Homemade kvass made from rye flour. White kvass without yeast on rye flour

17.10.2019 Snacks

This drink is in great demand in the summer, but this does not mean that it should not be drunk during the rest of the year. Today we will learn how to make kvass at home from rye bread.

A quick and easy way to make kvass


  • Rusks (from dark bread) - 0.2 kg;
  • Sugar - 7-10 tbsp. spoons;
  • Yeast (dry) - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Drinking water - 3 liters.


  1. Take dry rye bread and break it into several pieces. If you have fresh bread, dry it in the oven.
  2. Boil water. Let it cool down a little (5 minutes).
  3. Take a 3 liter jar and pour croutons and sugar into it.
  4. Fill the contents of the jar with hot water almost to the top (leave 5-8 centimeters on top). Mix everything and leave the jar to cool at room temperature.
  5. Now add yeast and stir again.
  6. Now the jar needs to be tightly closed with a lid and sent to infuse. Wrap the kvass in an old blanket and let it ferment for 12 hours. Be careful, if there is not enough free space in the jar, then kvass can rip off the lid.
  7. After 12 hours, you can take out a jar of kvass. Now strain the drink through cheesecloth and you can already drink it. Homemade bread kvass is ready. Now you can enjoy this healthy drink that does not have any harmful substances at all.

Homemade bread kvass with yeast


  • Bread (rye) - 500 g;
  • Sugar - 0.25-0.3 kg;
  • Water - 5 l;
  • Yeast (dry) - 5 g (compressed yeast can also be used, only 20 g will be needed).


  1. Turn the oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Cut the bread into small cubes. Bread must be taken without additives (sesame seeds, seeds, raisins, etc.), otherwise it will affect the taste of the drink, because extra elements are not needed here.
  3. Place the bread on a baking sheet. There is no need to lubricate it, otherwise our kvass will give away with oil. Do not be afraid, the bread will not have time to burn in a short time.
  4. Send the dice pan to the preheated oven for 5 minutes. You can bake crackers for longer, then the kvass will be darker, and the taste will become sharper.
  5. Pour 5 liters of drinking water into a large bowl and boil it.
  6. Wait for the water to cool down and at room temperature.
  7. Prepare two 3-liter jars. Pour the prepared water into the jars. Add the crackers to the jars (divide them in two and toss them into the jars).
  8. Wrap the tops of the jars with gauze (because you cannot cover the kvass with a lid during fermentation) and send them to a dark place. Jars of kvass should be infused at room temperature for 48 hours.
  9. Dissolve the yeast in a small bowl (follow the instructions on the package).
  10. Strain all the kvass through cheesecloth. The crackers that remain in the gauze will need to be squeezed out well, then they can be thrown away, we will not need them anymore.
  11. Pour the strained kvass back into the jars.
  12. Add diluted yeast and sugar to the jars (0.1 kg per jar is sufficient at this stage). Mix everything very well with a long spoon.
  13. Now cover the jars with lids, but do not close them. Carbon dioxide must be released calmly, otherwise the cans may burst.
  14. Kvass should ferment for 16 hours at a temperature of 18-25 degrees, while it should be in a dark place.
  15. Take out both jars and add sugar to them. Be guided by your taste preferences.
  16. Pour the finished kvass into bottles. Twist them up.
  17. Send the bottles to infuse one last time - send them to a dark place at room temperature for 4 hours.
  18. Now our kvass is ready! It must be refrigerated before use. As soon as you put the bottles with kvass in a cold place, the fermentation process will stop.

Be careful! Such kvass is stored for no more than 3 days.

Yeast-free - with raisins

This recipe is good because the drink will not have an unpleasant yeast aroma.


  • Rye bread - 0.3 kg;
  • Raisins - 0.025 kg;
  • Drinking water - 2 l;
  • Sugar - 0.1-0.2 kg.


