Harmful health effects of barbecue. Scientists say: kebabs and barbecues are more dangerous than we think

09.10.2019 Soups

Cooked on it, it already increases the risk of developing cancer by allowing harmful chemicals to penetrate the skin. Despite the fact that all this sounds like a childish horror story, we are talking about quite scientific data obtained in the course of new research. Does this mean that you will have to forget about barbecue in the summer? More likely no than yes. But that definitely means you should be careful.

Surprisingly, fresh work on an exciting topic shows that minimum distance from a grill or barbecue affects your body as negatively as eating fried meat, exposing your skin to direct effects associated with lung, skin and bladder cancers. The Daily Mail writes about this, noting that the Chinese scientists who conducted this study advise everyone who plans to fry kebabs in nature to cover as much of the skin as possible during this process. In addition, be sure to change smoke-soaked clothing after cooking to minimize any potential risks.

It's no secret that cooking food - and especially meat - at high temperatures gives it a delicious crust that is hard to resist. But this medal, like many others, has a downside. So, steaks are usually cooked at a temperature of 300-400 degrees, which, and this has been shown by numerous experiments on the topic, can lead to the release of not very useful chemicals called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). A number of studies have found that aromatic hydrocarbons are provoking, which have the potential to lead to cancer.

Why do PAHs appear at all? The fact is that meat consists of muscle and adipose tissue, in which, under the influence of heat, amino acids, sugars and other components react, and then, quite logically, they drip on hot coals in the form of liquid. It is there that they are converted into polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which rush up to the food while it is being prepared. And at the same time, as we understood, to our skin.

Researchers have consistently reported that PAHs “stick” to the surface of food. That is, most of the toxins that enter our body from fried meat and fried foods in general enter it when we eat them. However, a new study published in Environmental Science & Technology is eloquent evidence that not only what is on your plate, but how much during cooking matters here.

To understand which degrees of exposure to smoke should be considered the most dangerous, Chinese scientists looked at analyzes of volunteers who stood at different distances from the grill, some of whom also ate grilled meat. As a result, it turned out that the urine of those who stood behind the grill contained the highest amount of PAHs, but their amount decreased markedly with closed clothes.

However, if you thought that longsleeve on kebabs would save you from problems, then you thought wrong. Keep in mind that clothing has been shown to have a limited ability to block smoke. And if you walk in it until the evening, it will give PAHs more opportunities to penetrate the skin. And here is the advice that scientists give to those who are still or in general: do it in the most closed clothes and be sure to change your clothes before sitting down at the table and enjoying what you have done.

With the beginning of the summer cottage season, all vacationers have a lot of fascinating and exciting activities, and, as a rule, one of the most common is a picnic, and at a picnic barbecue has long become the number one dish. In general, shish kebab in various variations is present in the cuisine of almost every country, but it has historically developed that it is considered a primordial Caucasian delicacy. The very name of this dish is literally translated as "a dish fried on a spit", however, contrary to this decoding, the meat is not fried on a shashlik, but baked. This is all its charm: the meat does not lose its juicy aromatic juice and languishes on hot coals under a thick golden crust. We will tell about this amazing dish in this article "Useful and harmful properties of barbecue".

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Photo gallery: Useful and harmful properties of barbecue

There are few people who would not like barbecue. However, do not forget that this dish also hides a few delicate nuances worthy of your attention. One of them is the high content of carcinogenic substances in the kebab. The main harmful properties of barbecue are that when coal is burned, benzopyrene is released into the air, which, rising up with smoke, then settles on pieces of meat, making it not very useful for the human body. About the same amount of carcinogens is contained in the overcooked crust of meat, and this applies to fish as well. It is not for nothing that experts strongly advise you to cut off the crust so as not to clog your own body once again. Of course, it's a pity, because the crust is almost the tastiest in the whole barbecue, but health, as you know, is more important, and indulging your stomach, you run the risk of earning serious oncology.

It would also be a good idea to soak the meat in a freshly marinated marinade before cooking. It will not only reduce the content of carcinogenic substances in meat, but also protect you from many harmful microorganisms, because they are very afraid of an acidic environment. The marinade can be wine, juice or vinegar, as you wish.

