Delicious and unusual dish for dinner. Delicious dishes from different cuisines of the world, which are ideal for dinner

13.10.2019 Bakery products

Sometimes the situation happens that there is no time to cook a tasty and rich feast. And the holiday is approaching, and the guests are literally "on the doorstep." What to do? First of all, don't panic. After all, the main thing is the warmth with which you will meet your guests. Prepare entertainment and ideas for hanging out. Second, stock up on quick and easy recipes. They will save the situation more than once when a festive dinner needs to be prepared as soon as possible.

Original and quick recipes for appetizers for the festive table

Snacks should be on every festive table. They are not only a food product, but also a beautiful decor. A skilled hostess will be able to serve even simple snacks with chic.

  • Snack - canapes. Canapé sticks will be just a great table decoration. Another plus is that the snack is portioned, it is easy to take and eat. Almost any product can be used to make canapes. The composition of some snacks - canapes: cheese, olive, peeled shrimp; sausage cube, cheese cube, smoked meat cube; cracker, cream cheese, olive. Canapes can be sweet, then they can be served during tea drinking or drinking wine. For example, you can make canapes from grape, pineapple and banana. The banana should be sprinkled with lemon juice so that it does not turn black. For canapes, you need to use hard elastic products that can hold on to the skewer
  • Stuffed eggs. Another easy and cheap way to make a snack. Eggs can be stuffed with melted cheese and mayonnaise, cod liver and fish caviar. Also, the egg snack is easy to turn into funny figurines that will decorate any table.
  • Lavash roll. Buy thin pita bread at the bread kiosk. Put a shawarma-type filling in it. And cut into portions. Vegetables can serve as a filling: cabbage, carrots, onions. Also add meat or crab sticks, cheese and sauce. This appetizer is very satisfying and easy to prepare.
  • A light tomato snack. Everyone knows this snack since childhood. Tomatoes are cut into thin rings, greased with garlic sauce and sprinkled with cheese. Then decorate with chopped herbs
  • Meat and cheese cuts. If there is absolutely no time for cooking, make cuts of meat and cheese. Get creative with decorating your dish
  • Also, pickled mushrooms, herring and other ready-made salty foods can serve as a snack.

How to prepare a salad for a gala dinner quickly?

In order not to delay cooking on the day of dinner, prepare all the ingredients in advance. Boil vegetables and eggs and cool, leave in the refrigerator. On the day of the gala dinner, all you have to do is cut and season with sauce.

  • Crab stick salad. We need: rice, eggs, crab sticks, canned corn, pickled onions, mayonnaise, salt. Pre-boil the rice and cool. Chop crab sticks, boiled eggs and pickled onions into small cubes. Then mix them with rice, corn and season with mayonnaise. Season with salt to taste. Decorate the salad before serving
  • Beetroot salad. Such a salad is not only extremely tasty, but also healthy. We need: boiled beets, walnuts, garlic, mayonnaise or sour cream, salt. Boil the beets and three of them on a coarse grater. Mix the beets with mayonnaise, crushed nuts, squeeze the garlic into the salad, salt it and mix thoroughly. Done
  • Croutons salad. We need: white unsalted cube-shaped croutons, smoked ham, canned corn, Chinese cabbage. As a dressing, you can optionally use mayonnaise or olive oil. All ingredients must be mixed and seasoned with sauce. Attention! Croutons get soaked quickly. They only need to be added before serving.

Recipe for a quick cake with condensed milk for a festive dinner

  • To make a super quick cake, you need to prepare purchased cakes. It remains to decide on the choice of cream
  • The simplest and most delicious cream is based on condensed milk. There are several recipes using boiled and ordinary condensed milk.
  • Recipe 1. We take butter and condensed milk (50 to 50). We soften the oil and mix it thoroughly with the condensed milk with a mixer. The cream turns out to be hearty and fatty
  • Recipe 2. For this cream we need: condensed milk, sour cream, a little butter, vanilla sugar. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until smooth.

How to make a quick cake in the microwave?

The microwave is a wand - a lifesaver for any housewife. If it is there, then it will not be difficult to make even a quick cake with its help.

  • The cake recipe is called "Quick Chocolate Cake." Depending on the creams, the recipe is easy to change at your discretion and according to your personal tastes
  • For the dough, we need: a glass of sugar, 2 eggs, 50 grams of butter, baking powder or soda, a glass of milk, sugar, 2 tablespoons of cocoa and flour (approximately 2 glasses)
  • Making the dough is elementary. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Then pour the dough into a greased microwave dish. A heat-resistant glass mold is perfect. We put the cake in the microwave of 900 W power for 7 minutes
  • Cool the cake a little and remove it from the mold. We are waiting for complete cooling. At this time, we prepare the cream
  • We need sour cream, a bar of dark chocolate, a sour cream thickener and powdered sugar. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and carefully beat all the ingredients with a mixer
  • Cut the cake in half. Grease liberally with cream between the dough pieces and the top of our cake. You can decorate with grated chocolate, nuts or cocoa. Leave the cake in the refrigerator for soaking for a couple of hours

Recipe for a quick and delicious Napoleon puff pastry cake

The classic Napoleon recipe is long and tedious. Guests will not even suspect a substitution if they cook this cake according to a different, simpler recipe.

