Is it possible to brew tea with fresh pine bark. Pine needles useful properties use contraindications

30.04.2019 Vegetable dishes

As soon as the New Year holidays have ceased, we are in a hurry to get rid of the trees that have recently decorated our apartments and houses as soon as possible. However, few people think that green beauties can still serve, because needles are not only a pleasant aroma, but also a huge benefit for humans.

For example, you can make excellent homemade products from Christmas tree needles. In addition, they can be used to prepare very useful infusions and decoctions. You can even make tea with fir needles. The needles can be stored for a very long time in your kitchen in glass or iron jars, canvas bags.

Why is fir needle tea unique?

As it was established by scientists, it is in winter that the amount of vitamins B1 and C in the needles reaches its peak value.

Academician Kiselev, well-known in wide circles, even advises wearing gauze bandages soaked in essential oils of coniferous trees such as fir, pine and larch in public places. After all, it is through such a mask that no virus can "slip through".

Among other things, the needles contain a large amount of carotene, namely 140-320 mg / kg. Moreover, throughout the year, its content in the needles remains practically unchanged.

Storage of pine and spruce needles

Worth consideringthat at storage temperature 8-10 degrees Celsius needles during a month lose at least 35 percent carotene. However, if the storage temperature is 5 degrees, then the loss of carotene does not occur.

In addition, fresh needles, spruce and pine contain approximately 360 mg / kg of such useful and necessary for humans vitamin E.

And what properties do the needles of needles have: diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, bactericidal, diuretic, choleretic and anthelmintic. Directly a storehouse of health for humans.

In addition, thanks to phytoncides that are released from the branches of coniferous trees, the air in the room is disinfected. This property of needles is especially useful when people with infectious diseases are in the room. Young shoots are the best for these purposes.

Pine Needle Tea: A Combat Proven

Do you know that during the war our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were saved by needles? Healing decoctions were prepared from spruce and pine needles. It is very simple to prepare such a broth. First you need to boil water, then put fresh branches or needles in a saucepan and boil for 5 minutes. Then the broth is removed from the heat and infused for about 20 minutes. Such "pine needle tea" is stored in the refrigerator without losing its healing properties for a week, so you can even prepare it for future use.

How to use the resulting broth?

For example, for rinsing and inhaling for colds. For gum disease, spruce broth is also irreplaceable. After brushing your teeth, it is enough to rinse your mouth with broth before going to bed for 3 weeks.

Needle tea helps with sciatica and other diseases of the human musculoskeletal system. To treat and relieve pain symptoms, it is recommended to use the so-called pine baths. In addition, such a bath can even help relieve stress at the end of the work week. The thing is that the essential oils that are in the needles have a calming effect on the human nervous system, improve blood flow, thereby improving the general condition of our body.

Have you heard about coniferous water? It was invented back in 1941 and has been used as an effective medicine against scurvy. This tincture was produced at LIVIZ (Leningrad Distillery). This medicine was really very good and contained a lot of vitamin C. For propaganda purposes, there was even an assertion in the leaflets for Leningraders that there is 5 times more vitamin C in needles than in the same lemon.

Harvesting spruce or pine buds

Conifer buds must be harvested in February or March before they begin to bloom. To do this, you need to cut off the crowns of the buds, which have about 3 centimeters of the remainder of the branches. It is necessary to dry the collected buds in the shade, in a well-ventilated area, trying to prevent mold.

As for the spruce and pine needles, they can be harvested throughout the year. In this case, it is necessary to take needles, which is the growth of this year.

In addition, in folk medicine in many countries, a decoction of pine buds is very popular, which is famous for its diuretic, blood-purifying, expectorant, disinfectant, antimicrobial, choleretic and anti-scurvy properties.

The note: needles contain ascorbic acid, tannins, essential oil, carotene, anthocyanins, phytoncides, resinous substances, tocopherol, phylloquinone, alkaloids, trace elements.

Pine needle treats: cones and pine buds jam

You may not have heard, but delicious jam is made from green pine cones and young buds. I remember, as a child, I went with my grandfather and grandmother to collect these very cones and kidneys.

For making jam from the cones it is necessary to collect only young, still green cones. My grandmother made pine cone jam as follows:

  • on KILOGRAMS of green cones I took KILOGRAMS of sugar and about 2 liters of water;
  • first I prepared syrup, and then added cones to it;
  • all this was cooked in a pressure cooker for FOUR hours.