Shish kebabs also have useful properties, for example, unlike fried meat, it does not contain cholesterol, and it is much tastier than boiled meat. It is believed that eating kebabs may even be beneficial and protect a person from arthritis and diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. But, of course, provided that the meat was cooked taking into account all the subtleties and nuances.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that kebab is so loved by people of all ages, there are people who are not recommended to use it. This is especially true for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The most important thing when cooking a shish kebab is to successfully select meat for it. All your efforts will be nullified if it is tasteless, tough or frozen. In general, it is not advisable to put frozen meat on kebabs, and it is not recommended for many other dishes, because their taste is greatly deteriorated by such processing. However, freshly bought fresh meat is also not good; you should wait until the blood drains from it, then only pickle.

If the animal was old and sinewy, nothing can be done about it, such meat is no good, and neither seasonings, nor spices, nor marinade will save it.

However, even if the source material for your creation was selected taking into account all the nuances, it is never too late to spoil the taste of a kebab. Such an incident can happen if you used kefir as a marinade, and serve a glass of wine with the meat. From such a combination, not only a weak, diseased stomach can rebel, but even a healthy body. In particular, it will make life very difficult for the stomach. By the way, one must be very careful with the choice of meat that will be prepared for a person with impaired digestion. For example, lamb kebab is unlikely to do him any good, because mutton itself is very heavy meat. Although, it should be noted that barbecue is considered traditional using this particular type of meat; it is very aromatic, juicy and tasty, but it is also much more expensive than the others.

But pork is perfect in this case. It is absorbed by the body much easier, but at the same time its juicy, delicate taste and enchanting smell can drive any gourmet crazy. Marinating this meat will not take much time, and, believe me, it will pay off with interest. It is even better to choose lean meat, and then you will definitely not have stomach problems.

Much less often beef or veal is allowed on the barbecue, although it contains many vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are useful for the human body. However, if you have firmly decided on this type of meat, it is preferable to take veal - it is much softer and softer.

Chicken, turkey, fish, seafood and mushroom kebabs are considered very specific. If the first two types can still be understood, because white meat is quite tasty, although a little dry, then all the following are considered delicacies that not everyone can appreciate. Fruit shashlik can be considered a completely extravagant type of kebab, although, in all honesty, it is not entirely fair to call it kebab.

Shish kebab is a dish, the most varied variants of which can be found in most national cuisines of the world. Despite this, in our country, barbecue is usually associated with Caucasian cuisine. It is believed that the word "shish kebab" itself came from the Turkic language, being a derivative of the word "shish" - spit and literally meaning "food fried on a spit". However, there is a certain inaccuracy here, since real shish kebab should not be fried, it should be baked. It is the languor on hot coals, when the meat is cooked in its own juice, clad in a golden crust, that is the main difference between barbecue and other methods of processing meat.

If we talk about the dangers of kebabs for the human body, it means talking about carcinogens, namely about benzopyrene. This substance is found in tobacco smoke and is part of the fumes that are formed when fat gets on hot coals. Rising up, it falls on pieces of meat and settles on them. A dark overcooked crust, whether it be red, white meat, or even fish, is no less harmful to health. The carcinogenic elements it contains are also capable of provoking the onset of oncological diseases. To protect yourself from the harmful effects of negative substances, you can simply cut off the fried crust.

The marinade, especially acidic, also protects against carcinogens. This can be vinegar, wine, juice, and more. Meat thoroughly soaked in marinade will be not only less carcinogenic, but also more useful, as it will contain large quantity useful substances obtained from the marinade. In addition, the marinade is a kind of protection against microbes and banal poisoning, because many harmful microorganisms are afraid of an acidic environment.

In general, eating kebabs in a reasonable amount and from time to time is unlikely to do more harm than most other types of thermally processed foods. What's more, a properly cooked kebab is believed to reduce the risk of heart disease and arthritis. However, depending on the type of meat and the method of pickling, it may be contraindicated in some categories of people.

