How long to cook soft-boiled quail eggs. The benefits of boiled quail eggs

15.08.2019 Buffet table

Quail eggs have a lot of useful properties and are often eaten boiled, so many people will be interested to know how and how much to boil quail eggs so that they turn out to be soft-boiled or hard-boiled.

How many minutes to cook quail eggs?

Unlike chicken eggs, quail eggs are small in size and their cooking time is less, so below we will consider how long to boil quail eggs:

  • How long does it take to boil soft-boiled quail eggs? To make soft-boiled eggs, they should be boiled for 1-2 minutes after boiling water.
  • How long does it take to boil quail eggs? In order for the eggs to be hard-boiled, they should be boiled for 3-4 minutes if they were immediately boiled along with water on the stove, or 5 minutes if they were placed in already boiled water.
  • Cooking time for hard-boiled quail eggs in the microwave is 3 minutes.

How to cook quail eggs in a saucepan on the stove?

In order to boil quail eggs, we need a saucepan and salt, as well as the quail eggs themselves, which are recommended to be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that they warm up to room temperature.

The sequence of boiling quail eggs hard-boiled and soft-boiled is the same, only the cooking time differs:

  • Gently wash the eggs in cold water (putting them in a colander or each egg separately).
  • We put the quail eggs in a saucepan and fill them with cold water so that the water completely covers the eggs.
  • Salt the water (about 1/3 or 1/2 tablespoon of salt) so that the shell does not crack when boiling the eggs.
  • We put the pan on a large fire and wait until the water boils, after which we reduce the fire so that the water does not boil much and the eggs do not beat in the pan against each other and do not break.
  • Boil quail eggs for 1-2 minutes to make them soft-boiled or 3-4 minutes to make them hard-boiled.
  • We turn off the stove and transfer the eggs from boiling water with a spoon to a container (deep plate, pan) with cold water so that the eggs cool faster and are well cleaned.
  • After 3-5 minutes, the eggs can be taken out of cold water, peeled and eaten.

Note: quail eggs can be boiled in a saucepan in another way, namely, put them in already boiled salted water with a tablespoon and cook for 2 minutes to get soft-boiled eggs or 5 minutes to get hard-boiled quail eggs.

How to cook quail eggs in the microwave?

Quail eggs are gaining more and more popularity. This is due to the fact that they have a minimum number of calories, enriched with vitamins and various trace elements. Compared to a chicken egg, a quail egg has many more useful properties.

Quail eggs have a good effect on the body during pregnancy, as well as in diseases of the stomach, various allergies and diabetes. It is also recommended for children to eat, starting from infancy.

Can it be eaten raw?

Theoretically, quail eggs, like chicken eggs, can be eaten both cooked and raw. However, at least heat treatment is necessary, otherwise there is a risk that they may be infected with harmful bacteria. In this case, instead of beneficial properties, the human body will be harmed.

The risk is minimized if the quail is domestic, with proven egg quality. In other cases, taking the raw product is not recommended, especially for children.

How to prepare soft drink?

The cooking process, both soft-boiled and hard-boiled, is much more complicated and accurate than that of chicken eggs. The fact is that quail eggs have a more fragile shell, and the weight is only about 15 grams. In order not to digest and maintain integrity, they must be cooked in stages, maintaining the exact sequence.

Before use, all eggs must be thoroughly, but carefully, washed, preferably each separately. The pan is filled with enough water to cover all the eggs and placed on the stove. The water is pre-salted. As soon as it boils, you need to slowly lower the eggs into it. Eggs must be immersed carefully, avoiding hitting the edges and bottom of the dish, otherwise they can burst instantly.

In order to cook soft-boiled, 2 minutes from the moment of boiling is enough.

How to boil hard boiled?

The sequence of hard-boiled cooking is exactly the same as for soft-boiled cooking. Exactly the same order, and accuracy when immersed in water. The only thing that needs to change is time. It takes 5 minutes to cook.

Features of cooking for children

Interesting appearance and tiny size are very attractive to children. Therefore, they use them with pleasure. But since the body of children is weaker and more finicky, it is necessary to properly boil quail eggs.

  • Eggs must be rinsed with clean water.
  • The water in the pan should be cold and salty when the eggs are dipped into it.
  • Cooking time must be exactly 4-5 minutes.
  • Babies need to peel and thoroughly crush the egg on a plate.

In addition to eating eggs in their usual form, they are often used to make salads. Also with their use make cold snacks. Here are some simple recipes that will be a great addition to the holiday table.