  • We need: yeast-free puff pastry, flour, butter, egg, a glass of milk, lemon juice
  • Cooking "cakes" for the cake. Cut the dough into pieces and bake in the oven according to the recipe on the package. Don't worry if the cakes break a little.
  • At this time, prepare the custard: beat the egg, add a glass of flour and 2 tablespoons of flour, sugar to taste. We put on fire and constantly stir. We wait for the cream to thicken and turn off, add lemon juice
  • Grind pieces of baked puff pastry with your hands until you get a large puff crumb
  • Mix the dough with the cream. Cover the form with cling film and put the cake in it. Leave in the refrigerator overnight
  • In the morning we take out the cake, free it from the film and decorate with the remnants of puff pastry. Napoleon is ready

Delicious and quick sandwiches on the festive table

  • Smoked trout sandwiches. For these sandwiches, you need smoked trout, a rye baguette, butter, fresh cucumber, and herbs. The sandwich turns out to be tasty, fragrant and bright in spring
  • Cheese sandwiches. We need: white baguette, feta cheese, tomatoes and lettuce. Lettuce leaves must be cut so that they are the same size as the pieces of baguette
  • Cream cheese sandwiches. Cooking an appetizer: three melted cheese and an egg, mix with mayonnaise and garlic. Spread a generous snack on each piece of white bread
  • Sandwiches with cream cheese and ham. The ham is cut into thin slices and placed on bread, smeared with cream cheese. You can decorate sandwiches with herbs
  • Cod liver sandwiches. Cod liver is crushed with a fork, mixed with egg and mayonnaise. Decorate such sandwiches with a slice of tomato

Recipes for a delicious and quick hot for a festive dinner

There are a few simple main courses that will satisfy any company. The recipes for several of them are so quick that they take a minimum of time.

  • Potatoes with mushrooms in the microwave. Love French fries, but take a long time to cook? Try modifying the recipe by replacing the meat with mushrooms. Cut the onion into rings, the mushrooms into slices and place on the bottom of the baking sheet. Peel and cut the potatoes into thin slices. Lay on top, season with salt and pepper. Top the dish with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese. Depending on the power of the microwave, bake the dish from 30 minutes to an hour
  • Pasta casserole. This dish will replace lasagna, which takes an extremely long time to cook. Boil the pasta and fry the minced meat in a pan until cooked. Prepare tomato sauce using broth, tomato paste, a couple of tablespoons of flour and spices. Place some of the pasta in a greased baking sheet, pour over the sauce. Lay the minced meat on top, pour the sauce. The final layer is pasta. There can be more layers, at your discretion. Pour the sauce over the top layer, place the pieces of butter on it and sprinkle evenly with the cheese. You need to bake the dish in the oven, until a crispy cheese crust forms
  • Fan potato. For this dish you will need whole unpeeled potatoes, ham and hard cheese. We make many deep transverse cuts in the potato. Insert a slice of cheese or ham into each of them. We bake the dish in the oven until the potatoes are cooked. Serve the dish, decorate with herbs.

Fast Festive Meat Dishes

And, of course, no festive meal is complete without meat dishes. Let's look at some simple recipes.

  • Baked chicken. Cook chicken quickly, most of the time will be spent on baking. For the night, marinate chicken with salt, spices and garlic. We put it in the refrigerator. Before baking, grease the chicken with a mixture of mayonnaise and mustard. Put in the oven over medium heat. We bake for a little over an hour, until the pink juice ceases to stand out when pierced
  • Chicken wings in soy sauce. This dish is original and very tasty, it came to us from Asian cuisine. We need: chicken wings, fresh ginger root, garlic, soy sauce, spices and a little salt. Marinate the wings in soy sauce, add grated ginger and finely chopped garlic. Wings marinated in this way can be baked or stewed
  • Portioned meat baked in foil. Cooking pork in a large piece is very long, but you can bake portioned pieces quickly by decorating them and adding additional ingredients. Put a broken piece of pork on a piece of foil, sprinkle with spices and salt. Next, put in fresh champignons, tomato slices and sprinkle with cheese. Gently wrap the piece. We do this with each portioned piece. Put on a baking sheet and bake for 1 hour

  • To prepare dinner quickly, prepare the ingredients in advance.
  • Do not experiment with new dishes before guests arrive. If you fail, everyone will remain hungry and the hostess will be upset.
  • Pay due attention to the decoration of the dishes. Guests pay more attention to the appearance of the table.
  • Make one "signature dish" that you know how to cook and present it in the best possible light
  • Don't cook too much. This will only take away unnecessary forces and resources.
  • Prepare delicious drinks, cocktails. Don't forget to stock up on regular drinking water
  • Take breaks between meals to keep your guests entertained. So the food will fit and guests will be able to experience the whole gamut of tastes.
  • Remember that the main thing is the warm atmosphere at the table.

