Vegetable stew with squash and potatoes. Vegetable stew with chicken and squash in a brazier - photo recipe step by step

03.03.2020 Buffet table

In order for the dish to turn out the way it should be, and not boiled porridge, it is very important to know how to cook dumplings correctly and how long it takes.

If you bought a ready-made frozen product, then usually manufacturers write on the package how many minutes to cook the dumplings until cooked. But what if you have a home option? Depending on the filling, it will take completely different time, let's take a closer look.

With cherry

The well-known dumplings with cherries are probably the fastest to cook, since the minimum time required for cooking is required. This is done so that the cherry retains all its beneficial properties.

After you have placed the dumplings in the pan and the boiling process has started again, it is enough to hold them for only 2-3 minutes. The main thing is to boil the dough, but you don't need to cook the filling at all.

With potato

Dumplings with potatoes also do not take long to cook. It is important to pay attention to the size, as well as to what kind of filling. If you have boiled mashed potatoes, then after boiling, they can be removed after five minutes. But if you use any other additional products and they are raw, then you will have to wait a little more - about seven minutes. Small frozen food will be ready in 4 minutes.

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese

Cooking lazy dumplings with cottage cheese is a pleasure. Their difference from the usual version is that the cottage cheese immediately interferes with the dough, and is not put as a filling. That is why they are taken out immediately after they have been laid out in the pan and the boiling process has started again. This time is quite enough to bring the dish to readiness.

With cabbage

How long it takes to cook dumplings with cabbage depends on whether the vegetable has been pre-cooked.

  • So if stewed or fried cabbage is used as a filling, then 4 minutes after boiling, the dumplings will be ready.
  • If the cabbage is raw, then the time will double and it will take at least seven minutes.

With potatoes and mushrooms

Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms take the same amount of time to cook as with potato filling, provided that the mushrooms have been fried beforehand. That is, five minutes is enough.

But if you mixed boiled potatoes with raw mushrooms, then after boiling the contents you will have to wait 7-8 minutes.

With raw potatoes

Cooking dumplings with raw potatoes is quite difficult, but if you nevertheless decide, you should, of course, find out how long it will take to cook.

In many respects, it all depends on how you chopped the potatoes: they killed it with a blender, passed it through a meat grinder, or simply cut it into small pieces.

  • The potatoes chopped with a knife will be ready in at least 9 minutes, but again you should pay attention to the size of the dumplings. If they are small, then maybe seven minutes will be enough.
  • In the case of using a blender for chopping, after the water boils and they float to the surface, you can get the finished dish in 7 minutes.

How to properly steam dumplings in a slow cooker

You can bring the dumplings to readiness not only in a saucepan, but also in such a versatile device as a multicooker. For the process to be successful, you need to know how to boil them properly.

  • Prepare a special container for steaming, coat it well with butter.
  • Pour the required amount of water into the bowl.
  • Place the dumplings on the container, at some distance from each other so that they do not stick together during cooking.
  • Switch the appliance on to the "Steam cooking" mode for 20 minutes and wait until the end of the program.

Cook dumplings so they don't fall apart

Broken dumplings are not the most beautiful sight. And although they still remain tasty, the appearance spoils the impression, and you cannot put such a dish on the table. If you adhere to a few rules, you can avoid this result.

  • When kneading the dough, look at its consistency, it should not be soft, it is better if it turns out to be tight enough.
  • Roll out the dough as thin as possible, this will allow the dish to boil quickly and not lose its shape.
  • Place the workpieces only in boiling water, while stirring them slightly.
  • Do not put too many pieces in one pot at a time, there must be free space between them, otherwise they will stick together and tear.
  • When boiling store dumplings, watch the seams, they are not always well sealed, and if you overexpose them in water, they immediately fall apart.

The preparation of which may vary depending on the filling, has long become a favorite dish on the table not only among Ukrainians. The Ukrainians prefer mostly dumplings with sweet fillings. In Italy, dough products with various fillings are called "ravioli", in Uzbekistan - "manti", in Russia, of course, they like dough with meat filling - "pelmeni".