For example, lamb - meat is quite difficult to digest, so its intake should be limited to those who have problems with the stomach and intestines. And any meat soaked in kefir should be used with caution by people with an unstable acidity level, since heartburn and bloating can be a consequence of such a meal. In addition, this type of kebab cannot be washed down with wine. This can cause the food to break down slowly and be poorly absorbed, which can ultimately lead to an upset stomach.

Meat is the basis of a kebab, and its good choice is 80% of success. The meat should be fresh and chilled. Avoid using frozen meat, as its taste and nutritional value is significantly reduced. The meat of the freshly refreshed carcass is also not recommended; it should at least be allowed to lie down to drain the blood, and then marinate it thoroughly. The taste of the meat of old animals will not differ from the meat of young ones for the better, and even the most refined marinades and numerous spices will hardly help here.

The most popular meat for barbecue is pork. It is pickled faster, the dish from it turns out to be juicy and soft. Pork consists of proteins that play an important role for normal human life, extractives, fat, mineral salts and water. It is better to give preference to lean varieties of pork, they have an excellent taste and are easier to digest.

Lamb is no less popular, but more exotic and not always available. This is a traditional choice for Caucasian or Central Asian kebabs. Its specific taste and aroma is the hallmark of this barbecue.

Beef is used as a basis for barbecue a little less often than other types of meat, despite the fact that it is rich in proteins, vitamins A, PP and group B, as well as trace elements (potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, etc.) ... And if you have already settled on this type of meat, use veal - it is more tender and not so difficult to cook.

Chicken or turkey - white meat, which is also suitable for barbecue. Moreover, it can be prepared not only from fillets, but also from drumsticks, wings and chicken that is simply chopped into small pieces. White meat is not so juicy, but dietary.

In addition, kebabs can be prepared from offal, fish, seafood, mushrooms and vegetables. There are even fruit kebabs, but this is certainly not for everybody's taste, and such a dish can hardly be considered a full-fledged kebab.

Ingredients: pork (neck) 2.5 kg, dry red wine 125 ml, pomegranate juice 125 ml, turnip onions 8 pcs., Lemon 1 pc., Seasoning hops-suneli 1 tsp, olive oil 3 tbsp. ., salt and pepper to taste .

Cooking method: Cut the meat into a large container into large pieces (5x5 cubes). Peel the onion and cut into rings. Combine the meat with the onion, seasoning, salt and pepper. It is better to do this with your hands, applying a certain effort. In a separate bowl, combine wine, pomegranate juice and freshly squeezed juice of one lemon. Pour the mixture into the meat and this time stir gently, being careful not to crush the meat. Finally add olive oil. Store in a cool place overnight.

Heat the coals, string the meat on skewers and cook on the grill for no more than 15 minutes, regularly turning the skewer to prevent the meat from charring. Pour the remaining marinade into a bottle and use during cooking. Serve the finished dish with fresh or heated vegetables and herbs.

Homemade sauce will also not be superfluous. It doesn't take long, it can be prepared in advance and is much healthier than commercially produced ketchup. Sauce ingredients: tomatoes 0.5 kg, garlic 3 cloves, onion 1 pc., Cilantro 3 sprigs, parsley 5 sprigs, dry spices, vegetable oil, salt, water. Cut the tomatoes into large pieces and blanch in vegetable oil for 5 minutes. After grind with a mortar or spoon, pour the resulting gruel with a glass of water. Chop garlic, onion, fresh herbs, combine with tomatoes. Season with salt, season with spices and boil for no more than 5 minutes. The sauce is ready, serve chilled with meat. Enjoy your meal!

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The picnic season is open, but what are picnics without kebabs ?! Tradition is our everything, so we run together to buy meat, marinate it and cook it outdoors in the circle of family and friends. True, how much do we think about the benefits and dangers of kebabs? And are we thinking about it?

According to the law of meanness, the tastier the food, the less useful it is. The same law works in the case of kebabs.