Video: How to decorate holiday dishes

Video: How to cook a festive dinner

Giving dinner to an enemy to lose weight is not a good idea. In the evening, the body must definitely please with tasty, healthy, but not too heavy food. Today we propose to discuss recipes for a light dietary dinner.

Delight for the gourmet

The easiest and fastest recipe for dinner is the easy one. Cut large grapes (green or dark) into slices. Meanwhile, chop ½ bunch of arugula, chop the avocado, 100 g feta cheese and mix. Season the salad with a sauce of 60 ml of olive oil, 1 tsp. lemon juice. Sprinkle sesame seeds on the salad. A delicious, original and easy dinner is ready.

Cabbage lightness

What can you eat for dinner with a diet, besides salad? cauliflower is a perfectly acceptable alternative. Boil 600 g of cabbage inflorescences in salted water and put them in a greased ovenproof dish. Whisk 2 eggs with 100 ml of milk, 80 g of grated cheese and a clove of garlic. Salt and pepper the mixture to taste, pour the cabbage with it and put it in the microwave at full power for 10 minutes. Fresh herbs will organically complement the casserole.

Bordeaux cutlets

Vegetable cutlets are a great dinner for a diet. The recipe for beet cutlets confirms this. Saute an onion with 2 cloves of garlic in oil, spread 3 boiled grated beets to them. Add herbs to taste, sprinkle with 3 tbsp. l. semolina, mix and wait 10-15 minutes for it to soak. Then we form the cutlets, roll them in semolina and simmer under the lid for 6 minutes on each side. Beet cutlets for dinner - tasty and healthy. For piquancy, you can add raisins or other dried fruits to such cutlets.

Enchanting peppers

An excellent option for a dinner on a diet is stuffed peppers. Boil 80 g of brown rice and mix with finely chopped tomatoes, carrots, parsley and 7 pitted olives. Fill 4 sweet peppers with minced meat, set them in a deep baking dish and fill with water to the middle. Cook the peppers in the oven for 45 minutes at 200 ° C, covered with foil. This dinner will surely satisfy your hunger until morning!

Turkey transformation

Turkey meatballs will successfully fit into the dinner menu with a diet. Fry chopped onion, garlic and 3 celery stalks in oil. Grate the medium zucchini and squeeze out the liquid. We pass 600 g of turkey fillet through a meat grinder, combine with the rest of the ingredients, 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal, add salt and spices to taste. Grate 1 medium carrot, finely chop 1 onion, fry. We sculpt meatballs from minced meat and simmer in water with a frying under the lid for 30 minutes. Serve them with white yogurt or tomato sauce - they are good in any form.

With sea views

Diet pancakes are a good recipe for a light dinner made from simple foods. Knead 2 bananas with a fork and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Pour 150 g of ground oatmeal, 100 g of semolina, 1 tsp. cinnamon and ½ tsp. baking powder. Pour in 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, honey to taste and beat the thin dough with a mixer. Fry the pancakes in a hot skillet until golden brown. Drizzle with maple syrup or honey for a delicious meal.

Fruits in zero gravity

Do you like cottage cheese? Then make a tender fruit casserole. Beat with a mixer 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese with 2 proteins and 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar. Dice the pineapple, orange and mango. You can take any fruits and berries that are on hand, raisins or other dried fruits. We mix them with the curd mass, put in a heat-resistant form and put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20 minutes. Such a delicacy for dinner will definitely appeal to both you and your loved ones.

Sweet colors

A thick fermented milk smoothie will be a tasty and healthy end of the day. Peel and slice the apple, banana and 3 kiwis. Whisk an apple and a banana in a blender with 50 ml of kefir, kiwi, 120 ml of yogurt, ½ bunch of spinach and 1 tsp. honey. Gently pour the mixture into a tall glass. This smoothie will delight the eye and charge the body with vitamins.

Look for more recipes for a light dinner with photos from our readers on the Eat at Home! We look forward to your own delicious and healthy dinner that will help you get in shape quickly. It is also very easy to prepare a delicious and light dinner with Eat Home frozen vegetable and fruit mixtures. Stews, baked vegetables, soups, vegetable casseroles and light and tasty desserts with berries and fruits: cook delicious!

What to cook for dinner quickly and tasty, and most importantly how to cook it simply. There are hundreds of options, and not only experienced housewives know about this, but also young girls, although they may not believe in such a statement the first time. Imagine a romantic dinner for two, and even if this is a dinner on February 14 or March 8, then it should not be just a delicious dinner.

Dinner is the main family meal. In the early morning we all run to the kindergarten, some to school and some to work. We have lunch on the go or right in the car, in the office or in the dining room, and in the evening we all get together at home and try to appreciate every minute to chat over dinner. A quick, simple and delicious dinner is a trend for any family anywhere in the world, regardless of income and social status.

