Cake "Makaroni". Recipe for the preparation of french cakes "Makarone

28.10.2020 Grill Menu

Resurrect in memory memories of a trip to France in different ways. The most delicious one is to go to the confectionery per box of multi-colored pasta Makaroni or even prepare this unforgettable dessert. What are these little cakes that are famous and how they still pronounce their name, let's try to figure it out.

Why, for the right to be called the birthplace of this dessert, several regions argue immediately, you will understand, trying French pasta pastries. Two round biscuits made of almond powder and air proteins are connected by a gentle cream filling. These incredibly lungs, bright taste of cakes, melting in the mouth - the top of the art of French culinary art.

Depending on the filling calorie of the Cake Macaron about 30-35 kcal. And since they usually eat them a few pieces, you should not fear behind the figure. In France, buy pasta pasta can be at every step, even in McDonalds. And there are also unsweetened varieties: with filling from cheese, olives, truffles, etc. But let's stop at the basic recipe of classic macaroni. In Cannes on the Cote d'Azur France, there are confectionery for gourmet, where you can try dessert.

How to make pasta macaroni

Cooking this dessert is not the simplest. French pasta pastries are extremely capricious, and even experienced confectioners have misses. The main thing in macarone cooking is to make the basis for them, almond cookies. It should be prepared for it in two days. The fact is that you will need "aged" proteins. So that the proteins lose elasticity, separate them from yolks and leave two days in the refrigerator. But do not forget to take them out a few hours before the start of cooking test - cold proteins are not suitable.

Composition of pasta macarone. For cooking the basis, cookies, you will need:

  • almond flour - 125. (You can grind peeled almond nuts in a coffee grinder on their own and sift)
  • proteins - 90 g. (Better to focus on the indicator of domestic scales, and not on the number of broken eggs, as they can have a different weight)
  • sugar - 125
  • sugar powder - 125
  1. Almond flour and sugar powder mix in a bowl, seek through a sieve several times.
  2. Now it is necessary to prepare syrup: sugar pour 35 ml. Cold water and heat up to 115 ° C.
  3. In parallel with this, take a mixer of proteins: first at slow speed, then accelerate: proteins will increase in volume and thicken to the consistency of soft peaks.
    After that, the syrup will fill with a thin flowing in them.
  4. Connect the mass with a mixture of almond flour and sugar powder, thoroughly mixing the rubber spatula. The resulting thick dough can be squeezed by a dry food dye so that Multicolored pasta cakes are like in France.
  5. Nature Stuck with a double foil layer or a silicone baking mat. Pour the dough into a confectionery bag and squeeze on a baking sheet with small circles (do not forget to leave the place around them).
  6. Turn the oven. While she warms up, future cookies are already starting to dry out and covered with a thin crust. In this state, send them to the oven for 15 minutes when it warm up exactly up to 160 °.

When the macarons are ready for macaroni, it remains only to reunite what should be together. To do this, squeeze the pasta cream to half a cooking cream with a confectionery bag and press the second half. Options for filling for French pastry pastries There are countless. For example, chocolate ganash. In order to prepare this universal, fast and delicious cream, herald in a bowl of 150-180 gr. Cream and small pieces, break 100 gr. Dark chocolate. Do not bring a mixture to a boil Wait until the chocolate melts and remove the cream in the fridge for several hours.

If your macarone turned out to be an ideal form and without cracks - you are lucky: you can boast them before the guests. If they are far from the ideal, it is also not bad: the unsuccessful party can be "destroyed" by the tea. But be sure to try to prepare them again - one day it will be released no worse than on the showcase of the French Coffeehouse.

How correct: pasta or macaruna?

The confusion comes from the fact that the French pronounce the name of the cakes as "Makarun" (Fr. Macaron). But Makaruna is already there - this is American almond cookies. Although both desserts and have something in common among themselves, the American fellow Macaron is much simpler and devoid of the "aristocratism". The taste and look they are completely different, so to avoid confusion in the names, the French almond cupcake is still better called "Makaron".

We all know that the French prefer for breakfast croissants. However, not many know that representatives of this nation have a favorite dessert - Makaroni cake. Despite the name associated in our understanding more from spaghetti, rather than with gentle sweetness, this culinary product is prepared from almond flour, whipped in egg protein and sugar foam. We offer today to get acquainted with a gentle dessert and learn how to cook pasta "Makarone".

Chocolate "Makarone": recipe

We bring to your attention the preparation of a delicious dessert with a layer of Gorky and believe me, thus cooked by Makaroni's cake will not leave indifferent to your households or guests.


If you decide to pamper yourself a miracle dessert, then you need to take care of the presence in the kitchen of the following products. The test is necessary: \u200b\u200balmond powder, which is a ground in a coffee grinder and a sink almond - 110 g, sugar powder - 225 g, cocoa powder - 25 g, egg whites from four chicken eggs of medium size, small sugar sand - 50 g. For Ganasha ( The layers) are needed: bitter chocolate - 80 g, white chocolate - 100 g, cream 38% - 100 ml.

Cooking process

Heat the oven to 150 o C. Within two minutes we mix almond flour with sugar powder and cocoa powder in the kitchen process. The baking sheet is covered with baking paper, we pour out the resulting dry mixture, dried in the oven for about five minutes, and then sifted through fine sieve.