  1. Cut the bread into small pieces (do not cut off the crust).
  2. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  3. Place bread in one layer on a baking sheet. The mold must not be greased!
  4. Place the baking sheet in the oven for 3-4 minutes. The bread only needs to be dried, not fried, otherwise the finished drink will taste bitter.
  5. Boil 2 liters of water.
  6. Fold the croutons into a saucepan and pour boiling water over them. Pour about 50 grams of sugar into them, mix everything. Wait for the water to cool completely.
  7. Pour raisins into cold water. Now it is better to pour the drink into a jar. You cannot close the lid. Just cover the jar with gauze to keep insects out.
  8. Place the jar of kvass in a dark, dry place, but at room temperature.
  9. Leave the drink to infuse for three days. On the first day, foam forms on the kvass - this is an indicator that you did everything right, since the fermentation process began.
  10. After the specified time, the kvass must be filtered. To do this, take cheesecloth and fold it in several layers, pass the entire drink through it, collecting all the pulp in cheesecloth. Squeeze the pulp well and leave it in the cheesecloth. You can get kvass from it again several times (2-3).
  11. Now you can still add sugar to kvass. It is required, at least in small quantities. After all, then carbon dioxide will be released and the kvass will turn out to be carbonated.
  12. Pour the finished drink into bottles, but do not fill them completely, leave a few centimeters on top so that the bottle does not burst.
  13. Send the bottles to a dark place for 6-8 hours. The cap must be tight, so check the pressure constantly. Ideally, come every hour and unscrew the cap to release the gas.
  14. Kvass, which has already been saturated with carbon dioxide, can be put in the refrigerator. In a cold environment, the fermentation process will stop and the kvass will be ready for consumption.
  15. When the drink has cooled down well, you can drink it. Kvass from rye bread is ready! Such a drink is stored for no more than 5 days.
  16. To get another portion of kvass from the pulp, you need to do the following:
  • Place the cake in a jar.
  • Boil 2 liters of water and add 100 g of sugar to them. Wait for the water to cool.
  • Pour boiled water over the pulp, mix everything.
  • Throw in a small piece of bread (fresh) with the drink.
  • Subsequent actions will be the same as in the main recipe.

It is believed that this kvass is tastier than the first. The cake from this kvass can still be used 1-2 times.

Be careful! The pulp must be reused within 24 hours.

Alcoholic bread kvass - a recipe at home


  • Bread rusks - 0.3 kg;
  • Dry yeast - 5 g;
  • Sugar - 0.5-1.5 kg;
  • Citric acid - 3 g;
  • Purified water - 5 liters.


  1. It's easier to work with breadcrumbs right away, but if you don't have them, then it's easy to make them. In order to get 300 g of crackers, you need to use 450-500 grams of bread. It must be cut into small pieces and placed on a baking sheet. It is worth putting the form immediately into an oven preheated to 190-200 degrees, for a few minutes. If you want a bitter taste in kvass, then keep the bread in the oven a little longer.
  2. Boil 3 liters of water.
  3. Put the croutons on the bottom of the pan and pour boiling water over them. Let everything be infused under a closed lid for at least 3 hours.
  4. Take a colander and place the cheesecloth that is stacked on top of it. Strain the brewed crackers through a colander. Do not throw away the cake.
  5. Boil the remaining 2 liters of water.
  6. Put the used crackers into a saucepan and fill them with boiled water. Leave everything to infuse for 1 hour.
  7. After the allotted time, strain the water, squeeze the cake thoroughly, now you can throw it away.
  8. Dissolve yeast with water. We use dry yeast in the recipe, and before adding it to kvass, we need to transfer it to an active state. Detailed instructions will be on the package.
  9. Mix all the kvass in a large container. Add citric acid, presoaked yeast and sugar. It must be brought in carefully, because the strength of our drink depends on it. Therefore, we will add sugar to kvass in stages. At first, 0.5 kg will be enough.
  10. It is necessary to mix everything thoroughly, now send the kvass to infuse for 10 hours. It should be kept in a dry, dark place, but at room temperature. You cannot close the kvass with a lid, just cover it with gauze.
  11. After 2 hours, check the kvass, bubbles should form in it. If they appear, you did everything right and you will have a delicious kvass.
  12. After the allotted time, take out the drink. Try kvass to taste, if the strength is low, you still need to add sugar. At this stage, add 0.2-0.3 kg of sugar. Stir everything and send the kvass to infuse further.
  13. After 5 hours, take out the kvass and taste it again. If the ABV is low, add sugar again. This time 200 grams will be enough. Stir everything again and hide.
  14. After 5 hours taste kvass. You can also add sugar. The maximum is 1.5 kg of sugar, with this amount the strength will be 12 degrees, you will not get more.
  15. If the taste of kvass suits you completely, then close the container with a lid and send it to the refrigerator until it is completely cooled. If the strength is acceptable for you, but there is not enough sweetness, then simply add sugar to the container and hide it in the refrigerator. The cold neutralizes the fermentation process, so the strength of the kvass in the refrigerator will not increase.
  16. This kvass can be stored for up to 7 days.

So we looked at some interesting recipes. Now you know all the intricacies of making homemade kvass. We hope our recipes will help you a lot on a hot summer day.

The benefits of kvass

Thanks to its special composition, homemade kvass perfectly quenches thirst, increases efficiency and gives the body energy. The drink improves the digestion process and increases appetite. The drink helps to better digest meat and fatty dishes, and also restores the balance of salts and fluid in the body.

