Vitamin preparations for the winter from the royal berry - cranberries. Cooking recipes and photo recipes

07.09.2019 Restaurant notes

Hello everybody! My name is Elena, and in my impromptu article I want to tell you about the secrets of making ground cranberries with sugar for the winter. This is a great home remedy for colds and for the restoration of normal immune function. The recipes for cranberries with sugar, which I will give in the article, are recipes for the refrigerator, without cooking. Therefore, I advise you to definitely store the finished mixture of grated cranberries and sugar in a cold place. But first, I'll tell you about the beneficial properties of cranberries with sugar and the features of the correct preparation of the mixture at home.

Why is cranberry sugar mixture good for you?

Rubbed cranberries with sugar are useful not only for colds, but also for the treatment and prevention of some other diseases. The useful properties of the mixture are in demand, for example, in the treatment of urolithiasis, some pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Grated cranberries with sugar will help bring down the temperature in case of a cold, strengthen the immune system.

However, it should be remembered that only fresh berries have all of the listed useful properties, which is why it is important to cook mashed cranberries with sugar without cooking. If you make traditional jam from berries, then during the heat treatment most of the vitamins and nutrients will simply collapse. How to grind cranberries with sugar correctly - I'll tell you below.

Cooking specifics

In the preparation of really healthy grated cranberries with sugar for the winter, there are rules that are important to follow: these rules apply not only to the proportions indicated for recipes without cooking, but also to the preliminary preparation of the berry.

  1. The cranberry must be carefully sorted out and selected all the rotten and spoiled berries.
  2. Close attention should be paid to the process of washing the berries. It is advisable to wash the cranberries under cool running water. To do this, pour the cranberry into a colander and place the container under running water.
  3. The washed cranberries must be dried. The berry should not be wet, as a humid environment is ideal for the growth of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.

Ready grated cranberries with sugar must be placed in clean and sterilized jars. A mixture prepared according to a recipe without cooking is stored strictly in the refrigerator. If you keep it warm, the workpiece will deteriorate. I will introduce you below with several interesting recipes for mashed cranberries with sugar.

Traditional way of preparing the mixture without boiling

Let me remind you that a recipe without cooking is a recipe for a refrigerator, that is, you definitely need to store the finished mixture in the cold. For cranberries with sugar for the winter, you need the following ingredients:

  • Sugar - 1 kilogram
  • Fresh cranberries - 1 kilogram

We sort out the berries and rinse thoroughly. We lay out the cranberries on a clean towel and wait until the moisture leaves it and it dries. Grind the dried berry in a blender until puree. It is most convenient to do this with a blender, because the meat grinder will often be clogged with berry cake and the process will be significantly delayed.

The finished cranberry puree should be transferred to a clean bowl, covered with granulated sugar. Cover the basin on top with sterile gauze and let the mixture stand for 12 hours in the cold. Arrange the finished grated cranberries in jars and twist them tightly. We store the jars in the cold and open them as needed.

Fragrant orange recipe

Adding orange to sugar cranberries will help give the finished mixture a pleasant aroma and flavor. For the recipe for the mixture, you will need the following products:

  • Cranberries - 1 kilogram
  • Ripe oranges - 250 grams
  • Granulated sugar - one and a half kilograms

Preparing this recipe without cooking is quite simple: wash the berries, dry them and scroll them through a meat grinder or grind them through a sieve. Peel the oranges and also pass through a sieve or meat grinder. Mix and stir the berry and fruit mixture, add sugar.

Next, you need to transfer the puree to a saucepan and slightly warm it up in a water bath. The mass should not boil in any case, because our recipe for cranberries with sugar does not imply cooking. It is necessary to wait until the sugar has completely dissolved and then remove the saucepan immediately.

