How to make cottage cheese yourself at home. How to make fast milk cottage cheese at home recipe

28.10.2020 Fish dishes

To cook cottage cheese at home, it is not necessary to possess the skills of a professional chef. It is enough to get acquainted with the list of useful recommendations and tomorrow you can please the household products with a natural product. Cottle is preparing cottage cheese from store or farm milk, choosing fatty as needed.

On the benefits of the household in front of the stores, it seems to speak. Nevertheless, there are those who will say: they say, why waste time and cook the milk dish yourself when you can go to the nearest supermarket and choose the product to taste? The answer is simple: there are no preservatives and supplements for the body of its own production. You can cook so much product in your kitchen as a family is required at the moment.

To create the same dish, various ingredients can be used. The most popular and affordable recipes are presented below.

Cottage cheese of milk and kefir

The cooking can be used as home cooking kefir (fermented with milk fungi) and shop. The taste of the finished product will differ.

Basic ingredients:

  1. Milk - 2 liters.
  2. Kefir - 250 milliliters.

The recipe for homemade cottage cheese from milk and kefir involves the implementation of the list of simple manipulations.

First you need to bring milk to boil and cool to room temperature. Pour kefir and leave on the table, covering the lid (there should be a gap of 1-2 centimeters). For the light day, milk must blame. If you put it in the morning, you can dine it can be a natural product of your own preparation.

A large dense clock is formed. This means that with the workpiece you can work further. Please note: the quality of cottage cheese is largely dependent on the temperature at which the milk is designed. The indicator should not be above 95 degrees. Otherwise, the dairy dish is fine-grained and hard. Recipe for cottage cheese (from milk at home to cook it, as you can make sure it is not so difficult) involves careful selection of dishes for a water bath. It should have a thick bottom and well closed with a lid.

When water in the bottom of the pan boils, the fire must be reduced to the minimum. After 40-60 minutes, the cluster will begin to lag behind the walls. After 90-100 minutes, a large cottage cheese comes, and the amount of serum will double. After 2 hours, the clutch hustles and falls on the bottom of the pan. The contents of the latter must be mixed thoroughly.

Cottage cheese should be slapped another 30 minutes to formed individual lumps.

The finished product is thrown into the colander and wait to serum completely glass. To pour it optional. It turns out a beautiful pancake dough, as well as refueling for okroshka.

If the hostess adhered to the recipe, homemade cottage cheese from kefir and milk should turn out to be moderately humid, coarse-grained and not acidic.

Mix it with sour cream, Greek yogurt or jam - and get a wonderful breakfast. The dairy dish is perfect for the preparation of dumplings, casserole or cheesery.

Homemade cheese

Having a certain set of products in the refrigerator, you can cook cheese, not inferior to the taste properties of the store "Russian". As for utility, the home option will obviously exceed the industrial.

So try to make home cheese from cottage cheese and milk. The recipe involves the use of the following ingredients:

  1. Cottage cheese fresh (coarse-grained) - 500 grams.
  2. Milk cow - ½ liter.
  3. Creamy butter - 50 grams.
  4. Chicken egg (bed) - 1 piece.
  5. Salt is half a teaspoon.
  6. Food soda - on the tip of the knife.

Cooking method

In the pan pour milk, put on the middle fire. Cottage cheese to take a fork to the state of mashed. Gently introduce it into milk, reduce the fire to the minimum, constantly stirring until cottage cheese turns into a dense clot, and serum cannot be separated from the milk. As a rule, the process takes a few minutes.

Cottage cheese clutch leans on a colander, shining marley. The liquid must drag completely. After half an hour, it is necessary to manually press the residues of the serum.

When cottage cheese is still warm, it's time to cook cheese. For these purposes, it is necessary to choose the right inventory: either a modern saucepan with a non-stick coating, or a time-tested aluminum.

Oil is at the weak heat, the folded cottage cheese is stacked on it, salt and soda is added. In a separate dish, you need to beat the egg until homogeneity, pour into a saucepan. Important! The last ingredient should not be welded, so the container should not be hot. All components are intensively mixed.