The kidneys are much easier. To make jam from pine buds, they are simply poured into a half-liter or liter jar, and then sprinkled with granulated sugar and closed with a nylon lid. Gradually, the kidneys begin to secrete juice, and a "pine syrup" appears in the jar, which is recommended to drink for colds.

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Pine has been growing on Earth for over 150 million years. A beautiful evergreen tree went down in the history of medicine as a cure for 80% of diseases. Already medieval healers used pine needles to prepare medicinal elixirs for coughs, internal inflammations and kidney diseases.

Many of the old recipes are still relevant today. Clinical studies prove that medicinal raw materials have analgesic, antibacterial, choleretic, sedative and immunomodulatory properties.

The most active element of the product is essential oil, which gives the needles a characteristic aroma and a bitter-tart taste. This fatty substance contains 23 components, including:

  • α-terpineol;
  • borneol;
  • bornyl acetate;
  • linalool;
  • limonene;
  • anethole;
  • caryophyllene.

These monoterpene alcohols have powerful antimicrobial properties, destroy fungi, stabilize the nervous system, and remove toxins from. Recent studies show that pine needle terpenes inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

In addition, many trace elements necessary for health are found in needles - iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and manganese. The needles are rich in vitamins C and A, which increase immunity and protect cells from premature aging. Pine alkaloids eliminate pain and relieve nervous tension, and polysaccharides improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

How and when to collect?

Medicinal substances are stored in pine needles all year round. But the highest levels of vitamin C are found in winter needles. While at rest, the tree accumulates valuable elements, so it is better to prepare raw materials in December-January.

It is preferable to take needles from young trees. The lower branches should be cut, avoiding young shoots with buds.

At home, spruce branches are dried by spreading them on paper. The sprinkled needles are placed in glass jars with tight lids and removed in a dark place.

There is also a second storage option - to scroll fresh branches in a meat grinder, put the resulting mass in bags and place in the freezer. If you intend to use the needles in the near future, the branches can be left on the balcony or attic, at a temperature not higher than + 5ᵒ С.

Important! At room temperature, the volume of vitamins in the needles is halved.

The unique combination of healing substances makes pine needles an effective remedy against many diseases. Among them:

  • Arthritis and rheumatism. Pine essential oils stimulate blood circulation and relieve joint inflammation.
  • , tracheitis, pneumonia. Removing phlegm from the respiratory tract, coniferous decoctions relieve mucosal irritation and stop coughing.
  • , laryngitis, pharyngitis. Rinsing with pine needles decoction eliminates edema and.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Broths of pine needles strengthen blood vessels and cleanse them of cholesterol.
  • , cholecystitis,. Preparations from pine needles remove excess bile and relieve internal inflammation.
  • Anemia. Vitamin C and iron help improve blood composition.
  • Fungal infections. Coniferous broth baths get rid of foot fungus.
  • Skin diseases. Pine antibacterial substances help fight acne, eczema, dermatitis.
  • Age-related decrease in vision. Vitamin A strengthens the retina of the eyes, preventing its weakening.
  • Reduced immunity. The vitamins in the needles help to avoid infection with SARS and influenza during seasonal epidemics.

Sedative baths

Dissolving in hot water, the essential resins of needles have a complex effect on the skin, muscles, respiratory organs and the olfactory center of the brain. Pine baths are recommended for physical exhaustion, neuroses, insomnia, severe menopause in women.

For the procedure, you will need a glass of pine needles, together with twigs and buds. The raw material is finely cut with scissors, placed in a large saucepan and 5 liters of hot water are added (temperature + 60ᵒC).

The mixture is boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. Leave under the lid for 20 minutes, then pour through a sieve into a hot bath (from +35 to + 40 +C).

The procedure is carried out at night, for 20 minutes. After the bath, take a short warm shower. For a stable therapeutic effect, a course of 10 procedures is required daily.

Important! Hot pine baths are not allowed in the presence of cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis and malignant tumors.

In cosmetology

Bioactive elements of pine needles help to improve the condition of oily, problematic and aging skin, get rid of acne and fine wrinkles. Care products are prepared on the basis of coniferous infusion. It is made from 1 tbsp. spoons of needles and a glass of boiling water.

