How to warm up in a water bath. How to make a water bath? All methods for home cooking

30.10.2019 Buffet table

Often in traditional medicine recipes, skin care advice, it is recommended to heat the ingredients in a water bath. How is it in a water bath? Such a question, at times, makes the reader look for other more understandable recommendations. But everything is simple ...

A water bath is a necessary, very useful device for heating, melting, cooking various products. They do not burn, do not stick to the walls of the dishes, and most importantly, they retain their useful properties. Usually, this device, consisting of two pans of different sizes, melts or produces ingredients for home cosmetics and medical preparations. It is convenient to use a water bath to melt certain foods such as chocolate.

How is a water bath used, how to do it at home, how to heat it, how to melt honey, wax, propolis, chamomile decoction, burdock oil in a water bath, how to take such procedures? I will tell you about all this on- / site / today:

How to make a water bath at home?

This process is very simple: place a larger pot on the stove. Cover the bottom with a cloth. Pour in water (about a quarter). Bring to a boil. Now place a saucepan or any other smaller metal dish on top (ceramic can be used with gradual heating).

When properly constructed, water will touch the outer surface of the bottom of the smaller cookware. In this container, we will melt, prepare the desired ingredient. Just remember to put a lid on it.

You can also use a deep skillet of water instead of a large saucepan. Smaller dishes are placed directly on the bottom, covered with a napkin.

It is important that the bottom container has a thick bottom and walls. The boil should not be too strong, and water droplets should not penetrate the top. With a properly prepared water bath, the upper dishes will be heated only with hot water, but not with fire, which goes to heat the lower container. Usually, the heating temperature is low: 40-70 degrees, depending on the intensity of the fire. And even in the case of boiling water in the upper container, it is easier to control. Therefore, a water bath for decoctions is an excellent remedy.

How to heat honey in a water bath?

Honey, as you know, is a very useful product. It contains substances that have a beneficial effect on overall health. It is also used for the preparation of cosmetic masks. For many recipes, it is better to use a liquid consistency of the product. To melt the candied honey, preserving its beneficial properties, use a water bath.

To do this, put the required amount of honey in a bowl, place it in a pot filled with water, and then heat it up to 40 degrees (not higher).

How to melt wax in a water bath?

Liquid wax is needed to prepare a cosmetic mask, to make epilation. Wraps are made from melted wax to treat hand arthritis. It is needed for making various wax figures, crafts, candles.

To melt the wax, place the desired piece in a smaller bowl. Place it in a large one filled with water. Heat gradually until the product is the desired consistency. Remember to stir while it melts. If the wax is melted in the usual way, on a stove, it can burn and lose its healing properties.

How to melt propolis in a water bath?

It is not for nothing that this beekeeping product is called a natural, natural antibiotic. Our ancestors used it for centuries to prepare all kinds of home remedies. Currently, propolis also has not lost its relevance.

Propolis contains phytoncides, which have a pronounced bactericidal effect. These substances are released and take effect when heated. The heated product is used in the treatment of bronchitis, rhinitis, tracheitis (inhalations). The liquid consistency of this product is also often required for the treatment of skin conditions. For example, for the preparation of ointments.

It is better to melt the wax in a water bath. So it preserves its medicinal properties better. Grind it (freeze and then grate), put in a ceramic cup. Typically, some kind of butter or vegetable oil base is added to propolis. It depends on the recipe. Place the cup in a saucepan filled with water. Heat, stirring occasionally, until smooth. Strain the hot product through a fine strainer.

How to heat chamomile broth in a water bath?

Chamomile is a very popular herb with many medicinal properties. Its inflorescences are used to prepare traditional medicines, prepare decoctions, infusions according to folk recipes, and are used in cosmetology. Rinse hair with chamomile infusion, rub the face. Frozen ice cubes made from it are considered a very good cosmetic product for skin care.

So that during cooking the flowers do not lose their useful qualities, it is better to cook the infusion in a water bath. To do this, pour 2 tbsp into a small container. l. dry flowers. Add 400 ml of warm water there. Place in a boiling water bath, heat covered for 20 minutes. Then turn off the stove, let the infusion cool on its own. Then strain. Instead of boiled water, add boiled water to the initial volume.

Use the finished product to rinse the throat, mouth, apply externally. In the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, it can be used for oral administration or microclysters. Rinse your hair with it, or freeze and wipe your face to improve skin condition.

How to cook burdock oil in a water bath?

Burdock oil is made from fresh or dried burdock roots (popular name - burdock). This remedy is very beneficial for hair. It is rubbed into the scalp one hour before washing. With regular use, hair stops falling out and grows better. Their appearance changes: they become soft, elastic, shiny. Also, oil is used to strengthen, grow eyelashes.

This product is also best prepared in a water bath. To do this, fill half a liter jar with chopped roots (dry or fresh). Move to a dark place. After a couple of days, drain the oil into a ceramic bowl. Place in a boiling water bath, cover. Reduce heat, heat for 1 hour. Then strain.

Today we have learned what a water bath is for, how to make it right at home, and what to use it for. I hope this information will help you when applying various recipes for treatment, making home cosmetics. Be healthy!

Cooking recipes often refer to the term "water bath". Any hostess will answer the question "what is a water bath?" without thinking: a saucepan in a saucepan!

A water bath is a device in which a particular product is heated through an “intermediary” - boiling water. Such systems are used not only in the kitchen: there are industrial devices.

A water bath for a laboratory is a construction with water, into which a flask or test tube with a substance is placed.

Such devices are used not only for heating, but also for thermostating the contents of containers during laboratory research (or analyzes).

Water at normal atmospheric pressure above 100 degrees does not heat up, which makes it possible to organize automatic control of the heating temperature of the test substance.

But not all studies take place at maximum heating temperatures. In many cases, it is required to heat the substance to a low temperature. In such cases, electric water baths are used, equipped with an automatic heating control system.

There is another type of laboratory water bath: rotary heater... Thanks to the rotor, the flask, placed in a container with water, rotates evenly. This technique provides uniform heating and more active evaporation of the substance.

Laboratory baths, like all industrial equipment, are not cheap: from 20 thousand rubles (the simplest design) up to 140 thousand rubles (for example, a device equipped with a shaker).

Bain-marie ^

Bain-marie with water heating can also be safely attributed to the group of industrial water baths. They are a bathtub designed for standard sizes of gastronomic containers.

