Hard boiled quail eggs time. Recipes for dishes with boiled quail eggs

01.08.2019 Bakery products

How much to cook quail eggs correctly, will depend on how much the product retains its utility. In addition to the fact that these eggs can be boiled, they can also be fried, baked or even eaten raw. Unlike a large chicken egg, this product is miniature, which means that the cooking time is automatically reduced.

If we talk about how much to cook quail eggs for a child or an adult, then five minutes will be enough. During this time, the product is enough to boil, but will not lose vitamins and useful trace elements.

Important! Before buying a pack, be sure to look at the expiration date and storage conditions. In the refrigerator, quails can be stored for up to three months, but when room temperature this period is reduced to a maximum of 30 days. Freshness is easily determined by weight. fresh egg won't be easy.

What else is important to consider

The average weight of one testicle is only a dozen grams. It is clear that this is several times less than the weight of a chicken egg. At the same time, the price of the described product is several times higher. It's connected with invaluable benefit that quail eggs have on human health. A huge plus is that they do not cause allergies and.

About cooking methods

To boil quail eggs, you will need standard set utensils. This is a saucepan, water and salt. It is important that the pan is not large in size. If the eggs hit each other during cooking, they may burst. Also, to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, it is recommended to take the product out of the refrigerator a few hours before boiling.

Cold water is poured into the pan, salt is added. Salt is the third way to protect against the fact that eggs may burst during cooking. Put the pot on the fire and wait until it boils. Next, lower the eggs into the water and cook over medium heat. The product must be completely covered with water.

Interesting! One hundred grams of this type of eggs contains only 160 calories. At the same time, you can quickly get enough of quail eggs, and you can also cook various dishes with this product.

About cooking time

Most actual question, of course, how much to cook quail eggs for salad or for. Because of their size, quail eggs will cook faster. It takes three minutes to cook soft-boiled eggs, to cook the product hard-boiled, you need to wait five minutes.

Too long in the water this product you can’t keep it: it will spoil taste qualities. AT cold water boiled eggs are lowered so that they can be peeled faster.

Briefly about the cooking time:
Soft-boiled. It is enough to cook 2-3 minutes from the moment of lowering;
Hard boiled. Boil five minutes;
It is always important to remove eggs from hot water immediately;

Various tricks

If you have already come across boiled quail eggs, then you know that they have an irregular shape after cooking. In the shell there is a part of the space with air, where the liquid is not distributed. In order for the eggs after cooking to be perfect in shape, you will need to pierce them with a needle from the blunt end. Then the air protection will burst, and the protein will evenly fill the space.

Dip the eggs into the pan with a teaspoon in turn. If an egg of this species is overcooked, the yolk will have a characteristic strong hue. The product itself will be difficult to chew and will taste like rubber. For quick and easy cleansing, you must first roll the egg in your hand, and then remove the shell with one plane.

How to boil poached eggs

Basically, even this small product can be boiled in such an exquisite way. True, cooking will have to spend more time and effort. Put water on and wait until it boils. Then pour 10 grams into it table vinegar. Break the egg shell and carefully place it in the water. Now literally no more than three minutes and carefully remove with a spatula.

Whether to use an egg cooker

Of course, this is the easiest way to quickly deal with this product. A timer will help, on which you can set the type of eggs, and the device will automatically calculate the time. With such a miracle of household appliances, the hostess does not even need to know how many minutes to cook hard-boiled quail eggs, because the device does everything for her.

It is believed that steamed eggs will be the most useful. Also, when using an egg cooker, the shell will definitely not crack the product.

This is the most important aspects, which are taken into account when cooking quail eggs for salads or other dishes. The product is considered pure, because quails do not need to be stuffed with hormones and growth stimulants. Let in your healthy diet quail eggs are a must. By the way, you can also use this species eggs.

Everyone knows for a long time - heard, read, snatches or in detail. Anyway, dietary properties quail eggs deserve special attention. They are especially useful raw: But they are very easy to cook. How much to cook quail eggs, how easy and quick to clean them, we will tell you today.

If you drink 2 raw quail eggs on an empty stomach every morning, you will feel that for a long time there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach and heartburn, nails and hair have become more beautiful, the complexion has evened out and the skin looks fresher.

And all because quail eggs are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The Japanese have long taken note of the property of quail eggs to remove radionuclides and therefore, every student in without fail gets 2 quail eggs for breakfast - that's the law.

