Juicy chum steaks in the oven. Chum steak in the oven - healthy, tasty, simple! The best recipes and secrets of cooking chum salmon steaks in the oven

19.10.2019 Vegetable dishes

Fish from the salmon family - chum salmon - is rightfully considered a delicacy. Chum salmon contains many useful substances, vitamins, as well as Omega-3 acids, as in other things, and in any other red fish.

Due to the low fat content, chum dishes are ideal for dietary and children's meals. Despite the high cost of the product, it is worth pampering yourself with delicious fish dishes at least occasionally. For example, chum steaks, the recipes of which we will tell today.

Chum steak in the oven - general principles

For the dish to succeed, it is important to take the choice and preparation of fish seriously. You can purchase both chum salmon carcass and ready-made steaks. The main thing is that they are of the appropriate color and smell without any signs of deterioration. Frozen fish should be covered with a thin layer of transparent ice, but in no case with a snow coat, which means that the fish was subjected to repeated defrosting and re-freezing, which, accordingly, killed the benefits and taste of chum salmon.

Chum salmon is an unsuitable fish for frying, so we will cook it in the oven. The selected fish is thawed, gutted, cut into steaks. Then sprinkle with salt, spices, chopped grass, sprinkle with oil, lemon juice - this is a classic that can be adapted to any other recipe.

To enhance the taste and to add satiety, chum steaks are prepared with vegetables or a variety of fillings. It goes well with fish onions, tomatoes, zucchini, potatoes, cream, sour cream. Vegetables can be placed underneath the fish or on top of the steaks. Also chum salmon can be coated with sauce, mayonnaise, covered with cheese. The choice is yours, whichever recipe you choose, the result will delight you!

1. Chum salmon steak in the oven


1 medium-sized chum salmon;

Onions - 3 heads;

2 tomatoes;

A small amount of olive oil;

A pinch of salt and black pepper;

Dill - 2 bouquets.

Cooking method:

1. Peel chum salmon from scales, gut, rinse, cut into steaks of medium thickness.

2. Squeeze a lemon into a small cup, add olive oil to the juice, add a little salt, pepper and seasoning for fish, stir everything thoroughly.

3. Rinse the dill, chop finely, pour into a cup with lemon juice.

4. Coat the pieces of fish with the prepared marinade, leave for 30-40 minutes to be nourished.

5. Cut the peeled onions into strips, the washed tomatoes into circles.

6. Place the marinated fish pieces on a greased baking sheet, and spread the onions and tomato circles on top of the fish.

7. Place the leaf in a hot oven and bake for a little less than half an hour.

8. When serving, put the pieces of fish on a portioned dish, put baked onions with tomatoes around, sprinkle with chopped dill.

2. Chum salmon steak in the oven, baked in the sleeve


1 chum salmon of small size;

50 ml of vegetable oil;

Half a lemon;

Salt, fish seasoning, black pepper - 1 tsp;

Parsley, dill - a few twigs.

Cooking method:

1. Gut chum salmon, rinse, remove scales, cut into steaks.

2. Grate all pieces well with salt, pepper, seasoning and place in a bowl, sprinkle with chopped herbs and leave for a few minutes.

3. Cut a half of the lemon into circles.

4. Put the pickled pieces into a baking sleeve together with lemon circles, add a small amount of sunflower oil, tie the sleeve tightly with threads, shake.

5. Put the sleeve with the fish on a baking sheet, flatten.

6. Place the frying leaf in the oven and bake for half an hour.

7. Remove the baked chum salmon from the sleeve, put on a flat plate, lay out lemon circles and parsley leaves nicely around the fish.

3. Chum salmon steak in the oven in foil


1 large chum salmon;

Salt, black pepper powder, fish seasoning - 10 g each;

A couple of large meaty tomatoes;

Parsley or dill - half a bunch.

