Carob - what is it and what is it eaten with? Exotic product from Cyprus carob - what are the benefits and harms of this product and where to use it.

13.10.2019 Bakery products

Carob is a natural substitute for cocoa powder that is gaining popularity among people who care about a healthy diet, but also love sweets.

Carob is obtained from the beans of the Carob tree (also called Ceratonia). The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of this tree, and initially it was not domesticated. They cultivated it after it got to Australia.

In those days, carob was considered exclusively a medicine that helped well against coughs. And much later it began to be used in cooking instead of cocoa.

But the taste of carob depends on the quality and method of roasting. If the roasting is not done of high quality, then the taste of the product will deteriorate.

Today, carob powder is produced not only in Australia, but also in Spain, Turkey, Cyprus and Portugal.

The benefits of carob

This powder is rich in antioxidants, so since ancient times it was considered a youth-prolonging agent. And this is true, because when antioxidants enter the body, they react with free radicals, which in turn destroys the cells that negatively affect the skin. This way the skin is less negatively affected and it stays young for a long time.

It is also necessary to clarify that, unlike chocolate, carob contains no salsolinol, which is addictive and addictive.

It is also important that cocoa contains theobromine - a substance that affects the psyche and emotional background, while in carob there is no such enzyme, which means that you can use it without fear for your psycho-emotional state. Moreover, such a drink helps to calm down and tune in a positive mood.

But the main difference between carob is that there is no sugar in it, and sweetness is achieved due to fructose and sucrose, which are present in its composition. Therefore, this product can be consumed even by people with diabetes and those who follow a diet. Still, if you have diabetes, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before using carob for the first time.

Another advantage of this product is that our body absorbs all the minerals, vitamins and other useful carob enzymes completely, which brings us twice as much benefit. The same cannot be said about cocoa.

Carob powder also contains fiber, which helps to improve the digestive process. And dietary fiber in combination with antioxidants well cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

History has it that in ancient times, healers used carob as a powerful antiseptic to treat diarrhea and poisoning. This remedy was especially helpful for children.

We can talk about the beneficial properties of carob for a very long time, for example, a drink made from this powder lowers cholesterol and cleanses the blood. And if you drink it on an ongoing basis, then it will be a good prevention of heart disease.

If you or your children are very fond of cocoa, then it is recommended to use carob instead, then you will not need to additionally sweeten the drink with sugar, which will undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on your health.

Carob from Oncology

According to the studies carried out, it became clear that there are many polyphenolic compounds in carob. You might immediately think that the powder is toxic - yes, it is, but its toxicity applies only to cancer cells. Therefore, using carob in food, you carry out the prevention of cancer.

  • This product is especially useful for women, since it effectively fights against the development of a tumor in the cervix.

Carob with diabetes

We have already said above that carob-based products are indicated for people with diabetes. And the point is not only in sugar, but also in the minimum amount of fat. If we compare it with cocoa powder, then there are 3 times less fat and, accordingly, calories in carob.

  • Eating carob-based foods can help minimize spikes in glucose.

Carob for the digestive system

As we have already said, fiber is present in the carob, and it has a positive effect on the metabolism and intestinal motility. After a while, the use of carob in people showed a normalization of appetite and digestion.

Carob for kids

It is not recommended for babies under 2 years old to include carob products in the menu. For older children, you can use it in a very limited amount. The fact is that the powder contains tannin, a tannin that reduces the production of protein in the tissues, which slows down the growth of the child.

Carob for men

According to some data, it can be concluded that carob has a positive effect on the potency and genitals of men, eliminating and preventing their diseases. And if you regularly eat foods that include this element, then you can increase the activity of sperm.

Carob harm

According to numerous studies, the visible harm of carob has not been established, however, it is known that excessive use of it can lead to problems with well-being. Especially if the person has never eaten it.

If you decide to introduce foods with carob into your diet, do it gradually, observing your condition.

Also, despite the fact that the product is indicated for diabetes, it must be used very carefully. The fact is that the methods of frying carob beans are different for all companies, so a drink or chocolate based on carob may not lower, but, on the contrary, increase the glucose level.