The components are combined in a glass jar and left under the lid for half an hour. A gauze napkin is moistened with a strained agent and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. As a result of the procedure, the skin tightens and loses its oily sheen.

From the same infusion, you can make a toning mask. In a small bowl, mix 1 teaspoon of chopped oatmeal, liquid honey, lemon juice and pine infusion.

The composition is thoroughly mixed and applied to the forehead, cheeks, chin and neck. Withstand 10 minutes, remove with a damp cloth and wash with coniferous infusion.


Pine needles actively release essential oils when exposed to high temperatures. This property has long been used in steam inhalation. They are made for bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, and ARVI.

For the procedure, take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of finely chopped needles, fresh or dried. The raw material is placed in a saucepan, poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat.

Pine Needle Pillow

Pine needles gradually evaporate volatile compounds of essential oils. Distributed in the air, they destroy pathogenic microbes and viruses, Penetrating into the respiratory tract, ethers relieve shortness of breath, facilitate the release of phlegm. In addition, pine needles create a sedative effect - they calm the nerves and give a sound sleep.

The action of the pine pillow is based on these properties, which gives prophylactic protection against respiratory infections and neuroses. To create a product, you need to collect pine branches and dry on paper until the needles fall off.

The pillowcase for the base should be fitted with a zipper so that you can replace the coniferous filler regularly. Pine needles are placed inside loosely, otherwise the product will turn out to be tough. Every 2 weeks, the pillow should be filled with fresh raw materials.

On these winter days, you can make vitamin tea from pine needles and dried rose hips! The drink is light, healthy, with an interesting taste! For the first brewing, it is advisable to take a smaller amount of needles, so as not to get an overly resinous taste!

Ingredients for Pine Needle and Rosehip Tea:

Pine Needle and Rosehip Tea Recipe:

We collect pine needles from young twigs, at home it must be rinsed with water.
Fresh needles can be brewed immediately, and the rest can be dried. This tea is made from dried pine needles.

Take a handful of dried pine needles, this is about 5 g,
and 10 pieces of dried rose hips.
If desired, the amount of rose hips can be increased, this will enhance the taste and make the color of the drink richer.

Chop the dried needles a little with a knife. For the first preparation, it is advisable to take 1 tbsp. l. needles to adjust the coniferous taste in the finished tea.

Fresh needles do not need to be chopped so that there is no strong coniferous taste. Take it in the amount of 0.7-1 tbsp. l.

We brew tea in the classic way:
Rinse the thermos with boiling water, place the rose hips, pine needles in it and pour 1 liter of boiling water.
Tangerine peels can be added if desired. You can not add anything, it will be fine too. Close the lid and let it brew for 3-4 hours.

Strain through a strainer before use.
Vitamin tea is ready!

For quick tea preparation, we will brew only pine needles. In order not to get an overly resinous taste of the drink, fresh needles do not need to be chopped.
For the first time, put 0.7 tbsp in the teapot. l. needles (in the future, you can 1 tbsp. l. or to taste) and add 0.5 l of boiling water. Let it brew for 30 minutes.

Then strain through a strainer and you can taste! The drink has a coniferous taste, but the color of the water almost does not change!

Therefore, you can add cranberries, lingonberries, other berries or preserves to taste. I added raw cranberries, mashed with sugar.

When brewing tea from fresh needles, it is advisable to take into account that it tastes more resinous and richthan dried! Therefore, fresh needles can not be chopped and a smaller amount can be taken for the first brewing.

When brewing tea fresh and dried needles, it must be borne in mind that the taste of the drink can turn out resinous and tartif a dense resinous base of a needle or bunch is caught.

This tea is made from rose hips and dried pine needles. The taste of the drink is soft,
coniferous rosehip! The usefulness of tea will perfectly complement honey!