Cooking method:

1. From the gutted, washed chum salmon, cut a ridge, cut the fillet into portioned pieces of equal size.

2. Cut the tomatoes and lemon into slices.

3. Cut the foil into small cubes, on each one put one fish steak, a circle of tomato and lemon on top, salt a little, sprinkle with seasoning and pepper, wrap tightly.

4. Put the steaks wrapped in foil on a sheet and put in a hot oven, bake for a little less than half an hour.

5. Serve on portioned plates, having previously removed from the foil, along with tomatoes and lemon, garnish with herbs.

4. Chum salmon steak with potatoes in the oven


Half a large chum salmon;

Potatoes - 5 small tubers;

3 onions;

3 tomatoes;

A small amount of sunflower oil;

A little mayonnaise;

A little salt, black pepper, dry basil.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the prepared chum salmon under running cold water, put on paper towels and dry, cut into medium-sized steaks.

2. Cut the peeled onion into thin strips, peel the potatoes, wash, cut into medium cubes, cut the washed tomatoes into circles, grate the cheese.

3. Put the chum salmon steaks in a greased, foil-lined and oiled baking dish, add salt, sprinkle with basil and grated cheese.

4. Put a thin layer of onion, potatoes on the steaks, sprinkle with cheese.

5. Put the tomatoes in the last layer, add salt, sprinkle with basil, cover everything with foil edges.

6. Put the dish in an oven preheated to 220 degrees and bake for a little more than half an hour.

7. In a small cup, mix the remaining grated cheese with mayonnaise and basil.

8. A few minutes before the end of baking, open the oven, unfold the edges of the foil, brush the contents with a mixture of mayonnaise, cheese and basil and put back in the oven for a few more minutes.

9. When serving, place steaks on plates with potatoes, sprinkle with chopped parsley.

5. Chum salmon steak in the oven in cream


Small chum salmon;

One large carrot and one onion;

Flour - half a glass;

Low-fat cream - 125 g;

A little salt and black pepper powder.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the vegetables, cut the carrots into thin strips, cut the onion into strips.

2. Cut the prepared chum salmon into steaks, dry them a little on paper towels.

3. Salt the steaks and roll in flour.

4. Put carrots in a deep frying pan, pour in vegetable oil.

5. Put chopped onion on the carrot and chum steaks on it.

6. Pour cream over everything.

7. Put the pan in a hot oven for half an hour.

8. While baking, make sure not to run out of cream from the edges of the pan.

9. When serving, place on plates one steak per serving along with vegetables, next to it you can put mashed potatoes.

6. Diet chum steak in the oven


10 chum steaks;

Low fat cream - half a glass;

Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces;

A small vegetable marrow;

A small piece of Dutch cheese;

Onion head;

One lemon;

Half a head of garlic;

Seasoning, salt - 20 g each.

Cooking method:

1. Portion pieces of chum salmon grate with salt, seasoning, leave in a cup for 30 minutes. If they are frozen, then first you will need to defrost.

2. Peel the zucchini, remove the seeds, cut the pulp into thin strips.

3. Cut the peeled onions into strips, lemon into slices.

4. Cut the stalk from the pepper together with the seeds, cut the pepper itself into strips.

5. In a clean bowl, mix the cream with chopped garlic and grated cheese.

6. In a deep baking dish, put the chum steaks, lemon slices, strips of onion, sweet pepper and zucchini on them.

7. Pour the entire contents of the creamy gravy, place in a hot oven for 45 minutes.

8. Serve on portioned plates, sprinkle with sauce, sprinkle with herbs.

7. Chum salmon steak in the oven with sesame seeds and herbs


A kilogram of steak;

Half a glass of sesame seeds;


Vegetable oil;


Cooking method:

1. Rinse and dry the steaks. Sprinkle with lemon juice, set aside for half an hour.

2. Cut the foil into squares, grease each with oil. Put a stack of chum salmon on each piece.

4. Liberally grease the fish with sesame mixture.

5. Wrap the foil, transfer everything to a baking sheet, bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Chum steak in the oven - secrets and tricks

It is better to defrost fish in the refrigerator to preserve all the beneficial properties. "Coarse" defrosting in the microwave or in warm water "kills" not only the benefits, but also the taste and aroma.