When the cottage cheese elevates an egg and oil, he will slowly start melting. When the mixture turns into a homogeneous mass, the saucepan should be removed from the fire, and hot cheese lay out in a bowl. After cooling, the product is ready for use.

Here is such a simple recipe. Homemade cheese from cottage cheese and milk It turns out and not exactly like the store, but you can easily diversify the menu. From the shemale of cottage cheese, 300 grams of solid cheese are obtained.

Curl from the Black Milk in Multicooker

The proceed milk has a pronounced smell, therefore, it is impossible to use it in its pure form. What if the useful skece product, and pour it sorry? Cook a new dish! For example, make homemade cottage cheese from sour milk.

The recipe provides for the use of only one ingredient - the proximated 2.5% in the amount of 1 liter. The output of the finished product from a given amount of raw materials is 150 grams.

Cooking technology

So, below is a detailed recipe. Homemade cottage cheese from the Black Milk in a slow cooker to cook easier!

Step 1. Pour the milk into the bowl of the electrical appliance.

Step 2. Turn on the heating mode, set the timer for 20 minutes.

Step 3. Open the lid, switch to cooking mode and leave for 10 minutes.

Step 4. In the bowl there will be a curd protein and translucent liquid - serum. The latter must be completely merged. Here for the help of the hostess will come sieve.

That's all! Boldly take into your piggy bank, the recipe for homemade cottage cheese from milk in his piggy bank. Step-by-step recipe - an excellent kindergarten for beginner culinary. They scrupulously checked all items, measure the required amount of ingredients. However, it is not at all necessary so strictly follow the instructions. It is quite acceptable if you have a big family, increase the alleged mass of the finished dish due to the addition of fresh milk, kefir or sour cream.

Goat milk as a basis for cooking fatty curd

Such a product is a real elixir of health. The store for it will have to pay a decent amount, so it is better to cook yourself. The process is quite simple and under the average mistress. The main thing is to choose quality raw materials - goat milk. Then a gentle delicious cottage cheese will like not only adults, but also for children.

The main ingredient is a goat milk in the amount of 2 liters.

Cooking process

To begin the preparation of cottage cheese, milk must be used. In summer, this process will pass faster, in winter - somewhat longer. It is enough to pass the milk to the bank and leave for the night at room temperature. Torn to cover with an inverted lid so that the product "breathe". Nearby is a kettle with hot water. Two vessels are covered with a clean kitchen towel.

The next morning milk skeins, becomes like a dense thick mass with a minor separation of serum.

Further, the recipe for homemade cottage cheese (from milk) involves the use of a small pan with a thick bottom, which is stacked with a clean towel, folded twice. This will protect the bank from destruction with strong heating.

So, the bank is placed in a pan, warm water is poured there (by the level of filling the bank). As soon as the water boils, remove the fire, and leave the can in hot water for half an hour. Throughout the time, the contents of banks are not recommended to mix.

As you can see, also a rather simple recipe. Homemade cottage cheese of goat milk is preparing in the same way as from cow, no nuances. The solid mass rises upwards, and the serum will remain below. Few people know that in a muddy liquid contains a record number of calcium, so it is very useful to periodically use it.

So, the contents of the bank neatly poured into a colander under which the seed collection container is installed. In order to remove the liquid from cottage cheese as much as possible, it is necessary to cover it with a plate, and on top of installing cargo, for example, a liter jar filled with water. Leave the design without movement for 30-40 minutes.

Gentle calorie cottage cheese is ready. If you clearly follow the recipe, homemade cottage cheese from milk taken in a small volume (2 liters), it turns out 350-400 grams.

Degreased cottage cheese for those who seek an ideal figure

Today, more and more people adhere to the right nutrition, refusing fast food, harmful fatty foods and enriching their diet vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

To help those who care about their health and keeps under control the weight, the next recipe for cottage cheese. From milk at home, you can prepare a useful low-calorie product with a minimum content of fat.

Basic ingredients:

  1. Milk (fat content 1%) - 1 liter.
  2. Lemon half juice / citric acid, divorced in water.

100 grams of the finished product contain only 78 kcal.