The pine tree has earned its popularity as a New Year tree. It exudes a wonderful aroma, and everyone knows about the benefits of walking in the pine forest. The scent of pine can improve memory and relieve depression. Since ancient times in Russia, amulets for the house have been made from pine branches, as protection from evil spirits. And in Egypt it was used for the embalming process. And at the moment, these compounds have not lost their antibacterial properties. Pine needles - the medicinal properties of which are unique, were used very widely. But this tree was used not only in crafts, but also as a medicine. After all, pine is a storehouse of useful substances. Niche ancestors used pine as a remedy for scurvy, an expectorant, protection against germs, and to fight pain. For pain in the gums, needles and resin were chewed. Today this medicinal tree is also available to us, so we will consider the most useful part of it - pine needles, and their medicinal properties.

Composition of pine needles

The composition of pine needles depends on several factors: the type of tree, the growing environment, the lifespan of the tree, the area, the soil, the season, and the amount of precipitation. One of the fundamental works on the chemical composition of pine needles was carried out by the S. M. Kirov Forestry Academy in Leningrad. Based on many studies, it is possible to describe in more detail the composition of the needles.

Cells are rich in cellulose, pentoses, lignin. The needles contain vitamin C, the maximum level is reached in winter and spring, in needles, which are well illuminated by the sun.

It is thanks to the vitamin C content that needles have become a cure for scurvy in besieged Leningrad. The initiator of the proposal for its use was A.D. Without teeth. The needles were crushed and poured with a solution of acetic or tartaric acid. The extract was decanted and given to the blockade. Thanks to such a bitter drink, it was possible to avoid a general illness with this serious illness. The content of carotene is also observed, which is close in value to the level in carrots. It also contains vitamin E.

Also, needles are a protein reserve. Therefore, it is used as feed for farm animals. It contains mineral salts and starch.

Pine needles or pine needles - medicinal properties

The blog already has information about, application, treatment, vodka tincture, chemical composition, honey and cone cough medicine. Today I want to consider in detail all the useful properties of pine needles.

All properties are due to the chemical composition. Let's consider the main ones:

  1. Antibacterial effect.
  2. Vitamin complex.
  3. Means for removing phlegm, relieving inflammation, accelerating sweating. This set of properties will be more useful in acute respiratory diseases.
  4. Improving digestion.
  5. Diuretic drug.
  6. Support for the cardiovascular system.
  7. Strengthening the protective properties of the immune system.
  8. Helps reduce stress and helps fight insomnia.
  9. Normalizes metabolism.
  10. Improves the condition of the skin and hair. Promotes rejuvenation, and increases the speed of wound healing.
  11. Strengthens the joints, therefore it is often recommended for rickets, and age-related diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Also, as a preventive measure, you can leave needles in the house. It helps purify the air and is also a good aromatherapy.

Pine needle treatment and application forms

There are many options for using pine needles. One of the most common options is pine needles infusion. It is used in such cases.

  1. Treatment of hypoxia. Young branches are used.
  2. As part of the collection for the treatment of adenoma.
  3. Treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system.
  4. Widely used in dentistry, for the treatment of gum disease.

They also practice making alcoholic infusions, but mainly for external use. This infusion does not irritate the skin.

Pine needle baths

Baths with pine needles are useful. They help relieve fatigue and help fight colds. For cooking, you need to pick up the needles in a bag and put them in a bath of water. It is also recommended to take baths for sciatica and sore joints. A special infusion is made for the baths. Brew needles, based on 1 kilogram of needles, 3 liters of boiling water. Insist 4 hours.

Mask for the face

For rejuvenation, you can make a face mask. Peel and chop thirty grams of pine needles, mix with three tablespoons of honey and a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply to face and let sit for ten minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Coniferous compresses for venous disease

With vein disease, coniferous compresses help well. Grind half a kilo of pine needles, and pour boiling water over it. Stir to a porridge consistency. Apply to affected areas and leave for fifteen minutes, wrapped in gauze.

Do the procedure for two weeks, with an interval of one day. It is good to use coniferous branches as a broom for a bath. It will help well with diseases of the respiratory system.

Inhalation with pine needles

Also, for colds, you can do inhalation at home. Grind 25 grams of needles, brew 100 milliliters of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, insist another 15. While the broth is hot, you need to breathe over it. And after it cools down, take within 24 hours. You can also rinse your gums with it, and use it for inflammation in the oral cavity.

Pillow with pine needles and herbs for bronchitis

We make pads to cure bronchitis or tracheitis. We put pine needles in a pillow made of natural fabric, and add a little lavender or mint.

