How to cook boiled potatoes in the microwave. Like potatoes in the microwave - recipes for lazy and novice housewives

19.08.2019 Vegetable dishes

Indeed, our modern diet would be greatly impoverished if we were to lose such a wonderful vegetable as potatoes. We know how to make a huge variety of treats out of potatoes; culinary experts from all countries consider it to be the basis of many meat and vegetable dishes. But, potatoes in the microwave are a separate topic, because in addition to the complete safety of all useful substances, the microwave oven copes with the problem in a matter of minutes. Every modern housewife is simply obliged to know how to make potatoes in the microwave.

There are several options for cooking this dish: potatoes in the microwave in bags, potatoes in their uniforms in the microwave, potatoes in pots in the microwave. Such "packing" of tubers allows you to cook potatoes in the microwave in 5 minutes at full power of the oven. This is very convenient, but it doesn't always make sense to cook potatoes in the microwave quickly. Sometimes you need to add a little time, especially if there is meat in the recipe. It takes 20-25 minutes to cook potatoes with meat in the microwave, but even here a lot depends on the power of your oven. A little faster will turn out chicken and potatoes in the microwave, thanks to the softer and more tender poultry meat.

Such dishes are useful for those who strictly adhere to a diet. The use of fats in the microwave is minimal. Even microwave fries can be made with little or no oil. The most useful is baked potatoes in the microwave; they can be served both as a side dish and as a main course. All microwave devices in their instructions describe in detail how to bake potatoes in the microwave or how to boil potatoes in the microwave. But these are general recommendations, and if you want to cook a masterpiece, use the recipes on our website. Potatoes in the microwave, recipes for which are on the site, turn out to be very appetizing and tasty. You can choose your favorite dish from the photo. The potato in the microwave, the photo of which you have chosen, will surely become a regular guest on your table.

Therefore, the main advice for a novice cook: you liked the idea of \u200b\u200bcooking potatoes in the microwave, recipes with photos should become your main tool at the initial stage. Then the process of baking potatoes in the microwave will bring you joy and satisfaction.

A few tips for storing and working with potatoes, incl. how to cook potatoes in the microwave:

Store potatoes in a cool and dark place, not in the refrigerator. In potatoes exposed to light, the content of harmful substances increases;

Peeled potatoes will not darken when placed in cold water. But a long stay in cold water of potatoes will wash out the starch and worsen its taste;

It is better to discard greened potato tubers, because poisonous substances began to form in them under the influence of light;

Use microwave ovens correctly. You cannot put metal in them, only containers made of special glass;

Microwaved potatoes cook more slowly than other vegetables, so cut them into equal pieces or slices;

As a guide, you can take the following calculation: for half a kilogram of potatoes with an oven power of 900 watts, it will take about 8 minutes. It is necessary to check the readiness, and, if necessary, add time;

So that the chopped potatoes are not too dry, you need to use a sleeve, and add a little water to it;

The sleeve needs to be pierced in several places;

Young potatoes are cooked whole;

You can add a little garlic or chopped onions to the potatoes on a platter or into the sleeve.

After all, it is customary to cook such a vegetable either on the stove or in the oven. However, there are many recipes for delicious dishes that involve the use of a microwave oven.

In this article, we will present you with several ways of how to bake potatoes in the microwave. Using them, you can quickly and easily prepare a tasty and satisfying side dish, as well as a complete main course.

A simple recipe in the microwave

The most common option for preparing a side dish in a microwave oven is jacket potatoes. For such a dish we need:

  • small table salt - ½ dessert spoon;
  • sunflower oil without aroma - 100 ml;
  • large sweet onion - 1 head;
  • medium potatoes - 3-4 pcs.

Preparing vegetables for baking

In order to quickly and tasty bake potatoes in the microwave, the tubers should be properly processed. First, they are washed with a brush, and then several through punctures are made with a thin knife or fork. After that, the tubers are wrapped in paper towels thoroughly soaked in plain water. This is done so that the potatoes are baked well in the shortest possible time.

Cooking process

How to quickly and tasty bake potatoes in the microwave? The cooking time for such a side dish is 15-17 minutes.

After the tubers are laid out in damp paper towels, they are placed in not very deep plates with a little water. Then the vegetables are straightened. At maximum power, the tubers are cooked until completely soft. In this case, the potatoes are regularly turned over.

How to serve properly?

While the potatoes are baking in the microwave oven, you can start preparing a special dressing. To make it, onions are peeled and then chopped into rings. After that, it is laid out in a deep bowl, salted and flavored with sunflower oil.

