Flavored sticks. Sandalwood sticks

28.09.2020 Buffet table

The ancient science of aromatherapy has knowledge of how aromas affect a person's condition: psychological and physical. During the excavation of the most ancient civilizations, it was not in vain that vessels for incense were found - incense was valued by the Egyptians, the Romans, and the Greeks as gold and as spices.

And in the Middle Ages, when the plague mowed people indiscriminately, it was effectively fought with the help of fumigating the air. Scented pine fires were kindled throughout the city, giving off acrid smoke. Any of the aromatic plants known at that time was used against the plague, because these were the best antiseptics available then.

Modern civilization has given us daily fumigation with smoke and chemicals, and the modern way of life - stress and rush along with lack of exercise and poor diet. As a result, we also get ailments, obesity, accumulation of toxic substances in the body, and a real possibility of developing severe chronic diseases.

Aromatherapy makes it possible to slow down this process. Aromas are quickly introduced into the circulatory system, improving blood circulation, normalizing the human condition and balancing the processes occurring in the body, thereby increasing resistance to harmful external influences.

There are many methods of using aromatherapy, but incense sticks are considered one of the most popular.

Incense sticks are inexpensive and very easy to use.

The harm of aroma sticks

Not so long ago, Danish scientists announced that they had established a link between an increased risk of lung cancer and the constant use of incense sticks. It turns out that the systematic long-term inhalation of incense increases the risk of lung cancer almost doubled.

And with irregular use of incense, you can inhale them calmly: the likelihood of cancer does not increase.

The development of cancer is influenced by organic carcinogens contained in smoke: carbonyl compounds, benzene and polyaromatic hydrocarbons.

Indian incense

In their homeland, Indian incense sticks are burned during temple festivals and meditations. The scent base is applied to a bamboo stick, which is then soaked in essential oil for several days, resulting in a double scent. It is thanks to this technology that Indian sticks have a pronounced smell, they immediately fill the room with aroma.

The most common essential oils in Indian sticks are sandalwood, patchouli (stimulates passion) and eucalyptus (helps with colds).

Indian incense is the most popular on the Russian market. Their packaging can be nondescript, but the quality of the oil is high, whether it is natural or synthetic.

Thai incense is offered in brighter packaging, but it is more expensive and of lower quality.

Nepalese incense

Nepalese incense sticks without a base, they are composed of several minerals and herbs that take a long time to press. It is not necessary to burn them to the base: only the tip is set on fire for two minutes, after which the stick is extinguished. Nepalese sticks, made of pressed herb, have a rich, long-lasting aroma.

Most often, lotus, red and white sandalwood, pine and cedar are used in Nepalese sticks.

The scent of sandalwood helps with fear, anxiety, insomnia, soothes the nerves, and also heals a severe runny nose and eliminates nausea.

Treats runny nose and asthmatic cough jasmine. Lavender stick eliminates insomnia and nervousness. Geranium incense soothes, relieves fears.
Tibetan incense

These are the most sought-after incense and hold a special place in the aromatherapy tradition.

Herbs for them are collected by hand in the Himalayas and at a strictly defined time.

Tibetan incense sticks contain up to 40 components. Pressed sticks, like Nepalese. While burning, they gradually change the smell, but they are not only intended for aromatization. They are used in acupuncture for cauterization of points, and in massage, ground into powder and added to a cream.
Chinese incense

This is most often baseless floral and sandalwood incense. They can also be in the form of thin spirals twisted in several circles. Burning clockwise, they create an "energy pillar", as they say in China.

They can also be in the form of small baskets, boats, barrels.

How are scent sticks used?

Smells play an important role in our life. They can relax and excite, cause headaches and focus, lift our spirits and poison our lives. To properly use the power of odors, you need to know their properties.

Incense sticks are the most convenient type of incense to use. This popularity is due to convenience, ease of use and low cost. The base impregnated with aroma filler is applied to wood chips. Usually the base is made from coal or masala (a mixture of fine dust or crushed plants).

Black incense sticks are made of charcoal. When burned, they smell only as an aroma filler. And in brown and beige sticks, a base of masala is used, the smell of which will mix when burning to the aroma.

Pay attention to the quality of the filler. The smell of a synthetic scent is not as pleasant and healthy as the smell of a natural one. Do not burn multiple sticks at the same time - they can have the exact opposite effect.

In order not to get sleepiness instead of the expected increased working capacity, you need to figure out what smells contribute to what.

Relax - jasmine, myrrh, rose, lotus, sandalwood.

Stress relieves the smell of jasmine, it also helps to mobilize hidden reserves. Enhances sensuality.

The sweet and tart smell of lotus relieves fatigue.

