How is cranberry juice useful? Helpful hints.

17.08.2019 Vegetable dishes

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of cranberry juice nowadays, since it has not only a refreshing effect on the human body, but can also completely replace coffee, water or tea. It helps with colds, the treatment of kidney disease, vitamin deficiency, rheumatism, it is simply irreplaceable for headaches. Also, numerous studies by leading experts have proven that cranberries, moreover, kill bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.

What are the restrictions? However, there are some restrictions on the use of cranberry juice. For example, if you suffer from a stomach ailment, you need to be extra careful with cranberry juice, as it can aggravate gastritis and increase acidity.

Cranberry juice supports the growth of beneficial bacteria in the body and increases brain activity, as a result of which fruit juice is used as a tonic. Only 2-3 glasses of cranberry juice a day, and your efficiency will increase and your mood will improve!

Vitamins and micro- macroelements.All the properties that cranberries have are fully preserved in cranberry juice and juice. Fresh juice has bactericidal action and is used for effective cleansing of purulent wounds, healing, etc. Also, the cranberry berry contains phosphorus, potassium, iron and flavonoids, vitamins PP, C, B1, B2 and provitamin A. All these substances and trace elements effectively help cleanse the blood, and also have the ability to expel toxins from the body, fight anemia, improve digestion and strengthens the immune system.

Some traditional healers did not know this composition of the berry, however, in practice, they determined its benefits. Perhaps that is why not only the berries themselves and the juice from them are used in medicine, but also cranberry juice.

For example, cranberries and derivatives from it are prescribed for autumn and spring beriberi, hypertension, inflammatory gynecological diseases. It is extremely useful to make fruit drinks with the addition of honey. It is also useful to drink fruit drinks in case of a fever, since it helps to relieve heat and perfectly quenches thirst.

Cranberry juice for ielonephritis.With pyelonephritis - an inflammatory kidney disease, which is not so rare in our time, fruit drink, which has a bactericidal effect, will bring tangible benefits to you. The causative agent of the disease is suppressed by the benzoic acid contained in cranberries, which in the body turns into the super-useful hippuric acid. This acid is able to increase the effect of antibacterial drugs that are used in the treatment of pyelonephritis several times. Make this delicious drink with your own hands. Believe me, it's not so difficult, but very tasty and healthy!

Since ancient times, people have known about the life-giving drink - cranberry juice. The benefits and harms of sour berries have long been known to traditional healers and have been studied by modern specialists.


Return mentally to childhood. What did your mother give you to drink at a temperature? That's right, sour cranberry compote. The beneficial properties of cranberry juice have been well studied. We will tell you what healing effect a wonderful drink has on the human body.

