Chestnuts and their benefits and harms to the human body, areas of application and culinary recipes. The benefits and harms of edible chestnuts, how to roast them and how to cook them

22.08.2019 Snacks


Chestnut is a plant from the Beech genus. It can be of two types: noble (aka sweet or edible) and horse (inedible). The tree grows in America, Europe, Asia. Chestnut is especially revered in France; a holiday is even celebrated in its honor.

The fruits are used in cooking, they can be added to the first and second courses, they are used to prepare sauces and desserts. Nuts are eaten fried, boiled and baked.

They help with a number of diseases, they are used in alternative medicine and pharmacology. The plant has found its application in cosmetology and dietetics.

From this article you will learn what the benefits of chestnuts are for human health, what are the useful and medicinal properties of nuts for men, women and children, are there any contraindications, what harm edible fruits can cause, how and what to cook from them. We will also tell you about which chestnuts can be eaten and how to use them to treat diseases.

How to Pick a Good Product

The season for the edible chestnut is from August to November.... At this time, nuts of the new crop can be found both in the market and in the supermarket.

When buying fruit, pay attention to the following factors:

  • the form - give preference to nuts of large size and the same appearance;
  • the weight - a good product will always be heavy and hard, there should not be any dents on it;
  • color - high quality nuts have a glossy dark brown hue.

By purchasing a product on the market, make sure you buy exactly edible chestnuts... Horse nuts should not be eaten, they cause poisoning.

If you buy the fruits in a supermarket, packed, then carefully study the label. Check the release date and expiration date of the product.

Fresh chestnuts are kept in the refrigerator. They are good for food for several days, after which they become moldy.

If you want to extend the shelf life, then they can be boiled or baked, then frozen, this will extend the use of the fruit by several months.

Why the chestnut is useful, how to choose and eat it correctly, the program “Live Healthy!” Will tell you:

Chemical composition and calorie content, glycemic index, nutritional value

In chestnuts, like rice or potatoes, high in carbohydrates and starch... It is an active source of energy and is useful for athletes before or after training.

The nut contains vegetable proteins, which makes it indispensable in the diet of vegetarians.

The product is similar in shape and structure to nuts. It differs in that it contains significantly less fats and oil components (indicator below six percent).

The chemical composition of chestnuts includes:

  • cellulose - improves the activity of the digestive system, helps with weight loss, improves bowel function;
  • starch - a kind of carbohydrates, one of the sources of energy, tones up the entire body;
  • tannins - organic compounds that help in the treatment of burns, cuts, abrasions. They have astringent properties, stop bleeding;
  • - normalizes the emotional background, participates in the metabolism of amino acids, strengthens the immune and cardiovascular systems;
  • vitamins of group A, B, C - support the work of all vital organs and body systems;
  • trace elements:, manganese.

The calorie content of boiled chestnuts is 131 kilocalories per 100 grams. If the product is fried, then this figure reaches 182 kilocalories. When baked, it drops to 56 kilocalories.

Glycemic index of fruits - 60 units, which refers to the average. That is, the product affects the blood sugar level (not recommended for people with high insulin).

The nutritional value of nuts includes 12% protein, 6% fat and 82% carbohydrates.

Read about the calorie content of blue whiting fish per 100 grams, what is the glycemic index and composition, in the material.

In cosmetology

Usually, a horse plant variety is used in cosmetology.... It is added to creams, shampoos, masks, bath foams. The fruits of the tree help relieve puffiness and soothe irritated skin.

They are added to sunscreen lotions as they fight UV rays.

Anti-cellulite nut scrub - take pre-chopped chestnuts, mix them with basil and. Apply to problem areas, then rinse. Perform the procedure regularly, cellulite will soon disappear.

Tightening decoction - chop the product, take two tablespoons, fill them with a glass of cold water. After thirty minutes, put the solution on fire and simmer for ten minutes. Wash your face with the resulting broth every other day.

Now you know about the medicinal properties of chestnuts and the areas of application of the edible and inedible fruit, you know how nuts are useful and how they are eaten.

Chestnut and its healing properties have been known for a long time.... The fruits of the plant can be edible (noble variety) and inedible (horse variety). Nuts are rich in carbohydrates and starch and are a source of energy.