Homemade kvass contains many vitamins and minerals. Most of all, the drink contains B vitamins. In the process of fermentation, organic acids are formed, therefore, the drink has a particularly favorable effect on the body of patients with gastritis with reduced gastric secretion. Kvass is also rich in vitamin C. In Russia, the drink was famous as an excellent cure for scurvy and depletion of the body.

The fermentation process promotes the production of lactic acid and a number of other, equally important, acids. Once in the intestines, kvass acts like kefir or yogurt, neutralizing harmful microflora and supporting useful. It turns out that kvass is a great way to get rid of dysbiosis and intestinal disorders.

Some ancient sources claim that homemade kvass has a beneficial effect on male potency. For this, a special kvass recipe was used. This drink was given to men on their wedding day in order to produce healthy offspring. Unfortunately, the recipe for the drink has not survived to this day, but any homemade kvass (provided that it is properly prepared) endows the body with vitamins, minerals, trace elements and additional energy.

Recent studies by scientists have proven that kvass contains a high calcium content, which means that the drink is able to strengthen bones and tooth enamel. The yeast included in the composition improves hair growth and helps to eliminate acne and boils. Kvass also helps in the treatment of atherosclerosis and purulent bronchitis.

Calorie content of kvass

The calorie content of kvass depends on its nutritional value, namely, on the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Kvass is considered a low-calorie drink and can be included in various weight loss and diet programs. 100 g of ordinary bread kvass contains only about 27 kcal. Kvass contains about 0.2 g of proteins (about 1 kcal), 0 g of fat and 5.2 g of carbohydrates (about 21 kcal). The lack of fat in the drink has a very beneficial effect on the process of parting with extra pounds. The low calorie content of kvass makes the drink indispensable for weight loss. The low calorie content allows you to lose weight when drinking the drink for 14 days. After such a course, not only extra pounds will go away, but digestion will also normalize. The drink should be taken twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The effect will be even better if you drink beet kvass instead of bread kvass. The calorie content of beet kvass is about the same, but the benefits of such a drink are much greater. You can drink beet kvass in any quantity. Beetroot drink reduces appetite and promotes the breakdown of fats. According to nutritionists, calories from kvass are not capable of harming the figure. On beet kvass, you can arrange full fasting days.

Starter culture for kvass

A good leaven is a guarantee of the success of delicious homemade kvass. Without preliminary preparation of this base, the preparation of a drink is impossible. This starter recipe uses yeast, sugar, water and bread.

  • Black bread - half a liter jar;
  • 60-70 g sugar;
  • 15-20 g dry baker's yeast;
  • Water.

Cut black bread into cubes and dry on a baking sheet in the oven (or in a frying pan). We boil water in a kettle. We spread the dried crackers in a liter jar and pour boiling water over it. Crackers will swell in the process of infusion, so you need to calculate the amount of water so that you get a creamy gruel. It is better to pour less water first so that you can add more water later. If there is too much water, you can add more crackers. Add sugar and mix thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. Cover the jar with clean gauze and leave to cool. When the water reaches a temperature of about 35 degrees, yeast can be added. Yeast is spread only in warm water. Mix everything well and leave the leaven to ferment. We cover the jar with a napkin, not a plastic lid, since carbon dioxide is formed during the fermentation process. The finished sourdough is enough for 10 liters of homemade black bread kvass.

Sourdough for kvass from hops

It is very easy to prepare a hop starter culture for homemade kvass. Hop cones can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Pour 3 tablespoons of hops with half a liter of boiling water. We put the pan over low heat and simmer for about 15 minutes. After that we filter the broth of hops and cool to 38-40 degrees. Add a tablespoon of sugar or honey, mix thoroughly. Then add flour so that you get a creamy mass. We cover the container with a napkin and remove for 1-1.5 days. The prepared starter culture can be stored in the refrigerator.

The best kvass recipes at home:

Recipe 1: Bread kvass

Homemade kvass from bread is very useful, the drink is especially beneficial before meals. Making homemade kvass is not difficult if you adhere to a special recipe. Below is one of the most popular options for making homemade bread kvass.

  • 2 cups boiled water at room temperature;
  • Rye bread - 1 piece;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 tsp.

For the kvass itself:

  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • 2 pieces of rye bread;
  • 0.5 liters of starter culture;
  • One and a half liters of boiled water.

For sourdough: put a piece of bread, sugar and a glass of boiled water in a half-liter jar. The bread must be sliced. Cover the jar with a cloth and leave to infuse. Fermentation will take 24-48 hours.