Harmful properties of barbecue:

If we are talking about barbecue, then we need to say about carcinogens (substances that provoke cancer), which are contained in the fumes formed when fat gets on hot coals. Substances (namely benzopyrenes) rise upward, fall on pieces of meat and settle on them. Unfortunately, the beloved by many dark overcooked crust also contains carcinogenic elements. If you cook the meat poorly, then various infections, Escherichia coli that cause dysbiosis will remain in it.

To whom and what kebabs are contraindicated:

It is better not to try lamb, which is difficult to digest, for those who have problems with the stomach and intestines. People suffering from ulcers and liver diseases should not eat kebabs with spicy spices, ketchup, lemon juice. Any meat soaked in kefir should be used with caution people with unstable acidity levels, because heartburn and bloating can be expected. In addition, such meat should not be washed down with wine: the meat can be broken down and absorbed more slowly, which again can lead to an upset stomach. Doctors often do not recommend eating kebabs for people suffering from kidney diseases and the elderly.

How to minimize the harm to kebabs:

On a picnic day in the morning, do not lean on fast carbohydrates - after a while they will provoke an acute feeling of hunger, and you can overdo it with kebabs (usually it is recommended to eat no more than 200 grams of kebab at one meal). Marinate the meat well! A high-quality marinade, especially acidic, is protection against carcinogens (of course, not one hundred percent protection, but meat carefully soaked in the marinade is definitely less carcinogenic), from microbes and banal poisoning (after all, harmful microorganisms do not live in an acidic environment). wood, not coals. In addition, you should cook over a fire 20-25 minutes after using the lighter fluid, so that its vapors have time to burn out. If you can't spice it, replace the ketchup, spices and lemon juice with tomato sauce or pomegranate juice. Cut the fried crust and how would you like it. Neither wanted to, do not eat it. In general, vodka paired with barbecue has a detrimental effect on the liver. However, for a better breakdown of fats, you can easily drink a kebab with vodka, but with a dose of no more than 100 grams. From alcoholic drinks, barbecue is best washed down with dry red wine. Many people drink kebabs with plain water, this is better than carbonated water, but it dilutes the gastric juice, which makes the food digest less intense. To reduce the harm of charcoal-cooked meat, eat any green vegetables and fresh herbs with it (cilantro, dill, parsley, wild garlic , lettuce). Do not eat meat with tomatoes - they contain substances that can slow down the digestion of protein. Barbecue should not be accompanied by the same "heavy" snacks - sausage, cuts, sprats, which contain large amounts of salt and fat.

Useful properties of barbecue:

A properly cooked kebab is believed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and arthritis. Meat properly cooked on charcoal retains more vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for humans than regular fried meat. Meat cooked on charcoal has fewer calories than in fried. By the way, a real kebab is a completely dietary dish, since it is baked, not fried.

It is rather difficult to say that kebabs have special beneficial properties, however, if you follow the principles of their correct use described above, then at least kebabs will not cause significant harm to your health.

Kebab recipes:

The best kebab recipes

You can grill any meat on a skewer on charcoal. The main thing when choosing a kebab recipe is to remember that pork kebab will turn out to be soft, from beef - tougher, from lamb - aromatic and juicy, from lamb - especially tender ... See more ...

Kebab sauces

a good sauce can save even a not very properly cooked kebab; after all, as you know, sauce is such a substance with which you can even eat sawdust ... See more ...

Vegetable kebabs, grilled vegetables

Grilled vegetables and vegetable kebabs can be served as an appetizer, main course or side dish. Grilled vegetables make a wonderful salad - warm or cold…. See more ...

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Kebab and barbecue: what you need to know

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Shish kebab is a dish, the most varied variants of which can be found in most national cuisines of the world. Despite this, in our country, barbecue is usually associated with Caucasian cuisine. It is believed that the word "shish kebab" itself came from the Turkic language, being a derivative of the word "shish" - spit and literally meaning "food fried on a spit". However, there is a certain inaccuracy here, since a real kebab should not be fried, it should be baked. It is the languor on hot coals, when the meat is cooked in its own juice, clad in a golden crust, that is the main difference between barbecue and other methods of processing meat.