To prevent the board from plowing after cutting the fish, pre-treat it with lemon juice or simply put it in a plastic bag.

If you do not use additional ingredients, for example, vegetables or cheese, then be sure to marinate the fish in lemon juice, a small amount of spices, so the steaks will turn out delicious.

Hearty steaks will be made with mayonnaise and grated cheese sauce or a vegetable pillow.

When cooking chum steaks, it is advisable not to leave the oven for a long time. Due to its high water content and minimal fat content, this type of fish can be easily overdried. The same vegetable pillow or grated cheese will help to avoid such an incident.

It is not advisable to just fry the fish, the juiciness and tenderness of the chum salmon can be preserved by stewing it in a sauce or baking it in foil in the sleeve.

Chum steak in batter is no less tasty. For batter, just mix the egg, cream and a little flour.

Chum steak is mainly served with cereal or vegetable side dish. Rice and potatoes go especially well with fish. A duet of baked chum salmon and fresh vegetables: sweet peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers will turn out to be no less tasty.

Chum salmon, cooked in the oven, has colossal benefits and excellent taste. All recipes for baking fish are aimed at making it juicy. We have put together the best collection for you, everyone will be able to choose an option taking into account the preferences of the family. Let's get started!

# 1. Juicy chum salmon in the oven with cream - classic

  • fish fillet - 4 pcs.
  • high-fat cream - 0.4 l.
  • dill - 40 gr.
  • soy sauce - 60 ml.

This recipe for cooking chum salmon is considered a classic of the genre, and we'll start with it.

1. Sprinkle the prepared fillets with salt, but do not overdo it. Place in a mold.

2. Make a filling of sauce and cream, crumble green tea here. Fill chum with this mass.

3. Turn on the oven in advance so that it warms up to 180 degrees. Place the fish inside, cook for 25-30 minutes.

# 2. Chum salmon in the sleeve in the oven

  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • fish - 1 pc.
  • dill - 30 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml.
  • spices

Chum salmon is baked in the oven. All the recipes are simple, including this one. For juicy fish use a sleeve.

1. Take care of the preparation of the carcass. Free it from the entrails, rinse, cut off the head with tail and fins. Chop into steaks.

2. Grind each piece with spices combined with salt. Sprinkle with chopped dill on top. Sprinkle with half citrus juice and oil. Marinate for a quarter of an hour.

3. When the set interval comes to an end, move the fish to the sleeve. Place the slices of the second half of the lemon on top. Tie the sleeve, make holes with a needle.

4. Turn on the oven, set the reading to 180 degrees and wait for warming up. Send the fish to a baking sheet, bake it for 25 minutes. Then you can open the sleeve and let the steaks brown for another 10 minutes.

Number 3. Baked chum steaks in foil

  • hard cheese - 60 gr.
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • fish steaks - 3 pcs.
  • soy sauce - 30 ml.
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml.
  • spice

Everyone will like chum salmon in the oven, the recipes do not raise additional questions. To have a juicy fish, you need foil.

1. Combine spices with a little salt. Pour oil and sauce to the free-flowing mixture and rub chunks of chum with this composition.

2. Time a quarter of an hour. Meanwhile, chop the tomato into slices and grate the cheese on a fine grater.

3. Prepare a piece of foil for each steak. Put the pieces, make bumpers around.

4. Place tomato on top and sprinkle with cheese. Seal with foil, cook for a third of an hour at 180 degrees. Then open the fish, hold for another 7 minutes.

No. 4. Chum salmon in garlic-mayonnaise sauce with cheese

  • onions - 0.5 pcs.
  • fish fillet - 2 pcs.
  • hard cheese - 130 gr.
  • mayonnaise - 140 gr.
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • cloves of garlic - 3 pcs.
  • dill - 15 gr.
  • spice

We will tell you how to cook delicious chum salmon. We will bake it in the oven, juicy and soft.