They are useful for varicose veins, thrombosis, hemorrhoids, diseases of the cardiovascular system. Before using the product, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

In contact with

In May-June, many residents of our country observe the amazingly beautiful flowering of chestnuts: elongated inflorescences grow from large oily buds, similar to candles with numerous white flowers. Therefore, this beautiful tree is rightfully considered one of the favorite ornamental plants, especially in southern cities. In September-October, the chestnuts begin to bear fruit. Chestnut fruits are slightly flattened, shiny. Unfortunately, its edible species in Russia grow only in the south. There are two types of chestnut - sweet edible and the so-called horse, used for medicinal purposes. In this article, we'll talk about the health benefits of chestnuts.

Chestnut is an extremely effective medicinal plant. Its fruits include many useful compounds - esculin, escin, fraxin, vitamin K, fatty oils, flavonoid glycosides, pectin, tannins and resinous substances. Such a rich composition determines the unique pharmacological properties of chestnut, therefore it is used in folk medicine in many countries of the world. For medicinal purposes, all parts of the plant are used - seeds, flowers, bark, peel of ripe fruits.

Due to its many healing properties, chestnut is used for the treatment and prevention of vascular diseases, post-traumatic edema, postoperative thrombosis, thrombophlebitis. With the help of chestnuts, many women successfully fight varicose veins - one of the main problems of the fair sex, regardless of their age. The resorbing effect of chestnut fruits is well known, helping women with breast ailments. With mastopathy, mastitis, stagnation of milk during breastfeeding, chestnut fruits roll over the skin, massaging painful seals, or put into a bra.

Decoctions and infusions of chestnut tree bark have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, analgesic, anticonvulsant effects. They are used both externally and internally in the treatment of hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, chronic and inflammatory bowel diseases. Chestnut seeds in powder form help with colds of the respiratory tract and are an excellent wound healing agent used when boils, abscesses, burns appear. There is even a recipe for making beer from chestnuts, which is useful for prophylactic purposes in a complex cleansing of the body.

Mainly horse chestnut has medicinal properties. Edible chestnuts are low in fat (only 5%) and high in carbohydrates (up to 62%). Despite the rather high calorie content of sweet chestnuts (180 kcal per 100 g of product), they are an important component of all kinds of vegetarian diets. The fruits of sweet chestnuts are very nutritious, contain a lot of nutrients and have a pleasant taste. They are eaten raw, boiled and fried. Chestnuts are used to prepare a wide variety of dishes, sauces, desserts, they are used as a filling for stuffed poultry, but most often they are prepared by roasting over hot coals. In Europe there is a tradition - to bake chestnuts on the streets of cities on the eve of Christmas. In France, an annual holiday is dedicated to this wonderful plant, and the inhabitants of this country consider the chestnut to be their national product.

Chestnuts help to reduce blood clotting, so they are not recommended for use with pulmonary and gastrointestinal bleeding, as well as stomach ulcers. The health benefits of chestnuts are significant, and overall chestnuts are a delicious treat and effective medicine. Be healthy, take care of yourself and your loved ones!

- a very beautiful plant of the beech genus. In our region, its wild subspecies grows, but, despite the very appetizing appearance of its fruits, it is better not to eat them, since they can cause great harm to the body. Edible chestnut does not grow in our latitudes. But you can easily get it in modern supermarkets. The medicinal properties of chestnut tincture have been identified long ago in places of its growth - in Asia and North America. Let's get acquainted in more detail with chestnut, its benefits and contraindications, using the reviews of experienced nutritionists.

Mineral composition of edible chestnut

The beneficial properties of edible chestnut can be compared to potatoes and rice, this is due to the high content of starch and carbohydrates in it. Also, chestnut fruits are rich in natural vegetable protein, so it can become one of the main sources of its supply to the body of a vegetarian.

Chestnut with edible fruit

In their shape and structure, chestnut fruits have a certain similarity to nuts, but the main difference in the composition is the minimum content of fatty and oily substances (up to 6%). To a greater extent, chestnut contains:

  • fiber;
  • starch;
  • tannins;
  • carbohydrates (62%);
  • vitamins A, C and B (B1, B2, B6, B9);
  • beta carotene;

Chestnut contains a whole range of nutrients

  • potassium;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • selenium.

The ratio of the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 12% / 6% / 82%. Energy value 170 kcal per 100 g of product.

Benefits for the body

A positive effect on the human body is produced due to the bundle of fats, proteins and tannins contained in chestnuts. The increased content of starch and carbon make the product a real energy bomb, which is activated when it enters the body and releases a huge amount of energy. Very useful for athletes before and after training.

Edible chestnuts look almost identical to those we are used to.

The brown skin that covers the body of the fruit is rich in fiber.

