Shortbread cake with sour cream currant jam. Chocolate cake with black currant

08.08.2020 Seafood dishes

1. Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy white foam. Combine all dry ingredients together and gently stir into the egg foam with a wooden spoon. Pour the dough into a 24 cm diameter tin lined with parchment paper and bake in the oven at 190C for 45 minutes. Then let the biscuit cool slightly in the mold, then remove from the mold and let cool completely. Cut the sponge cake in half lengthwise.

2. For the cream, grind the dark chocolate and place in a bowl. Bring the heavy cream to a boil (but don't boil!) And pour over the chocolate. Stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Mix sour cream with sugar and beat with a mixer. Then stir in the cooled chocolate and the cream is ready.

3. Place the bottom cake in a mold and soak it in strong coffee. Spread half of the chocolate cream on top. Place the second cake on top of the cream, which is also soaked in coffee from the bottom. Spread the remaining cream on top.

4. For currant cream, mix currant jam with cream cheese. Whisk the cream and sugar separately. Soak gelatin in cold water for 5 minutes. Warm the currant liqueur slightly and dissolve the squeezed gelatin in it. Stir it into the currant-cheese mass. Stir in the whipped cream at the end. Pour the resulting cream over the cake and smooth. Refrigerate the cake for 4 hours. Decoration - to your own taste.

Every year for my birthday I make a cake with berries, but I never know in advance which ones. On the one hand, during this period, there are many different berries, but on the other hand, it is not always possible to buy what you want. So this year, too: initially a cake with raspberries was planned, but due to the cold weather, it was not possible to collect the required number of berries for the cake. I went to the market, saw a black currant, bought it and decided to make a cake with it. Several years ago I was making a cake with two types of currants, and then everyone really liked it, so I had no doubt about the taste of the cake.

The cake with black currants turns out to be light: a delicate biscuit soaked in currant juice with liqueur, a creamy layer and jelly with currants - just a heavenly delight!

We will prepare the necessary products from the list for the cake.

Let's start making the cake with a biscuit. Recently, I deviated from the classics and began to cook a sponge cake with yogurt. In a bowl, mix dry ingredients: sift the cocoa flour, add salt, sugar and baking soda.

Melt butter in a ladle, cool, add vegetable oil, yogurt and an egg to it. To stir thoroughly.

Add liquid ingredients in portions to the dry mixture, stirring with a spoon.

Stir the dough until smooth.

At the very end, add vinegar to the dough.

Lay the bottom of the mold with parchment and pour out the dough. My form has a diameter of 22 cm, but in this case, you can take 24-25 cm.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the biscuit for 40 minutes, until a dry match. When pressed from above, the biscuit should spring.

Cool the sponge cake on a wire rack, turning the form upside down.

Next, the biscuit needs to be soaked. Any syrup, compote or juice will do. I have a liquid mass of black currant, grated with sugar, to which I added a little berry liqueur. I did not take out the biscuit from the mold.

Pour gelatin with 60 ml of cold boiled water and leave for 15 minutes. Then dissolve in a water bath and let cool. In the bowl of the food processor, beat the cream and sugar until thickened. Without stopping the combine, introduce the gelatinous mass.

Pour the creamy mass onto the biscuit and put in the refrigerator to set. My mass froze in an hour.

For pouring the top layer, you can use ready-made jelly or prepare a concentrated compote. I used ready-made jelly as there were few berries. Dissolve a pack of jelly in a glass of hot water, stir thoroughly and cool.

Rinse and dry the currants, cut off the antennae at the tips of the berries. Arrange the berries on top of the creamy layer.

Put the cooled jelly in the refrigerator so that it grabs a little, otherwise it can simply seep through the mold and ruin not only the cake, but also the refrigerator. Pour the jelly that has begun to harden over the berries, preferably with a tablespoon, so that the entire surface is evenly covered.

Remove the black currant cake in the refrigerator until it solidifies. Before serving, walk along the edge of the form with a sharp knife, remove the ring and carefully move the biscuit onto a plate. Serve the cake directly to the table.

Enjoy your meal!

The cake will take a little tinkering, but it's worth it! In addition, you can bake a biscuit in advance and prepare blackcurrant puree: chop the berries with a blender and rub the mass well through a sieve, this will save time!
I used a baking dish for a biscuit 24 cm in diameter, but for assembling a cake it is advisable to take a split form 26-28 cm in diameter or build up small-sized walls with foil, since the mousse layer will be impressive!

Let's take a biscuit: beat 2 eggs with sugar until light, fluffy. Gently stir in the flour mixed with baking powder with a spatula.
Cover the bottom of the baking dish with parchment; you do not need to grease the sides. Put the dough into a mold, smooth with a spatula and twist clockwise so that there is no lump on the biscuit when baking. Bake in an oven preheated to 170 ° C for 15-20 minutes (until a dry match). Turn the finished biscuit upside down in the form and leave to cool, placing the wire rack down.