In terms of capacity, these baths can be designed for one or more containers with ready meals. Such devices are used in restaurants, cafes, catering facilities of medical institutions, etc.

Heating of water to a given temperature in bain-marie is done most often with the help of electric heating elements. Food placed in the bain-marie does not burn or dry out. The flavors of the dishes are preserved without any changes.

The food warmers are inexpensive, but, as a rule, they are not equipped with gastronorm containers.

For instance, bain-marie with a capacity of 1.4 kW will cost the buyer 15500 rubles, and power 3.6 kW - 21 thousand rubles.

Household water baths ^

The most popular water bath devices are infant formula warmers.

All of them are equipped with temperature regulators, which vigilantly monitor the constancy of the heating water temperature.

True, their size allows you to heat either a bottle or a jar of baby food: large dishes simply will not fit in them.

Water baths of this type cost from 1200 to 3000 rubles.

When using a water bath, be very careful not to burn yourself with the steam. Do you know at what stages? This is useful to know and just interesting!

Did you know that there is a sea water allergy? How it manifests itself and what to do to avoid it, you can read it, we protect our health!

Water bath for chocolate ^

Melting chocolate for culinary needs is possible only in a water bath: it does not tolerate direct contact with heaters.

There are special small devices on sale for this delicate procedure. In particular, the Matinox water bath.

It is a vessel consisting of an inner and outer shell. The space between them is filled with water. The vessel diameter is only 16 cm, and its height is 12.5 cm.

A slightly larger water bath of the company de Buyer... Its diameter is 17 cm, and the height (outer) is 15 cm.

The device has a hemispherical bottom; a visual plastic indicator is provided for monitoring the water level.

Such a water bath is very convenient for performing the following operations:

  • making custards, sauces;
  • warming up the first and second courses;
  • uprovaniya porridge from various cereals, etc.

Worth this "unit" only 1500 rubles.

"Ben-marie" ^

This mysterious name is given to a wide, low pan, which is tightly closed with a lid.

This pot, a quarter filled with water and placed on the hob, holds smaller pots with sauces, soups and other dishes.

Benmari is intended for dishes that should be served hot.

Water bath at home ^

What if you weren't lucky to be the owner of a water bath? Experienced housewives do it very simply: they take two saucepans, pour water into one, and put the other inside the first.

It turns out a water bath, for which you don't have to pay a single ruble. But everything is not so simple: there are some nuances that must be taken into account in order not to get serious burns with steam instead of a delicious sauce.

1. If a water bath is needed only to heat a dish or prepare a decoction of herbs, and this process does not require periodic stirring, then in principle it does not matter what the ratio of the diameters of the pots will be.

A wooden stand or a napkin (cloth) folded several times is placed on the bottom of the outer pan, on which the inner container with the product is placed.

The process is monitored by the clock, the internal container with the finished product is removed only after the water vaporization stops.

2. If the recipe provides for any actions with the product standing in a water bath (for example, whipping proteins or regularly stirring the product), then the selection of pots must be approached responsibly:

the top pan should have a rounded bottom as much as possible and fit into the outer container in such a way that so that there is no gap between them.

Otherwise, it will be very dangerous to perform various manipulations with the prepared mass, and it is simply physically impossible: steam and splashes of boiling water will not allow you to keep your hands in the working area.

Bowls with rounded walls are best suited for the role of an internal container;

there should be a gap of at least four centimeters between the bottoms of the upper and inner pans;

it is desirable that the outer and inner containers have handles;

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Oven water bath ^

A water bath for the oven is arranged in a slightly different way:

  • water is poured into a large container up to half its height;
  • the lattice is placed there;
  • a smaller container is installed on the grill;
  • depending on the recipe, the containers are left open or covered with food foil. Sometimes it is necessary to tightly close the inner container and leave the outer one open. In this case, foil can also be used;
  • the height of the outer container must be greater than or equal to two-thirds of the height of the inner mold. It should be noted that too high external forms worsen the temperature regime inside the structure;
  • the inner shape must be solid. If you have to use a detachable form, then it must first be well wrapped in foil;

Not all materials are suitable for making a water bath in the oven. Tanks made of thin sheet steel have too much heat transfer, and glass, on the contrary, conducts heat poorly.

The best option is thick aluminum cookware.

Another important point: if a dish is being prepared in a water bath in the oven, you cannot suddenly open its door and stand directly in front of it.

This way you can scald your hands and face with steam. The correct procedure is to stand on the side of the oven and carefully and slowly open the door.

  • How to make a water bath at home?

  • If the diameter of the upper pan practically coincides with the lower pan, you should worry in advance about how it can be pulled out after heating. Perhaps it is worth hanging it above the water with a thick thread, or making improvised handles if there are none.

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Water bath at home

What does water bath mean and how to do it at home? This is discussed in our article.

In various recipes for making home cosmetics, we can often find the phrase "melt in a water bath." What this means - not everyone knows. But those who understand what is at stake are not always aware of how to make a water bath correctly.

The key word here is "water". Those. we heat the product or substance we need not on fire, but on water. The fact is that water boils at a temperature of no more than + 100 ° C. At this temperature, the products that we need to heat in a water bath do not burn, they warm up more slowly and evenly, while retaining all their useful substances.

They usually melt in a water bath - honey, gelatin, chocolate, propolis, wax, paraffin, bacon, soap. These substances are often used for making homemade masks, body wraps, etc.

It is also very good to brew herbs in a water bath; herbalists highly recommend this method of brewing as the most effective.

Therefore, if the recipe clearly says - to melt or brew in a water bath, strictly follow this instruction. How is a water bath done at home? What kind of dishes or pans do you need for a water bath?

There is nothing complicated here. Just take 2 pans of different sizes - larger and smaller. The smaller saucepan should fit completely, like a nesting doll, into a larger saucepan. By the way, you can use a bowl or a large bowl instead of a large saucepan.

What material should be used for a water bath?

As for a large saucepan (or basin) - there are no special requirements, the main thing is that it should be metal.

A small pot can also be made of any metal, except when we brew herbs. For brewing herbs, use enamel or glassware.

How to heat in a water bath?

It's very simple - you need to put a wooden circle or a small board on the bottom of a large saucepan.

Then carefully pour water into a large bowl. This is a very important point. Don't put too much water in a large pot. The water level should be about halfway up the height of the small saucepan.

Then we load the product we need into a small saucepan and cover with a lid. Where required by the recipe - add water to the product.