Having cooked potatoes in their uniforms, they are taken out of the microwave, and then carefully taken out of paper napkins. In this form, vegetables are presented to the table along with salt and onions.

Delicious and aromatic baked potatoes in the microwave

The grill is rarely used for such a dish. In addition, not all brands of microwave ovens have a similar function. In this regard, we decided to do without it.

So, for cooking in a rustic way we need:

We prepare the ingredients

Now you know how much time to bake potatoes in the microwave. However, this information is not enough to make a really delicious and satisfying dish. In this regard, we suggest using this recipe.

Before baking potatoes, they should be well processed. To do this, the oblong tubers are thoroughly washed, peeled, and then cut into slices. Then they are laid out in a large bowl, seasoned with tomato paste, dried dill, sweet paprika, black pepper and basil. All the ingredients are mixed well by hand and put into the culinary sleeve.

Heat treatment process

After filling the culinary sleeve, it is tied and sent to the microwave oven. The potatoes are cooked for 18 minutes at the maximum power of the device.

Serving a side dish for dinner

Having cooked delicious potatoes with spices in the culinary sleeve, they are carefully removed and placed in a common plate. The garnish is sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs on top and served with sour cream and meat.

Cooking "Crumb Potatoes" in the microwave

How to bake potatoes in the microwave with bacon and cheese? To do this, you must use the following products:

  • small table salt - ½ dessert spoon;
  • dried dill, sweet paprika, black pepper, basil - apply to taste;
  • tomato paste - ½ dessert spoon;
  • aromatic pork bacon - 3-4 slices;
  • russian hard cheese - 3-4 plastic;
  • mayonnaise is not very fatty - 200 g;
  • medium oblong potatoes - 3-4 pcs.

We form the dish

For the preparation of "Crumbs-potatoes" oblong tubers are used. They are washed well, peeled, and then cut into an accordion. Slices of bacon and cheese are placed between the petals. After that, each piece is placed in a baking bag and poured with a mixture of low-fat mayonnaise, tomato paste, table salt, dried dill, sweet paprika and basil. At the end, all the potatoes are tied well.

We bake the dish in the microwave

Having formed the "Little Potato", it is placed in a microwave oven. The dish is baked at maximum power for 16-18 minutes. Periodically, the products are turned over.

Serving a delicious potato dish to the table

Now you know how to bake potatoes in the microwave. Once the vegetables are tender, they are taken out of the sleeve and carefully laid out on a plate. After sprinkling the "Kroshka-potato" with fresh herbs, the dish is served with a slice of bread and homemade pickles. If desired, the potatoes can be seasoned with a little sour cream.

Let's sum up

As you can see, it is quite possible to cook potatoes in the microwave. The main thing is to comply with all the requirements of the recipes that were presented above. Enjoy your meal!

Over the past few years, many helpers have appeared in the kitchen for housewives who are ready to facilitate and speed up cooking in every possible way. These are multi-cookers, bread makers, air grills, blenders, mixers, food processors, ice cream makers, microwave ovens.

The latter are used by many exclusively for heating ready-made meals or for defrosting meat and fish. But it turns out that the technical capabilities of this gadget are much wider and with its help you can cook full-fledged meals. For example, potatoes.

There are many ways to heat potatoes that are used in various dishes. Perhaps most often potatoes are boiled. What could be easier than washing the tubers, putting them in a saucepan, adding water, bringing to a boil and cooking for 20 minutes (depending on size) until tender? It's easier just to boil potatoes in the microwave.

Even the simplest device with a basic set of functions can handle such a cooking process. In any microwave oven, you can cook potatoes, cooked in pieces, in a uniform, in a bag, and potatoes with herbs and spices.

Benefits of boiling potatoes in the microwave

Before moving on to the recipes, it is worthwhile to separately dwell on the advantages of this cooking method. Such potatoes are in no way inferior in taste to those boiled in the traditional way, but it takes much less time and water to cook them. By the way, in the microwave you can cook not only potatoes, but also carrots, beets and even cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls.

Returning to the taste of potatoes cooked in the microwave oven, it should be said that they always turn out crumbly and dry, very similar to baked ones. It does not have the wateriness of tubers boiled in a pot of water on the stove.

Another method of cooking will help protect your body from getting corned beef (a poisonous glycoside that is found in green tubers) into it. If a root vegetable that has turned green under the skin is boiled in water, then the color will pass into the water, making it slightly cloudy, and harmful substances will remain in the vegetable.