Aromatherapy in horoscopes
Aries are most susceptible to colds, viruses, headaches and eye diseases. He recommended the scent of lemon, which tones and has an antiviral effect, relieves nausea, relieves headaches and strengthens the immune system.
Aries can also use sticks with incense, pine, sandalwood, vanilla and patchouli scents.
Taurus has a chance to live life to a ripe old age without diseases, but their tendency to abuse work, feelings, emotions, many bad habits, leads the body's energy to decline. In such situations, they find ailments - diseases of the neck, throat, nose.
The scent of Taurus - jasmine, which promotes relaxation, relieves stress, improves the body's defenses. Sticks with the smells of cedar, lilac, pine, bergamot, lily of the valley are also recommended.
Gemini get sick from boredom and nerves. Hence, insomnia, allergies, breakdowns, joint diseases. For therapy, sandalwood is used to relieve depression, insomnia, headache, and colds. The taste is brought back to life with the aromas of orange, vanilla, ylang-ylang, cinnamon.
Cancer is the most susceptible to depression. All ailments come from the nerves and through self-hypnosis, which contributes to diseases of the stomach, intestines, urinary system. In such a situation, it is best to use the smell of myrrh, which helps to get out of depression, cope with insomnia, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Useful aromas of lavender, juniper, bergamot, ylang-ylang, lemon, pine.
Leo is resistant to diseases and resists them well. The most vulnerable place in Leo is the heart. You need less excitement, exertion and stress. The main scent is considered to be rose, which improves blood circulation and relieves stress.
Virgos are attentive to their health, but because of anxiety and excitement, the intestines can become a problem place. The scent of sandalwood is suitable for soothing. In case of feeling unwell, eucalyptus will have an anti-inflammatory effect. You can use orange, cedar, lemongrass, myrrh.
Libra can get sick from anything. You can tidy up the nervous system with the scent of ylang-ylang. It will relieve headaches, cramps and nervous tics. Use also mint, cinnamon, eucalyptus, cedar.
Scorpios can manage health on their own, but this will require energy and strength. The aroma of patchouli gives strength, energy, determination, vigor. The smells of magnolia, lemon, pine have a good effect.
If life is interesting to Sagittarius, then they can live it without disease. They need a good mood and do not overwork, otherwise diseases of the heart system, nerves, and liver may occur. For prophylaxis, the aroma of cinnamon is suitable, which lifts the mood, calms the nerves, and gives confidence in one's abilities. Also use incense sticks with almond, patchouli, rosemary, incense.
Capricorn has the ability to resist disease. He is inclined to invent chronic diseases for himself. The skin, joints, blood circulation suffer. Incense sticks with lavender scent work best. They will give strength to resist the painful condition. For Capricorns, the aromas of bergamot, cloves, pine, sage, sandalwood are effective.
Because of the unwillingness to be treated, chronic diseases arise in Aquarius. It is better for them to avoid illnesses at all, which means they need to maintain vigor and optimism. Lifts the mood and improves the well-being of Aquarius incense, whose smell does not allow one to get depressed and disappointed. Hyacinth, ylang-ylang and eucalyptus contribute to the same.
Pisces are the most prone to schizophrenia. This is due to the peculiarity of the nature of the Pisces, which feels like a victim in any circumstances. They need to pay attention to colds, which often cause complications in the nose and legs. The festive and bright scent of orange cheers you up and helps you take a positive look at what is happening. Incense sticks with the smells of myrrh, vanilla, bergamot, lemon are suitable for fish.

14 incense to rest and recharge

1. Bergamot tones, gives strength, improves memory and attention.

2. Jasmine has an anti-stress, relaxing effect, mobilizes the body's reserves. Enhances sensuality, is considered a "feminine" scent.

3. Ylang-ylang is a good antidepressant and induces a sense of self-confidence. Relieves cramps, nervous tics, headaches. An excellent aphrodisiac "male scent", increases male potency.

4. Lavender relieves overwork, insomnia, strengthens the immune system. Stimulates blood circulation, eliminates mental lethargy, irritability and states of unreasonable fear.

5. Frankincense inspires, awakens interest in life.

6. Lemon tones, strengthens the immune system, has an antiviral effect. Relieves headaches, dizziness, nausea.

7. Lotus relieves fatigue, promotes spiritual development.

8. Myrrh is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Helps with insomnia, relieves stress.

9. Opium tones, invigorates, gives sharpness to the mind and fire to the heart.

10. Patchouli is an anti-virus. Nourishes, refreshes, gives strength and determination. Strong erotic stimulant.

11. Rose helps with depression, insomnia, stress and nervous tension. Relieves fear, nightmares. Improves blood circulation.

12. Sandal relaxes, calms the nerves. Helps with depression, insomnia, nervous hiccups, throat irritation, runny nose, nausea, heartburn. It is a mild aphrodisiac, increases sensuality.

13. Pine activates respiration, has anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the process of rehabilitation after prolonged illness.

14. Eucalyptus purifies the air, kills bacteria. Powerful anti-viral and anti-inflammatory agent.

Incense sticks have anti-cold, bactericidal and antifungal properties. Therefore, in some countries, where the air humidity is high, rooms are fumigated with incense in order to protect themselves and their loved ones from viral and fungal diseases. And in the Middle Ages, when the plague was raging in the world, aromatic bonfires from pine trees were kindled. They gave off acrid smoke that spread throughout the city. The modern inhabitants of the planet will also not be hurt by the prevention of diseases with the help of incense. For example, candles that smell like lavender, pine, cedar, or eucalyptus can be lit as a disinfectant.

It is also believed that incense sticks affect the human nervous system and help to cope with certain diseases. So, the aroma of cinnamon, rosemary, patchouli improve memory, give vigor, instill optimism. Rose, sandalwood, lilac, lavender, jasmine help to relax after a hard day, relieve stress. Lemon and eucalyptus contribute to the rapid cure of colds, relieve headaches, and strengthen the immune system. If you want to protect yourself from negative influences, evil eye or spoilage, fumigate your house with sticks with incense, tangerine, lotus, juniper aroma. Among other things, incense can keep insects out of your home. Filling rooms with the scent of mint, eucalyptus, or lemon will make mosquitoes and moths disappear.