We are waiting for the water to boil in a large saucepan, reduce the heat to the temperature recommended in the recipe. We put a small saucepan in a large one. We warm up the necessary time.

If you found it difficult to cook in a water bath in the way that we described, then we can advise you on special appliances for a water bath at home, which are sold in the store. In particular, for brewing herbs, you can use an electric herbalist (see photo).

And now in more detail about how to heat various products in a water bath:

Honey in a water bath

Honey has excellent anti-aging properties, so it is often included in anti-aging homemade masks.

But, honey tends to be sugared and become hard. You cannot apply solid honey to the skin or hair, it must be heated - then it will become liquid again.

To melt honey in a water bath, heat a large pot of water to a boil, then reduce heat to low. Then we put a small pot of honey in a large one with water. Stir constantly, melt the honey in a water bath, as soon as the honey becomes liquid, immediately remove the saucepan with honey from the water bath.

Important: do not heat honey above + 50-60 ° С. When heated at higher temperatures, honey loses all its beneficial properties.

Gelatin in a water bath

From gelatin, you can prepare luxurious face and hair masks (see HERE for a list of recipes for gelatin masks).

To prepare masks, we need gelatin in liquid form. And in stores it is sold either in powder form or in the form of plates. To make gelatin liquid, you need to dissolve it in a water bath.

Gelatin powder (or plates) must first be poured with water in a ratio of about 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry gelatin for 2 tbsp. spoons of water. To mix everything.

How to make a water bath? All methods for home cooking

Let it swell for the time indicated on the gelatin package.

Then put the swollen gelatin in a small saucepan and put it in a large saucepan with water. Bring water in a large saucepan to a boil, then reduce heat and stir constantly to melt the gelatin until it is liquid.

Water bath and herbs

As mentioned above, herbs are brewed in a water bath with the highest quality. Use only glass or enamel dishes for any herbal infusions and decoctions.

Prepare 2 water bath pans. Large - fill with water and set to heat. Place the herbs or other plant materials you need in a small saucepan. Pour boiling water over the herbs at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry herbs for 1 cup of boiling water.

Place a small saucepan of herbs in a large pot of boiling water. Reduce the heat a little and cook the herbal decoction in a water bath for about 20 minutes.

Water bath for chocolate

We need chocolate not only for cooking, but also for our beauty. For example, you can make wonderful masks or body wrap from chocolate (we wrote HERE how to make a chocolate body wrap).

For these purposes, we need chocolate in liquid form. To get liquid chocolate, you need to make a water bath for it.
First, break the chocolate into small pieces and then put it in a small saucepan. You can add a few drops of water to the chocolate. Then we put a small saucepan with chocolate in a large one with boiling water, and, stirring continuously, bring the chocolate to a liquid state in a water bath.

How to melt soap in a water bath
Sometimes we need to melt soap in a water bath for a recipe. Everything is done as in the case of chocolate.

Water bath for wax

Wax is a natural product that is found in many cosmetics. But add it to a homemade cream, mask, lipstick, etc. possible only in liquid form. To acquire a liquid consistency, the wax must be melted in a water bath.

A water bath is made for wax in the same way as for honey. In no case is water added to the wax. Stirred continuously.

Propolis in a water bath

Propolis is another beekeeping product often used in cosmetology. Propolis is melted in a water bath in the same way as wax.

Lard in a water bath

Few people know that interior lard is a gift from nature for our beauty. It perfectly softens and nourishes the skin. Therefore, beauty recipes with lard are not a joke, but an ideal care, especially for dry or rough skin.

But raw lard is not suitable for cosmetic purposes; it must be melted in a water bath.

First, we cut the bacon into very small pieces - the smaller the better. Put the bacon in a small saucepan and place it in a large saucepan of boiling water. We slightly reduce the fire and wait until the bacon is completely melted.

Paraffin water bath

Paraffin masks are super-self-care products. They can be done at home. Cosmetic paraffin is sold in specialized stores in solid form.

Before applying to the skin, the paraffin must be melted in a water bath. In no case do we add water to paraffin. The paraffin water bath should not be too hot. No more than +50. When using and reprinting the material, an active link to the pro-krasoty website is required

Video: How to melt chocolate: 3 ways

Very often, when reading any recipe for a cream, tender dough or cosmetic mask, we come across the expression "water bath". It would seem that everyone knows from childhood what it is, but, nevertheless, the question of how to make a water bath correctly does not lose its relevance, especially for young housewives who are just beginning to comprehend the basics of culinary art.

Video: Super Fast and Convenient Beauty Ksu Water Bath

So, let's try to understand the intricacies of this process. The first question is when and why you need a water bath. It is worth paying attention to exactly this method of heating and cooking in those cases when:

  • you need to melt food sensitive to high temperatures in such a way as to prevent them from burning and sticking to the walls of the dishes. With the help of a water bath, chocolate, butter or soap base for home soap making is melted.
  • It is necessary to warm up any ingredients to a relatively low temperature (50-60 °). This is often necessary when making hair or face masks that contain natural oils - when heated, they are better absorbed and have a much more noticeable effect.
  • It is necessary to prepare decoctions or herbal infusions without losing a large amount of useful ingredients that are destroyed during boiling.
  • There is a need to heat foods that are prone to change in structure under the influence of temperature - yolk, gelatin, etc.

Video: How to melt the base in a water bath and in the microwave

In all of the above cases, as in a number of others, it is very important to know how to make a water bath. It also has its own subtleties and rules, knowledge of which will help to avoid common mistakes.

First of all, a water bath will turn out to be great if the dishes are chosen correctly, but these are not all the details that are worth paying attention to.

Video: The principle of a water bath to the music from Torchlight II

  • The bottom saucepan or bowl should have a thick bottom and, if possible, thick sides. In this case, the boiling will not be so violent and drops of water will not get into the mass you are preparing.
  • Be sure to cover the bottom of the lower dish with a clean linen or cotton towel - this will make the boil even smoother, namely, it is the key to how to make a water bath.
  • The upper pan should be of such a diameter that the bottom touches the water column, but the walls remain in the air. In this position, the effect will be maximum - the upper bowl will be treated with hot steam, and the water will practically not touch it. Choose in advance the dishes that fit each other in diameter, and remember this "pair" - next time you will save time looking for suitable vessels.
  • A home water bath involves constantly stirring the mixture in the upper bowl. This helps to control all changes in consistency and not miss the moment when the bowl needs to be removed from the heat.
  • You should lower the bowl into a large saucepan only after boiling water in it, otherwise the heating process of the mixture being prepared will be disrupted, and the result may not be the same as we would like.
  • When preparing decoctions of medicinal plants, you do not need to stir the mixture continuously, since burning will not happen here. It is better to cover it with a lid so as not to allow essential oils, which are often the main active ingredients of traditional medicine, to evaporate.
  • If the diameter of the upper pan practically coincides with the lower pan, you should worry in advance about how it can be pulled out after heating.