  • When the body temperature rises, cranberry juice miraculously refreshes, relieves thirst, most importantly, it helps to reduce the temperature. It tastes good, even small children drink it with pleasure.
  • The antitumor effect of cranberry juice was noted due to the presence of polyphenol, salicylic acid and proanthocyanidins in it. The systematic use of drinking from cranberries prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, reduces the risk of oncology in such organs as the lungs, mammary gland, prostate, and colon.
  • The ability to reduce the concentration of "bad" cholesterol in the body, dissolve plaques and calcium deposits that have already appeared on the walls of blood vessels, increase the elasticity, strength and permeability of blood vessels to a sour drink is given by the flavonoids present in it. With their help, the likelihood of the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, varicose veins is reduced, and the cure of existing pathologies is facilitated.
  • The anti-inflammatory qualities of fruit drink are successfully combined with antiviral ones. This makes it possible to use the drink in the treatment of influenza, colds, respiratory diseases caused by viral infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis media, tonsillitis. The non-dialyzable material (NDM) found in cranberries makes it difficult for viruses to enter the human body, which makes it possible to use the drink as a protective agent during epidemics of influenza and SARS.
  • To improve the functioning of brain cells and prevent their destruction, preserve excellent memory and coordinated coordination of movements, special substances found in cranberry juice - phytonutrients - will help.
  • A freshly prepared drink will come to the rescue for joint diseases and salt deposition. It must be drunk warm.
  • The guipure acid found in the cranberry drink will help with gynecological problems and kidney diseases, pyelonephritis.
  • If the doctor has prescribed antibiotics, it is worth considering the tendency of fruit drinks to enhance their therapeutic effect.
  • Promotes liver health. A special organic substance found in cranberries - betaine - protects against fatty hepatosis.
  • Cranberry juice helps to sanitize the oral cavity, works as a remedy against the development of caries, periodontal disease and periodontitis.
  • The composition of cranberry juice contains quite a lot of potassium and organic acids that break down fat deposits. This makes it possible to include a pleasant drink in the complex of measures for weight loss, for the treatment of hormonal imbalance.
  • The undoubted benefits of medicinal drinking for the digestive system, with indigestion, low acidity, pancreatitis, and stomach ulcers have been proven.
  • For diseases of the bladder and urinary tract caused by pathogenic microorganisms, cranberry drink is also indicated. Relief comes thanks to the strongest antioxidants found in berries.
  • The benefits of cranberry juice are great for women, especially from forty years old and above. Its systematic use will enrich the body with vitamins and minerals, help prevent infections of the genitourinary system, cystitis, and accelerate recovery after operations, including gynecological ones.
  • For men who pay sufficient attention to health, fruit drink with characteristic antibacterial qualities will help prevent inflammation of the prostate gland and the development of bacterial prostatitis.
  • The cranberry drink has also shown itself to be a powerful anti-aging agent. The antioxidants in its composition fight free radicals and protect cells from destruction. Regular intake of a drink, 1 - 2 glasses a day, improves the condition of the skin, prevents its premature withering, the formation of wrinkles, age spots.
  • In winter, diluted cranberry juice is an excellent remedy for vitamin deficiency and bleeding gums.
  • Vitamins, pectin substances, organic acids, which are abundant in cranberry juice, will help to cope with insomnia, headache, loss of appetite.
  • Increases immunity.
  • It is used as a tonic for any exertion, both physical and mental.


No matter how useful and attractive a cranberry drink was in terms of its healing effect, there are a number of contraindications and restrictions on its intake.

  1. With gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcers, nutritionists do not advise drinking an acidic drink, so as not to get complications in the form of heartburn, irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.
  2. If you are allergic to cranberry components, fruit drink is completely prohibited.
  3. With caution, you need to drink diluted juice with hypotension, because it can further reduce blood pressure.
  4. The acids present in cranberries have a destructive effect on tooth enamel. Therefore, it is better to enjoy the fruit drink through a straw or rinse your mouth thoroughly after each drink.

Calorie content

The calorie content of cranberry juice depends on whether sugar is added to it or not. Without additional sweetening, the calorie content in the fruit drink is only 3.4 kilocalories per 100 g. With sugar, the calorie content in the product increases - 27, 69 kilocalories per 100 g.

Diet properties

The presence of vitamins and minerals most important for humans, as well as low calorie content, determines the dietary properties of the product. Those wishing to lose weight are allowed to include unsweetened cranberry juice in their diet, based on the following facts:

  • A weak diuretic effect will remove unnecessary fluid from the body and eliminate swelling.
  • The presence of pectins enhances the feeling of satiety, regulates the intestines.
  • Low in calories.
  • The fiber in cranberries effectively cleanses the intestines of toxins, toxins, and tannins restore the correct metabolism.

Nutritionists suggest drinking cranberry juice before each meal, or at least before breakfast, then its effect is more productive.


Taking a healing drink on an empty stomach is contraindicated for patients with gastritis, stomach ulcers. The acids in cranberries can irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum and lead to heartburn and other unwanted complications.

People who are prone to allergies also need to exercise caution. Certain substances that make up the berries can cause a relapse of the disease.

Be careful if your doctor has prescribed antibiotics - fruit drink increases the intensity of their effect.

A tasty drink is required to be excluded from the diet of people receiving blood-thinning drugs. The flavonoids it contains have the effect of thinning the blood.

Is it possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Cranberry-based products can be included in the mom's diet during the entire period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. This will benefit both mom and baby.

  1. Cranberry flavonoids increase blood circulation between the uterus and the placenta, which improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrition to the baby growing inside the mother.
  2. The high iron content will help to increase the hemoglobin content in the blood.
  3. Sour drink will help with toxicosis, reduce swelling of the legs, strengthen resistance to disease.
  4. During the carrying of a child in women, the load on the kidneys increases. A healing drink will relieve inflammation, remove protein from urine, and reduce the amount of leukocytes to normal.
  5. The use of fruit drink in the postpartum period will allow a woman to get stronger, restore the body's defenses and quickly return to normal.
  6. Cranberry juice is known as a milk-producing agent that enhances lactation.