Description of the cooking process

We suggest you to resort to help so any of the current multicookers today for simplicity and accelerate the process of obtaining homemade cottage cheese (milk). The recipe is so simple that the whole process can be described with just a few words. The main ingredient is pouring into the bowl, in the "frying" mode heat up to the first signs of boiling, but do not boil.

Pour the lemon juice with a thin flowing, constantly stirring so that the milk protein turns uniformly.

Prepare gauze, put a protein mass on it, give a track of an extra liquid. Ready!

Thoughtful people carefully know how to make cottage cheese from milk at home. Making a home product, you can be confident in the absence of harmful additives. There is as far as the recipes for the preparation of cottage cheese of milk with a step-by-step preparation description.

Homemade cottage cheese can be cooked from cow or goat milk. Shop milk is also suitable for these purposes.

Features of the product from pasteurized milk:

  • With pasteurization, 60-80 percent of vitamins is lost.
  • Of the 1 liter of the pasteurized product, no more than 200 g of cottage cheese is obtained.
  • The final product turns out to be non-fat, has a soft consistency (without grains). Suitable for baking and diet food.
  • The main store ingredient is much more expensive.

It is not allowed to use milk with a long storage period due to the addition of antibiotics into it.

Pros and disadvantages of cottage cheese from a home product:

  • The content of a large amount of calcium and vitamins.
  • Of 1 liters, 250-300 g of cottage cheese and cream are obtained. Serum is suitable for okroshka.
  • Cottage cheese at the exit is obtained fat, with a yellowish tint. Grainy.
  • Small costs.

In order to make cottage cheese from milk, the main ingredient should be prepared:

  1. Boil - bring to a boil.
  2. Make a rush from milk by adding a crush, citric acid, sour cream or calcium chloride. This stage is important to remember that the desired effect does not achieve in the heat or in the refrigerator. Milk must be warm and not outdoor.
  3. For pasteurized, you need a liquid starter: kefir, sour cream, rippy. Just add the specified products to the heated milk.

Tableware and inventory

As dishes for creating homemade cottage cheese, it is advisable to use glass jars or clay jugs. They are not covered with a lid. Air circulation is important for fermentation process. Recommend to cover the top of the cans with a cloth.

The use of metal dishes is not allowed. When fermentation occurs an oxidative reaction, the taste of the final product will deteriorate.

When boiling milk, the enamelled container is selected, exceeding the volume of fluid flowing-for 3 liters. Milk 5 liter saucepan. This is due to the boiling product raising. A spoon for stirring is recommended to choose from a tree to avoid chemical reaction.

Machinery cooking

The techniques manufacturing cottage cheese of fresh milk differ from each other in the way of heating and cooking the product.

In a slow cooker

  1. The "frying" mode is displayed on the multicooker, in which milk heats up. It is brought to a boil, but not boiling.
  2. Lemon juice is added portion. The liquid is folded.
  3. With the help of gauze, excess serum is removed. It remains cottage cheese.

In microwave

  1. The main ingredient is poured into the baking tank.
  2. Microwave turns on the power of 400 W.
  3. Timer exhibit for 10 minutes.
  4. Enjoy the resulting mass, filter through the gauze.

Pressure should not be squeezing due to possible dryness of the final product.

In the oven

  1. The oven is heated to 150 degrees.
  2. Milk is placed in an enameled pan, add a spoon of sour cream, send into the oven for 45 minutes.
  3. Cool, drain serum.

On the stove

  1. The minimum fire is exhibited on which the dishes are made.
  2. The fluid is collapsed with regular stirring.
  3. Turn off the fire, give cool, drain the serum, filtered and press the finished product.

Milk Recipe with Lemon

Cottage cheese of milk with lemon can be prepared using the following ingredients:

  • 1 l. milk
  • juice 0.5 lemon.

Cooking method:

  1. Milk is adjusted to a boil, reduce gas to a minimum.
  2. The lemon juice is added, constantly stirring the folding mass.
  3. When cottage cheese is separated, merge excess serum through a sieve and press.

Calcium chloride recipe

You can prepare cottage cheese from milk with calcium chloride.

For this we need:

  • 1 l. milk
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of liquid calcium chloride.