When scent sticks are harmful

Research by scientists has shown that frequent use of incense contributes to the development of lung cancer. It should be noted that this does not apply to those people who fumigate the premises with chopsticks no more than 2 times a week.

Candles with a pungent smell can cause headaches or allergic reactions. Therefore, the choice of aroma must be approached with great responsibility. Learn the meaning of odors and their effect on the body. If the smell of the cigarette lighter makes you uncomfortable, it is better to refuse it.

Cheap candles of dubious quality are also harmful to health. It is recommended to purchase incense only in specialized stores responsible for the quality of the product. When choosing cigarette lighters, check if a strong smell is emitted through the packaging - it is better not to buy such a product. Quality sticks should not be made of synthetic components. Otherwise, they will cause irreparable harm to health.

You cannot light several sticks with different smells at the same time. Otherwise, aromatherapy will not give positive results. Also, do not fumigate unventilated rooms.

Observing the simple rules for using incense, you can be sure that they will not cause any harm to health. But they will envelop them with a pleasant aroma and give a lot of positive emotions.

The ancient science of aromatherapy has knowledge of how aromas affect a person's condition: psychological and physical. During the excavation of the most ancient civilizations, it was not in vain that vessels for incense were found - incense was valued by the Egyptians, the Romans, and the Greeks as gold and as spices.

And in the Middle Ages, when the plague mowed people indiscriminately, it was effectively fought with the help of fumigating the air. Scented pine fires were kindled throughout the city, giving off acrid smoke. Any of the aromatic plants known at that time was used against the plague, because these were the best antiseptics available then.

Modern civilization has given us daily fumigation with smoke and chemicals, and the modern way of life - stress and rush along with lack of exercise and poor diet. As a result, we also get ailments, obesity, accumulation of toxic substances in the body, and a real possibility of developing severe chronic diseases.

Aromatherapy makes it possible to slow down this process. Aromas are quickly introduced into the circulatory system, improving blood circulation, normalizing the human condition and balancing the processes occurring in the body, thereby increasing resistance to harmful external influences.

There are many methods of using aromatherapy, but one of the most popular is aroma sticks.

Inexpensive and very easy to use.

The harm of aroma sticks

Not so long ago, Danish scientists announced that they had established a link between an increased risk of lung cancer and the constant use of incense sticks. It turns out that the systematic long-term inhalation of incense increases the risk of lung cancer almost doubled.

And with irregular use of incense, you can inhale them calmly: the likelihood of cancer does not increase.

The development of cancer is influenced by organic carcinogens contained in smoke: carbonyl compounds, benzene and polyaromatic hydrocarbons.

Properties of different fragrances of aroma sticks

Indian incense

In their homeland, Indian incense sticks are burned during temple festivals and meditations. The scent base is applied to a bamboo stick, which is then soaked in essential oil for several days, resulting in a double scent. It is thanks to this technology that Indian sticks have a pronounced smell, they immediately fill the room with aroma.

The most common essential oils in Indian sticks are sandalwood, patchouli (stimulates passion) and eucalyptus (helps with colds).

Indian incense is the most popular on the Russian market. Their packaging can be nondescript, but the quality of the oil is high, whether it is natural or synthetic.

Thai incense is offered in brighter packaging, but it is more expensive and of lower quality.

Nepalese incense

Nepalese incense sticks without a base, they are composed of several minerals and herbs that take a long time to press. It is not necessary to burn them to the base: only the tip is set on fire for two minutes, after which the stick is extinguished. Nepalese sticks, made of pressed herb, have a rich, long-lasting aroma.

Most often, lotus, red and white sandalwood, pine and cedar are used in Nepalese sticks.

The scent of sandalwood helps with fear, anxiety, insomnia, soothes the nerves, and also heals a severe runny nose and eliminates nausea.

Treats runny nose and asthmatic cough jasmine. Lavender stick eliminates insomnia and nervousness. Geranium incense soothes, relieves fears.

Tibetan incense

These are the most sought-after incense and hold a special place in the aromatherapy tradition.

Herbs for them are collected by hand in the Himalayas and at a strictly defined time.

Tibetan incense sticks contain up to 40 components. Pressed sticks, like Nepalese. While burning, they gradually change the smell, but they are not only intended for aromatization. They are used in acupuncture for cauterization of points, and in massage, ground into powder and added to a cream.

Chinese incense

This is most often baseless floral and sandalwood incense. They can also be in the form of thin spirals twisted in several circles. Burning clockwise, they create an "energy pillar", as they say in China.

They can also be in the form of small baskets, boats, barrels.

How are scent sticks used?

Smells play an important role in our life. They can relax and excite, cause headaches and focus, lift our spirits and poison our lives. To properly use the power of odors, you need to know their properties.

Aroma sticks - the most convenient type of incense to use. This popularity is due to convenience, ease of use and low cost. The base impregnated with aroma filler is applied to wood chips. Usually the base is made from coal or masala (a mixture of fine dust or crushed plants).

