How to prepare profitrolles and cake from them at home. Cake from profithol with a custard-orange cream Cake from finished profitoll with sour cream

22.10.2020 Dishes from Yaitz

"Profitrole" - so before French was called a small premium, and at present, this word denotes small, but very tasty pastries.

They are prepared from the traditional custard test, which can be sweet and neutral. But the filling can be all sorts of, and depending on this, profitrols are served before dinner as a snack or complete it and are used as dessert.

Profitrols can be not strangers. Empty inside they are perfectly suitable for soups as small pampels.

The filling for profithol may be cheese, meat, mushroom, chicken, fish, salad, made of sweet cream and ice cream. Blowing these sweet balls with caramel or condensed mass, you can get excellent cakes.

No difficulties in cooking. The secret of successful profitholi consists in proper testing for them. Products for them are also quite simple, so, learning to cook these small, appetizing cakes, you can delight your home or guests with delicious baking.

And you can drink a seagull with colleagues for a pleasant conversation. Observing step-by-step preparation instructions, the profiteroli will be fluttered, and the cream is thick and not flowing from them when filling.

Profiteroles: step-by-step recipe

Ingredients number
flour of the highest grade - 1 cup
butter cream (shop or home) oil (you can replace it with margarine) - 125 g
water - Full glass
eggs - 5 pieces.
salt - pinch
oil (or fat) and flour - for baking
milk - 300 ml
sugar - 200 - 250 g
cream (peasant) oil for cream - 400 g
eggs for cream - 2 pcs.
cognac - little
Time for preparing: 180 minutes Calorie per 100 grams: 330 kcal

All products are suitable, if something has not been at home - to purchase. The cooking process with cream cream begins with the preparation of the test, which will be disadnant.

Water put on fire, add oil and salt to it, bring to a boil.

In boiling water, gradually pour flour, continuously and quickly stirring up to the complete disappearance of lumps.

Then heat the mixture 1 - 2 minutes.

The entire procedure should be carried out on the messenger heat until the dough is flat, smooth and brilliant.

When this happens, remove the mixture from the fire and cool up to 60 degrees.

In the cooled mixture, add one egg, but only if the previous one has already absorbed into the mass.

Then this mass should be interfered with its full cooling.

The finished dough is a rustic, viscous mass.

The baking sheet is slightly lubricated by the oil or flavored and lightly sprinkle with flour.

With a dessert spoon, put small balls on it are not too close to each other, as they increase in volume.

Bake in the oven at 190 - 200 degrees until the buns are dry and they will not get a beautiful ruddy-golden color. The baking process will take about 27 to 30 minutes.

Then the buns start with cream, which can be prepared until thection is baked.

The cream is better to cook in aluminum dishes to avoid protein coagulation.

Mix milk, sugar and eggs thoroughly. Then put this mixture on fire and bring to a boil, stirring all the time.

Skipping the mass to remove from the fire and cool it in cold water, and if not to the hop - let him cools like this. Soften the oil and in several techniques pour into it a cooled milky-protein mixture.

Beat the cream and add a spoonful of cognac.

Stop profitrols are better than hot, using a confectionery cream.

Profitrols with various fillings

As it turned out earlier, the filling for profitolls can be the most different: sweet and salty. Combining various products, profitrols can be stolen by the most unexpectedly variable ways.

But it is better to start with the stuffs, more simple in preparation.

Profitrols with condensed milk

The custard dough, prepared in the method described above, lay out in small parts on the baking sheet, covered with bakery paper. From above, every bun with a whipped egg squirrel. You can use an ordinary tassel for drawing or chicken feather.

Stuffing for these profitroples, which baked in heated to 200 0 oven for 25 minutes, the cream of condensed milk will become.

What is needed for cooking cream? Bank of condensed milk or slightly less - it all depends on the amount of received profitoleum. But the remains of the cream can always be used in cooking. Even just smear on a white loaf and file to tea.

It's good to beat the condensed milk with butter, the 150 g of which should be softened, but do not melt. Optionally, you can add to the resulting cream 2 tablespoons of cocoa, and you can start the bumping mini-cake cream from condensed milk without cocoa.