Dumplings can be prepared with any filling. These can be fruits, berries, mushrooms, vegetables, cottage cheese and much more. How to cook dumplings? Very simple! Any filling is taken into it, the dumplings are boiled in slightly salted water and served hot to the table with sour cream, butter, and various sauces. The flour for dumplings is wheat, premium, and the dough is kneaded in several ways - without butter (lean) on kefir or yeast. By the way, yeast dumplings can even be baked in the oven. For lazy people who love this dish very much, there is a wonderful recipe How to cook "lazy" dumplings? Perhaps even a child can do it. The dough is immediately mixed with cottage cheese and peculiar dumplings are made, which are also boiled in salted water and served with sugar and sour cream - an excellent breakfast dish.

It is impossible not to love dumplings, everyone will find a recipe for their favorite dumplings. Vareniki with sweet cherry, apricot, cottage cheese, cheese fillings; salted dumplings - with cabbage, potatoes, mushrooms, buckwheat and even lard and herring! This dish is also good because it can be prepared for future use by freezing the molded products in the freezer. The most popular dish is, of course, dumplings with cottage cheese. They are served in the best restaurants in Ukraine, they are loved for their delicate combination of sweet cottage cheese and thin dough.

How to cook dumplings with cottage cheese?

For cooking (60-70 pieces) you need the following products:

For the dough - ½ kg of flour, one egg, one teaspoon of salt, a glass of water;

For the filling - 700 grams of cottage cheese, 150 grams of sugar, one teaspoon of salt, two eggs, 150 grams of sour cream, 100 grams of raisins and 50 grams of butter.

First, of course, let's prepare the dough. We knock flour with water, salt and egg with a mixer. Then, adding flour, we knead the tough dough by hand. We form a ball, cover with a cup and leave to "rest" for half an hour. While there is time, let's prepare the filling. Put cottage cheese in a bowl, add eggs, salt, sugar, raisins and sour cream, stir evenly and very thoroughly.

We proceed directly to sculpting dumplings. Roll out the dough in a thin layer (no more than 1 mm thick), use a glass to make circles with a diameter of 8-10 cm, put the filling on the circles with a teaspoon and pinch the edges. You can do this with a fork. We put the finished dumplings on a wooden kitchen board, sprinkled with flour so that they do not stick. We boil water (about 3 liters), add some salt (3 tsp) and throw the dumplings in portions so that they are not cramped. Stir them with a slotted spoon so that the dumplings do not stick to each other and to the bottom of the pan. As soon as they surface, they are ready. Carefully, so as not to damage, we take them out onto a dish, add ghee. Serve the dumplings hot with sour cream or berry syrup.

How to cook "lazy" dumplings?

"Lazy" dumplings will be a great breakfast or even dessert, and their preparation does not require special skills and a lot of time. To make dumplings, you will need: a glass of flour, a pound of cottage cheese, two eggs, sugar to taste, about 70 g of butter and sour cream. Cottage cheese needs to be removed from large lumps. To do this, it is better to rub it through a sieve, add eggs, melted butter and sugar, a pinch of salt. Stir well and add flour. Roll out thin "sausages" with a diameter of no more than 3 cm, cut into equal pieces, squeeze slightly, giving the shape of a dumpling, and throw into boiling salted water. As soon as the curd dumplings come up, take them out with a slotted spoon and pour over with oil. They can also be baked in the oven under sour cream filling.

You can choose any method, choose your favorite filling: sweet or salty, but in any case, this dish turns out to be very tasty and homemade. Enjoy your meal!

Dumplings always help us out when it is necessary to quickly and inexpensively cook up something tasty. And dumplings with potatoes are the most versatile and everyone's favorite product. You can buy a half-finished semi-finished product in the store or create your own next culinary masterpiece.