Black incense sticks are made of charcoal. When burned, they smell only as an aroma filler. And in brown and beige sticks, a base of masala is used, the smell of which will mix when burning to the aroma.

Pay attention to the quality of the filler. The smell of a synthetic scent is not as pleasant and healthy as the smell of a natural one. Do not burn multiple sticks at the same time - they can have the exact opposite effect.

In order not to get sleepiness instead of the expected increased working capacity, you need to figure out what smells contribute to what.

Relax - jasmine, myrrh, rose, lotus, sandalwood.

Stress relieves the smell of jasmine, it also helps to mobilize hidden reserves. Enhances sensuality.

The sweet and tart smell of lotus relieves fatigue.

Aromatherapy in horoscopes

  • Aries are most susceptible to colds, viruses, headaches and eye diseases. He recommended the scent of lemon, which tones and has an antiviral effect, relieves nausea, relieves headaches and strengthens the immune system.
    Aries can also use sticks with incense, pine, sandalwood, vanilla and patchouli scents.
  • Taurus has a chance to live life to a ripe old age without diseases, but their tendency to abuse work, feelings, emotions, many bad habits, leads the body's energy to decline. In such situations, they find ailments - diseases of the neck, throat, nose.
    The scent of Taurus - jasmine, which promotes relaxation, relieves stress, improves the body's defenses. Sticks with the smells of cedar, lilac, pine, bergamot, lily of the valley are also recommended.
  • Gemini get sick from boredom and nerves. Hence, insomnia, allergies, breakdowns, joint diseases. For therapy, sandalwood is used to relieve depression, insomnia, headache, and colds. The taste is brought back to life with the aromas of orange, vanilla, ylang-ylang, cinnamon.
  • Cancer is the most susceptible to depression. All ailments come from the nerves and through self-hypnosis, which contributes to diseases of the stomach, intestines, urinary system. In such a situation, it is best to use the smell of myrrh, which helps to get out of depression, cope with insomnia, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Useful aromas of lavender, juniper, bergamot, ylang-ylang, lemon, pine.
  • Leo is resistant to diseases and resists them well. The most vulnerable place in Leo is the heart. You need less excitement, exertion and stress. The main scent is considered to be rose, which improves blood circulation and relieves stress.
  • Virgos are attentive to their health, but because of anxiety and excitement, the intestines can become a problem place. The scent of sandalwood is suitable for soothing. In case of feeling unwell, eucalyptus will have an anti-inflammatory effect. You can use orange, cedar, lemongrass, myrrh.
  • Libra can get sick from anything. You can tidy up the nervous system with the scent of ylang-ylang. It will relieve headaches, cramps and nervous tics. Use also mint, cinnamon, eucalyptus, cedar.
  • Scorpios can manage their health on their own, but this will require energy and strength. The aroma of patchouli gives strength, energy, determination, vigor. The smells of magnolia, lemon, pine have a good effect.
  • If life is interesting to Sagittarius, then they can live it without disease. They need a good mood and do not overwork, otherwise diseases of the heart system, nerves, and liver may occur. For prophylaxis, the aroma of cinnamon is suitable, which lifts the mood, calms the nerves, and gives confidence in one's abilities. Also use incense sticks with almond, patchouli, rosemary, incense.
  • Capricorn has the ability to resist disease. He is inclined to invent chronic diseases for himself. The skin, joints, blood circulation suffer. Incense sticks with lavender scent work best. They will give strength to resist the painful condition. For Capricorns, the aromas of bergamot, cloves, pine, sage, sandalwood are effective.
  • Because of the unwillingness to be treated, chronic diseases arise in Aquarius. It is better for them to avoid illnesses at all, which means they need to maintain vigor and optimism. Lifts the mood and improves the well-being of Aquarius incense, whose smell does not allow one to get depressed and disappointed. Hyacinth, ylang-ylang and eucalyptus contribute to the same.
  • Pisces are the most prone to schizophrenia. This is due to the peculiarity of the nature of the Pisces, which feels like a victim in any circumstances. They need to pay attention to colds, which often cause complications in the nose and legs. The festive and bright scent of orange cheers you up and helps you take a positive look at what is happening. Incense sticks with the smells of myrrh, vanilla, bergamot, lemon are suitable for fish.

Lilia Yurkanis
for women's magazine website

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There are different types of incense and, accordingly, the methods for classifying them. This is due to both a wide variety of varieties and a wide range of their applications. Usually, incense is distinguished according to the place of production, in appearance, in composition and in purpose.

The composition of incense sticks is divided into two parts: the base and the filler oil. And the bases, in turn, can also be divided into two types: coal bases and "masala" (a mixture of fine dust or crushed aromatic plants). Charcoal incense has a bright black color. They are good because, when burned, the coal does not give off odor impurities, and the stick strictly emits the aroma of the filler oil. This is very beneficial when selectively affecting certain body systems.

Masala incense sticks come in a variety of shades, from light beige to dark brown. During combustion, the smell depends not only on the filler oil, but also on the composition of the base. It is wrong to think that the quality of the stick depends on the color of the stick and that the black sticks are chemical, and the light ones are natural. The main thing for incense is the quality of the filler oil, as well as the quality of masala in the case of light sticks. Mostly you can find Indian, Tibetan and Nepalese incense sticks. Although there are also Chinese, Bhutanese, American. They are divided according to the method of application and manufacture. So let's figure it out.