Put the finished mixture in jars, let it cool, and put it in the refrigerator. According to this recipe, cranberries with sugar and orange can be eaten either in pure form, or added to the filling for baking, and eaten with ice cream. These recipes for grated cranberries with sugar for the winter without cooking seem to me especially successful: the mixture is prepared using them simply, without hassle, and the berry retains all its useful properties.

In Russia, a huge number of berries that are useful for the body grow, which have a therapeutic and preventive effect of various diseases. One of these varieties is the cranberry.

The sweet and sour taste of this berry does not bring it the popularity that it rightfully deserves. Perhaps, having studied the beneficial properties and contraindications of cranberries, a person's opinion will radically change.

Cranberry - what kind of berry is it?

Cranberry - a flowering plant that bears edible fruits during ripening. Where do cranberries grow? This berry grows in a wetland in the northern hemisphere.

Due to its appearance and rich shade, it received a second name "Crane berry", which was actively used in Russia. A few decades ago, cranberries were the main delicacy on the table in every home. Jam, fruit drinks, jelly and compotes were made from it. Also, each housewife knew how to please her family with delicious and sweet pies.

Now the berry does not have such popularity. However, many lovers of healthy food know that if you pick berries in the fall and pour cold water in a container, the beneficial properties of cranberries will last until spring.

The fruits of the berry are dominated by a large amount of vitamins and microelements. Also, cranberries are rich in organic acids that have a beneficial effect on the body's activity. Here the following substances are distinguished in the composition of berries:

  • Vitamins of group B, K, beta-carotene, folic acid.
  • Potassium, magnesium, calcium, fluorine, iron and other useful trace elements.
  • Organic acids include benzoic, malic and citric.

Experts recommend using the presented type of berries for residents of large and polluted cities. So, scientists have proven that due to daily consumption, the level of carcinogens in human blood is significantly reduced. This acts as a prevention of the formation of cancerous tumors.

Mention should also be made of the antibiotic effect of cranberries on the development of various infectious diseases. If you regularly eat a handful of fresh berries a day with angina or pyelonephritis, you can be completely cured without the use of additional medications.

True, this method of recovery should be resorted to only after consulting your doctor.

How are cranberries harvested? Video:

Cranberries: medicinal properties and contraindications

Not every lover of a specific sour taste knows exactly how cranberries are useful for humans. But it has a positive effect on the general strengthening of the body and the treatment of certain kinds of diseases.

How are cranberries useful?

Cranberries contain only 18 kcal per 100 grams of product. The low calorie content of the berry does not give the skeptics the right to assert the absence of beneficial properties.

Experts identify the following positive effects on the human body:

In terms of the digestive system, cranberries are considered an excellent burner of excess cholesterol.that enters the stomach at the moment. Due to this fact, leading chefs recommend adding berries to the preparation of fatty pork steak and other "harmful" dishes.

The presented fruits have an excellent sedative effect. Therefore, they can be eaten at night or during times of stress.

Cranberry juice, if consumed daily, can act as a prophylactic agent in the infection of the genitourinary system.

Cranberries, as mentioned above, is an excellent prophylactic agent for the occurrence of cancerous tumors. In addition, many experts advise their patients to consume pure cranberries daily in order to prevent the proliferation of prostate and intestinal cancer cells, as well as mammary glands. They argue that in patients, the risk of an increase in existing cancers is reduced to zero. Also, cranberries are excellent at fighting the formation of metastases.

These berries can strengthen blood vessels., which makes them elastic, which means it prevents the risk of heart attack, stroke and normalizes blood pressure.

Cranberries are classified as anti-aging berries.because a large amount of antioxidants stimulates the timely regeneration of cells. That is why the described fruits are actively used in cosmetology for the production of cosmetics.

If a person is trying to lose weight, he may well use it as effective means for losing weight warm cranberry juice... All the principles of losing weight with the help of cranberries will be discussed below.

These are not all aspects and examples of what cranberries help from. You can talk for a long time about the beneficial properties of the presented variety of berries.