    How to make a water bath? There is nothing complicated about it!

    Perhaps it is worth hanging it above the water with a thick thread, or making improvised handles if there are none.

These are the basic rules on how to make a water bath without making mistakes. But even if you don't succeed the first time, don't worry. Two or three times - and you will develop the necessary skill that allows you to do everything quickly and easily.

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Water bath Is a method of cooking food, in which the liquid is boiled (heated) without direct contact of the container with fire. This method is used when the temperature of the prepared solution is required, which does not exceed 100 ° C.

Basically, in a water bath, it is customary to cook some types of tender creams for cakes, certain sauces that are served with fish and meat dishes. In addition, a water bath is used to melt or soften chocolate, honey and butter. Thus, medicinal herbal decoctions are often prepared.

There are two types of water baths, which directly depend on such indicators as the name and quantity of the products used, as well as the place of their preparation. In this way, bain-marie cooking and bain-marie cooking stand out.

Cooking food in a water bath

In this case, cooking is carried out on the stove using the so-called double pan mari, which is considered the most ancient. Water is poured into the lower container of the dishes, and the product is placed in the upper one, which will be cooked in a water bath.

In reality, this cooking method is quite simple. Structurally, it looks like two larger and smaller containers that are inserted into one another.

Water bath - how to do it at home, how to heat

At the same time, small dishes should be less in height in order to leave room for boiling water. During the boiling process, the water in the first container heats the liquid in the second one. Moreover, the water in a larger container should not boil - ideally, cooking in a water bath involves boiling a little at moderate heat.

Cooking food in a water bath

The second method or cooking food in a water bath is suitable for baking in the oven or heating on the stove, when a slightly different design is used. Outwardly, this is a container (or containers), which are placed in a large-sized form, preferably on a grate, which ensures the necessary circulation of water under the bottom of the inner container.

When cooking in a water bath, hot water is poured into a large container, which should reach the middle of the height of the inner mold. It is noteworthy that this entire structure can remain open at the top, but it can also be closed (for example, with foil) - it depends on the requirements of the recipe. Sometimes the water bath itself is left open and the inner mold is covered with foil.

The large bain-marie dish is selected so that its height is more than 2/3 of the height of the inner container. Too high a form is also not suitable, since its walls will not only block heat flows, but the water temperature may not even rise to 83 ° C, which will not allow the product to reach readiness.

For cooking in a water bath, the material from which the large form is made is also important. For example, glass is a poor conductor of heat, while thin steel is characterized by high heat transfer. Thick cast iron, on the contrary, is capable of storing heat. So, the most suitable form for cooking food in a water bath is a rather thick aluminum one.

For a true connoisseur of the bath, it is not the broom that is important, but the soul of the bath - steam. Fragrant and rich, inhaled by the body, it relaxes, heals and warms not only the body, but also the human soul. Herbal decoction in a water bath is the main ingredient, giving a complete feeling of pleasure from the entire ceremony.

Herbs suitable for the bath

In steam rooms with a stove, you can use only natural infusions or decoctions for the bath. If you choose oils for this purpose, you will harm your eyes, and you will be disappointed in the whole process once and for all.

Each herbal collection and individual herbs for the preparation of infusion have their own strength, their indications for use, their aromas.

Most often, herbs are used for the steam room, such as:

  1. Oregano.

    Use stem, leaves and flowers. The best time to harvest is when it blooms - early July. Our ancestors called her "mother" is a female herb that has a beneficial effect on the female body as a whole. An infusion made from oregano will be useful in a bath and for men it relieves tension, lowers blood pressure, and relaxes muscles. The scent of a summer meadow and freshly cut grass will lift your spirits and take you to the rustic summer.

  2. St. John's wort. Leaves and flowers are used for bath broths. Fees are prepared from the beginning to mid-July, when the flowers have not fully blossomed. This herb is the best option during the cold winter months as the immune system needs support. In case of allergies and skin diseases, it heals the skin, relieves swelling, itching.
  3. Mint. Throughout the summer, mint can be harvested and prepared from it raw materials for infusions, the leaves and flowers remain juicy. The pleasant smell of essential oils, which easily pass into the broth and nourish it, gives a lot of pleasure, relaxes, improves immunity and heals the respiratory tract. Inhalation with such a collection is useful at any time of the year, both for adults and children.
  4. Linden. Linden blossom and leaves, collected in early July, when the flower buds have not yet fully opened, will bring the scent of honey into your steam room, and for you - health and good mood. Linden accelerates the process of perspiration by opening the pores, eliminates excess fluid, accelerates metabolic processes, and helps to fight excess weight. Linden infusions, decoctions, baths are made by a spa salon with aromatherapy.
  5. Hop. Hop cones ripened in August - September contain such a quantity of tannin that even the steam from the stove has a beneficial effect on the skin. Hops significantly reduces the oiliness of hair and skin, eliminates dandruff, and treats skin diseases. With high sweating of the feet, steam from the decoction of hops is the best remedy used from the very beginning of the history of the bath. The high content of ascorbic acid and essential oils, penetrating into the lungs, allows you to cure a cough, accelerates the discharge of sputum, and relieves the "smoker's cough".
  6. Yarrow. The leaves and flowers of this herb are a godsend for cosmetic procedures. Softening the skin, easily opening pores, getting rid of acne and blackheads on the face - this is the least that will give a decoction of herbs in a water bath of yarrow. The smell of the infusion, tart and thick, will help you relax, immerse yourself in peace and tranquility. Aromatherapy with yarrow is useful for people with sleep disorders, mild irritability and fatigue.
  7. Birch leaves. Young leaves, collected in early July, when the tree has fully gained strength, and gives it to foliage, are the most fragrant, and have that smell of a birch broom that is familiar to a connoisseur of a bath. A strained broth prepared in a water bath, generously poured on stones in a hot bath, is able to cope even with chronic colds, fungal diseases, disorders and diseases of the nervous system.
  8. Pharmaceutical camomile. The flowers and leaves of this herb work wonders, and if the first signs of a cold have already touched, it is worth making an infusion on chamomile. A bath with chamomile spirit will put you on your feet, and its light aroma will relax and give your body the scent of summer.