However, with all the positive qualities of fruit drink, do not forget about the possible allergy to the components of cranberries and use the drink with caution, in small doses.

Nutritional and energy value

The effectiveness of cranberry and its products as a remedy stems from its vitamin and mineral composition. This can be clearly seen in the following tables:

Energy and nutritional value of cranberry fruit drink with and without sugar

Content in 100 g of product, g % of the daily value
Cranberry juice with sugar Sugar-free cranberry juice Cranberry juice with sugar Sugar-free cranberry juice
Calories 49 kcal 3,4 3,45 0,3
Protein 0,05 0,01 0 0
Fats 0,03 0 0 0
Carbohydrates 12,3 0,9 9,54 0,7

Vitamin and mineral composition:

Vitamin or mineral name Content in 100 g of product, mg
Vitamin A (Retinol) 0,01
Vitamin PP (niacin equivalent) 0,02
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0,002
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 0,002
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 0,5
Vitamin E (Tocopherol) 0,08
Iron (Fe) 0,07
Manganese (Mn) 0,0573
Phosphorus (P) 1,4
Potassium (K) 6,9
Sodium (Na) 0,7
Magnesium (Mg) 0,6
Calcium (Ca) 3,7

How to use

Cranberry juice can be bought at any grocery store. But due to the presence of sugar, flavors, preservatives and dyes in it, you will definitely not see tangible benefits, but you can harm yourself. Therefore, the most optimal solution is to make fruit drinks ourselves. This is easy to do, you just have to have fresh or frozen berries.

  1. Grind the washed berries with a wooden crush and squeeze the juice out of them using cheesecloth.
  2. Place the extracts in an enamel saucepan, add water, bring to a boil, strain.
  3. Add sugar or honey to taste, stir well until completely dissolved. Chill the drink.
  4. Pour squeezed juice into the cooled broth, mix. Morse is ready, you can drink.
  5. Only utensils that are not subject to oxidation are suitable for making a drink.


The prepared fruit drink should be cooled and stored in a cool place (refrigerator). Storage time - no longer than three days. After three days, the drink loses its healing properties and becomes unusable.

Look for the date of manufacture and shelf life on the packaging of the fruit drink bought in the store. Do not use the product after the expiration date.

How to choose

If you have no time to make a drink at home, you can buy ready-made fruit drink in a hypermarket.

Examine the ingredients on the packaging. The natural drink contains no chemical flavors, dyes, preservatives, and the content of cranberry juice is at least 15% by volume.

The shelf life of the product after opening the package at a temperature of + 4 ... + 5 degrees is a day, at room temperature - 12 hours. Fermented fruit drinks cannot be used.

What can be combined with

The added berries (currants, lingonberries, blueberries, sea buckthorn, rose hips, raspberries, blackberries), fruits and dried fruits (apples, pears, persimmons, quince, pineapples, mangoes, citrus fruits, dried apricots), honey like sugar substitute. Tasty additives will enrich the drink with additional vitamins, micro- and macroelements, diversify the daily menu.

Cranberry juice is a great opportunity to enrich your diet with a delicious vitamin drink. Which, moreover, will improve health, strengthen the body's defenses, will serve as an excellent preservative against various infections and colds.

Morse (Art. Russian. moorsa - water with honey) is a soft drink, in most cases non-alcoholic, based on fruit and berry juice, water and sugar or honey. Also, for piquancy and additional aroma, you can add citrus fruit zest, spices (cinnamon, cloves, coriander) and herbal tinctures (St. John's wort, sage, mint, lemon balm and others) to the fruit drink.

Morse refers to the ancient drinks that were prepared in Russia. Mostly wild berries were used as ingredients: lingonberries, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, barberries, rose hips, viburnum and others. In addition to berry fruit drinks, they also prepared vegetable ones - from beets, carrots, pumpkins.

Fruit drinks can be prepared by yourself or bought at the store.