Salad with quail egg and cherry tomato

  • 10 hard-boiled eggs.
  • 5 cherry tomatoes.
  • Greens.
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.
  • A little vegetable oil.

Tomatoes and eggs are cut in half, all other ingredients are added to them. Mix the salad well and it's ready to serve.

Salad with quail egg and champignons

  • 4 eggs.
  • 1 small onion.
  • Champignons, 100 grams.
  • A bunch of lettuce leaves.
  • Olive oil.
  • Milk.
  • Salt.

An omelet is fried from three eggs and milk. The remaining egg is immersed in cold water and put on fire. After boiling on the switched off stove, leave for another 30 seconds and remove. Rinse with clean water.

Next, you need to finely chop the onion, along with the mushrooms. Fry both ingredients in a pan. Omelet, onions and mushrooms are mixed, salted, and chopped lettuce leaves are added to them. All this is filled with oil. The boiled egg is cut and placed on top of the salad.

Salad with quail egg and chicken fillet

  • Chicken fillet.
  • 4 eggs.
  • 2 medium tomatoes.
  • Bulgarian pepper.
  • Several slices of white bread.
  • Olive oil.
  • 1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar.
  • Greens.
  • Salt and pepper.

Quail eggs are hard boiled. The fillet must be beaten well with a kitchen hammer, add salt and pepper. Cut into pieces and fry over low heat until golden brown. Pieces of bread are cut into cubes, sprinkled with oil (vegetable) and put in the oven. It is necessary to get it when they are a little dry, to a crispy state.

Boiled eggs are cut into two halves, tomatoes and peppers, as well as fillets, are cut into pieces. All ingredients are mixed, vinegar and olive oil are added. Salt and pepper to your own taste. Greens and croutons are added at the last moment, without mixing, but simply on top.

Subtleties of cooking in the microwave

Modern microwave ovens offer the function of not only heating, but also cooking. Many, having abandoned the stove, cook food in them, because a little less time is spent. This also applies to quail eggs. There are no difficulties in cooking, you only need to use certain rules and procedures:

  1. As well as for heating, special utensils are required for cooking in a microwave oven. It is forbidden to use metal, flammable and shiny containers. The volume should allow complete closure of the egg with water.
  2. The power of the microwave must be set to about 500 watts, only then put eggs immersed in water into it.
  3. Set cooking time. Three minutes is enough to cook quail eggs in the microwave.

After the time has elapsed, take out the eggs and place them in cold water for a while. This will greatly facilitate the process of peeling eggs from the shell.

Video: how to determine the freshness of quail eggs

Everyone knows for a long time - heard, read, snatches or in detail. One way or another, the dietary properties of quail eggs deserve special attention. They are especially useful raw: But they are very easy to cook. How much to cook quail eggs, how easy and quick to clean them, we will tell you today.

If you drink 2 raw quail eggs on an empty stomach every morning, you will feel that for a long time there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach and heartburn, nails and hair have become more beautiful, the complexion has evened out and the skin looks fresher.

And all because quail eggs are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The Japanese have long taken note of the property of quail eggs to remove radionuclides and therefore, every schoolchild without fail receives 2 quail eggs for breakfast - this is the law.

In addition, quail eggs are hypoallergenic, so even people with bronchial asthma and children from an early age can use them. However, in everything you need to know the measure and be careful, because everything is individual and even quail eggs can cause allergies (even anti-allergic drugs cause it in some people), so listen to yourself more often, start small and watch, watch yourself.

Boiled quail eggs are an excellent breakfast - light and nutritious.

Boil quail eggs simply. First, it is better to wash them thoroughly under running water. There are controversial opinions about the contamination of quail eggs with salmonella, so without further ado, I still carefully wash the eggs of all birds. In addition, it has long been known that a person often inseminates products with Salmonella himself, if he does not wash the eggs thoroughly.

So, to boil a quail egg, put it in cold water so that it covers the eggs.

Soft-boiled quail eggs cook 2 minutes after boiling water

Hard boiled quail eggs cook for 4-5 minutes after boiling water.

Then quickly drain the boiling water and pour cold water. Leave until eggs cool. Then we clean up.

Contrary to popular belief, peeling quail eggs is easy, you just need to know how to do it right.

Lightly mash the cooled quail egg in your hands or roll it on the table to completely break the thin shell, and then simply remove the entire egg shell with a tape - like this:

Boiled quail eggs can be eaten at any time - for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Hard-boiled quail eggs can be used to make a variety of quick snacks. Here are a couple of recipes for you.