And, of course, you shouldn't overeat this product. The norm for people with diabetes is no more than 20 grams.

And it is worth repeating once again that chocolate and drinks based on carob powder should be given to children with caution, and these products are contraindicated for babies under 2 years old.

As you can see, carob is one of the most unique foods that provide many benefits and do little to no harm.


Carob is a carob powder. More recently, it has been used as a replacement for chocolate and cocoa. When making baked goods, carob serves as an alternative to sugar. In medicine, it is known as an herbal cough remedy.

Selection and quality criteria

Carob is produced in two types: fried, raw. Their taste is different.

Raw gives off a spicy nutty aroma, slightly roasted like a dairy bar, heavily roasted similar in taste to.

Product can be found in the specialized department of the storeselling healthy food.

For example, in a spice shop from India or a dietary department.

The powder is purchased on the Internet, but you need to carefully study the reviews of the company.

Read the information on the package: the date of production, packaging, expiration date is indicated.

Composition and calorie content

The product contains vitamins in different proportions, microelements:

The carob fruit contains all the essential and nonessential amino acids. 100 grams of powder - 150% dietary fiber.

Caloric content - about 222 kcal. Fat - 40.6 g, fiber - 1, 2 g. The glycemic index is close to 18.

Beneficial features

The resulting powder is a storehouse of vitamins... It saturates the body with barium, fiber with tannins, which help to remove toxins and toxins.

The composition contains a small proportion of fat, so it belongs to the products consumed during the diet.

The benefits of the powder are noted for the antioxidants, which have the ability to work as cancer prevention and prolongation of youth. In contrast, carob does not contain caffeine.

Powder is unnaturally addictiveas it does not contain salsolinol. Compared to other similar drinks, carob does not cause mood swings. On the contrary, it soothes.

The sweetness of carob is due to the presence of sucrose, so it is used in the diet. The components of the powder are quickly and easily absorbed by the body.

For example, fiber improves the processes of the digestive tract, prevents constipation, and prevents diarrhea from developing.

If you regularly consume carob, your blood cholesterol levels will decrease over time. The prepared drink prevents deviations in the work of the heart and blood vessels. The product is sweeter than cocoa. This does not mean that you can get better from it. On the contrary, it reduces the synthesis of grenaline, reduces appetite.

The powder will benefit those who are diagnosed with the following pathologies:

Features of the impact on health

The benefits of the product depend on the composition... The substances in the carob successfully and quickly cope with their task.

  • Carob fruits are rich in antioxidants... They preserve youth, prevent cancer, prevent free radicals from destroying skin cells.
  • The fiber contained in the powder normalizes digestion, cleanses the intestines, removes hazardous compounds and toxins.
  • Carob is an antiseptic product. It has been used as an antiseptic for a long time. The powder is used for severe poisoning, diarrhea.
  • The drink normalizes the cholesterol level, It is considered a good alternative to cocoa because it helps prevent cardiovascular disease.
  • Exotic fruits allow you to eat lessby reducing appetite and replacing synthetic sweeteners.

Carob can be harmful if consumed too much. The powder should be introduced gradually and in small quantities. The reaction of the body is unknown, perhaps there will be an allergy.

What is useful for adult men and women

For men, carob is somewhat of a Viagra.... With systematic use in the male body, changes begin to occur associated with an increase in the viability of sperm.

Women use the product as a constituent in the manufacture of cosmetics and during diets.

For pregnant women and during lactation

During pregnancy, breastfeeding, you can drink carob... But before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The powder does not harm.

For children

Exotic fruit for children... Even under three years old is not forbidden. Of course, before giving a drink to a child, it is better to get permission from the pediatrician.

For the elderly

Seniors can also make themselves a delicious carob drink.... It will be beneficial for high blood pressure, headaches, joint pain.

Special categories

Dangers and contraindications

The fetus has no contraindications... The main point is individual intolerance. It is important to remember about dietary diversity and a sense of proportion.