Advice! Ground sweet chestnuts can be added to baked goods. This will not only achieve a pleasant exotic taste, but also ensure your and your family's fiber intake.

The use of chestnut in cooking

In cooking, an exclusively edible type of chestnuts is used. Salads are made of them, fruits are baked in the oven, added to dishes as a seasoning, etc. Here are some recipes for this exotic product:

Roasted chestnut salad. This salad is a dietary dish and can deservedly fit into a book about tasty and healthy food. It consists of arugula, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, chopped roasted chestnuts and durum wheat pasta, cooked "al dente" (not fully cooked). This salad is dressed with olive oil sauce with lemon juice.

Chestnuts can be simply fried or added to dishes

Roast mushroom with chestnut and hazelnuts... A very healthy dish for vegetarians. The high protein content of mushrooms and chestnuts will help fill in the missing amount. Oven-baked chestnuts are peeled and crushed together with hazelnuts. Mushrooms are fried and stewed in cognac until the liquid evaporates. Separately, onion and garlic are fried in olive oil with the addition of caraway and thyme. All blanks are mixed, fit into the mold. 2-3 tbsp is added there. l. vegetable broth. Roast is baked in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Medicinal properties and application in traditional medicine

Chestnut is characterized by medicinal properties. The most beneficial is horse chestnut. Its correct use can cope with a number of difficulties in the work of the human body.

Very often used in folk medicine chestnut tincture... Depending on their preparation, the effect on the body is different.

The fruits of the horse chestnut rolled in a meat grinder are poured with vodka or medical alcohol. The liquid is infused for 3-4 weeks indoors. It is filtered and applied in accordance with the dosage:

  • in the treatment of thrombophlebitis - 20 drops no more than 2 times a day before meals for 30 days, diluted in 250 ml of water;
  • with varicose veins - rub the tincture into the skin at night, rinse off in the morning.

Alcohol tincture of horse chestnut

The fruits of a horse-nut broken with a hammer are poured into 3 liters of water. The resulting mixture is boiled for 35-40 minutes, cooled and medical alcohol (no more than 100 ml) is poured into it. This tincture is used in cosmetic procedures to rejuvenate and cleanse the skin of the face.

Important! These recipes are based solely on the experience of ordinary people. Testing by scientific institutions has not been carried out. Before use, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Contraindications and reviews

Not everyone benefits from chestnuts. Like all plants, chestnut has its own list of contraindications for people with hypersensitivity to individual units of the vitamin and mineral composition of the product.

Be careful with chestnuts and only eat edible varieties. Before using ointments and tinctures based on it, consult your doctor.

How to cook chestnuts in the oven: video

Edible chestnuts: photo

We learned about edible chestnut from French films.

At home, it is a favorite delicacy, but for us it remains an unprecedented wonder, although now this overseas delicacy is available and on sale.

Let's talk about the beneficial properties and dangers of fruits today.

This is a tall tree of the Beech family with unusual pyramid-shaped inflorescences, as well as edible fruits.

The fruit in the section is a cream or yellowish nut.

The territory of its distribution is the south of Europe (the Balkans, Greece, etc.), Asia and America, in the post-Soviet space - the Caucasus, the Black Sea coast.

Outwardly, this nut looks like a horse chestnut growing in our latitudes, but, unlike it, it is not poisonous, although both plants have medicinal properties.

Chestnut chemical composition, calorie content and nutritional value

The fruit contains: ascorbic and folic acids, B vitamins, retinol, riboflavin and niacin, and in addition, copper and iron, potassium and calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and manganese.

Nutritional value - 166 kcal fresh, 182 kcal fried per hundred grams of product.

Unlike other nuts, the fruit contains more carbohydrates and proteins than fat. It also contains a lot of starch, fiber and sugars.

Spiders do not like this tree and do not weave webs on its branches. Perhaps that is why most of the European castle buildings used the wood of chestnut wood.

Chestnut is often consumed for metabolic problems, walnut with its beneficial properties helps to normalize metabolism, stimulates the production of necessary enzymes, regulates the water-salt and acid-base balance. It regulates fat metabolism, which reduces the risk of liver disease.

Edible chestnut has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, useful properties support the work of the endocrine system, normalize blood flow.

Moderate but regular consumption of fruits in food is an effective prevention of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, thrombophlebitis, venous congestion and varicose veins.

The benefits of chestnuts for men

Horse chestnuts are most useful for men with problems with the reproductive system. Most problems with potency are associated with poor blood circulation in the genitals. Fruit-based preparations help to solve this problem, as well as cure prostatitis. Of particular value is that such a medicine does not harm other organs.