This version of the filling can be simplified using boiled condensed milk as a cream. All other procedures remain the same. Cream from condensed milk is placed in a confectionery bag and is squeezed into ready-made non-fitting.

Profitrols with cottage cheese cream

Curd cream used as a filling for profitholi may be sweet and disadvantaged. In the first case, sugar is added to low-fat curd. The proportions depend on the amount of received profithol and taste.

On 40 servings obtained from the custard test indicated above, it will be necessary:

  • 200-gram pack of cottage cheese;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • Half a cup of thick sour cream;
  • Pose of steady raisins.

All ingredients are mixed with each other in a homogeneous mass. Sugar can be added more or less who love more.

If a walled cream is used as a filling, then a chopped greenery of dill is added to the curd basis, 2 - 3 slices of crushed garlic, slight salt and pepper, 1 grated melted routine. Profitrols with such a filling are served as a snack.

Profitrols with seafood

This variant of Profitoll is a snack bar.

For salad used as a filling, used:

  • 300 g of frostily shrimp (or boiled in salted water for a minute and folded on a colander);
  • Packaging of crab sticks, grated in a small grater;
  • 4 fine boiled boiled eggs;
  • 200 g of grated cheese;
  • 2 cloves of crushed garlic;
  • Small dill greens;
  • Salt, pepper, mayonnaise for refueling.

Profitrols are prepared in the usual way of custard test, but before refueling them with a salad, cut off the tops. They can then decorate a snack or just eat.

Cooked products mix, twisted salt and pepper. Follow mayonnaise. Exceived by salad to start profitroli.

You can cook both from the finished dough, and do it yourself. And the filling ...

Cakes for cakes in a pan. Step-by-step photos and recommendations.

Fried zucchini with garlic - a simple and tasty snack, without which it is simply impossible to present the summer feast.

"Taverged" Cake from Profitoll

This cake in the form of the tower can be prepared for various holidays, and you can also raise your mood and acquaintances on weekdays, surprising them with the extraordinary taste of French dessert.

Products that will be needed for the test:

  • 125 ml of milk;
  • 125 ml of water;
  • 50 g of cream (not spread) oil;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Sugar slightly;
  • 150 g of flour;
  • 4 chicken eggs of the first category.

For cream:

  • Whipped cream.

For sweets:

  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 40 ml of water.

For decoration:

  • Sugar mastic.

To obtain a custard dough pour into the pan of milk and water, add, oil, salt and sugar (tea spoon will be enough). Breaking a mixture to boil, and to pour out sifted flour. It is necessary to do it quickly and with continuous stirring so that the dough is brewed without lumps.

Dofully persuade within a few minutes so that the extra moisture evaporates. The resulting dough must be well formed. And before adding eggs to it, the dough should be cooled, constantly whipping it with a mixer. If the dough is hot, the eggs are just boiled in it. Eggs add one by one.

The finished dough should not be liquid or rushing. It should hang from a wooden or plastic spatula with a smooth triangle, not stacking from it.

On a lubricated baking sheet, lean out of a confectionery bag filled with custard dough, smooth small balls, not forgetting about the distance between them. Folded on top of the bulge should be squeezed with a finger moistened in water.

Heat the oven to a temperature of 250 degrees and turn it off, put a baking tray there with profitrolles. After 10 minutes, turn on the oven by 75 degrees, and bake the profitrols for another 15-20 minutes.

This embodiment of the pencils is French, but can also be used. 30 minutes in the oven heated to 180 - 200 degrees.

While the profiteroles are baked, made of rolled sugar masses with metal molds make flowers for decoration. Mastics can be used ready or prepared by the mixture of sugar powder, lemon juice, gelatin and starch. Sugar flowers drown on a plate.

Ready-made profitrolles Start with cream cream. If you do not use ready, then chilled high fat cream is needed to obtain a cream.

Part of the filled protrols is to pinch in sugar sweet, having dipped each in the mixture, which is prepared as follows. Sugar dissolve in water, bring to a boil and respect in the dishes with a closed lid.

Then the resulting syrup is quickly cooled in a cold water bath. The cooled mass is taken to white. Finished sugar sweet is ready for use if it is stretching.

To give a saturated yellow or orange, add carrot juice or food dye to it.