Unfortunately, in our age, many housewives have limited time to cook dinner, so many are interested in what can be prepared for dinner quickly and tasty or what to cook for dinner quickly and easily. To serve dinner quickly, it’s a good idea to figure out exactly what you’re going to cook in advance.

You also need to make sure all products are in stock. These two conditions are a guarantee that no more than 30 minutes will pass from the moment you entered the kitchen to the call “everything to the table”.

Dinner ideas: fast, easy, inexpensive

A delicious dinner is a successful end to a working day, a great occasion to get together with the whole family and have a delicious meal. However, the hostesses should also think about what to cook for dinner quickly, tasty and cheap. With good instruction, it is quite simple to do this and very pleasant for the beloved family and cheerful guests.

Learn to make quick eggplant snacks and hearty chicken dishes. An excellent dinner turns out, both in a slow cooker, in a frying pan or in the oven. The main thing is to cook with love. The basis for a quick dinner is lean meat and fish, vegetable mixes, rice, pasta, delicious sauces and cheese. Everything that is cooked is fried and stewed in a matter of minutes. The result is excellent.

Indeed, there are many products for which long-term cooking is simply contraindicated. For example, chicken breasts, turkey or rabbit fillets, some cuts of beef, lamb and pork. Fish and seafood belong to the same category of products.

Quickly boiled or baked vegetables, fresh salads, cereals are perfect for them as a side dish. By the way, this is not only tasty, but also healthy food! Pasta dishes, unless it's lasagna and filled pasta, are another option that you don't have to spend a lot of time on!

Most sauces are cooked in minutes, while the water boils and the pasta cooks. By the way, not quite familiar oriental dishes of noodles - wheat, rice, buckwheat, served with appropriate sauces, greatly diversify the menu of our quick dinners.

The main thing is that all the ingredients are at hand! Therefore, we have prepared for you a real selection of what to cook for dinner, with which you can prepare a dish quickly and it will really be a delicious dinner.

So, let's begin:

  1. It takes 30-60 minutes to cook (and 60 minutes is the maximum);
  2. Dinner will be a woman and of course a man! And only so. After all, if one woman needs to have dinner (her loved ones all of a sudden all left for the dacha), then she certainly has nowhere to rush, and certainly with dinner;
  3. The vast majority of products are available or are definitely available in the nearest store. This is also due to the fact that the next thing women are looking for on the Internet is "what to cook for dinner cheap and inexpensive."

Spaghetti with smoked bacon

Spaghetti with bacon - step by step recipe


  • 500 gr. spaghetti;
  • 200 gr. Adyghe cheese;
  • 5-6 slices of smoked bacon;
  • 2-3 pcs. onions;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sherry;
  • Dry basil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 50 gr. hard cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable broth;
  • Pepper;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the spaghetti and drain the water;
  2. Cut the onion into strips and fry in olive oil until soft;
  3. Pour in sherry and salt, season with pepper;
  4. Simmer the sauce for 6-8 minutes;
  5. Grate cheese and put in a pan;
  6. Stir the sauce until the cheese is melted;
  7. Add vegetable broth and boil the sauce to the desired thickness;
  8. Arrange the spaghetti on plates and pour over the sauce;
  9. Garnish with basil and bacon slices.

Video "Spaghetti with Smoked Bacon"

Gourmet and light meals for dinner are obtained from fish, meat and vegetables. In summer, you can buy a lot of tasty and healthy, inexpensive and varied products on the market.

These are vegetables, herbs and spices that go well with chicken and fish and cook quickly, preserving all vitamins and minerals. What to cook for dinner quickly and tasty: let recipes with photos of ready-made delicious dishes inspire you to new culinary feats.

Meat casserole with potatoes in the oven

Oven Potato and Meat Casserole Recipe

This dish is very easy to prepare and delicious at the same time. As for the ingredients, we can say with confidence - they are in the kitchen of every good housewife.

The main ingredients of the dish:

  • Potatoes (preferably medium-sized) - 4 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream with high fat content - 150g.;
  • Minced meat (preferably pork and beef) - 350 g;
  • Onions (small) - 2 pcs.;
  • Hard cheese - 200g.;
  • Red tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • Raw chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Refined vegetable oil - for mold lubrication;
  • Spices to taste.

If there are sausages or sausage at hand, but there is no minced meat in the refrigerator, then you can easily replace it with these components. It will turn out very tasty too.

Step-by-step cooking:

  1. Add raw chicken eggs, spices to the minced meat prepared in advance, and mix it all well;
  2. Peel the potatoes and cut them, not in strips, but in slices. The bottom of the mold is pre-lubricated with sunflower oil, and the potatoes should be carefully laid out on the prepared surface, and some salt should be added;
  3. In order for the potatoes to turn out well baked and tasty, you need to pour the top layer of it with your own sauce. In order to prepare the sauce, you do not need to make huge efforts, you just need to take mayonnaise or sour cream in the amount of 4 tbsp. spoons and add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of boiled water. Add your favorite spices to this consistency to taste;
  4. Peel the onions and cut them into rings, then spread them over the surface of the potatoes poured with sauce;
  5. The next layer in our masterpiece is minced meat (or for example sausages);
  6. Fresh tomatoes are laid out directly on the minced meat layer;
  7. We draw a mesh of mayonnaise;
  8. On top of all this, rub hard cheese on a fine grater, and put the mold in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for at least 30-35 minutes;
  9. The delicious meal is ready in 30 minutes. Enjoy your meal!