How long does it take to cook dumplings with potatoes?

All smart cookbooks say that mashed potato dumplings should cook for an average of 7 to 8 minutes. But it is much easier to follow this scheme: after all the dumplings with potatoes float up, wait two more minutes and remove the finished product from the water. By this time, they will already boil violently. Do not miss the moment, otherwise you will have to be content with the "rubber" test. And don't forget to gently stir the dumplings after submerging them in water.

If you decide with raw potatoes, then the cooking time is increased by 3 minutes after surfacing, so that the filling has time to reach readiness. Frozen semi-finished products also require a longer cooking, but here you need to add 3 minutes before the dumplings rise.

Step-by-step instructions for cooking dumplings with potatoes

When preparing dumplings, be guided by the following algorithm:

  • Prepare the filling. ... Drain and add some butter to the product. You can add a pinch of ground pepper. Puree the potatoes with a crush or blender.
  • Chop a medium onion into small cubes and sauté in sunflower oil.
  • Knead the dough or use one from the store.
  • Stretch the dough with a sausage, which is divided into small slices.
  • Roll out each slice, forming a circle 2.5 - 3 centimeters thick. Place a small portion of the filling on top and squeeze the edges of the dumpling carefully.
  • Place a pot 2/3 full of salted water on the stove and bring it to a simmer.
  • Dip the resulting product in several pieces in boiling water.
  • Stir the contents of the saucepan immediately to prevent the dumplings from sticking together.
  • Wait for the dumplings to float and cook for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Remove the finished products with a slotted spoon in a large bowl and pour over the fried onions.
  • Shake the bowl slightly until the dumplings are evenly browned.
  • for cooking dumplings, choose a low, but wide enough container, because the water will boil faster in it, and the floating dumplings will be located freely and boil evenly;
  • do not spare water, pour at least 2/3 of the total volume, because dumplings absorb a lot of it;
  • calculate a portion of dumplings for each cooking so that there is enough space for them after surfacing;
  • be sure to add some salt to the water for boiling dumplings while it is still cold to speed up the boil;
  • knowledgeable housewives add a little vegetable oil to the water so that the dumplings do not exactly stick together;
  • dumplings, which are stuck together without using a special "pigtails", can be stuck at the seam, so keep track of their condition;
  • do not put the dumplings in unboiled water, so that they do not turn sour.

Recipe for making delicious dumplings with potatoes at home

Ingredients for the dough:

  • kefir - 250 g;
  • hot water - 100 g;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • quicklime soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • flour - 500 g for the dough and a little for rolling.

For the filling you will need:

  • potatoes - 6-8 pcs .;
  • medium-sized onions - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Sift flour.
  • Add salt and soda to it.
  • In a separate bowl, mix kefir with hot water.
  • In a hill of flour, make a small deepening in the center and pour the mixture of kefir and water there.
  • Knead the dough quickly. It should be soft, but not flowing or sticking to your hands. The consistency can be adjusted by adding flour or water.
  • Cover the dough with a cloth or towel and let it rest for 15-20 minutes. The flour will be sufficiently saturated with water, and the dough will be more uniform.
  • Knead the dough well so that it is smooth and pliable. If it turns out a little sticky - not scary, because this can be corrected during rolling. Worse if the dough comes out too tight, because dumplings in such a shell will be very tough.

Do not be afraid to experiment with recipes for dumplings with potatoes, adding different flavors to the main filling. There are also many varieties of dough that have their own special taste.

Read also:

  • How to cook chicken and potatoes in the oven - ...

Dumplings are considered a truly Ukrainian dish, but in fact they were borrowed from Turkish cuisine. Cooking them is quite simple, and the abundance of fillings - with potatoes, meat, cabbage, mushrooms, cottage cheese (cheese), cherries, strawberries - makes them a favorite dish among a large number of people. But if you do not know all the subtleties of how to cook dumplings correctly, you can easily ruin a seemingly rather simple dish. This is what we will talk about in this article, and also figure out how long it will take.