Kvass preparation: When the leaven has become ready, you can start making kvass. A cloudy and pungent liquid indicates the readiness of the leaven. We take a 2 liter jar and pour out the leaven. Add 2 chopped pieces of rye bread and a spoonful of sugar. Add cold boiled water to the brim. We close the jar with a lid and leave to infuse for 1 day. You can also put dried croutons in the jar. In this case, kvass should be infused for a longer time. After a day, two people pour the kvass into another container (about 2/3 of the liquid), and fill the remaining leaven over again. Don't forget to add 2 slices of bread. We cover the jar with a lid and insist again.

Recipe 2: Bread kvass from Borodinsky bread

This recipe uses Borodino bread. Also included in the recipe are yeast and raisins.

Cut the bread into pieces and dry in the oven. Fill with boiling water and leave for 3 hours. We dilute the yeast with flour and add to the bread. We leave the mixture for one day. We filter, pour into bottles, throw 1-2 raisins into each. We keep the kvass warm for 3 hours, then put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Homemade kvass "Borodinsky" is ready.

Recipe 3: Bread kvass with horseradish

This homemade kvass turns out to be very vigorous and rich. A drink is prepared from crackers, water, honey, horseradish and raisins.

Put the crackers in a jar and pour boiling water. We insist 3-4 hours. After that, we filter. We spread the yeast and leave to ferment for 5-6 hours. Add honey and grated horseradish. We mix everything thoroughly and bottle it. We add raisins to each bottle. We leave to tune for 2 hours. Vigorous homemade kvass is ready.

Recipe 4: Rye kvass

Homemade kvass made from rye flour perfectly quenches thirst and is suitable for making okroshka.

Knead liquid dough from flour without salt. For this, a kilogram of rye flour is taken for 1 liter of water. Stir until smooth. We cover the container with the dough with gauze and wrap it with a cloth several times. We keep in a warm place for 2-3 days. Dilute the fermented dough with boiled water and leave at room temperature. We filter through cheesecloth. As you use kvass, you can add boiled water to it, adding the appropriate amount of rye flour.

Recipe 5: Sourdough rye kvass

This homemade kvass made from rye flour is made with sourdough. The sourdough from the bottom of the bucket will do after the kvass has been drunk. The drink can be made without sourdough by using rye flour, water and instant yeast.

Take 2 handfuls of flour and 1 cup of sugar and place in a bucket. Dilute with warm water until the lumps dissolve. Then pour boiling water to the brim, stirring continuously. Leave to cool to the temperature of fresh milk. Then add the leaven. We wrap the bucket and leave for a couple of days. After the fermentation process, the contents can be poured into smaller containers and put into the refrigerator. Pour the sourdough remaining at the bottom of the bucket into a jar. The starter culture can also be stored in the freezer. You can make kvass from the new leaven by defrosting it and mixing it with sugar and flour.

Recipe 6: Kvass from rye flour with yeast

Kvass made from rye flour is one of the most common ways of everyone's favorite drink. Such kvass is prepared with yeast; sugar and water are also used in the recipe.

  • Half a glass of sugar;
  • A pound of rye flour;
  • Water - 8 liters;
  • Fresh yeast - 15 g.

We dilute the yeast in warm water and leave it for a while until it increases in volume.

Mix the rye flour with boiling water and knead the dough with the consistency of thick sour cream. Let the dough cool to 35 degrees. Then add more warm boiled water and sugar. Add the risen yeast. We mix everything and leave to ferment for one day. Then we filter and put in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Recipe 7: Kvass without yeast

A very simple homemade kvass recipe that uses only bread, water and sugar. It is very tasty to cook okroshka on such kvass.

  • 300 g rye or wheat bread (or 50 to 50);
  • Warm water - one and a half liters;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Crumble the bread into a one and a half liter jar. Add sugar and pour warm water over the shoulders of the jar. Cover the vessel with a glass lid or saucer. Leave to ferment in a warm place. After 2-3 days, kvass can be used. Drain the kvass and add some more sugar and bread to the thick, and pour over again.

Recipe 8: Kvass without yeast with wheat and honey

This homemade kvass turns out to be very rich, tasty and healthy. The drink contains a lot of nutrients, enzymes and bifidobacteria. The drink can be served at the festive table instead of soda. Some time after drinking kvass, the digestive system improves significantly.

  • Wheat - 3 cups;
  • Boiled water - 4 liters;
  • Kvass wort - 8 tablespoons;
  • Sugar or honey - one and a half glasses.