Chestnut trees have been around since prehistoric times and can live for over half a century. There are written testimonies dating back to 378 BC about the baking of bread from chestnut flour by the ancient Romans.

Benefits of chestnuts for women

Toasted nuts, if consumed during critical days, greatly facilitate the well-being of a woman.

They are useful for menopause: they improve the hormonal balance of women during this period. In gynecology, preparations based on fetuses are used for uterine bleeding and edema, with stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.

It is interesting why edible chestnuts are useful for women who prefer to walk in heels: how to prepare them for stressed joints of the feet and not only - a detailed description below.

Application of chestnuts

Are chestnuts useful? Of course, their use is not limited only to cooking, the fruits are used in medicine (folk and traditional), in cosmetology. It is even harvested for future use in order to have raw materials for the preparation of medicines or dishes.

In folk medicine

What are the health benefits of chestnuts from a medical point of view? Traditional medicine uses tinctures, decoctions and ointments based on this nut.

For the treatment of joints, a tincture of fruits is prepared, compresses, rubbing, in the absence of contraindications, is taken orally. For cooking, take 70 g of flowers, 10 g of chopped fruits and 0.5 l of vodka; insist a week. Inside take 20 drops before meals. This tincture is useful for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, arthrosis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis. It is advisable to check the dosage in consultation with a doctor.

A similar tincture, with the exception of the colors in the composition, when taken orally helps with hypertension... For sore joints, an ointment is also prepared from nuts ground into flour, adding vegetable oil.

In pharmacology, horse chestnut is a part of drugs for various diseases (gynecology, urology, gastrointestinal tract system, cardiovascular system, respiratory tract).

In cosmetology

Chestnut, due to its properties, benefits and finds application in skin, nail and hair care. Many cosmetics: tonics, scrubs, creams and milk contain these fruits.

Walnut in cosmetology exhibits the following properties:

  • stimulates the production of elastin and collagen;
  • strengthens hair and nails;
  • reduces pigmentation;
  • removes swelling and smoothes scars and scars;
  • normalizes thyroid function, which has a positive effect on the general condition of the skin and hair;
  • helps relieve inflammation of the eye mucosa;
  • slows down the aging of the body.

What are the benefits of chestnut for skin? It is an effective antioxidant, in addition, products based on it regenerate and nourish, as well as moisturize the skin and cleanse the pores.

In cooking. How to cook chestnuts

From a culinary point of view, this is a multifaceted product: it is baked, boiled, fried, dried, ground into flour. Desserts (mousses, soufflés), salads are prepared from the fruits, added to second courses, to meat, seafood, added to baked goods.

How are chestnuts useful for the body, and how are they eaten? Vegetarians make up for missing protein.

Since there is little fat in the product, it is valuable from the point of view of diets and rehabilitation measures after illness or surgery, as well as for weight loss.

The easiest diet salad is made with these nuts., any fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes) and herbs, seasoned with olive oil.

When frying or baking fruits, the skin covering them must be pierced, otherwise they will explode. So that the fruits are not too hard, it is important not to overdo them.

Harmful properties and contraindications for use

The fetus has contraindications for pregnant women: you should not eat them and use drugs based on them. You can not use the product during lactation, it will cause bloating in the baby.

It is forbidden to use the product and medications with it for the following diseases:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys;
  • hypotension;
  • liver disease.

Frequent use in large quantities can lead to gastrointestinal problems: bloating, diarrhea.

How to roast chestnuts at home, see the video:

As soon as overseas fruits appeared in our stores and restaurants, many questions arose about what chestnuts are useful for, what kind of fruit it is. It turns out that this is not only an interesting dish, but also a medicinal and dietary product.

Chestnuts are native to the Balkan Peninsula, and now their luxurious green crowns are known on different continents. Ripe edible fruits provide maximum health benefits. How to distinguish the types of edible chestnuts from inedible nuts - later in the article.

What chestnuts eat

Chestnut trees grow in different latitudes, so each species is different. Nutritionists and culinary specialists distinguish three species with edible fruits among three dozen chestnut trees and bushes:

  • european sowing;
  • crenate;
  • chinese (it has the softest fruits).

Fruits of other chestnut varieties are unsafe to eat. In comparison with the equine species, edible fruits are inferior in kernel size, resemble walnuts in volume, also in edible species there are usually several fruits in a nut, their peel is brown (in contrast to the green horse shell).
Trees also differ in the shape of the crown and leaves, as well as in the shape of the inflorescences. The only thing the edible and inedible varieties have in common is the smooth shiny dark brown fruit.