Indian incense

Used during meditations and temple festivals, for thousands of years they were available only to dedicated monks and scribes. Today, the power of aroma sticks can be used by a person who has nothing to do with the monastery.

The production of Indian incense is as follows: the fragrant base is applied to a bamboo stick. After that, the stick is impregnated with essential oil for several days (the most popular oils are eucalyptus, sandalwood and patchouli). The result is a double aroma, due to which saturation with a pronounced smell occurs.

Like essential oils, incense sticks work well in relieving a range of medical and psychological problems. For example, incense made from eucalyptus brings relief from a runny nose and cough, patchouli incense (like patchouli essential oil) is exciting.

Tibetan incense

The composition of Tibetan incense includes up to forty components. They differ from Indian incense sticks in that they do not have a bamboo base and when they burn, they gradually change the smell, adding new overtones to the original aroma.

Tibetan incense got its name because of its specific structure, in which, instead of a bamboo base, completely different, more perfect components are used as a binding reinforcing element;

The scent of incense can be described as herbal, forest and resinous, but Tibetan incense contains only natural ingredients with healing properties. Tibetan aroma sticks calm the nervous system, put thoughts in order, tune in to meditative thinking.

Nepalese incense

This is a baseless incense made from several herbs and minerals, they are not applied to bamboo, like Indian ones, but pressed for a long time. Herbs for Nepalese incense, as well as green tea leaves, are harvested by hand at a strictly defined time, the peak of the harvest occurs in the spring months.

It is not necessary to burn the incense stick to the ground to feel the power of the scent. It is best to set fire to its tip, wait two minutes, then extinguish and slightly ventilate the room. Since Nepalese incense is not made from pollen, but from compressed grass, the aroma exuded is stronger and richer, it lasts longer.

The most used ingredients for making incense sticks are red or white sandalwood, lotus, cedar and pine. The scent of sandalwood soothes the nerves, relieves depression, helps with insomnia, stress, fear, anxiety, feelings of uncertainty. Smelling sandalwood incense can cure even a severe runny nose or nausea.


Now let's try to deal with the aromas "emitted" by the sticks.

Mint incense sticks

The scent of mint soothes, gives energy and strength. If you light these incense sticks in the zone of friends or in the zone of knowledge, it will help you improve relations with your friends or find helpers in any business. But pregnant women should not use peppermint-scented essential oil, this will have an undesirable effect on her well-being.

Basil helps to raise self-esteem, so it is better to light incense with the smell of basil in the northern sector - in the quarry zone, then it will help you see your real friends and enemies. In general, basil is a symbol of the implementation of your projects and goals, your success and personal growth. The smell of this incense will give you vigor and clarify your thoughts. But during pregnancy, this fragrance is also not recommended for use.

Incense sticks

This sweetish smell will cleanse the room of all negative energy. It is appropriate to apply it before you perform prayer or meditation. The smell of incense will help you tune in the right way. It is best to use these incense sticks or frankincense essential oil in the helper area.

Incense sticks with chamomile scent

The aroma of chamomile will give harmonious and warm relationships, both in the family and between spouses, if you fumigate the family and relationship zone with them. In the health zone, the scent of chamomile will have a beneficial effect on the state of mind of all residents of the apartment. He will relieve you of unnecessary fears and give you peace and tranquility.

Eucalyptus incense sticks

This fragrance has a wide range of effects. Even in ancient times, eucalyptus was used to treat rhinitis and upper respiratory tract. Its aroma activates thinking, so if there are students or schoolchildren in your home, then light these incense in the knowledge zone. And if you are going on a trip, then light a stick with this smell in the northeastern part of the apartment, this will help you distinguish true friends from deceivers. And if, while taking a bath, you drop a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil into the water, it will help you find a way out of a difficult situation and solve any problem. You will regain your mental strength and mental clarity after a hard day at work.

Incense sticks with lavender scent

Lavender incense is mainly used to cleanse the home, and its aromatic scent with woody notes is used against infectious diseases. If someone from your household is sick at home, then it will not be superfluous to light this incense in the health zone.

Rose scent sticks

The rose has long been considered the patroness of love, tenderness and devotion. If you use rose-scented incense, then you will be able to align your aura and the aura of your home. Also, the scent of a rose will help with various types of stress, insomnia and depression. Incense with a rose scent is best burned in the area of \u200b\u200bfamily and relationships. This will strengthen your relationship with your partner, bring a little more tenderness and affection into them.

Geranium incense sticks

The smell of geranium is very good at relieving headaches, migraines and helps with hypertension. If you're overly excited, a geranium-scented incense stick can help get your nerves in order. She can fumigate any area in the house, it doesn't really matter.

Rosemary incense sticks

Rosemary is considered to be a sacred plant. It is widely used in various rituals. Incense with the scent of rosemary cures many diseases, but this is especially true of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and nervous system. This incense also has a rejuvenating effect.

Incense sticks with juniper scent

This incense is great for cleaning indoor air, and it is believed that with the help of juniper incense, you can awaken love feelings in a partner. But besides this, these incense have an antiseptic effect.

Saffron incense sticks

In demand in Tibet and Nepal. By using the incense of saffron, you will acquire the energy of love and compassion. Saffron has a good effect on the respiratory system.