It is better to use a cotton fabric measuring 25 cm long and wide. Before going to bed, we put a similar pillow under our main pillow so that half of the pillow is outside. If you want to enhance the effect, then add a heating pad.

Pine needles for skin diseases

Pine needles are also effective against skin diseases. Help with burns and boils. Promotes rapid healing. For treatment, you need to do poultices. Pick up the needles, wash thoroughly, rinse with boiling water.

Place in gauze or bandage and apply to the area of \u200b\u200bskin that needs treatment. In case of burns, be sure to chop the needles and allow them to cool, only then apply a compress. In general, for the preparation of all recipes one thing - it is very important to correctly collect the needles.

How and where to collect pine needles for treatment?

In Russia, pine needles were collected from felling sites, in autumn and winter. And this is the right period, because at this time the pine is saturated with ascorbic acid and essential oils.

It is better to collect needles with branches, and do not store them for a long time, since at room temperature it will lose its healing properties. Try to collect needles away from trails and residential areas.

Try not to pluck branches with buds. You can wait for a strong wind, branches are taken directly from the snow. Otherwise, carefully cut the branches at an angle.

Cut no more than 2 branches from one tree. Pass the twigs through a meat grinder and freeze or dry.

Storage of pine needles. Store in an airtight container. The storage area should be dry and dark.

In order not to lose useful properties, it is better to store a storehouse of vitamins in the cold. The storage period is 2 months.

Pine needles decoction - recipe and preparation

Helps to overcome ailments:

Detachment of the retina.

Damage to the optic nerve.


Multiple sclerosis.

Convulsive states.

Heart diseases.

Vegetative dysfunction.

Some popular recipes.

For sight

Five tablespoons of chopped needles should be poured with two glasses of boiling water. Insist twelve hours, in a glass jar, then strain thoroughly. Eat five times a day, preferably after a meal.

Vitamin drink

It will help to strengthen your immunity well. Chopped needles, place in an enamel bowl and pour boiling water over. Proportions - 50 grams / 1 liter. Insist for twenty minutes, and then dilute with a liter of clean cold water.

After the broth, insist for six hours in a semi-dark and relatively cool (but not too cold) place. Next, strain and mix with a little honey, acidify with lemon juice.

For the treatment of cholecystitis, gallstone disease, and cough

Take 200 milliliters of boiling water and pour them over one tablespoon of pine needles. Boil for 20 minutes. Then strain, refrigerate, and drink at a time.


One large spoonful of pine needles is poured with boiling water, use 250 milliliters. Insist thirty minutes, then strain. Consume a tablespoon four times daily after meals.

Let's restore the liver after a feast

It is necessary to pour 3-3.5 tablespoons of pine needles only with boiling water removed from the stove, boil for thirty minutes. Strain thoroughly and cool almost completely. Take 90-110 milliliters per day. Thus, you will saturate the body with valuable vitamins and restore liver cells.

To cleanse the body of toxins

You need to pour 50 grams of fresh needles with 2 liters of boiling water. Heat a saucepan with the contents over low heat. Add a small spoonful of licorice root and a tablespoon of dry onion skins. Boil for 18 minutes.

Then add 2 large spoons of mashed rose hips. Then remove the boiled broth from the heat, and pour into a thermos. Wrap with a towel and leave for 12 hours. Such a broth should be drunk in 2 days, in the amount of 5 liters. Such a recipe even helps to get rid of radiation and prevent radiation sickness.

Against acne

Grind 2 handfuls of pine needles, and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes. Wash your face with the resulting liquid in the morning and before bedtime. In the summer, you can wash your face as needed. This will help you heal and dry existing acne and prevent new breakouts. And to strengthen the effect, you can drink a decoction to cleanse the liver.

Against hair loss

Pour 15 grams of pine needles with a glass of clean water. Simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Cool and let stand for an hour. Strain. Rub the learned broth into the hair roots. Perform the procedure 3 times a week after shampooing. You do not need to wash off. Hair will strengthen and give off a pleasant scent. It will also help with oily hair.

Pine needle tea - all the benefits and harms

Coniferous tea has earned the popularity of Siberians for its beneficial properties. It helps well against colds and coughs, in the treatment of sclerosis, improves vision, relieves fatigue, treats varicose veins, and treats kidney diseases. It has a positive effect on the entire body, helps to maintain a clear mind and youth.

