How to stew cutlets in a skillet correctly. Juicy and fragrant stewed cutlets

09.09.2019 Snacks

Recipes for cutlets cannot be counted, no matter how they are cooked. Today we plan juicy minced meat cutlets, which we are going to stew on the stove in a pan after frying. Do you like gravy cutlets? So this is exactly the recipe In addition to the fact that with gravy (sauce), cutlets seem much more appetizing to many, this is also a reliable way to bring them to full readiness and not worry that they were not fried. This approach is especially relevant for minced beef cutlets or mixed with the addition of beef, which requires a longer heat treatment than pork. Of course, everyone knows how to fry minced meat cutlets. Just in case, we will repeat ourselves briefly. Our stewed cutlets will be soft and juicy, without the crispy crust characteristic of fried cutlets, but they will be saturated with the taste and aroma of the sauce in which they will be stewed. The sauce can be the simplest one (self-forming gravy on boiling water when stewing), or, for example, tomato, or tomato with sour cream - all this is very quick and simple, and at your choice. Cooking a large frying pan of stewed cutlets - 10 pcs. Even a spacious saucepan may be required

  • Training: 20 minutes
  • Preparation: 30 minutes
  • It turns out: 10 pieces

600 gr minced meat

3-4 slices of stale white bread or loaf

half a glass of milk or water to soak it

1 small onion

1-2 cloves of garlic (optional)

1 egg (optional)

salt, ground black pepper to taste

flour for breading cutlets

refined vegetable oil for frying

water or broth for gravy

In the gravy for stewing cutlets:

1 teaspoon flour

1 bay leaf

if desired, other spices to your taste

Or for tomato sauce:

1 teaspoon flour

1 bay leaf

1-2 tablespoons tomato puree

salt, sugar, pepper to taste

1 tablespoon sour cream (optional, optional)

1 This is all you need to make cutlets.

2 Cut the crusts off the loaf slices, break the pulp into pieces and soak in milk or water.

3 Peel the onion and garlic and chop finely with a knife. You can mince them along with the meat if you cook the minced meat yourself. For a brighter taste of cutlets, onions can be added to the minced meat not raw, but by pre-sauttering it until transparent with vegetable oil.

4 Lightly squeeze the soaked bread, knead or pass through a meat grinder and add to the minced meat. We also add salt and ground pepper to taste. You do not need to add the egg, but if you add it, then the minced meat will be more coherent, and the cutlets will hold their shape better when frying.

5 Combine all the minced meat ingredients.

6 And mix thoroughly.

7 We select a handful of uniform portions of minced meat for cutlets. To prevent the minced meat from sticking, we moisten our hands and work surface with water.

8 For coherence we knock out each portion of minced meat, tossing it with force from hand to hand, and roll it into koloboks. Then we bread in flour.

9 We do not recommend breading cutlets in breadcrumbs - the breadcrumbs crunch appetizingly on fried cutlets, and when stewing they will get soaked and, in some places, peeling off the surface of the cutlets, they will drift in the sauce. Flour, on the contrary, will add a pleasant thickness to the gravy. We usually add a little more flour to the sauce - we like the thicker gravy.

10 We shape the patties in a standard way - give them an oval-flattened shape. You can make them thicker for stewing than for frying.

11 The oil should already be warming up in a skillet over medium heat. Put the cutlets to fry one after the other as they are molded and fry until light brown, first on one side, then turn over and fry on the other.

12 Try not to burn the cutlets, adjust the heat. The burn in the pan creates unnecessary problems - the cutlets will have to be cleaned before stewing, transferred to another dish, and the fat from the pan should be filtered so as not to spoil the sauce. If everything is neat in the frying pan after frying the cutlets, then simmer the cutlets right in it. To make the gravy thick, at the end of frying the cutlets, add a little extra flour in the intervals between them, so that it is passaged in hot oil for a couple of minutes.