Boil the syrup: mix sugar with water, put on fire and boil for 3 minutes. Remove from heat.
Divide the blackcurrant puree into three parts: 1 tbsp. l. leave for the impregnation of the biscuit, 6 tbsp. l. - for the upper jelly layer, and the remaining mass - in the mousse.
We also divide the syrup, you can immediately, hot: add 50 g to the spoon of mashed potatoes for impregnation, 50 g to the mass for the mousse, mix the remaining syrup with the mashed potatoes for the jelly layer.

20 g of gelatin pour 5 tbsp. l. water. stir, leave to swell.

Add vanilla sugar to the mousse mixture, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil. Beat the yolks with sugar into a fluffy, light mass in a bowl that can be placed on the stove.

Continuing to beat, add hot blackcurrant mass to the yolks. Put on a small fire and, stirring constantly, boil until thickened, but do not boil! Remove from heat, add swollen gelatin and stir well until dissolved.
Pour the mixture into a large bowl, where then add the meringue and whipped cream, leave to cool at room temperature.

Remove the biscuit from the mold and turn the pores up. Next, there are three options:
1. Place in a mold with a larger diameter (26-28cm), as the layer of mousse will be impressive!
2. Use (as I did) a high culinary ring (my height is 8.5 cm, the diameter is adjustable to the size of the cake and you can install it directly on the dish).
3. Build up the sides with foil, if the shape is small: roll a couple of sheets of foil into 2-3 layers and lay the walls of the shape with them from the inside.
Saturate the biscuit with a brush with a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. mashed potatoes and syrup, adding 1-2 tbsp to this mixture. l. boiled water.

Cooking an Italian meringue: boil the syrup from sugar and water until the "thread" test (squeeze a drop of syrup between two fingers, if a thread forms when unclenching, the syrup is ready). Or, which is more convenient, you can use a cooking thermometer and cook the syrup for up to 110 seconds. My syrup was boiled over medium heat after boiling for 10-15 minutes.
Simultaneously with cooking the syrup, you need to start whipping the cooled proteins with a mixer until stable peaks. Without stopping whisking, introduce hot syrup into the proteins in a thin stream. Make sure that the syrup does not fall on the mixer beaters. Beat at low speed until the meringue has cooled for 10-15 minutes (until the bowl has cooled).

Mix the finished meringue with a spatula into the cooled berry-gelatin mixture.

Beat the well-chilled cream with a mixer on low speed until soft peaks. Gently whisk the cream into the mousse.

Put the mousse on the biscuit, smooth out. Leave a centimeter of space to the edge of the sides (I didn't fit a little mousse, I filled a glass with it and put it in the refrigerator, the kids really liked this express dessert). Send it to the refrigerator to set the mousse (I cleaned it for 30 minutes).

For the jelly layer: stir 5 g of gelatin with 2 tbsp. l. water, heat until dissolved and add to the left mixture of 6 tbsp. l. mashed potatoes and syrup. Pour gently on top of the mousse, smooth with a spatula or tilt the mold. Put black currant berries on top and set in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight!

Remove the side from the finished cake by heating with a hairdryer, or by running a knife along the walls.
The final touch: make a border of coconut or almond petals, add mint leaves ...

Here it is in all its glory: an airy cake with a bright berry flavor!

On a light sponge cake, lush berry-creamy mousse, complemented by juicy berries of aromatic black currant! Mmmmm ...

Cool, refreshing, beautiful and delicious black currant cake - a dessert for a festive event and a festive table! Three mousse layers, differing in saturation and forming a color gradient, look attractive, catchy and interesting, cleverly draw attention to themselves. The chocolate icing enhances the visual effect with appetizing smudges on the side surface, which makes the cake even more presentable.

A dense brownie cake is laid from below as a "foundation". Delicate mousses make up the bulk of the dessert, and the chocolate base only complements and supports the flimsy structure. The cake does not leave a feeling of heaviness - soft, without fat cream and massive flour layers, it literally "melts in your mouth." A recipe for all lovers of mousse, souffle and jelly desserts, as well as for those who prefer an abundance of fillings and a minimum of cakes.


For brownie:

  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 60 g
  • butter - 60 g;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • sour cream - 80 g;
  • bitter chocolate - 30 g;
  • cocoa powder - 15 g;
  • baking powder - ½ teaspoon.

For the bottom (bright) layer:

  • black currant (fresh or frozen) - 150 g;
  • cream 33-35% - 180 g
  • icing sugar - 40 g;
  • powder gelatin - 6 g (+ 5 tablespoons of water).