Collect, rinse, and chop pine needles to prepare. Boil water. Boil the needles, and drink the infusion, such as tea, throughout the day. Helps recover from illness. You can add lemon, honey, or white sugar.

Important! Don't use tea instead of medicine. Do not use for various chronic diseases without first consulting a specialist. And one more important nuance: drinking tea during pregnancy is contraindicated.

Onion husks, rose hips, pine needles - how to cook and use

This is a tea recipe for strengthening the heart and blood vessels.


  • Dry onion husks - 2.5 tablespoons.
  • Peeled pine needles - 4.5 tablespoons.
  • Rosehip berries - 2-3 tablespoons.

Mix the composition with a liter of water, bring to boiling point and boil for 8 minutes. After, the broth should be infused for 12 hours, try to keep warm, wrap the vessel. Drink instead of water during the day for 2 weeks. Then take a break for 30 days, and repeat again.

Reduces the risk of stroke, strengthens blood vessels, treats multiple sclerosis. Effective for hypertension. A week after taking it, the pressure should return to normal. Also, such a decoction is able to cleanse the intestines and liver.

But they will be an excellent cure for coughs, colds, bronchitis and other ailments. We also procure them and use them for treatment.

Pine needles (pine needles) - contraindications and warnings

But, it is worth using folk recipes with caution, since it has a number of contraindications. Use only after consulting a doctor:

  1. Acute hepatitis.
  2. Severe kidney disease.
  3. Heart failure.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Coniferous baths are not recommended for infectious diseases of the skin.
  6. Acute inflammatory processes in the body.
  7. Individual intolerance to any of the chemical components of the needles.

Pine needles are a proven folk remedy that helps to strengthen the body and fight many diseases.

Pine is a tree that absorbs a lot of energy and can transfer it to your body through decoctions. As with the use of any folk remedy, it is worth observing the measure, and listening to the body's reaction. In the presence of serious diseases and the use of drugs, you should consult a doctor about the use of coniferous broths.

Pine needles, as strange as it may sound, is often included in the recipes of traditional medicine. The beneficial properties and contraindications of pine needles were well known to our great-grandmothers, who successfully used this wonderful gift of nature. The needles of conifers were used to compose medicinal ointments, various decoctions and infusions. And even for the manufacture of anti-aging face and hair masks.

In addition, pine needles and bark can be used for soil collected for growing orchids.

Useful properties of pine needles

The composition of the needles includes the following components:

  • phytohormones;
  • vitamins E, PP, as well as representatives of group B;
  • manganese;
  • vitamin C (especially a lot of ascorbic acid needles accumulate in winter);
  • essential oils.

Thanks to such a rich composition, the product has numerous beneficial properties:

  • The presence of essential oils in the needles determines the bactericidal effect.
  • Diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties justify the use of needle-based drugs during ARVI. Well infusions of pine needles help with angina.
  • Pine needles restore the digestive system and are also an excellent diuretic.
  • Pine needles medications are used to treat certain heart conditions.
  • Pine needles are used for problems with night sleep, various stressful conditions. The scent of pine helps to improve the mood.
  • Infusions and decoctions of pine needles eliminate metabolic disorders.

How to harvest pine needles

Pine needles - the product can retain useful properties for a very long time - must be harvested according to certain rules.

  • You can collect needles throughout the year. But they accumulate most of all useful components in the summer.
  • Collecting needles in reserve is not worth it, because with too long storage, most of the useful qualities are lost.
  • For storage, it is advisable to harvest pine branches, since the needles are stored in this form for a long time.
  • You cannot store branches in water. In this case, all vitamins contained in the needles are destroyed.

If, together with the needles, pine buds are harvested, then the beginning of the movement of the juice will be the best period, i.e. earliest spring.

How to make a vitamin drink from pine needles

Cooking a coniferous drink is possible in two ways.

The first will require:

  • chopped pine needles (four glasses);
  • cooled boiled water (half a liter);
  • lemon juice (two small spoons).

You need to connect all the components. If lemon juice is not at hand it turned out that it can be replaced with apple cider vinegar or table vinegar. Pour the composition into a glass jar and put it in a dark place for three days. Filter before use.