Video "Meat casserole with potatoes in the oven"

Cooking pasta with vegetables and cheese


  • Anchovies 30 g;
  • Olive oil 30 g;
  • Pasta 250 g .;
  • Garlic 2 pcs.;
  • Broccoli 300 g;
  • Parmesan cheese 20 g;
  • Ground black pepper to taste;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Chili to taste.

How to cook pasta with vegetables:

  1. Boil broccoli in salted boiling water for about 5-7 minutes, put in a colander and rinse with ice water to keep the broccoli bright color. Put the cabbage in a bowl and mash with a fork;
  2. Boil the pasta until tender, according to the instructions on the package. Fine pasta, orecchiette or shells will do;
  3. Finely chop the anchovies, pass the garlic through a press. Add anchovies and garlic to cabbage, season with salt and pepper;
  4. Sprinkle with grated cheese and dried chili to taste. Put the pasta in a colander and put in a bowl of cabbage;
  5. Mix pasta with cabbage and cheese and serve;
  6. The recipe "Pasta with vegetables" is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Salvation, if you need to cook dinner very quickly and tasty, is spaghetti pasta. Even simply seasoning spaghetti or macaroni with cheese and herbs or with minced meat sauce in tomatoes, we will quickly and cheaply get a delicious dinner.

Cabbage hodgepodge for dinner with a vegetable side dish is well suited to sausages or sausages. Cut the boiled sausages into slices and fry in a pan. You can fry raw sausages with cabbage, carrots and onions - you get a cabbage hodgepodge, it is delicious to add mushrooms here.

If you have a piece of good beef (tenderloin or neck), you can cook a steak quickly and incredibly tasty by simply frying the meat in a well-heated pan. Serve the steak with vegetable garnish and sauce. All kinds of meat stews, goulash, baked meat require a longer cooking time - everything will take about an hour.

Video "Pasta with vegetables"

Pork baked in the oven

Delicious pork baked in the oven

This cooking method is indisputably good in that you do not need to be at the stove all the time, it is enough to come and watch the cooking process from time to time. Also, cooking meat in the oven is good because it does not require the addition of oil, therefore, the frying process does not take place - accordingly, as a result, you end up with a less high-calorie and healthier dish.

What you need:

  • Potatoes - 10 pcs.;
  • Pork leg - 700-800 g.;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Sweet Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1-2 pcs., Depending on the size;
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the pork into large pieces, cut the potatoes large enough, cut the carrots into large circles, cut the pepper into wide strips;
  2. We put all the ingredients in a sleeve used for baking, add garlic to them;
  3. We tie the sleeve, mix the products in it;
  4. We preheat the oven, set the temperature around one hundred and eighty degrees and send the sleeve into it;
  5. The baking time is about 25-30 minutes.

Video "Pork baked in the oven"

The recipe for baked potatoes with bacon in the oven

Baked potatoes with bacon in the oven

Baked potatoes are a great alternative to fried ones and now you know what to cook for dinner. Well, if you bake it in the oven with bacon or bacon, it's a fairy tale. The recipe for baked potatoes with lard is very simple, just three ingredients are needed, but the taste and aroma of this dish will not leave anyone indifferent.

Cooking meat in foil is not a laborious process at all, but it requires a long cooking time in the oven (about 40 minutes). Many people like to cook meat in foil for dinner: come home from work, wrap a couple of portions of meat and potatoes, put it in the oven and you can go about your business for 40 minutes.

And you don't need to cook the side dish separately. And absolutely culinary masterpieces for an insanely delicious dinner, albeit with a long cooking time. Such dishes are well suited for Saturday and Sunday dinners, you have to indulge yourself sometimes.

  • The dish is designed for 4-5 people;
  • Preparation time: 15 minutes;
  • The weight of the finished dish is approximately 1.3 kg.;
  • Cooking time: 45 minutes;
  • Total cooking time: 1 hour.

To cook baked potatoes with bacon in the oven, we need:

  • Lard 150-200 gr.;
  • Potatoes 10-12 pcs., Medium or large tubers;
  • Vegetable oil for greasing a baking sheet 5-10 gr .;
  • Salt 1-2 pinches.