    The cooking time for frozen and fresh dumplings is the same - 5 minutes from the moment of boiling.

    It doesn't matter what filling the dumplings are with - they are all cooked the same way.

Secrets of successful cooking

So that the dough does not boil over, and the filling is cooked and juicy, you need to take into account the following points:

  • cooking utensils should be wide and capacious;
  • products are sent only to steep boiling water, to which salt was previously added;
  • immediately after the dumplings are lowered into the water, they must be gently stirred with a wooden spatula or large spoon. Otherwise, they will stick to the pan;
  • cooking time in a saucepan is calculated from the moment the water boils again;
  • the finished product is carefully taken out with a slotted spoon.

They are served immediately, hot. Reheated ones no longer taste the same. Depending on the filling, they are seasoned in different ways. But most often they are served with sour cream, and those with savory filling are served with onion frying and pork rinds.

How to cook dumplings in a saucepan

This method is the most popular. Many people like dumplings cooked in water, and not steamed, as their filling is much more juicy. Properly cooked dumplings produce a soft but firm dough and all the filling remains inside.

To cook them in a saucepan, you need:


Boil water and add salt to it.


Dip the dumplings in boiling water and immediately stir gently.


Wait until the water boils and cook for 5 minutes over medium heat.

How to cook dumplings in a slow cooker

This gadget has practically replaced the stove for many housewives. There are two ways to cook dumplings in a multicooker: both in the classic version in water, and using a steamed stand.

Steam cooking is much easier, but the filling will turn out to be a little less juicy than the classic cooking method.


Put water in a multicooker and add salt to it. Set the Pasta mode and wait for the first signal, or turn on any cooking mode and wait for the water to boil.


Dip the products in boiling water and stir immediately.


With the lid open, wait until the water boils again.


Close the slow cooker and cook for 5 minutes.

How to steam dumplings in a slow cooker

And another interesting way to cook dumplings in a slow cooker is to steam.


Put 1 liter of water into the multicooker bowl.

Dumplings are an instant semi-finished product. Many housewives buy them or cook them on their own. The product consists of unleavened dough and various fillers. The classic filling for dumplings is meat, potatoes, stewed cabbage, cottage cheese, mushrooms. How long and how to cook the dumplings correctly so that they are tasty and not boiled?

How much time to cook

The cooking time for dumplings depends on the filling. The type and thickness of the dough also matter.

Frozen semi-finished products are cooked longer than freshly cooked ones by 7-8 minutes.

In a saucepan

Cooking in a saucepan is the traditional method of making dumplings. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Select a container of the correct size.
  2. Pour cold water, add salt (for 1-1.5 liters of water - ½ tsp.).
  3. Bring to a boil over high heat.
  4. Place the prepared dumplings in boiling water. Stir gently so that they do not stick to the bottom and sides of the pan, and do not stick to each other.
  5. Wait for the products to float and the water boils again. You do not need to constantly stir the contents of the pan.
  6. Reduce heat. Boil the dumplings after surfacing for 3-5 minutes.
  7. Taste the product for readiness, then drain the water through a colander.

Serve the finished dish on the table, dividing it into portions. Add sour cream and sugar to the dumplings with berries. Chopped greens are suitable for unsweetened filling.

All fillings go well with ghee or butter.

In a multicooker

The next simple and quick way to cook dumplings is in a slow cooker. Moreover, you can cook them not only in water, but also steamed.

  1. Pour water into the multicooker bowl (at least 2-3 glasses).
  2. Place the dumplings in one layer on a special support. Make sure they do not lie close to each other.
  3. Select the "steam cooking" mode, then turn on the appliance. The multicooker will set the cooking time automatically (on average 10-15 minutes).
  4. After the timer beeps, carefully transfer the cooked dumplings to a plate.
  5. Serve with butter and sour cream.