Reception scheme - half a glass three times a day. To improve the specific bitter taste, the drink can be sweetened with honey or sugar.

The second method has a simplified cooking formula.

  • On a glass of boiling water, you need to take half a large spoonful of crushed needles and half a small spoonful of citric acid.
  • The composition must be warmed up over low heat for twenty minutes.
  • Let the drink cool and then filter.
  • Before drinking the broth, it must be sweetened. Either honey or sugar can be used here as well.

In total, a glass of such a drink - prepared according to any of the above recipes - will deliver 80% of the daily intake of ascorbic acid to the body.

Coniferous baths

  • osteochondrosis;
  • various types of neuroses;
  • neuralgia;
  • rheumatism;
  • skin pathologies.

Here you need to prepare a coniferous extract.

  1. Take fresh pine branches (if possible, then with young cones) and pour ten liters of water.
  2. Cook the composition for at least half an hour.
  3. After that, close the bucket tightly and leave to infuse for the next twelve hours.

After that, the product can be added to the water. The total bathroom temperature should not exceed +35 degrees. When taking a bath, it is not advisable to submerge completely so that the water covers the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart.

Hot foot bath

Such baths will be effective for various colds.

You need to take a kilogram of pine needles for a bucket of water. Boil the composition and leave for an hour to infuse. Use for foot bath.

Second cooking option:

  • in a bucket of water, you need to take three glasses of finely chopped young pine cones;
  • let it boil and leave for an hour.

Also use for making foot baths.

Traditional medicine recipes

Needles have many useful properties. This is why pine needles are used in many folk recipes.

Pine Needle Tea

The needles can be brewed and drunk like regular tea. Beforehand, they must be thoroughly crushed. A drink made from pine needles helps to strengthen the immune defense, and can also be used as an anti-cold infusion.

For cooking you will need:

  • pour a glass of chopped needles with three glasses of boiling water;
  • let the drink brew for an hour;
  • filter and add a little lemon juice and a (small) spoonful of honey to the infusion.

After that, the drink can be drunk.

Remedy for rheumatism

Needles can be used to treat rheumatism, but the method is quite extreme. To get rid of joint pain, you need to fill the mattress on which the person sleeps with pine needles. Before practicing the traditional method, you must consult with your doctor.

Means for cleansing blood vessels

To cleanse the vessels, you need to prepare the following composition (part - one spoon):

  • combine needles (five parts), rose hips (three parts) and onion peels (two parts);
  • pour a liter of water;
  • cook the mixture at low boil for ten minutes, and then leave under the lid to infuse for half an hour;
  • filter out.

The scheme of reception is half a glass always before meals twice during the day. The recipe is calculated for the preparation of the daily value. Such a composition can be prepared for two days, but in this case, store the product in the refrigerator.

Treatment for iron deficiency anemia

The needles also solve the problem of low hemoglobin. The following tool will help here:

  • pour two large spoons of the product with a glass of boiling water and leave for three hours.

The regimen is fifteen milliliters every two to three hours.

Respiratory Diseases

  • boil half a liter of boiling water and add to it the tops of young pine shoots (a large spoon);
  • insist milk for an hour;
  • filter out.

Before use, heat and drink one hundred and fifty milliliters three times a day.

Means for improving vision

Have to take:

  • pine needles (five large spoons);
  • water (liter).

To prepare a drink, you need to combine the components and boil the composition on low heat for fifteen minutes. It takes twelve hours to infuse. You can take the product without restriction.

Coniferous kvass (vitamin supplier)

Coniferous kvass will be especially useful in winter, when there is an obvious lack of vitamins in the body. It doesn't take long to prepare a drink.

Need to take:

  • pine needles (kilogram);
  • ready-made bread kvass (five liters).

It is necessary to combine the components and leave to infuse for a full day. Then filter the needles and drink kvass as needed, replacing the water.

Antifungal ointment

Pine needles can be used to prepare antifungal agents such as ointments. Here you will need:

  • chopped needles (half a kilogram);
  • butter (two hundred grams).


  1. Place the needles and butter in layers in a glass jar.
  2. Cover the container tightly with foil, put it in the oven (preheat to +100).
  3. Prepare the composition for five to six hours.
  4. After the time has elapsed, remove the jar and pass the contents through several layers of gauze, filtering out all the needles.
  5. Pour the resulting composition into a convenient container and allow to cool completely.