For the middle (light) layer:

  • black currant (fresh or frozen) - 50 g;
  • cream 33-35% - 120 g;
  • mascarpone - 150 g;
  • icing sugar - 30 g;

For the top (white) layer:

  • cream 33-35% - 150 g;
  • mascarpone - 100 g;
  • icing sugar - 30 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • powder gelatin - 4 g (+ 3 tablespoons of water).

For glaze:

  • bitter chocolate - 70 g;
  • cream 33-35% - 50 g;
  • butter - 20 g.

Black currant cake recipe with photo

  1. Cooking brownie cake. Break the chocolate into slices, throw it into a heat-resistant bowl. Next, add butter, cut into arbitrary pieces. Making a "water bath" - put a bowl on a pot / ladle of boiling water. Make sure that the liquid in the lower container does not touch the bottom of the upper container. Melt the chocolate mass, stirring all the time. We work strictly on low heat in order to prevent the chocolate from folding from overheating. As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove from the stove. Cool the chocolate until slightly warm.
  2. In another bowl, mix the egg with sugar. Beat with a hand whisk.
  3. Add sour cream and chilled chocolate. Stir.
  4. Mix the flour with cocoa powder and baking powder separately. For 2-3 doses, sift to the chocolate mixture. Stir until all dry areas are dissolved and a smooth, viscous mass is obtained. The dough is thick.
  5. Cover the form with a diameter of 20 cm along the bottom with parchment paper. We spread the chocolate dough and distribute it evenly over the entire area. We try to make the layer the same in thickness so that the cake is as even as possible. We send it to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10-20 minutes. It is very important not to overdry the brownie! We check the readiness with a skewer or a toothpick. As soon as there is no raw dough on the stick, remove the cake from the oven!
  6. Cool the baked goods, remove from the mold. Put the brownies on a plate with the bottom (flat) side up. We put a high culinary ring, adjusted to the diameter of the cake. If there is no ring, you can replace it with a side from a split form - in this case, we lay a wide strip of parchment paper along the side with a margin in height (as in the recipe). Even if the top layer extends beyond the low rim, the paper will hold the dessert in place.

    Bottom (bright) layer for black currant cake

  7. Pour all the currants at once for both the lower and middle layers (that is, 200 g) into a small saucepan. Let the frozen berries thaw completely. Grind with an immersion blender in mashed potatoes, then put on medium heat. Cook for 1-2 minutes after boiling and remove from the stove.
  8. Wipe hot currant puree through a sieve. Press with a spoon with effort, squeeze out all possible juice to the maximum. The more mashed puree there is, the richer the color and taste of the finished mousse will be. Do not forget to scrape off the remnants of the mashed potatoes with a spoon from the back (convex) side of the sieve. The bones (cake) remaining after work will not be required in the recipe - they can be used when cooking compote.
  9. Soak gelatin in 5 tablespoons of cold water. Leave to swell for 10 minutes or for the time recommended in the instructions on the package.
  10. We measure out the required portion of cold cream. Beat with powdered sugar until lightly thickened. When the relief from the rims ceases to float on the surface, we stop the mixer.
  11. Divide the cooled currant puree into two unequal parts - set aside 2 tablespoons for the next layer, and load the rest of the portion with the cream. Beat the cream until it is evenly colored.
  12. Place the bowl with the swollen gelatin in another bowl with hot water. By actively mixing the mass, we achieve complete dissolution of the powder. You can warm up the mass in another convenient way - on the stove using a "water bath", in the microwave. The only and obligatory condition is to prevent the composition from boiling!
  13. After cooling down, pour in the dissolved gelatin in a thin stream to the creamy-currant mixture, whisking the cream continuously. We spread the gelled composition in a ring with a cake, level it. We put it in the refrigerator until the mousse "sets" (about 1-2 hours).

    Medium (light) layer for black currant cake

  14. As soon as the first mousse hardens, prepare the next one. Whip a portion of cold cream for a light layer with powder until thickened. Soak gelatin in 3 tablespoons of cold water, leave to swell. Add the mascarpone and the remaining portion of grated black currant to the whipped cream.
  15. Beat lightly at the lowest speed - just until the ingredients are combined into an evenly colored cream.
  16. We warm up the gelatin, as for the previous mousse. Pour into the cream with continuous, but short beating. We spread the mass on the frozen mousse, level it. We return the dessert to the refrigerator until the new layer has set.