We wash the wheat and fill it with 10 cold water. Then we drain the water and rinse again. Cover the bowl in a wheat towel and leave to germinate for 24-48 hours. The time and speed of germination will depend on the temperature in the room and on the grains themselves. If wheat germinates for a long time, it needs to be periodically washed and water renewed so that the grains do not turn sour. The readiness of wheat is evidenced by the appearance of small sprouts on the grains (about 2-3 mm). Grind sprouted wheat grains in a meat grinder. Pour warm water into a five-liter jar (not completely). We spread the rolled wheat into the jar. Pour in sugar and add kvass wort. Mix everything thoroughly and add (if there is room) water. We cover the jar with a napkin and leave it for two days by the battery or in a basin of hot water. Homemade kvass will be ready when a cap of bubbles forms on the surface, and the drink tastes carbonated.

Recipe 9: Russian kvass

An old recipe for homemade Russian kvass. The drink is prepared from rusks, barley malt, rye flour, stale rye bread and molasses.

  • A kilogram of crushed rye malt;
  • Crushed barley malt - 300 g;
  • Rye flour - 600 g;
  • Rye croutons - 130 g;
  • Stale rye bread - 80 g;
  • Treacle - 1 kilogram;
  • Mint - 30 g.

Mix malt and flour with 3 liters of hot water. Knead the dough from the mixture, mix thoroughly so that all the lumps disperse. Cover the dish with the dough with a cloth and leave for one hour. Then we transfer the dough into a fireproof cast-iron dish, cover with a lid and put in the oven to evaporate. Mix the evaporated dough, scrape off the walls of the dishes and add boiling water. After a day, we transfer the dough into a large vat, where kvass will be infused. Pour in 16 liters of hot water, add crackers and bread. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to infuse and lighten for 10 hours. When the thick is settled, pour the fermented wort into a clean steamed keg. Pour 15 liters of hot water into the remaining thick. After 3 hours, pour the wort into a barrel, mix with the mint infusion and leave to ferment for 1 day. The keg is then removed to the glacier. When the fermentation becomes not so strong, add molasses (1 kilogram per 30 liters of kvass). Cork the keg. Kvass will be ready in 3-4 days. You can store such kvass for several months in a cold place.

Recipe 10: Kvass from wort

Homemade kvass from wort is very easy to prepare. The drink perfectly quenches thirst in the heat and gives the body energy. Preparing a drink on kvass wort. You can purchase the ingredient at a bakery or grocery store. The wort should be thick and almost black in color. Kvass will not work from liquid wort.

  • 1 tsp raisins;
  • Half a teaspoon of dry yeast;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. leavened wort;
  • Three liters of water.

Dissolve wort and sugar in half a liter of water. Pour into a three liter jar and add the rest of the water. Then we spread the yeast, mix, cover with a lid and leave for 48 hours. Kvass should be tried periodically. When the drink reaches the desired state, it can be bottled and added to each 1-2 raisins. Bottles are capped and left to carbonate. Once the bottles are hard, they can be stored in the refrigerator. In a day, homemade wort kvass can be consumed.

Recipe 11: Beet Kvass

Beet kvass is a real healing balm. The drink is especially useful for hypertensive patients. Beet kvass cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

  • 1 large beet;
  • Boiled cooled water - 2 liters;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 stale crust of bread.

My beets, peel and rub on a coarse grater. Put the beets in a glass jar, add the crust of bread and sugar. Fill everything with boiled water. Cover the jar with gauze and leave the contents to ferment for 3 days. Then we filter the kvass, bottle it and seal it tightly. We put the drink in the refrigerator.

Recipe 12: Kvass from birch sap

Kvass from birch sap is a very tasty and healthy drink that nature itself gives. Such kvass has a beneficial effect on the body and has a lot of useful properties.

For the preparation of the drink, it is better to use glass or enamel dishes. The birch sap is carefully filtered through several layers of gauze. Then raisins and sugar are added to the juice and left to ferment for 3-4 days. Ready homemade kvass from birch sap is again filtered and bottled. The bottles are sealed and stored in a dark, cold place. You can store kvass for a long time (until autumn).

Recipe 13: Bolotov's kvass from celandine

Bolotov's kvass from celandine has a number of miraculous properties. It cleanses the body of papillomas, tumors and genital warts. You need to take a drink for at least a month. Such kvass is useful for patients with cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis and heart disease. Correctly prepared kvass has the aroma of fresh apples. The taste is pleasant, with a slight bitterness.

  • 3 liters of spring or well water;
  • 1 tsp sour cream (no more than 15% fat);
  • A glass of sugar;
  • Half a glass of pure celandine herb (dry or fresh).