How to use it correctly

To prepare a drink without lumps, you need to sift the powder. Carob is used for:

  • baking cakes, muffins, pastries, cookies;
  • preparation of cream, fruit salads, pasta, smoothies, cocktails.

Chocolate is prepared from the fruit, which has a rich taste. It replaces coffee drinks.

For example, powder tea is prepared like this:

  • the kettle is warming up;
  • two small spoons of carob pods are added;
  • hot water is added;
  • the drink is left for 15 minutes;
  • mix, serve.

Cooking applications

The fruit is actively used in the manufacture of glaze- both dark and light. Moreover, the color and aroma do not change. They also prepare various smoothies and pastries.

Banana & Date Smoothie

You will need: 1, 4-5, two large spoons of powder, a jar of yogurt.

First, chop the fruit, place in a blender. Add dates, carob, yogurt. Beat, serve.

Pancakes for 2 persons

You need 200 ml of milk, 40 grams of flour, 1, a couple of tablespoons of carob. Salt and sugar are added to taste. Pour in a large spoonful of sunflower oil.

The ingredients are mixed, whisked with a whisk until the lumps disappear. Bake in a hot skillet. Serve with fresh berries or jam.


Sitting on a diet, many people often crave sweets. Carob can be used in place of chocolate and candy... There will be no harm, no fat gain. Also benefits for the body.

Traditional methods of treatment

To get rid of diarrhea in adults and children, medicines made using carob flour are used.

It can be applied alone or combined with other herbs.

  • Diarrhea... You need to use carob flour, 20 grams.

    Pre-mix with milk or warm water.

    A little starch should be added to the resulting mass. Reception uh this mixture will prevent irritation of the mucous membranes.

    If diarrhea is observed in a nursing baby, then the powder needs to be added 1% of the total mass.

  • ARVI... Similar dosages are used.

    Dilute with water. The medicine is taken 5-6 times a day.

How to use in cosmetology

Carob and its extract are widely used in cosmetology... They are suitable as a thickener for scrubs, masks, gels. Of course, a mask with such an ingredient will be somewhat more expensive than conventional cosmetics, where a large% of panthenol is used.

Besides food, the powder can be used as a face mask... There will be a slight scrubbing effect. For example, if carob flour is mixed with water to a mushy state, you get an effective face mask. Its action is aimed at rejuvenating and smoothing the skin.

It is not forbidden to add lemon juice or honey to the mask. It all depends on the type of skin. Even if the ingredient is chosen incorrectly, the benefits for the skin will be significant.

You will learn even more interesting facts about the benefits and dangers of carob for health from this video clip:

Carob is a natural multivitamin complex that has only a positive effect on the body. Once at sea, you need to take the opportunity and taste the wonderful powder.

In contact with

The carob or carob can be found in any country along the Mediterranean coast. Greeks, Italians, Cypriots, Israelis know about sweet carob pods as well as we know about apples or apricots. Gradually, the tree began to be cultivated in many countries with a suitable climate, and now evergreen ceratonia bears fruit in Turkey, India, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, the USA, and the Middle East. The carob tree is also not uncommon in the Caucasus.

Carob - what is it

Carob is a ground carob that has a very pleasant scent, reminiscent of the scent of cocoa beans. Only unlike chocolate, carob is much lighter and healthier, does not contain caffeine and fats. This is a godsend for lovers of sweets and natural plant products.

Carob or ceratonia (lat. Ceratónia) is a representative of the legume family. The Greek word κέρας (ceras) is translated as "horn". The curved fruits really resemble horns in shape, their sweet pulp contains 50% sugars.

10-meter high trees with dense crowns also grow on roadsides and are cultivated for industrial harvesting. On closer inspection, you can see that the branches are densely dotted with large curved pods, while you can see green and mature, brown, fruits at the same time. Green pods are tart, they are not eaten, but after drying ripe fruits they show sweetness, characteristic aroma and taste of caramel. For the sake of sweet pulp, carob is cultivated, which can replace chocolate and cocoa, sweeten food and give dishes an original taste.