In the process of making fruit drink at home, you should use certain rules:

  • use only boiled water - this will not allow foam to form on the surface of the fruit drink. It is also best to use still mineral water from artesian springs;
  • use dishes that do not oxidize;
  • to juice fruits and berries, use a manual or electric juicer. Before using it, you should check that there are no contaminants left on the internal parts of the machine from past use - this can significantly affect the taste of the drink and its shelf life;
  • before adding sugar, it must be diluted in hot water, and after cooling down, add it to the drink.

Factory fruit drinks are less useful than homemade ones, because in the course of preparation, it undergoes a sterilization stage (120-140 ° C). This destroys more natural vitamins. Manufacturers make up for this loss of nutrients with synthetic vitamins.

Home-made fruit drink is served in a jug chilled with ice cubes, a slice of lemon or orange. It is necessary to store the drink in a cool place or on the refrigerator door, but no more than a day, otherwise the fruit drink begins to lose its useful properties and disappear. Children can be given fruit drinks from 6 months, but only from those products that do not cause allergies, and no more than 100 g per day.

Useful properties of fruit drink

Warm fruit drink is a good preventive measure for colds during the cold season. Morse, to which medicinal herbs are added, for example, plantain, elderberry, nettle, has anti-cold and immunomodulatory effects. Fruit drinks contain all the vitamins present in berries (, group B,, PP,,) trace elements (potassium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, copper, barium, etc.), pectin and organic acids (citric, benzoic, malic, wine, vinegar).

The most useful are fruit drinks made from cranberries, raspberries, lingonberries, black currants and blueberries. They have a tonic, strengthening effect on the body, give energy and help fight respiratory diseases. Lingonberry juice stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and improves appetite. Cranberry juice reduces the temperature, helps in the treatment of diseases of the throat and lungs (acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, bronchitis), the genitourinary system, with hypertension, anemia and atherosclerosis, is indicated for women during pregnancy, especially in winter and in the 2-3 trimester. The blueberry and blackberry drink improves eyesight, normalizes the digestive tract, and soothes the nervous system. Blackcurrant juice normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and is a good anti-inflammatory agent.

To prepare 1.5 liters of fruit drink, you need to use 200 g of berries and 150 g of sugar. The berries must be washed in cold water, sorted out and poured into boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes over low heat, discard in a colander and squeeze out the juice. Mix the juice with the broth, add sugar and spices. Bring the drink to a boil. Vegetable fruit drinks are prepared in the same way. Only at first they squeeze the juice from them, and boil the cake. For the best absorption of nutrients, fruit drinks should be drunk 30-40 minutes before meals with normal stomach acidity and 20-30 minutes - with increased.

Cranberries (translated from Greek as "sour berry") are the most valuable red berries, the diameter of which can reach 16 mm. Most often found in the swamps of the Northern Hemisphere. It has long been used to treat various diseases, to normalize metabolism. Most often, fruit drink is prepared from it - a drink that gives strength and health.

The benefits of cranberry juice

Among the variety of wild and garden plants, cranberries take pride of place. The presence of a rich vitamin complex makes it an irreplaceable medicinal plant and an important food product. Cranberry juice helps to increase the overall tone of the body, helping it fight infections.

Cranberry juice is useful for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Infectious diseases of the urinary tract. The high level of minerals in the drink, which are the strongest antioxidants, slow down the attachment of bacteria to the walls of the bladder, thereby preventing the development of possible infections.
  2. Stomach ulcer. Cranberry juice contains betaine, a biologically active compound that destroys bacteria that destroy the protective mucous membrane of the stomach.
  3. Viral infections. The cranberry drink has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. In addition, it helps to neutralize bacteria that provoke sore throat, otitis media and respiratory diseases.
  4. Cardiovascular diseases. Polyphenols contained in cranberries normalize blood cholesterol levels and improve the functioning of the heart muscle. Thus, the risk of developing atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and stroke is significantly reduced.
  5. Pyelonephritis and gynecological diseases. Cranberry juice is prescribed during the treatment of this disease. Guipure acid, contained in cranberries, enhances the effect of sulfa drugs and antibiotics on pathogenic microorganisms.
  6. Hypertension, varicose veins and edema. The flavonoids contained in the berry increase the elasticity and strength of the blood capillaries, increase the absorption of vitamin C in the body.
  7. Rheumatism and excretion of salts. Warm cranberry juice has a positive effect in the treatment of these types of diseases.
  8. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Cranberry juice enhances the production of gastric and pancreatic juice. It is used to prevent diarrhea, gastritis associated with low acidity of the stomach, inflammation of the pancreas.
  9. Obesity and hormonal imbalance. The fruits of cranberries contain a large amount of potassium, which is responsible for the work of hormonal glands. Therefore, cranberry juice is prescribed as one of the aspects of complex treatment.
  10. Liver disease. Betaine, contained in cranberries, protects the body from fatty liver degeneration.
  11. Diseases of the oral cavity. Cranberry juice prevents the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay and inflammation of the gums.