Boil and cool water. Dissolve sour cream and sugar in water, stir until completely dissolved. Pour the solution into a three-liter jar. We tie the celandine herb in a clean gauze bag and drown it to the bottom of the jar with the help of a sinker. Wrap the neck of the jar with gauze in three layers. Stir the contents of the jar every day and remove mold from the surface. On the fifth day, a precipitate should appear. Pour kvass into another jar, discard the sediment. We add water to the previous level. on the 14th day, the kvass will begin to foam a little. It should be so. On the 14th day, the kvass will be ready. We pour out a liter of kvass for consumption. Enough drink for 3 days. You can store it on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. Add the same amount of water to the jar instead of the poured kvass. After 3 days, the drink will be ready. You can pour and add kvass 4 times. After that, you need to use a new herb. Reception of kvass from celandine: start taking kvass with 1 tbsp. l. three times a day (half an hour before meals). In the absence of discomfort, the dose is increased to half a glass for 1 dose. The course is 2 weeks, after which kvass is taken for another month 1 time a day - to consolidate the effect.

Is kvass possible for pregnant women

Kvass can be attributed to the category of low-alcohol drinks, so the question of its safety always arises before pregnant women. The opinions of doctors here are strongly divided. Some believe that it is categorically impossible for women in a position to consume kvass, however, most experts believe that small amounts of a drink are not capable of harming an expectant mother and baby. A little kvass is even beneficial, since it has many vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances. Besides, kvass perfectly quenches thirst and has a pleasant refreshing taste. Undoubtedly, it is better to give preference to kvass than carbonated drinks, which contain a large amount of dyes and preservatives.

Nevertheless, kvass kvass is different. It is highly undesirable for pregnant women to drink purchased kvass. This is not only about store-bought kvass, in which the fermentation process is achieved chemically (which means that it contains many unnatural components), but also about a draft drink too. The quality of keg kvass is often questioned. In addition, hygiene and sanitary standards are often violated during its production. The most dangerous is kvass, which is sold in small barrels on the market. Pumps and faucets are rarely washed, these items are usually stored in dirty dusty boxes and boxes, where harmful microorganisms actively multiply. A few drops of kvass always remain in the tap, and what could be better than such an environment for the growth of bacteria? With each glass of such kvass, the risk of these bacteria getting into your own body significantly increases. It is especially dangerous to buy kvass in bottles, which are provided by sellers - little is known about the storage conditions of containers. If you really want a cold refreshing drink, it is better to buy it at a stationary point, and not in the market or along a dusty road. In such places, expired or spoiled drinks are often sold.

The characteristic taste of an unusable drink is pronounced sour, giving off bitterness. An ideal option for pregnant women (and for any other person) is homemade fresh kvass prepared with your own hands.

I know that not everyone is very fond of white kvass made from rye flour, so this recipe is for true connoisseurs of this wonderful natural drink. Although I strongly recommend that you pay attention to it, since there are a lot of benefits from it for our body. I want to note right away that you can cook it in different ways and the amount of ingredients greatly affects what kind of kvass you get. And this will largely depend on your taste. Below I will give a basic recipe for kvass from rye flour, cook at least a test batch and then you yourself will decide what to add in more or less quantity. It is prepared quite simply and does not take much time. It will take about two days to ripen, and then you can already try kvass and decide whether to cook further or you can already drink it. I use kvass not only as a refreshing, pleasant and tasty drink on hot days, but also make a delicious one with it.


  • about 5 liters of water
  • 1 heaped glass of rye flour
  • 2/3 cup sugar (to taste)

Cooking method

If you have good filtered water, then you need to boil only 2 liters, if the usual from the tap, then boil the whole, and cool 3 liters to body temperature. The leaven should be active, if you had it in the refrigerator, then add 1/2 tablespoon of sugar and put it in a warm water bath to activate. If you have just made it according to my recipe, then I advise you to make the first kvass in a half dose of the ingredients and just drain it, because it will have a slight aftertaste of fresh yeast. And only then use the good obtained fresh grounds.

Pour rye flour into a saucepan or any suitable container, add boiling water in small portions (2 liters) and immediately stir everything well. It is desirable that we do not have lumps, but even if they do form, it is not very scary. You can simply then pass the brewed flour through a sieve. We leave the resulting mass so that it stands for 20 - 30 minutes, it should cool down to body temperature. Then we add the rest of the warm water, the sourdough itself, and sugar to the brewed rye flour. I usually taste it, it must be a little sweet for the kvass to play well and turn out delicious. Stir everything well, cover with a towel and put in a warm place for two days. In the process, a fluffy foam head should appear and the kvass should ferment. Over time, we taste the drink, if everything suits you, then we remove it from the sediment and pour it into bottles and put it in the refrigerator. If you do not have enough acid, then add a little sugar and wait another day.

Do not pour out the remaining thick. First, you can marry kvass (as we say in the common people). To do this, we do not need to brew rye flour, but simply add warm water with sugar, but less water is required - 3.5 liters. Secondly, we use the thick as a sourdough for the next batch of kvass preparation. Leave half a liter or more and repeat the whole process. Enjoy your meal.