Scottish quail eggs - video recipe

An original appetizer for your festive table - tasty and satisfying.

Festive appetizer of quail eggs with red caviar:

The most spectacular appetizer is, of course, with caviar - red or black.

You won’t have to convince anyone of the benefits of such an appetizer - both ingredients have the most beneficial properties


  • 5 hard boiled quail eggs
  • black or red caviar
  • greens for garnish (optional)

The preparation is simple:

Hard-boiled quail eggs, cool, peel, cut in half.

We spread caviar on each half, you can stick a green sprig of dill or parsley, or finely chop the dill and sprinkle on the eggs, and then put the caviar.

Put everything together on a lettuce leaf and serve.

Appetizer of quail eggs and red caviar - ready!

And the second option is no less spectacular and useful.

Appetizer of quail eggs with salted trout


  • 8 quail eggs
  • 200-250 g lightly salted trout
  • 1 lemon
  • arugula or other herbs (dill, parsley)
  • some red or black caviar

The preparation is the simplest:

Hard-boiled quail eggs (can be soft-boiled), peel.

Cut the trout into thin slices and wrap around the eggs.

Put in portions in a socket or on a common dish, decorate with a thin slice of lemon, red caviar, green leaves. An exquisite appetizer of trout and quail eggs is ready!

Enjoy your meal!

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Thinking how to cook quail eggs so that they remain tasty, healthy? In this article, you will learn the basic rules for preparing quail eggs.

Now people have begun to think about their health more and more often. A modern person is exposed to stress, prefers to live an active life, often gets tired, sometimes simply does not have the opportunity to monitor the state of the body.

Various techniques, simple tips, recommendations from nutritionists come to the rescue. Increasingly, they are reminded of proper nutrition, a balanced menu.

Quail eggs, which are really capable of exerting a noticeable effect on the body, are enjoying growing popularity.

  • They are highly digestible and low in fat.
  • They have no cholesterol, almost never salmonella.
  • At the same time, the product provides a person with a mass of useful substances, which helps to improve health.

The question comes to the fore: how to cook, how to cook quail eggs so that they do not lose their valuable properties? Can they be thermally processed?

Not everyone likes to eat them raw, preferring dishes from them.

Recipe with quail eggs from Julia Vysotskaya - Crispy breakfast baskets:

And from heat treatment, many expect the complete destruction of vitamins and beneficial trace elements. Be sure to remember simple tips to cook quail eggs correctly. Then they will give you all their useful substances.

What will we cook? Choosing the right quail eggs

There are a number of misconceptions regarding the safety of quail eggs. Unfortunately, many consumers are unaware of how dangerous hand-purchased and disreputable products can be.

Of course, you need to know exactly how much to cook quail eggs, carefully monitor the time. But this will only help you bring the product to readiness. Buy quality eggs.

We will dispel a few myths and give useful tips for making the right choice.

  • Myth 1. Eggs are guaranteed to be free of salmonellosis, because quails do not get sick with it.

Think about what can get into eggs with damaged shells, where they can be stored, if the owner of the warehouse or store does not comply with sanitary standards! Be sure to remember that it is easy to introduce germs and infection from the outside into any product.

  • Myth 2. If the eggs are in the package, you can not inspect them - everything has already been done at the factory.

And this is also a delusion. Even if impeccably honest responsible people work at the factory, no one is immune from mistakes.
In addition, it is enough to turn the box over sharply, it is unsuccessful to put a box with sets of eggs so that they are damaged.

  • Myth 3. When quail eggs are suspicious, they just need to be boiled longer. All microbes will disappear, infections will not be scary.

This is the most common mistake most housewives make. Remember how much to cook quail eggs, and do not keep them in the pan for longer than the allotted time. Some microbes are killed only by autoclaving, to destroy a number of bacteria you have to boil them for an hour. After such manipulations, no one will eat such testicles, and there will be no useful substances left in them.

As you can see, there are a lot of myths about cooking and choosing quail eggs. The main thing is that all of them seriously influence the opinions of people, mislead housewives. Take care of yourself, remember how many quail eggs are actually boiled, choose them wisely!