In addition to the pulp, hard bean seeds are used. From exactly the same rounded grains, gum is produced - a stabilizer and thickener known as a food additive E410. The useful properties of carob seeds are used by the food and pharmaceutical industries.

The tree grows well in arid climates and on rocky soils, can live for several centuries and bear fruit for up to 100 years. The first harvest of sweet beans grows in the seventh year, about 10 kilograms are harvested from young trees, adult trees bear up to 200 kg of fruit.

Mature pods do not open or fall off, they are plucked from trees and dried in the sun. After that, powder of various degrees of roasting, syrup, pecmez, chocolate are made from the pulp. Carob harvests make it possible to use beans not only for making sweets, pods are traditionally fed to pets.

Why is carob useful?

Usually, the benefits of carob are described in comparison with cocoa. It must be admitted that there are some similarities, but carob powder is not only a substitute for cocoa. Many people like the taste of traditional chocolate; it would be a mistake to consider it a product harmful and hazardous to health. A cup of coffee with a slice of natural chocolate improves mood and tones up. Carob is an independent product with a pleasant taste and aroma; it is enjoyed with pleasure not only by people who are contraindicated in caffeine and sugar. Drinks and sweets with carob, whose beneficial properties have been known from time immemorial, diversify the diet and enrich food with vitamins and microelements.

Chemical composition

There are 222 kcal in 100 grams of carob powder, which is almost two times less than in cocoa. This makes sweets with carob popular among people who lead a healthy lifestyle and keep fit. But carob is loved not only for its low calorie content - the chemical composition of carob products is unique.


Carob contains about 9% plant proteins. Without protein, the normal functioning of vital organs and systems, cell regeneration, metabolism, and the formation of hormones are impossible. Most protein is found in meat, fish, milk and eggs, but vegetarians get their protein from plant foods. Carob, like all legumes, can compensate for protein deficiencies.


30% carbohydrates is a high figure due to the high sugar content. Carbohydrates in carob are complex, that is, they are slowly absorbed, do not lead to jumps in blood glucose and weight gain. The feeling of fullness remains for a long time, a significant part of the energy is spent on the breakdown of sucrose. Fiber is only partially digested, promotes digestion and lowers blood glucose levels.

Simple carbohydrates are contraindicated in diabetes, and carob, which has its own sweetness and is rich in fiber, is absorbed slowly and in moderation is allowed for diabetics. The glycemic index (GI) of carob is 40 units. However, carob can be harmful if consumed in unlimited quantities.


Carob is practically devoid of fat - there are only 1% of them. The lack of fat explains the low calorie content of carob. The low content of saturated fatty acids allows the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.


  • Group B - according to the content of these vitamins, the fruits of ceratonia are among the leaders. Riboflavin is needed for normal metabolism and maintenance of the nervous system.
  • A - retinol is useful for good vision, smooth skin, shiny hair.
  • D - every parent knows about the value of this vitamin, he is responsible for the full development and functioning of the musculoskeletal system. For children, cocoa, chocolate and syrup are especially useful as a source of calciferol, but carob is contraindicated in babies under two years of age. The prohibition is caused by a possible rejection of carob powder by an incompletely formed digestive system.

Trace elements

Potassium and magnesium are essential for normal heart function, vascular elasticity and the maintenance of the nervous system.

Iron is a part of hemoglobin with its deficiency, the supply of oxygen to tissues is disrupted. In addition, Fe is involved in the utilization of cholesterol and toxins.