1. Sprinkle the loins with seasonings and salt, but do not overdo it. The fish quickly absorbs spices, so marinate it for no longer than a quarter of an hour.

2. Make a sauce with mayonnaise, crushed chives, chopped herbs, and citrus juice. Lubricate the fish with it, put it on foil.

3. Chop the onion in half rings, place on top. Garnish with grated cheese. Wrap the foil. Turn on the oven, wait for warming up to 200 degrees.

4. Put the baking sheet inside, cook the chum in the oven according to the recipe for a third of an hour so that it is juicy.

No. 5. Chum salmon baked with vegetables in the oven

  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.
  • honey - 50 gr.
  • soy sauce - 60 ml.
  • carrots - 3 pcs.
  • broccoli inflorescences - 6 pcs.
  • chum salmon (steak) - 4 pcs.
  • starch - 20 gr.
  • water - 0.1 l.
  • sunflower oil - 10 ml.
  • green onions - 10 gr.
  • apple cider vinegar - 10 ml.
  • condiments

1. Pour vinegar and oil, soy sauce, water into a saucepan. Add honey with your favorite spices and crushed garlic cloves. Put the contents on the stove and wait for a boil, turn off.

2.Add the starch with a strainer. Stir to avoid clumping. Set it back on a lazy heat, simmer for 5-7 minutes, until the mass becomes thick.

3. Chop the carrots into slices and place first in a greased baking sheet. Place fish steaks on top and broccoli in between. Pour the thickened sauce over the dish, sprinkle with onions.

4. Cover with a sheet of foil, cook the chum salmon in the oven according to the recipe at 190 degrees to keep it juicy. After 20-25 minutes, remove the foil, brown the chum and serve.

No. 6. Chum salmon baked with lemon

  • lemon juice - from 0.5 fruit
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • dill - 20 gr.
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • fish steaks - 2 pcs.
  • spice

1. Combine oil with juice, chop herbs and spices. Rub the fish, marinate for 15 minutes.

2. Place on a baking sheet, with lemon slices next to or on top. Cook 180-190 degrees for 25 minutes.

No. 7. Chum salmon with potatoes in the oven

  • tomatoes, onions - 3 pcs.
  • potatoes - 0.6 kg.
  • mayonnaise - 90 gr.
  • chum steaks - 3 pcs.
  • cheese (grate) - 0.3 kg.
  • condiments

1. Chop the onion in half rings, first place the scrap on a baking sheet covered with foil.

2. Marinate steaks in spiced mayonnaise for 15 minutes. Lay on the bow.

3. Place potatoes, chopped into medium-sized cubes nearby. Decorate the dish with tomato slices, lightly salt.

4. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Cover the dish with foil, frame for baking.

Chum salmon in the oven is an easy-to-prepare dish, the recipes for which we have discussed above. To have a juicy and fragrant fish, you need to choose the option you like and strictly follow the recommendations.

Fish from the salmon family - chum salmon - is rightfully considered a delicacy. Chum salmon contains many useful substances, vitamins, as well as Omega-3 acids, as in other things, and in any other red fish.

Due to the low fat content, chum dishes are ideal for dietary and children's meals. Despite the high cost of the product, it is worth pampering yourself with delicious fish dishes at least occasionally. For example, chum steaks, the recipes of which we will tell today.

Chum steak in the oven - general principles

For the dish to succeed, it is important to take the choice and preparation of fish seriously. You can purchase both chum salmon carcass and ready-made steaks. The main thing is that they are of the appropriate color and smell without any signs of deterioration. Frozen fish should be covered with a thin layer of transparent ice, but in no case with a snow coat, which means that the fish was subjected to repeated defrosting and re-freezing, which, accordingly, killed the benefits and taste of chum salmon.