As a clarification, it should be noted that if a person decides to use the consumption of fruits for the treatment of an existing disease, he needs to consult a doctor. It will be better if such a kind of treatment will take place under his close attention and with periodic examinations.

Contraindications for use

The benefits of cranberries for the body are so endless that many people simply forget that these berries have contraindications for use. And they, of course, are, since the pulp and peel contains a huge amount of acids, which do not always benefit the body.

So, to contraindications for use include:

  • allergic reactions, which can manifest itself in the form of a skin rash, redness and itching, and in attacks of suffocation;
  • increased acidity of the stomach and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, an ulcer or gastritis;
  • it is not recommended to use cranberries for young mothers during breastfeeding;
  • it is also not recommended to eat cranberries for children under 3 years of age - it has a detrimental effect on the secretion of the stomach;
  • you should refuse to use the presented treats for people with caries and other dental problems (thin and vulnerable tooth enamel, gum disease);
  • people with liver disease should not eat cranberries.

Experts also mention the incompatibility of cranberries with various medications. Therefore, if you plan to use any medicines, consult your doctor about combining berries.

How to properly use cranberries in different situations?

The healing properties of cranberries are described. Now it is necessary to accurately disassemble the basics of application and the rules for using berries, depending on the current situation.

How is cranberry good for men?

Men already at a young age suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system. This is always due to the presence of infections in their bodies, which at a certain point in time do not manifest themselves from the best side.

By regularly consuming cranberry juice, the strong side can protect itself from prostate inflammation and other infectious diseases.

In addition, the juice contains catechin and epicatechin, which, when combined, can prolong male strength. Experts agreed that just one glass of cranberry juice is enough for daily use.

Why cranberries are good for women

Women, due to their biological structure, are more susceptible to infection of the genitourinary system.

The fair sex often suffer from genital inflammation and fungal growths. To prevent this from happening, you should regularly consume cranberry juice in the same quantities as men.

This will protect women from the periodic activity of fungal representatives, and will also act as a prophylaxis for inflammation of the appendages.

Cranberries during pregnancy

The presented berry copes well with edema in late pregnancy, and also normalizes blood pressure, which has an excellent preventive effect on the occurrence of gestosis.

By consuming berries at the very beginning of pregnancy, you can save yourself from colds, which is extremely undesirable during this wonderful period.

But an important question remains, is it possible for pregnant women to take cranberries. Of course, it should be used only in the absence of any contraindications and with the permission of the doctor conducting the pregnancy.

The use of these berries is not completely prohibited, but freshly plucked fruits should not be eaten. Of these, it is recommended to cook fruit drink or jelly. Cranberry juice during pregnancy is drunk no more than a glass per day.

Breastfeeding cranberries

When breastfeeding, these berries are not recommended to be consumed, since it can cause allergic reactions in the baby. However, for the woman herself, cranberries will only have a positive effect.

So, the fruits of this beautiful plant normalize the pressure, which in women after pregnancy tends to "jump" for no reason. Also, berries contribute to an increase in hemoglobin, as a result of which lactation increases.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to drink cranberry juice? You can, but no more than half a glass per day. Also, after drinking, it is better to express milk so that the baby does not get dangerous substances for him.

How to cook cranberry juice will be discussed below.

How to take cranberries for cystitis?

A large number of medicines are based on the use for the production of this particular berry. Due to the antibiotic properties of the berries, bacteria that have entered the body quickly die and do not entail any consequences.

You can use cranberries for treatment and prevention in any form. It is often mixed with sugar to "kill" the sour taste. In this form, only 3-4 teaspoons are enough, but only daily.

Diabetes treatment

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by a malfunction of the pancreas. Freshly squeezed cranberry juice helps to reduce sugar in type 2 diabetics and stabilize indicators in patients with type 1 disease.

This is due to the regular consumption of up to 250 ml of juice per day in diabetes and the stimulation of the pancreas, bringing it to normal.


