based on the use of eggs, therefore, in order to prevent bacteria from entering, it is pre-rinse with soap (economic) or soda.
  7. If you do not want to consume extra calories, it is worth stopping your choice on frozen juices and fruit ice cream, a slightly more calorie is a creamy dessert, but the filling of a chocolate cream is leading.

Our favorite delicacy is not only tasty, but also a calorie, which means some worth limiting themselves to this wonderful dessert.