Chum salmon is an unsuitable fish for frying, so we will cook it in the oven. The selected fish is thawed, gutted, cut into steaks. Then sprinkle with salt, spices, chopped grass, sprinkle with oil, lemon juice - this is a classic that can be adapted to any other recipe.

To enhance the taste and to add satiety, chum steaks are prepared with vegetables or a variety of fillings. It goes well with fish onions, tomatoes, zucchini, potatoes, cream, sour cream. Vegetables can be placed underneath the fish or on top of the steaks. Also chum salmon can be coated with sauce, mayonnaise, covered with cheese. The choice is yours, whichever recipe you choose, the result will delight you!

1. Chum salmon steak in the oven


1 medium-sized chum salmon;

Onions - 3 heads;

2 tomatoes;

A small amount of olive oil;

A pinch of salt and black pepper;

Dill - 2 bouquets.

Cooking method:

1. Peel chum salmon from scales, gut, rinse, cut into steaks of medium thickness.

2. Squeeze a lemon into a small cup, add olive oil to the juice, add a little salt, pepper and seasoning for fish, stir everything thoroughly.

3. Rinse the dill, chop finely, pour into a cup with lemon juice.

4. Coat the pieces of fish with the prepared marinade, leave for 30-40 minutes to be nourished.

5. Cut the peeled onions into strips, the washed tomatoes into circles.

6. Place the marinated fish pieces on a greased baking sheet, and spread the onions and tomato circles on top of the fish.

7. Place the leaf in a hot oven and bake for a little less than half an hour.

8. When serving, put the pieces of fish on a portioned dish, put baked onions with tomatoes around, sprinkle with chopped dill.

2. Chum salmon steak in the oven, baked in the sleeve


1 chum salmon of small size;

50 ml of vegetable oil;

Half a lemon;

Salt, fish seasoning, black pepper - 1 teaspoon each;

Parsley, dill - a few twigs.

Cooking method:

1. Gut chum salmon, rinse, remove scales, cut into steaks.

2. Grate all pieces well with salt, pepper, seasoning and place in a bowl, sprinkle with chopped herbs and leave for a few minutes.

3. Cut a half of the lemon into circles.

4. Put the pickled pieces into a baking sleeve together with lemon circles, add a small amount of sunflower oil, tie the sleeve tightly with threads, shake.

5. Put the sleeve with the fish on a baking sheet, flatten.

6. Place the frying leaf in the oven and bake for half an hour.

7. Remove the baked chum salmon from the sleeve, put on a flat plate, lay out lemon circles and parsley leaves nicely around the fish.

3. Chum salmon steak in the oven in foil


1 large chum salmon;

Salt, black pepper powder, fish seasoning - 10 g each;

A couple of large meaty tomatoes;

Parsley or dill - half a bunch.

Cooking method:

1. From the gutted, washed chum salmon, cut a ridge, cut the fillet into portioned pieces of equal size.

2. Cut the tomatoes and lemon into slices.

3. Cut the foil into small cubes, on each one put one fish steak, a circle of tomato and lemon on top, salt a little, sprinkle with seasoning and pepper, wrap tightly.

4. Put the steaks wrapped in foil on a sheet and put in a hot oven, bake for a little less than half an hour.

5. Serve on portioned plates, having previously removed from the foil, along with tomatoes and lemon, garnish with herbs.

4. Chum salmon steak with potatoes in the oven


Half a large chum salmon;

Potatoes - 5 small tubers;

3 onions;

3 tomatoes;

A small amount of sunflower oil;

A little mayonnaise;

A little salt, black pepper, dry basil.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the prepared chum salmon under running cold water, put on paper towels and dry, cut into medium-sized steaks.

2. Cut the peeled onion into thin strips, peel the potatoes, wash, cut into medium cubes, cut the washed tomatoes into circles, grate the cheese.