The harm and benefits of barbecue - who can, who can not

If we talk about the dangers of barbecue for the human body, it means talking about carcinogens, namely benzopyrene. This substance is found in tobacco smoke and is part of the fumes that are formed when fat gets on hot coals. Rising up, it falls on pieces of meat and settles on them. A dark overcooked crust, whether it be red, white meat, or even fish, is no less harmful to health. The carcinogenic elements it contains are also capable of provoking the onset of oncological diseases. To protect yourself from the harmful effects of negative substances, you can simply cut off the fried crust.

The marinade, especially acidic, also protects against carcinogens. This can be vinegar, wine, juice, and more. Meat carefully soaked in the marinade will not only be less carcinogenic, but also more useful, since it will contain a greater amount of nutrients obtained from the marinade. In addition, the marinade is a kind of protection against microbes and banal poisoning, because many harmful microorganisms are afraid of an acidic environment.

In general, eating kebabs in a reasonable amount and from time to time is unlikely to do more harm than most other types of thermally processed foods. What's more, a properly cooked kebab is believed to reduce the risk of heart disease and arthritis. However, depending on the type of meat and the method of pickling, it may be contraindicated in some categories of people.

For example, lamb - meat is quite difficult to digest, so it should be limited to those who have stomach and intestinal problems. And any meat soaked in kefir should be used with caution by people with an unstable acidity level, since heartburn and bloating can be a consequence of such a meal. In addition, this type of kebab cannot be washed down with wine. This can cause the food to break down slowly and be poorly absorbed, which can ultimately lead to an upset stomach.

Barbecue meat

Meat is the basis of a kebab, and its good choice is 80% of success. The meat should be fresh and chilled. Avoid using frozen meat, as its taste and nutritional value is significantly reduced. The meat of the freshly refreshed carcass is also not recommended; it should at least be allowed to lie down to drain the blood, and then marinate it thoroughly. The taste of the meat of old animals will not differ from the meat of young ones for the better, and even the most refined marinades and numerous spices will hardly help here.

The most popular meat for barbecue is pork. It is pickled faster, the dish from it turns out to be juicy and soft. Pork consists of proteins that play an important role for normal human life, extractives, fat, mineral salts and water. It is better to give preference to lean varieties of pork, they have an excellent taste and are easier to digest.

Lamb is no less popular, but more exotic and not always available. This is a traditional choice for Caucasian or Central Asian kebabs. Its specific taste and aroma are the hallmarks of a real barbecue.

Beef is used as a basis for barbecue a little less often than other types of meat, despite the fact that it is rich in proteins, vitamins A, PP and group B, as well as trace elements (potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, etc.) ... And if you have already settled on this type of meat, use veal - it is more tender and not so difficult to prepare.

Chicken or turkey is white meat that is also suitable for barbecue. Moreover, it can be prepared not only from fillets, but also from drumsticks, wings and chicken that is simply chopped into small pieces. White meat is not so juicy, but dietary.

In addition, kebabs can be prepared from offal, fish, seafood, mushrooms and vegetables. There are even fruit kebabs, but this is certainly not for everybody's taste, and such a dish can hardly be considered a full-fledged kebab.

The most delicious kebab recipe

Ingredients: pork (neck) 2.5 kg, dry red wine 125 ml, pomegranate juice 125 ml, turnip onions 8 pcs., Lemon 1 pc., Hops-suneli seasoning 1 tsp., Olive oil 3 tbsp. l., salt and pepper to taste.

Method of preparation: Cut the meat into a large container into large pieces (5x5 cubes). Peel the onion and cut into rings. Combine the meat with the onion, seasoning, salt and pepper. It is better to do this with your hands, applying a certain effort. Combine wine, pomegranate juice and freshly squeezed juice of one lemon in a separate bowl. Pour the mixture into the meat and this time stir gently, being careful not to crush the meat. Add olive oil at the end. Store in a cool place overnight.

Heat the coals, string the meat on skewers and cook on the grill for no more than 15 minutes, regularly turning the skewer to prevent the meat from charring. Pour the remaining marinade into a bottle and use during cooking. Serve the finished dish with fresh or heated vegetables and herbs.