Basil incense sticks

In India, basil was associated with God Krishna, so the Indians greatly respect this plant. Basil incense will help you not only clean the room and aura, but also get rid of mosquitoes. In addition, basil is an excellent antidepressant and immunostimulant. It is recommended to fumigate the health zone and the knowledge zone with this incense.

Incense sticks with the scent of opium

Opium will develop your intuition and self-knowledge. It will enhance the brightness of your personality and will suppress all kinds of bad thoughts and envy. Incense sticks with the smell of opium are good for fumigating the career area and the knowledge area.

Incense sticks with poppy scent

Poppy has long been considered a symbol of beauty and youth. It soothes, calms and relaxes very well, therefore, it is recommended to use incense sticks with the scent of poppy before you are going to meditate or during relaxation. The scent of poppy will be appropriate in the area of \u200b\u200bthe helpers.

Cinnamon incense sticks

With its sweetish-pungent aroma, cinnamon can boost your mood and invigorate your body. It will warm you up and relieve any depression. Incense with the smell of cinnamon is allowed to be used in any zone, but if you want it to have the proper effect on you, it is better to fumigate the health zone with it.

Part of the article is based on information from the portal www.inmoment.ru

You will need

  • Stand for aroma sticks and aroma sticks;
  • For tar, incense and fragrant herbs - incense burner, sand and coal;
  • Stands for baseless sticks, cones, barrels and spirals;
  • Scented lamp, warm water and a candle.


The most common type of incense is based on incense sticks. These sticks are mainly made in China or India. They are made using a bamboo straw that is dipped first in the aroma mixture and then in the aroma oil. The aroma mixture can include fragrant tree shavings (sandalwood, juniper, etc.), crushed aromatic herbs, and essential oils. When buying sticks, be careful. Indeed, for the manufacture of their cheap options, synthetic essential oils are often used, which do not give anything but a strong smell. In order to burn an incense stick, you need to set it on fire and blow it out gently so that it smolders without fire. It is better to purchase a special holder for aroma sticks, since they are in the form of ash when burned.

Another type of incense is charcoal sticks or cones. The smell of burning bamboo is not mixed with the aroma of such sticks, but they are more fragile and require special stands for their use.

There are also incense, which are called "plasticine". A binder base for aromatic herbs and essential oils in such incensex is ghee, honey or the resin of fragrant trees. Among such incense, they are less common, but they can be attached to any surface. In India, they are popular in markets and streets.

The cones and barrels are compressed fragrant herbs and fragrant tree sawdust. This is the most natural and convenient type of incense. Any flat candlestick or bowl that can withstand heat can serve as a stand for them. Ashes from such incense do not scatter, but remain on the stand.

Incense in the form of resins (frankincense, myrrh, etc.) or free-flowing milled herbs require special incense burners. Incense burners, most often, are bowls on low (metal, stone or clay). Sometimes they are closed with a lid with holes, and sometimes they are hung (for example). To burn solid or loose incense, you need to take an incense burner, pour sand or coarse salt into it (half the volume), put a special charcoal tablet on the sand, which is set on fire. Charcoal tablets, more often, are treated with nitrate so that the charcoal can easily ignite from a brought match. Otherwise, the coal is sprayed with alcohol and then set on fire. The incense in the incense burner is thrown onto the hot coal. In this case, it is better not to overdo it with incense, the same is needed only a couple of grains. Fragrant herbs should be crushed into a powdery state. If the grass is coarse, then it is better to grind it in a mortar.

In addition, liquid essential oils of aromatic herbs and trees are used as incense. An aroma lamp is indispensable here. However, now they are produced in huge quantities, for every taste. A little warm water and a couple of drops of essential oil are poured into the container of the aromatic lamp. It remains to light the heating candle, which is located under the bowl of the aroma lamp.

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Always read the composition of the incense carefully. If it contains unnatural essential oils or herbs are replaced with a synthesized aroma, then such incense will not give either a healing or ritual effect.
Watch out for incense that has a charcoal or bamboo base. These incense sticks can, in some people, cause headaches and allergies.
When using an incense burner with a charcoal tablet, it is better to light the charcoal next to an open window or under a window. At the first moment, the charcoal gives off a lot of black, odorous smoke, which disappears when the tablet is heated.

Helpful advice

In Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan, free-flowing incense is produced that does not need hot coal for burning. Such herbal powder is simply poured onto a refractory stand with a slide or path, and then set on fire.
Use unfamiliar incense with caution. Even if you or your loved ones do not have allergic reactions, you can suffer from an individual intolerance to this particular scent or herb.


  • Maria Kedrova, “FRAGRANCES OF BEAUTY AND HEALTH. Secrets of Cleopatra "," Peter ", 2007
  • incense sticks how to use

Aromatic sticks are the most common type of incense, they are not only easy to use, but also fit perfectly into any interior. With incense sticks, you can get rid of headaches, fatigue, relax after a hard day's work and cleanse the room of negative energy.


Before you buy aromatic ones, it is necessary for what and for what purpose you are going to burn them. Lavender strengthens the immune system, relieves insomnia and fatigue, eliminates irritability and mental fatigue, and stimulates blood circulation. Bergamot improves attention and memory, gives strength and tones. Jasmine has a relaxing and anti-stress effect. Lemon has antiviral effect, relieves dizziness. Pine accelerates the rehabilitation process after the respiratory system, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Eucalyptus kills bacteria and cleanses. Therefore, before using these or those incense sticks, familiarize yourself with their action.

