How to decorate a fruit platter. Getting ready for the holidays: beautiful cutting on the festive table

01.09.2019 Buffet table

Want to serve fruit slices beautifully? Not sure how to cut fruit for the holiday table and make an original fruit plate? We have selected for you more than 50 ideas on how to beautifully cut fruit and arrange fruit slicing in an original way.

Fruits themselves have an appetizing appearance, multi-colored, juicy and bright fruits and fruit slices always attract the special attention of guests and will always be appropriate on any festive table.

You don't have to be a professional and learn how to carve to make a beautiful fruit slicing. Simply cut the fruit into convenient slices, wedges, and mugs and arrange them nicely on a plate.

The fruits on the plate can be arranged according to color, you get an original rainbow fruit cut, you can shape it, since most fruits are cut either into slices or round slices.

Fruit slices can be decorated with berries or green sprigs, as well as fresh flowers. Top, fruit bowls can be sprinkled with icing sugar, a simple step to transform your fruit slices.

How to cut fruit - the original fruit basket

You can serve fruits in a very unusual and original way, making the whole composition in the form of a basket of fruits. Such a basket of fruits will undoubtedly become a sweet decoration for both a festive home and a buffet table.

It is not difficult to make a basket of fruits; larger fruits act as a basket of fruits, from which the middle is cut and filled with fruit platter. Watermelon, melon and pineapple are ideal for a fruit basket.

Sweet creative fruit bouquet - fruit bouquet idea photo

A beautiful fruit cut can be made in the form of a fruit bouquet. A beautiful bright bouquet of fruits with your own hands can be presented as a gift, for example, a fruit bouquet of strawberries for your beloved.

Fruit bouquet - a small decorative basket or flowerpot, in which fruits put on skewers are folded, looks great and will make any table festive.

Fruit slices in the form of fruit canapes on skewers

Fruit slicing in the form of canapes will be original and convenient for guests. Canapés or sliced \u200b\u200bfruits on skewers are easy to make with your own hands.

Choose your favorite fruits and berries, cut the fruit into relatively equal pieces, wedges, circles or using baking tins, and chop the fruit onto skewers in the form of small canapes.

Fruit slices can be beautifully served in the form of fruit "shashlichki" on large skewers, which can be laid out on a plate in the form of a rainbow. The photo of a rainbow-shaped fruit slicing confirms the originality of this fruit slicing idea.

Children's fruit slicing - how to cut fruit for a children's party

Fruits are the best and most delicious vitamins for children. However, babies do not always want to eat fruits and berries, in which case it is possible not only, but also fruit slices.

Decorating children's fruit plates is especially important for a children's festive table. Children will be interested in trying something unusual in the form of original fruit cuts. Toddlers love fruit on skewers, so why not take advantage of this and decorate fruit platter on skewers in the form of animals or characters.

On a children's festive table, cutting from fruits in the form of the same fruit bouquet or a basket of fruits will be appropriate.

Surprise your guests by decorating fruit slices in an unusual and creative way. See a selection of photos of fruit slices, connect your imagination, and you can create your masterpiece-composition of fruits.

Beautiful fruit slicing with your own hands, a photo of how to cut fruit - a fruit plate, a basket of fruits, a fruit bouquet photo, fruit on skewers, children's fruit slicing photo

How to lay out fruits and make a beautiful fruit cuts for a festive table can be seen in the photo examples collected for your inspiration in our gallery.

Here you will find original and simple ideas on how to beautifully cut fruits and decorate a fruit plate for a photo, because beautiful fruit cutting is always appropriate on a festive table.


A beautifully served table immediately cheers you up. And fruits play an important role in it. But in general, serving them is not very convenient and not at all economical.

Therefore, fruit cuts always take a worthy place on the festive table. You can see the design with a photo of a beautiful layout of fruits in this article on our website.