On the dish, to build a tower from thection of profithole, using in the center - stlaced, and on the sides are savaged in sugar sweet. To impart the stability of the structure of the future cake, lubricate all the profits between themselves whipped cream. Ready cake decorate with sugar and sugar on the table.

  1. The readiness of the Profitoleum is determined to the touch by their lateral parts: they must be solid. Profitrols with soft barrels are not ready and they can settle down;
  2. Instead of oil, fat and bakery paper, you can use a special silicone rug, which is sold in business stores;
  3. Before starting ready-made profitroles, they must be slightly pierced with a knife for better form preservation;
  4. Profitrols can be stored for some time in the refrigerator, and then use them for desserts or snacks;
  5. In no case do not open the oven, where the profiteroli is baked, otherwise they can lose their shape.

Having learned to prepare custard dough and bake profithors, you can experiment with different fillings and decorations, use them in a daily and festive menu.

Today we prepare the light, gentle, air and fantastically tasty cake made of custard with a snow-white sour cream. We decorate the cake of molten chocolate and chocolate figures. The cake turns out very beautiful, festive and unusually looks in the context.

For dough:

  • Water - 200 ml
  • Flour - 1 cup
  • Salt - 1/2 C.L.
  • Sugar - 1/2 C.L.
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Creamy oil - 100 g

For cream:

  • Sour cream 20% - 400 g
  • Sugar - 1 cup

For decoration:

  • Chocolate
  • Candy

Step 1: Cooking Dough

Pour water into the saucepan, add sugar and salt. Put on the fire and bring to a boil.

Step 2: add butter and flour

Add creamy oil. After it is completely melted, pour flour and mix quickly.

Step 3: Cook Dough

Heat the dough 1-2 minutes. It must be separated from the pans walls.

Step 4: add eggs

Remove the saucepan with a dough from the fire and cool a little dough. Add one eggs. After adding each egg thoroughly, slow down the dough until uniformity.

Step 5: lay out profitrols on the baking sheet

Put the dough into the culinary bag. Stay with parchment. Sudden on the baking sheet small profitrols of the same size.

Step 6: Booting Profiteroles

Bake the profitrols at a temperature of 200 degrees for 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake the cakes to a light brown crust, about 20-25 minutes.

Step 7: Enjoy the profitrol

Ready profithors remove from the back and cool.

Step 8: Join the excess liquid from sour cream

Put the sour cream in the gauze and put in the sieve under load to move the extra liquid.

Step 9: Cooking sour cream

Add sugar to sour cream. Take the sour cream with sugar before getting a lush, thick cream.

Step 10: Collect the cake

The bottom of the detachable shape is shy foil. Having cooled focus on sour cream cream and layers put in shape tightly to each other. The remains of the cream pour on top and scatter.

Step 11: Give the cake fit

Cover the cake on top of the foil, put a flat plate and a small cargo. Remove the cake in the refrigerator at least two hours, better for the night.

Step 12: Decorating the cake

Remove the shape from the cake. Decorate the cake with melted chocolate and chocolate candies.
Cake from sampling with sour cream is ready. Bon Appetit!

If you are bored with traditional cakes from the cortex, prepare an unusual dessert from custard balls. Your guests will accurately appreciate your new original dessert, especially when you can cake. Dessert from the profitoll in the context looks very effectively. The perfect combination of crispy test and a gentle sour cream will not leave anyone indifferent. Beautiful and appetizing dessert from custard cupcakes will decorate any festive table.


Cake with profitrollas has become a real internet star for the last 2 years. It is very spectacular and of course delicious. And this cake is interesting to cook. This recipe and wonderful photo of Catherine Self Catherine's culinary blogger. The recipe is designed for a cake with a diameter of 15-16 cm. The recipe uses a cherry as the main taste accent, but you can use any favorite berries or fruits.

Japanese custard biscuit (he will go to the sides of the cake and the bottom)

  • 120 g of milk
  • 100 g of butter
  • 120 g of flour
  • 170 g Zolkov
  • Eggs 100 g
  • Squirrel 250 g
  • 120 g of sugar

Step 1. Let's start with whipping proteins with sugar. Whip proteins before forming foam, then add sugar into two three intakes. We beat proteins to an increase in the volume of 5-6 times, to the consistency of the bird beak.