  1. Heat milk.
  2. Calcium chloride is added, constantly stirred.
  3. The fluid is brought to the state of the boiling, drain serum through gauze.
  4. The product is cooled, pressed excess liquid.

You can use Tablets Calcium lactate, which are purchased in the pharmacy. The ratio is 10 tablets per 1 liter. milk.

Experienced hostesses try several ways to prepare and choose the most suitable for them, relying on the taste quality of the final product. Homemade cottage cheese is suitable for children's and diet food.

Cottage cheese is the most valuable product that can be found on the table in almost every home, especially if there are small children. Only whether you can always be confident in the naturalness of this product, especially if it is purchased in the store. Is it easy to prepare self-cottage cheese at home from milk?

How to make cottage cheese (classic recipe)


  • milk - 3 l.

Time for preparation: 1-3 days - on the whistery, 20 minutes - for cooking.

Calorie - 160 kcal.

To prepare a delicious and fresh cottage cheerful, milk will need. Of course, if you can, it is better to use natural milk, not from the store. You can buy it in the nearest village or on the market, as well as in milk parts - special devices in which you can buy fresh milk brought with dairy farms.

If there is no possibility to buy natural milk, you can use milk purchased in the store. There is no difference in which this milk is stored: in a bottle, in a bundle or in a plastic bag.

So, with milk decided. Now you can begin the preparation of cottage cheese. Milk should be pouring into a three-liter jar or immediately into a saucepan for further drying. It is better to take an enameled saucepan or stainless metal.

Milk will turn into a prostrip the next day, if it happens in the summer, or on the third day in the winter season. You can check the readiness of the prostroprious, while putting a spoon in it. The finished procurement is a homogeneous dense mass. In the milk bought in the store, the procurement rises closer to the surface, and serum remains at the bottom.

Now you can put a saucepan on fire, but do not bring to a boil. You can remove the dishes from the stove when cottage cheese is separated from the serum.

For the next step, a high pan is taken, colander and gauze, folded in four layers. The resulting serum mass is drained into a colander. Gradually, serum flows into the pan, and cottage cheese remains in Marle.

When all the liquid leaves, it can be shifted into a plate or other capacity. Curd leaves gentle, with layers.

If we redistribute the time of the serum flow (for example, leaving cottage cheese in the colander on the marvel overnight), it may turn out to be dry, crumbly. From the initial volume of milk, it is possible to obtain approximately 600-800 g of cottage cheese.

Milk cottage cheese with the addition of lemon juice


  • homemade milk - 2 l;
  • lemon - 1 pc. or 1/3 teaspoon of citric acid.

Time for cooking: half an hour.

Calorie - 170 kcal.

If you need to quickly prepare cottage cheese from milk at home, you can use the lemon, more precisely, its juice. Pan with milk is placed on fire, and at this time the juice is squeezed out of the lemon.

As soon as it starts to boil milk, it is necessary to immediately pour lemon juice. Instead, it is possible to take citric acid, previously collecting it in the ½ cup of warm water.

Then you need to pour lemon juice or citric acid and wait when the milk will begin to roll. So, the pot can be removed from the fire. The resulting mass to merge into the colander to flow serum. The resulting cottage cheese is gentle, soft, pasty. But it is absolutely not suitable for baking.

Recipe Cottage cheese of sour milk at home


  • milk - 2 liters.

Calorie - 159 kcal.

The technology of cooking cottage cheese from the skyscal milk is the same. Available sour milk (it may be kefir from the store) pour into the pan and begin to warm up so that the serum separated from cottage cheese. After that, the fluid is drained into the covered marley colander in the pan. Cottage cheese can eat.

Milk cottage cheese with the addition of sour cream

Some housewives prefer when cooking cottage cheese, add sour cream to milk to get a more gentle and fat product.

Such cottage cheese can be cooked with small children who are just starting to get acquainted with dairy products.

How to make homemade cottage cheese from milk and sour cream? There are two ways to prepare such a product.

First method


  • milk - 1 cup;
  • sour cream - 0.5 tablespoon.

Time for preparation: 18 hours - on the sin, 40 minutes - for cooking.

Calorie - 193 kcal.