Cranberries for colds are used to taste and in unlimited quantities. However, its excessive use can lead to abdominal pain and allergic reactions.

Therefore, it is better to use recipes for the preparation of fruit drink, compote, jelly. Better yet, grind a glass of berries with sugar and eat all the contents received in a day.


As described above, these berries can help you lose weight. What is the reason for such a joyful event. Cranberries have a high fiber content, due to which toxins and toxins are removed from the body in a timely manner.

Also, tannins are present here, which help to normalize, and in some cases accelerate metabolism.

Of course, you are not supposed to eat a bucket of berries a day. From such weight loss, you can "enrich yourself" only with a stomach ulcer. But you should not use sugar in the preparation of fruit drinks or compote either.

For weight loss, cranberries should be consumed in a tablespoon each time before meals. You can speed up the process somewhat by replacing fresh fruits with freshly squeezed juice. It is drunk no more than a glass a day, preferably at lunchtime before meals.

Cranberries and rejuvenation

The fair sex, who are accustomed to using expensive cosmetic preparations for rejuvenation, can rejoice. Now you should not spend a lot of money to purchase them. It is enough just to prepare a kind of gruel as an excellent cosmetic product.

There is a universal cranberry face masksuitable for all skin types. Here they mix:

  • 2 tablespoons of cranberries;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed so that a homogeneous gruel is obtained. The berries can be crushed separately beforehand. If necessary, you can also slightly warm the composition to a temperature acceptable to the skin.

The contents are applied to the face for 20 minutes. Then everything is thoroughly washed off with ordinary running water.

Cooking recipes

The article mentioned several times about fruit drinks and jelly. These and several other recipes should be considered separately and in detail.

How to make cranberry juice?

The benefits and harms of cranberry juice are no different from fresh berries. The only exception is the concentration of useful components that remain in the product after heat treatment.

Thanks to such "losses", fruit drink can be used even by those representatives who, for whatever reason, are prohibited from pure berries.

So, the question of how cranberry juice is useful is indirectly sorted out, now you should consider the recipe for its preparation. The principle of cooking is not difficult, so even a beginner will understand the process of how to make cranberry juice.

The following actions are carried out here:

  1. A glass of fresh berries is crushed in a saucepan.
  2. Then add one and a half liters of purified cold water and half a glass of sugar to it.
  3. All contents are boiled for a few minutes.

Before boiling cranberry juice, the berries should be sorted out and washed thoroughly. After preparation, the slightly cooled drink is filtered, sugar or honey is added to it to taste. Drink in moderation.

How to make frozen cranberry cranberry juice? To begin with, the berries should be thawed and rinsed if necessary, and only then repeat all the above steps.

Cranberries, mashed with sugar for the winter without cooking

Cranberries in sugar are quite popular, because the sour taste of the berries themselves is not to everyone's liking. Many housewives adopted this habit and began to harvest berries for the winter, but without boiling, since heat treatment partially destroys useful trace elements.

The recipe for this delicacy is very simple:

  • chop the berries using a blender or meat grinder;
  • mix cranberries with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio;
  • leave the contents overnight, after mixing everything thoroughly;
  • sterilize jars and lids in the morning;
  • put the treat into jars and roll up.

Some prefer cranberries in powdered sugar, which can be prepared in the same way as the recipe described above.

Cranberries in powdered sugar, video:

Cooking jelly

To prepare the presented drink, you should prepare:

  • a glass of berries;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of potato starch.

The washed and mashed cranberries are poured into a saucepan and poured over with water. Add sugar and boil for 10 minutes. The resulting composition must be filtered. The pulp of the berries is no longer required, but the juice remains. It is poured back into a saucepan and set to boil.

While the juice is boiling, stir the starch separately in half a glass of water. It is then poured into the boiling juice in a thin stream. As soon as all the contents have boiled again, the fire is turned off and the jelly is allowed to cool.