Kvass has always been one of the most favorite drinks of Russians. To date, there are a lot of recipes for preparing this drink. But the original Russian drink is still kvass, which is made from rye flour. In addition, it is considered the most useful of all types of bread kvass. After all, rye flour is a storehouse of useful substances. It contains vitamins of group B, C, K, macronutrients such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus.

Also, rye flour contains trace elements: iron, selenium, copper, manganese, zinc. As a result, kvass prepared on the basis of rye flour is able to perfectly quench thirst, it is not only a dietary but also a preventive product. And due to the high content of nutrients and vitamins, it is even recommended to use it in the treatment of vitamin deficiency. Kvass from rye flour has a beneficial effect on the human body, increases efficiency.

It is during the fermentation process that it acquires all the healing and beneficial properties. In addition, this drink is very useful for people who have such a diagnosis as gastritis with low acidity, hypertension, heart disease, weakened immunity, dysbiosis. The acids that are part of the drink are also capable of decomposing and removing diseased and dead cells from the body. This type of kvass is completely safe for those who are on a diet, because it is low-calorie and contains no fat at all.

And now let's look directly at how to make kvass from rye flour, below are the most common recipes.

Sourdough recipe for kvass from rye flour

  • 500 g rye flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • Water;
  • 10-12 raisins.


Take, combine flour, sugar, add water in such quantities that you get a mixture in consistency reminiscent of thick sour cream. This recipe, as you have already noticed, does not include yeast. And to speed up the fermentation process, add 10-15 raisins. You don't need to wash the raisins, just sort through them. Place the jar in a warm place for a couple of days. When the thick is sour, you can start making kvass .. Of course, in order not to wait long, you can add thick yeast to the first portion. But in this case, their taste will be felt in kvass, and it will disappear only after cooking several batches.

Recipes for kvass from rye flour are yeast-free, that is, they include yeast, and, accordingly, there is no yeast in their composition, yeast-free. The difference in the taste of these drinks is still observed, but it lies precisely in their sharpness, a different content of bubbles.

At home, you can make kvass from malt, fermented ground rye, not only tasty, but also insanely useful, which has health-improving properties.

With sourdough, rye kvass from yeast turns out to be more sparkling and sharper.

Rye malt kvass with yeast

For cooking you will need:

  • 3-4 liters of filtered, clean water;
  • 10 g fresh pressed yeast;
  • 250 g rye flour;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l granulated sugar;
  • Bread crusts.


First you need to pour a glass of warm water from the total volume into a bowl, then pour a spoonful of granulated sugar into it and crush the yeast there, mix. Sprinkle a little flour on top and place in a warm place. Pour the remaining amount of flour into another container, pour so much boiling water into it so that a thick dough forms, like, for example, on pancakes.

After our dough cools down and becomes warm, it must be transferred to a clean glass container or enamel pan. After that, add the rest of the sugar, the yeast that has come up to the mass and pour the whole mixture with boiled, warm water, mix. To enhance the color, add a few oven-dried crackers.

Cover the neck of the vessel with gauze and leave for a day to ferment in a warm place. After this time, it is necessary to strain this drink with a fine sieve or gauze into clean cans or bottles, close them tightly with lids, and place in the refrigerator. Do not pour out the thick that remained at the bottom, but save it for the subsequent preparation of kvass. The drink is ready to drink after cooling for about 8-12 hours. As you have noticed, this recipe is quite simple, so making this drink at home will not be difficult for you. An excellent option would be to pour kvass into glasses, add pieces of ice, mint leaves and you can serve it on the table!

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Hello! In this article I will tell you how to make kvass from rye flour at home. Rye kvass belongs to summer drinks that perfectly refresh and heal the body due to its beneficial properties in the composition. But remember the contraindications, because this wonderful drink can not be consumed by everyone.

Taking kvass is one of the simplest options for preventing and treating diseases, improving well-being. It contains amino acids that the human body needs, but does not produce them itself - threonine and lysine. I will consider 4 step-by-step recipes for making kvass from rye flour.

Classic recipe


  • 0.5 kg of rye flour;
  • 8 liters of boiled water;
  • 15-20 g yeast (fresh);
  • 10 g sugar.


  1. Fill the yeast with warm water, wait for it to "swell".
  2. Make a batter out of flour. When adding water, observe a 1: 1 ratio (0.5 kg of flour requires 0.5 liters of water).
  3. Add sugar, warm water and yeast last.
  4. Mix all components well, leave for a day. During this time, the dough will ferment.
  5. Pour the dough over with water, leave at room temperature.
  6. Strain the liquid through cheesecloth, put in a cold place for two days.
  7. Classic rye kvass is ready. The recipe is similar to bread kvass.