In addition, quail eggs are hypoallergenic, so even people with bronchial asthma and children from early age. However, in everything you need to know the measure and be careful, because everything is individual and even quail eggs can cause allergies (even anti-allergic drugs cause it in some people), so listen to yourself more often, start small and watch, watch yourself.

Boiled quail eggs are an excellent breakfast - light and nutritious.

Boil quail eggs simply. First, it is better to wash them thoroughly under running water. There are controversial opinions about the contamination of quail eggs with salmonella, so without further ado, I still carefully wash the eggs of all birds. In addition, it has long been known that a person often inseminates products with Salmonella himself, if he does not wash the eggs thoroughly.

So, to boil a quail egg, put it in cold water so that it covers the eggs.

Soft-boiled quail eggs cook 2 minutes after boiling water

Hard boiled quail eggs cook for 4-5 minutes after boiling water.

Then quickly drain the boiling water and pour cold water. Leave until eggs cool. Then we clean up.

Contrary to popular belief, peeling quail eggs is easy, you just need to know how to do it right.

Lightly mash the cooled quail egg in your hands or roll it on the table to completely break the thin shell, and then simply remove the entire egg shell with a tape - like this:

Boiled quail eggs can be eaten at any time - for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Hard-boiled quail eggs can be used to make a variety of snacks on hastily. Here are a couple of recipes for you.

Scottish quail eggs - video recipe

An original appetizer for your holiday table - delicious and satisfying.

Festive appetizer of quail eggs with red caviar:

The most spectacular appetizer- of course with caviar - red or black.

You won’t have to convince anyone of the benefits of such an appetizer - both ingredients have the most beneficial properties


  • 5 hard boiled quail eggs
  • black or red caviar
  • greens for garnish (optional)

The preparation is simple:

Hard-boiled quail eggs, cool, peel, cut in half.

We spread caviar on each half, you can stick a green sprig of dill or parsley, or finely chop the dill and sprinkle on the eggs, and then put the caviar.

Put everything together on a lettuce leaf and serve.

Appetizer of quail eggs and red caviar - ready!

And the second option is no less spectacular and useful.

Appetizer of quail eggs with salted trout


  • 8 quail eggs
  • 200-250 g lightly salted trout
  • 1 lemon
  • arugula or other herbs (dill, parsley)
  • some red or black caviar

The preparation is the simplest:

Hard-boiled quail eggs (can be soft-boiled), peel.

Cut the trout into thin slices and wrap around the eggs.

Put in portions in the socket or on common dish, decorate with a thin slice of lemon, red caviar, green leaves. gourmet snack from trout and quail eggs is ready!

Enjoy your meal!

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Quail eggs loved by supporters proper nutrition for their usefulness, and to parents of young children also for digestibility and hypoallergenicity. How long do you need to boil eggs to keep their taste and benefits?

How to cook hard boiled?

They have become an indispensable ingredient in the breakfast of Japanese schoolchildren. We are more accustomed to chicken analogues, which lose to smaller competitors in terms of the amount of trace elements and vitamins. Another advantage of the product created by quails is that they are much less likely to be infected with salmonellosis. But still, it’s better to play it safe and not eat the “toy” egg raw. How long to boil hard boiled quail eggs?

Simple culinary process runs according to the following algorithm:

    1. Put the quail eggs out of the refrigerator in advance so that they become warm - this way they break less.
    2. Rinse very carefully under running water.
  • Put in a container into which you want to pour water. She must cover them completely.
  • Cook until done.
  • After boiling, drain the hot water and pour the cooked product with cold water to make it easier to peel.

But how can this willingness be determined? How long to boil hard boiled eggs? Experienced housewives share the secret about cooking time. Some claim that 4 minutes is enough, otherwise the protein will be digested and become rubbery. Others believe that longer is better - there will be no harm from this. It's a matter of taste, and it's up to you to decide how much to cook hard-boiled eggs after boiling, but the generally accepted norm is 5 minutes.

There is another recipe for cooking - lower it into already boiling water. This must be done carefully so that the fragile shell does not break. Salt, previously placed in water, will protect against leakage. Usually it is 2 tablespoons.

How to boil soft-boiled?

Many people like delicate taste semi-liquid yolk. How long to cook soft-boiled quail eggs so that the yolk does not have time to become hard? They are cooked in exactly the same way - the difference is only in time. Remove the pan from the heat after 2 - 2.5 minutes. Useful, low calorie breakfast or snack is ready.