How to cook potatoes with bacon in the oven:

  1. We turn on the oven. We set the temperature to 200-220 degrees. While the oven is heating up, prepare the potatoes and bacon;
  2. We clean and thoroughly wash the potatoes, leave them drenched in water;
  3. We cut cold bacon from the refrigerator into thin bars, a little smaller than a cut of potatoes;
  4. Cut the washed potato tubers lengthwise into two halves. Then, add 1-2 pinches of salt to the potatoes. Mix the potatoes with salt well .;
  5. Grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil. Put the salted potato halves on a baking sheet. On each half of the potatoes, put a piece of bacon;
  6. We send the baking sheet with potatoes to the oven to bake. We bake for about 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 degrees. We determine the readiness with a toothpick. If a toothpick enters the potato like butter, then everything is fine - ready;
  7. We spread the baked potatoes with lard on a dish, you do not need to pour melted fat from a baking sheet on it - spoil it, just pieces of melted lard are enough. We serve mayonnaise or tartar sauce, but baked potatoes with bacon in the oven is a gorgeous dish in itself.

The fastest way is to cut the chicken fillet into strips, season with spices and fry for a couple of minutes on each side in hot oil. Then fry the vegetables (onion, zucchini or eggplant, carrots, tomatoes) and mix with the chicken.

Instant frying potatoes are not suitable because they take a long time to fry until tender. A delicious dinner will be served with chicken chops in breadcrumbs. You can cook these dishes if you have at least an hour in stock.

Video "Recipe for baked potatoes with bacon in the oven"

The question of what delicious to cook for dinner, with an enviable frequency, appears in front of every housewife. You must admit that not every day we have the mood, inspiration, and simply free time to spend hours conjuring over the stove, creating original and inimitable culinary masterpieces.

Much more often we think about what to cook for dinner quickly, and tasty, and cheap from handy products. Another thing is when it comes to a festive dinner for several long-awaited guests or when we are looking for an answer to the question: What to cook for a romantic dinner with my husband.

The value of dinner should never be underestimated as it is not just another meal. Many perceive it as the crown of a hard working day, as an opportunity to relax, enjoy delicious food and the company of a loved one, as a pleasant pastime, as healthy food that will not create unnecessary stress on digestion.

So let's not treat it casually and lightly. It is important to know what to cook for dinner, so as not to suffer from a heaviness in the stomach at night, which will interfere with proper sleep and rest. What to cook tonight for dinner tonight. How to make a quick dinner out of nothing, how to make a delicious fish, beef, chicken, pork, minced meat dinner or how to make a hearty vegetarian dinner with vegetables.

As you can see, it is not difficult to cook potatoes baked in the oven with bacon, everything is simple without frills and, very tasty! An excellent side dish for any meat or fish dish, salad or sour or pickled vegetables. It is better to cook baked potatoes with bacon in the oven in such a way that you can eat it right away, while it is warm.

When cooled down or the next day, it is not at all tasty, like plasticine. About one person eats 4-5 large baked potato halves at a time. We hope you have no more questions about what to cook for dinner.

Dinner should start with a light vegetable salad. It is good if in winter it will be a salad of sauerkraut with onions and vegetable oil or with cranberries. In the spring - light green salads. In the summer - salads from fresh vegetables and herbs.

Enjoy your meal!

5 dinners for a week - a video of what to cook for dinner quickly and tasty

Who doesn't love a tasty meal? In connection with the crisis in the country, you will not particularly roam, but for experienced housewives nothing is impossible. They have already come up with a lot of delicious anti-crisis dishes to feed their hungry husband and whimsical children. In this article, we will get acquainted with the most interesting and inexpensive dinner recipes for the whole family.

The main thing in the article

Mushroom soup made from fresh or dried mushrooms

Mushroom soup is best prepared from dry mushrooms. So it will be more saturated with mushroom taste and will be especially aromatic. But in the absence of dry mushrooms, fresh ones will do.

Required products:

  • 350 g of mushrooms, preferably white;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tbsp olive oil;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp flour;
  • 1 clove of garlic.

Cooking method:

  • The mushrooms must be washed. Cut into cubes.

  • Pour mushrooms with cold water and send to cook. After boiling - salt and cook for 30-40 minutes. Peel the potatoes and also cut them into cubes, send them to the mushrooms.

  • Peel carrots, onions. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots. Fry everything in olive oil, send to soup.

  • Add sour cream and mix well.

  • Fry flour in a dry frying pan, cool. Mix the cooled flour with cold water, shake well and add to the boiling soup. Chop the garlic and herbs, add them to the pan. Season with pepper, salt, wait until it boils, and you can serve.

Canned Fish and Rice Soup Recipe

If you don't have enough money for fish, but you really want to cook a fish soup, canned fish will be the way out. Cooking such a soup will not take much time, will not entail special costs and will not require a lot of culinary experience.

Required products:

  • 1 can of sardines or saury in oil;
  • 4 potato tubers;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 0.5 tablespoons rice;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • half a bunch of parsley;
  • half a bunch of green onion feathers.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the potatoes, cut them into small cubes, put them in a saucepan, fill them with water and put them on the stove.

  • Wash the rice. When the water and potatoes boil, put rice in a saucepan, salt.

  • Peel the onions and carrots. Dice the onion, grate the carrots or cut into half rings (whoever likes it). Saute vegetables in a pan for 5-8 minutes until golden brown. Send the sautéed vegetables to the pan.