  • Which is healthier: cranberries or lingonberries? This question cannot be answered exactly. Each berry presented has its own beneficial properties and contraindications, so the choice here should be made based on your own sympathy and taste. Also, an important aspect in the choice is the place where the delicacies of these species grow. If cranberries grow in your area, then you can give preference to them, especially when you have any of the above diseases.
  • Does cranberry raise or lower blood pressure? As already described in the article, this berry is recommended for use if you have problems with blood pressure. Yes, cranberries have a positive effect on pressure, removing excess water and toxins from the body. Thus, a person's blood circulation is normalized and problems with hypertension no longer arise.

Another interesting question is how to store cranberries at home... Many young housewives, due to inexperience, neglect to pick berries in large quantities, because they do not know how to preserve all the useful properties.

The beneficial properties of cranberries, of course, are important for the human body, therefore, during the period of its active growth, one should not neglect the collection of berries, which are also pleasant to the taste.

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For a long time people began to actively use cranberries when colds appeared. It is she who acts as a prophylactic agent against urolithiasis, normalizes the secretion of gastric juice (with low acidity), increases the body's defenses and reduces high body temperature.

All these properties are possessed only by fresh cranberries, since during heat treatment all the beneficial properties and substances in the berry are destroyed. It is for this reason that it is recommended to harvest mashed cranberries for the winter, and we will tell you how to make it right below.

Traditional option

The recipe for cranberries, grated with sugar, is classified as a classic one. It is simple to prepare and easy to understand.


  • cranberries - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cranberries, mashed with sugar

  1. Sort the berry out, cleaning it from excess debris. Pour the liquid into an enamel bowl, pour out the berry, rinse the berry in several waters with gentle stirring movements. Put on a sieve, wait for excess moisture to drain.
  2. After that, determine the berry in a blender bowl and chop finely, preferably to a puree state. Transfer the masses to a suitable bowl, add granulated sugar and stir.
  3. Cover it with a cloth napkin and leave it on the kitchen table for 10-12 hours. After stirring. Packaged in sterile jars. Put away in a cold place.

Pureed berries for storage in the freezer

It is not always possible to find storage space in the refrigerator. It is considered optimal - to store in the freezer. Consider how, in this case, to cook cranberries with sugar for the winter.


  • cranberries - 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 500 g.

Sort out the berries, remove all third-party garbage. Rinse in several waters and wait for excess moisture to drain. Rub through a sieve. Pour the resulting mass into clean containers or freezer bags. Sprinkle with granulated sugar on top. Close tightly and store in the freezer.

You can store a puree berry without granulated sugar.

With lemon

This harvesting option is considered especially useful, since lemon is added to the berry. The mixture is rich in vitamin C. That is why it is especially recommended to use it during epidemics and colds. You can increase the positive properties of the berry by replacing the sweet sand with natural honey. Then, when preparing mashed cranberries, it is required to observe the proportions of 500 g of honey per 1 kg of sugar.


  • cranberries - 1.6 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.6 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.

Cooking procedure:

  1. Sort out the berries, remove debris and rotten fruits. Rinse gently under water. Rinse the lemon, pour over with boiling water. Divide into 4 parts lengthwise, remove pits, as they give the dish a bitter taste.
  2. Pass all prepared ingredients through a meat grinder. It is important to use a grid with a coarse mesh, as the mass should come out with pieces, but not puree.
  3. Mix the prepared mixture with granulated sugar. Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours. It is worth stirring the composition regularly so that the sweet sand dissolves faster.
  4. Arrange in sterile containers, cover and store in a cold place.

With orange

This recipe for cranberries, mashed with sugar for the winter, is considered ideal, despite the slight warming up on the stove. The blend is rich in vitamins that effectively boost the immune system.