A person, not noticing this, can eat such potatoes, adding work to his liver. And with potatoes cooked in the microwave, this will not happen.

How to cook potatoes in the microwave

Such potatoes can be used as an independent dish, it is enough just to pour a tablespoon of melted butter over it and sprinkle with herbs, or it can act as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

In order to cook potatoes in a microwave oven, you need to adhere to certain proportions:

  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 8 tablespoons of salted water.

Cooking time, taking into account the preparation of potatoes, no more than 12 minutes.

Caloric content: 70 kcal / 100 grams.

Cooking steps:

How to quickly cook potatoes in the microwave in a bag

If you don't have a glass pan at hand, an ordinary plastic bag or a baking hand will help out.

To cook potatoes in this way you will need:

  • 1 plastic bag or baking sleeve;
  • 500 grams of potatoes;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

The cooking time will be about 10 minutes.

The calorie content of finished potatoes is 82 kcal / 100 grams.


How to cook potatoes in the microwave in their uniform

Jacket potatoes are often used to prepare various salads. And this way of cooking it will help to significantly reduce the total cooking time.

Ingredients you need:

  • from 1 potato to 600-800 grams;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking time 10-15 minutes.

Calorie content of the dish: 74 kcal / 100 grams.


How to cook potatoes with spices in the microwave

If in the process of cooking boiled potatoes you add your favorite spices to it, then the dish will get its new unique taste. To cook spiced potatoes in the microwave you will need:

  • about 400 grams of potatoes;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • salt, freshly ground pepper mixture, dry herbs (for example, Provence) to taste.

Cooking time: 15 minutes in the microwave and the potatoes are ready.

Caloric content: about 90 kcal / 100 grams.

Sequence of processes:

Cooking any dish, not only potatoes, has its own characteristics that must be taken into account.

The first thing to look out for is the dishes. Do not cook in a microwave oven in metal or shiny dishes. Therefore, even a glass lid with a metal rim will not work. Dishes should be ceramic, glass or high quality plastic.

If there is no suitable lid to cover the potatoes, you can use regular cling film. To do this, wrap the container on top with foil and make several small punctures for the steam.

The time it takes to cook potatoes depends on two main factors: the power of the oven and which potatoes are cooked (old or young). The microwave power can range from 600 to 800 watts. Under these conditions, young tubers are cooked from 5 to 9 minutes, old ones - from 9 to 12 minutes.

The size of the potatoes also affects the cooking time. To speed up the cooking process, you can simply cut the vegetables into smaller pieces.

Each housewife can improve any of the above recipes and add her own "flavor" to it. For example, adding your favorite spices, grated cheese, or serving a ready-made dish with sauce, ketchup, sour cream and chopped herbs.

Happy culinary experiments and bon appetit!

The next video is another recipe for cooking potatoes in the microwave.

Potatoes are one of the most popular food products in the world, and they are especially recognized in Eastern Europe. And this is quite justified, because its tubers are unusually tasty, inexpensive, and there are about a thousand ways to prepare them. Various mashed potatoes, potato pancakes and even dough are prepared from potatoes, fried, boiled and baked. In most cases, potato dishes take a long time to cook, but, fortunately, modern household appliances can significantly speed up this process.

This is a microwave oven. With its help, you can cook your favorite baked potatoes several times faster.

Surely you have ever used a sleeve or baking bags and ready-made mixtures of seasonings and spices that come with them. So potatoes in the microwave in a plastic bag are prepared according to a similar principle - the baked product (in our case, potatoes) is folded into a bag, spices are poured there, after which the filled bag is sent for baking. Everything is simple, but with a microwave it is also as fast as possible. A full potato lunch will be ready in just 10-15 minutes. And most importantly, anyone who has a microwave oven can use this method of cooking potatoes, even if it is already "aged" and not as functional as modern models! In general, potatoes in the microwave in a plastic bag are an ideal way to satisfyingly and tasty feed the whole family in 15 minutes. Be sure to try!

Taste Info Potato second courses


  • fresh potatoes - 500-700 g;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • seasonings and spices - at your discretion and to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l .;
  • regular cellophane bag - 1 pc.

How to cook baked potatoes in the microwave in a plastic bag

The process is actually very simple. Wash the potatoes thoroughly, cut off the peel with a thin tape, cut out all the wormholes. Rinse the tubers once more and cut them into pieces of the desired size - larger or smaller, as you like more. The main thing to consider is that the finer the potatoes are cut, the faster they will come to readiness.