In a slow cooker, dumplings can be cooked in the same way as in a saucepan. Place the semi-finished products at the bottom of the bowl and cover with boiling water. The liquid must completely cover them. Add salt to taste. After the products float to the surface of the water, cook them for 4-7 minutes.

In a multicooker, dumplings can be steamed or in pressure cooker mode.

In the microwave

The microwave oven can be used to cook dumplings. Proceed as follows:

  1. Place frozen semi-finished products in a deep bowl in one layer. Cookware must be designed for this equipment.
  2. Pour boiling water over the items so that the water covers them by half.
  3. Salt the contents of the plate, cover with a special lid and send to the microwave.
  4. Boil the dumplings for 1 minute at 1000 W. Then reduce the power to 700W and cook for another 7 minutes.
  5. When the timer beeps, do not rush to open the appliance door. Let the dish sit for 5 minutes.

Some housewives cook dumplings in the microwave without water. The method is quite simple:

  1. grease prepared dumplings and a plate with sunflower oil;
  2. lay out the products in one layer and cover with a lid;
  3. turn on the device at maximum power;
  4. in 6-7 minutes the dish will be ready to eat.

In a double boiler

Steamed dumplings are more tender and fluffy. Observe this technology:

  1. grease the steamer pan with vegetable oil so that the dumplings do not stick to the wire rack;
  2. lay the prepared semi-finished products in one layer;
  3. set the time on the timer (20 minutes) and turn on the device;
  4. season the finished product with sour cream or garnish with berries.

Dumplings recipes

There are many recipes for making homemade dumplings. You can make the dough yourself or buy ready-made in the store.

With potato

Required Ingredients:

  • potatoes - 500 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 250-270 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • butter and vegetable oil - 50 g and 5 tbsp. l. respectively;
  • sugar and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift flour. Add salt, 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, milk and eggs.
  2. Knead to a homogeneous dough. Cover it with cellophane and leave for half an hour.
  3. Peel and dice the onion. Fry ½ of the resulting mass in the remaining vegetable oil.
  4. Mash the mashed boiled potatoes with the butter. Season with salt, pepper, add fried onions. Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Sauté the remaining onion in 1 tbsp. l. butter. Add sugar to taste and simmer until completely dissolved. Then remove from heat, transfer to a saucepan and leave in a warm place.
  6. Roll out the dough into a thin layer. Cut out circles with a diameter of 7 cm and place the filling inside. Fold them in half and pinch the edges with wet fingers.
  7. Place the dumplings in salted boiling water. After surfacing, cook for another 3 minutes.

Place the finished product in a saucepan with caramelized onions, stir well and serve. Sprinkle chopped green onions on top.

Lazy dumplings

If you don’t have the time to mess around with regular dumplings, this recipe is for you. You will need a double boiler for cooking.

Required Ingredients:

  • flour - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix cottage cheese with sugar and egg.
  2. Add sifted flour. Stir the mixture thoroughly again.
  3. Form a tourniquet out of the dough. Divide it into equal parts with a knife.
  4. Cook the food in a double boiler for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Serve with sour cream and melted butter.

In preparing dumplings with any filling, a number of the following rules will help:

  • Choose a low, wide cooking pot; it will boil the water faster.
  • The liquid in the container must be at least 2/3 of the volume.
  • Add sunflower oil to the water to prevent sticking.
  • To speed up the boiling of water, at the very beginning of cooking, add salt to the pan (even if you are cooking sweet dumplings).
  • Immerse semi-finished products only in boiling water, otherwise they will turn sour.
  • When boiling machine-molded dumplings (without a pigtail) or made with a dumpling maker, monitor the condition of the seam. Products overexposed in boiling water may unstick.
  • Cook semi-finished products in portions so that they do not stick together.

It is impossible to say unequivocally how and how much dumplings are cooked. It depends on the type of filling, the size of the products, the thickness of the dough, the method of preparation and your taste preferences. Use your culinary experience and flair to prepare your meal.

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