The basics of making fruit slices

To begin with, let's clarify which fruits are usually included in the list for compiling this dessert dish. It:

  • apples
  • oranges
  • pears
  • tangerines
  • bananas
  • grapes
  • a pineapple
  • lemon
  • berries

It's great if you have a special device - that knows how to cut fruit beautifully, quickly and accurately cut everything into perfectly even slices. But if there is no slicer in your household, then you will have to arm yourself with an ordinary, but very sharp knife.

But even the lightest slicing of fruit with a simple knife can look great if the finished slices are then effectively decomposed.

This is the main topic of our today's article, in which you can see a photo of options for decorating a fruit plate with a description.

Methods for cutting fruit for a festive table

Oranges are cut into circles or semicircles, you can cut the circle in half and, in the manner of lemon slices for fish, set on a plate. Alternatively - in segments. Or maybe you want to make an orange rose in the center of the fruit plate?

Kiwi, without peeling, cut into thin slices. Simple decorations can be kiwi flowers, cut in a zigzag with the edge of a knife, the skin does not need to be peeled, you can bend it like petals.

We do the same with tangerine skins, and now they look completely different.

Another simple technique, how to cut fruit beautifully, is used in the step-by-step creation of a swan from an apple. If you wish, you can install it on the dish, if you have extra time.

And see how cute and simple dolphin figurines are made from slices of bananas.

Pineapple is cut into cubes that fit in a row and move from the center in different directions.

You can lay out ready-made pieces and slices in a circle, semicircle, segments, separating them with other fruits or leaving them as they are.

Do not forget about the play of contrasts; you should not put a green apple next to a kiwi, as well as tangerines with oranges. Bright berries of strawberries, cherries, raspberries and blackberries will advantageously complement the color scheme.

Making fruit slices for a buffet table can be made in the form of "kebabs" by placing pieces on skewers in the form of assorted different types. This is very convenient than just taking slices from a common dish with your hands or picking it up yourself with skewers.

And on a wedding table or Valentine's Day, a beautiful cut of fruit is optionally placed in the shape of a heart.

For children, you can, the kids will like the idea.

Any fruit when serving on the table can be sprinkled with powdered sugar through a strainer. Looks very romantic.

And a little bonus. Very often, a fruit platter is combined with a cheese plate, which all French people are crazy about. Which cheese goes well with fruit slices? These are edam, gouda, mozzarella, camembert, brie, maasdam, emmental, parmesan, gruyere, pecorino, dor blue. There are no strict rules, but still ...

Soft and blue cheeses are best combined with grapes, an orange loves soft cheeses with a moldy crust, crunchy apples - tender brie, a pear company can be either soft cheese or aged hard cheese, kiwi, cherries and pineapples want to see hard cheeses next to them varieties.

The art of slicing fruits is available to absolutely everyone, and if your own imagination sometimes lets you down, you can use ready-made solutions from the Internet. Enjoy your meal!

After the main courses of the formal meal, the turn of desserts and sweet pastries comes. In a decent society, the art of aesthetically pleasing is very useful. There are some nuances here, but the etiquette of the fruit table is not very complicated. The hostess will need advice on how to decorate it in an original way, and the guests will need rules that will help you look elegant without disturbing the beauty of the evening.

Fruit table setting rules

Serving and serving fruit elegantly is a real creativity. Etiquette makes them part of the dessert table. The waiter or hostess brings them before sweet meals. The common table is allowed to be served with whole fruit in vases, in deep dishes.

Variety of fruit desserts

  • Whole berries, fruits;
  • Dried fruits, candied fruits;
  • In syrup or compote;
  • With cream;
  • Peeled or cut into wedges;
  • Fruit carving (these are skillfully carved figures for a festive table as a decoration of dishes).

Each type of fruit dessert etiquette requires a special attitude and.

How to serve fruit to the table according to etiquette

Serving fresh fruit beautifully according to etiquette is not only aesthetics. created for the convenience of guests. Bright fruits always look appetizing, there is huge scope for imagination here. A bunch of grapes, ruddy apples, ripe plums without processing already look like decoration themselves. Fruit carving will make the decoration of desserts a real work of art.