We beat a little by adding sugar before the appearance of the shine. We add to the proteins a dry mixture of flour, cocoa and sugar powder and gently combine smooth movements. You should get the egg mass of the tight consistency. I spread it in with a round nozzle and sit down small, the same in size of the mugs on the baking sheet, pre-fitted with baking paper. We leave the baking tray on the table for one hour. During this time, the dough should be covered with a crust. If this is not done, then in the process of baking on the surface of "Makarone" cracks are formed.

We send our future dessert to preheated to 150 o with a glass cabinet for 12 minutes. After 6 minutes, it is necessary to flip a baking sheet for 180 degrees so that the dough penetrates uniformly. Remove the finished halves of "Makaroni". We are preparing two types of layers: heating cream with chocolate, and then lubricate with them baked circles and connect. Delicious French cakes "Makaroni" with chocolate stuffing are ready! By the way, if you do not want to mess around with Ganash, you can use for the filling for example, "zeuter".

How to prepare a berry chocolate "Makaroni"

With the photo of which we offer to your attention, cook, of course, not very simple and not at all quickly, but the result will cause you only positive emotions. Beautiful dessert will look great on the festive table. In addition, if you pack the cakes in a beautiful box, they will become a great gift.

Required ingredients

If you decide to pamper yourself with the legendary French dessert, it will be necessary to buy certain products. For the preparation of the test, we need: 110 g of almond powder, 225 g of powdered sugar, proteins from four eggs, pinch of salt, 50 g of fine sugar sand and a glass of teaspoon of lemon juice. For filling number 1: 300 g of any berry for your taste, 100 g of sugar, 10 g starch, egg, juice from lemon halves and gelatin leaf. For filling number 2: 100 g of white chocolate and 100 ml of fatty cream at 38%.

Go to cooking

We mix almond flour with sugar powder and sift through a very fine sieve. This mixture should be necessarily dry. If for any reason the mixture is insufficient, then dry it in a heated to 150 o with the oven for five minutes. After that, re-carefully sake flour with sugar.

Eggs whipped with salt and lemon juice into a steep foam, gradually sugar sugar. We continue to beat until the mass becomes smooth and brilliant. Then gently interfere with the almond-sugar mass. If you want to make pastries even more original, then at this stage you can add 10-12 g of natural food dye.

We drag the baking sheet for baking paper and, using a culinary syringe or a bag, squeeze the same mug of small diameter. Do not forget to leave some free space between them so that in the process of baking they do not stick. We leave the future "Makarone" to push at room temperature for about an hour before the formation of crusts. To check the readiness, touch the circle to the finger: if the dough does not stick, then you can move to baking. Heat the oven to 150 ° C and send the dough for 10 minutes.

Go to the preparation of the filling. First, we will deal with a berry layer. With the help of a blender, crushed the cooked berries, the resulting mass shift into a small saucepan, add starch, egg and lemon juice and cook about five minutes before thickening, stirring constantly. Leave cooling.

In order to warm the cream from white chocolate and dissolve chocolate in them. Enjoy.

We glue the cooled halves of "Makaroni" with a thick filling. It is advisable then to send them to an hour in the refrigerator. Tasty and gentle pastry "Makarone" with filling from berries and chocolate is ready! Bon Appetit!

Of course, the preparation options for this dessert are not limited to the listed recipes. You can safely experiment with filling and dyes.

"Makaroni" (Cupcake): Calorie

If you follow the figure, then, of course, limit yourself to the use of baking and a variety of sweets. However, from time to time, you can completely pamper yourself with this delicious French dessert. After all, in the cakes "Makarone" with fruit or nut filling contain no more than 75 calories. If the filling is chocolate or caramel, then no more than 80 calories. In addition, the main ingredient of the test in the form of almond flour is more useful than its wheat equivalent.

The cake consists of two air halves made from the almond powder of the smallest grinding and gentle proteins. The dessert taste palette determines the diverse filling. The classic option is a gentle ganash of white chocolate and cream. The main rule: the cream must completely impregnate crispy almond halves. A feature of the delicacy is that it does not contain gluten, so macaroni may even have those who suffer from celiac disease. .

Interesting fact: Ladurée, which is engaged in the production of Macaron, annually releases cakes with a new taste. This year, confectioners presented pasta macaroni with strawberry taste in combination with a delicate vanilla cream. New taste was designed together with a famous blogger Chiara Franchi.

Useful properties of pasta macaroni

Despite the fact that macaroni is very sweet dessert, it will not bring much harm to the body. The fact is that all dyes used for pastry - natural. This is a paste from pistachios, berry purees and extracts (for example, from roses or orange flowers). The only artificial dye that is used for macaron cooking has a blue color that cannot be obtained from natural ingredients.

Special technology for the production of delicacy allows you to maintain vitamins and minerals in the product. So enjoying the citrus macaronus, you will not only beat your taste receptors, but also replenish the stock of vitamins with a useful ascorbic acid.

An interesting fact: all pasta, where you would not buy them, are made on the world's only confectionery laboratory in the city of Annei in France. For transportation of cakes, they use special shock freezing technology to preserve the taste and texture of the dessert without adding preservatives.

Calorie Macaroni

Macaroni cannot be attributed to the number of calorie sweets. The 100 grams of dessert contains about 300 calories, and this is despite the fact that the weight of one cupcake is only 30 grams. It is safe to say that even during the observance of a diet, several cakes 2-3 times a week exactly will not harm your figure.

Interesting fact: the correct name of the French cake in Russian - Makaroni. However, in our country it is often called Makarunov, which is not entirely correct. After all, under Makarun, american confectionery from coconut shavings is hidden. The appearance of Makarun is very different from French Macaron.