    Top (white) layer for black currant cake

  17. After waiting for the next solidification, we form the final layer. Whip cold cream with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. Soak gelatin in water again.
  18. Add mascarpone to the creamy mass, beat slightly.
  19. Warming up the swollen gelatin and cooling it down, pour it into the white cream, working with a mixer. We spread the white layer, level the surface and send it to the refrigerator until it finally hardens.
  20. With the blade of a knife, carefully draw in a circle. Remove the ring from the finished dessert.

    Frosting for black currant cake

  21. Melt the chocolate with butter for the icing in a "water bath" (proceed as in step 1 when making a brownie cake). Heat the cream until hot and pour it into the melted chocolate mass. Mix the glaze vigorously, cool at room temperature.
  22. Apply the cooled chocolate mixture to the cake, gently nudging the icing along the edge with a spoon to create smudges on the side surface. We put the dessert in the refrigerator. As soon as the chocolate crust hardens, you can decorate the top with berries and start drinking tea.
  23. The cake with black currant is ready! Beautiful and whole, and in the context, the dessert tempts with its appetizing appearance!

Enjoy your tea!

The Black Prince cake with black currant jam is an amazing combination of the most delicate sponge cake made with kefir and currant jam and exquisite sour cream. The confectionery will charm the culinary specialist with its simplicity of preparation and original taste.

What ingredients are needed to bake the dessert?

Very simple and very tasty - this is how you can describe the confection that we will cook. This recipe can be safely attributed to the budget. For its preparation, super-expensive products are not required. Everything is more than just usual.

Basic set of products for creating a biscuit base:

  • egg;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • 250 ml of fatty kefir;
  • a glass of black currant jam;
  • a couple of glasses of flour;
  • some lemon juice;
  • a teaspoon of baking soda.

We will use sour cream as a cream. It perfectly emphasizes the taste of berry biscuit without "interrupting" it. To prepare the cream, you will need:

  • a glass of fatty sour cream;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a little vanilla.

Glaze can be used to make the Black Prince pie with jam "marketable". Chocolate is fine. We need: a bar of dark chocolate, as well as 60 ml of cream and high-fat milk. White currant twigs can be used as a decorating element. It will stand out beautifully against the background of the chocolate glaze. Well, let's get down to the fun part.

The process of making a fragrant cake

Before you start baking with jam, you should remove the necessary food from the refrigerator and let it cool slightly. Professional pastry chefs assure that food at room temperature mixes better, forming a uniform consistency.

Stages of dough preparation:

  1. Pour the kefir into a deep bowl. Add the required amount of soda slaked with lemon juice to this. Stir the mass with a fork. We set the dishes aside.
  2. Drive the egg into a separate bowl. Here we gradually introduce a glass of granulated sugar. We start the whipping process. When the sugar is completely dissolved and the mass doubles, we introduce kefir with soda. Beat up the liquid.
  3. To fluff the flour, the ingredient should be passed through a fine sieve several times. We introduce sifted flour to kefir and knead the dough. Add a glass of currant jam or jam to this.

Tip: if the berries in the jam are very large, you need to pass them through a sieve. If you have a blender at home, you can make it easier for yourself by whipping a lot with it. So that the jam after beating does not "bubble", it is necessary that it stand a little.

Grease a baking sheet with butter or vegetable oil, pour out the prepared dough and level it with a spatula. We bake the confection at a temperature of 170 degrees Celsius for about 40-50 minutes. You can check the doneness of the cake with a toothpick. Stick a toothpick into the cake while baking. If it remains clean, the biscuit is ready. But the presence of dough on it indicates that the pie is raw inside.

While the cake is baking, let's start making the cream. To do this: mix sour cream, sugar, vanilla and beat at the fastest speed. When the sugar in the cream is completely dissolved, we put the impregnation in the refrigerator so that it thickens a little.

We take out the cake "Black" Prince from the oven. Let the delicacy cool down a little, and only then we cut it into two parts. We take out the cream and coat the baked biscuits. We collect the cake and put it in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. In the meantime, prepare the icing.

Melt a bar of chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath. Heat cream and milk in a separate bowl. We mix all the ingredients together and bring to a uniform consistency. If the mass seems too thick to you, the amount of dairy products can be increased by 30%.

We take out the Black Prince cake from the refrigerator, set it on a stand and pour it with chocolate icing. At the same stage, you can decorate the Black Prince cake with a couple of sprigs of white currant. To freeze the icing, put the treat in the refrigerator for another hour.

If the biscuit base turns out to be dry, before applying the cream, you can soak the cakes with syrup or liquor diluted with water. But don't overdo it. A couple of spoons of impregnation is enough so that the cake is not dry.

The recipe for the Black Prince pie with kefir jam will take its rightful place in the book of culinary recipes. It is prepared quickly, and most importantly, you will surely appreciate the taste of the dessert. After all, what could be better than a home-made dessert? Bon Appetit.