Why should the broth be cooked in a water bath

Herbs contain substances that begin to give off their properties at the time of active boiling. The heater should become this moment. Inhalation from essential oils should start in the sauna.

If you cook a broth over a fire, you can lose the main ingredients of herbs that have a beneficial effect on the body, and only a pleasant aroma will remain for the bath.

For the broth, you can use not only leaves and flowers, but also stems of herbs.

Water bath - yak zrobiti in home minds, yak nagrivati

The stems, even when dried, contain essential oils and flavonoids that can enhance the activity of many enzymes in the body and accelerate skin regeneration.

Herbal decoctions for a bath are a very delicate substance, and its preparation is a kind of ceremony.

How to properly prepare and use a decoction for a bath

As a rule, the ratio of dry raw materials and water for preparing a decoction is the same for various herbs - for 250 ml of water - 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials.

You can take a little less, or a little more herbs for a more or less saturated decoction. In the process, you will choose the ideal ratio for yourself.

Preparation of decoctions in a water bath:

  1. Put the pot of water on the fire, put a pot with a smaller diameter in it.
  2. Pour 500 ml of water, put 2 tbsp. l. raw materials. Cover with a tight lid.
  3. As soon as the water with herbs begins to boil, reduce the heat to low, and keep in a water bath for 30 to 40 minutes.
  4. Cool the finished broth together with the raw material - it will release its properties into the water until it cools completely. The broth water bath should be allowed to cool with the broth pan.
  5. Strain the broth through cotton wool between two layers of cheesecloth.
  6. Transfer to a clean glass jar and cap tightly.
  7. Before sprinkling the broth on the stove, sprinkle it with clean hot water, and then, trying to create as many drops as possible, spray the broth. A broom is suitable for this purpose.
  8. Alternate watering the stove with clean water and broth.

Broth recipes

  1. Oregano and St. John's wort.

Take an equal volume of oregano and St. John's wort, and following the previous section, start preparing the decoction in a water bath. This decoction is aromatherapy, but also to enhance immunity. It makes the skin and hair soft.

  1. Mint, hops, oregano.

Mix 1 part mint, 1 part oregano, and 2 parts hops, and prepare a decoction from the resulting raw materials. The air in the steam room will be filled with particles of medicinal and aromatic steam. Colds and depression will bypass you.

  1. Birch leaves and yarrow.

2 parts of birch leaves and 1 part of yarrow are mixed and a decoction is prepared. Using it in a bath will help to quickly cure bronchitis, facilitate the recovery process after a long cold illness. Wounds and pimples will dry up and heal faster.

  1. Linden and hops.

Mix 2 parts of linden, 1 part of hops. A decoction of these ingredients will reveal the aroma of a sweet intoxicating drink in the sauna. The skin and hair will smell like honey for a long time. Through the lungs, the blood is saturated with particles of useful substances from the steam.

  1. Oregano, St. John's wort, Ivan - tea.
  2. 2 parts oregano and St. John's wort, 1 part ivan - tea. Stir the raw materials, prepare the broth. Apply in a steam room for depression, nervous disorders, skin rashes.

Try to make the fees yourself, starting from the purpose of the herbs, your taste, preference for aromas. And you will find the perfect ratio and saturation for yourself.


A visit to the bathhouse, and the use of this or that broth is undesirable without consulting a doctor if you suspect pregnancy, and such diseases as:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • undiagnosed skin diseases;
  • chronic lung disease;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • some types of allergies.

Remember: you can take a steam bath not only with pleasure, but also with benefit.

Collection and procurement of medicinal plants

The collection and procurement of medicinal plants is carried out at a time when the nutrients in them reach their maximum concentration. Therefore, each plant has its own rules for collection, drying and storage. However, there are basic recommendations, for example:

  • you need to collect and procure raw materials in dry weather;
  • harvesting time should coincide with the time of the beginning or full flowering of the plant
  • the leaves to be harvested must be fully expanded, the flowers must be in full bloom, and the fruits must be ripe;
  • when drying, rotting of the plant should not be allowed: it should be dried in the shade in a well-ventilated, dry room;
  • it is necessary to store dried raw materials in paper or cloth bags, or in containers that are tightly closed;
  • leaves and flowers can be stored for 1 - 2 years, roots and bark - 2 - 3 years, fruits - 3 - 4 years.

Grinding and mixing medicinal plants

For the preparation of infusions and decoctions, one or several types of crushed (cut, crushed) plant materials are used.

When mixing several medicinal plants, the beneficial substances contained in them are taken into account, which can both enhance, complement each other, and reduce their effect on the human body.

According to the effect on the body, the collections (mixtures) of medicinal plants are divided into fortifying, calming, hemostatic, acting on the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and others.

The vegetable raw materials included in the mixture are crushed separately. Leaves, flowers, grass, bark are cut into small particles up to 5 mm in size, the roots are crushed up to 3 mm, and the seeds - up to 0.5 mm.

The weight parts of the prepared raw materials are mixed in the proportions provided for by the recipe until a uniform mass is obtained, from which infusions and decoctions are then prepared.

Preparation of infusions

Infusions are prepared from loose parts of plants. These are flowers and leaves. They easily give up their nutrients.

Hot way

The crushed plant material is poured into an enamel, glass or porcelain vessel, filled with unboiled water, most often in a ratio of 1:10. That is, from one weight part of the raw material, ten volume parts of the infusion are obtained.

For example, taking 20 g of dried crushed raspberry leaves, you can get 200 ml raspberry infusion... For this:

  1. in a boiling water bath (in a closed vessel), 200 ml of water is heated for 15 minutes with 20 g of raspberry leaves thrown into it;
  2. remove the infusion, cool for an hour, letting stand at room temperature;
  3. filter through a layer of gauze. If, after straining, less infusion is obtained, for example, 190 ml, add another 10 ml of water.

You can prepare the infusion without a water bath, just pouring boiling water over the crushed plant particles.

Cold way

There is also a cold method for preparing the infusion. To do this, crushed plant particles are poured with boiled water at room temperature, covered with a lid and insisted for up to 12 hours.