13 Then pour hot water, almost boiling water, into the pan from a kettle, so that its level reaches half the height of the cutlets. If instead of water you have meat broth, it will definitely not be worse. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the cutlets, reducing the heat to a minimum, for 15-20 minutes.

14 5-7 minutes before the end of stewing, taste the gravy, add salt, pepper and spices to taste so that they reveal the aroma optimally. If the gravy evaporates a lot and thickens too much, you can dilute it with broth or boiling water.

These are the stewed cutlets with gravy - juicy and soft, the taste is excellent. Cutlets are tolerant to any side dish that appetizingly absorbs gravy - mashed potatoes, crumbly porridge and boiled pasta.

If you are more tempted by cutlets in tomato sauce, we act in the same way, only pour the cutlets for stewing not with boiling water, but with tomato puree diluted with hot water to the consistency of tomato juice.

You can use the tomato juice itself, as well as homemade tomato juice - whatever you have. If you also add sour cream, then the sauce will turn out like for stuffed cabbage - very tasty, we also add a little sugar

You can add vegetables to the sauce for stewing cutlets - fresh or frozen bell peppers, tomato slices, chopped greens, spinach, green beans and other vegetables, for which there is enough time to stew cutlets in order to reach readiness.

Happy cooking and bon appetit!

Actually, it was about cutlets stewed in sauce, and cabbage rolls were mentioned only for an appetizing comparison.In fact, cutlets actively absorb sauce when stewing, but if you make more sauce, then it will definitely remain for gravy to cutlets

And I have such a question, should the sauce be absorbed into the cabbage rolls when stewing, or should the cabbage rolls with sauce be obtained?

Cutlets with gravy turn out to be much tastier and more tender than ordinary fried minced meat cutlets. According to this recipe, you can prepare a gravy for any cutlets: pork, chicken, fish, potato. Delicious sauce for cutlets can be not only tomato, but also sour cream or mushroom. Adopt a delicious and simple recipe for cutlets with gravy from our reader Svetlana Burova and experiment with different minced cutlets!

Cutletsminced porkwith gravy

“Dear friends and readers of the site Notebook! I would like to offer you a recipe for cutlets, which I stew in gravy. My mom always cooks homemade cutlets with sauce just like that. Meat cutlets are tender, soft, juicy and we flavored with the same gravy as a side dish.

Maybe not everyone likes this option of simultaneous cooking of cutlets and gravy, in this case the cutlets can be fried separately, and the tomato sauce can be cooked in another dish.

But it seems to me that the gravy (from the fact that our cutlets are stewed in it) turns out to be tasty and saturated with the smell of cutlets. This is also very important.

Try and cook delicious homemade cutlets with gravy according to this recipe, you will like it! "

For a recipe for cutlets with gravy, you will need:

  • Meat (pork pulp) - 1 kg.
  • Meat layer with bacon - 0.4 kg.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Bulb onions - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 wedges.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying cutlets.

To make tomato gravy:

  • Water - 2 glasses.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Ketchup (I use my own homemade) or tomato juice - 1 glass.
  • Sour cream (you may not add) - 0.5 cups.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.

How to make burgers with gravy

Thoroughly rinse the meat and lard (layers), release from films, cut into pieces. Pass in minced meat in a meat grinder along with onions and garlic.

Add eggs, salt and pepper to the resulting minced meat for cutlets. You can add (when kneading the minced pork) a little water. To make the pork cutlets more juicy.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil on the stove.

We form minced meat cutlets.

Dip each pork cutlet in flour, put them on a hot frying pan and fry until crispy on both sides.

When we have fried all the cutlets, put them in a pan tightly to each other.

Cooking delicious tomato - sour cream sauce for cutlets.

Mix water with flour. Mix well so that there are no lumps. Add ketchup or tomato juice, sour cream (if you use it). You can add a little salt - if required.

Pouring - add the sauce to the pan with cutlets.

Add bay leaf and cook stewed cutlets in gravy for 20-25 minutes over low heat.