Yeast-free rye kvass recipe

Kvass without yeast is prepared on the basis of rye sourdough. For thick, which promotes fermentation, use flour or crackers. The drink is made in two stages, the first is the preparation of the sourdough.

Stage 1. Preparing the starter culture

From this amount of ingredients, 10 liters of kvass are obtained:

  • 0.5 kg and 0.5 l of rye flour, water;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • raisins - 15 pcs.


  1. Combine flour, sugar and water.
  2. Add raisins to speed up fermentation.
  3. Leave the jar filled with thickened in a warm place. Use the sourdough starter in a few days, when the thick becomes cloudy and takes on a sour taste.

Stage number 2. Making kvass


  • leaven;
  • rye crackers or flour - 200 g;
  • boiled water;
  • sugar - 4 tsp


  1. Take a three-liter jar, first add flour (crackers) and half of the prepared sugar.
  2. Fill the components with warm water up to the neck.
  3. Cover the container with a cloth, leave to infuse for one or two days, like chicory kvass.
  4. Strain the drink, add the rest of the sugar.
  5. To release carbon dioxide, keep kvass at room temperature in open plastic bottles.
  6. When the bottles are hard, place them in the refrigerator.

Video recipe

A third of the grounds that remain as a result of cooking can be used next time. In this case, for the preparation of the sourdough, except for the thick, only flour and water are used. The shelf life of the starter culture when stored in a refrigerator is several months.

How to make homemade white kvass from rye flour

Homemade white kvass is based on malt and coarse rye flour. Berries, spices, herbs and honey are added as desired. In appearance, the drink is similar to oat kvass, the recipes for which I reviewed in this article.

Starter composition:

  • 800 ml of water;
  • four glasses of flour;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l. (can be replaced with honey).


  • flour and sugar (honey can be used) - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • rye malt - 2 tbsp l. (in the absence of a component, cook without it);
  • cold water;
  • light raisins - about 15-20 pcs.


  1. Make the leaven first. Pour water into a large bowl, gradually add flour, then sugar. Stir well to completely dissolve the sugar. Fill a large container with the starter culture, as in a small container it can "escape" as it grows in volume.
  2. Put the starter culture in a warm place, stand for two days. To enhance fermentation, stir once or twice during the process. The sourdough is ready when a sour taste appears.
  3. Add flour, sugar, malt, water and raisins to the prepared base. Insist under gauze in a warm place.
  4. After 48 hours, drain the liquid, which is a young white kvass from rye flour, add a little honey or sugar to it, re-insist under gauze, but in the refrigerator.
  5. One or two days is enough.

Reuse the remaining grounds, adding malt, flour and sugar each time.

How to make rustic kvass

To get kvass prepared according to a country recipe, pre-dry the sliced \u200b\u200bbread.


  • a loaf of rye bread;
  • 4-5 liters of boiling water;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • yeast in the amount of 25-30 g;
  • 50 g raisins, a small amount of mint.


  1. Fold the crackers into a saucepan, cover with water.
  2. Insist for about three hours. Then strain the liquid, add yeast and sugar. Use raisins and mint as desired.
  3. After 6-7 hours of fermentation, when the drink foams, strain it again. Add sugar if desired.

The benefits and harms of kvass from rye flour

Why is rye kvass useful?

Rye kvass is used not only to quench thirst, but also to prevent diseases, and also as a diabetic product. The drink helps to get rid of vitamin deficiency, has a beneficial effect on the body, normalizes metabolism, and improves well-being.

It is useful for people who have gastritis with low acidity. It is recommended to take in case of weak immunity, disturbances in the work of the heart. The components have a positive effect on the enamel of the teeth, help get rid of dysbiosis, improve the condition with hypertension, and rid the body of diseased cells. The drink does not interfere with the results obtained with the diet.

With the introduction of the product into the diet, mental and physical stress, fatigue, weakness, heartburn are eliminated. After consumption, digestion is normalized, the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and vision improves. There are positive changes in the structure of the blood, slags are removed.

The positive properties of kvass make it possible to use it for diseases of the skin, cardiovascular system. With its help, it is possible to remove acne, cleanse the skin of freckles.

Contraindications and harm

Drivers should not drink the drink, because it contains a small percentage of alcohol. The product is contraindicated during gestation, feeding, children under seven years of age. It should be discarded in case of ulcer, gastritis.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of homemade kvass from rye flour. The composition is represented by a variety of minerals and amino acids, vitamins. The homemade product is used for medicinal purposes. You just drink a drink that tastes good and at the same time heal and saturate the body with useful substances. There are some contraindications that must be taken into account, however, most people can afford to take it in moderation.