In a cold way, infusions are made from those plants, which, when heated, lose their beneficial properties (oils evaporate).

Mixed way

Infusions can be prepared in a mixed way.

In the mixed method, the vegetable raw materials, filled with boiled water at room temperature, are infused as in the cold method, and then filtered.

The mixture remaining after straining is poured with unboiled water and then cooked in a hot way.

After cooling the infusion prepared hot, the two resulting infusions are mixed and taken according to the recommendations.

Preparation of decoctions

The coarse parts of plants: roots, rhizomes, root crops, wood, bark are raw materials for making decoctions. Decoctions in the human body are absorbed more slowly than infusions, but they last longer.

The first cooking option

In order to prepare the broth, they take the prepared raw material and put it in a bowl, pour it with cold water.

The ratio of raw materials and water depends on the method of using the decoction. If the broth is intended for ingestion, this ratio is 1:10. If the broth is needed for rubbing, compresses, that is, for external use, then the ratio is 1: 5.

Raw materials filled with water are boiled for 20 - 30 minutes. After the broth has cooled, it is filtered. Some decoctions from raw materials containing tannins are recommended to be strained immediately after boiling.

We must not forget that if the volume of the prepared broth has decreased, then it is necessary to add boiled water so that it becomes equal to the initial one.

Second cooking option

The raw materials for the broth are put in a bowl, poured with cold unboiled water and, covered with a lid, leave to infuse overnight. Boil in the morning for 5 to 7 minutes.

It is necessary to boil the mixture in a container with a lid on. The lid is removed only after 30 minutes after boiling.

Then the broth is filtered and, if necessary, boiled water is added to the initial volume.

Water bath

It is advisable to cook infusions and decoctions in a water bath, since it allows you to heat substances up to 100ºC and, at the same time, prevents them from overheating and burning.

It is not at all difficult to make a water bath at home. To do this, take two containers: one larger, the other smaller - so that one fits into the other. It is desirable to use enameled dishes (pots, bowls) as containers.

The bottoms of the containers must not touch. To do this, it is desirable that the smaller container have handles with which it would hold onto the edges of a large container. In extreme cases, you can put something under a smaller container (for example, a rag folded in several layers).

Water is poured into a large container in such a way that when a smaller container is placed in it, it is immersed in water. However, when boiling, water from a large container should not fall into a smaller one.

A mixture of medicinal plants, filled with water, is placed in a smaller container and covered with a separate lid. The resulting structure is put on fire. All! A home water bath is ready!

Further, infusions and decoctions are prepared according to the recipe. Infusions, as a rule, are not brought to a boil, since the loose parts of plants easily give up useful substances that can collapse when boiling. Broths, on the other hand, need to be boiled (usually 10 - 20 minutes).

Using a water bath, you can easily avoid overheating infusions at home.

How to make a water bath at home

To do this, after boiling water in a large container, make a small fire, sufficient to maintain the temperature close to boiling, but do not allow the water to boil. At the same time, the temperature in a smaller container does not reach 100ºC.

Storage of infusions and decoctions

Both the broth and infusions are best consumed fresh, as they quickly deteriorate. It is ideal to prepare them daily.

However, if you do not consume the entire broth or infusion during the day, then store it in the refrigerator or, in extreme cases, in a cool, dark place.

The maximum time during which decoctions and infusions can be stored is three days.

Very often, when reading any recipe for a cream, tender dough or cosmetic mask, we come across the expression "water bath". It would seem that everyone knows from childhood what it is, but, nevertheless, the question of how to make a water bath correctly does not lose its relevance, especially for young housewives who are just beginning to comprehend the basics of culinary art.

So, let's try to understand the intricacies of this process. The first question is when and why you need a water bath. It is worth paying attention to exactly this method of heating and cooking in those cases when:

  • you need to melt food sensitive to high temperatures in such a way as to prevent them from burning and sticking to the walls of the dishes. With the help of a water bath, chocolate, butter or soap base for home soap making is melted.
  • It is necessary to warm up any ingredients to a relatively low temperature (50-60 °). This is often necessary when making hair or face masks that contain natural oils - when heated, they are better absorbed and have a much more noticeable effect.
  • It is necessary to prepare decoctions or herbal infusions without losing a large amount of useful ingredients that are destroyed during boiling.
  • There is a need to heat foods that are prone to change in structure under the influence of temperature - yolk, gelatin, etc.

In all of the above cases, as in a number of others, it is very important to know how to make a water bath. It also has its own subtleties and rules, knowledge of which will help to avoid common mistakes.

First of all, a water bath will turn out to be great if the dishes are chosen correctly, but these are not all the details that are worth paying attention to.

  • The bottom saucepan or bowl should have a thick bottom and, if possible, thick sides. In this case, the boiling will not be so violent and drops of water will not get into the mass you are preparing.
  • Be sure to cover the bottom of the lower dish with a clean linen or cotton towel - this will make the boil even smoother, namely, it is the key to how to make a water bath.
  • The upper pan should be of such a diameter that the bottom touches the water column, but the walls remain in the air. In this position, the effect will be maximum - the upper bowl will be treated with hot steam, and the water will practically not touch it. Select in advance the dishes that match each other in diameter, and remember this "pair" - next time you will save time looking for suitable vessels.
  • A home water bath involves constantly stirring the mixture in the upper bowl. This helps to control all changes in consistency and not miss the moment when the bowl needs to be removed from the heat.
  • You should lower the bowl into a large saucepan only after boiling water in it, otherwise the heating process of the mixture being prepared will be disrupted, and the result may not be the same as we would like.
  • When preparing decoctions of medicinal plants, you do not need to stir the mixture continuously, since burning will not happen here. It is better to cover it with a lid so as not to allow essential oils, which are often the main active ingredients of traditional medicine, to evaporate.
  • If the diameter of the upper pan practically coincides with the lower pan, you should worry in advance about how it can be pulled out after heating. Perhaps it is worth hanging it above the water with a thick thread, or making improvised handles if there are none.

These are the basic rules on how to make a water bath without making mistakes. But even if you don't succeed the first time, don't worry. Two or three times - and you will develop the necessary skill that allows you to do everything quickly and easily.