Cutlets can be served with any side dish (mashed potatoes, rice, buckwheat, pasta, etc.), pouring over with a delicious gravy.

You can stew cutlets with gravy not only on the stove in a pan, but also in an oven or slow cooker.

Good appetite!!!

Chicken cutlets (stewed)

Chicken cutlets

Delicious, tender minced chicken cutlets.


for 18-20 pcs.

  • Minced chicken (from breasts and thighs) - 1.8-2 kg;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 2-4 cloves;
  • Hercules flakes (semolina or half a loaf) - 0.5 cups;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Spicy herbs: oregano, marjoram, thyme, basil - pinch each (you can put allspice or black pepper instead);

Vegetable oil for frying

How to cook

  1. Grate the onion, finely grate the garlic. Combine them with minced meat, oatmeal and aromatic herbs. Salt.
  2. Beat the eggs and combine with the minced meat with light, lifting movements to preserve the airiness of the eggs (the cutlets will come out lush);
  3. Put a frying pan with butter (about 1 cm layer) over medium heat;
  4. Pour water into a bowl (to moisten hands) and form cutlets with wet hands, throwing them from one palm to another;
  5. Fry the patties on both sides over medium heat until each side hardens and lightly browns.
  6. Pour butter into a stewing pan - a layer of 1-1.5 cm. Put fried cutlets into it;
  7. When all the cutlets are in place, pour them with cool water (half the height of the cutlet layer), bring to a boil and simmer over low heat under a half-open lid for about 1 hour. If the water boils away ahead of time, add a little more.

Delicious dinner with cutlets and young potatoes!

Cooking features and taste

When stewing, you can add bay leaves and other aromatic herbs of your choice to the pan.

You can make minced chicken cutlets without any additives such as buns, semolina or cereal. They will be extremely tasty anyway. But with the addition of your cutlets, you will get 1-2 more. And they will be a little softer.

Eh, where are these delicious cutlets now ...)))

I don't know whether the combination of herbs and onions with garlic, or the minced chicken itself, or their combination, give a great, alluring taste. The cutlets are very juicy, delicate and tender. Gentle for the stomach, because they are a little fried. And it's hard to resist not eating another one. And further. And then, from the refrigerator. ...)))

Very tasty food!

Very tasty and very simple food.

If you are too lazy to control the stewing on the stove, you can move the cutlets into the oven, tighten with foil and bake there (recipe for chicken cutlets baked in the oven). If you don't like onions or don't like eggs, you can.

According to the same recipes, you can also cook cutlets not only from minced chicken, but also from chopped turkey fillet (minced turkey breast and thigh).

And you can hold the cutlets in the pan a little, fry them until they are clearly golden brown, and you will get very tasty, juicy, instant fried chicken cutlets.

Good appetite!

Good appetite!

P.S. If you salted the cutlets, and this was found when they were ready, you urgently need to drain the water in which they were stewed and carefully pour in a new one (about half of the cutlets in the pan), simmer for another 10 minutes so that the excess salt goes into the water ... And drain the water again. Then you can add a little oil and clean water to the saucepan and also hold the cutlets over low heat so that they are slightly greased with butter.

Meat cutlets can be prepared in different ways: fry, steam, bake. Cutlets stewed in a slow cooker will be juicy and tender. A light crust, a fragrant heart and a delicious sauce will help you have a tasty and satisfying breakfast, lunch or dinner with the whole family.

Classic cutlets

This meat dish is prepared in every home. With the advent of the multicooker, the cooking process has become easier, and the result is tastier and more aromatic.

Necessary products

  • A kilogram of assorted minced meat (pork, beef, chicken);
  • 2-3 large onions;
  • half a loaf of white bread;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • salt, pepper, garlic to taste;
  • sour cream and ketchup or tomato sauce in equal proportions.

Minced meat can be bought ready-made, or you can do it yourself. We take equal amounts of meat of each grade.