Cranberry juice is rich in vitamins, pectin substances, organic acids, so it is also recommended to include it in your diet for people suffering from insomnia, headaches, and poor appetite. The cranberry drink has a refreshing, thirst-quenching and tonic effect. It activates the immune system, increases physical and mental capacity for work.

The harm of cranberry juice

Despite the high preventive and medicinal properties of the cranberry drink, in some cases it can be harmful to health. Cranberry juice is contraindicated:

  • People with high acidity and gastritis. Drinking cranberries can irritate the duodenum and stomach lining, which can lead to stomach ulcers.
  • People with individual intolerance. Cranberry juice can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Persons with low blood pressure should take cranberry drink with caution.
  • Persons suffering from hyperxaluria (disproportionately high content of oxalates in urine). Cranberry juice causes the deposition of oxalates, which, along with calcium, are included in kidney stones.
  • People taking blood thinners. The content of flavonoids in cranberry juice reduces blood clotting and slows down metabolic processes in the liver. This can weaken the effect of medications or worsen side effects.

Consuming large amounts of cranberry juice (more than 3-4 liters per day) can lead to digestive disorders and diarrhea. Store-bought cranberry juice may contain sweeteners. They not only increase its calorie content, but can also cause allergic rashes.

The chemical composition of cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is useful due to its high content of trace elements. According to the latest data, cranberries have 25 elements: copper, cobalt, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, boron, nickel, barium, tin and others. Manganese, for example, is responsible for the proper functioning of the gonads and growth in children. Lack of cobalt can lead to disruption of the enzymatic reactions of digestion and the proper functioning of the nervous system. Iodine contributes to the production of thyroxine, a hormone that prevents the appearance of goiter and disorders of the thyroid gland. Copper lowers blood sugar, stimulates hemoglobin synthesis and hematopoietic function of the brain.

Cranberry juice is rich in other useful vitamins, acids and minerals, which are listed in the table.

Daily consumption of 1 - 2 glasses of cranberry juice can reduce the development and recurrence of various diseases. It is better to prepare a drink from cranberries in a glass or enamel bowl, pouring cold water. This will preserve all the beneficial properties and vitamins.

Cranberries are one of the most special berries. It is constantly used to treat colds, infections, fevers and metabolic disorders. Thanks to the berry, such a drink as cranberry juice has become widespread.

Cranberry juice composition

When preparing a drink, the berry transfers to it its beneficial substances contained in its composition in abundance. It contains over 20 of the most valuable elements.

Cranberry juice contains:

  • Vitamins of group B, C, E, PP.
  • Micro and macro elements (iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and calcium).
  • Benzoic, oxalic, citric, quinic and malic acids.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Glucose, fructose.

Due to its unique composition, fruit drink has been used since antiquity as a delicious drink and a healing agent.

Proven benefits

Cranberry juice has many beneficial properties that are supported by scientific research. It is used not only as a folk remedy, but urologists, gynecologists and other specialists are also prescribed to patients.

Scientists have studied the composition of cranberry juice and confirmed its medicinal qualities. They found that he is able to enhance the effects of antibiotics.

Cranberry juice is characterized by the following positive qualities:

  • Has a diuretic effect, but does not wash potassium out of the body.
  • Increases the therapeutic effect of antibiotics.
  • Prevents the development of inflammatory processes.
  • Destroys pathogenic microorganisms that affect the excretory system.
  • Cleans from harmful substances.
  • Increases the body's defenses.
  • Saturates the body with vitamins and nutrients.
  • Thanks to antioxidants, it prevents the aging process.
  • Frees the body from heavy metals.
  • Improves the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Reduces swelling and relieves fluid stagnation.
  • Relieves inflammation of the oral mucosa.
  • Improves the condition of the facial skin.
  • Produces gastric juice.
  • Strengthens and increases the elasticity of blood vessels.