3. Put the chum salmon steaks in a greased, foil-lined and oiled baking dish, add salt, sprinkle with basil and grated cheese.

4. Put a thin layer of onion, potatoes on the steaks, sprinkle with cheese.

5. Put the tomatoes in the last layer, add salt, sprinkle with basil, cover everything with foil edges.

6. Put the dish in an oven preheated to 220 degrees and bake for a little more than half an hour.

7. In a small cup, mix the remaining grated cheese with mayonnaise and basil.

8. A few minutes before the end of baking, open the oven, unfold the edges of the foil, brush the contents with a mixture of mayonnaise, cheese and basil and put back in the oven for a few more minutes.

9. When serving, place steaks on plates with potatoes, sprinkle with chopped parsley.

5. Chum salmon steak in the oven in cream


Small chum salmon;

One large carrot and one onion;

Flour - half a glass;

Low-fat cream - 125 g;

A little salt and black pepper powder.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the vegetables, cut the carrots into thin strips, cut the onion into strips.

2. Cut the prepared chum salmon into steaks, dry them a little on paper towels.

3. Salt the steaks and roll in flour.

4. Put carrots in a deep frying pan, pour in vegetable oil.

5. Put chopped onion on the carrot and chum steaks on it.

6. Pour cream over everything.

7. Put the pan in a hot oven for half an hour.

8. While baking, make sure not to run out of cream from the edges of the pan.

9. When serving, place on plates one steak per serving along with vegetables, next to it you can put mashed potatoes.

6. Diet chum steak in the oven


10 chum steaks;

Low fat cream - half a glass;

Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces;

A small vegetable marrow;

A small piece of Dutch cheese;

Onion head;

One lemon;

Half a head of garlic;

Seasoning, salt - 20 g each.

Cooking method:

1. Portion pieces of chum salmon grate with salt, seasoning, leave in a cup for 30 minutes. If they are frozen, then first you will need to defrost.

2. Peel the zucchini, remove the seeds, cut the pulp into thin strips.

3. Cut the peeled onions into strips, lemon into slices.

4. Cut the stalk from the pepper together with the seeds, cut the pepper itself into strips.

5. In a clean bowl, mix the cream with chopped garlic and grated cheese.

6. In a deep baking dish, put the chum steaks, lemon slices, strips of onion, sweet pepper and zucchini on them.

7. Pour the entire contents of the creamy gravy, place in a hot oven for 45 minutes.

8. Serve on portioned plates, sprinkle with sauce, sprinkle with herbs.

7. Chum salmon steak in the oven with sesame seeds and herbs


A kilogram of steak;

Half a glass of sesame seeds;


Vegetable oil;


Cooking method:

1. Rinse and dry the steaks. Sprinkle with lemon juice, set aside for half an hour.

2. Cut the foil into squares, grease each with oil. Put a stack of chum salmon on each piece.

4. Liberally grease the fish with sesame mixture.

5. Wrap the foil, transfer everything to a baking sheet, bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Chum steak in the oven - secrets and tricks

It is better to defrost fish in the refrigerator to preserve all the beneficial properties. "Coarse" defrosting in the microwave or in warm water "kills" not only the benefits, but also the taste and aroma.

To prevent the board from plowing after cutting the fish, pre-treat it with lemon juice or simply put it in a plastic bag.

If you do not use additional ingredients, for example, vegetables or cheese, then be sure to marinate the fish in lemon juice, a small amount of spices, so the steaks will turn out delicious.

Hearty steaks will be made with mayonnaise and grated cheese sauce or a vegetable pillow.

When cooking chum steaks, it is advisable not to leave the oven for a long time. Due to its high water content and minimal fat content, this type of fish can be easily overdried. The same vegetable pillow or grated cheese will help to avoid such an incident.

It is not advisable to just fry the fish, the juiciness and tenderness of the chum salmon can be preserved by stewing it in a sauce or baking it in foil in the sleeve.