So that during cooking, quail eggs hit each other less, you need to lay them close - as much as possible and closer to each other.

How to cook in the microwave?

it modern way cooking, which is designed to save the cook from constant supervision of the cooked dish and from obsessive doubts about how much to cook hard-boiled eggs. The algorithm will help to cook them in the microwave:

    1. Take a deep ceramic or glass cup.
    2. Put the eggs in to add cool water later.
    3. Turn the power control to 450-500 watts.
    4. Set a timer for 3 minutes.
  • Remove after the bell and be sure to cool the dish in cold water.

How many minutes do you need to cook soft-boiled quail eggs in the microwave? 1 minute is enough. Minimum effort and time.

Can I cook in a slow cooker?

If some samples of the quail product have damaged shells, then you can save them with the help of a slow cooker. To do this, you need to pour water into its container and put these small quail gifts there, after washing it, and select the steaming program.

How long do you need to cook quail eggs in a slow cooker? Hard-boiled will be ready in 7 minutes, soft-boiled - in 3-4 minutes. The item of household appliances will let you know about the end of the cooking time by calling. You need to get and pour the product cold water.

New Recipes

Few people will be surprised by just boiled eggs. You can please your family with a familiar product by preparing it in an unusual way. The poached egg has been known for a long time, but worth a try french recipe on a quail egg. It's a lot easier than it looks:

    1. Pour water into a saucepan and boil.
  • Add a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of acetic acid.
  • Stir the water in such a way that a funnel appears in the center.
  • Gently peel the blunt end of the egg and pour the contents into a boiling funnel.
  • Remove the dish with a slotted spoon after 2 minutes.

If you don’t get it right the first time, then every time it will turn out faster. How easy it is to prepare, how tasty the poached egg is.

Ready to take a chance and poach in the microwave? Take a glass beaker, add a teaspoon of salt and vinegar to it and crack an egg. You don't have to wait a lot. At a power of 500 W, the dish will be ready in half a minute. On the outside, the protein will become hard, keeping the yolk tender and soft.

Boiled quail eggs can be put in the lungs, but nutritious and vitamin salads and connect with boiled chicken, tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs. Or decorate a dish with such a pretty decor. In any case, they diversify the diet and enrich the body with essential trace elements.

Quail eggs are a product unique in its composition and nutritional values. There is an erroneous stereotype that they should be consumed exclusively in their raw form. In fact this is not true. Although the risk of contracting salmonella is indeed lower compared to chicken eggs, for dietary nutrition, it is strongly recommended to cook quail eggs for at least 1-2 minutes. AT boiled eggs all are saved useful material and vitamins, as in raw, and boiled product absorbed much better. You can eat them just like that, because they are very tasty when boiled, or you can use them for salad, for example, for Caesar.

In this article, we will consider in detail the question of how to properly boil quail eggs so that they are easy to clean and get exactly the consistency you want.

How many minutes to cook quail eggs.

    Soft-boiled eggs are boiled for 1-2 minutes after boiling.

    Eggs in a bag are boiled for 1 minute after boiling, and then kept in boiling water for another 2 minutes.

    Hard boiled eggs are boiled for 4-5 minutes.

How to boil quail eggs in a pan

Regardless of what hardness of the egg you want to get as a result - well-cured, soft-boiled, in a bag, the cooking process will look like this:


Rinse eggs thoroughly with cold water and place in a saucepan.


Pour in water so that it covers the eggs by 3-4 cm.


Put the pot on a high heat and wait for it to boil. So that the eggs do not burst, and after cooking they are well cleaned, add 2 tsp to the water. salt.

After boiling, reduce the heat to medium and cook the eggs according to the cooking time until they reach the desired consistency.


Send the testicles in cold water to cool.

How long to cook quail eggs

The countdown in this process is from the moment of boiling water. So:

  • it takes 5 minutes to hard boil quail eggs;
  • it takes 2 minutes to boil soft-boiled quail eggs;
  • to cook quail eggs "in a bag" you need to cook them after boiling for 1 minute, and then turn off the fire and leave them in hot water for another 2 minutes.

After the quail eggs are cooked, they must be moved to cold water and kept there until completely cooled. The ideal option there will be a bowl of water and ice.