Choosing high quality quail eggs

  1. Choice of outlet. First of all, pay attention to the reputation of the outlet. You should not buy testicles from dubious sellers, neighbors and acquaintances. Agree that you cannot trust people 100 percent. In addition, when quails are bred unprofessionally, mistakes can be made by accident. In a large store, quality assurance is much higher; hundreds, thousands of people buy products there.
  2. Appearance. It is important to carefully examine the quail testicles. This should always be done, even if you purchased them in a well-known store, the manufacturer inspires confidence. The testicles could be damaged by accident, there is also the possibility of errors.

    Make sure that the shell does not shine, it is clean. She must be whole. If you see damage, scratches or cracks, you should refuse to boil such eggs.

  3. weight and smell. Quail eggs, which are noticeably lighter than the rest and float when lowered into the water, do not need to be eaten. They may be damaged. It is important to check them for smell. Get rid of products whose quality you doubt.

You already know the basic principles of egg selection. And you may wonder how to cook them when you already have quality products in your refrigerator. Remember that trying to boil the eggs longer to kill all the germs is not necessary. Better take preventive measures.

Basic principles of cooking quail eggs

Now you need to learn the important principles of cooking quail eggs. You need to remember how to cook them, how much to boil eggs. Simple algorithms will help you.

First you need to prepare the product for cooking. Take carefully the quail eggs in the right amount. Rinse them under cool running water. Before that, they can be gently fanned with a napkin. Be careful as the shells of these little eggs are very fragile.

  1. After washing, put them in a bowl. Well, if they lie in it tightly enough. Then during cooking, the testicles will not beat against each other.
  2. Pour the eggs with cool water and put on the burner. It is advisable to place the eggs in cool, and not in boiling water, because the shell often cracks from a sharp temperature drop.
  3. Check if the water covers the eggs completely. If they pop out of the water, it won't matter how much you boil them. They will still cook unevenly.
  4. Wait for the eggs to boil. As soon as this happens, you need to reduce the fire and note the time.
  5. Remember how many quail eggs are boiled. They do not need to be cooked for more than five minutes.

What should be done to make quail eggs easy to peel?

When the eggs are ready, it is best to drain the hot water from the pan and then pour cold water into it. Then the testicles will be easier to clean.

Interestingly, their consistency and taste are completely dependent on the time of cooking eggs. You can cook different dishes by changing only the cooking methods and times.

Cooking quail eggs by time

When you learn how to choose the right quail eggs, you will be able to enjoy their taste, get all the valuable substances. A quality product can be consumed even raw and it is not at all necessary to boil them hard-boiled in order to destroy the main amount of bacteria in them.

For example, you will be able to regularly serve “pouched”, “soft-boiled” eggs to the table, make delicious poached and snacks.

Do you want to know how much to cook quail eggs to put them in a salad? Decided to learn more cooking methods to diversify the menu? Then remember how much to cook quail eggs in different cases.

Hard boiled quail eggs for salad

It is always important to remember that quail eggs cook much faster than chicken ones. Do not forget that in a saucepan on the fire there are small quail eggs with a delicate shell.

You get hard boiled eggs when you boil them for only 5 minutes.

No need to keep the pot on the stove longer! If you digest them, they will lose a lot of valuable substances, stop being tasty and acquire an unpleasant “rubber” texture.

Soft-boiled quail eggs with tender yolk

Increasingly, people prefer to eat soft-boiled testicles. They are tender, fragrant, the yolk is a little watery. Indeed, there are more useful substances in such eggs, since some of the microelements are still destroyed due to prolonged heat treatment.

How much to cook soft-boiled quail eggs? It is enough to keep them on the stove after boiling for 2-3 minutes.

If you cook longer, the yolk will become hard.

Eggs in a bag

Particularly delicate taste, a rich bouquet of flavors in eggs, boiled "in sacks". They must not only be properly prepared, but also eaten in a special way.

Boil quail eggs "in bags" for only one minute.

The egg “in the bag” is almost completely liquid, the protein film is the thinnest, tender. Therefore, it is necessary to cut off the top of the shell from the blunt end, and then take out the contents with a spoon.

Poached dish: how to cook it?

Eggs cooked according to a special recipe have an original taste and appearance.

Poached are eggs that are boiled without the shell. How much time does it take? You will need to wait after boiling for two, maximum three minutes.

Before this, you need to carefully release the egg from the shell into a funnel of boiling water. To do this, you need to twist the spoon in a circular motion, after that a water funnel should form there - this is where you need to pour the testicle.

The shell is cut off with a knife, it is advisable to remove the “lid” from the blunt end. Be careful not to damage the thin film of protein, otherwise the egg will spread.