The cutlets are fragrant, juicy and very tender. Serve them hot, with mashed potatoes, noodles or buckwheat. Garnish can be poured over the sauce in which the meat dish was stewed. A fresh vegetable salad or homemade pickles will complement your meal.

Full dinner in one multicooker

This recipe will surely appeal to working women who return from work with all the household and immediately start preparing dinner. In one multicooker, you can cook both meat and side dishes at the same time.


  • Half a kilo of pork;
  • half a kilo of beef;
  • large onion;
  • half a loaf;
  • egg;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • one and a half glasses of milk;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • 6-8 young potatoes.

You can use prepared ground pork and beef. Instead of young, you can take ordinary potatoes, but they need to be peeled and cut into wedges (4-6).


Put the potatoes on plates, season with salt to taste and sprinkle with chopped dill. Add cutlets and pour milk sauce on top. Choose salads, pickles or sauces at your own discretion.

Secret cutlets

Using this recipe, you will make wonderful cutlets with a filling that can be varied depending on the availability of food in the refrigerator. It can be carrots and onions, stewed in the same multicooker. Or there may be fragrant mushrooms.


  • Standard set for cutlets (minced meat, bread, onion and egg);
  • half a kilogram of mushrooms (champignons);
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • large onion;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • 4 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour;
  • glass of water.

The mushroom filling is designed for a kilogram of minced meat.


Fragrant meat cutlets go well with vegetable side dishes, rice or pasta.

Use white and slightly dried bread for minced meatballs. With it, finished products will be juicier and more magnificent.

The more types of meat you use for minced meat, the juicier the dish will turn out.

My gravy stews are easy and quick to cook because the gravy and patties are cooked simultaneously in the same bowl. Actually, the cutlets themselves can be cooked according to the previously proposed recipe, only it is advisable to shorten the frying time a little.

How to make stewed patties with gravy

Ingredients for Stewed Cutlets with Gravy

For cutlets:

Minced pork / beef in a 4: 1 ratio - 1 kg;

Oatmeal - 1 glass;

Chicken egg - 3 pcs.;

Onions - 3 pcs.;

Garlic - 1 head;

Salt, black pepper - to taste;

For gravy:

Sour cream - 200 gr.;

Water - 300 ml;

Flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;

Onions - 3 pcs.;

Carrots - 2 pcs.;

Ground black pepper, salt, dried parsley and dill to taste.

By the way: at the end of the article I posted a step by step video on how to cook homemade cutlets. The recipe and cooking process is almost the same as described in the article. If you want - take a look.

The process of cooking stewed cutlets with gravy

1. Fill a glass of oatmeal with cold water and leave for a couple of hours to swell.

Note: for the preparation of cutlets it is better to take ordinary oatmeal "Hercules". Oatmeal that does not require boiling is not good for our purpose.

2. We pass meat, garlic and onions through a meat grinder. Add eggs, squeezed oatmeal and knead the minced meat for cutlets, adding salt and pepper to taste.
Before cooking the cutlets, it is advisable to let the minced meat stand for an hour, and then mix thoroughly again.

3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, sculpt cutlets about half the size of a palm, and fry them over medium heat on both sides until golden brown.
We spread the fried cutlets in a separate container.

4. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into thin half rings. Fry vegetables until half cooked in the oil remaining after frying the cutlets.

5. While onions and carrots are fried, prepare the filling:
We dilute the sour cream with water and, stirring constantly, add a little flour, as well as pepper, salt, parsley and dill - to taste.

6. We spread half of the fried vegetables from the pan, and put our cutlets there. Distribute the laid out vegetables evenly over the surface of the cutlets, pour out the prepared filling.

7. Close the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat until vegetables are fully cooked. 5-10 minutes before the end of the process, you can put a couple of bay leaves in the cutlets with gravy.

Garnish - to your taste. But I like boiled potatoes most of all for stewed cutlets with gravy.

Enjoy your meal!

Step by step video. How to make stewed patties with gravy