First you need to boil milk, then add sour cream to it. All this in a small saucepan is placed in a warm place all night. In the morning, the skyshest milk should be heated on fire before the serum separation. Then leak on the folded four-fold napkin for the flow of serum. Cottage cheese is ready. It turns out gentle. Smallocroopy.

Second way


  • milk (Skishers) - 3 l;
  • sour cream - 500 g

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Calorie - 193 kcal.

Scristed milk (preferably rustic) in a saucepan to put on a water bath and heat before the formation of serum. Then you should pour sour cream, but it does not stir a mass with a spoon so as not to break the structure of cottage cheese. Then pour on a gauze napkin laid on a colander. It turns out fat and very tasty cottage cheese.

Homemade cheese of cottage cheese and milk

From milk you can make cheese yourself.

First method (without eggs)


  • milk - 1 l;
  • cottage cheese - 1 kg;
  • butter cream - 100 g;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt to taste.

Calorie - 336 kcal.

Cottage cheese must be taken by a blender and add to boiling milk. Regularly stirring a spoon, wait for the boil and cook for about 10 minutes on medium heat.

If you cook cheese more than 10 minutes, it will be solid if you cook less - cheese will be soft.

Remove the saucepan from the fire, you need to pour the contents on the gauze, placed on the colander. To liquid faster glass, gauze must be taken over the edges and tighten the harness.

More hot cheese should be shifted into another container, add softened oil, salt and soda for greater cheese porosity. It is necessary to beat the blender again.

The resulting mass is shifted into a stainless steel pan and put on fire. Cheese mass, continuously stirring, you need to heat so much so that the contents are separated from the walls of the dishes.

Then the saucepan should be removed from the fire for cooling. The warm mass is shifted into the container, lubricated with oil, are covered with a food film and removed into the refrigerator for frozen.

The second method (with the addition of eggs)


  • milk - 2 l;
  • cottage cheese - 2 l;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • creamy butter - 200 g;
  • soda - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking time: one hour.

Calorie - 339 kcal.

To make home cheese, put in the pan of cottage cheese and pour into it milk, then put on the stove. Equally stirring with a spoon so that cottage cheese is not adhesive to the bottom, heat the mass until serum. Then the mass must be thrown into the folded twice segment of the gauze for flowing the liquid.

In stainless steel dishes, put the resulting cottage cheese, add eggs, softened oil, soda and salt. Now you can proceed to the cooking cheese. Mass should be constantly mixed with a wooden spoon.

As soon as it becomes a knitting, adhesive, you can remove from the fire. Then hot cheese should be poured into a cup or container and cover the food film as soon as it cools down a little. To obtain a more dense structure, the cheese can be pressed by the press. After 3 hours, the cheese can eat.

Important to remember

  1. To get fat cottage cheese, the cream from the rustic milk is better not to remove;
  2. Store cottage cheese and home cheese is better in glassware from glass or enamel, covering with a lid, but in no case in a polyethylene package. So cottage cheese will retain their freshness;
  3. You can freeze cottage cheese, putting it in the freezer, but it will not be so useful;
  4. If it is impossible to store home cheese in the refrigerator, it is possible to extend the period of its freshness, wrapped with a clean cotton fabric, pre-pulled out in salted water and carefully pressed. Keep such cheese better in a dark cool place;
  5. From the serum remaining after the manufacture of cottage cheese, you can cook pancakes or knead the dough.

Make cottage cheese or cheese from milk at home can each each. This requires only a desire, time and following cooking technology.

With another option, make a house of cottage cheese from milk in the following video.

One of the easiest and rapid ways to prepare gentle cottage cheese at home. You do not need to wait until the milk skies, do not need to use pepsin, buy starters. Little fresh milk, lemon juice, time of time - and gentle cottage cheese is ready.

In milk, not brought to a boil, contains a lot of enzymes that help the digestive system to cope with the digestion of the products. In addition, we recommend trying to prepare goat milk cottage cheese. If you compare the goat and cow's milk, it turns out that: cobalt in goat milk is 6 times more than in the familiar cow, and it is the main component of vitamin B12 responsible for important blood-made and metabolic processes in the body. Most more potassium, above the quality of the protein and fats, which promises high nutritional value.