Together with incense sticks, purchase a special stand for them, ash will fall on it. The stand can be made of glass or ceramic, the choice is yours. Insert the stick with its thin side into the hole on the stand and light the end with the help, place it in the middle of the room so that the fragrance spreads to all sides of the room.

You can leave the door to the room open, then after a while a persistent, pleasant aroma will fill your entire home. It is recommended to burn incense in a large room in preparation for a long stay in this room or after guests leave. In a small space, place a lighted incense stick next to and slightly open it, excess smoke will come out.

Black incense sticks are made of charcoal, therefore, when they burn, they emit the smell of only the aroma filler. The beiges and browns use a masala base, the scent of which will mix with the scent as it burns. When buying, pay attention to the quality of the filler, since the smell of a synthetic aroma is not as pleasant as the aroma of a natural base. In no case, do not burn several types of sticks at once, as they can be completely opposite.

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Often, burning a bamboo stick can provoke allergies, then it is recommended to switch to pure essential oils or stickless incense.

Modern man is lucky with a huge selection of incense. On the other hand, this diversity often creates a sense of confusion. The market offers a wide range of fragrances, and the incense itself varies in shape and is produced in different countries.

Incense appearance

First of all, it is important to determine the form of the purchased incense. Incense is lit in a special incense burner. It is needed for safety, so that a fire does not break out from the falling ash. The corresponding incense burner is selected for the incense of a certain shape.

The most common forms of incense are sticks and. To light the cone, you need a ceramic or stone disc support. Special holders are sold for sticks. But you can do without buying them. Fill a bowl with rice or sand and stick a stick into it or place a cone on top. The incense can now be lit.

Which smell to choose

Once you've figured out the shape of the incense, it's time to decide on the scent. There are incense with a predominant note. Smells like vanilla, jasmine or coconut give a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat effect to expect.

If you like mild, soothing, balancing scents, then you can opt for Japanese incense. Their unsaturated and simple aromas are pure and pleasant. They do not suppress other odors in the house. This incense has floral and woody aromas.

If your preferences gravitate towards rich, strong smells, then the choice is better to stop at Tibetan or Indian incense. The advantage of these fragrances is that they are made using very ancient techniques. Such incense, thanks to thousands of years of medical research, has a therapeutic effect.

Although originally used for spiritual purposes, Tibetan and Indian incense eventually came to be used to purify and scent indoor air.

Indian incense usually has sweet and floral aromas compared to others. Also, their strong, rich aroma interrupts all other smells around. The most popular Indian incense is Nag Champa. Its aroma is bright, unique and pleasant.

The incense was first made in India and Nepal. It was used in monasteries for spiritual purposes and. Since the creation of this incense did not leave the walls of monasteries for a long time, but was distributed only among monks, it was inaccessible to ordinary people until very recently. It is made from flowers, resins, aromatic oils and herbs.

Tibetan incense is as strong as Indian one. But their scent is herbal and woody. It reminds of ancient Buddhist monasteries and temples. The scent of Tibetan incense is beneficial for meditation and has a healing effect. In terms of composition, Tibetan incense is similar to Indian. The difference is that wood aromas and minerals are also added to the latter.

Tibetan and Indian incense is made only from natural materials such as hibiscus, magnolia, sandalwood, jasmine and other flowers mixed with herbs.

With the advent of the popularity of the ancient teachings of Feng Shui and other attributes of Eastern culture, more and more people began to use scented sticks. Some use incense for magical rituals, others - as a fragrance for the air.

Useful properties of incense

Incense sticks have anti-cold, bactericidal and antifungal properties. Therefore, in some countries, where the air humidity is high, rooms are fumigated with incense in order to protect themselves and their loved ones from viral and fungal diseases. And in the Middle Ages, when the plague was raging in the world, aromatic bonfires from pine trees were kindled. They gave off acrid smoke that spread throughout the city. The modern inhabitants of the planet will also not be hurt by the prevention of diseases with the help of incense. For example, candles that smell like lavender, pine, cedar, or eucalyptus can be lit as a disinfectant.

It is also believed that incense sticks affect the human nervous system and help to cope with certain diseases. So, the aroma of cinnamon, rosemary, patchouli improve memory, give vigor, instill optimism. Rose, sandalwood, lilac, lavender, jasmine help to relax after a hard day, relieve stress. Lemon and eucalyptus contribute to the rapid cure of colds, relieve headaches, and strengthen the immune system. If you want to protect yourself from negative influences, evil eye or spoilage, fumigate your house with sticks with incense, tangerine, lotus, juniper aroma. Among other things, incense can keep insects out of your home. Filling rooms with the scent of mint, eucalyptus, or lemon will make mosquitoes and moths disappear.

When scent sticks are harmful

Research by scientists has shown that frequent use of incense contributes to the development of lung cancer. It should be noted that this does not apply to those people who fumigate the premises with chopsticks no more than 2 times a week.

Candles with a pungent smell can cause headaches or allergic reactions. Therefore, the choice of aroma must be approached with great responsibility. Learn the meaning of odors and their effect on the body. If the smell of the cigarette lighter makes you uncomfortable, it is better to refuse it.