Chum steak in batter is no less tasty. For batter, just mix the egg, cream and a little flour.

Chum steak is mainly served with cereal or vegetable side dish. Rice and potatoes go especially well with fish. A duet of baked chum salmon and fresh vegetables: sweet peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers will turn out to be no less tasty.

A proper and healthy diet should be balanced and varied so that the body gets the maximum amount of all the nutrients it needs. So each person should from time to time include fish in his diet, both river and sea. It supplies the body with easily digestible protein, vitamins and minerals, as well as many other highly useful particles. One of the excellent options for fish can be chum salmon baked in foil in the oven, consider the proven recipes for its preparation.

Chum salmon in foil with tomatoes

To prepare such a delicious and very healthy dish, it is worth preparing one kilogram of chum salmon, a couple of fresh tomatoes, one medium lemon, as well as salt and pepper, depending on your taste preferences.

First, peel and rinse the chum salmon, then cut it into medium-sized steaks. Dry them a little with a paper towel, eliminating excess water. Cut the lemon and tomatoes into rings.

Once prepared, season with salt and pepper each steak. Next, transfer the individual slices to foil, and on top of them place the chopped tomatoes and lemons - one piece at a time.

Wrap each steak in foil and place them on a baking sheet. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to two hundred degrees for a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes.

Chum salmon with herbs

Prepare one chum salmon carcass, a bunch of parsley and dill each, a little soft butter, a little mayonnaise, one medium lemon, and salt and pepper, depending on your taste preferences.

To prepare such a dish, take a chum salmon carcass weighing one kilogram. Gut it out, rinse it, dry it a little and cut it into quarters. Also prepare greens: chop parsley and dill into smaller pieces, chop the onions into rings.

Prepare four large pieces of foil, place a slice of butter on each of them, or brush the surface of the foil with it. Then place a layer of onions and herbs. Season with salt and pepper the pieces of fish, sprinkle them with lemon juice and fold over the piece. Next, put a layer of onions with herbs and a little mayonnaise again. Wrap the foil in two layers, fold the fish on a baking sheet and send to the oven. Bake such a dish for fifty minutes at a temperature of two hundred and fifty degrees.

Chum salmon in foil with cheese

To prepare such a delicious dish, you need to prepare about seven hundred grams of chum salmon steaks, a couple of tomatoes and a couple of medium onions. In addition, you will need one hundred and fifty grams of cheese, three tablespoons of white wine, some Provencal herbs, vegetable oil and salt, depending on your taste preferences.

After cooking the steaks, grease a large sheet of foil with oil and place the fish slices on top of it. Sprinkle such a blank with wine and salt to taste. Basically, you can put the fish on separate pieces of foil - in portions.

Cut the onion into half rings and arrange it randomly over the fish. Grate the tomatoes and discard the skin. Put the resulting tomato mass, with a minimum amount of juice on the onion. Next, season the future dish with Provencal herbs. Grate the cheese on a small grater and grind the tomatoes with it. Place the steaks in an oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees for forty minutes. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, unfold the foil to brown the cheese a little.

Chum salmon with sesame seeds

To prepare such an interesting dish, it is worth preparing about one kilogram of chum salmon fillet, half a glass of sesame seeds, medium lemon, two hundred grams of hard cheese. In addition, you will need some mayonnaise and vegetable oil. Use salt and seasoning according to your taste preferences.

First of all, cut the fish into several equal pieces, pour over it with lemon juice and leave for half an hour to fully marinate.

Lubricate the pieces of foil with a little vegetable oil. Then grate hard cheese, combine it with mayonnaise and sesame seeds so that you get a thick mass. Arrange the fish slices on separate pieces of foil, spread the cheese-sesame mixture evenly on top. Wrap the foil a little in a pocket and send it on a baking sheet in an oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees. The fish should cook within twenty minutes.