Step 2.Next, we will prepare a custard for our test: in a saucepan pour milk, heating the milk and add butter, we need to make our mixture. When the mixture boils with a flour and stirring intensively with a flour, wash the dough until it becomes lagging behind the walls of the scenery and does not meet in a lump.

Step 3.We give the test a little cool, and in the meantime we mix eggs and yolks together. Put the dough in the bowl and begin to beat it, it allows the test a little cool.

Step 4. Continuing to beat the dough portions, add yolks and eggs to it. Beat the dough to get a smooth homogeneous mass.

Read also 3 Summer Mousse - Mint Mousse, Strawberry Mousse, Lime Mousse

Step 5. When the dough is already well stirred, in 2-3 receptions add whipped squirrels to it and gently interfere with the dough to get more lush and air texture.

Step 6. We divide the dough into two parts and pour on two bars laid by parchment. We distribute our biscuit in a thin layer across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe opposite and align the layer so that it is the same thickness.

Step 7. We bake the biscuit in the oven preheated to 160-170 degrees for 12-15 minutes. Check the readiness of the biscuit by pressing if the spinner springs at the point of clicking and aligns it, it means it is ready.

Immediately after baking, the biscuit is tightly covered with the food film and let it cool it. We make blanks for cake from our cooled biscuit: cut out two stripes for cake sides and one circle for bottom.


  • 125 g of water
  • 2.5 g salts
  • 2.5 g of sugar
  • 50 g of butter
  • 75 g of flour
  • 2-3 eggs (125-130 g)

Step 1. Water mix with sugar, salt and sliced \u200b\u200boil cubes (oil cubes, to have time to dissolve by that time when the water starts to throw.

Step 2. Remove from the fire and pour all the in advance of sifted flour. It is carefully stirred so that there are no dry fluttened inclusions.

Step 3. Return on fire and add, evaporate excess water on low heat 1-2 minutes. The dried dough must roll into the ball, and at the bottom - a small crust is formed. In this case, the dough will select more eggs and will better rise.

Step 4. Hot dough shifting into the bowl of the mixer or in a large deep bowl.

Step 5. Strictly one add eggs in hot dough. If the dough is done in a stationary mixer, then with the help of paddle nozzles (not a hook!), On low revs (1-2). If your hands, then with a plastic or wooden blade.

Read also Ecler. Subtlety of preparation. Options for steps

After adding each egg, the dough should be elevated, until complete homogeneity, only then add the next egg. The dough must be very carefully kneading the mixer or blade so that it is absolutely smooth and brilliant. The finished dough will be easy to lag behind the bunny or blades.

Another verification option: to spend a furrowing line over the test. If it immediately closes, the dough of the desired consistency.

Step 6. Sick the dough from the confectionery bag on the baking sheet.

Step 7. Put the dough into a confectionery bag with the desired nozzle. (Round hole up to 10 mm)

Step 8. Oven at 170-180 from 25-30 minutes.
Ready-made profithors will be even golden, closer to brownish. Do not be afraid to raise them and see if there was no white spots on the bottom.
The finished product will be more dry than soft. You do not need to worry: when filled with cream, they will be splashing, but do not break down.

Step 9. Start crushing cream and cherry kouli (recipe below).

Cheese cream with cherry puree

  • 100 g of cottage cheese
  • 100 g cherry puree
  • Sugar powder to taste.

Cheese, powder and mashed potatoes, beat the mixer to lush mass.

Cherry Kuli.

  • Cherry puree - 125 g
  • Sugar to taste - 50 g
  • Pectin - 8 g
  • Gelatin - 6 g

Step 1. Listed gelatin Soak in a bowl with cold (!) Water.
Council. If you use powder, and not sheet gelatin: Soak it in a small amount of fluid (proportions 1: 6) and leave for 45-60 minutes for swelling. Naked gelatin heat on low heat, before dissolution, not allowing boiling.

Step 2. Cherry defrost and punch a blender in mashed potatoes.

Step 3. Pectin mix with sugar.

Step 4. Part of the cherry puree lay out into a small saucepan and heat up to 40 ° C.