Homemade sauce will also not be superfluous. It doesn't take long, it can be prepared in advance and is much healthier than commercially produced ketchup. Sauce ingredients: tomatoes 0.5 kg, garlic 3 cloves, onion 1 pc., Cilantro 3 sprigs, parsley 5 sprigs, dry spices, vegetable oil, salt, water. Cut the tomatoes into large pieces and blanch in vegetable oil for 5 minutes. After grind with a mortar or spoon, pour the resulting gruel with a glass of water. Chop garlic, onion, fresh herbs, combine with tomatoes. Season with salt, season with spices and boil for no more than 5 minutes. The sauce is ready, serve chilled with meat.

Meat baked on charcoal in a closed environment or in the fresh air is one of the most popular dishes among the people. It is interesting to know what are the benefits and harms of barbecue and what properties its different types have.

Kebab chemical composition

For a shish kebab it is impossible to bring a universal chemical composition - a lot depends on what kind of meat it is prepared from. However, some features unite all types of this dish. So, the product always contains:

  • a high amount of animal protein - about 25% of the total;
  • fats - about 40-50%;
  • the minimum amount of carbohydrates is from 1% to 5%;
  • vitamins - A, C, PP, E;
  • trace elements: iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and zinc;
  • b vitamins and vitamin D;

The chemical composition largely depends on the marinade in which raw meat is pre-soaked.

Calorie shish kebab

The nutritional value of a product also depends on what it is made from:

  • The calorie content of pork kebabs per 100 g is from 340 to 180 calories. The least high-calorie baked pork belly dish, the highest fat content is the product from the pig's neck.
  • Lamb kebab contains 320 to 220 calories per 100 g of baked meat. The most nutritious delicacy is obtained from lamb's legs, and the most "dietary" - from the loin or collar.
  • Beef shashlik has a low calorie content - from 240 to 270 calories in a small portion of 100 g.
  • Charcoal grilled chicken is the most dietary of all. Its nutritional value is only 100 to 220 calories, depending on where the meat is taken from for processing.

Important! The marinade adds calories to the kebab. The lowest-calorie marinades are considered to be lemon or tomato juice, mineral water, and the fattest are those made using vegetable oil or mayonnaise.

Why is shish kebab useful?

The product contains considerable benefits for the body - it can manifest itself with reasonable use:

  • Shish kebab is a product with a high content of protein and amino acids. The benefit is that it promotes muscle growth, increases circulation and hemoglobin levels.
  • The product is very nutritious. It is useful for those who seek to gain weight quickly and efficiently, and is also an ideal dish for outdoor recreation, as it quickly increases strength and gives vigor for a long time. Baked meat in small quantities is an excellent remedy for anemia.
  • Vitamins and minerals in the product can significantly strengthen the body - increase immunity, improve the condition of bone tissue, and have a beneficial effect on hormones. Kebab stimulates the synthesis of testosterone, which is valuable for men.

Is it possible to barbecue with breastfeeding

The product can hardly be called a dietary dish - it is rather food for perfectly healthy people. Whether it can be consumed by women during lactation depends on the type of meat.

It is better to exclude the classic kebab during breastfeeding from the diet. First of all, it is too fatty and contributes to weight gain for mother and child, can cause colic in the infant. There is a risk of poisoning from overcooked or undercooked meat, and the most popular marinades based on vinegar, mayonnaise and other sauces can cause allergies in babies.

But at the same time, a nursing mother may occasionally pamper herself with a non-nutritive, tender and well-baked chicken product in a healthy and safe marinade.

Is it possible to barbecue for pregnant women and children

Kebab during pregnancy is allowed in moderation - it can become a valuable source of protein, iron and other valuable substances. But you need to carefully monitor the quality of roasting, so as not to get poisoned by poorly processed meat, and avoid sharp and harmful marinades.

It is not recommended to give an ordinary kebab to children until the age of 12 - earlier, the child's pancreas cannot cope with the increased amount of fat in this product. Younger children, from 5 years old, can occasionally be given baked chicken meat. Moreover, it is better to cook it even at home, and only reheat it on the grill.