Goat milk contains little lactose (dairy sugar), and this means that it is easily digested, does not cause stomach disorders and ideal people, with poor lactose tolerance, but loving dairy products. Milk and for the high content of caprinic and linoleic, sialic acids, carotene, niacin, iron and magnesium are appreciated.

How to cook cottage cheese at home


1 l milk
1/2 teaspoons salt
3 tablespoons of lemon juice

Step 1

In a large saucepan mix milk and salt. Bring milk to almost boiling, but do not bother. Turn off the fire and pour lemon juice and gently stir. Milk will become flakes. Sometimes stirring, give to stand 5-7 minutes. To obtain an additional cream taste at this stage, you can add 1 tablespoon of oily cream.

Step 2.

A bowl of marks or cotton towel and pour the curd mixture. Carefully tie the edges and raise the knitted "bag". Put on a colander and give a serum dragging. The longer the fluid will be dragged, the denser and the land will turn out to be ricotta. For the preparation of gentle cottage cheese, 45-60 minutes needed.

Step 3.

The serum obtained from cooking can be used instead of water in cupcake baking recipes, cookies, bread, as a base for okroshka. Cottage cheese is with berries and fruits, honey, nuts, salty with greens, like nappy to toasts, like the ingredient for cheese and cottage cheese baking, nk.

Preparation of cottage cheese of milk at home - the process is completely simple. And the resulting product will be more useful, and tastier than cottage cheese purchased in the market or in the supermarket.


3 liters of milk poured into a glass jar;
- pan;
- colander;
- Marley.

How to prepare cottage cheese of milk at home:

    To prepare good cottage cheese, it is best to use natural homemade or farm milk. The pasteurized product from the store is most likely not suitable. The quality and purity of milk should not cause you no doubt, because it is impossible to boil milk - good cottage cheese does not tolerate high temperatures.

    A jar with fresh milk does not need to be put in the refrigerator, it must be in a warm place. After 2-3 days, milk should turn into prokob. When Prostokvasha is ready, you can see vertical "moves". They are formed by carbon dioxide bubbles, rising up. Finished prostone resembles jelly, easily separated from the walls of the jar. It is extremely important to trace so that the milk does not reset, otherwise cottage cheese will be very sour.

    If the milk was high-quality, then a sufficiently large amount of cream is formed on the surface of the preoccupation, which need to be removed. The more they will remain, the fatter it will turn out. That is how it is possible to achieve the fat content you need.

    A jar with a prostone must be put in a saucepan, which stands on fire (very weak) and at the bottom of which a dense rag is pre-layered, folded in several layers. In the pan you need to pour water so that it comes to the middle of the banks.

    To prostow it better warmed up, you should take a knife with a long blade and cutting it crosswise. The jar must be covered with a small piece of gauze. Prostokvasha must be in a saucepan until the water starts to throw, but in no case boil. This process will take approximately an hour. After that, the fire must be turned off and leave the jar with the procurest, from which serum has already been separated, in hot water for another 10 minutes.

    In the meantime, you need to prepare dishes in which serum will be poured, and a colander, covered with a rather large piece of gauze, folded 3-4 times, or a dense cotton fabric. It will remain cottage cheese. Sharing the contents of the banks must be carefully in order to preserve the integrity of the product as much as possible, because, the more pieces of rolled apostasses, the more tastier the cottage cheese will turn out.

    Next, the edges of the gauze need to raise up, tie and hang over the container in which the serum will be drained. You can bind the gauze with cottage cheese, for example, to the handle of the retractable kitchen box, and the tank for serum to put on a stool for it.

    You cannot squeeze cottage cheese with your hands, because it may be damaged by the structure of the product, and it will turn out to be dry and grainy. Serum must drain itself. Cottage cheese will be ready when from gauze absolutely stop dripping.

    Of the 3 l of milk, you can get from 500 to 800 g of cottage cheese. It depends on the fat content of milk, and from the moisture content of the final product. Cottage cheese, prepared on this recipe, is quite dense, but not dry, moderately fatty and with a very pleasant, milk, not acidic odor.

    From this homemade cottage cheese, you can make delicious homemade cheesecakes in our recipe!