Now we take a plastic bag and put all the potatoes in it.

Salt and selected seasonings / spices are poured into the bag. You can take any seasonings, this is a matter of personal culinary preferences. This variant uses: a mixture of spices for potatoes, dried parsley and a mixture of peppers.

Shook - and pierce the package with a knife in several places, 3-4 "pricks" will be enough. Now the potatoes are ready to go into the microwave. Basically, you can put the filled bag directly on the glass microwave tray; nothing will be done with the bag. But it will be easier and faster to take out the finished potatoes if you put the bag in a heat-resistant mold or at least on a regular plate.

We close the microwave, turn it on at maximum power and set the oven operating time to 10-15 minutes. - depending on the power of your micro and the size of the potato slices. It is better not to set the timer for a longer time, as the potatoes can turn out to be dry and "shrink".

After the signal, carefully take out the finished potatoes and carefully cut the bag. You can pierce a couple of potato wedges to make sure everything is cooked through.

Done! We lay out the potatoes on plates and serve. If desired, when serving, you can season the potatoes with butter or vegetable oil. Enjoy your meal!

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Jacket potatoes in the microwave

Jacket potatoes are a very aromatic dish. In addition, it is much more useful, because the peel contains vitamins and minerals that are not destroyed even during heat treatment. Using a microwave oven and a regular plastic bag, you can cook this healthy dish in just 5-8 minutes.


  • potatoes;
  • spices to taste;
  • tight package.


  1. Wash tubers thoroughly. You can use a brush to clean the peel well of all dirt. Dry the potatoes with a towel.
  2. Chop each tuber with a toothpick or fork.
  3. Place potatoes in a bag, add spices to taste.
  4. Tie the bag and shake it several times to mix the tubers with spices. Then place it in the oven and bake for 5-8 minutes at 600 W. The exact cooking time depends on the size of the tubers and their number. When the bag is swollen, the potatoes are ready.

Tip: When baking potatoes in the microwave in a bag, you need to take precautions, as the hot steam generated in the bag can cause burns.

Potatoes with bacon in the microwave

You can bake potatoes in the microwave in a bag not only separately, but also together with bacon. Such potatoes may well pretend to be a full-fledged lunch or dinner, as well as be a fragrant side dish for meat and mushroom dishes. The recipe can help out in case of unexpected guests, because it requires affordable products that are always available in almost every home. In addition, it will take no more than 15 minutes to prepare it.


  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • lard - 80-100 g;
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves (optional);
  • onion - 1 small onion (optional);
  • salt and spices to taste.

In addition to the indicated ingredients, in this recipe you can use fresh or dried herbs, a little bell pepper (you cannot put a lot, as it will give excess moisture, which will cause the potatoes to be boiled, not baked), chopped smoked meats, champignon slices and everything that fantasy will tell. When choosing additional ingredients, it is important to consider only the cooking time - it should be approximately the same as that of potatoes.


  1. Peel the potatoes, wash thoroughly and cut into slices.
  2. Cut the bacon into thin slices.
  3. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings.
  4. Peel the garlic, finely grate or chop with a garlic press.
  5. Place all ingredients in a tight plastic bag or baking sleeve, add salt, oil and spices.
  6. Tie the bag tightly and shake it several times to mix the ingredients.
  7. Place the tied bag in the microwave and bake for 7-8 minutes at maximum power.

Tip: For baking with potatoes, choose good, fresh bacon that does not have an unpleasant odor. Otherwise, all potatoes will be hopelessly spoiled.


  • You can use the baking sleeve to bake potatoes in the microwave. Any plastic bag will work as well. The main thing is that it should be clean, not damaged and dense enough.
  • Potatoes should be baked in the microwave at high power - at least 600 W.
  • The potatoes are ready when the bag is inflated to its limit. In order to make sure it is ready, pierce the tuber with a toothpick or fork.
  • It is better to choose potatoes of the same size and variety, then they will cook at the same time.
  • When opening a bag of baked potatoes, you need to be extremely careful - very hot steam will come out of it, which can cause serious burns.

Microwaved potatoes in a plastic bag are very easy and quick to cook - several times faster than, for example, in the oven. There are many variations of this dish. You can bake unpeeled tubers - "in their uniforms", you can peel potatoes and bake them whole or cut them, add all kinds of ingredients, from onions to lard or mushrooms.