  • cranberries - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg;
  • oranges - 500 g.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Sort out the berries, remove spoiled fruits and third-party garbage. Rinse well under running water. Grind in any convenient way.
  2. Rinse the orange, pour over with boiling water. Carefully remove the peel and white film. Cut into pieces, removing the seeds. Puree with a blender.
  3. Combine cranberries with citrus fruits. Add granulated sugar. Stir, place on the stove. With slow heating, warm up until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. Do not bring the mixture to a boil.
  4. Pack the ready-made delicacy in sterile jars. Roll up hermetically, after cooling, put in a cold place.

Harvesting berries for the winter with sugar will turn out tasty and healthy if you follow some tips:

  1. Carefully sort out the berries so that rotten or spoiled fruits do not get into the mass. Otherwise, the workpiece will sour faster.
  2. Rinsing is allowed under running water, but very carefully. Or in a basin, regularly changing the fluid.
  3. After washing the berry, it needs to be dried. Otherwise, a jar with mashed cranberries will create a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora.
  4. The container in which the workpiece will be stored also needs to be thoroughly rinsed and sterilized.
  5. Store jars of berries in sugar in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Depending on the selected recipe, some features may be present or, conversely, absent. It is for this reason that it is recommended that before cooking, be sure to study all the information presented and only then begin to act. Be sure to follow good hygiene practices to reduce the risk of cans bloating.

The beneficial properties of cranberries and their incredible ability to fulfill the duties of a home "mini-first aid kit" prompts us to look for the best ways to harvest this miraculous berry for the winter. You can, of course, freeze it, but very often this is prevented by the lack of free space in the freezer. An equally effective way to preserve all the properties of cranberries is to harvest them for the winter with sugar without cooking.

In this case, the berries are not heat-treated and, in combination with sugar, become not only helpers in diseases, but also a delicious dessert that you can enjoy with tea, or the basis of a healthy one.

How to cook cranberries with sugar for the winter without cooking?


  • cranberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


To prepare cranberries with sugar for the winter, we select high-quality berries, rinse them and let them dry thoroughly on a paper or cloth towel. Next, you need to crush them to a puree state. To do this, you can use a meat grinder, blender, or simply knead the berries with a crush or wooden spoon. Next, pour granulated sugar into the berry mass, mix and leave at room temperature for about seven hours, stirring occasionally. During this time, the sugar crystals should completely dissolve.

Now we pour the cranberries with sugar into previously sterilized dry jars, close them tightly with sterile lids and put them in a cool place for storage.

Another option for a healthy preparation of cranberries and sugar for the winter, the preparation of which takes no more than thirty minutes.

How to make sugar cranberries without cooking?


  • fresh cranberries - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg.


We pour the washed and dried berries with half the norm of granulated sugar and grind well with a pusher or a wooden spoon until the sweet crystals dissolve. Then we lay out the resulting sweet and sour berry mass in previously prepared dry, sterile glass jars. Fill in the remaining granulated sugar, seal with sterile lids and put in a cool place for storage.

Cranberries can be prepared whole with sugar. About this in our next recipe.

How to prepare a whole cranberry for the winter with sugar?


  • fresh cranberries;
  • granulated sugar.


To prepare the whole berries, it is necessary to select the highest quality specimens without damage and bruises. We wash them well in cold water and let them drain. We pay special attention to drying cranberries. The berries should be completely dry and not contain a drop of water. Now we fill pre-sterilized dry jars up to the hangers with properly prepared berries, alternating layers with granulated sugar, also fill the jars with sugar on top to the eyeballs, close the lids and put them in the refrigerator for storage.

Cranberries with sugar and orange without cooking for the winter



We sort out the cranberries, get rid of spoiled ones, wash and dry high-quality ones. Wash the orange, pour over boiling water, wipe it dry, cut it into slices along with the zest and take out the seeds.

Now we turn the cranberries and orange through a meat grinder along with granulated sugar and mix well. If desired, if you want to get a more uniform consistency of the workpiece, you can pass it through the meat grinder twice. Next, we lay out the vitamin mixture on the previously prepared ones, close it tightly with lids and put it in the refrigerator for storage.