How to make a water bath? All methods for home cooking

Sometimes, after reading a recipe in a cookbook, one gets the impression that he read some strange encryption for the special agents. Blanch, simmer a little with butter, cook until the test "soft ball" - and these are not all the terms used by chefs. But, perhaps, the most popular among them is the "water bath". How to do it, many do not know, and therefore refuse such recipes. And completely in vain. It is easy to make, and dishes cooked in a water or steam bath are tasty and healthy.

It is used in cases where delicate cooking and heating of the dish is needed to no more than 100 degrees. The easiest way to make a water bath is to put water in one pot and put a smaller one in it. This is where the foods that need to be cooked are put. Typically used for melting butter and chocolate, as well as making custards and hot biscuits. Homemade cottage cheese is also made in a similar steam bath.

Another option for how to make a water bath is an impromptu double boiler. To do this, you need to pull gauze on a pot of water at a height of 3-4 centimeters from the last. In this way, you can cook steamed dishes - vegetables, fish and even meat. In fact, electric steamers work according to this principle, which today can be bought at any home appliance store. Before their appearance, they used special pans with a double bottom. This method of cooking is considered the most dietary and healthy.

Many, however, believe that the steam menu is only suitable for children or for those on a strict diet. In fact, you can steam many original and delicious dishes. It can be a variety of soufflés, omelets and even muffins. Cooking in a water bath saturates them with additional moisture and makes them juicy, while retaining all the benefits of the food. So the steam menu can be very varied and not only dietary.

But this does not exhaust all the cases when you need to know how to make a water bath. To make a cheesecake, cake, or soufflé in the oven, this method is often used. This is due to the fact that for delicate baking, you need to soften the high temperature of the oven and prevent the top from cracking. To do this, pour water into a deep baking sheet so that it reaches the middle of the baking dish. If a split form is used, it must be wrapped in foil to prevent moisture from entering. It is advisable to wrap in several layers and overlap and, of course, do not rush.

Knowing how to make a water bath at home, you can diversify your menu not only with dietary dishes. The preparation of many cakes, soufflés and cheesecakes will become very common thanks to her. This means that you can arrange small holidays for your family every day. And steamed cutlets, fish and vegetables often look much more attractive than fried or stewed ones. And most importantly, they combine a delicate taste and benefit, as they are prepared without the addition of oil.

What kind of steam bath can be made at home - execution options

Usually the word "bath" evokes in people a visual image of a room, where visitors first warm up under the influence of water vapor, cool down by bathing in pools or showers, and then spend leisure hours in cozy lounges. The article will focus on such a procedure as a steam bath for the face, and the features of its reception.

Applicability of the steam bath in various fields

It is worth considering a procedure such as a steam bath, comparing it to a conventional sauna, which is popular with a large number of people. The steam (water) bath differs in that the mixture poured into a certain container is evenly heated over the fire, but at the same time it does not burn out and does not lose its useful qualities.

At the same time, the sauna operates on a similar principle: with each new stage of the procedures, the visitor warms up at a higher steam temperature, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of his body.

Someone associates the concept of "steam bath" with the method of steaming food, but in fact, the same procedure for heating various elements is used in the industrial field.

The "steam bath" method is used in the following industries:

  • food;
  • petrochemical;
  • gas;
  • pharmaceutical;
  • veterinary.

In each individual case, the procedure differs only in that containers of different volumes are used. Industrial applications most often require the use of specialized laboratory devices that are manufactured in factories.

A high-quality laboratory device is the key to a successful experiment

It is possible to maintain a certain temperature regime of the liquid only with the help of a special water bath, made in strict compliance with the technology. According to the rules, such containers must comply with GOSTs, as well as the liquid studied with their help.

In industrial plants, samples are taken of a certain mixture, which can only be tested using a laboratory water bath. The device allows you to determine a number of parameters of the mixture and compare them with generally accepted standards.

Quite often, to conduct a certain study (when checking a substance for compliance with GOSTs), it is impossible to replace a laboratory water bath.

Such an installation copes with the following tasks:

  • thermostatic heating;
  • distillation;
  • evaporation;
  • drying;
  • enrichment of substances.

With its help, more specific tasks are also solved, such as, for example, the separation of fat from dairy products. By standard, the temperature in the water bath tank is maintained in the range of 65 to 75 degrees Celsius. Usually, it is under such temperature conditions that food products are checked for compliance with GOSTs.

In fact, a steam bath is like a kettle, in which the water temperature does not exceed 100 degrees Celsius, but if necessary (for research purposes) it is raised by adding ordinary kitchen salt. Conducting a huge number of laboratory experiments without this equipment is simply impossible. As mentioned above, an industrial steam bath will help in solving a variety of tasks.

This equipment may vary in capacity or operation. Installations can exist, both controlled by one operator, and several. The functionality of such steam baths also varies greatly. For example, a laboratory setup for the composition of polyethylene is operated by six operators.

Some containers work on the principle of a chemical centrifuge, when a large number of flasks and other utensils can be placed in special compartments.

Effective and cheap cosmetic procedure

Undoubtedly, a steam bath for a face at home is the simplest cosmetic product that allows you to tone and improve the skin of the face in order to look beautiful not only in the photo, but also when meeting in person with friends, relatives and acquaintances.

The essence of her work is quite simple:

  • when steaming, the pores of the skin open, which allows you to destroy the fat cells that have accumulated in them;
  • water vapor saturates the epithelial tissue with moisture, giving it tone;
  • the elasticity of the skin increases, but at the same time it becomes softer;
  • also warm water vapor causes a rush of blood into the epidermis, which is expressed by a blush.

It is important not only to understand how to make a steam bath yourself, but also to take into account a number of nuances during the procedure.

We are talking about the following features of the steam bath reception:

  • when steaming, the skin of the face can be treated with various cleansing solutions, creams and gels;
  • steaming is an excellent prophylaxis in the treatment of acne;
  • practically no restrictions on use, with the exception of hypersensitivity of the skin and some diseases;
  • maximum efficiency when treating oily, dry or combination skin types.

Experts always remind that dry or combination skin should be treated with oily creams before taking bath procedures, so as not to cause the effect of early aging of the skin. Also, the effectiveness of the procedures increases when various herbs are added to the water, which have a beneficial effect on the skin.

If we are talking about how to make a steam bath at home, then you should first familiarize yourself with the effects of certain herbs and substances used.

The modern market for cosmetic products offers customers a wide selection of industrial steam baths. For example, inhalers are used either to treat respiratory problems or to cleanse the skin of the face.