How to cook quail eggs in the microwave

If you just put a quail egg in the microwave, it will, of course, explode. But if you know a few tricks, then the product can be easily cooked in the microwave without much loss.

  • You need to put the testicles in a bowl, pour warm water into it so that it completely covers them, and close the lid tightly. Then put in the microwave with the following parameters: power 500 W, time - 3 minutes.
  • You can cook poached eggs in the microwave. To do this, take a glass of water. Gently break an egg into it, put it in a 500 W microwave for about 30 seconds. Such an egg should be slightly raw inside and with ready-made protein on the outside.

How to cook quail eggs in a slow cooker

It would seem that it could be more elementary than cooking a quail egg. But in addition to the usual method of cooking in a saucepan, in our time another one has been added - cooking quail eggs in a slow cooker.

Many hostesses have this modern miracle of technology, in which you can cook almost everything - from porridge and soups to desserts and pies. The only drawback is that it takes about 1.5 times longer to cook quail eggs than when cooking them in a saucepan.

The easiest and most convenient way to cook quail eggs in a slow cooker is to steam it. Then even such quail eggs are suitable for cooking, in which the shell has recently cracked (for example, as a result of accidental mechanical impact).

  1. To prepare quail eggs, warm or cold water is poured into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Washed testicles are folded into a bowl of water, which is placed in a slow cooker.
  3. The program "Steam cooking", "Steam cooking", "Steam" or "Steam cooker" is selected (it can be written differently in different models of multicookers) and the required time for their preparation is set.

    If you need to boil soft-boiled eggs, the timer is set for 3-4 minutes, if you need to boil them hard-boiled - up to 7 minutes.

  4. After the beep, you need to pour hot water from the multicooker bowl and pour cold water over the quail eggs.

Now you know how to cook quail eggs. You will be able to cook different dishes, keeping all the valuable substances, trace elements and vitamins in them. Properly cooked quail eggs are distinguished by a delicate taste and delicate texture.

Quail eggs are a product that quickly became popular and quickly captured the hearts of cooks and housewives. Quail eggs bring many benefits to the human body. They have excellent taste. Eating raw is not recommended - you run the risk of infection, but when cooked, small testicles will become safe. Boiled quail eggs are given to children and pregnant women for proper development - one testicle contains fatty acids, phosphorus, tyrosine, potassium, iron, vitamins A, D and B. All housewives sooner or later asked the question: “How much to cook quail eggs? »

How long to cook quail eggs?

Cooking quail eggs is easy:

  1. Rinse each egg thoroughly under warm, but not hot tap water before cooking;
  2. Put in a saucepan and fill with water to the top;
  3. Add salt to protect the shell;
  4. Cook 1-2 minutes after the start of the boil;
  5. Place in a cup of cool water for quick and easy cleaning.

How long to boil hard boiled quail eggs?

It is important not to overexpose quail eggs in boiling water - the yolk becomes dark from this, and the protein resembles rubber, and not a healthy delicacy. If eggs come from young quails, add a minute or two to the standard cooking time.

  1. Rinse the eggs under cool or warm water;
  2. Fill with water with a margin and add a spoonful of salt;
  3. Bring to a boil;
  4. After boiling, cook for 4 minutes;
  5. Soak in cool water for easy cleaning.

How long does it take to cook hard-boiled quail eggs in the microwave?

Even a child can cook quail eggs in a microwave oven, and if the instructions are followed, they definitely will not explode. Just in case, it is recommended to cover the container with a special lid.

  1. Put the washed eggs in a container with water and salt - any non-metal utensils will do;
  2. Set the oven timer for 3 minutes at 400 watts;
  3. Put in cold water to make it easier to clean.

How many minutes do you need to cook hard-boiled quail eggs in a slow cooker?

Cooked quail eggs

A popular recommendation from nutritionists is to steam quail eggs. This will help preserve the maximum of useful substances and destroy possible harmful bacteria. The cooking time depends on the model of the multicooker, but in most multicookers, the answer to the question “How long do you need to boil hard-boiled quail eggs?” becomes 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the eggs definitely reach the desired state, but do not lose nutrients.

It is important not to forget to rinse the testicles under running water before cooking. After that, simply put it on the wire rack, and pour a couple of glasses of clean water into the bowl below.

For safety, you can prick the egg in the wide part with a thin needle before turning on the multicooker.

Quail eggs are a tasty and healthy product that is perfect for both surprising guests and strengthening your health.

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