What are edible chestnuts rich in?

Edible chestnut kernels prepared for a meal taste like baked potatoes. Compared to other types of nuts, the composition of chestnut fruits is distinguished by its energy value and at the same time low in fat.

Did you know? The inhabitants of Corsica on Easter bless in the church not the usual Easter cakes and not even eggs, but chestnuts.


Chestnut kernels contain a large amount of starch (2.5-3%), glucose and vitamins (, and).
The concentration of minerals is up to 3%. The presented product contains optimal content, and. The composition of substances in the kernels directly depends on the type of chestnut trees and the climatic conditions at the planting site.

Calorie content and nutritional value

Ready meals are especially revered by vegetarians . 100 g of fresh chestnut tree nuts contain - 166 kcal, roasted - 182 kcal. Steamed food from chestnuts is considered the least high-calorie - three times less calories than raw food. Fruits are not rich in fats, but carbohydrates predominate in them (more than 60%).

Not only edible - about the benefits

Healing decoctions are prepared from chestnut leaves to treat internal bleeding and eliminate respiratory problems. They will contain useful substances such as glycosides, tannins,.

The fleshy buds of the edible varieties are rich in starch, sucrose and protein. The cotyledons also contain organic acids, vitamins and enzymes. Young chestnuts are a real storehouse of vitamin C (up to 1500 mg per 100 g of product). Immature kernels cure varicose veins, acute and chronic thrombophlebitis.

In bark, wood, buds and leaves, tannins account for about 10-16%. These ingredients can be used to form an effective astringent burn ointment. Decoctions from them will help cleanse the skin of boils.

Can chestnuts

The fair sex during pregnancy and lactation should take special care of their diet so as not to harm the child. The correct preparation of chestnut meals and the distribution of portions will help saturate the body with nutrients to strengthen the immune system.

Did you know? Chestnuts Day is celebrated every third Tuesday in October in France, and on Christmas Day they are served in a sugared form called marron glace ("ice chestnut").


Women who are carrying a child are faced with hormonal changes in the body. This often becomes the cause of stress and depression. Eating chestnuts in your daily diet can help improve your mood. Also, the product lowers high blood pressure, improves blood circulation and saturates the body of the expectant mother with substances that serve as an "antidote" to fatigue.

Other benefits of pregnant women eating chestnuts:

  • strengthening of bones and teeth with well-absorbed phosphorus of natural origin;
  • elimination of insomnia due to the presence of tryptophan;
  • improving the eyes with vitamin B2;
  • aid in digestion thanks to fiber.

The only negative is that the abuse of chestnut dishes is fraught with obesity with a tendency to be overweight.

When breastfeeding

Often women use chestnut-based supplements for weight loss purposes. The use of chestnut for medicinal purposes is not recommended for nursing mothers. During lactation, the product can cause certain risks to the health of the baby, because the baby's immunity is not yet sufficiently formed, therefore, the small body is completely dependent on the mother's body, her diet and lifestyle.

Chestnut-based meals and preparations contain caffeine, theobromine and theophylline, which can provide an excessive burst of energy even at night. It is advisable for a young mother to sleep well and rest regularly during breastfeeding. Excessive excitability can also be transmitted to the baby through breast milk.

Medicinal properties of edible chestnut

Medical research has proven the benefits of chestnut for the body. Alcohol extract from the edible fruits of the plant is an effective anti-inflammatory and decongestant agent.
The use of the tincture strengthens the capillary walls, lowers blood pressure, normalizes the level of cholesterol and lecithin in the blood, and protects against the formation of fatty plaques in the aortic area. The extract constricts blood vessels and has a pronounced analgesic effect.

Chestnut leaf cough decoction recipe. 2 tsp leaves of a seed variety are poured with 240 ml of water. The future medicinal drug is brought to a boil and then boiled on the stove for 5 minutes. After removing the dishes from the fire, filter the contents. The broth will cure a severe cough or whooping cough when taken systematically by the throat throughout the day.

Fortifying tincture.For the medicine, you will need 2 tbsp. l. chopped fruits and 500 ml of vodka. Chestnuts are poured into an ordinary glass jar and poured with vodka. The mixture for internal use is insisted for three weeks. Method of application: 1 tsp. tincture, diluted with water (1 to 2), half an hour before meals.