Chum salmon in the oven with a carrot cap

Prepare half a kilo of fish, a couple of onions, sixty grams of cheese, and one medium carrot. You will also need a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise, the same amount of vegetable oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Alternatively, use one to two teaspoons of bread crumbs, salt and pepper, depending on your taste.

Cut the fish into portions, remove bones and ridge. Place the slices in a bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Leave to marinate.

During this time, grate the peeled carrots on a medium grater, chop the onion smaller and fry the prepared vegetables in a preheated pan with vegetable oil. Salt them a little.

Grease a sheet of foil with oil, place the fish on it, carrots and onions on top, and brush with mayonnaise. Sprinkle the dish with bread crumbs, wrap the foil a little and bake the fish for twenty minutes in an oven preheated to two hundred and forty degrees. After that, sprinkle the dish with cheese and again send it to the oven for five to ten minutes.

Chum salmon dishes can become a real boon for the whole family.

Ekaterina, www.site

P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

If you decide to cook chum salmon, you will not be disappointed with the result - in any culinary variation, the meat of this fish will turn out to be unusually tender and will perfectly complement any of the side dishes. This product finds its connoisseur in salted, smoked, pickled and fried versions. Chum salmon reveals its unsurpassed taste most fully when baked. To enjoy this wonderful fish, let's learn how to cook chum salmon in the oven.

Before you decide on a set of products for your future dish, prepare the main one - chum salmon. When buying fresh fish, pay attention to its properties:
  • the color of the gills (they should be bright red);
  • the quality of the carcass (should be undamaged, with an even, pleasant, silvery color and bright, orange-red, dense muscle tissue);
  • scales (should be smooth, shiny, without extraneous color spots);
  • smell (pleasant, not sugary fishy).
For frozen chum salmon, be careful about the vacuuming date and the color of the meat. Important! If, after thawing the product, you notice a violation of the structure of the meat tissue (delamination, fibrillation), a color that does not correspond to the proper norm, excessive mucus on the surface of the scales and an unpleasant pungent smell - such fish is not suitable for food, most likely it has been frozen several times or has been frozen after spawning.

Adhering to the basic rules when buying chum salmon is one of the guarantees that your future dish will be delicious, but following the secrets of preparing fish before baking it in the oven is already a full chance that the chum salmon will be cooked wonderfully. In order for the taste of fish to unfold in the fullest possible way
  • Defrost frozen fish in the refrigerator. This will maximize the preservation of the presence of nutrients in it.
  • Remove scales in a convenient and quick way - pour boiling water over the fish. Important! Do this gently, as you can scald the peel partially.
  • Cutting the chum salmon according to the recipe of your choice (milling or cutting the carcass in portions into steaks), make transverse cuts on the sides - for good spice impregnation.
  • After cutting, salt the fish to taste and marinate. To do this, use lemon juice, as the combination with fish meat is ideal. Important! Also treat the cutting board with lemon juice, this will prevent the fishy smell from absorbing into it.

Baking chum salmon marinated with lemon juice is the simplest dish that reveals the unusual juicy taste of this fish's meat. To prepare it, you will need a few milled pieces of the main product, the juice of one lemon, your favorite spices, fresh herbs and olive oil. The whole process is a classic of the culinary genre:
  • Make a marinade by mixing equal proportions of lemon juice and olive oil, adding salt, spices and herbs.
  • Marinate pieces of fish in the prepared fragrant mixture for 10-15 minutes.
  • Bake at 180-200 degrees until the chum meat is cooked through.

You can cook fish on a vegetable pillow in a variety of variations, changing the composition of vegetables to your liking and choosing in the same way the sauce that will cover the workpiece. Always grease the mold with oil, fold vegetables in layers, alternating with fish meat. Instead of sauce, the future dish can be covered with cheese.

Chum salmon turns out to be very tasty baked in foil, under various sauces and in the oven on a pillow with vegetables. In each of the cooking options, this fish always remains a complete and nutritious dish that practically does not require supplementation, while retaining all the beneficial properties contained in its meat.