This list does not include all diseases and pathological conditions, the symptoms of which are reduced by cranberry juice. There are some diseases when the drink is included in conservative treatment.

For the therapy of the genitourinary system

In case of diseases of the genitourinary system, cranberry juice will help:

  1. Unload the kidneys, free the body from harmful substances and reduce swelling.
  2. The diuretic effect of the drink will get rid of pathogenic microflora, and the anti-inflammatory effect will eliminate the consequences of their activity.
  3. It will enhance the effect of antibiotics, which will allow the patient to recover faster.
  4. Cranberry juice should be used for cystitis, pyelonephritis, inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract infections.
  5. The drink will have a positive effect on gynecological diseases.

Despite the red color of cranberries, they can rarely cause allergies. This is a decisive factor that determines the intake of the drink by pregnant women and children.

The healing properties of fruit drink make it possible to use it instead of medicines at the initial stages of the disease. This is especially true for colds.

For pregnant women, drinking the drink allows you to: reduce swelling, pain in the kidneys, strengthen immunity, relieve nausea.

For a child's body, cranberry juice will help in the prevention and treatment of colds and kidney diseases, as well as increase the body's resistance to diseases and protect against infections.

Dietary Benefits

Cranberry juice is constantly used in dietary nutrition. To help you lose weight, it is best to drink it without sugar. For those with a sweet tooth, you can put honey in the drink.

Morse will allow you to get rid of edema, which often bothers overweight people. It will cleanse the body of toxins, boost immunity and reduce the effects of stress. In some cases, the accumulation of excess mass occurs due to depression and psycho-emotional stress.

Self-made fruit drink has low nutritional value and few sugars, which will bring the greatest benefit to the body.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

In the event of a pathology of the digestive system, cranberry juice is capable of:

  • Destroy pathogenic microflora that negatively affects the gastric mucosa.
  • Increase your appetite.
  • Regulate the acidity of the stomach, with its decrease.
  • Increase the activity of gastric enzymes.

The drink must be consumed correctly in order to get the most out of its intake.

The drink must be drunk with maximum benefit for the body. To do this, follow some simple tips:

  1. Morse should not be consumed on an empty stomach because of its organic acids.
  2. After taking the drink, to preserve the enamel of the teeth, you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  3. The daily intake is 3 glasses. It should not be exceeded in order to avoid negative consequences.
  4. Do not use store-bought juices in packs. They contain sweeteners and can cause allergic reactions. It is best to purchase the drink from trusted manufacturers.

Correct consumption of cranberry juice will help improve your health and will only bring positive effects. When using a drink, it is necessary to prevent an increase in the daily intake.

Harm of cranberry juice

The composition of cranberries contains useful substances, sugars, acids, so fruit drink can cause the following side reactions:

  1. An increase in gastric acidity in people who have had such a pathology earlier. An excess of acids can provoke the appearance of ulcers and erosions on the mucous membrane.
  2. A decrease in blood pressure in hypotensive patients can cause a dangerous condition.
  3. A lot of dyes can cause a negative reaction in the form of allergies, especially in children.
  4. With kidney stones, they may increase in size and quantity. Acids contained in cranberries react with calcium and sodium and can accumulate and be deposited in them.

The harm from cranberry juice occurs when its intake is disrupted. In other situations, it is perfectly tolerated.

Contraindications for cranberry juice

The drink should not be consumed in case of the following diseases:

  • Acidic gastritis
  • Diabetes
  • Pathology of the heart and blood vessels
  • Poor blood clotting and bleeding tendency
  • Low blood pressure
  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Heartburn

If you need regular treatment with cranberry juice, it is best to get the advice of a doctor before taking it. Patients with chronic illnesses should be careful.

Cranberry juice is a drink that has a rich composition and can have a positive effect on the human body. Saturation with vitamins and nutrients makes it a truly indispensable tool for the therapy and prevention of many diseases and pathological conditions. In the course of treatment, you can not only improve your health, but also enjoy the pleasant taste of cranberry juice.

Video: how to quickly cook cranberry juice