A useful electrical appliance in the kitchen, even with a minimal set of functions, will allow you to prepare a delicious side dish. Baked potatoes, fried, boiled, or fries are a selection of dishes that are quick and easy to prepare. With step-by-step recipes, there is no reason to doubt success, so all that remains is to choose the right foods and start cooking.

How to cook potatoes in the microwave

The minimum cooking time, a delicious vegetable side dish for a meat dish, several ready-made options - this makes boiled potatoes such a popular meal. Microwaving potatoes can significantly reduce the time spent with traditional cooking. It turns out especially delicious if you cook a vegetable with sunflower oil using a plastic bag. How to cook boiled potatoes in the microwave? Select the power and set the time: for 550 W, 12 minutes are enough, for 850 W - 8.


  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • hot water - 100 ml;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking a vegetable dish:

  1. Wash small-sized fruits, remove the peel, then cut into circles, slices or quarters.
  2. Spread the chopped vegetables evenly on the bottom of a flat dish, pouring hot water over them and season with salt. You can lay out the cut tubers so that you get several layers, and each layer must be watered with water. If you cook vegetables using a plastic bag, then you must first make several punctures with a toothpick.
  3. Close the container with a lid with holes, set the time to no more than 10 minutes. Check readiness, and if necessary add another 3 minutes.
  4. It is recommended to serve ready-made vegetable garnish to the table with butter, herbs, or combine it with cheese, mushrooms, chicken.

How to bake potatoes in the microwave

If you have a desire to make chops or fry cutlets, then baked potatoes in the microwave are ideal for a side dish. By the time the meat is ready, the baking of vegetables has already been completed, because according to this recipe you will have to cook no more than a quarter of an hour. You can bake the fruits cut into slices in a rustic way, with a peel, then a delicious crispy crust is formed. Another option, how to cook potatoes in the microwave, is to bake with filling using mushrooms or sauce with sour cream, cheese, herbs.


  • potatoes - 500-600 grams;
  • sour cream - 50 ml;
  • greens - half a bunch.


  1. The tubers are washed thoroughly if cooked with the peel, or must be peeled completely - either option is suitable for baking. Then they are cut in half, the halves are oiled or recesses are made for the filling.
  2. Make a sauce by mixing sour cream with chopped herbs, stuff the halves prepared in advance.
  3. The baking time can vary from 8 to 15 minutes, the readiness of the vegetables is checked with a knife or fork: if the vegetables are soft, a delicious side dish can be served to the table, sprinkled with sour cream sauce with herbs or with it.

Jacket potatoes

Want to quickly prepare a delicious second? Then choose this method, which will replace a grill or a fire, moreover, you will have to tinker less. How to make potatoes in the microwave? There is no need to peel the fruits, which significantly reduces the cooking time, but if you make a sauce or cuts, where you put mushrooms, mayonnaise or butter, you will get an independent vegetable side dish. By varying the filling options, you can choose a cooking method that is suitable for fast days or a diet, because the microwave oven helps to preserve the maximum of nutrients.


  • potatoes - 7-8 pcs.;
  • filling (mushrooms, cheese, bacon, mayonnaise, etc.) - 100-150 g;
  • salt, herbs, oil - to taste.


  1. Each fruit must be thoroughly washed, then dried by wiping with a towel.
  2. Set the maximum power mode, bake for about 10 minutes.
  3. Remove from the microwave oven, make cuts to put the chopped filling inside: butter, cheese, bacon or other.
  4. Bring to readiness, keeping for another 5 minutes. Like the country-style dish, vegetables prepared according to this recipe are served with herbs.

French fries in the microwave

Tasty, and not as high in calories as traditional frying - these are the advantages of fries cooked using a microwave oven. You can buy a frozen convenience food that will shorten the cooking time, or you can gently chop fresh fruits. The secret of convenient cooking will be revealed by a special heat-resistant form, which is a mesh, like a honeycomb. By filling each hole with chopped straws, you will be able to make fries that are not inferior in appearance and taste to what is prepared in the traditional way.

Grocery list:

  • potatoes (fresh, frozen) - 0.5 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.


  1. Before you cook potatoes in the microwave, you do not need to defrost the semi-finished product, but cut the fresh tubers into strips.
  2. Fill the form with chopped vegetables or spread them in one layer on a flat plate, spreading out foil beforehand. It is advisable to make sure that the potato strips do not touch each other. Then grease the workpiece with oil, salt, and, if desired, add a piquant taste, sprinkle with spices.
  3. To fry fries, you must set the maximum power and wait 7 minutes.