General rules for serving fruit:

  • Be sure to wash all fruits. Let the berries take their original form and dry before serving.
  • Etiquette napkins should be paper. Traces of bright sap are too visible on the linen.
  • An individual fruit plate, knife, fork are served on the dessert table.
  • Heat-treated fruits, especially large chopped or baked whole, fruit compotes should be served with a spoon the size of a dessert.
  • For bananas, if they are not part of the table decoration, the top is cut off.
  • Cheese, crackers or dry biscuits are great additions to the table.
  • Secure the canapes with fruit slices with skewers and place them on a shared plate. It will be convenient for guests to take them with their hands.
  • Slicing is beautifully served as a dish on a common table. Apples or carving will serve as the decoration of the fruit plate.

How to eat fruit properly

Fruit etiquette requires individual handling of each type of fruit dessert. Compotes, salads, berries with cream are eaten with a dessert or a teaspoon. Usually they are served to each guest in bowls or cups. Guests can hand over a bowl of whole fruit or slices to their neighbors on their own.


Few wondered how to eat banana etiquette correctly. First, transfer it from a common plate to an individual dessert. Peeling a banana properly, as expected by etiquette, is pretty simple. If the fruit is whole, cut off the tip with a fruit knife, make an incision along the entire length. Carefully remove the peel. The pulp is cut into small pieces and eaten with a fork. If no cutlery is served, peeled banana can be eaten with a dessert spoon or broken off a little.


How to eat correctly orange, tangerine, lemon on etiquette? Cut fruits are transferred with a common device on their plate and eaten with a fork and knife. Peeled tangerines are peeled, divided into slices, and eaten by hand. The top of the orange is removed with a knife, several cuts are made along, the peel is removed. You can immediately cut the fruit into slices. Eat with a fork and knife.

Half pulp grapefruit extracted with a fruit spoon. The tart fruit can be sprinkled with sugar.

To chopped lemon a small fork with two prongs is included, which fits the slice on the edge of the plate or in the tea.

Apples and pears

The whole fruit is transferred by hand to a plate, if desired, peel off with a knife, then divide into slices, cut out the core with seeds. After eating the apple or pear according to etiquette correctly with a fork and knife.

Exotic fruits

  • Avocado, kiwi and mango according to etiquette, correctly cut in half with a knife and eat with a spoon as a dessert.
  • Pineapple and pomegranate are not served whole. A pineapple freed from the core, cut into rings or slices. The fruit is then eaten with cutlery. Garnet Brought to guests in halves. You need to eat it with a spoon.
  • how persimmon on etiquette is it correct? Put the fruit on a plate with the core down, cut in half, then eat with a teaspoon. It is allowed to cut the dense pulp with a knife.
  • Etiquette allows kumquat eat with your hands or use cutlery at the request of the guest.

Apricots, plums, peaches

The fruit is carefully cut lengthwise, divided by hand in half, and the stone is removed. Then the fruit is put on a plate, eaten with a fork and knife. Leave the skin on the edge of the dish.


The currants are held by the twigs and the required portion of the berries is separated by the teeth. Whole cherry, sweet cherry, strawberry served with cuttings. It is eaten with one hand at a time. Large bones are folded on the edge of the plate.

Small berries (lingonberries, raspberries, blueberries) on the table can be seen in the bowls as part of the dessert. Use a spoon to eat.

Watermelon and melon

The watermelon slice is quite large and is served on a dinner plate. A small piece is separated with a knife, peeled from seeds with a fork. It is more convenient to separate the tender melon pulp with a dessert spoon, but if it is dense, you can use sharp cutlery.


A small bunch is separated from a bunch of grapes on a common table with special scissors. When the berries are on the plate, you can pick them off by cuttings and eat them with your hands. Spitting out the bones is unacceptable.