Attention! Shish kebab belongs to products from the category of increased risk for the child's body. Before you treat your baby to baked meat for the first time, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician.

Which kebab is better and healthier

This is not to say that the meat of some animals is definitely better suited for cooking. But it's worth understanding what the benefits of each of the options are.

The benefits of chicken kebab

The calorie content of chicken kebab is the lowest. Therefore, it is well suited for those who care about their figure. Chicken meat contains a lot of protein glutamine and vitamin B6, important amino acids and trace elements - calcium, cobalt, chromium and zinc.

The benefits and harms of pork kebab

Baked pork can be very healthy or unhealthy. On the one hand, pork contains a huge amount of proteins, polyunsaturated fats, and mineral salts. The meat contains arachidonic acid, which is useful for male and female hormonal levels.

However, with excessive consumption of baked pork meat, a rapid weight gain occurs. To prevent this from happening, it is better to soak the product in a lemon marinade, which prevents the absorption of fats.

Why is beef kebab useful?

The benefits of beef dishes are the high content of valuable substances in this meat. Vitamins A, PP and B, trace elements - iron, calcium, potassium and sodium - strengthen the body. In addition, beef protein is very well absorbed by the stomach and intestines.

Is lamb kebab good for you

Lamb meat is a rather fatty product, but in small doses it will also be beneficial. The product activates the metabolic process and gives a strong boost of energy and strength. Lamb contains the valuable element fluorine and the substance lecithin, which is very useful for the brain.

Useful kebab marinade

The benefits of meat baked on charcoal directly depend on the composition in which the product was previously soaked. There are dozens of marinade recipes, but the most useful are two:

  • lemon-based - raw meat is processed with fresh fruit juice or abundantly lined with chopped slices;
  • based on mineral water - meat is poured with natural water with a high salt content, for example, Borjomi or Essentuki.

The better to drink a shish kebab

Tasty and aromatic baked meat is often washed down with strong alcoholic drinks, but this is fundamentally wrong - the load on the liver is too great. It is better to use the dish along with red wine or juices. Natural pineapple juice contains a lot of benefits. The substances present in it contribute to the rapid breakdown of protein.

Kefir kebab recipe

A popular way to process kebabs is kefir marinade, after which the meat becomes especially juicy and tender:

  • Ingredients should be taken at the rate of 2 cups of kefir per 2 kg of meat - beef, lamb, pork or chicken.
  • Before marinating, fresh meat is thoroughly washed, and then cut into small pieces, which will be convenient to string on skewers.
  • After that, in a roomy container, the meat is poured with kefir. The container should be either plastic or enameled - in an iron container the product will oxidize, its taste will deteriorate, and the benefits will decrease.
  • For high-quality pickling, it is enough to hold the pickled raw materials in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

With regard to heat treatment, it is no different from the classic recipe for cooking barbecue. You need to wait until the natural firewood in the grill is properly burned out, and then add birch coals and smoke the meat over them for 30-40 minutes, periodically turning it over.

Advice! To improve the beneficial properties of barbecue and its taste, you can add spices to kefir at the pickling stage - coriander, basil, herbs, cinnamon or even lemon.

Barbecue harm and contraindications

Although the product contains benefits, it has the potential to do great harm. First of all, meat processed with oil becomes carcinogenic after baking - therefore it cannot be overcooked and consumed in large quantities. A poorly fried product is dangerous for poisoning:

  • Fatty baked meat is contraindicated for those who suffer from diseases of the stomach, liver and pancreas.
  • You need to treat the dish with caution in case of kidney ailments.
  • The product in kefir marinade often leads to heartburn and indigestion with increased stomach acidity.

Advice! Even with good health, it is recommended to eat no more than 300 g of the product per day. In order not to accidentally exceed the dosage, it is better to eat barbecue on a relatively full stomach.


The benefits and harms of barbecue depend on the correctness of its pickling, preparation and use. If you carefully choose the most useful types of meat, do not use harmful marinades, do not drink alcohol with alcohol and do not overdo it, this dish will be beneficial for the body.

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