How long does it take to boil quail eggs for a child

Quail eggs can be introduced into the diet of the baby earlier than chicken. And if the child is prone to allergies, then it is the quail testicles that need to be completely replaced with chicken ones. A child up to a year old can be given 1-2 quail eggs per day.

The minimum cooking time for quail eggs for a baby is 2 minutes. But it is advisable to cook them hard-boiled - that is, 5 minutes.

How and how much to cook quail eggs in the microwave


Rinse eggs thoroughly with cold water.


Place them in a suitable deep microwave-safe dish. Pour cold water over to completely cover the eggs.

The usefulness of quail eggs is undeniable. That is why they are often included in the diet of children, and are also recommended as dietary product. But you should know, in addition to the fact that quail eggs are useful, how much time to cook them and how to do it right?

Quail eggs: how much to cook until ready

Quail eggs are distinguished by their fragility in relation to chicken and other eggs. Therefore, you should know some points in order to weld them correctly.

Before boiling them, let them stand at room temperature for about half an hour. This is necessary in order to exclude the possibility of cracking quail eggs from temperature changes.

If they crack during cooking, then almost the entire egg will flow out of an already small size.

To evenly distribute the eggs inside the shell, you can pierce it from the blunt side with a needle. On this side there is air, on which depends how the liquid part eggs.

In order to cook them properly, you will need a convenient container for this, in which you need to boil water. Drop the eggs one by one with a spoon. But the cooking time will depend on the form in which you like the eggs.

So, for soft-boiled eggs, two or three minutes should be noted, and for hard-boiled eggs, about four minutes. After the eggs are cooked, they need to be removed and dipped in cold water for easier cleaning.

The shell is very easy to remove after it is slightly crushed in the hand, after which it is removed in one movement and one strip.

Also, quail eggs can be boiled without the shell. It's called a poached egg. To prepare them, boil water (about a liter), put ten grams of vinegar and a tablespoon of salt into it.

Now carefully break the egg and release it into the water. This egg should be boiled for about two minutes. After that, they should be removed with a slotted spoon.

Thus, quail eggs are boiled quite simply and quickly.

What are the benefits of quail eggs

Probably, there is no such mother who does not know that it is better to feed her baby quail testicles, because they are hypoallergenic and have a lot of useful properties.

Eggs are rich in vitamins from groups B, A, C, D and calcium. In addition to all this, quail eggs contain a lot of protein, 80% of which is absorbed by the body. Another advantage of eggs is that they are a low-calorie product.

Scientists have long proven therapeutic effect quail eggs on the human body.
The vitamins and microelements contained in them contribute to the removal of radionuclides from the body and help to strengthen the immune system.

Since quails are not susceptible to the vast majority of infections, therefore, there is no need for antibiotic treatment when compared with chickens. That is why poultry meat and eggs are considered truly organic products.

Quail eggs treat such ailments as anemia, peptic ulcers, gastritis. To overcome the disease, you need to drink two pieces of raw eggs every morning on an empty stomach.

After 2-3 weeks of such treatment, the heaviness in the stomach will go away, heartburn will disappear, the skin of the face will freshen up, nails and hair will take on a beautiful healthy look, in general, you will feel a surge of vigor and strength.

And most importantly, eggs do not contain cholesterol, so they will always be appropriate when diet food, they can be eaten even by people with bronchial asthma.

The shell of quail eggs can also be eaten. It must be ground into a powdery consistency and eat, adding to food.

What can be cooked from quail eggs

From boiled quail eggs, you can cook a lot of delicious and healthy snack dishes. We offer a couple of recipes for you.

Quick Boiled Quail Egg Appetizer

Would need:

  • 6 boiled quail eggs (hard boiled);
  • Red caviar;
  • A bunch of greens.

Boil the eggs, peel and cut lengthwise into 2 identical halves. On each such half, lay out a third of a teaspoon of red caviar on top.

We finely chop the greens and decorate the resulting “boats with caviar”. It remains to put on a lettuce leaf and you can serve.

Salad of boiled quail eggs and cod liver

You will need:

  • A jar of cod liver;
  • 10 pieces of boiled quail eggs;
  • Greens;
  • Salt, pepper to your taste.

We knead the cod liver with a fork, and the boiled eggs should be crumbled, but not too finely. We put everything in a deep plate, salt, pepper, add finely chopped greens. We mix everything. Can be refilled olive oil. That's all the salad is ready. Enjoy your meal.

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