Fruit etiquette becomes intuitive with experience. A special approach to each dish should not be intimidating. It is very easy to aesthetically enjoy berries or fruits.


How to eat watermelon, grapefruit, nectarine, grapes, strawberries and other berries - you can watch this video.

No celebration is complete without juicy fruits, which will be a great addition to alcoholic drinks or cold snacks. The serving of the vitamin dessert will be original if you cut the fruit beautifully. At the same time, it is not necessary to comprehend the basics of professional carving, everything can be done independently at home. You just need to show your imagination, and the tips in the article will help you cope with this task.

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When choosing ingredients for slicing, carefully examine each fruit. Since the fruit will have to sit on the table for several hours, it should remain fresh and beautiful. To do this, choose ripe, juicy, but dense fruits without visible damage.

Chop the fruit before serving to avoid contact of the inner flesh of the fruit with air. For example, bananas or apples without a peel darken quickly, lose their attractiveness and appetizing. Sprinkle the sliced \u200b\u200bfruit with fresh lemon juice. To prevent juicy fruits from winding, brush the surface with gelatinous solution or cake jelly.

For slicing, use a thin sharpened knife, then the slices will turn out to be neat and even. To decorate your fruit plate in an unusual way, purchase a set of special tools for carving.

Wash and dry the fruit thoroughly before cutting. Store fruits that produce a lot of juice in a separate container.

There are several rules, the observance of which will help to properly prepare a fruit dish for a festive table. Even popular restaurateurs use them in their work, sometimes diluting the list with their own additions:

  • cut the watermelon and melon into small equal slices and only with the peel. It is advisable to remove the seeds, leaving one pulp;
  • place apples and pears on the platter in such a way as to minimize contact of the surface of the cut fruit with air. Otherwise, they will quickly turn dark. Lemon juice will prolong the freshness of the fruit;
  • serve citrus fruits (lime, lemon, orange) in circles or cut into wedges. If using the first option, do not peel the fruit;
  • peel the kiwi or mango first, then cut it into thin slices. Kiwi does not darken from contact with air, so place it on top of the apple slice;
  • small fruits such as apricots or plums are served whole. If the fruits are large, cut them in half, remove the core, put the pulp down on a plate;
  • grapes are served only in bunches. A bunch with hanging berries casually laid on a dish looks beautiful;
  • cherry or sweet cherry is stacked with twigs, strawberries - with tails;
  • first free the pineapple from the prickly peel, then remove the core, cut into neat slices, thin slices, rings or half rings.

We cut fruit beautifully: photo step by step


Make a swan out of a green or red apple:

  • wash the ripe fruit, dry;
  • cut the fruit into two parts, then divide each in half again, carefully remove the seeds;
  • cut out pieces from one fourth of the apple, as in the photo below;
  • cut out the body and neck of the fruit bird separately from the pulp of the fruit.

They are cut into half rings or slices:

  • cut the fruit into two even parts;
  • cut into half rings, which can be used to decorate decorative compositions.

Remove the pulp from the orange, and fill the inside of the citrus with chopped strawberries, kiwi, or other berries. Garnish with a sprig of mint.

Peel the fruit and cut into neat slices. Arrange nicely on a plate or use with other fruits.

They can be peeled or sliced \u200b\u200bwithout peeling. Carefully, without damaging the fruit pulp, cut the peel along the banana. Take out the core, cut into circles, which are put on the skin.

Strawberry roses will decorate the fruit composition in an original way. To make a flower, take a ripe berry, make neat cuts on the sides, bend each petal outward. String the "roses" onto the skewers.

Making fruit slices for a birthday or any other celebration is associated with many nuances. For serving, use skewers, edible or paper baskets, horns, etc. the photo shows examples of design.