Cheap candles of dubious quality are also harmful to health. It is recommended to purchase incense only in specialized stores responsible for the quality of the product. When choosing cigarette lighters, check if a strong smell is emitted through the packaging - it is better not to buy such a product. Quality sticks should not be made of synthetic components. Otherwise, they will cause irreparable harm to health.

You cannot light several sticks with different smells at the same time. Otherwise, aromatherapy will not give positive results. Also, do not fumigate unventilated rooms.

Observing the simple rules for using incense, you can be sure that they will not cause any harm to health. But they will envelop them with a pleasant aroma and give a lot of positive emotions.

Incense, previously used only for spiritual, shamanic practices and on the territory of temples, has become firmly established in human life. They are in demand in both Asian and European countries. This natural aromatic product is produced using different technologies, each aroma has its own effect on a person. The whole wide variety of home incense is divided into categories, types and forms.

There are many ways to scent your home. To do this, you can use automatic or manual air fresheners with smells, candles with scented, including handmade, essential oils. This list will not be complete if you do not add incense to it. Such flavors spread throughout the world from the East. Nowadays, various types of incense can be easily purchased in stores, choosing the right scent for yourself. Their correct and not excessive use does not harm health, having only a positive effect.

Types and forms of incense for the home

These natural flavors come in a variety of forms.

The most popular options are incense sticks. They can be colored, black (charcoal is added to these) or different brown shades. Setting fire to them at home is convenient and simple. High-quality products burn out perfectly, fill the room with the appropriate smells, affect well-being and mood.

At the moment, cone-shaped incense is considered less in demand. For them, you need to use either a special stand or a saucer. The cones burn out quickly enough and usually do not have a strong aroma.

On sale, you can also find incense in the form of spirals. However, such products are most often used only in spiritual practices and in any rituals.

Natural flavors also differ in texture. From this point of view, they can be divided into two large groups.

  1. Incense is conditionally free-flowing - it is a friable powder, but sometimes it can form into a kind of balls; for such flavors, you need to have a special brazier at home, which should be filled with hot coal.
  2. Pressed incense is everyone's usual sticks, the mentioned spirals and cones; it is reasonable to include in this category products in the form of briquettes, tubes, sticks without an internal wooden rod.

Whatever shape or type of home incense is, it is usually made from natural materials. They contain essential oils, dried herbs and flowers, various additional components that do not cause significant harm to health.

Producing countries and product features

Traditionally, the eastern countries are engaged in the production of incense: China, Nepal and Tibet, Japan, India. Despite the fact that the essence of the product produced is the same, the products differ from each other.

Nepal and Tibet

Incense from these places is classified as free-flowing. Made exclusively from natural materials. They may include - in addition to the usual elements - dry fruits, berries, plant roots, spices and herbs, tree resin. They burn out very quickly, but the aroma from them remains in the air for a long time. It is best to use this type of incense outdoors or in large rooms.


Aromatic products from the Japanese coast are very expensive compared to other analogues. They are produced using a special technology, often contain atypical components, for example, seaweed. After burning out, the smell lasts for a long time in the room. This increases the risk of an allergic reaction.


Indian incense has the largest market share. They are especially in demand all over the world, they are not very expensive. Visually, these are just typical incense sticks, where the mixture to be ignited is applied to a thin stick. This incense is not recommended for use in bedrooms, set on fire before bedtime. They can cause allergic reactions, coughing and are not suitable for home use with small children.


The key notes of Chinese products are floral, sandalwood aromas. Typically, products are produced in the form of a spiral that burns out clockwise. This makes sense: from the point of view of Eastern teachings, clockwise movement activates energies. Coil odor is weak and not very persistent.


All incense options fall into five main categories. It is recommended to use fragrances for a reason, but relying on this gradation. Then the significant benefits of natural flavors will be more noticeable.

Incense that affects the aura. Their aroma and smoke cleanse the human aura, activate energy flows in the body, expand consciousness. It is especially important to use flavors from this category in the winter season, as they additionally have a beneficial effect on immunity and general physical well-being. The smells include: juniper, cinnamon, eucalyptus, geranium, violet, lemon.

Incense for relaxation, tranquility and relaxation. Already from the description of this category, it becomes clear how the product affects. It is recommended to burn such incense in the evening, after severe stressful or emotional situations, to achieve inner harmony and improve sleep. They easily help relieve tension and overexcitement. Smells: lotus, mint, lavender, orchid.

Protective and protective. These incense restore energy and help protect against negative external influences. They protect from energy vampires. Among the aromas are: rosemary, rose, coffee, almonds, sage.

Stimulating incense. They are aimed at activating forces and energy, at mobilization, at clarifying consciousness. They help to shake oneself, to gather, get rid of drowsiness and fatigue. Smells: citrus, magnolia, camphor, cedar, fennel.

Rehabilitating. The rehabilitative effect is exerted on the physical and mental level. Inhaling the aroma of such incense allows you to quickly recover, recover from illness, and speed up the healing process. Smells: ginger, lily, lemon balm.

When choosing a fragrance for yourself, you need to take into account that some types of odors will have an overwhelming effect on the physical health and performance of individual organs and systems. When using any incense in an apartment / house, you must observe safety precautions and do not forget to ventilate the premises some time after fumigation.