Useful substances in carob:

The elements In 100 grams of carob Ratio to daily requirement (percentage)
Carbohydrates 49 g 30%
Protein 5.6 g 9%
Fats 1 g 1%
Cholesterol 0 g
Cellulose 39.8 g 159%
B1 (thiamine) 0.1 mg 4%
B2 (riboflavin) 0.5 mg 27%
B3 (niacin) 1.9 mg 9%
B6 (pyridoxine) 0,4 mg 18%
B9 (folic acid) 0.29 μg 7%
E (tocopherol) 0.6 mg 3%
Choline 11.9 mg 4%
Trace elements
Sodium 35 mg 1%
Potassium 827 mg 24%
Calcium 348 mg 35%
Copper 0.6 mg 29%
Iron 2.9 mg 16%
Magnesium 54 mg 14%
Manganese 0.5 mg 25%
Phosphorus 79 mg 8%
Selenium 5/3 mcg 8%
Zinc 0.9 mg 6%

Carob: benefit and harm

According to the composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU), carob can be attributed to dietary products recommended in a balanced diet and in the treatment of certain diseases. The value of this tasty product is due not only to the presence of nutrients, but also to the absence of some chemical elements that are found in coffee and cocoa.

Carob products lack:

  • Salsolinol. Addictive non-peptide opioid. This substance is addictive to alcohol, coffee and chocolate.
  • Phenylethylamine... E a natural alkaloid that acts as a stimulant. The well-known property of chocolate to cheer up all those with a sweet tooth is explained by the presence of this compound in cocoa.Phenylethylamine can be the cause of the headache.
  • Theobromine... The pulse quickens, the heartbeat becomes too distinct, sometimes tachycardia and increased blood pressure may occur.
  • Caffeine... A stimulant that stimulates the nervous and cardiovascular systems. These properties are well known to coffee lovers, but in large quantities, caffeine constricts blood vessels, increases blood pressure and causes headaches.
  • Oxalic acid... Oxalate, which interferes with the absorption of zinc and calcium. A deficiency of these elements is manifested by muscle pain.
  • Cholesterol.It is absent in carob, as in all plant foods. Carob products help cleanse blood vessels from harmful cholesterol.
  • Allergens. Carob is one of the low-allergenic foods.

A unique set of nutrients, combined with the absence of stimulants and allergens, turns carob into a valuable food product. Roasted and unroasted beans, syrup, pecmez are widely used in the preparation of chocolate, factory and homemade sweets, baked goods, drinks - in all cases when you need to add sweetness and flavor to desserts. There are virtually no adverse reactions to this product, which makes locust bean derivatives a versatile ingredient. At the same time, the benefits of carob are obvious:

  • Antioxidant action. Carob substances neutralize free radicals that destroy skin cells and age it. Cocoa has a similar effect, but not everyone can use it.
  • Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding can safely replace the usual coffee and cocoa with a drink and chocolate from carob.
  • The sweet taste of carob is due to the presence of fructose and sucrose. These sugars are allowed in moderation, even in diabetes, as glucose levels rise slowly and slightly when consumed. You do not need to sweeten drinks and dishes with carob with refined sugar.
  • There is very little fat in carob, so food is stored for a long time and does not acquire a rancid taste.
  • Fiber in small amounts even contains carob in powder. Thanks to her, digestion is improved, the intestines are cleansed of toxins and harmful substances.
  • The fruits of ceratonia have a slight astringency, but the astringents act as an antiseptic and cure diarrhea.
  • The ability to reduce appetite makes carob an invaluable weight loss aid. Substitute raw or lightly roasted sugar for sugar and you can easily lose a few pounds in a few weeks.

The sweetness of a carob depends on the degree of its roasting: raw dried fruits are much sweeter than roasted ones. For diabetes, it is advisable to opt for a dark brown, heavily roasted carob.

Carob candy.

Carob products

Currently, carob is very popular not only in places of natural growth of the carob tree. Products from sweet pods are used by people striving for a healthy lifestyle, athletes, diabetics, parents prefer to give children chocolate and drinks made from environmentally friendly and healthy carob. Pleasant taste and aroma attract more and more fans.


Dried pods are stored for a long time without losing their beneficial properties. Tea and a delicious drink reminiscent of cocoa are made from crushed pods ground in a coffee grinder.


Commercially available powder from raw and roasted pods. The raw powder is very sweet and light, but it doesn't look like chocolate. When lightly roasted, the carob acquires a sourness and caramel flavor. Medium roasted powder of dark chocolate color, bitterish - it is usually used for making homemade sweets and baked goods.