  • When the potatoes are ready, open the canned fish and add the contents to the soup. Let it boil for another 5 minutes.

  • Add salt to taste, pepper, put chopped greens, bay leaf. You can add your favorite spices: paprika, hop-suneli, coriander, etc. Ready fish soup with rice is served with black bread.

Soup with green peas

Green peas are a very healthy product that contains:

  1. Protein;
  2. Fiber;
  3. Carbohydrates
  4. Vitamins B, A, C, H;
  5. Other trace elements.

The soup from it turns out to be light, tasty and beautiful in appearance. In season, you can use fresh green peas, and if not in season, then canned or frozen green peas will help out. The recipe is budgetary; it can also be cooked with meat in broth.

Required products:

  • 400 g of young green peas or a half-liter jar canned;
  • 4-5 potato tubers;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil;
  • dill, half a bunch.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the peeled potatoes, add 2 liters of water and send to cook.

  • Peel carrots and onions, chop finely and fry.

  • Pour vegetables into a saucepan with potatoes, salt. When the potatoes are fully cooked, throw in the peas.

  • If it is canned, then boil for another 5 minutes, and if fresh, then 10 minutes. Throw in herbs, salt, pepper, bay leaf and remove from the stove.

Vegetable pilaf: recipe for vegetable pilaf with a photo

Vegetable pilaf is an exquisite dish that will please everyone. Although pilaf contains only vegetables and rice, the correct selection of spices helps it to play with all shades of taste, and is in no way inferior to the classic dish with meat.

Required products:

  • 400 g of rice;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 tbsp tomato or 100 g tomato paste;
  • 1-2 bell peppers;
  • 100 g of green beans (in the absence of such, you can replace the same amount of canned corn);
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil;
  • 1-2 tsp of spices (mix in equal proportions: thyme, saffron, black pepper, coriander, paprika, red chili pepper).

Cooking method:

  • All vegetables except garlic should be washed and peeled. Cut everything into small cubes, grate the carrots.

  • Pour oil into the cauldron. Onions are sent there first and fried for 5 minutes. Next, throw in all the other chopped vegetables, tomato juice, half of the spices: salt and simmer all this for 5-10 minutes.

  • Next, on top of vegetables, rice is sent to the cauldron. The whole mass should be poured with cold water, it should rise 5 cm above the rice.

  • Minimum heat is made and cooked for 20 minutes. After this time, we send the head of unpeeled garlic and the remaining spices to the cauldron, add salt if necessary and cook for another 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the pilaf to steam under the lid for another 10 minutes.

  • Before serving, take out the garlic, mix the pilaf and serve in large plates.

Pizza in a pan with any filling

Pizza for dinner: what could be more wonderful? But when there is not much money to order it, and you yourself do not want to mess around for a long time in the kitchen, pizza in a fast pan in 10 minutes with any filling is ideal. It is also called "lazy" pizza.

  • 2 eggs;
  • 0.5 tbsp sour cream;
  • 0.5 tbsp mayonnaise;
  • 8-10 tablespoons of flour without a slide;
  • salt;
  • sunflower oil for greasing the frying pan.

Filling: You open the refrigerator and whatever you find there can serve as a filling. For instance:

  1. Tomatoes, ham, cheese.
  2. Mushrooms, onions, ketchup, suluguni cheese.
  3. Boiled chicken, olives, herbs, feta cheese.
  4. Ham, any sauce, cottage cheese.

Cooking method:

  • Mix all ingredients except flour.

  • Add flour, mix.

  • Heat the pan, grease with vegetable oil. Pour the dough into a hot skillet.

  • Immediately lay the filling on top in layers, make a minimum heat and cover with a lid.

  • After 10 minutes, open the lid and enjoy a delicious lazy pizza.

Patties with potatoes, biscuits or fruits. Quick yeast dough recipe

Patties ... Only from this name saliva is collected in the mouth. Even as a child, my grandmother baked such delicious pies, the taste of which is remembered all my life. And in order to cook such a yummy at home, it is not at all necessary to stand near the stove for hours, since below is a recipe for a quick yeast dough for pies with different fillings.

Required products for the test:

  • 1 pack of yeast (dry);
  • 1 tbsp warm water;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 3 tbsp sugar;
  • 1 pack of butter (200 g);
  • 3 eggs;
  • 10-12 tbsp flour;
  • salt.

Stuffingyou choose yourself. This dough can be used both for baking in the oven and for frying in a pan.

Cooking method:

  • Dissolve yeast in warm water. Drive eggs there, add sugar. Stir, leave for 10 minutes.

  • Melt butter and pour into milk. Introduce the resulting mixture into the dough. By adding flour, knead the elastic dough.

  • Let him rest for 30-40 minutes.

  • After this time, start sculpting pies with any filling. Fry them and make your family happy.

  • Quite a lot of dough is made from this amount of ingredients. If you don't need so much, reduce the proportion by half, or you can put the ready-made dough in the refrigerator (in a bag) and make pies the next day.