The ointment is ready. The tool needs to treat surfaces damaged by the fungus several times during the day. The drug is quite active and the effect of using the ointment appears quickly.

Treatment of dental diseases

From the needles, you can prepare remedies that help with inflammation of the gum tissue.

  • Take two small spoons of chopped pine needles and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for forty minutes. This composition, when heated, should be used to rinse your mouth after each meal. Store the prepared product in the refrigerator.
  • Twigs of coniferous trees will be useful to chew with periodontal disease. The needles contain many components useful for the gums, which, penetrating into the bloodstream, have a healing effect.

Needles for kidney disease

Needles also help with renal pathologies. To prepare the infusion you will need:

  • onion peel (two large spoons);
  • pine needles (five tablespoons).

Combine the components and pour a liter of boiling water. Cook on low heat for ten minutes. After that, pour the broth into a thermos and leave to infuse overnight. This is the daily norm.

In the treatment of kidney diseases, a course intake of the drug is required. Before using the infusion, you must consult your doctor.

Treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities

You need to pour half a kilogram of chopped needles with boiling water (three hundred milliliters). Mix the needles well to make a green gruel. Use the product as a compress, applying to inflamed surfaces. Hold for fifteen minutes.

The scheme of application is to apply the product every other day. The duration of treatment is two weeks.

Strengthening immune defenses

To prepare a drink you will need:

  • a glass of pine needles (crushed);
  • boiling water (six hundred milliliters).

Pour boiling water over the product and leave to infuse for one hour. Be sure to close the container with a lid. Filter before use, add the juice of half a lemon.

Treatment of liver diseases

A decoction of needles restores the liver well. To prepare the product, you need to pour two to three tablespoons of pine needles with a glass of boiling water. Boil the product for half an hour. After that, the product must be filtered and drunk one hundred milliliters once a day.


Needle infusion is an excellent diuretic. To prepare a drink, pour a large spoonful of pine needles with a glass of boiling water. The tool needs to be insisted for half an hour.

The regimen is four times a day, always after eating. The dose is one large spoon.

The use of needles in cosmetics

Pine needles are widely used in home cosmetology. The product can be incorporated into masks for skin and hair care.

Coniferous hair mask

To prepare the mask, you will need the following ingredients:

  • small needles (two glasses);
  • egg white;
  • cognac (a few drops).


  1. Pour the needles with water and cook for an hour.
  2. After that, let the composition cool and filter.
  3. Add the remaining components to the resulting thickened.

Apply the finished mask to the surface of the hair and leave for forty minutes, warming the hair with a towel. After the allotted time, the hair should be washed off with a regular shampoo. The mask is suitable for dry and brittle hair.

Mask for the care of aging skin

Pine needles can also be used to prepare masks designed to care for aging skin.

  • It is necessary to combine olive oil (twenty milliliters), honey (three large spoons), chopped needles (thirty grams).
  • Combine all components and mix thoroughly, achieving a homogeneous consistency.

The skin of the face must be cleaned of cosmetics and the resulting composition must be applied. We keep the mask for no longer than ten minutes, and then rinse it off under running water.

The recipe "works" perfectly - reviews of women who tested the product confirm this - but using the composition too often is not recommended. The permissible number of applications is twice a month.

Pine needles can be used to scent the indoor air. To do this, you just need to set fire to a few needles, and then extinguish them so that they continue to smoke. A pleasant pine scent enhances the mood.

Contraindications to the use of pine needles

It is nevertheless necessary to use pine needles with caution, since the product can cause significant harm to the human body. Pine needles are prohibited for the following diseases:

  • Acute form of hepatitis. But the chronic course of pathology is resolved by the treatment of needles. With such a diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
  • Severe pathologies of the renal system, in particular, glomerulonephritis. With an uncomplicated course of the disease, pine needles can be used, but only after consultation with the attending doctor.
  • A ban on taking drugs based on needles will be acute heart failure.
  • You can not drink coniferous infusions during the period of bearing a child.

An overdose of a drink is manifested:

  • headaches;
  • inflammation of the stomach lining.

Individual intolerance will also become a contraindication to the use of a coniferous product. In addition, pine pollen often causes the development of allergic rhinitis.