Syrup (pekmez, bekmes)

Sweet syrup is prepared without the addition of refined sugar. This natural sweetener is in high demand, it is poured over desserts, added to tea and other drinks. Tasteful natural product is often chosen when it is necessary to lose weight - adding pecmez to food and drink reduces appetite.

Where can you buy a carob

Carob, whom not all adherents of a healthy lifestyle, vegetarians and nutritionists knew about ten years ago, is conquering the markets. Today, carob powder, pods and syrup can be found not only in specialized stores selling organic foods and sports nutrition, but also in ordinary hypermarkets and supermarkets. Almost always, products from ceratonia beans are available in tea and coffee shops and on counters with oriental spices. If you have vegan and raw food stores in your city, you will surely find quality products from reliable suppliers.

There are offers for the sale of carob products on the websites of Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian online stores. To ensure that your chosen product does not disappoint, study consumer reviews and try several types of carob powder and syrup.

Carob is considered one of the healthiest sweets among adherents of a healthy diet. By its taste, it is very similar to cocoa, but by its properties it is much higher than it. What is a carob? These are the fruits of the carob, ground into powder, which grows in the Mediterranean countries - Spain, Italy, Cyprus. For cultivation, trees are not whimsical, they grow in the wild. The fruits are harvested slightly unripe and then dried in the sun. Despite its usefulness, carob can even be dangerous if misused. That is why you should know the composition of the product, its properties, and cases of contraindications in order to understand all the benefits and harms of carob. This will help you use the powder with health benefits.

It is interesting that the carob seeds have exactly the same mass and size among themselves. This feature was used in antiquity as a measure of mass (carat). To this day, this measure is used in the pharmaceutical and jewelry business to determine the mass of substances (precious metals, etc.).

Carob. What it is?

What is a carob for nutrition?

Carob is a natural food powder obtained by grinding carob fruit. In appearance, taste and smell, it resembles cocoa, but in terms of properties it is much more useful.

  1. First, the carob tree is not treated with chemicals, since it is practically not susceptible to disease.
  2. Second, the fruit itself is sweet and does not require the addition of refined sugar to make the sweet powder. True, to get sweet fruits, you need to remove unripe pods from the tree and spread them in the sun. Then they will ripen and become sweet.
  3. Thirdly, the carob fruit does not contain caffeine, which is also used by people for whom it is contraindicated. Carob is allowed even for pregnant women.

The carob tree itself or Ceratonia (from the Greek “ceratos” - horn) is an evergreen tree that does not require special care. The fruits are large pods 20-25 cm long, resembling horns (hence the name).

Carob composition

  • Protein or protein. Carob contains a fairly large amount of protein (up to 8%). This substance is a structural component of amino acids, nucleic acids and all cells of the body. In addition, the protein content provides its energy value.
  • Vitamins. Carob contains a large amount of B vitamins (in particular, B1, B2). They are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, support metabolic processes. It is interesting that it contains more vitamins of this group than in legumes or strawberries. Also, carob is rich in vitamin A (retinol), which is necessary for the health of the eyes, skin, hair. Vitamin D (calciferol) regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the human body, thereby normalizing the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Saturated fatty acids (EFAs) are found in small amounts in carob. It is believed that these fats are harmful to the body. This is not entirely true. A large number of EFAs are deposited on the walls of blood vessels, blocking their lumen. But in small amounts (daily requirement 25% of all fats), these fatty acids are a source of energy for cells. Due to their presence, the successful assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) occurs.
  • Microelements. Carob contains a large amount of phosphorus and calcium (as well as vitamin D for their assimilation). Therefore, its fruits are useful for the prevention of osteoporosis. In addition, carob is rich in potassium and magnesium, which are essential for the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Iron is contained in the form in which it is easily absorbed by the human body. A small amount of copper, zinc, manganese, nickel included in the composition is quite enough, because the need for these elements is small.