Country style potatoes in the oven

Country-style potatoes are a cheap and cheerful dish. He prepares quickly, there is no need to “bother” with him too much. Potatoes always turn out soft and appetizing, with a golden brown crust and delicious aroma.
The recipe is quite simple, since the dish is baked quickly, and you do not need to peel the potatoes before baking.

Required products:

  • 1 kg of large young potatoes;
  • 3-5 tbsp of sunflower oil;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • salt;
  • favorite spices: this can be a mixture of herbs, hot and allspice, turmeric and paprika, chicken or mushroom seasoning from the store.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the potatoes well, you can use a brush or the hard side of a dish sponge. Cut the clean potatoes together with the peel into equal slices.

  • Separately mix sunflower oil, squeezed garlic, salt, spices.

  • Pour this mixture into the potato wedges, mix.

  • Spice potatoes should be laid out on a baking sheet lined with parchment in one layer.

  • Send the potatoes into an oven preheated to 180 ° C and bake for 40 minutes +/- 20 minutes, depending on the size of the slices. You should be guided by the crust on the potato and its softness.

  • You can serve country-style potatoes both hot and cold with any sauces.

Pancakes on water with berry filling

Pancakes on the water are the quickest and easiest delicacy that can be made both for breakfast for tea and for dinner. Such pancakes are versatile, they can be eaten with both sweet and savory filling. The combination of such pancakes with berry filling turns out to be ideal.

Required products for pancakes:

  • 800-1000 ml of water;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 3 tbsp flour;
  • salt.

Filling: it can be seasonal berries or canned in their own juice.

Cooking method:

  • Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.

  • Mix water, yolks. Add flour, stirring constantly, so that no lumps form.

  • Beat the whites until thick peaks. Gently mix them into the batter to get a homogeneous mass.

  • We bake thin pancakes in a frying pan.

  • Wrap the berry filling in the cooled pancakes and serve with cream.

Charlotte with apples

The easiest and always obtained baking recipe is apple charlotte. It can be whipped up and it will turn out tender, fragrant and mouth-watering. It does not require much effort to prepare, and the ingredients are sure to be found in everyone's fridge.

Required products:

  • 3-5 apples;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 ml of kefir;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp salt and soda;
  • 1 tbsp flour;
  • 20 g butter.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the apples and cut into slices or cubes.

  • Grease the pan with butter and lay out the apples. Beat eggs with sugar until smooth.

  • Introduce kefir into the egg mass.

  • Add flour and mix everything thoroughly.

  • Pour apples with the resulting dough and bake at 180 ° C for 25-30 minutes.

  • Ready-made charlotte can be eaten both hot and cold.

Lazy dumplings

Lazy dumplings - this name speaks for itself. This quick and hearty dish will be appreciated by your household. With a little effort, you can easily feed your family with delicious lazy dumplings.

Required products:

  • 1 pack of cottage cheese (400 g);
  • 2 tbsp sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 250 g flour;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  • All ingredients are mixed together and soft curd dough is kneaded. If necessary, add flour.

  • Place the dough on a floured surface and form a "sausage".

  • Cut this sausage into portions.

  • Send the pieces of dough into boiling water and cook for 5 minutes after they float.

  • Remove the lazy dumplings from the pan and brush with butter; for flavor, you can sprinkle with vanilla sugar. Serve with sour cream.

Now you are armed with quick recipes for anti-crisis meals for dinner. With their help, you can quickly and easily feed your family. Go for it, and you will certainly succeed. Good appetite!

The dinner, which is recommended to be given to the enemy, for most people who eat dry food during the day, is the only complete meal. Some people count the hours until the evening to allow themselves a tasty dinner, others prepare a quick and tasty dinner, since their only desire is to fall on the couch after a hard day, and still others are constantly looking for recipes for a light dinner so as not to overeat before bed and lose weight.

What to cook for in order to eat a full meal at least once a day and not harm your body? The fact is that in the evening the metabolism slows down, so food is absorbed worse, and all calories are deposited on the hips and stomach. Nutritionists and doctors recommend having a protein or protein-carbohydrate dinner with a minimum of fat, and postponing sweets for the morning. The most healthy and delicious dishes for dinner are lean meat, fish, seafood, cereals, vegetables, mushrooms, dairy products and some fruits. Such a meal gives strength, increases vitality and does not burden the stomach.

The best recipes for making dinner are collected on the Eat At Home website. If you come home tired, do not take the store dumplings out of the freezer, but use the advice for dinner from Yulia Vysotskaya. Agree, roast beef with coffee sauce and chicken baked with cheese and broccoli will not only relieve hunger, but also satisfy all taste buds. You can also prepare simpler dishes - stewed cabbage with mushrooms and beans, rice with zucchini, meat patties with mashed potatoes, beef with barley and baked pumpkin with green peas. If you want to eat healthy, satisfying and tasty, look for recipes for dinner in our catalog and do not deny yourself delicacies!