Briefly about application in cosmetics

The healing properties of chestnut extract made it possible to use it in cosmetology. Cosmetic creams for the care of normal and oily skin, anti-cellulite masks, shampoos and bath foams are very popular. Chestnut-based foot creams actively fight excessive swelling, treat sprains and sprains, and therefore are popular among athletes.

Chestnut sunscreen cosmetics are resistant to the negative effects of UV rays. Extracts in the form of oils are used in the care of faded skin. Many women notice a noticeable lifting effect after rubbing with a decoction of the fruit.

Edible chestnuts in cooking

Raw chestnuts are fried and baked. From them, culinary specialists obtain excellent additives in flour for baking and confectionery products. Nuts are delicious, especially when roasted or candied. Sometimes chestnuts are even used to make some kind of coffee drinks.

How to roast chestnuts

To prepare a fried delicacy, you will need a frying pan with a lid, a kitchen board, a knife, a spatula, or a large spoon. No sunflower oil is required for frying.

Chestnuts are not salted during frying and do not add water. The step-by-step cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. The fruits are pre-washed under running water.
  2. Each nut is cut with a sharp knife on the convex side in the middle to avoid sticking.
  3. The pan is placed on the largest burner of the gas stove (a large heating area of \u200b\u200bthe frying zone is required).
  4. Lay the chestnuts flat on the bottom of the pan. Fry for five minutes under the lid.
  5. Then the half-open fruits in the incision area are turned over to the other side and the heat is gradually reduced (fry on a small burner for 10 minutes.)

Important! Chestnuts burn quickly during heat treatment. For this reason, old pans are chosen for frying the product. The brown skin of the fruit covers the frying surface with brown spots that cannot be cleaned even with aggressive dishwashing detergents.

The total cooking time is about half an hour. To clean the fried shells of ready-made fruits, it is advisable to wait until they cool down after frying. Real gourmets consider such a simple and at the same time unusual dish an ideal hot appetizer for wine.

Light Chestnut Cream Soup is a marvelous idea for an unusual culinary treat for a homemade meal. The main ingredient can be purchased at specialty grocery stores.

Ingredients for the first course:

  • vegetable broth (0.5 l);
  • leeks (1 pc.);
  • peeled chestnuts (150 g);
  • butter (50 g);
  • sour cream (33%) (100 g).

Cut the leeks into half rings and fry for three minutes in butter. Then the finished vegetable broth is added and peeled chestnuts are added. The contents of the stewpan are boiled for about half an hour. Grind the finished mixture with a blender, add sour cream and bring the mass to a boil.

Possible harm and contraindications

In addition to benefits, the fruits of the plant can also harm human health. Some people note an individual intolerance to this dietary product - after taking meals, nausea and vomiting appear.

Therefore, before using chestnuts in your daily diet, you should consult with a dietitian or personal therapist who knows the characteristics of your body. The product is dangerous for people with heart and kidney problems, for diabetics.

Important! It is undesirable to be treated with chestnut on your own - it very much thinns the blood.

If chestnut kernels do not cause side effects, you should still not overuse the amount eaten. Often, due to overeating chestnuts, the intestines suffer from excessive gas formation, constipation or loose stools. The product is not combined with oak bark in cosmetic procedures - it is fraught with wilting of even the most oily skin type.

If there are contraindications for chestnuts, they can be replaced with cashews or pine nuts. They differ in taste, but they are united by the richness of useful vitamins and minerals.

The nut seeds of apples have a delicate and slightly oily flavor. These curved nuts are expensive due to manual shelling. There is a burning oil between the top shell and the kernel of the nut, which causes skin burns.

Experienced people extract this poison by special heat treatment. The product is ideal for people on a diet - the fat content of cashews is much lower than that of walnuts, almonds and peanuts.
The delicacy is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Regular consumption of nuts in small amounts saturates the body with useful ones, important for hair growth and strengthening nails.

- Suppliers of high quality protein of natural origin, fully absorbed by the body. The rough fibrous structure of the fetus improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, gently cleanses the intestinal walls from perennial toxins and toxins. In folk medicine, in addition to nuts, cedar oil cake, squeezed oil and peeled fruit shells are used.

Chefs most often use pine nuts for desserts. Kernels pair well with fish or meat due to their creamy nutty flavor.
Edible chestnuts have appeared on our market relatively recently, but many gourmets have already fallen in love with this delicious product. In addition, they do not require strong heat treatment or complex manipulations - it is enough to fry the fruits in a pan or bake in the oven. The main thing is not to use inedible fruits for culinary purposes.