The frequency of the procedures depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's skin. The period between two procedures can be from 3-4 to 7 days.

Creating a steam bath at home

Every woman knows that a water bath for the face is very useful, but it is not always possible to use this procedure for a fee. In this regard, it becomes necessary to carry out the procedure at home using improvised means.

The main container for the procedure can be a small enamel saucepan (from 2 liters). Pour a liter of water into it and add a little baking soda there. Then the water is brought to a boil, and the pan is placed on a comfortable surface, where it will be easy for a person to expose his face to the steam.

The resulting solution must be allowed to cool slightly so that the steam temperature is high, but does not burn the face. Then you should sit by the pan so that the steam envelops your face. For maximum effectiveness of the procedure, a piece of cloth is placed over the head, which will not allow the liquid to cool quickly.

In time, the entire procedure should take about 10 minutes. In case of a feeling of any negative manifestations, you should immediately stop receiving the procedures. If it is necessary to enhance the beneficial effect on the body or create some specific effect, then various plants can be added to the water: chamomile, linden, parsley, etc.

Herbs are selected taking into account the characteristics of the skin:

  • oily skin loves rosemary, oak bark, sage, birch and willow leaves;
  • on dry, the most favorable effect will be: mint, birch buds, yarrow, linden flowers;
  • you can moisten the skin with dried wormwood, field horsetail;
  • the work of the nervous system can be normalized with lemon oil or hop cones.

The steam bath is not allowed to be used by those people who have:

  • high blood pressure;
  • metabolic dysfunction;
  • high sensitivity of the skin;
  • individual intolerance (allergy) to any of the listed herbs.


The article describes in detail the procedure for taking a steam bath, its features, as well as the main advantages and disadvantages. If you follow the instructions, the procedure will be effective, and the result will be healthy skin that looks beautiful not only in edited photos, but also in real life. Of course, you can entrust your face to the workers of the beauty salon, but you won't have to pay practically anything at home.

When and where is the water bath used

Procedure attachment

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing in common between a bath in the conventional sense of the word and the concept of "steam bath". But it is worth thinking about what happens to a person in a sauna and what effect is achieved. In a water bath, a mixture is slowly heated, while the gentle effect of the flame does not allow the product to burn. So a person in a sauna takes on an ever higher air temperature with each new entry into the steam room. However, his condition is such that it does not harm the body.

Ordinary people most often associate the concept of "steam bath" with cooking. But this is not entirely true, because this principle of heating is also used in production. Moreover, the scope of the steam bath is wide enough. These are the following industries:

  • Food
  • Petrochemical
  • Gas
  • Medical
  • Veterinary

It is clear that devices of different sizes are used to achieve different goals. It's one thing in the kitchen to prepare a cream for culinary masterpieces, it's another to isolate a substance in a production environment. In the latter case, special laboratory devices are required, they must be made in factories.

Laboratory devices are the basis of experiments

After inhalation, the cold will recede

To maintain a certain temperature of the liquid according to GOST, a laboratory water bath is needed. Thanks to it, it is possible to carry out thermostatic heating, distillation, evaporation, drying or enrichment of substances. Almost any liquid product must comply with GOST. This can be achieved by sampling. Then, special laboratory manipulations are carried out with these samples, the results of which show how the tested substance complies with the approved standard.

When carrying out this kind of procedure, you cannot replace a steam bath with anything. To isolate fat from milk and its products, the laboratory must have a set of necessary instruments. The water bath maintains a temperature of 65-75 degrees, creating conditions for testing. Thus, the conformity of the products of the GOST of the food industry is confirmed.

The water temperature in the steam bath should not exceed 100 degrees. If, for research purposes, it needs to be raised a little higher, ordinary table salt is added to the water. Without such laboratory equipment, it is impossible to carry out many experiments, especially if later you have to pass the test for compliance with GOST.

Advice from the master!

Water baths, designed in special factories, serve a variety of industrial purposes.

Such equipment can be very different both in volume and in principle of operation. Laboratory-type water baths can be very different. One specialist or several can work with them. Moreover, the equipment of such equipment is different. For example, a laboratory bath, in which the extracting agent, which is part of polyethylene, is determined, has six workplaces. Some containers have space for multiple flasks and other laboratory glassware. This makes the verification process much faster.

Water bath Is a method of cooking food, in which there is (heating) the liquid without direct contact of the container with fire. This method is used when the temperature of the prepared solution is required, which does not exceed 100 ° C.

Basically, in a water bath, it is customary to cook some types of tender creams for cakes, certain ones that are served with fish and meat dishes. In addition, a water bath is used for melting or softening, and. Thus, medicinal herbal decoctions are often prepared.

There are two types of water baths, which directly depend on such indicators as the name and quantity of the products used, as well as the place of their preparation. Thus, stands out water bath cooking and cooking in a water bath.

Cooking food in a water bath

In this case, cooking is carried out on the stove using the so-called double pan mari, which is considered the most ancient. Water is poured into the lower container of the dishes, and the product is placed in the upper container, which will be cooked for water bath.

In reality, this cooking method is quite simple. Structurally, it looks like two larger and smaller containers that are inserted into one another. At the same time, the small one in height should be smaller in order to leave room for boiling water. During the boiling process, the water in the first container heats the liquid in the second one. Moreover, the water in a larger container should not boil - ideally, cooking in a water bath involves boiling a little at moderate heat.

Cooking food in a water bath

Second way or cooking food in a water The bath is suitable for baking in the oven or heating on the stove, when a slightly different design is used. Outwardly, this is a container (or containers), which are placed in a large-sized form, preferably on a grate, which ensures the necessary circulation of water under the bottom of the inner container.

When cooking in a water bath, hot water is poured into a large container, which should reach the middle of the height of the inner mold. It is noteworthy that this whole structure can remain open at the top, but it can also be closed (for example) - it depends on the requirements. Sometimes the water bath itself is left open and the inner mold is covered with foil.

The large bain-marie dish is selected so that its height is more than 2/3 of the height of the inner container. Too high a form is also not suitable, since its walls will not only block heat flows, but the water temperature may not even rise to 83 ° C, which will not allow the product to reach readiness.

For cooking in a water bath, the material from which the large form is made is also important. For example, glass is a poor conductor of heat, while thin steel is characterized by high heat transfer. Thick cast iron, on the contrary, is capable of storing heat. So, the most suitable form for cooking food in a water bath is a rather thick aluminum one.

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