Design options:

  • canapes are prepared quickly and will help out if guests are already on the doorstep. Cut out squares, rectangles, or circles from kiwi, bananas, and strawberries to create pieces of different shades. String the fruit onto skewers. Make the base from hard cheese, pear or apple. Decorate the composition with a whole berry on top;

  • fruit plots involve the design of flat or volumetric paintings from pieces of fruit. If you prefer the first option, arrange the fruit slices on a plate, for example, in the form of a hare's face. In the second method, the drawing is collected from pieces of fruit strung on skewers.

If you want to serve "kebabs" without a base, put the fruit on skewers on a tray;

  • baskets filled with fruit salads. Chop the mango, kiwi, orange, add some yogurt, and put the salad in the tartlets. Fruit jelly will look no less original.

An additional highlight of the fruit plate will be decoration:

  • chunks of chocolate or chocolate chips;
  • candied fruits;
  • powdered sugar;
  • flower petals and mint leaves;
  • nuts;
  • cinnamon;
  • coconut flakes;
  • coffee or cocoa.

The powdered sugar will add sweetness to the dish and mask the darkened surface of the fruit. "Snowball" will look spectacular on halves of peaches, apricots, plums. Just sprinkle with powdered peel so that the sugar does not melt from contact with the pulp. Use coconut to sprinkle on juicy fruits.

Marshmallows or marmalades will complement fruit canapés. Sweets alternate with slices of strawberries, kiwi slices or banana slices.

Take fresh flowers or rose petals to decorate the vitamin dessert. Guests will love this design approach.

Red fruits or berries are combined with chocolate.

Do-it-yourself watermelon pizza will surprise guests. Cut the fruit into thin slices, decorate each with any fruit, sprinkle with coconut or chocolate.

Coffee is a supplement for those who love the exquisite taste of dishes. Sprinkle instant coffee over lemon to serve with skate. Place a fruit dish garnished with cocoa powder on the children's table.

Get special tools for carving - molds, skewers. With them, you will quickly and easily create a creative masterpiece. In this case, the components of the original dish can be not only fruits, but also vegetables, meat or cheese cuts.

Fruit platter is a dish that suits any holiday, be it a birthday or a new year. If you have not yet learned how to decorate fruit for serving beautifully, let's look at how you can do it.

Fruit slices for a children's party

Babies only need healthy food, but often they refuse it for a variety of reasons. To avoid this, the child should be interested in something beautiful and interesting. Fruit slicing for a children's party is an excellent solution in this case.


Required products:

  • half a banana and lemon;
  • pear;
  • orange;
  • strawberry;
  • kiwi;
  • one highlight;
  • physalis.

Cooking process:

  1. The pear must be cut into equal slices, put them on a dish in the form of a fan closer to the edge of the plate. Be sure to smear them with lemon juice so that they don't change their color.
  2. On the orange, we make cuts on the skin on all sides, but do not cut the fruit completely, but cut it into rings. Place circles on the edge of the pear slices so that the peacock's tail is formed.
  3. On top of the orange are mugs of peeled kiwi.
  4. Cut off the thin top from the half of the banana and place it in front of the tail - this will be the neck.
  5. Cut the edge off the strawberry sideways and place it on the banana, and insert physalis into the cut in the back as a tuft.
  6. Use two more slices of sliced \u200b\u200borange to make wings by placing them near the neck, and from raisins and two kiwi seeds to make eyes.

Beautiful design of fruit slices: ideas

A beautiful fruit platter can be a staple on a table if it is decorated correctly. After all, using these useful ingredients, it is possible to get a real masterpiece.

  1. The easiest option is to chop the fruit into circles, squares, slices and arrange them beautifully on a platter.
  2. Try grouping the fruit by color or painting something like a rainbow. You will get a very bright presentation.
  3. Do not be afraid to experiment, in addition to fruits, add berries, twigs, you can even use fresh flowers, and sprinkle the top with powdered sugar, which will give the dish an even more unusual look.
  4. Another very original way is the basket. The required shape is cut from the whole watermelon, the pulp is removed, and various chopped fruits and berries are placed inside
  5. A fruit bouquet will not only be a decoration for any table, but it is also quite suitable as a small presentation.